u. v. MORTiiniKR editor. LKIIIQIITON, VAJ SATURDAY MOKNINU MAY 2, 1871. The JLcUlgb Emery Wliccl manufactory. Among tlio most recent and promls-' Ing Industrial enterprises ot tho Lehigh Valley, wo nro pleased to note the nbovennmed establishment nt Weiss port, In our own county of Cnrbon. The Institution is nlready raising Itself Intolarge proportions under the manage ment of tlio firm of Messrs. Butterfield, Marsh, & Co. Tliey manufacture, be yond question, the best emery wheel now made In connection with the most nrtlstical and Improved Machines or Grinders upon which to mount the wheels for use. A visit to their establishment Is time well spent; although the most Interest ing part of It, we nro told, Is not open to public Inspeotlpn. Tliore nro six private departments, and preparations aro now made to build an addition to their main building, to accommodate more machin ery already ordered. If appearances Indicate anything, (and tho men who have bold of it ore well known and re liable) then the establishment gives pro mise of becoming one of the leading and most wealthy manufactories of the Lehigh Valley, at no distant day. The prospects for this aro based, we think, upon well settled principles of political econoiriy, because an article of such great utility, and In such great demand, and possessing all tho d cslrable qualities can not fall but produce manyfold. Repeated and continued trials have positively demonstrated that, very rapid and free cutting- combined with great durability, absolutely free from all smell glazing or gumming and beating are standard qualities of tho newly discovered Lehigh Emery wheels,. They make wheels of all sizes and grades fiom the best quality of Turkey emery. It Is very Interesting to seo tho wheels at work. Let n hard flleorpleco of Iron bo held op tho wheel while ,ln motion and U pjofluces a beautiful cir cle of Are, and yet neither the metal applied or the wheel will heat, thus making It another great improvement upon nil other wheels now manufactur ed for the purpose of grinding and bhaplng tools, where the temper of the metal dare not be Injured. Wo have not tho space at our com manded to glvo descriptions of tho var ious sizes and pecularltles of their Machines or Grinders, and of the Dia mond Tools which thsy keep on hand. Tho firm Is conjpoied of Messrs. Wm. Wagner and W. M. Bapsher, of Leh lghton, and A. W. Marsh and Isaac Butterfield, of Weissport. They ex pect soon to havo nil their machinery and matters fully arranged for business. A number of orders, before having sent out circulars or agents, aro already on file n w.s)tinu their attention. We wish them that full measure of success which Is clearly theirs. A dispatch from Washington, dated, April 20, to tho N. Y. Sun, says: The frieudsof Inflation havo finally agreed upon their programme, and tha debate upon' tho Tresldcnt's message will be very incisive, and no special care will be taken to save the feelings ot Its author. An address to the country has been prepared, and will be signed by all tlio Republican Senators and Itepre seutatlyps who favor Inflation. This will bP made public In a few. A square Issue Is to be made beforo tho country, and the leaders In this movement are confident of success at the fall elections. They claim that they will carry every Stato on this Issua save tho New Eng land and the Pacific coast States. It is to bo a war of tho people, they say, against the banks and moneyed institu tions, As a first step In this crusade a bill has been prepared and vlll be Intro duced In the Sonato at an early day re storing tbo Incomo tax, AH salaries and Incomes over $5,000 are to ba taxed five percent,,andtb030 over $10,000 ten. per cent. This measure, they claim, can be put through without difficulty, and the President dare not veto It, It will bo absolutely necessary to Increase taxation. Tho President admits this, and by tho Incomo tax alono can the Increased burdens bo taken directly from the shoulders of tho masses, Zina Fay PIcrco, the daughter of a clergyman In St. Albans, Vt., leads a departure In thetcmperance movement. She has formed a society, and written for It a creed. Tba points of her teach ing are that the milder forms of liquor should not bo classed with tbo fiery; ht beor-drlnklng and beer gardeps shofild be countenanced by all young ladles; jtliat .women should drink malt liquors Jusbud ot tea; and that the total abstinence pjedgtuls "a Itlgma upon the communion, end a direct accusation against tho wisdom and morality of our blessed Savour hlmsejf.'" Zim Is young tloquent, and pretty. Consequently plir has many followers. At a meeting of tlio Associated Banks of Eastern Pennsylvania, held nt Beth lehem,' on Tuesday last, the following resolutions was uimmlnously adopted; Itesolvcd, ThatthU association favors a modillcatlon of tho National Currency Act, so as to authorize free baujtlng under leasonablo restrictions, allowing circulating notes equal tn the current market vnluo of tho b.qn.ds pledged for their redemption, not exceeding their face value; and such chango In the law relating to reserves as will render the same flexible, and available fur uso In tho timo of great stiingency. On Tuesday last the U. S. Senate, after a long discussion, refused to pass tho Financial bill over tho president's veto, by a, vote as follows: Yeas, 44; Nays, 80. All the Inflation Senators votod t.o,pass the bill over the. veto. Chicago, April 27. In tho Criminal Court ot this city, Judge Gary sentenc ed Dr. Paul Schoeppo, convicted of for gery, to three years In penitentiary. Ills counsel declare tit Intention of taking the caso to Supremo Court ou writ error. New Advertisements. jtlDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN SCIIOCK, Dec eased. In tho Orphans' Court of Carbon County, at March Session, 1674. Exceptions to Widow Apprataemeut. The undersigned ap potuted Audi tor bj the Court to take testimony and report tho farts In reference to the same ip, tho above case, will attend to the duties (if his ppointmeut at his office, In the Borough ot Maur n Chunk, on Mon day, tho 2,11 h day of May, 187'j. between the hours of 10 A. M, and 4 l M., at which time and place all persons Interested In "the same mar npr.earlf they think proper. W. 11. LEONARD, May 2, 187-w4 Auditor. JSSIGIWEK'S NOTICE. Notice Is Ticreby given, that II, A, Beltz, of Lehlghton.Carbon county, Pa., and Emma E. his wife, by deed qf vol untary assignment have assigned all tho personal estate of tho said II. A. Baltz to Tilghman Arner, of New Mahoning, Carbon county, Pa., in trust for tho benefit of the said II. A. J7eltz. All persons, therefore. Indebted tothn said II. A. Beltz, will make pay mon t to me, tho said assignee, at New Mahon ing, or to my duly authorised agent, H, A. Beltz, at Lehlghton, and thoso hav ing claims or demands will make known thesame within six weeks from this dato. TILGHMAN AUNEH, Assignee of II. A. Beltz, May 2, 1874-w8 AT PRIVATE SALE. The Lehlahton School Board now offer, at Prlyotp Salo, the following do- scnueu vaiuaoie uual, estate, be ing a portion of the Public School Pro perty ot the Borough of Lehlghton, to wit : One Lot and Building, situated on tho corner of Iron ond Pino streets, and bounded and described as follows : On the north by Iron street ; west by a common alley ; south by a lot owned by Joseph Obert, and east by Pine street. The lot Is 00 feet front by 180 feet 0 Inches In depth. Also, TWO LOTS, Numbered 153 and 154, situated on Pino street, In said borough, bounded and described as follows : On the west by Pine street; south by lot No. 155; ease oy west alley, and north by Cedar alt ley. Niiil lots being each CU feet front by 189 feet 9 Inches in depth, .dlso, One Lot and Building, Situated on Northampton street, and known as the South Lehlgblou .School Property. Also, t3T For terms and further particu lars, apply to either of tho undersigned. JOHN S. LE.NTZ, President. A. J. DUItHNG. Secretary. Dn. N. II. HEUEJR, Treasurer. Lehlghton, May !, 1874. jgttrotcct Your Iluildiug : Which may be done with one-fourth the usual expense by using GLINES' SlateRooflng PaintCement BT Send for Testimonials. AGENTS WANTED In Evehv Town A roof may be covered wllh a very cheap bldngle, nud by application of this slate Do mado to last from 2U to year?. Old roofs can bo patched and coated, looking much better and lasting longer than new shingles without the Slate, for One-third the Cost of Re-shingling, Tho expense ot Slating new Shingles Is only about flip post ot (Imply laying tbem. The Slato' Is FIUK PKOOF against sparks or flying embers. For tin and iron It has no equal, as it ex pands by heut apd contracts by cold nnd never cracks or scales. Roofs covered with Tar Sheathing Felt can, bo' maae waier-ugm ai a small expense, The Slato Paint Is Extremely Cheap! two gallons will cover 100 square feet of shingle roof, or over four nunarea pi iinor lion, rnco ready ,'pr use Is 80 cents per gallon, with a liberal discount to the trade. No Tar is used in this Composition. On decayed shingles it tills up the holes and nores. hardens them and elves a new substantial roof that will last for years. Curled or warred shingles, It brines to their place aud keeps them there. It I11U up all botes In TIu or felt roofs, aud stops the leaks, que coat oeing equal to nve or ordinary paint. The color of tho Slato when hri ap piled Is daik purple, changing In about a raouth to a light uniform slato color and is TO all intents and purposes, Slate Orders respectfully solicited. For iun iniurmauon address, N. Y. SLATE HOOFING CO, No. O Cedar Street, New york'Clty ditilni.strntor'g Salo Qt Yaluablq l$stl Instate! The undersigned' will sell, at Publo Bale, on' tho jircmlses., In, tho Borough of WEISSPORT, Carbon county Pa., On MONDAY, MAY 4th, 1874, commencing nt TEN o'clock A. M., tho fallowing described Iteal Estato, to wit: All that certain lot or piece of GrouDd, situato in tho Borough of Weissport, Carbon county, Pa., bounded on tho west by lot No. 41, In the plot or plan of said borough ; ou tho south by lot No. 89; on tho north by land of Lewis Weiss, and ou the east by White street, being tho one-half of lot No 40, con taining on said White street 00 feet, nnd In depth of that width 83 feet G Inches to lot No. 41. Tlio Improvements aro one Double Two- Story Brick DivciVtiic; IIoiihc, 38 feet front by 28 feet deep ; Black smith's Shop, 30 x 20 feet, aud other outbuildings. ALSO, n'.'t that certain lot or piece of Ground, situate in tho Borough of Weissport, Carbon county, Pa., being t'.iu oue-half of lot No. 40, bounded on tlio southeast by Franklin street; on tho northeast by lot No. 48; on the south west by tho other half of said lot No. 40, and on the northwest by Allen St., containing 20 Porches, rnore or loss, Terms and conditions will "0 made known at tho tlmpnnd place ot sale, by IIENltV BOYEU, Administrator of the Estato of Danlol Iirum, deceased. April 10, 1874-wU A1 sslgnccs Notice. Notice Is hereby clven. that Gideon Nothsteln, of New Mahoning, Carbon county, Pa., and Leah his wife, by deed of voluntary assignment havo assigned all tho estate, real and norsonal. of tho said Gideon Nothsteln. to Tilehmnn Arner, of Now Mahoning, Carbon Co., Pa., in trust for tho benetlt of the said Gideon Nothsteln. All persons, therefore. Indebted to tho said Qldeon Nothsteln, will make pay ment to mo, the said assignee, at New Mahoning, and those having claims or demands will mako known the samo within six weeks from this date. TILGUM1N ARNER, Assignee of Gideon Nothsteln. March 14, 1874-w8 A! salcaeos Notice. Notlco Is hereby clven. that rlah II. Loqg, of Lehlghton, Carbon county, Pa., and Louisa his wife, by deed of voluntary assignment havo as. signed all the estato, real and personal, of tho said Zachariah II. Long to Tilgh man Amor, of New Mahoning, Carbon county, Pu., In trust for the benefit of" the said Zacharlah II, Long. All persons, therefore, Indebted to the said Zaclmrlah II. Long, will make payment to me, tlio said ossignee, at Now Mahoning, or to my duly author ized neont. Zanhnrluli II T.mi. at r.n highton, nnd thojo having claims or do-1 nmnas win inane Known the same with in six weeks from this date. TU.QIIMAN AUNER, Asslanoo of Jtacharlah II. Lone. March 14th, 1874.-W8 , OS, M, I'UITZIiVGUIt, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposlto T. D. Clauss' Store, BJNK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., respectfully Informs his friends and tho public, that ho has lust received a now and excellent assortment of Men's Wot men-s and uniidren'a Uendy-Jlado Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, Which ho will Sell at the Lowest Prices. t3? Boots nnd Shoes made to order. and Repairing nently and substantially done at short notice. tap aa-yi "A Jftarcr Approximation to the HEAL SITAN QUILL than Anything Hitherto Intentcd," Tho COX STAMTLT INCRtASINO sale f tha SPENOERIAN DOUDLK ELASTIC Steel lens I Is owing to their luperior writing qualititttkU testeil by theedltorlaUndorsemeatofOTer 10OO f.iperi, ami bj Merchants, Lawyers and Hankers without number. Thsj are all made of the beat Steel, In tha beat mauner, by the beat workmen tn Kurope. Jbr Sale by a!l haltrt. , To accommodate Viote who may with to try then pens, oe toitl lemX a ChrJ, containing one each of the IS Numbera, ly mail, on rtuiptofiSc. Ivlson, Blakemnn, Taylor St Co., 138 and 110 QUAND STREET, X. Y. April 23, 1871. jAIIIlIEIi GRAVER, Opposlto tho Public Squaic, SOUTH ST., LEniGIITOSr, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all kinds of tST Roofing, Spouting promptly attended to. and Jobbn nov. 80 LET, A Uouse and Stable In Lelilghtoq, hot particulars enquire ot W. LEE STILES, April 25, 1874. Packerton, o Whom It may Concern. Notice Is hereby clven. That I have loaned to Qoorge Ilehrig one pair ot Mules, sua hereby forbid all persons. to meuoie wun mo samo. JOSIAII BAUMAX Baumansvlllo, April U0, 1871-wU AT COST! In order to close out present stock. tho undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Leilghton and vicini ty time no has Marked Down Prices of all kinds of Goods to about cost, nnd will Sell ?oi' Cash Only lie. has In stock a largo assortment ot Dry Goods, Groceries, ' Provisions, (tuccuarrnre, Hardware, and a variety ot other articles too num erous to enumerate. If you desire to securo Now Is your Time A Small Sum of Money will Buy a Large Quantity ot Goods I Storo Opposite L. & S. Depot, BANK-street, Lehighton, Fenna. Z. H. LONG, -4gent. TiLOUMAN AnNF.it, Asslgneo. March 28, 1874. clssport Abend! The undersigned would respectfully Inform builders, contractors and the pub. 11c In general, that they have opened a In connection with their SAW- MIXJL, Near the L. A S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., and that they have now on hand an Im mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned Lumber, such an KouqU Pine Boards, Surfaced Pino ioards, Flooring, Hemlock and Pino, Hidings, of all kinds, Shingles, nn Immense stock, Booting and Ceiling Lath, Scantling, and, In faot, Lumber ot every descrip tion at tho very lowest market prices. Wo nro also prepared to furnish Build ers nnd others with a very fine article of Sand, suitable for Masonry Work, Plastering, &c, at Re markably Low Figures. We havo constantly on band a large lot of Wood suitable for Firewood, which wo will sell, In large or small quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets Ou Mono HONEST COUNT LOW MIOIS. Yeakel k Albright, Weissport, aug 23-yl Carbon county, Ta 1874. SPRING. 1874. Tho understated respectfully Informs her friends and tlio ladles In general, that slio Is now receiving a large stock of tho Newest and moot Fashionable Deslgps In lilliueiy Goods, for Spring and Summer Wear, such as LADIES' 1IAT3 and BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, 7 LOWERS, NOTIONS, e., c. Ilats and Bonnets made up In the latest and most fashionable manner. .411 goods warranted, nnd Piloes are fully as low as elsewhere. stui;k, net door to "The Carbon Advocate" TJANKWAY, L.eh1gton. LIZZIE KRAMER. Jdarph 14th, 1874. MILLINERY! Latest Styles and Lowest Prices) 2d door below II. E. Church, BANK STREET, Lehightou, Fa., baring had upwards of Thirty Year mr'tolre in the Millinery Business, desires to foform her friends and the Ladles geoerslly, that she keeps constantly on band a largo assortment of NOTIONS, TIUMMINQS, NATURAL and A"TI- riciAi. iiaiii. Hair Braids & Switches Made to Order, She has also Just receired from Kew York a full and elegant stock of comr-rUlriK lUti, Bonnetf, nibboni,?lower, tao, Craptfi. Vnncj Uoodi, Corietn.GlnTg, Collars, Lace Edging, NeckU.,Kuehai llaadkarchteft, Ao, MOURNING GOODS furnished at short notics nnd at Lowest Prices. March 11, 1871. MRS. K. FATH. The undersigned hereby cautions all persons against negotiating a Note, dated April 4th, 1671, for tM, given to William Iterger. residing an tlio Toby hanna, as I shall refuau to pay the said note, not having received value therefor. JOIItf DISTLER, Towaraenslng twp., parbou co., Pa. April 18, J8T4-W8 CORDS OF wo on. The umlers'cneJ has now on the Canal Bank, at Weissport, about 35 Cur da of Seasoned Firewood, which he offers In one lot at a reasonable price. Also, a Quantity of SCREENED SAND, suit able for Building purposes, very low' for cash. J. II. DIMMICK, apr 18-w. Wtimport, Pa. Now Advertisements. 3 School Teachers Wanted In th county fhr tha Spring and Summer, $159 erntBth. Semi 'of Olmllsr el'lng 'id psrllcii- y.mui.KH a hcuukui, lyiiisai'ipDis, ra, Tile Shortest Route to Fortune. $450,000 Giye Away I 1 100,000 FOR ONLY $2.50 1 Grand Legal Gift Concert tn alJ of a JuTpnlltj Reform School at Lraren- worth, Kan. UilAWING AIMUL 30, 1874. Ono Trite guaranteed In erory pack ape of 11 Ticket. H.nRieTlcketd, $2COt oiorfui n roi But 1W tickets left: aml.ai our Mlea art rapid purchaser ahould order at once. Aojl money arrmng too me win do returned, uoou. re1 able Agents wanted everywhere, for full particular, address SIMOK ABEIiES, Jia: Sl-wl LKAVKNW0HT1I, Kan. C. L. ALLEN offers his surplus stock of OhoiceMix'dGladiolas at wholesale for $3 per 100, 20 perl'HKJ. Sent bj express upon receipt of price. Send for catalogue. Address 0. L. ALLIlt, Csttsi, H. 7. & FLORENCE The Long-contested Suit of the FLORENCE 8KWINO MACIIINH CO. atralnat the 8lncer. Wheeler A Wilson. and Urorer A llaker Companies, Involving Over 8300,000, Ts finally decided by tho Rnnreme Court nf t he United States infavor of the FI.OURNGB, which alone has liroken the Monopoly 01 mgu rncos. TIIM NEW FLORENCE Is the ONLY Machine that sews backward and furward, or to right and left SimpuetCbiafi9T Besxt SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. SPECIAL, TEUM3 TO Cluba nud Denlera. April. 1871. FioRinci, Mass. YOUtt TKKTII can be made pure whit-, and pre vented fiom decay bv theu'n of "Viwrratiue.' PrlceS lc. Address J. J II SAM A Co , Box 4484, N. Y. Tills Sewimt Machine gives the tw&t ntlktaciiuu tn the user. Is paid for most readliv, and Is the best of Ml to oell. If there Is nn " Domontlc".a(ient In jour towu, apply to DOMFSTIO 8 M.COy.Y. BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for your MACHM EAT TO LIVE I Write to F. K. SMITH A CO.. Atlantic Mill. TlrooMyn, Y manufacturers of the Crualic1 IVtilte Wheat for their pauiphlet (sent lre) on FooiUf lth Import a t extracts from Uidio, Johhsoi nnd other prlentlnts. Head It and save your health and money. mr.21.-w 4 Exterminators And Insect fovdrj Foil Kitta, SIlco, Itoaches, Ants, Beil-Hucs, Motlm, &c. J. F. HENRY, CUltKAN fc CO , N. Y., Sole Agents. (CpSYCIIO.MANUY, OU fOUL L'llAll.MINII." -aT Urw either anx may fascinate and cnln the love and alTections of any person they choous in stantly. This simple menial acquirement all can possess, free, bv nvafl, for 25 cents; together with n Mairtige Ouide, Egyptian Oracle, Dretms, Hints to Lades. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Tubs., Philadelphia. NEW DRUG STORE m LEinaiiToiv. T. W. Renshaw Respectfully Informs tho citizens of Le hlghton and vicinity, that bo has open a Drug Store, In Stauffeh's Block, an Bank Street, Lehighton. and that he has Just received un assort ment of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Family Medicines, Flavoring Extracts.Perf umery ,Coal Oil, Pure WIucs nnd Liquors, For Medicinal & Sacramental Purposes, GIGAIIS, TOBACCO, &c, which bo will supply nt the very lowest price for .Cash. Renshaw's Writing Fluid, The Best In tho Market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The attention at Chemists Is specially called to this article, which, whilo It Is fully cijual to the best in tho market, Is sold at 25 per cent, less than any other. Qualitative Chemical Examinations carefully made at reasonable charges. Family Prescriptions carefully com pounded. tST Tho patronage of the public Is very respectfully solicited. ' T. W. RENSIIAW, apc.ll. Chemist and Druggist. -JTjll.Oim AND FEUD. Theunderslgued Is now selling to the citizens of Weissport and vicinity, the TIIE CHOICEST Family Flour $4.25 2nd tirade - 3.50 JFor Cash! Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try It I &T HAULING of every description at Reasonablo Kates. Baggage taken to and from the Railroad Depots at tbo shortest notice. W. P. KLOTZ, Near the Canal Bridge, EAST WEISS PORT, Pa. apr ll-n8 -jyjIIiMKERY STORE. Of Weissport, Respectfully Informs tho Ladles of this vicinity that she Is now prepared to Make Up Hair Switches, CURLS, PUFFS, fltC., at short notice and at tho lowest prices. She Is also now 6penlng a new and els- gatu assortment ot Spi'iiig" Croods Comprising, Hals, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Notions,. &c, nnd respectfully Invites an Inspec tion of them liy tho Ladles. All work will bo done in tho most fashlonabl nnd substantial manner, and at price which are bound to suit every one. MRS. GUTH. .Varch 7th, 1874 D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, And Dealer In Gent's Furnishing Goods, LEUIGHTON, PA. Constantly on hand a splendid, stock ot NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths. Cassl meres and Vestlngs.for Men's and Bos Wear, which I am prepared to Mako up to Order In the most Fashion able Styles, at short notice. , Ladies'. Misses nnd Children's A well selected stock ol French and Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots and Shoes au band, oj Made to Order. Mats & Caps9 Of the Latest Styles always ea hand, au the Lowest Price.. Also, Agent for tha American & G rover & Raker Sewing Machines. Only One Prlee for Everybody. Januiiry II, 1873-yl W. EACHES, Contractor 6c Builder,.. LE1IIQUTON, PE.NX'A, Plans and Specifications For all kinds ot Buildings made at tha shortest' notice. NO CHARGES Made for Plans nnd Specifications when the contract Is awarded to the under signed. A. W. EACHES. June 14, 1873-yl AVID EBBCIIT'S Livery & Sale Stables, BANK STKKET.liKHIOlITOK, Fa. FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. And positively LOWER. PRICES than any other Livery in the County. tST Large and kandsome Carriage for Funeral purposes and Weddings. Not.K, 1873. DAVID SBUKRT. ABUCKDUN, HiscriCTUaia, or Carriages, Sleighs, Huggles, and erer description ot SPRING WAGONS. Nearl; cppo.lt. Kul. Ilot.1, Baak Btraul, tatil(atOD, ra. KEPAlllINa PB0MITLV ATTENDBB tO reasanabl. charfea, ff-Patrorsge T.rjr rcxpecUullT lltlU4,a4 satisfaction Kuaranteed. K.b.7, 18T, A. HrjQKMAK. momje: lifi! IN THE BIBLE, Ilj the author cf "Night feenea ln tb. ilW a.i "Our Father's House," of valeU oearlr 20000 bar. been Mild. "Home Life" 1 1 commerced br ministers or all ebnrcbes aa 11 the anlbor'a bwt book," "full of precious tbouakts," "Tnitbs pr cloui as terns," a cholra book for at.rr Umur, 4c. Steel engraslojs, row tlntM VfTT-Jf blndtmr, and for rapid sal. unMuaJe. OBiTJ, VOUNO MKN, LADIK8,T1CAOiUKS and OtS OYMK.V, wasudtn aierreonaij $ to le fm mootb. Bend for circular. , 7JIXJLM McCOipT, tiiarTinS t Artb ft , PkUa4.1Tbla. r