The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 02, 1874, Image 1

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Lehighton Directory.-
reilrtd, 'Sini'r-Sewing ItitUne anil In
lurance. n.-xt ti K II. Border'a, Hank street.
lliirlier, .
II. D. MIDD1S, Paving, HT ''utttnqand HPiam
pnning, under l x ntnairflgii u"m"'""
limit mid Bline.JInltrra.
Char'i-al ' 'ltiHWtu jwrtejficc, Hank
slreel ' 0nfirtitnei.
Clinton ltiiiuJwftifewn a owtomtf, 1'1 k 'rut.
llv' p pit, fulfil icon. nj-..,tinM.
nnnnq''l KuIuih, tpppot-Ui nlerfa ston-; Bank
street,' AUord,hl,rtm1tt!!LJlUrd.
I)rv lomli Mini Uiocerlra. .
7. II. Let. I Lli. J. t. U'lPO'i '""K kt- t'f",'er ;?
Aar& v "'" ;' ,?!' '' 'fl
it. A. I eltl. 111.. t Block. 1 " ? J IP '
E. II. fcnsdtr, Bill street, Ay m"I. ''""J.
- Zf,C7mtV''"'J',J''l''W'f!
UCURU Ull,fUlt-"",! J. .
A.J SuTllnic, ltl do,.raU. .JV rv
OiU, 1-JwU, JkrjuPieq.JUext Mtdamet, tv.
. rh Ullnrilmnrt. .. A,-".'.
BtrVS, CHiraf' ""'". t-""".
Thoniiijnt?,"KJiunni,tP- tuU0 e1ua "',
Banket Fatienwiieit'd.
Furniture wiireliotise.
Y. P'liwaiu.lUnk -ireet, in all " V
JfctiuWre. ffjUhl wmhlo T"""-
' siejchant Ttllors.
Clauss 4 BiU Liui.k urtwt, ml "fulcra in OWi
f lnm. S. L-rk: I. 0. building ,1 ' : rt . '."'I
Mm. 1! 'Tlb, Biik street, 2nd "Innr below the M..
jj. church, .YeLwu and Trimming!
Pln-tUUuus n,,d Surfjon.
Br C. S. Ueiumii, rimer of Bank and Iron btrr
DrTil. ebir.nctt door to 1. O- llmk etrect.
toninrfjiLou in Jngltih and German.
' ProvUlon.
JM4 Ohert. Wi altcktngj Curing and fmckwg
JCitalliihMut. All urdertpromiJly. fill"'.
J. Fil7lim. r 1 Sou, Dank tt, rfeulr in i.our and
letd, Uioccriet, t'ruitland VtgeUMu.
WHtoliniuUer t Jeweler
X. 0. IkiI.i Mii.i)r, South Hrret, tank tl.
.11. KAl'SllEll,
Ileal 1 Mate aud Collection Aiiency. tt 111 Buy and
Sell K. nl KeUte. Couvejauclni! neatly dfllie. Lol
lectlulit jiroluplly tnade. betliin Ektatea of lle
endeui. specialty. Jlay be eunuulted lu;IUu
aBdUeiuum: boi.ri.
JXO. D. ".UltTOIateTTE,
Ornci-llut Nstloual Bink JliIMlng, 2nd 1'loer
May be comulted lu Germ ml pr IS, 1871
piu: o. uuijiicic, ,
OSIce, on UmupWAT, tlrat doi.r brloer Amerlrm
SIotel.MaUL'liCtiunk.l'onu'a. Collecttoui. prnmpt
J made. Nnv 'Z'i.
JJ'jjl, AlCJIallfciKAI,
Oct 18, 1873.
Kait Welaaport, I'.
N B. Salea of erery description attendel to at
reawnable cbargev The patrouage or the public
tt rftpectfully aollclted. Jau.21, '71.
Henry' Campbell, Eait'Weissport,
Vltero you'Cau always get the very best
artlclo at. the loAest price tur cash.
DooU and Shoes made to order mid
jieullyltek-ilred at short notice mid rea
onabe ttrrris. aprll-ui!)
Sunmill II 111, CarlioiL Co., la,
Ar lion of accouiiiiodaliODB. r xcelleul res
taurant underneath. Uoud lUhllui atlachid
lerioe numerate.
North fast corner of
PWUilrlplit - - Peim'n.
FRKli'K 60I1MIDT, l'roprletor,
Superior accmuuioditlouK for trarelera at
moderate ihargel. I'arllea tUIUiic Iheilly from
til, Incalliy are (pecttlly Inrlted to luake Ibe 1 e
hUli Valley lloue their Hopping place, mar. 7
Architect and' Superintendent,
No. 122 S. Oth Street, Alleiitouii, l'a.,
luuiUlies Plans. Specifications and Esti
mates for Public atld Pilvate yjiilldlng.
Stairs, Kails, ic, Ccnstiucted anil
Set Up by,the most approved nifiliod,
nd t short notice. Patronnce Is res
pcetfully solicited, and silisluclion
fiuarnptetd. apr. St- 1
bacco, Cigars, Plpe.1, &o , next door to
Rex's Grocery Store, Sii-qiu-Uiuiu, St.,
Mnuch 'Chunk, respectfully nsk-i the
people or Lehighton and vicinity, when
visiting that place, to call in and try Ills
the very best In the market. Every
articles In his line warranted as repre
sented and at lowest prices. inar28
llua toUowlng Oompankn are lUprewuled I
Ibanon Mutual Fire,
Ending Motual Fire,
WyoiulQg Fire,
I'ottsville Fire,
. . " Lehigh Fire, and tho
Tra,j6ljcro! Accldent.lnsfcrance, '
Also leuniylTunla and Mutual Horse
Thief Peteotlu and Insurance Com
pany. itaioh 81), 187i.
Railroad Guide.
Wistta imtar.MiNT.
Pan-en zrrs for I'hlhdelplila will leare Lehighton
a. follows)
fi.un in , flu I...V.; arrlte at t'hlla at
7 a; in. ti i.. a 3. ' "
85 n.m
II. HI a.m.
It 1up.ui,
2.13 p.m.
2.t p.m.
CM p.m.
RVO lm.
a.lit.tll I.. V.
11.H7 p.ui,lll I.. F.
HOJ p. m. tla I,. V.
2i7..;tn'..Tlt !..".
417 p. m. H i1 L. H. '
111 p. m.Th. U V. i
M p. m. ill L, V.
8 20 pm,
ltetiiridn?. lare il..not at tterka and American
Hrcutp. I'lilla., at 7 lu, 8 90 and a. m.; 2.10
a.Ci), and 6 15 p. in. ,
litre Irom Iplp.h on. to l'hllid. Ipbla. x
l'eh I,1H74. M1LI.8 OLARK. Atfent
LiailUII A tiUfCiUhll.NNA mvisios.
m.rt:it auiiasgiuiest,
Coiiinieucliij! Deo. IS, 1873,
Iiow.v Tunas.
Nn.l. Sn.a,
No. 5.
A. M.
10 25
1 ' 110
12 20
3 17
No. 7.
r. m.
l 25
l.ii i
3 10
0 47
No. 11.
I' H.
Ure-n lilJ.o
riltulo . .
Wllkex Hal rt-
Wiilte II nen
l'enu llu'i. June. ,
A, IT.
7. '.15
8. (12
Mnuch Chunk 7 SO 11.00,
CatitfMnilia ...
ItelhletiHin i
Grille Lanion...
0 27
He Tbuu
No. lo. .No. i.
No 0.
r. M.
4 45
7 08
CaluhUUu ,
a. H.
a. v.
12 25
2.0-2 -24
m ia
'4 55
7 43.
0,111 ,
MauchChuuk 1,3
Uliltellaven...C, 11.23
1MlkeBurie. ... 1210
I'ltUlou 1U.I
bciantcn 1.30
ir.Ulieullldv'e 13,5
-VrjiicAftriliio I'niVu . it. Dotvn tralm Xoa 3
Mini 7, and Up lialua No. 10 and 4 connect at
.naui-tt i uunK,
."ttisiVim'a ltt 7 Down trains Xoa. 1,3, 5 A
7 .Hnn.ecri,tlI,-lhU(!ltf'nr)l'l.l,olelpllla. U.ti'ana
Noa. 10 4 4 roiimcalJlethliheut I'-r.l'hlludelphia.
netulliliiK leaic I'lolsdelpula at T.1U a. in r r Kux.
ton, .ilauchl.'huiik, lljtti,-U IlKea ilarre, Taiiui'iui,
bciantoii,) SliaiLti, c,; al.0 451 al nl.'tor Karton,
Mauch I liuiik, Tamaiiua, 'Wlllt-tuiiVirt, Wilkes
lime and Sirniiloii; at 210 p.liV'f.n' Si-nnilon,
Wl l;ea llarre and intermediate atatlona; at 3 30 p.
in. tor llitli and lntiu ; at 5.15 p. lu. firMauch
7Umuna Jlrofirh Up tralna Noa. '10 A 4, and
Domii tmliia Noi. 3, 5 A, 7toiuu-ct'atMauci Chunk
to Hnd fruin Tauiaiiua.
LrKtffh iC Laclawauna It. Down tralna Xos.
1 & 7, and Uptlillna N'f, 10 Jt C ci lltnct at llelh
liheui lor Bjth aud Cliapui.iu Quartlea. Return,
lu leaie Chapul.-iu'i' ut 1.M a. Ul. aud 2.15 p. ui.
Cenlrul liaitrwtl t.f .Ytie Jtrity. All tralna make
do t-i'tiuectloti al l-.t-tuu with tramaou Central
Rjilrrnad or New-Jersey, ' '
Jl.lvitiere.VeUwure Jt. It. Down tralnNos. 3
k 5, aifd Up tiaina .Nca. 1 14 connect at IMillllph
burtf with llefDel. R. R. to aud rioui Trentou,
t'hlladelphla and Rellldere
VlidaUtlphiH tSJitadnt Jtutlroad. The Depote
of the 1-aal I'enn II. R. and the L. & si. Dlvialuu
ale cuuLected by Street Can,
11. 1'. IIALlllVl.N, Gen. lVuenger Agent.
Feb. 7, 1 Ml.
Winter Time Table.
On and after SUNIUY, NOVK.MIIIIR 2J, 187
the trains on the l'hila. & Kile KR. Dhlsiou will
runaa tollowa:
BcrriLO Itxr&us leaves l'hlladelphla
' " llarrltburg
' Willi iraapoct
arr. at Rullalo
Erie Mail leares PMIadelpbU
' llarrihur
' ' Wllllanuport
' t' Ijick Haven
' arr at Erie
EtMlltt Maiuleatea I'biladelplila
" llarrlaburg
i " W II laun-port
' arr. at Lock Haven
12.65 p.m.
fi.i'5 p.m.
0.20 p.m.
'.'.16 a.m.
8J0 a.m.
1030 p.m.
3.05 p ui.
7-1 1 p m.
6 HO p.m.
10.05 a.m.
7 20 p.m.
8.0 1 a ui.
- 1.10 p.m.
G2J p.ui.
7.35 p.m-'
8 25 a.m
IIixota ACCOMMOD'.t laaeea llarrlsburp;
WilllamnD't 12 (A urn.
DAID EA0U MAIL leares Wllllamnp irc 1.15 p.ui
" arr. ai .ociv iumu
Bcrriio Eirtcjs leitci llaHalo
' luipiirluin
' Wllll3uirt
arr. at llarrubuu
' " IhllidelphU
Eait Mill leatea Erie
41 Renora
" w Lock Karen
" Willhun-port
" ll.irilaimrK'
' " llnladelpbla
Elhira MAiLleavea Lok llaien
" " Wllhanioit
" arr. at lUrlUlur
' l'hllad Inhil
3-10 p.m,
3 25 p m.
0 la p.m.
1.10 a.m.
4 5J am,,
9 10 a.m.
11.21 a.m.
t 40 p.m.
3 05 a ui.'
7.5i a.m.
0:ui a.m.
3.05 p.ui.
a.bu pm.
HARRIaBijRa ACCOM, letrea WllllMn"lvirt0 30,
arr. at llairl-burit lo.10p.ui
" I'hlhJelphU 2Sia.ui.
Baib Eaok Mail leatea L"rk llaieii 12.21 p.m,
y " arr. at W l.laoiport 1 31 p.m.
Mall Eaat connects and welt at File with L
&J:llaU W and at Curry and lrlluelun with
Oil Cnck a..d Al.eaheiiy l( R
.Mall tt'i wlin .n,t aud et tralna'nn I. S k M
ti R . aud at uirry aud itvloetou with Oil Creek
aud .tllei;lirliy It R ,
Elmira Mill and Until.! It X pro make clomi
rouneitionaal WlMaaiairt wlin , 0 It W trains
uirlb.aud at llarnsuurg wtlli N C It W tralna
auulh. l'M- A. 1IALUW l.N,(lell 1 Supt.
LehlLjhtou, Pa.
All lnatltutUii fur Uotli Scxea.
UeVjCIClSSSLlClt, 1'rluclpal and I'roferi r
ot i;iaalcaaud the Higher Euii ll
nlllS.M. C. lK!tL,BIl, I'receplrena aud
Teaciieruf I'aiuiingaat Ui-airlu
Mil. JOHN U, lClSsUUtl, A 11. l'ro
..jruf Latluaud Ureelc.
MISS K. O. Nfel.VU, Teacber of Music. '
IVILSON UlCllltlU Aialataut. -Vor
l'arllcularaayply tod. KESSLEll, Lehigh
uo)l"a. Oct.l7,l7J.
Floral Guide for 1874.
200 Pages j 000 Engravings and Colored
Plato. Fubllshtd Quarter!) , at 25 ets.
n Yeor. Flint .No. iur.1874 Just lamed,
A German edition at tt.iti.e 'pi let'. '
Adtlreaii JAMKS VJCIC,.
nov, !W. ' KotUeater. N, Y.
Tho Reatty & Piotts celebrated Gold
en Tongue
1XL fi&JlJWBi
U afkimvLledtrpil.tiy prorcsMint of mtinlo
ninl relehiatedj nrgnnlsts to be the lend
ing Parlor Organ now In it-H. Tetl
iiHintitltatid card nf honor are emiMluit
ly beinii received In favor of'tlleni. Wn
, tnppend a few and wish you to leitd
iii-iii :
ANTltnNY, N. J:, Jan. 25, 1873
Jessrit Ileatly itPots, Genu Your
Oigiin, Mild me, divert entire Mitlsfncllon".
It binlitj'iih'tineHrid style of worknmii
shin aieseliloln If ever s(iiianeil. WWi
lug you success in your buslines, 1 nm,
Willi ie.pi'Ct, Plot, M. II IJUA'ITY.
Shamokin, l'a.."Feb 11, 1874.
I have mil! tiNJeatly & I'lott-' Gulden
Tongue-Organs. It, I ,au excellent In
tli ilineiif, , line tonu and full power. ',1
like It better flian any I have heard.
M. II. IlAlllMiL. M. D.
LaoiiyV Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874.
1 have, had llealty & VUttti' Onan
i-llee .lngtift 14th, 1872; It gives the
highest sati-fai'tlnn, and has proved all
that it'Vtiis recommended by theprop'is
Slatington, P.i., Feb. C, 1874.
Realty .t Piotts' P.irllir Organ 1 like
heller than the Stiinil ml. mul It. nlvi-s
7i,7Tbelter dalUfnutlnui ns I find in my ttitv-
I l.i
Fit. V. Mayhu
St. Claih, Pa., Dee.' fith, 1873.
Mosmh. llenlly & I'lotts, Genti I
ihave received tlioOigaii.asM'ilt by your
lirm tome, and I have hod It examined.
and it gives ample witMaollnn.
Hon. John Siney.
Mahanoy City, Pa., Oct. Hi. 1872.
The llealty & P oils celebrated Gold
l l,(li, l,,ri,r numti l l i.....
' . , V ? " CBr
en iii-uue i-.uiur uruan is nv tar t iu
fully exaniiued If, and (ind its tone.
woikuiiiii.-lilp and dutahllily to b the
best I eters.iw, and I can with pleasure
reeiiuimend It to any In want of a (lrit
class parlor organ. Prof. O. II. Unoeii.
Mebirs. IJeatty & Piotts, of Washing
ton, N. J., aic gentlemen of enterprise,
and whose presence would be a credit
to any community. Uackettstown, JT.
J., Herald, 1872.
Washington, N. J. Sept. 5, 1873.
To Robert Moigan.'Pottsvlllu I am
happy to state that the Instrument gives
entile tatlsfucthin, not only to myself
but also to the teachers of tho Seminary
who are. better Judgus . .
Rev. A. M. Jelly.
We say, after careful and costly ex
periment, it is witli pleasure we intrti
iluco tho "Golden Tongue," knowing
it possesses tnanj advantages over all
others nianulactured. The tone ex-'els
in fullness,- purity, and the thousands
of testimonials which nro being con
6tantly lecelv'ed, are evidence that our
efforts have been eminently successful.
For particulars and Prh'e List, address
Feb. 21.0m Washington, N. J.
UK M A X II ATT A !V Sprln?
IIKI and Conibliiatlriii
OF WEISSPOUT, has been appointed
Jgent ,for Lehlgl'ton, Welssport and
vicinity to give our, citizens n chance to
see and test the merits of tho arrange
ment of spi lugs, lie Is willing to put
them on trial for any person for one
week', and if they do not' paove supe
rior to the Woven Wiro Mattress", Put
nam, Yankee, Norfolk, Wright, Sprlng
tleld, Howe, Tucker, Eureka, Junroe,
Imperial, United States. Walker, Con
necticut, Eagle, Snlyiu ,ort nny of - the,
one thousand and one Spring Reds that
have been put upon the market, you
nro not asked to buy It. Tho above
named beds have been discarded to
make room for the Improved. It has
no hiding place for bug,- has no shits
on top ot tl.e springs, but heavy duck
canvas, hooking at the base of the
spring, that may be taken oit and the
sluts removed (for cleaning or other
wise,) by jtnybi dy iu live minutes and
replaced at pleasure. Thespiings may
be changed to other portlum of the bed
with very Utile tiouble. The eprlngs
nie wai runted to keep place and last
longoi than tiny other lu use. For In
valids It cannot be surpassed. Ho fits
litem to tiny bedstead or dllfereiit weight
of persons, the largest number under
tlie htavlest pa it ot the body, and with
H light covering of hurks. cotton, straw
ued. or hair mattress they adapt them,
selves completely to thb body; The
ladbs bhou.d cull mid 'see tlie 'arrange
ment of spilngK for the cruille, and not
have to'tise feathers lu warm weather.
They mo belter than soothing syiup or
cordials I or the Utile ones, The spring's
are made.froiu the very best cist steel
from" the 'celebrated Sliellield wokrs of
'England. Come one and all and see
them. These beds' have been fully es
tablished In twelve different btutes.
The Furulturo men are especially In and examine; these beds.
Reds put upon trial and no one asked
to puiuiiase uulll alter u fair trial
nov 8 '73-tt Agent, Webspurt.
o wlioiu It may coucorn.
All persons are hereby forbid, harhon
Ing or tiuitlug my husband, prorge
Collins, on my account, as I will pay no
debts contracted by him alter tills date.
iFMUkllu twp., Jpill 17, 1871-v.a
Tlirco Very Itad Pears."
Jjatty Martin and her sister Fan
played out of doors nil last Summer
Even rainy days did hot keep them In,
for behind their house was a barn with
great wide-open doors ami a broad Moor.
A covered walk led to It, along which
the chlldrrn loved to FCamper. In the
front yard, there was a round arbor of
cvergnens, whlth iimde a capital doll
hmic. 'J hero the-e little girls carried
their tea-set on pleasant mornings, and
theie the dolls took ten at all hours of
the day.
The children's father was n farmer,
and he look care of n great fai ni belong
ing to Mr. Preston, who lived In the
handsome Inuse on the hill. Mr. Pres.
ton's gaiden and oiehnrds stretched
t'.own the valley to the faun hotisu
where tho Mm tin family lived. He was
fond of his trees'tind crops, and watched
Hie fiuits with care, "hut most of nil he
prized h's young pear orchard. Last
Suijimer some of the trees were bearh'g
for the first time, and ho told Mr. Mar
tin 'to see '.hut nobody touched them.
One b.-igaluot tree had three pears, mid Mr. Preston wished to sur
prise his wife with them. She was n
Fiench lady, and was u-cd to them In
her own country; but Ihey are uot com
mon here.
Well, nun afternoon Matty and Fan
ny Martin had played everything that
they knew.
"What would you do?" said Matty to
' What would youlol" said Fan lo
Matty looked up the orchard path that
led towards Mr. Preston's. The smooth
gravel walk, with Its grassy border and
shading trees, looking very tempting.
They were strictly forbidden, to go there.
"I guiss we shouldn't hurt the trees,
just to look at them," said Matty, with
an lujuml air. "I don't see why wo
can't take a walk Into the orchard."
"Nobody's ever there," said Fan,
"and mother's in the sitting-room. She
HuJt seo us."
, Sji, hand In hand, they stepped care
fully up the wulk, tiending sortly at
first and keeping exactly In tho middle
so as to be sure they did no harm, ylll
was quiet, and tho way grow prettier as
they left the farm- house behind. Pacing
on, they came to a beautllul pond, with
tents of twisted wood upon the green
banks. They passed an nrbor covered
with vines, out of which peeped the
rich garpe clusters. "Isn't It splendidl"
said Matty. "And oh, what lovoly
apples," said Fan. "Aren't you glad
you came?" Still farther on were llowor
borders. Tlie air grow sweet 'with late
blooming pinks, four-o'clocks'and mlg
nonetes. Time flew past while they
were lost in the new delight of peeping,
Into the green house, and gazing at tho
bright scailet beds of geranium, and
the u.assea of gruy and citmsou plaits.
At last they met a man nt work lu
the grounds, and ho asked them what
their names were. Then the little girls
started off on a run for home. They
could see the house from the high gar
den ground where they were, but could
not find the straight gravel path again.
They dashed over tho i,rasi and across
the orchard, tunning among the trees
till they were out of breath. Then they
threw themselves down at tho very
worst spot tho could have chosen. It
was close to tho la?rgainoi,t pear tree,
and the threo pears hung down within
there reach. They were hard, and
quite unfit to eat for weeks to come, but
these childron knew no better than to
think they were delicious.
"I'm awful hungry," cried Fan.
"Nobsdy wants these poor, mls'ablo
peats," said Jatty., "There's lots of
great big trees, you saw yourself, all
loaded down villi be-yew-tlful pears
nnd peaches and eyeryllilng,"
"I know It," tald Fan. "Nobody'll
never caro for th'iso few old things."
So they each plucked and tasted, llko
their niothor Evo before them. Very
wry faces, they madoover the dry, hard
uurlpe fruit, which a Utile more time'
and sunshine would have made luscious.
They were quite vexed, so that Matly
even snatched the third pear roughly
from the tree, (lung it with theotheis
ou the ground. And having got their
breath by this time, they r-ct off again,
aptl reached homo safely. 'Their niuther
had visitors, and had not missed them,
nnd no questions wero asko.l. Their
disobedience nppeard to have been qulto
a success.
But'ono evening the next week their
father came home looking very stmnce.
Ho did uot seem to sue tho merry Chil
dren who ran to lilni as usual, but tat
down In his chair like one who fears a
fall. Kind Mrs. Martin was frightened,
and hid her" hand on his. head,' saying,
"Why, James, what Is 'the matter?"
"Matterl" said he; "I'm discharged!
and ou've gotio leave this dear homo
where wo'vo lived so long."
"W liy, what foi?"cried Mrs. Martin.
"Some of the crops have not done
well this season, you know," answered
her'baid, "and one of the horses
has diedj but Mr. Preston, knuw It was
not my fault. Still, perhaps he was an
noy.'d, and this afternoon ho has found
those bergainot pears, that he was so
proud ol, nnd told me to watch, picked
oil and thrown away under tho tree.
Tim gardener says it was out children
that did itl I eald It was not, and they
had never gone up the orchird at all,
and wero forbidden ever to do It. Rut
.Mr. Pieston got nni-ry, nnd said it w.ts
our children, for tho garduer saw thein
up there last week; and he mint luvo a
man whoso family did not trouble
"Oh, papa," cried Jatty, "they wero
only three very bad pe.trt nil good for
nothlngl" " Then you did do it!" ox
claimed her poor father. "Then Mr.
Preston Is right, nnd he mut git a man
whoio children tlo not disobey him."
He laid his head on his wire's shoulder,
nnd hi? flame shook with sobs,,
Ah, what a sad punishment was this
for mi afternoon's disobedience. We
nevei know where a wrong act will eniK
Let us he sure that wo.oVey the com
mands given us,, whether by God our
Father orby carlhly parents. God only,
who fcts the end from the beginning,
can guide us. Genesseo Congregation-nlUt.
Mollicr' House.
How many happy thoughts are called
up by thnso two beautiful words. Is
there can there be any placo s-a. full nf
pleasant places? Our heart turns with
unchangeable lovu and longing to tho
djar old house which sheltered us in
child-nod. Kind Irlends may beckon us
to newer scenes, and loving hearts m ty
bind us fast to warm homes, but there
Is ono place dearer than all, and that Is
"Mother's House." Hero wo have
watched life come and go. Here per
chance we have watched with njhlng
heart the dear ono torn from the home
liest out Inlo tho world wjilcli has proved
n ennrc and temptation to many wander
ing feet. And hero we gather strength
to take up our lives again, and go on
patiently unto the end. Rut though the
world calls us, nnd we may find Irlends
good nnd true, we turn to the dear old
home when troubles come, for help and
comfort. Ah -.Vother's Houio. It may
bo old and rickety to the eyes, of the
stranger. Rut still It Is ".Vother's
House." It is the dear old spot from
which wo looked out upon lfe" with
heart full of hope, building' wonderful
ensiles In clnudlaud which faded away
long ngo; i,ut thanks to the good Father
"Mother's House'' Is left us Mill, nnd
weary with tho busy "turmoil of life j
weary of our.-clve.s wo turn our steps
toward the dear house ot rest, and at its
threshold lay our burdens down.i God
grant that for us n'l thero may long
remain a "Mother's House."
A bout Face PownEn. A lady of
experience lm- handed us tho follow
ing: "After bathing tho face, before
drying apply a little glycerine with or
without the dilution of rosewator; then
tako a flannel cloth nnd rub the faco
dry. Then, with a bit of cotton -or a
puff throw the powder on wltiout tac
tion; after, which let matters rest as they
nro, until you have completed your toi
let. When all is done, and "orlght as
the sun, f.tlr as the moon," &o., you
stand befureyour tiring glass prepared
for such harmless slaughter as tho
"right'-' of our sex, take a sott llnon rag
and carefully remove alt traces of powd
er, going Into a strong light, niid In
vestigating every eye-brow nud dimple.
(If psst tho days of dimples, examlno
closly the wrinkles.) When this oper
ation is conscientiously performed, If
you are not satltfied with yourself 'Just'
give up (o destiny, and look to lowaid
adorning. Let louge aloue. The store
to buy carmine tluti nt It Nature's.
Take brisk1 walks, diluk milk, and lg
nore tea aud coffee, gravies, spice and
cand'ot, ami it you don't hayecheeks and
lips like hill side stmwbjirits, call mo
a prevaricator.
Miss OAnmii L
Oh, bother crematlonl Wo havo to'
cam our Hvlpg atid wo doiit .wqut to
be compelled to urn our dead.
Forlltuilo In litis In cm.
Jitny n man who would bo bravo be.
fore a cannon's mouth, manifest! lack
of'courngo nnd fortitude In theordlnary
n (fairs of life.
Discouragement and despair nro
always unmanly; and this should bo
boine ln mind lu times like these.
No matter how you nro sltunted, do
tho best you can. If you have raado
mMakes iu tho past, reclfy thorn In tho
present, and nvold them In tho future.
Everybody mnkes mistakes; therefore1
do not be disheartened becauso you have
fallen Into error, when you reflect that
error Is conimon to all.
Look nt tlie future. There Is tho
field for hopo and for labor., Only ro-i
gard tlie pait for the lessons which It
teaches. Say to .yourself, disaster may
came, but) dispair'lieverl
Ris bravo In huslnessas you would be
bravo lii battle. If your ettorts In' tho
ptsthavo failed, renew and rcduublo
them in tho future, Never despair.
A fo.v hints and recipes for the sick
room nny now nnd then be in place.
Everything arcund the sick should be
quiet and, cl-anly. The nurso should
have a steady baud, clear head and ten
der heart; not talkative or nervous.
Avoid nrguments.wlth.tho sick; do not
sit or lean on the bed. Friends calling
on the sick shoull make their stay short.
Tho practice of visiting the sick on tho
Sabbath is a very poor one that day
often thus becomes the mosttrylng and
fatiguing of all to them. As a general
rule do uot go Into the sick room unless
you go to help. Do not deceive, tho
sickjllecelt breeds suspicion, and they
will worry lest you keep something
for them. Don't pursuado, tho, dying
that they will recover, It Is treason
against the Interests of the.soul. JVever
enter, a sick room In.n moment of pres
plratlon; ns the moment you becoino
cool your pores absorb. Do uot ap
proach contagious disease with an
empty stomach, nor sit botwecn tho sick"
and lire, because tho heat attracts tho'
vapor. Preventives are preferableto pills
or powdew. Spirits of ammonia, In
haled, Is good for the headache, nnd to
help tho breathing In bad colds. It
cools and soothes a feverish patient to
wash him in warm water, In which
saleratus or soda has been dissolved. A
little cotton batting, wet with sweet oil
add laudanum, put In tho ear, will caro
the ear-ache in the beginning ot It.
The ctory Is told of a tvomen who
fieely used her tongue to tho scandal of
others, and mndo a confession to the
pilest of whatslio done. Ho gave her a
lipe tjilst'le top and, told her to go about
In various directions nnd scatter tho
seed one by one. Wonde'rlug at the
penance, she returned nud, told hereon
fessor. To her amazement, he bade
her go back and gather the scattered
seed; nnd when she objected that It
would bo Impossible lpi replied that It
would be still more dlffle.ilt to cather
hup and destroy all the evil reports
wuicu suo naa circulated aoout others.
Any thoughtless, careless child can
scatter a handful of thfstlo seed be'oro
the wind in a moment, but tho strong
est and wisest man can not gather tb'cui
The DiPFKitENCB op Taste. Goethe
called on Schiller, ono day, an 1 not
finding him nt home, seated himself at
Ids friend's writing (able to noto down
vnrlous matters. He was soon seized
with n strange Inillspoilllon, from which
nearly fainted, but finding It pro
ceeded from a dreadful odor ho traced
It to a drawer which he found full ot
dcciyod apples. He stepped out ot thf,
roum to Inhale the: fresh air, when ho
met the wife of Schiller, who eald her
husband kept -tho drawer filled with
rotten apples, because the scent was so
beneficial to hi in that he could not think
or work, without Jt.
A neighboring" country women from
Connecticut, has found out that red anu.
cannot get over a chalk mark halt na
in.'ii wide, fane says: "I learned that
fact from my mother moro than fortv
years ngo, and always found It, true.
uniy iasi year these ants fume Into our
milk room nnd nearly covered ono nan
of milk. I had to tlirow It to the chicle.
ens; but I washed off the shelf and made
a chalk mark aroun I it, and we have
uot had another nut on the shelf nor In
the room since,
'How far Is It to (tub llnvl-?' naViul n
traveler of a Dutch women, puly
nhiiitr. k Htlln vnva 1 tr, it '.i.
eight, or ten miles?' Impatiently aiked
mo .uwuutjer, ins, a uiuki it t, serene
ly lepiled the unmoved guta -keeper.