The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 09, 1874, Image 2

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    it. v. mortiiimbk, ...... i ton.
LKiiiouraN, pa. i
Tho Democratic State Central com
mittee met In Philadelphia on Monday
night, 4th Inst., and reconsidered Uio
resolution ndopted on tlio 23rd March,
fixing the tlmo and plnco of holding, the
nest State convention. A. resoltittou
was adopted fixing upon Pittsburg ns
the place, and Wednesday, August 20th
the tftno for holding tho convention.
The Senate Finance Committee Tues
day took further action on tlio House
Currency bill, and by a majoilty vote
agreed to recommeud tho Incorporation
In It of the following provisions: The
maxltim greenbnek circulation to ho
$'J82,Tj00,O00. New. national bank notes
to be Issued to the amount of $104,
000,000, provided that for each million
of audi new notes issued there shall be
500,000 of greenbacks retired until the
total greonback circulation shall Lave
been reduced to $300,000,000. The
commltee voted to fix January 1, 1877,
as the date at which specie payment
should be resumed, but did not reacli a
conclusion as to what system should be
employed ror that pruposo, whether of
Interchangeable bonds or by means of
any of the other plans proposed.
Wood's Household Jagazlne, for
May, has an abundanco or excellent
reading There is the real go-ahead
snap to this periodical which entitles It
to much credit, and we cannot name
one that will afford an equal amount of
entertainment and Instruction for so lit
tle money. The number before us con
tains among other articles a paper enti
tled "Poor Jack," by F. W. Holland,
In tlio Interest of seamen; "The Child
In the Church," by Mary nartwellj
"KlnandKnd," by H. V. Osborne;
"Dumb Days," by Caroline B. LcRow,
and some good poetry. There nre sev
cral Illustrated articles, tbe New York
ia6iiions, Architectural Designs, &c,
Ac. The illustration on Decoration
Day Is just the thing, Prico of Maga...
zlno one dollar per year. Address,
Wood's Household Magazine, New
burg, N. Y.
Philadelphia Letter.
PniLAEELPniA, May 2, 1874.
Tlil nnrlpnt umMinn lioot.1.... i
... u ....a u.-uii ircciu-
ly revived, nnd, like every new Idea, it
i iniiui.v recruiting many adherents.
In. our own country, societies are In
process of formation, nnd gas 'ovens' nre
oonMlructed tn promote the 'perfect
burning of the dead. Some persons
believe that the prayer-book alludes to
cremation, and thus sanctions It, In the
words of the burial service: "Ashes to
ashes, dust to dust." "Fids certainly
has a remarkably appearance In tho
present excitement.
The wildest reports are now put In
circulation, and it lias been asserted that
soma persons In this city have been
burned. Of course, this Is untrue, for
the law prohibits such a procedure
If, cremation should become univer
sal, what an imprcs.lvo arrangement
could bo made of the urns or Jars In
which are collected the clnerated re
mains of the departed. For Instance,
we might Inform our sympathizing
friends that the ashes of Julia Maria,
aged 13, are deposited In the third pickle
jnr on the right of the shelf, and denr
little Tommy reposes on tlio extreme
verge of the mantel. Wo need not now
bury our dead out of our sight, but we
can alwaya carry them with us. If a
man canuot earn his living In tills
world, ho may be anlo to urn his dead.
Cremation Is spreading and tho under
takers ore Indlgnautand alarmed at tlio
prospect of losing their trade. Wo will
..oon have an exciting time over tho
The lndlaua, on her last voyage from
Liverpool was struck by a heavy sea oif
the banks of Newfoundland, and the
Captain and the Quartermaster mado a
narrow escape from being washed over
board. The Captain Is stlil suffering
from the effects of the Injuries rectived.
The steamer Mediator, of Lorlllnrd'o
New York and Boston line, caught fire
on Wednesday night, while lying at the
company's Wiart, and before the Haines
rould bu checked tlio vessel and cargo
were partially destroyed. The vessel
was Insured, but tbe cargo was not, and
involves a loss of 200,000.
Tho coal oil trade on this river Is
rapidly Increasing, and at present tho
Inrgeht ship, except the Catliedr"!, that
ever came to Philadelphia, Is now load
ing with coal oil at Chestnut street
ivlmrf on the Schuylkill. Some four
ern ago, theCathedrel was shipped to
New York, and the water at that port
not being deepenough, she was biought
to tbu Delaware, and unloaded lit tills
port. Lust week a million and a half
Bxllonsof coal oil wore exported, and
the Schuylkill looks like comniorce with
Urn many ships that are now anchored
at the .wharvus.
The. South street brldgo Is expected
to bo tiultJwd In July. One of tlio piers
was ulnceU la tho channel, and thus
ttoiibiiu.'ted the course of vessels, as
well as being contrary to tho laws of the
United .States. TMs difficulty Is now
being obviated by blasting tho rocks
tluil are near the place mid in this way
Jmmliig.u deej) iluuuiel. When thH
bridge is completed,, it will form the
Aveuuo uf travel froiiiitiw fcoiitliern part
u the clly to the Park, nnd It may be
the uifuiiitol iiioruAapldlj'iekUoving tho
AluibhoiiM) tioiu it present iucatiuu to ;
some place -"aut of tuwtx."
MAitKET rwr.m.
This war against tltcso relics of anti
quity 1ms beU revived, ami now a
fierce battlo Israglnglnourvery streets.
Philadelphia has many wide avcni'.es,
and It was formerly the custom to block
them Up with long rows of she'us which
were hsnI tor Selling marketing to our
good proplo. On nccoiint of tlio onco
famous trnmc In men,, fruit, vegetables
nnd otl er productions necessary for the
existence of the Inhabitants, which was
extensively carried on In High street
tlio naino very naturally soon ran Into
Market, and so it lias remained until tho
present day. Tho project was stnrtod
to demolish thpse sheds, and at onco a
violent opposition sprang up. Meetings
jwero helil, resolutions wero passed, iml
fiery speeches belched forth. All to no
purposes, however, and to-day Market
street Is the finest thoroughfare In this
Callowhlll street Is at presont the
grand central point of ntticlc, and the
tame programme Is adopted In Its case
as In t lint ot Market street. This Is n
progressive ago, and the relics of tlio
honored past are rupldly disappearing
trom among us. In duo oourse or tlmo
not a street will have a nnrket shed In
It, nnd houses will Instantly spring up
that will not only fully accommodate
our people, but also be an ornament to
tho neighborhood In which they nre
erecled. Philadelphia can truthfully
bonst of having tlio most beautiful mar
ket houses on the face of the earth, and
soon 'ma V we not son no-nlii tlm nvo.Bnras
of sheds in our street?.
I he old namo of the Quaker City has
been laid aside, and wo are becoming
mofe modernized In our ideas There
was a time when whole blocks of bouses
WRrO bllllfc nf lirl1r ami tlia (iinvlf
able whito shutters, so that n stranger
mi gin iruiy say mat when lie had seen
one street, ho had seen all the city. We
are now ut.Ing different colored stones
nnd having a darker shade upon tho
shutters, thus relieving the oppressive
monotony of the past stylo of architec
ture. After a while, our city will con
tain quite a pleasing vorlety of bulld
lugs, and the old Quaker plainness will
bo burled among the tilings of the past.
The youngladles are appearing with
their Spring bonnets, and the streets'
are oecoming very gay. Wo know
that all young ladles are fond of dress,
and that they will not be displeased at
our giving them a description of some
beautiful styles. Stilts can be had for
all prices, ranglnc from 810 upward to
.any figure, the difference being In tlio
quality of the material and the more
elaborate ornamentation.
We saw a very stylish suit In silver
gray pongeo. The lower skirt was
mado deml-traln, ornamented with a
flounce of medium depth, turned up on
the right side against a narrow fold,
and had n deep shirred heading. The
design of the polonaise is known as the
Leollne. It Is quite simple, the fronts
being plain and tight fitting, nnd fast
ened three fourths ot tho, way down
with handsome buttons; the back Is
very narrow In tho French cut, 'arid '
draped below the waist In u'novel
manner, wlilrli irlvue tl. ofP...f nr n
broad bo'xptalt falling below 'tile 'pqliit
of looping.1' The tout ensemble Is tlipr
oughly artistic, nnd forms a charming
street or reception toilette. This Is 'a
favorito one tills season, and Is shown
in an ine aliment similes of material.'
Another inoro dressy l made in two
shades of Uescdn arav Fronelt tinnlln
The lower skirt of tlio darker tint is
trimmed with n deep Hounce, bound
with the lighter color, and beaded with
a Hhlrrpd mifftnhnvn U n. flnt n..... K1na.
on caoh side, and above that a narrow
kiiiio pinning witn, n tola and plaiting.
Thooversklrt is the Iono pattern, with
snuaro breadths htick.nnri
ornamented with plaits and ruffles.
I lie costume Is completed by a Henry
Tiols basque, made en veston In the
two shadas. ami a ftr..mA,i
, , . .Hlaiuy ...M....IU
aiuiuouieru at the sldo.
Yours truly, Modoc.
Plillnilolphln Mnrkcts.
Frldav Evpnlnc. "Mnv lef Ti.a
money market continues easy,, while
Foreign Exchange and ( higher.
Thn Iflttor rprpflpfl fnr n fnw.lm.a Pi.tlnn..
....... ..... . H.iinaiuNuii
Ing tho veto message to Congress, but
It subsequently rallied and closed at 113.
Vvplmnrvn tins tiann litfrltnr il....
many weeks past, owing to the demand
. M.. . . ...... .1 ....
lu Hire. iiuy yu incuts, Hliu LIIU DCUrciiy
of mime bills. Call loans ruin nl. 4 In
S per cent. First class commercial pa
per ranges form 0 to 7 per cent, per
Tho Rtftftk iwirVefc twna mniln'mfnlv na
tive, nnd pilces generally were higher.
Government securities were i.i air
demand n. about former rates.
Tlio TTnlf .! Stntna Tn.i.i.r.r l.n .1.
ready commenced the payment of tho
ruijii-imuiiit! interest uu Ml,UJ,VOU ot
the 0 per cent, per annum 5 20 bonds
maturing nn tin, lt nr Mm- on, I
at tho same time pay the quarterly in
terest of 5 per co nt. per annum on $314,
410,150 of funded loan of 1831.
The Flour market has been rather
dull during the week, and prices are
maintained. Suporflno $5.50 to 5.75;
extras, ?0 to $0.50. Spring Wheat, ex-
tra family. 7.UU toS; and high grades
at t8.02H to S10.C0. Whi-nt lm l,o..n
dull, and prices favor buyers. West
ern Bed, 51.55 to $1.03; Penna. Red,
1.7U to J1.72; V estern White, $1.85 to
tl.80;No. 1 Spring, $1.00. Corn Is
steady. New mlxeil. 8."i. nnw lVnnn
85o to 00c. Oats are In fair demand.
Western white 02 to 05. lVnnn. U'
02o to 03., mixed, 00 to 02c. Bye, $1-
Cloverseedlsdull. Knlpa at.sUir.ifV.
the latter for choice. Timothy uniii nt
$2,75. The butter maiket Is dull, but
prices Stoadv. Western (Minlcn Ilnlr-
31 to 35c. do. fresh firkin 35o. Penna!
Glades Cholco Dairies, 33c; do, good
to prime, 30c. medium, 18 to 20c. Lard,
Western kettle rendered, to Ho.
Eggs sell at 18 to 21a. a dozen.
Hay, prime Timothy, $l.a5 to $1.45;
mixed timothy, 1.25 to $1.33. Straw,
OOo to 81.05.
The Comntroller uf Hi ii f liirrptipt. lina
called upon the national banks lur re
pvrts exhibiting their condlliou at the
close ot bualuew,, uu Friday, May 1,
ialat Of Ouron,
Drawn from tho wheel, April, 25th.
for Juno session, 1874:
Robert McCready, Summit IXtU
Thomas Beltz, Malionlng twp
Georgo Illnkle, Packer twp
A W Horn, Lehlghton borough
J II Smith, Mauch Chunk borough
U A Bex, E Mauoh Chunk borough
John Fidlor. .1ituch Chunk borough
Peter Weidau, U Towamcuslng twp
John Watt, Summit Hill
George Watson, Kidder twp
Amos Belgol, Mahoning twp.
John Buss, Nesquehontng
J D Balllet, East Penn twp
Henry McGorry, Nesquehontng
R J Yunken, Lehlghton borough
Dnvld O'Briau, Franklin twp
Richard Whattock, Nesquehonlng
Owen MjGorry, Nesquohonlng
John Keubler, Jfaueli Chunk borough
E F Luckenbach, Mauch Chunk boro
John Faust, Sr., Packer twp
Daniel Cliristman, Mauch Chunk twp
Edward Dodedorf, Lausanno twp
James McGlnty, Lausanne twp
Gideon David, Banks twp
tiios r Arncr, Franklin twp
Lewis Klnglo, Weatliorly borough
TIlOS ItllCll. I.pII(tIiI,,I.
Georgo Merrick jkueh fJhunk borougl
ucuiko tviiiiergicen, isummit ttill
William Drlesbach, Franklin twp
Bobert Co vln. Afnueli r'lmnir i.nm.,nh
Euos B Albright, Lehighton borough
nenry aciinier, tveatherly borouzh
Adam Buckman, L.-lilghton borough
J U Weiss, Towamenslng twp
Milton T.lnp;. Mnunli Pi.....!
George Fisher, Nesquehonlnn
Isaao Wet, Kidder twp
Joel Klecknpr. Summlr ITI'I
Lewis Drumbore, Wealherly borough
it iiimiu ocncei, uausanne (wp
Butler f7ortrlght, E Mauch Chunk bor
Win H Geldner, Mauch Chunk bor
Horace Hamlin VIauch Chunk bor
G W Simpson, E Maii'jh Chunk bor
Isaao G Levan, Franklin twp
Samuel Gangwer, PacKer twp
David Matthews, Summit Hill
J D Woodrlng, Kidder twp
Wm II Klotz, Franklin twp
IKllllam Warner, Lehlghton bor
Edwin Andrews, L Towamenslng twp
Jenkln Judklns, Summit nil!
Jacob Grover, Franklin twp
Samuel L Meckes, Penn Forest twp
Patrick ilcKenna, Nesquehonlng
Daniel Schocli, WeUsport bor
Joseph Anthony, Franklin twp
Clias Meendson, L Towamenslng twp
Edwin Young. Weathlerly bor
Simon Walk, Franklin twp
Nathan Graver, Mauch Chunk twp
r irtt .. .....
ucuruH iv nn m mm r 1111
Beiijnmin Baer, Towamenslng twp
Wm Getz, Penn Forest twp
Jaiuei Huff, Summit Hill ,
Howell Beer, Towamenslng twp
II W Blnker, Lausanne twp
Reuben Relirlg, East Penn twp
Jeremlnh Flslipr. Wpntlmrt.. i.n
LOjW Levers, Maucli.Cliunk bor r
reier acnwau.'ataocii thuuk bor
Elas Fritz, Maucli Chunk twp' '
James Flmtlpv. Summit, lliii
kUiinlel Wnshburn, Uanks twp
tiunua uernara. 1-acKrr twn
Danl Serfuss, Jr., L Towamenslng twp
x infill 11 as . ijKiiiuiiLnn nnn
F 11 Moser, Mauch Chunk boro
Abraham Sliortz. Afnnp.h fint
.Tflhn T.tnpa knmmlf Hill
KIWI UMU 1 1 (,
Georgo Kunkle, L. Towamenslng twp
uuuii xvuiurocK, nanus T,wp
E T Hoover, Banks twp
W C Frederic!, Lehlghton boro
Joslali Mussdman, Slalionlng twp
David DeLong, East' Penn twp
Georgo Stetter. Lausanne twp
I A Mayer, -U.iucli Cliugk boro
Daniel Miller, Mahonir.g twp
Anthony dnyder.'Towaniensing twp
Gideon ltehrlg, East Penn twp
Jonas Fritz, Lausanne twp,
Davi'd Jiller, Lausunno twp
Benjaipin Becker, Lausanno twp
Robert Anthony, Franklin twp
F O Kline, Mauch Chunk boro
James A Harvey, Lausanno twp
J. Bennington, E. Mauch Chunk bor
Ellas Berger, Lehlghton bor
Jesso Miller, Banks twp
Levi Helny, Franklin twp
William Zelmer, Summit Hill
William Mayne, Kidder twp
Closing Prices of DbIIaven & Towns-
end, 40 South Third Street, Phlladel
phla, May 7, 1874:
U. H. C'. 1881 . . .
V.S.b'M, 1SU2 .
U. 8. 8 20, 1804 .
U.f. 520,1804 . ,
U.S. 6 23, 180J J. J. .
V. S. rU), 1807 , . .
U. H. 4 20, 18B8 , . .
U. 8. lWO . .
U. . Uurrenc, C'i , ,
U.8.5'1.1881, mw .
IVn'iKvlrHDU R, H, . ,
I blU. & RtMdln U. R. .
h uita Valley lUHrold .
2tJJbld. ins
16 bid. l.V)2
nji hj. iv,i
17&bld. IsCZankeil
1912 bid. iQU ..!,.!
20libld. 24..kl,
bid. iOKukwl.
2) a.kMl.
20X aked.
ml anked.
19 uked.
uinun UM 4 , Co. , 4ft I
UilteaoouipanleiofN.J. U2 I
o!4 11212 I
, 107 bid.
Philadelphia, May 7. Tho argument
In the case nf Snyder vs. the Mutual
Life Insurance Cdm any of New York,
were concluded yesterday, In the U. S.
CTiroult Cdurt. lifter Judgo Cfedwal
ader had charged the Jury, they ictlred
for consultation at 1 o'clock. This
morning they came Into Court again,
and rendered a verdict for the claimants:
$10,600 for the widow, .dnna Snyder,
and $21,200 for the son, Lewis M. Sny
der; In all amounting to $31,800, that
being tho full amount of insurance,
with one years Interest.
vAn Englishman said a few days aco
in the office of a friend In Ilydo Park,
that he had thoroughly tried both a tern
perate and lutemperato life. He said,
upon a wager, he onco drank a keg of
beer and four gallons of whiskey In one
week, lie knew all the joys and sor
rows of drunkenness, ami his fnmlit. i..i
tmlfered much. Three yedrs aco List
December hu nr.. ..,-,.,
nnd has not drunk any Intoxicating
llquom since that time. Hu lut, suvvd
lor me coiniorv or his family more than
tour hundred dollars during the time,
and iutftiiils in rHiimit, t..i.t..ur..
........... .. , ,,,7
man during Ids natural 111 u. Diiukiug
"hup, go thou and do like wise.
Hit VI J.
l(i' bid,
UK bid.
50'. UJ.
67 bid.
bl bid.
New Advertisements.
Notice Is herebv frlvnn. llmt tnv con.
Max Foshart, having run away from
home, all persons are forbid harboring
or trusting him on rty account, as I will
pavno debts of his enntrnrtimf nfler
this date. FRED'K FOSHAUT,
May 8, 1874-w3 Baumansville.
"mWniY. OH. WnY will voa suffer
with that Couch or Cold? when
relief may b had immediately by using
uuivumu o uompounn syrup or rar,
nuu unerry ana iiorenounu.
UOSYt A RnlMa nf T1TTP r.lWl'Q
ROSE GLYOEUINE for Roughness of
we bkiii, onappea uanas, &e., only 23
cents a uome, niay u.
TraUY IT I TRY IT l-The India
r Rubber Plasters for a Weak Back.
uuuuiNKi nas, them. moy 0
"OTHERS, Look at that Child, It
has Worms. Go or send at once
Jo DURLINO'S Drugstore, and get a
bottlo of his WORM SYRUP, so plca-
muiii mm yen so suie. may 0
M1TY HIM? NOI-That Electric
-- Liniment, like I got at Durllng's
"IUB otore, win cure him ofany other
mil ui iiu,ujiaiiaji. and nil other
xuilis. ninv n
j -
m u& i look at her Hair I Why I
tlimirrlit. If wno . t .. rt n o
It was, until she got a Bottle of that new
- f."- v uitiiii KllKft OO
Hair Restorer at Durllne's Drinz Store.
WW Whenever I get a Bottlo of Bloom
ul jluulii nr ninrrnrkiio iiiin mi-.
a Box. at M v Whli-a n..i.i i '
that line to beautify the complexion, nt
uiugaiiug owre, m seems to bo
ucner iuau i can gpt nny-
rniHE People of Lehlchtin and vlcln.
It'v all unite In testifvl tin Itiaf nf A
J. DUltLlNIVS nrinT n,i t!a,u .t,i
Iclne Store, Puim, rnesn and Unadui
itiiATicu jauDiciNKS can always be
louna. . mv n
9 J -
REWAIiD for an Incurable
cue of CaUrrh. 4fter bariag
ed.iplt and gagged t.i jour ouilru wilsfuctlou q
use Hrls' Alleviator according to dircctloue. Ttit
ea, and tbe Intlttmed surface soolhttd, ttiw eyui
pparkit) tin uaigus ma naa letfi natural again;
liope reTlToB, ror a cum la ture to follow tbe in a of
tin. HPun.ld. .,l.ntlH. - .II.V.1 ...
vv indi ha?e beeuotTtfred for
nothing bag beta 10 eminently ucceful, or ob-
tulntdl Mlli'lt a ulila Kblliritv Ma Itrl.p., I'h'.....
ana iuug Uvaler.
. : .""-w !" "ivfc
TU... f TITE
) v I llt3 P"11 bJ cornn, the uucaaa
rxcriiciiiung pain
ing twinging iron) iiunious, tne, dlatrwlng pain trom lngrowlftg Nalln.
cannot be dAlcrihtd. .ullui-. m.r bnnw-
lug there la a cur, Krtgga' corn nud Bunion
nvuieuiv nrv no acitt or poiam rouipounas, uui
.merit the auceeaa tbeybave earned from au ap
preclitlrapulilirv 'Ibo t'ura'lve In a btallng oint
ment; Immediate rt-Uvf U obtained by ltaapplica
tlJD.nud It will potiiiiTvly cuio tbe worst caws of
leuvred curna, Id flamed and ulcerated buuluus.
tbi sorest lQlepf the largest and severvtt bUters,
tbe moat axtenaUo calloaltlca ou tbe soleaor be vis
w tnv me; uneqiiauea in ma cure or cn.idW ma
ouu pivTeutiug tneir lormaiiou is ausoiuieiy un
eiualed by anytblngerer known, Aalc turilrlgga1
jivuieuiea. laKe uo other
ft I Ifl5 ' UtOti not troublAtlta Oitnl- tt tmrJh.
".via ingtohalUtt fbr thtt rcaion.
ine wyoriunait tujjcrtr ftit very nuu iympathy,
HktagonyoTophttitnoior cannot be much wor$e
than the torture endured 6ymiUioa who are troubled
with internal blttdng external and itching pitet.
Glad Tiding for lutfertrtr, Jir'g V Jtemedies
fir nf7. mtlf nnrl tiv
I ftl'HS llfSS.
. .
L. .1.1 -L.IJ i L. . " I
out rnaiuf, urtuta up to appear young ana aaytdan-1
n mo ctrrpyman, maxnani, curie, artisan
unu MiciYutnic. aj au uyti ana tiaiwmt, nave a juu
supply of corni, bunions, bid nails, and other bother
alinnmnfth f,t nil f tt.hirh nM )urni.f I
A . J. DURLING.DrutroUt.
Lelilghton, Pa.
aiay v. io(4 ly.
" - I
Tho Lehlghton School 27oard now
nffar nr Prltinta Gnla fntln...I. .1A I
WW ll 4MIHIU VJCllUa 1,110 11IIIU wiiiu uu
scribed valuable REAL ESTATE, ho-
ing a portion or ine 1'uuno scliool rro
perty of the Borough of Lehighton, to
lb i
One Lot and Buildine:,
situated on the corner of Iron and Pine
streets, and bounded and described as
follows : On the north by Iron street j
west bv a rnmmnn nllpv cniith hu n
lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by
Pine street. The lot is 00 fW l,t
flOt (1 In!.... In .lontl. II..
v itiviu. (U UClbll. 41.19U,
Numbered 153 and 154. situated on Pine
street, In said borough, bounded and
described as follows : On the west bv
Pine street; south by lot No. 155; ease
by West aliev. and north hv rv,ir al
ley. Said lots being each 00 feet front
jr ion tcci. v incites in aepiu. 11 so,
One Lot and Buildine:,
Situated on Northampton street, and
known as the South Lehlghton School
i........... . i.
xiuficifcy. aituf)
lars, apply to either of tho undersigned.
j uuu a. LENTZ, President.
A. J. niTltr.IVn Ri.rptnrv
. Dn. N. B. BEBEB, Treasurer.
juemgnton, May s, mii.
m ,;i " ..T-'V" "
In Mm flvhtiana 'nai.t n..l n x
. iKiu,! tain Minimum iu t IJOW'I
AnitrnlkuiiiMiit f...AJ.t...:...i . .....
ti r liv lh f'jtnrr t t.lta i.i ..u " . . .
fact In rvfurtmrtt to I lit hmoi In tie abuticaM,
-m.iv,... i ,Uf uuiim niUliappflfllUltftfit bU
uolctsln tb mruuitb 01 Mmb Cbuuk, on Miu
rf 111 i II iiwl i u kt - . i.i . t.
allra. Qi lnierwtd lu Out mm may piir f
rjp C O IS T I
Tn orripr in ptnn ntif. vrAAAi.l. ef.i
w-v I" J. owtn,
tho underslgneil respectfully announces
w ine cituriiM ui ijeuigiuon ana vicini-
Marked. Down PriPPQ
buub uu lias
of all kinds of Goods to about cost,
ana win sell
Ho has in stock a largo assortment ot
Dry Goods,
and a variety of other articles too num
erous to enumerate.
If yon desire to secure
Nnw la vnnr Tlmn A Smnll c
Money will Buy a Large Quantity of
uuvua i
Store Opposite L. & S. Depot,
BANK-streot, Lehighton, Fenna.
Z. II. LONG, fluent.
TiLaniiAN AnNER, Assignee;
March 28, 1874.
MTolssport Ahead I
Inform and tho pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
In connection with their
Near the L. A S. Depot,
And that thevhave now on hand nn Im.
mense stoclc ot Miorouglily Seasoned
Bough Pino Boards,
surfaced l'ino boards,
uiooring, Hemloclc and Pino,
Ul.ll ....... . '
oiuiugs, ui an Kinus,
Shingles, an immense stock,
nnonng ana t.-eillng Lath,
and,.n facVLumbenr8ot every descr.p
tlon a very lowtst market prices.
We are nlsn nrnnnrpil fn nrnl.1. TintM
cia uuu uiners wiui a very uno article of
i ' - - . ...... n, . t. n.muiiij
uorii, t'lllNlCI'lUg, i0., at Be
marKaoiy low f igures
Wo have constantly on hand n lnr
Ul tir i ..'.i..i.r . .( .
in. ui i uuu Buiiiiuiu jor rirowoon,
jvhlch wo will sell, In large or small
quantities, nt Prices to suit your Pockets
23-yl Carbon county, Pa
1874. SPRING. 1874.
Thn imrifra!rrnp.i rnenuitf fntlt- tA.m,.
hwuv.u.m. .v-jn-viimiv IlltUllUS
nn uicuua uuu iuu muies in penerai.
l i Ti nr. tu w nnw rAOAlvinrr n In Dni.
SFftSi andmnionable
Jfliliinery Goods.
for Spring and Summer Wear, such as
NOTIONS, &c, &c.
Hats and ItonilPtq niiuln nn In iha
latest and ma-it fashionable manner.
-au gooos warranted, and Pilces are
fllllv RA lntv na .laAwlinrn
STORE, next ilnnr to TIm flnrhnn
iiuvocaio" UAXtixiYAx, ieiiigtiton.
MafcU 14th, 1874
i i
ThA linflarfitivnml la nnnroattlnn in t.n
amicus ui HfissjJurt aim vicinity, me
-n i ii a .
flfllllV IvIOIll SA. 95
""J A'lUUl
I11 flvtli . Q Zt
1IU UI tlWj " m ei.tllP
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try It I
KST lTtTTT.TNfl nr Ainu flon.lntn
at Beasonable Bates. Baggage taken
to and from the Itallrnad llonnln nt ihn
8horust notice.
Near tho Canal iMdgo, EAST WEISS-
VnMi (a Iinrfthv trltrpn (linf TT A
Beltz, of LehlRhtonCarbon county, Pa.,
and Emma , his wife, by deed ot vol
untary assignment have assigned all the i-tdfnru nf thn anl.l it A iiu
to Tllghman Arner, of New Mahoning,
Carbon county, Pa., In trust for the
benefit of the said II. A. iieltz.
All oersons. therefnrR. IihImIiUiI tnthn
6ald II. A. Beltz, will mako payment to
me, the said algueo, at New Mahou.
ing, or to my duly authorised agent, II.
A. Beltz, nt Leliiglitou, and tho.e liav-
till. flullH tf HultiDllild tulll mnlru b.wi.un
tliesaiuewltliln six weeks fiuiii thtsduUi.
lllAilUlAN AllMSIl,
AKslmiMii nf II. A. Itiilfx.
Of Weissport,
nespectfully Informs the Ladies of this
vicinity that sho Is now prepared to
Mako Up
Hair Switches,
at short notice and at tho lowest prices.
She Is also now opening a new and eU
gant assortment of
t Flowers,
&c, and respectfully Invites an Inspec
tion Of IllOm 111. Ilia Tnilln A II -
will be done In tho most fasliloDabU
and substantial manner, ami nt nrlc
which are bound to suit every one.
,f t . MBS. GUTH.
Jarch 7th, 1874
jrjl D. CLAUSS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock ef
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Cnsslmeres and Vestlngs.for Men's and
Boys Wear, which I am prepated to
Make up to Order In the most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well Bplpffn.l
Turkey Morocco, Glovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boot
and Shoes on hand, or
Made to Order.
Mats & Caps,
Of tho Latest Styles always oa hand, at
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for the;
American &. drover & Batter
Sewing Machines.
Only One Price for Everybody.
Janaary 11, 1873-yl
A. W CACHES, . .
Contractor & Builder,
Plans and Speclflcatlons '
For all kinds ot Buildings, made at tha
shortest notice.
Mado for Plans andSoecIflcatlons when.
the contract Is awarded to the under-
sfgneuV A. W. EACUES.
Juno 14, 1873-yl
Livery & Sale Stables,.
And positively LOWER PRICES than'
any otuer .Livery in the County.
3T T.n rrf nnrl hnnileAm. ...I. ...
for Funeral purposes and Weddings.
xiiir.cTcaiR or
CiirrlaRcs, HlelgbH, Bugglcn,
ana e?er dawtlpllou or
Netrl, T.t;U Ilol.l, Bask Strw.
Klilfhtoo, J'.
bepawing; promptly attesdkd xo
At raQQbli cbargw.
uturactloniiuaraDlMd. '
fu.7, 187, A. IIUOKMAK.
tha auttior cf"M(bt Scuta In lb BlbU" aad
"Our l-ather'a llouatf," of bleb u..rlr ZC0.00O
h twa K.U. -llom Llf." Ii copipjirdad br
inlul.lnn rr all church.! aa 'Mho aulbor'a Uat
lNtflL' ! "fill rflwuLu.. . V. ... ... . .. - ...... w. .
clnut aa gania," a ebulca bock tlr aterj ramUr,"
c. Bltwl nigrailnp., roaa Holed paiMr. rich
Mu.lli.ii. and lur rupld iU un.quul.d. AUISNW.
UI 11 KN, wanted u ..rjrcouutv ITS to tSy par
nooth. t.udfor cirrtil.r. 1 MrirairkV
Jay 2, 1874-w8
nat;m 618 Arch St , PblUdelpbla.Va.