The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 18, 1874, Image 2

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I.KIIiailTON, IA.i
BATUHDAY MORMN'll AriilL 1?, 1871.
Attention Is called to the excellent
speech of Hon. Chas. Albright, deliver
ed by him In tlio Home ol lloprcseta
tlves, on tho 8 LI t Inst., and published on
our first pago to-day,
A. T. Stownrt 1ms fixed the prico for
board at his Grand Union Hotel, Sara
toga, nt threo dollars nrlny lor Hie coin
ing season, Of course the landlords of
the. pflfef JiofeU will bo compelled to
ndopt tlio snmo tariff.
A special dispatch, from Washington
to the'JJostOKi Post, dated April 13th.,
says "A very strong and well organis
ed movement Is on foot to bring about
the Immedlato recondition of tho Inde
pendence of the Cuban Itepubllc by tlio
.United States. It has been quietly
worked up Lu high Adminttratlon and
Congressional circles during the past
Jew days. The scheme will bo sprung
,ipon Congress In a, day or two, prob
ably to-morrow, by leading Uodlcal
.Congressmen. Tho reason and neces
sity assigned forprompt and immediate-,
action la the alleged fact that English
agents oro known tn bo actively engag
ed in endeavors toaffect ho situation by
tho iurcba&o by Great Brllaiiijof the
Island of Cuba, and this lively agitation
of the subject here lias' for its object the
circumvention of tho English schemers. "
OnJqnday last, President Grant, in
conversation with friends on tlio subject
o finances, said "it .was desirable that
tho pledges of .thelGovornmet to return
as toon as practicable to specie pay
ment should not bo overlooked. In his
annual message ho had suggested moa
hures of preparation for. .such resump
tion,, and thought now ns ho did then
tbat the National Hanks should retain
as a portion of their reserve either tho
wholo or.a part of tho gold Interest ac
.curing upon thebondM pledged as secu
rity for their Issuc,and the Treasury, ho
.added, should also simllary strengthen
.itselfi with a view to .resumption. Ho
had no hesitation In saying tliat lie was
opposed to. Inflation In -the general ac
ceptation of tho term to an ijicreaso of
currency beyond tho actual business
ncccessities of tho .country, hut at tho
sa,nie.timo hp. had given no opjnlou con
corning the measures .before Congress,
nor had ho indicated ivliat his i.etion
wpald ho relative to ruiy bill that might
Repassed." .
Atelegrapho dispatch, dated Jprll
J8th, to the N. V. Sun says: "The fi
nancial polloy of tho Administration
has ruined tho iron producing interest
of Ponnsylvauia, and to-day it is in a
wretched and btagnated condition. Over
fifty blast furnaces oro Idle and over a
dozen i of 'the leading rolling mills and
iron works'havo'suspended. On top of
this discouraging situation tlio puddlers
and "workers In tho1 various departments
,oMho' trado havo? determined upon a
strike, and nro already pressing their
demands at various establishments in
Heading and at other points In tho
:Schuylklll and Lehigh valleys. The
NatlonalaUn!on held a 'secret conference
tu Reading a faw days ago and determ
ined to ask for tlio wages paid before
.the panic. Afthat place several cstab
iismnenis' nave' ceased operations on
nocountof the strike, which is expected
to become general before the cud of tho
wek. It Is estimated that over fifty
.thousand hands engaged lu tho iron
trodu'aro now Idle."
' .- .
JUr. lHIott'M fculosy on Semi
Jlor .S it inner.
TI10H911. Itobertll. Elliott's eulogy
pn tho lato Charles Sumner, In Fancull
Hall liostou, on Tuesday evening lat,
was an eloquent tnI feeling tilbute,
and was listened U) jvlth absorbing at
tention throughout. Tho following was
tlio orator's peroration;
To have lived such a Jlfa were glory
cuuugu. duccpss was not needed to per
ject Its star bright, Immortal beauty;
but success came. What amazing eon.
trastsdid hjsllfa wltncssl Ho heard the
hundred guns which liostou llred for-tha
"p8$age of tho Fugitive Slave act, and
lie saw Boston bending forth with
liouors and blessings a regiment of fug
tiva slaves to tnva that Union which the
crime of her Webster had Imperilled.
Hn saw Franklin Pierce employing the
power ol the nation to force back ope
helpless iugltive to the hell of slavery,
and be saw Abraham Lincoln write the
edict of emancipation, Ho heard Taney
declare' that "tlio black man had no
rights which tho white man was bound
to respep)," and, ho welcomed Bevels tu
bis teat us. a Senator of the United
States. J?ut us defeut could not dam.
pen hisaidor,sosuci'css could not nbatu
bis .zeal. He lell while bearing alolt the
same bajrinir of human rights which S8
ycais )iad uufurfud und lilted
n this hail.' The blessings ot the poor
arclils laurels. One feacred thought,
duty; presided over his life, Inspiring'
111 111 in youth, guiding hluilu manhood,
Mreiigtlieidya him )u age., .lie It ours
(u walk In tliu Ifght of Ills jHue.uxum
j)le. Ji It burs u cupy his btalnless In
u grlty.'liU supreme Uo vol Ion to human
ity, luvjiiolouml Juth iii.lruth, mill .bis
uucouiptiable moral uiiliuatasni,
Adlt-u, great servant and npostlo of
liberty. If .others f orgctthce, thy famo
shall bo guarded by the million of Ilia
emancipated race whose gratitude shall
bo more enduring than mouutneutal
marble or brass.
Tlio Currency Hill.
In the llouso ot lleprcsentatlves on
Tuesday last, the consideration ot the
Curicncy bill was rwumcd, and alter
some discussion was finally passed by
a vote of 120 to 110. Tho following Is
tlio subslanco ot tho bill:
Section 1 Provides that section 81 of
tho NatlonM Currency act bo so amend
ed that tlio nmount of money the banks
are rcnilred to keen on hand shall bo
determined by the nmount of deposits,
a iii that they shall not hereafter be re
quired to Keep on hand any money
whatever by reason of the amount of
their respective circulations.
bee. repeals section Ti ot the said
net and the several amend ments thereto,
so far ns they restrict tho amount of
notes lor circulation. It also repeals
the second proviso in section 1 ot the
act to provide for the redemption nt
the three ner cent, temporary loan cer-
tllicatcs, and tlio amendment to the
National Currency net. approved March
3, J8C3. Section 21. of the original act
Is re-enacted,
Bee. JJ requires each national bank to
keep on.djposlt in tbe Treasury ot the
United States lu lawful money, a sum
equal to 5 per cent, ofltr. circulation,
to he held and used only for the redemp
tion of such circulation, and when such
circulating notes shall be prcsentedfor
redemption in sums of $1,1)00, or any
multiple thereof, to the Treasurer, or
any Assistant Treasurer of the United
States, tho same shall be redeemed lu
United States notes. All notes so re
deemed Khali bo charged by the Comp
troller of tho Currency to tlio respective
associations issuing tho same and, he
snail notllly tlicm severally on the first
day of each, or oftener, nt his
discretion, of the amount pt such re
demption, whereupon each assoBlatlon
so not! lied shall forthwith deposit with
tho Treasurer of tho United States a
sum Ju I'nlted States notes equal to tho
nmount of Its circulating notes o re
deemed. And when such redemption
shall havo been so reimbursed, tho cir
culating nptes so redeemed, or If worn,
mutilated, or defaced, new notes in
stead shall be forwarded to the respec
tive associations ; provided, that each of
said associations shall reimburse to the
.treasury tlio costs pf redemption and
ot supplying pew notes in tlio placo of
inose reucemeu; am) tjo associations
hereafter organized shall also severally
reimburse to the Treasury the costs of
engraving and printing their circulated
uotes, and provides further that tlio en
tiro amount ot United States notes out
standing and In circulation nt any one
time shull not exceed the sum ot four
hundred million dollars now authorized
by existing laws.
bee. 4 provides that any bank desir
ing to withdraw Its circulating notes In
wnoio or in part may, upon the deposit
of lawful money In sums of not less
than $10,000 with the Treasurer of the
United States, withdraw n proportionate
amount ot bunds deposited In pledge
for sucli ciiculatlon, and ho shall ie
deem, cancel, and destroy an nmount ot
the circulating notes of sucli bank equal
to me amount issued upon such uouds.
Sec. 5. That sections yi-32 of the said
act be amended by requiring that each
Of the said associations bhall keep its
lawful money reserves within its own
vaults at the place where Its operations
of discount and deposit are carried on,
and all the provisions of tho said associ
ations to keep any portion of Its lawful
money reserves elsewhere tljan In (ts
own vaults, or requiring or permuting
the redemption ot its circulating notes
elsewheio than nt Its own counter, ex
cept as provided fur In this nut, are
hereby repealed.
Sec. (J. That upon all circulating notes
hereafter Issued, or hereafter to bo is
sued, whenever tho samo shall come
into tho Treasury in payment or depos
it for redemntion or otherwise, there
bhall bo nrlutcd nnder sucli rules aud
regulations as tho Secretary of tho Trea
sury may prescribe, the charter num
bers of tho associations by which they
are severally Issued.
rue heuatn mil was then taken up
and after considerable discussion, Mr
Maynard moved tho previous question
on the passago pt tho Senate bill, and It
was seconded, 121 to 59. Tho bill was
then passed, yeas 140, nays 102. The
text ot tho bill Is as follows:
That the maximum amount of United
States notes Is hereby fixed at $400,
000,000. Sec. 2. That 4(1,000,000 in noteifnr
ciiculatlon In addition to such ciiculatlon
now allowed by law shall be Issued to
National Hanking Associations now or
ganized, nnd which may be organized
hereafter, and such Increased circulation
shall be distributed among the several
States as provided In section 1 ot the
net entitled, "An act to provide for tho
redemption of tho threo per centum
temporary loan ceitlficates, and for an
increase of national bank notes." Ap
proved July 12, 1870. And each na
tional banking association now organ
ized, or hcieafter to bo organized, shall
keep and maintain ns a part of Its re
serve required by laws one-fourth part
of the coin lecelvcd by H ns Interest on
bonds ot tio United States deposited as
security for circulating notes or uov'
eminent deposits, and that hereafter
only one-fourth of tha reserve now pre
scribed by law for national banking ns
soctations shall consist ot balances duo
to an association, available for the re'
dcmptlon ot Its circulating notes, from
associations in the cities Ot redemption,
and upon Which balances no Juterest
snau oe paiu.
The status ot the whole quostlon jiqw
Is that while the House bill lias to
await the notion of Senate, which may
or way not bo favorable, or may be
delayed Indefinitely, the Senate bill goes
.directly to. tho Preildent for his signature,
Tho Now Encland Mrthcdlst Confer
ence adjourned Wednesday night, nf'er
tho adoption ot resolutions favoring
total abstlnenco and against all kinds of
chance game.
bouthampton, April 1C. f no steam
ship Mnllva with tho body of Dr. Liv
ingstone on board, arrived hero at 0:20
o clock tins morning. Tho ulnyor will
formally receive tho remains at 11 a.m.
The people are congregating In large
numbers along tho route of the funeral
procession. Merchants aro closing their
stores nnd flags aro Hying nt halfuiast.
Harrlsbug, April 14. A boy named
Charles Gentslelder, aged about 14
years, In Jumping from a train In tho
upper end of the city, fell on tbe rails,
and had both legs cut .off.
The Supremo Court of tho United
States has recently decided the suit of
tho Florence Sowing Machine Company
against the Singer, Grover & .Baker,
and Wheeler & Wilson Sowing Machlno
t'ompanios, involving over $230,000, In
favor of tbe Florence Co.
Memphis, April 14. 1). P. Johnson,
telegraph operator nt .Brownsville,
Tenn., was shot nnd fatally wounded
on Sunday night, In a bagnio at that
place, by Samuel Oldham, a class leader
in a Methodist church, who, being
caught in the bagnio by Johnson, bhot
hluito prevent exposure. Oldham fled,
and has not been captured.
London, .rlpill 10. A shocking ex
plosion occurred to-day In a coal mine
at Dunklnfleld, near Ashtoiirunder-the-Tyno
Lancashire. A large number of
miners wero killed nnd injured, many
of the latter being terribly burned.
Thus far thirty bodies have been recov
ered, and it Is feared many more remain
in Urn mine. A later dispatch from
Aslitnn, under Tyne, states that forty
six bodies have recovered from mine at
Dunklnficld, In which the explosion oc
curred to-day. These, aro believed to
have been all that were killed. One
hundred men, who wero left In the
mine alive after thonccidcut, have been
safely rescued. There Is intense excite
ment jit Dunklufiehl. Tlio explosion
was caused by the use of naked lights.
New Advertisements.
wjiuw it may concern.
All persons aro hereby forbid harbor
ing or trusting my husband, George
Collins, on my account, as I will pay no
debts contracted by him after this date.
Franklin twp., lprll 17, 1874-w3
Ornci Flrt National Bank Building, 2nd Floor
May bo eODMiUfd In German. apr IS, 1S71
The undersigned hereby cautions all
persons against negotiating a Note,
dated April 4th, 1974, for S81, given to
William llerger, residing on tlio Toby
lianna, as I shall refuse to pay tliu said
note, not haviug received value therefor.
TownmensInK twp., Carbon co., Fa,
Apr!) 18, 1874-w3
The unders'gned has now on tho Canal
Bank, at Welssport, about !5 Cords of
Seasoned Firewood, which lie oilers In
oue lot at a reasonable price. Also, a
quantity of SCREENED SAND, suit
able, for Building purposes, veiy low
for cash. J. It. DIMMICK,
apr 18-w4 Weissport, I'a.
jjBumac SAL, 13
Of Valuable
Personal Property.
The undersigned will sell, at Public
Sale, on the premises of GEO. EMERY,
In tho BOROUGH of WEISF01tT,
Carbon County, Peunsylvania, tho fol
lowing articles of Personal Property
belonging to the undersigned,
On Friday, May 1st, 1374,
Commencing at TEN o'clock In the
Forenoon, to wit: 2 Bay Hprses, Ono S
nnd tho other 10 YeariOld; One Spring
Wagon, one .Bob Sled, 2 sets Double
Harness, Sarsparrilla Machine, Bottlim:
Fixtures and a variety of other articles
too numerous to mention.
KrTeruis and conditions will ha roada
known at the time and place ot sale, by
Welssport, April 10th, 1874. w 2.
jlaniiaiHtrator'j, su
Of Valuable
Meal 13stia&e?
The undersigned will sell, nt Public
bale, on the premises, In the Borough
oi wtsissi'iJUT, uarnon county l'a.,
On MONDAY, MAY 4th, 1874,
commencing at TEN o'clock A. M., tho
following described Real Estato, to wit:
Ail that certain lot or piece of Ground,
situate In the Borough of Welsspbrt,
Carbon county, Pn., bounded on tho
west by lot No. 41, In the plot or plan
ot said borough on the south by lot
No. U9j on the north by land of Lowls
Weiss, and' on the east by Wljlfe Btrect,
being tho one-half of lot No 40. con
taining on said White street 60 feet, and
In depth of that width 82 feet 0 Inches
to lot No. 41. The improvements aro
one jjouuio two-story
Itrlclt Dwelling House.
38 feet front by 38 feet deep : Black
smith's Shop, 30 x 20 feet, and other
ALSO, all that certain lot or piece ot
Ground, situate In the Borough ot
Welssport, Carbon county, Pa., being
the one-half of Jot No. 411, hounded on
the southeast by Franklin street; on the
northeast by lot .No. 48; on tho south
west by the other half of said lot No,
4D, and on tho northwest by Allen St.
containing 20 Perches, more or less.
Terms and conditions will bo made
known at the time nnd place of sale, by
iiupiil ijui isu, Aununutrator
of the Estato of Paniel Krum, deceased
pril JU, JH74-WJ
Now Advertisements.
3 .School Teachers Wanted
In ra rcutWf frt thn BrlnR and Summer. $150
J8P m:Bti. Bnd or.Clrrutar gltlng full pari leu
larn. ZIEOLUlti McCUKUY, 1'hlladelphla, !
The Sliorfeat ltoute tn Fortune.
$450,000 Given Away I
(100,000 FOU ONLY $1,101
Grand Legal Gift Concert
lu aid of a J u Ten lie It e form School at Leaven-
worth, Kan. DRAWING AIMIIL 30, 187.
Ine Prhe cnnranteoil In pxoty pnckaire of 11
Ticket, single Tifketc, (2&0t 6 for $12 1 11 for
Hut fvT tickets left; nml, n our files art
rapid, ii r dinner should order- at ooce. Any
money arming ton mo itui m reiumeu. uooa
reMihle Atfentu wauled everywhere, for ful
particulars, address
.na: Bl-w4 LKAVEN WORTH. TCan.
nrniam mm niMint.iBiiiiniiMi
O. L. ALLEN PlTcrs hi mrj'lu ftock of
ntliolfKito for J1 per loo, $20 porinoo. Sent by
exprexs upon receipt ot price. Fend for catalogue.
AJjrcfB C. L. ALIEH, Cllttl, IT. 7.
The Lone-cnntefcted Suit of the
against tho Slnjrer, Wheeler 4; Wilson,
mid llrovdr & Ruler Conijmnies, involving
Over 3250,000,
T Anally decided by tho
Pupretne Court, of t ho United States
In ftvor or, the FLOUENCK, which alone hat
Uroken the JJonopoIof High Prices.
Is tho ONLY Alachme that news backward
and forward, or to right and Wt
Clubs nml De tilers.
April, 1874, Florknpb, Mass.
"TOUH TKKTII'r.iubo ina-lopura whit-, and pre
vented from denvbTthouof"VrltralJ.,
IrlraS)e. Address.'. J. llsMC.l , Box 4181, N. Y.
This Sewln Mnctlloo iHrea tlic b-it httltractlon
to tlio user, it paid for nmpt , eadUr, and la the te.t
of all loaell. ifthero la no "Domestic" aent lu
jour town, apply tn noMKSTIO a M.CO,N. V.
Write to P. K fMITH & CO., Atlantic MHK
ItmoMyn, N. Y manufarturers of th Crualmtl
"Whit IVIirni, for their pamphlet (a-nt Ire)
on KootU, with luinortu t extracts from Liedio,
John 3ov and ether prlentUfp. Read It and piyo
your lienlth and llloll'3'; nir.21. w4
And Insect Powder
Itnts, Mien, Itonchc.i, Ant, Ttoil.TiuRS,
MotliR, &a. J. F. IIKNItY. CUnitAN
fc CO , N. Y., Sole Aconts.
n psvonoMAficv, oif s-nui. ciiaiimino."
How ell hr S&x lmv !iN.'lnAta and iraln tha
loTeand affection nf any pernon they ckoi, n.
Mantly. Thl Kimpie mental acquirement ul unit
po.api, fnc, br unfl, for 23 cent; together with
a marriage uniae, .Kpypunn urnclo. uroima,
Illota tn LnJe-. A rjueer bdik. lOU.UllO nr&i,
Add" T. WII.I.IAH CO., Pnln., Philadelphia.
in LEiiiGirroir.
T.W. Renshaw
Hosppctfiilly Informs tlio citizens nf Le
hlRlitun nml vicinity, that I'O 1ms open
a Drug Store, In Stauffeu's Block, on
Bank Street, Lehighton.
nnd that ho has Just received un nssort-
inent of
I'uro DriirTS,
rninily medicines,
Flavoring Extrncts.l'erfumery.Coal OH,
which lio will Bunuly nt tho very lowest
price for Cash,
Renshaw's Writing Fluid,
The Best In the Mnrliet.
Tho nttentlon of Chemists Is specially
called to this nrtlcln, which, while It is
fully equal to the best In the market, Is
sold nt S3 per cent, less than any other.
Qualitative Chemical Examinations
carefully oiado nt reasonable charges.
Family Prescriptions carefully com
pounded. B" Tho patrouago of the public Is
very respectfully solicited.
npr 11. ChemUt aud Druggist.
The undersigned Is, now selling to tho
citizens of Welssport and vicinity, the
Family Flour $4.25
2imI Grude - - 3i0
For Casli!
Satlsfaptloi) Quarautecd. Try It 1
t3f IJIULINO o( erery description
nt Iteasonablu Itates. Itaggago taken
to aud from tho Railroad Depots at tho
shortest notice.
Near the Caual .'ridge, EAST WElSS
l'OHT, l'a, npr ll.m3
jyjrii,iifVEirv stoke.
Of Weissport,
Respectfully Informs tho Ladles of this
vicinity that sho Is nnw prepared to
Make Up
Hair Switches,
at short notice and at tho lowest prices.
Sho Is nlso now opening n new and ele
gant assortment of
Ac, and respectfully Invites an inspec
tion of them tiy tho Lndles. All work
will be done in tlio most faslilonablo
and substantial manner, and nt prices
which are bound to suit every one.
.March 7th, 1874
rjp JO. CfcAUSS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gcnt'N Furnishing Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Cassimeres and Vestlngs,for Hen's and
Roys' Wear, which I am prepared to
Mako up to Order in tho most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selectml stnnlr nf FronMi
Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
.n.iu, i cuuiu nna urain j-.eatncr iioots
and Shoes on hand, or
itlado to Order.
Of the Latest Styles nl ways oj hand, at
tho Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American & Grover & Baker
Sewing Machines.
Only Ono Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
Contractor & Builder,
Plans nnd Specifications
For all kinds of Buildings made at tbe
shortest notice
Mado for Plans and Specifications when
tho contract Is awarded to tho under
signed. A. W. EACHES.
Juno 14, 1873-yl
Livery & Sale Stables,
And positively LOWER PRICES than
any other Livery In tho County.
tST Large nnd handsome Carrlagos
for Funeral purpose and Weddings.
Ivor. 22, 1873. DAVID1 KniJKRT.
MAViiricTtiKii or
Carriages, Slclglm, Buggies,
and aTftry ducrlpllnu of
Neirly opposite 3' pi a Hole!, pink Street.
Lehlfibton, Pa,
Jit reuotuile cbargea.
aPtrotvjge verjr ro poet full eoHclted, ud
y'eb.7, 1871, A. BUCKMAX.
Ut the author of " Nlizht fireoei la tbe BIbU" ad
"Our Fthere Hoaw," of nhich' neirlj 200,000
hate Wun nold, "Home Ufe'Mi coinineoded bj
ulolstere of eU ohurcbee a "the author's bott
IkaIc,1 "full of precloni t bought," MXruthi pre
clout ae gemi," ' a choice book for efer fimiir,1
4c, btot-1 eDgraTtngf, roee tinted paper, rfeu
bludlnic, nnd fur rapid mI uncimiUd. AOENT8.
QYMUX. wautodln etercounU l (T6 to $1W pr Mccuuny.
nar"m3 MS Arcb St., rblladclftla, r.
aFew Ooocls 1 1
Tho undersigned having purchased
the entire Stock-ln-Trado of Thomas S.
Deck, comprising Cloths, Cassimeres
and Vestlngs, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
and Gents' Furnishing Goods, aro now
prepared to offer real
Bargains in this Line.
They would also announce that they
are now receiving an entirely newstocK
of the best and most fashionable
Cloths, Cassimeres and Testings,
Suitable for the
Spring Trade !
which they aro prepared to MAKE UP
in the Latest Fashion, the most
Substantial Manner and at the
Very Lowest Prices.
They very respectfully Invito the at
tention ot their friends and the public
to their Goods and Prices, and ask a
share of their patronage, and In return
guarantee full satisfaction In (very
particular. LAURY 8c PETERS,
Post Office .Building,
Bank. Street, LclilgUton, Pa.
march 14, 1874-yl
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices 1
Sd door below M. E. Church,
BANK STREET, Lehightou, Pa.,
having had upward nf Thirty Yean eiperl.lra
In tho MtlllDtrrj Bu.lnew, drifrca to Inform bar
frteudfl and tho jjadle generally, that abe keep!
rouftanUj on hand a larjra aanortnient of
Hair Braids & Switches Mado to Order.
She baa alio Jntt receded from New York a full
and elegant stock of
romprlilne Nfttf, Bonnet, lilbboni, Flowers, Lve,
Crapes, Fancy (loodx.mtMllnre, Collar, Laee
Edging, Neckties, Ituchex, Handkerchief, Ac.
FurnUhod at short notlca and atLowwt prleea.
March II, 1874. MRS. K. FATH.
1874. SPRING. 1874.
The undersigned respectfully Informs
her friends and tbe ladles In peneral,
that sho Is now receiving a largo stock
of tho Newest and most fashionable
Designs In
lillinciy Goods,
for Spring and Summer Wear; such as
NOTIONS, Ao., &e.
IIat3 nnd Bonnets made up In the
latest and mrxit fashionable manner.
..-1 1 1 goods warranted,. and Pi Ices are
fully ns -low as elsewhere. '
STOKE, next door to "The Carbon
Advocato" BANKWAY, Lehlgh'ton.
March 14th, 1874.
7'olssport Ahead t
Tho undersigned would respeetfolly
inform builders, contractors and the pub
lic In general, that they hare opened a
Xrtiinber Yard
In connection with their
Near the L. . S. Depot,
snd that they have now on hand an Ira
menso stock of '.horoughly Seasoned
Lumber, such ns
Bough Pine Boards,
(surfaced rine loards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pino,
Sidings, ot alt kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
Booflng and Ceiling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at thi very lowest market prices.
We are also prepared to furnish Build
ers aud others with a very fine article of
Sand, suitable for Masonry
Work, IMatiterlnp;. &e., at Ilo
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood suitablo for rirowcod,
'which we will sell, In large ox smalt
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Ycakcl & Albright,
aug 23-yl
Carbon county. Pa
Opposite the PubltoSquaie,
Manufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds of
Roofing, Spouting and Jobbln
promptly attended to. nov. 80