The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 18, 1874, Image 3

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    aeqwBgi j i 1 i
IttverttNln? nates.
W desire It to be ditlnrtly understood that no
Aeeritements will W Inserted In U column! of
TrcCmaox tocit tSmt may ba received from
iAmii parties or ntTB,MVsieron.penled with
t&eClll. Tbe rollowtwe: aw
Atvertlsements for 1 year, per tneh eh .
Insertion , . . . . . 10 Cents.
- Ml Months, per tneheaeh InMrtlon 15 Cents.
M Tbm Montis, ? H 20 Cents.
M Lets than tbreemonlht, nrellneer-
tlea $1 etch robeeqoent InMrtlon I5,On(s.
II. V, HOKTIIIMKR, Publisher.
OrrtOll Ground Floor In the new addlltonof the
allusion, IIoum, lleoch Chunk, Pa. Business
transacted' la English end Orrmtn. Conectlons
I mayly made and Conveyanelng neatly done.
a" Seltlanant of Estates, Proving Willi, ob
taining LeUerorAdrainlitratkra.rillnK Aeeounts,
ail Orphans' Court Practice carefully attended to.
Ueenaes, CharUra and Incorporation! procured,
and Criminal Cases made a specialty.
' SATURDAY CORNING, Afltll. 18, 1874.
Local and Personal.
Special Notice. Those of our sub
scribers receiving their paper with a
cross upon tho corner near their nnme,
will save fifty cents advance In pi Ice by
remitting the dollar subscription at
once. Our terms are $1 in advance, or
$Mlt pot o paid.
Do you want a nice silk hat? Then
call on T. D. Ciauss and get a "lit."
Beltz's Photograph Gallery will
open, on Banltway, about May lot.
The Snyder insurance case has
been postponed until Mouday, the 20th.
A friend at our elbow, suggests that
person! who chew tobacco In church,
should take, a large necked bottle In
their pockets to spit In. Ooodl
The latest styles of bats and caps
just received at Laury.& Fetcrs.
vVelssport's "heavy lumberman"
left an Thursday for Philadelphia, to
attend a meeting of the stockholders of
the Baker Stiver Mining Company.
E. II. Rhodes, Bankway, announ
ces that be Is prepared to re-seat cane
seated chairs. In a neat and substantial
wanner at a very reasonable price.
Send them along?
Mr. Win. Lovett, of Big Creek,
was In town Wednesday last. He looks
welt and seems to enjoy life. I
Now, is a good time to whitewash
fences and plant spring chickens.
W. A. Graver has received a new
let of boots fc lioes, go and seo them.
Mr'. E. Path, the milliner, on
Bank street, has received another se
lection new goods to which she In
vites the attention of tho ladles.
Burnum's great show Is to be ex.
hlbited In Allentown, on Friday, ytprll
For clover and timothy seeds, In
large and small quantities, go to Z. II,
Long's nearly opposite tho L. & S. de
pot, Lehighton.
Wo have not heard from our Big
Creek correspondent, directly, for two
or three weeks, but, Indirectly, wo learn
that he has been very busy putting up
fences, and doing garden work general
ly. His next letter will probably bu
on "What I know about fences."
, Do you want a good fitting suit of
eloths? Then go to the popular tailoring
establishment of T. D. Ciauss.
Wtn. Kemerer Is crowded day and
livening with customers purchasing
cheap and handsome dress goods, dry
goods, groceries', provisions and hard
ware. Dr. C. S. German cays he will
make a respectable foot-walk In front
of his residence this season, certain.
Lizzie Kramer, next door to tho
"Advocate" office, has just replenished
her stock of millinery goods.
For Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
ity, Urimary Diseases, and Broken
down Constitutions, the world Is chal
lenged to find the equal of Dr. S. D.
Howe's Arabian Blood rurlfler See
A match game of base ball, between
the Lehighton and Slatlngton clubs
will be played In this borough, tliis
By the breaking of a shaft In the
Fackerton shops, on Saturday last, a
number of tbe men were Idle until
Caution to Purchasers of the Pe
ruvian Syrup (a protected solution of
protoxide of Iron). Beware of being
deceived by any of the preparations of
Peruvian Bark, or Bark and Iron, which
may be offered to you. Every bottle of
genuine has Peruvian Syrup (not Pe
ruvian Bark) blown on the glass. Ex
amine the bottle before purchasing.
-Boole and shoes, very oheap for
cash, at T. D. ClaussV
If yoa want Job Printing of any
description, get It done at this office,
and save money. Satisfaction guaran
teed. If yoa want a nice fitting shirt get
J oar measure taken by T. D. Ciauss.
Mrs- Gutn'a millinery store, Weiss
port, Is one of the most popular In this
eeeUos, New goods just received.
Tbe Stale Medical Society meets at
Eastou on tho 13th of next month.
We arp pleased to learn that Ex
Shi'tltr Fetter Is rapidly improving, aud
will eoon sgulii bo able to move about.
An Allcntonlan visiting this bor
ough last week, very anxiously Inquir
ed whether or not a physician was bur
gpss of our beautiful burg. Inquiring
his reasons for so asking, hosald ho was
Induced to think so from tlio fact of
there being so many "man-traps," or
openings In tho pavoments for tho peo
ple to crack their legs In. Do you sco
the point, borough papas?
Lively business nt Laury & Peters'
merchanttatlorlngcstabllshmcnt. If you
want to get "particular fits" just call in
and get 'cm.
J. Fatzlnger and Son havo just re
ceived a new stock of groceries and
provisions, hams, shoulders and side
meats which they aro selling very low
for cash.
A synopsis of tho very excellent
temperance sermon delivered by Rev.
W. Coffman, in tho M. E. church, on
Sunday ovonlng last, will appear In our
next Issue. Porsons desiring to secure
extra copies should notify us at once.
Boots, shoos, hats, caps and gents'
furnishing goods very low for cash at
Laury & Peters'. Drop In and see.
David Ebbert wishes It to bo under
stood that ho makes n specialty of fur
nishing agents with teams nt tho very
lowest rates. A fresh stock of horses
and now carriages Just received.
-A boy named Charles Wagner, re
siding on Second street, On Tuesday
afternoon last, caught his foot In a
loop of the tow lino of n boat, and was
thrown down, sustaining a broken leg.
Dr. C. S. German reduced tho fracture.
August Walter, residing on Third
street, on Tuesday last, in jumping
from a moving coal train on the Lehigh
Valley Railroad, foil and broko his arm.
The arm was set by Dr. C. S. German,
and tho boy was doing well at last ac
counts. L. F. Klepplngcr keeps ono of tho
nicest lot of hoises and buggies to be
found In this section. Ills price Is
down to suit tho times.
Charles Trainer, corner of Lehigh
and lion streets, will supply you with
flour and feed, plow your gardens or
do your hauling at reasonablo rates.
Ilats &cap, newest styles and low
est prices, at T. D. Ciauss', Bank St.
For family flour, of the very best
quality go to J. K. Klckert, East Weiss
port. Lumber and coal in largo or
small quantities at lowest market rates.
A. few lots in llickertown still unsold
buy nt once.
The Slatlngton Brhlgo Company
lias just declared a dividend of 9 per
cent., payable on and after tho 21st
Tho Directors of tVe Iilery's Bridge
Company havo Just declared a dividend
of 81 per share, which is equal to about
8 per cent.
Tho Bethlehem Zinc Works havo
Increased the wages of their employees
twenty per cent, per day. Tim Bethle
hem Iron Company has also added ten
per cent, to tho wages of their hands.
This looks promising, uud was very
good news to tho workmen. Both raises
commenced with tho first of April.
Persons engaged In tho salo of
tobacco or any other business which
renders them liable to a special tax, aro
required to apply to tho collector of In
ternalltavenue, previous to tho 1st of
Jiiy, for the requisite stamps.
For sale a five octavo Parlor Orgau
(new) at a great reduction, ripply at
this offlee.
Gents furnishing goods, in great
variety, at very low prices, at T. D.
Another Immense arrival ofdresa
and dry goods, groceries, Ac, nt E. II.
Snyder's. Call and cxamtno goods and
prices before going elsowhero.
lion. Chas. Albright will pleaso
accept ourtlmuks for public documents.
Tho Messrs. Butterfield, Marsh &
Co.. of tho n -w Emery Wheol Manufac
tory, In Wclssport, turned out their first
wheel on Monday last. It wa3 a beau
ty, and all concrued aro elated at their
success. Tho firm Is now proparod to
resume orders which will be filled at
short notice and at lower prices than
any other houso In tho country.
W. A. Graver will go to tho city
next week. Look out for uow dress
goods. Glvo him a call.
Wm. IIuffmlth, a brakeman on
the'Lehlgh Valley furnace train, who
recently had his thumb mashed between
two cars at Frcemansburg, and subse.
quently nmputated at St. Luke's IIos
pttal, Bethlehem, caught cold and Infla
matlon setting In, is now 'lying very
sick at his homo in this place. Lehigh
ton correspondence of tho Morning
Herald, of April 10. Very strange;
Mr. lluffsmith was In our sanctum on
that day and stated to us that ills hand
was at that time In a very nlco way j
although for a few days It had pained
hi inconsiderably. Tho Herald people
should mako sure of tho statement of
correspondents before publishing them.
Tho putting down of newjiavcmonts
is now in order around our boiougli.
Common wrought Iron ordinary
sizes, which n year ago sold for S88 per
ton, is jluwu now tn $07,50. Horse
shue Irou Jias fallen frowrlu3 to 110,"
rod from 5100 to $77.50.
Wo noticed A. Buckman driving
past our office Thursday In a neat plat
form Spring Democrat wagon. This Is
said tn bo ono of the easiest running
wagons built.
Vq visited tho new Emery Whocl
manufactory, of .Messrs. Butterfield,
Marsh & Co., In Wclssport, on Thurs
day morning last, and found nil hands
busy as bees. Wo witnessed tho bright
ning of screw heads and tho sharpen
ing of odgo tools, and must say It Is
ono of tho greatest inventions wo ever
saw the wheels do tho work quick and
well. Wo are Informed that they have
already a number of orders on hand.
Tho furniture wagon of Mr. V.
Schwartz was upset on Bank street,
Thursday morning. Tho horse was
slightly bruised and the wngon some
what smashed by the accident.
Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Hazleton,
wns in town on Thursday, visiting his
old friends in this section.
Wo aro pleased to sco our friend,
John Hauk, tho baker, of Wclssport, i8
able to bo out again.
Methodist Episcopal church, Rov. Wll
mer Coffman, pastor. Preaching to
morrow (Sunday) at 10:30 A. m.; Sub
ject: "Tho Relation of tho Sunday
School to tho Church," In the evening,
nt 7:00 o'clock, a sermon to young men,
Sunday School at 2 r. si. ; prayer meet
lug on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Services will be held In tho lecture
room of tho Presbyterian church, to
morrow, (Sunday) evening nt 7:00 o'
clock. Rev. II. F. Mason, pastor.
Tile London Christian. Ago
The London Christian Age says of T.
Do Witt Talmago's sermons: "We be
lieve that for originality, power and
splendor, his sermons will bear com
parison with tho greatest pulpit pro
ductions of any age or country. But for
tho. knowledge of human life, and the
adaption of divine truth to tho wholo
being of man intellectual, emotional,
moral, practical and for tho power of
applying the truth, wo know not his
equal.". Mr. Tatniago's sermons nnd
articles ore furnished only to Tho Chris-
tlan at Work, of which ho has recently
becomo editor. Sample copies free,
Offlce, 102 Chambers street, N. Y, Sco
their advertisement.
The Coal Trade.
The following table shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over tho Lehigh
Valley Railroad for tho week ending
April 11, 1874, and for the year as
compared with tho same time Inst year:
l rom Week. Yoar.
Wyoming .... 31,308 18 880,457 01
Hazleton C0.871 04 538,733 07
Up. Lehigh.. 22 03 1,508 10
Bea.Meadow.. 10,2S0 00 201,080 17
iuananny U,li44 1U 1U4.402 08
Mnuch Chunk 180 01 COS 07
Total 107,913 02 1,253,330 15
Last Year. . . . 04,800 03 1,177,800 07
Increase 45,010 19 70,020 08
Welasiiort Literary Socletv.
Saturday Evening,' April 11th. The
mm regular meeting was held as above.
The meeting was called to order by tho
President at 7.45 p. m. The roll was
called and the minutes of tho last meet
ing were read and approved.
Tho following gentlemen were annotat
ed a committee to form a programme for
Saturday evening, .dprll 18th viz:
Messrs. A. Marsh, A. Kunkle and S.
R. Ulllmm.
The motion to curtail the exercises
was lost.
Tho following alteration of the by
laws was offered: Resolved, that tho
word "five" In tho artlclo of tho by
laws on weekly dues be stricken out
and tho word "three" Inserted.
Select reading Frank C. Knlpo, on
"the tomb of Adam" and " Adams and
Declamation, Miss Carrlo Koons, on
"Summer night."
Referred questions 1st. When and
by whom was tho assertion made "Mil
lions for defence, not ono cent for trib
ute? answered by Dr. Zernj 2nd. De
scribe an artesian well, answered by J.
W. Koons; 3rd. Who Is spoken of In
tho Old Testament, as having deceived
Ids father, and who assisted him In do
ing so? answered by J. R. Dlmmlck,
Subject for debate Resolved, that
water Is of greater benefit to man than
fire. Opened In the affirmative by F.
O. Knlpo followed by Dr. Zero; and
on tho negative by J. W, Koons, fol
lowed by J. It. Dlmmickj decided in
the affirmative.
Programme for this (Saturday) eve
ning, April 18th: Essay, Miss Aggie
Hauk; Declamation, Miss Jennie A.
Referred Questions 1st. In what
year was Fort Allen built? referred to
J. F. Zero: 2nd. In what vcardld Wm.
Penn come to America, and what was
the name of tho ship In, which he came?
Henry Campbell.
Question for .debate Resolvod, that
the woman's causo against rum sell
ing Is justifiable. Afflrmatlvn. V. Aj
Graver; Negative, Henry Campbell.
Critic, -Miss Sue E, Zetn.
On motion adjourned.
F. 0, Knii-b, Rec, Sec.
Mnuch Chunk. Items.
The Mexican Veterans will celebrate
tho 27th nnnlversary .of the battle of
Cerro Gordo, at Mauch Chunk, to-day.
The Scott Legion arrived last night,
embracing among thelr numbers such
distinguished veterans as MaJorGencrals
Joo. Hooker, Robert Patterson, Cad
walader, and Brigadier Generals Aber
cromble,' Biles and B.illicr. They wero
met at tho depot by a large delegation of
citizens', Hon. Allen Craig making tho
reception speech. Tho members of Oj.
K, 2nd Regiment P. V., formerly
members of tho old Stockton Artillerists,
participated in that mcmorablo battle,
but seven or eight still surviving. This
morning tho entire party will take a
trip over the Switch Back R. R., accom
panied by a committee of citizens, leav
ing tho .Mansion House nt 9 a. m., nnd
returning at 2 r. m,, when tho Grand
Banquet will tako place, tho party re
turning to Philadelphia with tho 7:30
r. m train,
Tho pretty Vescellus trio, Miss Lou
slo, Frank and Eva, assisted by two
excellent pianists and a lady violinist,
filled Rhoads' Hall on Wednesday
night with n largo ond select audience.
We uotlced several of the good peoplo
of Lehighton there.
Tho building torn down to glvo place
for tho site of tho now brick residence
of Mrs. M. M. Dlmmlck was tho first
and oldest building erected lu Mauch
Rov. A. M. Wiggins, tho new pastor
of St. Paul's M. E. church, Is a very
ablo preacher, and by his gentlemanly
ond social demeanor is making many
friends outside of Ills own congregation.
Dreisbacli and Waller havo placed a
handsomo wire window screen in front
of their now office, in tho Mansion
nouso building, which contains on a
dark brown ground work largo gilt let
tering as follows "Dreisbacli & Walter,
Miss Alice Dink, tho pretty daughter
of Mr. George Dink, of this place, nnd
Mr, Lemuel Hulshlzcr, wero married
at tho residence of tho bride's parents on
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Jas. A. Dinkey and S n. Rutter
of the C. R. R. of N.J. corps of clerks,
nro occupying tho room lately vacated
by tho Leh. Coal & Nnv Co., in tho
First National Bank building. The In
terior of this largo room has been hand
somely decorated by Luckeubach, thu
Nearly $100 In fine from tho liquor
cases were garnered Into tho Law Li
brary Treasury at last court.
The high winds for the past few days
havo dried up the mud nnd now It Is a
common sight to seo tho lovers of dash
ing turnouts continually on the road.
Allen Craig Esq., will occupy his
new law office In Dolon's building next
The Minerva Lyceum havo leased
their present rooms in AruUiuster's block
for another year.
II. J. Woodrlug will fit up offices in
the basement of tho American Hotel,
and Counsellor Mulhearn will occupy
ono of thorn.
Since Philip Engesser moved Into tho
.Mauch Chunk House, the wood work
In the entire building has been painted
and tho old sign, that has remained un
touched from tho wind rain nnd snow
of full twenty winters, has been taken
down aud repsinted In bright colors by
Joseph Hummel.
The Leh. Coal and Nov. Co. are at
present occupying the old stono building,
on Susquehanna Street, formerly occu
pied by tho Hazard Who Ropo Co.
.Vr. Alfred Whittlngham, Register and
Recorder, is now residing with his fam
lly In town, aud Thomas Kemerer, Esq.,
has had a counter placed along tho en
tire length of tho Prothonotary's office,
to place the various Dockets on. It
is tastely painted and grained In" light
Mr. C. ZJ.Rhoads, the hatter, has pur-
chased a sorrel horso from Mr, U. F.
Ycager, of this place, which seems to
be one indication that thu proprietor of
Rhoads' JIall Is prospering.
Mr. B. F. Yeager, having closed out
his liquor store, Is going Into tho buy
ing and selling of horses. , He has made
several sales already, and has received
this week three horse from Catasauqua.
The American Hotel will be the most
elegantly furnished of any hotel in town.
Jir. II. J. Woodrloc.thonew nroortetor.
is determined to mako. It tho hotel of
tho town. -Ifagnlflcent body Brnssels
carpets of the brightest hues nnd pleas
ing figures, costing $2,25 per yard,
cover tho floors from tho attlo to'tho
cellar. The gas fixtures aro all new.
Tho dining room Is frescoed In wunu
and glowing colors, and by tho first of
May it will bo opened under tho new
The Tableaux and Shadow Panto
mimes, exhibited for the benefit of the
St. Paul's M. E. church, of this place,
wero a decided success. They wero
shown out In a brilliant manner by the
aid of red and green fires. On Thurs
day evening the receipts were 175 and
on Saturday $75. This' was doiag right,
well when taking- (nto consideration tho
uupleaeuiit and rainy .vcather,
Mr. II. Wolfe, nn old nnd respected
German citizen of Upper Mauch Chunk,
wos drowned nt Philadelphia on Thurs
day night. It seems that he, with his
two sons, wero asleep In tho cabin of
his canal boat, which was lying at the
Port Richmond wharves, walling to be
unloaded. During thu night tho boat
sprang a leak, nnd the boys wero a
roused from their slumbers by the noiso
of tho water rustling Into tho cabin.
They awoko their father, and hurrying
out crawled over tho ropes to tho wharf,
tho boat sinking Before their father
could mako his escapo. Mr. Wolfo was
a man of some' property and leaves a
wife nnd several grown up children to
mourn his loss. Ills remains were
brought to Mauch Chunk for Interment.
A special term of Court will bo held
on tho first Monday In May. Tho June
term commences on tho third Monday of
that month and will last two weeks.
Tho Jury comralssloneis are preparing to
draw tho Jurymen, 48,fortbo 1st week
and 30 for the second.
Tho stono cross that was blown down
from ono of the pinnacles of tho Epis
copal church has been replaced during
the present week. Yoon Own.
nig Creek Heme.
All kinds of weather.
ZJusy tho house cleaners.
Now whltowash Insldo.
Twittering tho bluo birds.
Catching trout.
Repairing fences.
Our farmers are now as bu3y as bees
sowing oats and planting potatoes
It Is rumored that tho Polio Poko
Slato Company will resume work
again shortly. Wo hope It may provo
Our Tubllo schools aro now closed
after a vigorous term of fivo months
1 ho past term' has been a very' encour
aging one.
The farm of Mr. Daniel Solt (deceas
ed) which was advertised to bo sold on
Monday last, was not allowed (bv the
administrators) to go at tho price offer
ed $0500. They expect to get more for
Wo aro pleased to seo that Mr. Jocob
Kreiser has so for recovered as to be
ablo to bo out and about his work
again as usual.
Mr. Frank Solt of this place (lato of
Hazleton, Luz. Co.,) has, in company
with his brother, rented the Poho Poko
SllltO fin ' ffirtYI. Thnt. lnlHJ
. . IU.CUU fcU
raiso thereon n considerable amount of
vegetables, poultry. &c, &c, for the
early market. Wo wish thAn abundant
success and a rich harvest.
How about Sunday Schools? It U
time that preparation were beinc made
Who will bo tho first to mako tho
movo In thu right direction? cetalnly
mucn good is accomplished by them,
Big Creek, April 15. 1874. w. E
Valises and trunks all sizes and
prices, at Laury & Peters.
On the 12th Inst... In Wolconnt-I- K
Rev. O. Becker, Mr. Andrew Frantz
anu Elizabeth Uhrlstman, both of Mm
too county, Pa.
Lehighton Ilotall Prices.
Carefully corrected each week express
ly fnr "Thu f'nrhnn A.tnnMto
Apples, per bushel 42 40
" dried, per lb 12 to 15
Butter, roll, per lb: 45
Cabbage, per head 12
Cheese, factory, per lb 22
KgRS, per dozen 20
Fish, mackerel, No. 1 18
nam, per lb 18
Lard, pure, per lb 14
I'orK, prlmo me3s, per lb 12
Potntoe-i, per bushel.-.-.-.. ,,y... 1 00
Corn, per bushel '. 100
Chop, Com, per 100 lbs l 80
" Bran, l so
" Rye. ' 2 00
" Mixed " 1 00
l!lour, Wheat, per bbt 0 50
" Rye, per 100 lbs 3 25
uats, winto per bushel 75
" Black, per bushel 05
Hay, per ton 20 00
Straw, per bundle 30
Coal, chestnut, per ton 4 00
" stove, per ton 4 50
Hides, green, per lb 5 & 7c
Calf Skins, each 1 00
Sheep Skins, killed this mo., ca. 2 00
Special Notices.
The moat Wonderful Dlaeovery of
the 10th Oentnrjr.
Arabian Milk Cure
Anlall Dlwawa of tha THROAT, CHEST an 4
I.U.VUS. (Thonl Madklut r thi kind In U.
' A Scmtituti. roa Coo Litis Oiu
rermaneutlj curea Aathma, Brouhllla, Iailpl.
ant GJiMumptlon, Low nr Vole,. Miirtn.u of
Hrnttti, Catarrh, Croup, Cougb, Oolda, ie.laa
DR. 8. D. HOWE'S
Arabian Tonio Blood Puriflar,
Wiilih DltTKnS from al othar praparatloni In
Ita lKaioutg Aonox upon ttu LIVKU, K1DNKYS
and ULOUD. It It purWT teicrUU, and claanaaa
tha l) Mora efall Impurillei, but Ida up, and makaa
I'ure, Uicb Wood. llcUMiBccofiiloaaDliawaaor
all Linda, renioToaConitlMtlcu.aad reruUUa tna
TIONS," I Chilians tlia 191b Canlur" to And
He omal. Kifir luttla U worth Ita walnhtla
gold I'llw, t.iM per bottla.
ull by A.J. liOllLlNO, Drujjlit, iol. Agent
for Leliljchtoiv 14,
Ok. 8. U. IIIIWK, j Proprietor, 1BI CbamWri
StrH, Nw Villi'. 'apr, U, Un.jl'
(lu, LANE'S (XirUlrt Cure U logrowlnt Nalli.
A CARD Persons suffering with
Nervous Debility, Inslplent Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, or
any form of Pulmonary or Nervoui
Complaints, will receive a prompt and
radical Veoetablts Remedy, freo nt
charge, by giving symptoms In full, nnd
apll-8t 38 Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tape Worm! Tnpo Worm!
Tape Worm reinored In from 2 to 3 houra with
barmlaaa Vegetable Medldne. Tbe worm paailui;
from theajalam IIti. No fee Hiked until the m
entire worm, wltb head, paxaea. Medicine harm
las na refer those afflicted to the renldenta of
thla cltj whom I barecured. At mj orSce can bt
seen hundred of apedmenai measuring from 4t
to 100 frt In length. Flft per cent, of eases ef
Dyspepsia and disorganisation of tbo Llrer era
caused by stomach and ot'.er worms existing In
tbe nllmentary canal. Worms, 'a etaMse of tha
moat dangerous character, ar so little understood
bj tho medical men of tbe present day. Call and
see the original and only worm destroyer, or send
for a circular which will giro a full description
and treatment of all kinds of worms, imic!oo II ct.
stamp for return of the aame. Dr. . P. Kukkbl,
2SD North Ninth Street, Philadelphia,' t'.i.
(Adrlce at ofllre or by mill free.)
restored. Sept. 6, lS73-ly
Hilgnccs Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that' Gideon
Nothsteln, of Now Mahoning, Carbon
county, Pa., and Leah his wife, by deed
of voluntary assignment havo assigned
all the estate, real and personal, Of the
said Gideon Nothsteln, to Tilghnmu
Arner, nf New Mahoning, Carbon Co.,
Pa., In trust for tho benetlt of tho said
Gideon Nothsteln.
All persons, therefore, Indebted to the
said Gideon Nothsteln, will make pay
ment to mo, the said assignee, at New
Mahoning, and thoso having claims or
demands will mako known tho same
within six weeks from this dale.
Assignee of Gideon Nothsteln.
March 14, 1874-w8
sslgnoos Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that Zocha.
rlah H. Long, of Lehighton, Carbon
county, Pa., and Louisa his wife, by
deed of voluntary assignment have as
signed all tho estate, real and personal,
of the said Zacharlah II. Long to Tilgh
man Arner, of New .Mahoning, Carbon
county, Ph., In trust for the benotit of
the said Zacharlah II. Long.
All persons, therofore, Indebted to
the said Zacharlah 11. Long, will1 make
payment to me, the said assigneo, at
Now Mahoning, or to my 'duly author
ized agent, Zacharlah II. Long, at Le
highton, and those having claims or de
mands will make known tho samo with
in six weeks from this date.
Assignee of Zacharlah II. Long,
March 14th, 1874,-w8
-mUCKETE Poultry Yards,
Eggs for Hatching
From the following varieties of Pure
Bied Land and V7ator Fowls, nt
Dark and Llsht Brahmas; Buff, Black,
White and Partridge Cochins ; frown
and White Leghorns; Whito and Silver
Grey Dorklnps; Plymouth Rocks; Hon
dans; Black, Red, Earl Dorby and Pllo
Games; Rouen nnd Aylesbury Ducks ;
Toulouse and Bremen Geese.
I wnrrantonehalf of each dozen Eggs
to hatch ; if they do not I will replace
them at 00 cts. per dozen. Send stamp
for circular. Eggs sent CO D If desired.
Feb. 28.3m Jlarlboro, Stark Co,, O.
In order to closo out present stock,
the undersigned respectfully anuouncc-t
to the citizens of Lehighton and vicini
ty that ho has
Marked Down Prices
of all kinds of Goods to about cost,
and will Sell
X?w Casili Only
lie has In stock a largo assortment of
Dry CioodH,
and a varletv of other artlnlna (no mini-
trous to enumerate.
If you desire to secure
Now Is your Time A Small Sura of
Money will Buy a Large Quantity of
Goods I
Store Opposite L. & S. Depot,
BANK-itreot, lehighton, Penna.
Z. H. LONG, ecnt.
TiMHMAN AnHEit, Assignee.
March 28, 1874.
Thoaannd of Mraa and Million of
Property saved by using the
Safety Kerosene Lamp
Tbesa lataoa are made of brass, .ml ni ...
The burners hare a Safety Tube Attachment
for the escape of gas, and nlil nerer eiplode.
The chimneys are nude of Mine (or Ising ZU(.
so called). aodtherare the onlr limi, ,lilmn...
mude that will not break by beat or cold.
Ulasa Chimneys and Lampa are unsafe and ex.
pensile tbl' la the universal rompUlul,
Over eeventy-nie mUllons of Ulaw Lamp Cbtu,
nays are broken In this country every year.
Prlre Of Hand Lamna. minul! .i,h M i,
Chimneys, one dollar, Price of llrurue Parlor or
niaua idHnps, two dollars. Sent to any part ft
the Uolted States bv exoreia on nwini .,r ...
money by malt. 1,000 sgents want! to J1 Uue
Lamju and Mlra. Chtuueye In every city and
towu, to whom a liberal discount will be made.
Send for sample lamps and tlrculare glvlnr all
particulars. Xbey sooak forthsmaelsea. .ad -n
ou aij;bt. Address
f.blt-IWI HQ.-M Poarl St.. New Tort.
Now Is a cood tlmn tn nut vnn t,.i.
- u " ev" j juii
nrlntlni? tlonn. Wn' bnv nf .i.l...
-a ..www juo. IIUUUI
several new and fashionable fonU of
typo to our siocir; aim aro better than
ever prepared to do all kinds of work
neatly and cheaply, Patronize homo