"aMBjBBjaiassapMeBJSaMMaBaiaBBaja. II. V. MORTIIIMEU; , , Hdli'nr ami V'roprlci'nr. Tnitais: One Dollnr a Yrnr in Ailvn'ncf 1 '' , ' V.OL. Jf.,J5"o. .25. LEIIIGIiTOr, CARBON CODNTV,, PENN'A, SATURDAY MOUSING. MAY 9, 187-1. SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Iih'ighon .Directory. TV ."Ci Fre-ilH'1, Singer Seikitig Macline ami In iVlticKnelt trl K. II. Snyder's, Bank street. JJnrber, II. D. WIDD3S, Shaving, Hair Cuttingand Sham pacing, under exchange Hotel, Bank street.' Doot nnd Slme MakiirK.' ' Charles Yenser, nearly rppatitethe Wkt-oJJlce, Bank street; alio, deafer -m QMfeehin&y. CUnton Hretney, in Levan't building, Bank street. AU orden ptotoplty JUUdwork warranted. ,nl 'i loConfeollonera. Uausman A- Kuhns, oppoi-lte III ert's store, B.mk street- 'Altarderlprnmptly .filed,, i . " IJr)"Gonil mill Olocei-lrs. X. II.lioifijpp.ll..t ii.. Depot, Hank Ktldealer In Hardware, UuetniwareLadiei' Orta Girtdi, cfe. JI. A. Hells, Leuckers Ulol-k, Banket , Dry 6W. Groceries, t)ueensware. ItorjrU; Oil OUlit if Oal, K. II. S.rder. Ilmk. Street, Dry Gootl; Xutvmt, SreitGoods,Griicerics,Queemware,llardware,dv. Drugi ami Jlnllclllrit. A.J Durllns, lust door jiboiejlj. k, Jiapk'atreet; Oili, Joints, lirumery, l'alent Medicines, dx. L .Ilnrilwnre. T. V, n5l,jneti npp. KmlmDge.notel.'Bank itrwy-jfiMto-t, Odt, lntt,puuno;lvl' ' ' " " Hotel Thomas j.antt, "Ex'cnhii,iellUpp. i'ubllo Squa e, Bauk st. lttxonage siiticiled. ..-r , ,. 7 . ''Vut-iiiltire "WeIiota. V. SchwarH, Balik ?trei.tiWi(? in.ill kinds of furniture. Covins made to-4rder, j i i ,. i.tfu. .itw 1 . ( in 1 1 1 1 ; JUlclmnt Tailor. Clauss Biif'Salik "slVeeOnd. ffiSfeni to" Cents' Furnishing tioqdt, tbxitt,'Hvt,'UaU, IWjit, fc. Thomas 8: Hoik,: I'jor l.nil Jmtr,- lit' k st , ficnfi Furnishing Goods, JIaU't'Lbps, ixjttipl Books, d. Mllllu.er-i ' .ii Mre-E-'Fatb,', Bi"k st.iect, 2ed. door below, Jhe M. IS. 'Chnria. .YolteMi nnd IWirtmVrftfi I'lijalclniia null Surgeon.. Dr.C.S.Onoian.ccrnerf Bank aud Iron stree t OmluifaliJu in Englith dnd Grrman. Br. N. II. Ilebir, next dnor.-to 1". U. llink street. Conim n tn fingMit ana uirman. ..0. liollelJUmef.'fealu street. WJY Bank St. lealer m Watcliel, Ctockt,-Mngi, tv. ATTORKKY AND COUNSEI.'tdlt AT LAW) Lank sib lei, i.hiiiumtu.i, ta. Ileal Estate autl L'ollection.A:uO'. MI1 liny nnd Sell Itial Klale. Uoue)aliclii; neatly done. Col jectlona irouiptly uiuUe. fretOmfr1 Kstatea of le cJtut, nicmlly. Hay lt tou.iillan In Loalib andUvrutau. Nov. rj. jio:)iiiliKTOi.MT'1'ii. ATTOpNKt.A.M) cou.nsi:li.qu at;lav, Or'ici First National Bank BolMlnj, 2nd rjocr SIACCII CHUNK, 1-iii.iA. May be couBulteillri'Oef mm. ne rSf, 1871 -glU, CT UIM J4lCIt, uiaTRicT'XrtonN'i:, a1 , ATTORN BY AT I, AW. Odice. on BhoaowaT. Lrt tloot below .AuierlcMU Hotel.MaucllCti'uDk.reiin'a. Collections prompt 1 made. Noe i. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUCII CHUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1873. J n. DIMMICK, . AUCTIONEER, ' , TEant WtUajiorl, p.- r7 B.a1es'of eTerytfescrlptlon attended ioat reasonable charges. The palrouai;e o( tlu. publio Is respectfully solicited. ' ' Jan. SI, '74. St youk uoots ami shoes or Henry Campbell, East Weissport, AVlitTRjtiu.caii alwuysgettliOvVery bt'st article' at'-'tlio iDAest 'iirldrf for cash. Boots autl Shops nmilo; to order mul neatly Kfiialred at shott,notIce and na bunaljlB teruis. ape lt-mU JjiAObB HOTEL., -. ;N. KI.OTZ, PKOPtlli x 'Summit IIIII, Carbon' Co., Pa, r Best of acroniuodativus. , txeellent res taurant underneath.' Oood itabllng attained TernK" taoderatel 'I i '.I " ' i ' ' LEHIGH VAL.I.1SY HOUSE, North east corner of BKRKS AND LAUHKNCU STItliRTS, Pllladclplla - Pim', . .FltBD'K ECHMIDT, Proprietor. fffy Superior! accomnmdMlijk fitritrarelersat moderate ihargea. TartleH Tlinic lh dir. from this locality are specially Invited x make the Le hith Valley lloue llielr st"'ilng place, mar. 7 ItOVU IIBKI, Architect, and, Superintendent, No. 122 S. Oth Street, Allentown, l'a., furuUhes Plant. SpeelUpiitjoiia ami Ectl tnateB for Puhlicaiiil I'lI'viitni'ullilliiK. StalrN, IlaiU, &c, C( Hfliucteil and Set Up by the niobt aproved inethtKl, nnd af sliott itotlce j'utroiiutu It res pcetfblly solicited, ' and ratltifactiou guaianle'ed. npr. 20-j 1 OIIACOXISTv OLlVFin CRII.M3V, rtenler In To baccf, (7lgars'p Pipes'; 'Aft', nt;xt tlotir In Hex's Grocery Stoie, Susquehanna M., Mnuch.piinnk, ire-ipfctrp)! Hfn the people of Leliighton and vicinity, when visiting that place, to call iu and try his FRAGRANT CIGARS, the very host in the market. Every alleles In, his lino warranted as repro edited and at lowest prices. innrSS mwioaiAs KcmuKuit, i.' CONVEYANCER, And GENERAL JfTaURANOE, AGENT The Mlowlnc Compinlea are Itepreienledl Lebanon Mutual Fire, IleadlugMutualPJrei t Wyouilng Fire, i Pottsvllle Fire, Lehlph Flro, and the . Travelers' Accident Insurance, AIm Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thlsf HeteMlve nd Insurance Cora iVui). March CU, 1873. Pr"vUloim. Jos OfcerU flank H..'lickiii!t, Curing and SmoUng iWWiiit, lAUordcnpmmfilyilJrd. J. iaUlimer & Son. ll.iuk H,f.uler in ipur ami ii'a(,Oroieritt; frlnltand yrjetaUa, Eailroad Guide. JOnTII PEKNA.KAILIIOAD, PnssenjierB for Philadelphia will leare Lehighton as follows't S.01 n. in , via I V4 arrlre at I'lilla at 0 00 1.m ll. Kl a.m. II 10 p.m. 2 IS p.ra. 2.15 p.m. 8 M i !ni. 8 SO n, in. 7 37 a. in. Tia I.. 8, 7 3!) a.m. vli I,. V. 11.07 p. in. Tli I,. A S. ll.C! p. ni. Tla L. V. I 27 p, m. Tla I,. A . 4 47 p. tn. Tla L. & S. 4.14 p. in. Tla. I,. V. 'I 7.38 p. 111. Tla u. v. 10 30 p.m.. Bcturnlncr. leare depot nt flrrks anrf 'Ainerlrati' Flreets. l'hlls., at 7.00, 830 und 0.41 a. tu.; ;10 3Xi), and & 15 p. Ul. Fare troni I.elilgh.on to Vhllad.plih. tr2.ouv Feb. I, .1874. MILLS CLMIIC, Arfent . . . i . !-; ORNTIt AIj IIII..Oi N.J. LfclllUII'A'SDMIUF.IIANNA DIVISION. 1 VISTElt A 11 It A fiGKMKXT, Commeiicltigr Ueo. 15, 1873, DowVTraixs. Jo.l. . a". hV Ko. 3, ,,No.5., 'a:; 10 25 1130 10.M' 11.25 12., 5 13J1 A2.00 I 12 20. ! jui 3.23 ,.IU7 4.03 No. 7. P.M., 1.2ft Leare Oreen Kldc,.. 7.30 7.35 ' 8.0i SJ0, 0.53 10.37' .ills'. lii.t'O ,1217, 12 43 ficranroti l'lllIOM...ii.,..l Wlikes llaire ..... Ulilte linen .' ....... lVnu' lia'iJunc ' .Mauch Chunk...... 30f CataEAUa.ua'.. . 8-15 Allelitonn .. 8,43 Iletlilehi-in ....... !JHI Arrive Knston 0 27 liO 4.vi 3.4U, 4.19 .4. to .M3 647 IV 0 C.25 " Ul" TllAINS. No. 10. .No. 4. Wojo. aNo.14. Leare Kaston L'etiileliem. Allntewij... A. H. 0.10 0. i a. m. r. m. r M. 11.50 3.55 7.15 . 12.13 4 27 ' 7 43 12.23 4 37 7.57 122 . 7 ,4 4.3 -. p-8.00. Ll.43 10.(13 uu t Catiauoui .... Manch Clmnk.s?..-1".23- I'cnn Haven J'n. 10 45 Whitllaren...:..ll.ai Wllkes-llarre.-...,' 12 40 I'ltlstou ' 10.1 Scnintou 10 .Irr. Uueu lllilge 133 2.02 (i 23 24UJ I .7081 . , 4.00 8JII( 4 55 ' 0 25 ' ..'..'.. 6.10 0.30 .u. CosMCTIONS. " ntquehmlug 1'aUtylt, Hi DmTn tralnIfoa 3 Sund7, and Up ttnllis, Noa, 10 and' 4,onntrit at Mauvh Chunk. ' "' AVa IB ltnn'd'll. It Down trains ins.'l, 3, fi A 7 I'onm-ct nt llellilehomlor I'hlladelplils. Uplrnlns Noa, lb Si 4 connect at l!ehlrbem f. r I'lilljdelphia. lletuniliiK leave Philadelphia al 7.10 a. ut fir Kas ton, laucb Chunk, Hath, Vt liken llatre, Tamiltua, Scranlon, $harcn, Aei al '0.45. a- ms for Kithton, Maucti Chupk, Tatnaiiuj, tWll.itnsort, Wilkes llarro and &-rantou:,at 2.10 p. ni for ficrmton, Vlkes liarre and interuiudlato stktlons; at 33U'p. m. for Hath and Lustou ; at 5.15 'p.' uu rvr.MAueb Chunk, , . j. Tamaqua Jlranch ITp trains Nos, .10 i 4,and DoHu'trulns Nos,3, 5 A TronnectktMauchCliulik' to and from Tamaqu.i. V Lehigh d-Lackawanna ft. 11. Down trains Xos. 1 A7,nnd Up lrnUii'Ni'f,10A,U(vmii'! nt Until. lebem for B.th, and liintum.Qujrrles. Iteiuru. uf leaie Chapmau's'tit 7.10'a. m, and 2.13 p. iti Cad'al liaxltoadnf SitoJtnry. All trains make do connection al tvtoplUMraiVou Uutralj Ithllroad of New Jersey. llrltidert'Delawart . i?. Dqwp, trains Nos. 3f A 5,aud Up trains Nos. 4 A 1 1 connect at Phillips bur; Mlth Uel.-Del. It. It, to aud froui Tienton, Plil'adejphla and Belrldere. if l','nUul(l)ilila a?Radin& Kilrna&t'p Depots of the hut Peun It; K. and the L. Si S..Utrtltu' are connected by Street Care. II. P. UALUWIN, Gm.iliit(njcr Agent. Feb. 7, lt.74. ' ; .-iv . t pKNXSYIVANIA. IIAIl.no A'D, rillLADELPIItA Si wtiu rirt. DIVISION. VIlIteTlme Talilc, On and after SpNOAY, NbrKiHIGR 2lrlf73, thelriloson the Phlla. Alirie K It. Dltlslou Mill run ai. follows t WESTWARD.' Ilvmio KlPElSB leaves Phl'adelphU 12.53 p m. " " Uarrisburtf 6.tl5 p.ui. ' V WilU'imsport" 0.2D p.ui. '" '' Kinportuin' '2.15'a.ni. . " arr. at lluBalo I Wo a.m. Erii Mail leaves Philadelphia ,loao,p.iu, " . i, ' Ilarrlburf .... 3.05 n in. " , '!!. WIianisr ; ; c JJ,p'lv 8.40' p.ui' fi i Itatiova. . , ' an', al Krle' F.Lxint Mail leaves Philadelphia I', ' i", Itarrlsburg ' ( W lldatnsport 10,05 a.m. 7 SO pm. 8.0 1 a.m. 1.1)0 p.m. C 2 1 p.m. 7J5 n.lu' arr. at Mick naven lUtyoVA ACC0UU0li leaves llarrlsburc; t 8 25 ni t " Wllllamso't 12 1 5 D.m. Baid Kaoie Mail leatei Wllllamspurt' '1.15 p.irt. "I 11 'arr. at Lock llaveu 3-10 p.m. KA8TWAIID. uumwEiFBtssieuveiiiuir.il' , qsspra, OlJ p.UL 1.10 a.m.' 1 4.5 J a ui. 0.10 a.m. r munriuiii Wtlilaniwrt1 ii ' . arr, at Uarrwburif. u UJ. i'hllallelptla ,Ekii Mail leaves Erie ' Itenora " ' lick Haven " " Wlljhm.port " arr. at lLirilshuri ' " " I'hlladelpbla 1'lxiba Mail learea lnrk llmeii " I Wllllanispjrt ' " . .arr.nUlirrlslur " " Pbllad'lullla 11,-2 Vn,UU I o j p ui. 0 55 p.m. 11 Id p.m. S.'Oa.ih. 7.51 a.m. Oillln.m. 3 U p.iu. 5.50 p.ul. llACRimultQ AccolI.lpil'ra.Vllllimiport 1130 1'. " arr.'at llarrlblirit lO.tOp.i " llllaJelpuia o j a."t BAtP.EAotipAiL leave's I.ck linen," '125) p'u, ; " arr.-el WlUlaaisport 13J u.ui. Mail East connects east and west a Krle with . SUUK W and at Uorry and lrvluetoo with oil Creek and Alejbeliy II It W. P T MulMVe.t with ea.t aiid.we.t IniUinn LEA M S K W. and nt loriy aud livluetou HltUOitCr.ek and Allegheny U K ll. , .. E mlr.i Mall and itufito ltxprefa 'make closa rotiuectlouaat MUilauiepirt-wl u A Oil W tialiu uirh, aud at llnrrisiurt' IUi. U It W traiu. touib, WM.A,1IALUVI,V,UU'1 up;. TjTpS., JJI., FJUIZI,qi;il7 Fashionable . Boot and Shoe Maker,, Opposltt T.-,D, Clause Store, n.INK STREET, LEIUfijnbN, Pa., respectfully 'Inform hlsfrlends 'and' the public, that hu has jnt received it 'new anil excel ent asoitiiient of, Men's JVu men's anil 'Cindrun's Rea'ily-'jlaiio Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Which he will tScll at Hie Lowest Prices. t3T Hoots and Sltots made to ortler, and Repairing neatly and sub-itaulinlly done at short nutlcn. ap 23. yi "RICK'S Floral Guide for 1874. 200 Pages ; 500 Engravings nnd Colored Plato. Published Quarterly, at 25 ct. n Year. First No, lor 1874 Just Uued. .A German edition at same price. Addiess JAMES VICK, bo?. 20. Rochester, N, Y. BEATTY & PLOTTS. The Heatty & Plotts-celebrated' Gold en Tongue J j? an- 'ittivi is ntkiiowleilcpil tiy professors of miile anil relehrated orgithlst-f lu ho the. lend ing Parlor Oigan.liow In ute TeI nionlalsaiiil curds (Minnurarr.con.Ntnrtt ly.helhg, received in favor of tlrcpit V append a fow and wish you to rend Ihein: . Anthony, N.u.,.Jan.)23, 1873. jlessrs (lle.atly & Plotts, Uenis Yim'r Orpin, s-dlii rpe, glves'elitlr(jsntlafactltiii. 11 beitiitj'.of tohei)lid btyle'of workman-. shlp.aroM-ldonl If'ever surpasseif. WUh lug J'ou f-ticcess In your business, 1 run,' Willi levied', ' PlOt, M. II llBA'fTY. ' SrtAMOKlNj Pas.'Peb' ll, 1&7-1.' I liavp o'no'of llt'iitfy &' PldtK'Giilden" Toucu't'' Omaha. It I nn'exeelr'ent In- slrumeiit, II mi tone nmMull power. I mu il uuiier i Kin miv l n ivn iieniii. . M. II. llApkL.;fM. D. L.ATjnY.'s.STAT.'N,, Po., Jnn,'!27; 1874. I have had Heatty & Plutti! OrLan, sli ce ltigust 14thl,J872; It gives ithe hlgliest Mtll.-faetlon,,jid has proved all that it rtivs iecoiuinelided by the.piip!rsi' Jon IIknuy. ' ' SLATiNdTON',TaFe'ii,'0, 1374: neatly .t'l'llitU P.r'l)r''0i'gan!i lk'u belter thati'the'Siaml'iiil, nilil 'It'glves better Willsfilclioti, aV I tl'uW n my'tftiv'-' els " Pr'of. Fit. V. Maykr. Sl(. Claiii, Ta Dec. (ith, 18731 , Messrs. Realty. ,& Plotts,, Ueit,-I, havt r'eeel'veil tlio Oigiu'i, asjenf by yout. linn to me, timl'l Imve luul it fxaiiliut-d, and it ylves uinplu siltMiielfiin. 1 ' " Il(in. JoilN.Si'snY. , Maiianoy Cit3-, Pn.fOct. 10, 1872. The Seatty & 1 otts celebrated Gold en, Ttip'guu, Parlor .Organic by ifar'-tlio' bet Parlor Oigan in uso'.' I jiave care fully examined, It, AMI find (ft, June, Vioikmaiiship and dui'ubljty,tolbHjtjib best' 1 oyer saw, and 1 can witirfileature' reeonimend it to any lu want of a llrst class parlor organ, Piof..O. II. U.N o Kit. Slebtrs. lJeatty & Plotts, Of Waslihlg ton, N. J.,-are gentleuieli.of Vptvinrlfe, aml wIiomj presence would Je Aydlt; to aiiy.co.mnuitilty. llackeltatown, N. J., llerali), l'd72. Wasiiinoton, N. .1., Sept. 5, 1873. To Ruben Mmgay,. PjotUville.-I am happy to statu thuttbo Instrument gived entlto' tatlsfdctloii.'not imly to, myself blit' also'to tlie teachers of' the Seminary who aro better judges. ltyv. A. M. Jelly. We bay, after cariiful.niul costly ox-, perlment, It is with plensurn wo intro duce tlid ' Gultlen Tonglie," knowing it poase.-ses inuiir advantages over all otlieis manujuctiirtd, , Tim , tone excels In frillne's', purity, and 'the thousand's of teotlnionhils which am, belngeoh- retantly leceived, aro evidencu that our eirorts have been eminently successful. For particulars and Priiie.List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Jeli. Sl.Oin Wali'ington, N. J. 1 milOKKVE Poultry (Yardsi, OFFEIt 'FOB; SALE, Eggs for Hatching From the following Varieties of Pure i JJietl Land and Water Fowl's, at $4 no ii:h uo2i:v Dark and Llsht Hra.linms; Buffj Black', Vhlto apd Partridge Cochins ; i?rown ahd White Leghorns ; White aiid Silver Grey DorklifJs; PlylnhuHi ttocKs; Hou. daiifl) lllack, Red, Earl Derby aud I'ile Games; Rouen nnd lyleiliiiry Ducks ; Touloii'.e and lireinen Geese. . Ifwtirraiitoiivfiairofi'rafilrdozea Eggs to lia'tcli f fr they-do not" I vvlll replace them at 00 cts. per dozen. Send stamp for circular; Eggs sent GO D if desired. Address, ISAAO'kYNUE, Feb. Sa-Uln Jai-lbiit-6, Stltrk Go., O . I nil 'n ,"! "A Nearer Approximafiin, t flif JIEAL $)YA?i QUILL Vian Anything Hitherto Invented." Tlie'cosarAiTir ijcituiiSi) iMpt iuS: i , , SPENOERIAN D0UIILK ELASTIO Is owing tn their tuperfar writing quaUUetttin. teted by the edltoilil endorsement of'6ver 10.00 papers, aud by IlercuaiusLawye an'P II inkers without number. ' 1 - Tbey are all made of ibe beat Steel, In Ihe brat uiuiurreby Ihe. lieatiwrkmea lu Kurope. llr fijfe by u!l Ihtlkf. V " uccniii(lte thote whqitnay with to try then pent, ice irifl 'irni a dlrjlcontlining me efcl oWe ,19 S u,ubA',,oy will, on rl(.'.c. Ivi.on, aiakeman, Taylor' &:Co., USasdnOJlU.VS'D.STJtilljr,. v.. . AprH-i3;lB74.i.'- ' i -1a.' K. Opposite the Public Brjuaie, SOUTH ST., LEIUQri.TON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all kinds of fj? V s 1 1 tar Roofing. Spouting and Jobbing prouiptly attended to. uoy, 30 Nqw Advfer'lisBments. 3 School Teachers Wanted In eich rountr f"r tha'8prtnf;and.S(iiiirieiv S1C0 porn::th.. SJnd fur Clrrul.ir ftlvlni! full p.inli ii lars. XltOLKItA lcCLll)l , PLI alelphl-i, Pa. The Shnrtc'at llnulo to Portuiiei. $450,000 G iye Away I ?10),00a FOIt ONLY f 2 CO I tfrand Legal Gift Concert In a Id of a Juvftnlle J'eform Sclinol tit Lp.iTnn- w(;rtli,1Kin. DltAWINU ALUL 33. 18T4. ( ne I'rUe (tunrnnUt-d in every packno nf 11 I'lrJceU. Miulo'lUkulf. $2&0; 6 for 11 tut nut rw tloktn leit ; hi, n our ulna an ni'IJ. iurrhturft cliixild order nt once: Aiij noiifv flnivitiif ton luru will ba roturnml. OonJ. rWhliu Anentu wnnreil etryyliertJ. I'ur full p.irtloularri, Mdrehft .nt . LKAVKaNWOICXII, Knn. ChoiceMix'dGiadiolas at whu'esl o fir $1 p-r loir, $20 pdrl'ioi. et by xpre'-s Opon reoelpt of rhv. end lor catal'nruo. Addiens' C. L. 'ALLC17, t:05I!,. IT. Y. & Florence 9 The I,on(rlcenieti4 Suit of the KLniil-.NCl'i Sl.WINd itqilNH CO. ajral althe Slower, Wheeler A WilMin, audUrover 4 Itiktir' O-hipe lei, llivolllAp "livrr 9iao,'oo"oi 'S tllhlly-(f.'(r,lf-.l t.J- tbo' '' Rnnri-itirt llnui'L'lif I lid Uliiti'd StaleB 1 In r.m.r i.r llra.KI.'J (l:.Ct:, III 'Ii a(one hlf Ilro,KeU IUO Jlo.iiop.'.iy OI llln lil.-e. THIS NEW FI.OUIC.NCl: Is theONLV niacin ejhat pewal backward aud f.rf'iHaril, or to J Ilit, aud left ( Suiru! CutAriai Ileal I ' SOLD FOB, CAfll ONLY. SPECIAL ,TIiHll TJ i Clulja nnil HnMers. ApMI. 1W4. , rLontcr..,Mi' YOU . TI1UTII can Iw male pure widt , and rrt vnted from d'Vivhythj'iirtOf'Vi,wri''i(tr. Prl"e5". AddlM '..t. Ui'AC.,llox-H4. N. V. J ln fr'eWitiii .Mai hlLb ..lie tbu b.t u-n ..Hii to the use.. If p ild for most rondllv, and )a ho l-.t of all tose'l If there 1. mi l)omestlo"atent lu oi- t,.n, apVW . lwvfeq M.CO..N. Y BDY J..& P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for your MACHINE. EAT TO LIVE ! ' Write to F.'K PMITII A CO.. Atlnntic M1N llrrv.jilvn, N. W ii aiuly turns of t lit Crimlietl Wliltr Wlirni, for tbelr jtmi.dU-t (h-jiI tie-) FooiIm, with imrMirti" t eitrxctK from Liecia, JftriKtS'iv Htnl oilier' prttutlrtit. KeaJ It nrtil pnve your hnltU ttml money, ' mr.2t. w4 & Exter-minatorS, And Insect Powder i FOR Hats, Mice, Roaches', AriH, l!ed-Ttugs Mollis, A-c. J, F. HENRY, CURItAN to OU , N.i'., SOlo' Agents. tpSVOIIUlANtiY, Olt fklUL CIIARV1MI.:' Ilnw either Be hiiy favlnate and gain the love aod aHeotions of any' person they thonee, In stantly, 1 his slinplw mental acquirement all can pwsess free, bv mul, for 2,5 ceut;, together with a Mairllne (luide, EVyptlan Oracle, Jlre.iiiu, Hints tn Lid e.. A ilr l"V'k. lOO.Oniilid. AdlrensT. WILLIAM 4 l)() Hubs., phi'adelpbU, NEW DRUG STORE IN LEIIIGUTOaY. tH . W. lienshaw Respectfully Informs the citizens of Lc hlghton'niiil vicinity, that ho has'.opeii ,a Drug Store, in STAm'FK'n'tj IIlock, on Bank Street, Lehighton. nnd that he has Juat received an assort .IlK'Ilt of l'lll'C IJ'nigs, Cliciulcnls, I'll in 1 1 j- DIciUcIhpn, Flavoring Exlracts,lVrfumery,Coal Ojl, 1'iii-e lVliicN anil I.liiiiorN. For Medicinal & Sacraui'ental IPfrposci. Clf.lllS, 'l.OH.tytCO, Uq.f which ho will supply at the rcry.lou'est price for Cash,- Rens.haw's Writing Fluid, . TliiiJlestln tlitiMurket. ATAVIIOLES.VLB AND RETAIL. The attentl'oii of Chemits' Is specially .called' to this art'cle,' which',' while 'it Is lully eiuat to the best III .the nuu'ket, Is sol I at 23 par cent, less thim any oilier. Qualitative, Chemical ExattilnatlonS. catelully iiiinlii nt leit'Oiiab e charges. F'tuiily Piescrlplioii3. vatuliUly com pounded. . W" Tim pHtronago of tlio public. Is very reapeetlully siilieited. T. W. HKNSHAW, apr It., CheinUt mul DrugRNt. FQIo IV lit) in it may Cuueei u. Notice Is hereby clvi n,. That I have Inanutl to George Relirlg tiuu p-ilr of Mules, ami hereby forbid all persons to meddle with the same. J031A1I H.VUMAN. Uauuiansville, April 20, la7t-wU For Tue Cabdox ADrroirtJ TO FOKTUNB. ir John hacchcs. O thou, Tvho slnco this world began, Hath made, or inarrdi tlio destiny of man, liiiploro tlie,pltyoftlio mlshtJovo Itulcf of nit that In Olympus movo To clinugo foronco relentless Fiito's decrco Anil to tby pilsonud eyes kIvu Liberty. 0,Vortuno! coulilst thou but a moment gaze, Heboid foe onco tlio bright and heavenly lays, Of Truth mul Justlco, thcniwould tlio light Uovutil the errors ot thy darkened llffht, Anil tell thco olt thy irohlen showers fall Whore leubt deserved, or not deserved at all. Look'thc.n, blind godncss, on tho world anil lfnd How oft to genius thou hast been unkind, Talent anil honor, honest toll or skill, liytht'u noalectod strlvd In vnl'n to nil Life's dreams with Hope. 'The' baser slave, Viio ahjecf kneels natters but to'ci-avo aiij- wnj-wuro smno too olt may gain,, lly inbiins that ioblo minds ,il(sdi'iln', Niilne, 'wealth, position, all thou cans't be tdw, ' ' '. '.'!' Tho world's npp'lnuso1 ; and man In hbrnago. low In shining golif nil virtue, w:sdpin,sce( And pnlse, not what he It', but oitglit to be. O. For nna' then foronco thliin pyosunblml. Toilong tu ilarkness hidden und confined, Ki'.stoio tlie light, and a(l .man s 'common aim, i . ' '.,:') That all limy Hya, nor s)iould cold uvnrlco , .claim , (. Itleh t'enkircil horilcs, prido, 'pomp, n'nfl , power., 1 MnWd brrlhg man tho tyrant of qn hour, l).irkins Ids soill, 'a'n'il 'oo'f his nat,uro j ilu'ows A golden Veil, that hides nnotbct;'s wqcs lliti,k,vel( lliy ecUrse, 'and shn'ro thy "gilts niciilml Let holnlessljiilsciy no iioro bo found', Anil think-, wleio er thy golden' fa voi s. lull, Tho Great Creator made eioligli fornll. Siiuiincr Tt; ;n el. Pleajtiro travel, which has becomo so common with alt chfcses of Ainericnils during tliesummer mnnllis, Is anticipat ed by-many as tho most .enjoyable event .of tlio entlro year. It carries them to new seenes, familiarizes' them with Mrnngo 'people, breaks tlio monotony of their. lives, relieves timnifora time from me'ntal and bodily strain, and relnvtg ora'es tliem for life's cares'and' duties. It, therefore, becomes iv momentous .qucslion how tills recreation, often lim ited by considerations of' economy both of tlnle'nnd liicuis, can most profitably mid plenfantly bo enjoyed. JIany of our-transportation lines havo arranged routes nnd rates to meet the require ments of tho people, anil from season to seaoii-theso facilities aro improved and .extended. Tlie1 Pennsylvania Railroad Company lias galm-d ndilgh reputation 'for tho facilities It annually' presents .tl.ls class of travelers, nnd the populari ty Its' lines enjoj Is'well merited. They extend Into the most Interesting por .tlons'of tho' Middle States, and excur sionists can be can led over them for Jong distances nt.lbw rntes. without lannnylng changes or transfers.- Its roadway and rolling stock are prphably tlie most perfeet In 'America, mid it management is complete, careful, and courteous'. As n consequence the com fort 'of travelers Is, 'assured and their safety guaranteed. Every reader of current news Is aware ot tlio. fact that a "terrible- accident" is rarely chronicled on any portion Of this great railroad system. So far as FCnery gpes, no lines of rollroad on the cdiituent ein surpas thbio running tlirough Peiiitylvaula. i Magnificent agricultural pauoraiaAs, beaullful river views, splendid mountain pictures, picturesque hills and, valleys, llovely villages, and llourMiing towni and cities nre seen lu qulclc succession.. A ride of twelve liouri between Phila delphia nnd Pittsburg shows more Inter esting variety tlian chn bo seen in tlio nnio thiiu and dlstiincu any where else jlu the United States, ami from tills main channel a score of brandies run, leading to localities and veorts of un surpassed atrractlvouessami world-wide popularity. Tiiu Statu of, rennsylvahla Is In Itself nn lnte,ri'ting'ftuilyl Its busom iolds all the antlirucltu and much of tlio bit 'umnlnods'coal found on thu continent. Its hidden fountains prOduqu the larger portion of the oil now ho ossuh lal iu (lie cnmfoif 'and industry or the world. Janc of iu hou 1 1"" " "1MMVCVI.IIII.'1UIIUII, and other Ores, which aro utilized In liu-nniii-u manufactories teen in every val lei".' Its forests slijiplytlloprittclp.il part f the lulnber used In tho great cities of tlio Atlantic seabdaid.. Its soil varies fiohrtliu i Idlest to thts pome's..' Us lor lit ny is washed by the tides of (lie At Untie und tlie waters of Lake Erie, and' is niiiiici into uiu uuir or Mexico by livers ii.it Igablp iiiorb hnn two tli iu Mini .idles. Its b.iipiil.irles completely beperat) New E:ul..i I iitul No'w YuK lrtiiiituu.Missi.-,aip ha leyiiiudltsiiiitiro ai-ea lsilutti'd by (.cein'i of more than onllii'iry hlMpiIiMl interest, All theao Vouiuiii.itluii, add to the elmrru und In tercet ut liavcl.and oyery AineiU'an can liud souieihiiig I ( It liistruetlvo nud gnitifyiiig. The accommodations provided for sum. nier tuuii.ts on tho lino or the IVniisyl vhiiI.1 Ruilio.nl nre inisurpasicJ. Good' liolula in all thu tun us reached tiy itiare thu rule, not thu uxpeetion, and many ut theju tre elegant in nil yueiruppoiut- uenis. n wouiu oe ditiicQit to select a highway or travel anywhere that can compare, in tho essentials of comfort, sefety, expedition, and Interest.with tho magnlllceiit system of railroad managed by llils company. Tlie C'lalu ant lias not lost much In be Ing depflved.of 1 tho Tichborno estates, if nil that Is slated regarding them, bo true. He would have come into a bar ren Inheritance, and Is likely to'llvo in a far better and an Infinitely less em barrassing stylo whither he has' gono than could havo douo In the baronial halls for which I e'mado so desperate a struggle. It seems that thu estuto will bo lustlii litigation by reason ir tho expense attendant upon the recent trials. Tlio trustees ot tlio estate have, hadito bear thu brunt, of tho legal pro;eedings, tho costs of. which amount. to over $203,000(1 which Is more than the value of thoprnp. erty. Tho Doughty trustees, who had charge ot a portion qt tin property, and who werd not Involved ' lii the suit for ejectment, express!! their" tVlillng'nejs .o agree to bear 'a certain proportion bt Ihe expenses;' but,' as the haj'.'iit of tho estat'.i i'tisiVled' tiiat'lliey'sliould'b.iy' inoro than a fair proportion, 'they' now reft(o to pay anything Tlie ri'suj't will be, either 'that tho estate' will, bo 'sold, 'or that tlio trustees of tlie tW'ri estates of 'the'lutant'lielrs will enter'lnto a pro lonsit'd iitiatloil. 'Arthur Orti!ii';can', tlierefiife', If he'clii:risUb.s'any''hnmiullty towards' tlio Tfehb'drnii fa'ullly; ling to his heart' tlio consolation lliaf, if ho' coitid no't''hvo'the bstates; h'fs adver saries are in'nn eliually litieiivlablb po .sltlon. C7ert'afnly ' iio "W id 'j.ill, 'but eveii' liero' hi has nri' ailvahthge, slnco the paternal government has kinilly .givoalilnftt root over his heAtl, wlillo the Tfdib.irnes aru not' so dfcslr.tbly situated. There seeing to bd sufinething' i-iulically wrotig.in tliat lAw'tvliJcJi per ttilts a'uUm'podtor' to .leiiyO.tUiJil'yy thoso he attempts to piuuderv by put ting them to a ruinous expense lu o.det that they may defend their own against Ids rascally machination's.- -The moral of tlio affair seems to ho 'that; when h seoundrjl.canot gain possfisslou, of an estate that is not his own, he can suc ceed In milking it Imyos'lblo' for' its rightful owners to keep.it. , t Sir- Henry Tliomison, one of jio, most distiagulslied ot lTiiglish living pliysl claus, said In a recent speech that all men tit actloti, whe'lheredueated or not, require a foil of some .kind to .their liour4s ot blank toil, and wont on to say that If you take nway liquor from tho workingtuan you must put; Tn 'Its placo somu, ngeut of amusement wfilch will glvo tlio elevation of spirit nnd buoy ancy of hntt furnished byalcbhbl. He hold's, therefore, that on' nlj' days, rind espeplaily on Sundays, .qqffep houses, reading' room, libraries, museums, and plcturo'gilllerle's should be:thrown open to laborers. ' ' ' In Mount Vernon;' Olilo, the'women hayo now got things reduced to a sys tem, Iuste&d of being at. tho trouble to go arouud in the mud to pray and sing, they Just put up a senary 'box iti front of each saloon, mid station a' lady .In It to tako down, tho-. tamo nd note tho 'condition of every roan who. eutdra or leaves It. ItlsSaldtoworklike'ateliarni. Tlie fair sentries 'dell'g'li.t''jii.lielr duty, and do not jvolconie thu,, rustle pf petti' coats indicating" tho approach o( the relief. In Susquehanua Depot on Tuesday night three men, "vessluger, Ltwlor, and Dodgo quarrelled In a saloon. AH were intoxicated. In thu fight Kessing er staboo.I both 'tie' others. Lftw'or died soon afterward, and, flodgc.', is' notox pected tn live. Kessluger escaped and; has not been hoard from. Tlie Supremo Court nt Pennsyl. vanla has ruled that 'a demand for pay. mailt ot n note, unist.lio iimile at a rea tonablo time of day; If nt private resi dence not at nn hour when It may be 'presumed that tho fumjly s In bod, and If at a, place of business, ,ln business hours. In Switzerland there Is a law which, compels every newly mimed cnupie lo plant six trees Immediately after tho ceremony, and t'ttoon thu birth of every club,!. ' . As a proof that American ludustry is not dead, It. Is reported that a party ot moil arh digging for Kidd's treasure near Urldgeport, .Oonn. Arthur Ortou has bccoiuu verj-devout. He is au arduous worker, nm etlU asserts that lie is Sir Roe'r.