The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 11, 1874, Image 1

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    , , 1 , ' " I
in. v. ruonxsjuniKK..
Udllnr Hiil-lrMH'luor.
One OTnllnr a War In Itlvrmce
IVOL. II., Np. 21.
Lebightoii Directory!
fn Ilrbl. Slnirr i'"J ViW'd.l
niit tii K. II. Suri'ellla''Kircet.t
II. D. Vt IDDT", faring, lliif Cullinpand Slam
pnriinfl, U' iter X'hstnie ll"ifri. immiv -ore,. .
Hoot nml "-line MnUer. ,,
ICharle Yen-ei. "". r""" P""""-"", i..nii.
Ircoti aho,dealer in Onfatim'JII
Clinton Wtney, "' -f' imWWj. I' k Hreet.
,4 order priMMijjjuim-, ..........
.Mmifecl Inner-.
nautmnKul "i.l"l;-"'fi tore, Dunk
lrt-al dimmer prf.ii'iiff
Ury oll nll Ml'crrl. .
z. ii. ui;jp. t & . ',','k V'"I p;.?
lrilK em-- Medicines. ,
A.J DurUm; .".trtooraU..!. l , U-id, i ft root.
lim-ilMare. '
F.P.-e-imei,nairi . It. "ImiifW Hotel. JlapU
atreet, (WHrdfort, Oii, ;u... (-"""
Thomas l.antt. P.xclini', ' PP--rubllc. f1UI '
Ujuk t. fatrt.wp vd j t
Furiiilure ly'nrrlimiie. '
V..Pihwjiti liank .tte,.l,-f'Oler,ui ulU Aimij
li-iiiOre. OJim afo In orsrr.
, i i- '
Jlnclmill Tnllora, .
CIiium A Ilic,.l(nl'W a'reet, and iitucra in ffenll
Yv "niMa &, AS., ". J. -,
Th.niitJ.Hk. bnlldinir, lie (ft. 6nU
t'umwhiuo.V'iodi, U"t U.P
Mr. :.Falb)Ilvk ftml. 2nl dorr below (bo SI.
il. Churtln Xutionl ml J'n'MMfogf
Physician Surgeon.
Dr. C. s.'Geiwaii. in m if tlmik aud, lion ttr-
tbiiluit-tiMi in A'nfll.l mill (7'rm-ii.
Dr.N. u.,lleUr,lieii jr tu i'..o; llmk streot.
anuugA'fc" " i-ntfli -'tr"""i-
I ". Provlalon. ,
Joi Olwr'l . Itank hu I'd in;. Curfnfl ant Smoking
IMMSthmtnt. AUtrilrrtimptt)jitl'i3.
J. ratlliikrr 1 l Hi ''''" " iur aP
' Itfil, Viocrrin, Pruttiund VrycUiUa. , ,
rV nfclim ikrr; nml Jeweler.
0. I H.1 ... !-... u, .-. ulli HI. el, nt li.m!. St.
VfaUr iri llutWift, (7'ic, Ai'i'tff. :
,M. ltAlIIHtl,'
B brum, Liuiijitio!itr.
llfUftalfni.J'i"lllloii Aftticj. wn nuyatid
rrll'KiM Utkic C6tivi0fdwlii! nontly dune t-l priwH'y "! efitlins r-st'itek 1
i U..JUf , lfia'.(y; May b cuuulta in fcueiih
jjj ii. s.NVuiin,
Justice ov the PPAcn,
U-lilKlitun, Pa.
Office In litp.fttirc, di'piitlle Hic.EauIo
lloltl. Ctillutttiiis nml Drawliip up of
I)i ytis pronU'.tjy nttfmlfd tu. na3-4m
' ' ." 'xtto'Unkv at laX -
orrtCK'l "Oroiiuil Fliorln tlielievr add! lonortho
W.r..fn ll..u, Mauri. lunik, l'u. 1 ui iit"
traufaitid In KhrIMi aid lUrmui. C.JIliis
riyrop'y made and C"ii"-y""t'"i;. d'
1U. U. Ul.MJlDLK,
Orltco. ilrt llui tf. tir tt ilonr Wlow A mii
Ilal.r. JluudiCbuuU.IVllii'a. Cullicllonr. prompt
y made. N"
Oct 13, 1,873., t
Katt 'WeWapnrl, J'n.
N P-faV- i'l vi er7Bcl -c Tlptl m attended toat
rraanuallfcliaritt-.'K, er tb pnl Ho
la wpwlfully'll-d J.n.21. '71.
Biiiniiill II III, farfioi) Cq., Vn.
B$-ht of bcm uiiurtdallo&a. ' I Xtirl uiiVMa-.
taurant underneath. UixJ JaUlii,! utlacbtfa
Tirma niMerata.
Nort'.MU'tl LUtuvr of
.OIURKS .AND MliUKNCK STIIEBT3, , lil I , Peiiu'a!
KUKIK SCHMIDT', Proprietor.
a3"SupfTlir accrtmiudltloia fir travelera nl
n-.odorata chtrra, Parlidi ti.lllu tlm elty t'niui
tl lalNallt) am t-pi'i lllly.lntlldd tu limku tbulo
hlfh Yallay ltou-o llirlr ti'iplug plufe.. utsr, 7
novo iei:mci,
Architect and Superintendent,
No. 122 S. Otlt lrH, Alleiittiwn, Pn.,
furiiUii Platti. tiif('llii'ntunis anil Eftl
malt's fur Public nml lMviitt-lJullilhiKi.
Smlri", Hull?, &c, C itMiucteil nml
Sot Up ly I liu iiiiiDt itppruvi'tl nu-llioil,
ami at sliuit iiutlri'. Ptitrountio U ros
pcetfully bullclUtl, 'iin'il btilUfncllou
nuarautefd. ' ' . -v opr. 20-il'cu. jiT.
rtLIVKIV'Cnil.UEV. dealer In Tn
liarcn, Clears, Pjpe, Sr , next dunr to
Jti'x's'Gr'irf ry Stou, Sii-ipiit aiiu'aSt.r.
JltiucM .6'liiink, ri;i!ttiilly" asks Hib
p opIur'L'Mit'o.liluii.HUiI vicinity, jvhi-ii
a-IsIiJiir Hint jiltii'r, to t all in aiil (ry Ills
tbo' very best In llio uifartti-t'.' Every
nttlcles In Ijls ..IIiid.w nrircitu-il as N-pra-Mirfitl
n'lil u i low tM pi'lrl'M," V-fnitthitf
' . - 4D ......
T, ilolni Cojoranteawa iteprtUoied i
ijebanoti Mutual Fire,
ltcadlnr' iliillrHi Kire,
' .PotUvJIjB Flrp;'
', I . H'W' Klro, and the
Also ,Ptnitiiyl8Ua and .Mutual lloree
TMil UcludlVu ttUd insurance Cum-lay-
'Miwb'SO, 1873.
Bailroad Guide.
, AVlMtR RRtXrjEMEtlT.
Pannensers for 1'LU'tdeIplilawDno.ire Lchlghlon
n followat
fi.119 1. in , Tin I.. V.j arrive at Plilla at M5
1 37 a", in. lnt.. AS. " 11.10a.m.
7 3!l n. m. tIi I,. V. " " 1110 p.m.
11.07 p.nnU I.. S. " " 215p.m.,
HSU p. til.Tln I,. Y. " ' t 2.15 p.m.
2 47 'p, nr. Tla I.. A H. " " bSo p.m.
4 17 p. m. vl i h. A . ' ' 8 20 .m.
.I4 p. in. U. II. V. " " R 20 p. 111.
7J8 p. in. tla I.. V. " 10 30 p.m.
Iteturittii?, leartt dpot at llerka and American
Street. I'lilla., at 7 U, 8 30 and D.4j a. in.; 2.10
3X0, and 5 10 p. In.
lara trniii l.en!iih.ou to Pbtl.idefpli1a. 62.o5.
t'eh. I, 174. MILLS 01, AUK, Ant
Commencing Dec. 10, 1873.
No. 1. No. 3. Nn. 5. Ko. 7.
7.'ar A.M. A. Ii. A.M. I'. M.
tirren lildc. 7.30 10"i" 1.25
Si-cautou". 7.:t5 1130 1-10
,1'lttnon - S.lrJ 10..17 4Jil
Wll,e llalro 8.-10 11.25 2.20
IVlitte linen 0.55 ' 12. 0 3.40
l'enrj lla'n June 1 0.117 1 3J 4.19
JlaucbCh'ink 7 30 11.00 J.j!jj, 4.40
Cataa.iuquu 8A"i 1168 3.17 Ml
Allt-iltim Ml 12110 3.23 547
lletblebem 0 UO 1217 . X37 . IV 0
ylrnishuston 0.27 ' 12.43 4.03 0.25
Up Truss.
Ko. 10. No. 4. No 0. N'rl.14.
Leave a. m. a. ii. r. m. r. m.
Parton.., HJO ll.tli 3.55 7.15
illetblebora 8 55 12.13 4 27 7 41
AIMitiwi 0.10 12.25 4 37 7-57
CataMUlfltij 0,.4 1212 4 45 rMU
Mauch Chunk 1.23 J; 0.10
Pcnn Haven J'n. 1045 2.0J 025 ....
liltnllave 11.23 2 40 7 US
MIW-Ulirir 1240 . 4.110 P.I0
1'ltlKtott 1.011 4.20 855
bcranton 1X0 4 53 0.25
ylrr. UittullUgti 135 C.liO 0.30 ....
XtatjnfhanXvg Vallry ,'. II. Down train Xos.3
5 and 7, and Up tiutns Nos. 10 uud 4 connect at
Maucb Cbuiik.
Aor7i J Vnw'a It. Ii Down t ral ns Kns. 1 , 3, 5 &
7 eoniiect at nethlebcuitnr Pbll.iitelpblt. Up train
Nog, 10 A 4 connect nl Uftblebetit fr Ptitl.idelpht.i.
lieturnliiK loaic Philadelptila al 7.10 . in. f r Ua.
ton, Maucb Chunk, llatti, WHkea Itarre, Tainiutui,
Serantou, Sbarcn. Ac; ai 0 45 a. tu. tor Kaston,
Maucb' Lhunk, 'iniaqua. H llll.ini'iirt, Vllke.
Itnilo and SiTanton; at 210 p. tu Scralitou,
AYIlkea tlarra and InteruiedUto atatiou; al 3 30 p.
m.lur llatb and Uastou ; at 5.10 p. tu. ftrMaucb
Ttimaqun Branch Up trains No. 10 A 4, and
Douu IihIiib Nc. 3. 5 A 7 connect at Mauih Chunk
to and from Tamii'ju.i.
Lehigh ct.(tcAau'jnna R. It. Down train Xo.
1 A 7, and Up trnltt Ni-. 10 A G fftiuect at liuih
teheui fur llith aud Ctuihii.ui Quarile. Iteturn
iup lean (.uupuian'a ut 7.4J iv. iu. mid 2 15 p. m.
Ventral l.QiltHtdifi.wJrri'y All irutnauiako
cIo.h cih u. tt lull at Ijl.tuii Mini trail Bilu Central
ltallro.i.1 1 1 2ietf Jermy.
Jlfriderfltlitivaic Jt. , Down train ton. 3
AC.and Uptraiui .Nia. 4 A llimlluctut Phillip.
Lur wlttl Dil.-llel.- 1!. It, to and fioui 'lieillou,
Philadelphia aiut Ilelitdeio
rinlndlihid'dT.e.udffiil -JtaltrotliS. Tha Depot
of tlio 1-at Penn II. It. and tha L. A tf. DilUlau
are coiiuoctcd by street Car.
. II. V. UALU1V1N, dm. 'Jnjr Jjrnt.
Feb. 7, Ib74.
'Winter Time Table.
On ard after SUNDAY. NOYIMIIUH 21,1873.
tbo Ir.iin on tbo I M'a. A lllle 11 II. Dhlslou vlll
luti a. luUuas i
Dtrriio lliram leave Phpadelphla 12.t3 p.m.
" " IlarrUburj; 605 p.m.
" " Mllllinifport 0.20 p.m.
" " Kmporluui 2.15 a.m.
" arr. at llult.ilo F.'jl) a.m.
L'rie Mail fiares Pnllndlpbl i 10.30 p.m
lUrritur 3.15 p ui.
" ' lin.imsirt 7.3 r pm.
' lj.l'Kll.lleu S.40p.m
'' " Penova 10.05 a.m.
", an at Mj 720 pm.
L'LUlUA Mail leaie I'bl'adilphU, 8.0) a ui.
' llarrlburg 1X0 pui.
" " )lllamport II 2 1 p.m. lKk llaieii 7J3 ..ui'
Itt.loVA ACCuUMoulN laaTM llarrliburx S.'ilatu
i " Wllllaui.p't 125 pm.
IULD EiOLt Mail lenrea Wllliauitpurt 1.13 p.m.
' a arr. at Lock Uaieu 3-10 p.m.
IlcrrALO I'.ltKtss la ivea IluIT.ilo 3 23 p m .
" ' ruiiHirlum 'OUpni.
11 ' ' YVIIIIlinport 1.10 a.m.
41 arr. at llarrtljurx 4.5 Jam.
11 I hlltdelphU fi 10 a.m.
llait Mail limrca Krl 11.2 J a.m.
' lleriova 8 40 p ui.
" lH-k llaren -0A5 p.m.
" " Wlllhuuplrt 11.10 p.m.
" arr. at llari'ltliuri; 3 03 a in.
" " IhlUdelphla 8.10 a.m.
Kluiba JUll loavea lak Haven 7.35 a.ui.
Wllhami'port 0 30 a.m.
' arr. at HarrUlurir 3.0.5
" ' I'lillnJ.Hihli CM p.m,
IlARKItcctlO Accos,, leile Ullhmpnrt 030 p.m.
" arr. at Ilnrrl.lnir.- 0.50pur
' '' PhllUelphla 251 a.m.
PUP Kiclc Mjlt, bare lck limn 1221 p.m.
" arr, at,UbiamHirt 1 3) p.m.
Mat) i:.iid roi nMts o.n.t ni.d net at I'lto with L
SI M h U IV and al Curry and Irtluelou ith
nil I nek ni.d Allelieli It It IV.
. Mjil Wv' with ia-t and train on I. 8 A M
S It M.aodattVrryanllrvlnetoa with Oil Cnek
and Allegheny 11 It .
Klmlri Mill uud UuTill lllpra.a make clore
rpiinectlouaat U Ullam.pjrt with .V C It W tlalna
U'rlb.uud at llarr.tburj hIIIi .V C 11 VY lraln
aouth. V M. A, UALDIVlN.nun'l Supt.
v ciiiriitox acioj:,iiv.
U'lilijlitoii, Pa.
An Inatltutlun for floth Sexea.
Ilev,C. IwlCSSL,i;tl, Principal and Pror.ncr
of aud the Higher Uulltb.
1' llrauchus, .
JIIIS.3I.C. lCICSI.GIt, Preceptren and
Ttfacber u! Patutlnaui Drairlu
iilt. JOllS M, KISSL.UU, A. LI. Pro
le.aorof Lalluaud UreeK.
MISS IS. O. NIC A I), Teacher of Mufli.
VlL.SO.V UUIIIIIU Ainl.tant.
'Por Particular ayply to U. KSdLll, Lehigh
uoil'a. Oct. 17, MS.
Plorial Guide for 1874.
200 Pagos ; COO Knprnvlngs nml Colored
Plate. Publiihul Quarterly, at 25 eta.
a Year, First S'o. ur 1874 Jut Uaued.
A German eiluluu at haiuc pilcct.
Addieas JAMES V1CK,
uov. 80, IJocUebUr, N. Y.
Tlio Tloatty & Plotts celebrated Gold
en ToiiRitp
is nrkttoivlt'ilcpil by professors of music
and relebrated orRanlsh-to be tlm lead
Inc 1'arlor Oigan now In uib. Tctl
niontaliam curds nf hontiraie constant
ly liolnc received In favor of tlioni. Wn
lappend a few and wish you to reud
Anthony, N. J.. Jan. 2.", 1873
Jlessrs Heat y & Plotts, Gents Vour
Otcan, sold me, j-lves entire satisfaction.
It beauty of timonml stylo of workiiian
ship aruseltlotn If ever Mtrpasseil. Wi-li
yott mccfas In your luisineiis, I am,
with lespect, Pmf, M. U .UiSATTy.
Siiamokin, Pa,, Feb. 11, 1874.
I have, onuof Ueatty & I'lolt,' Golden
Tongue Orjjans. It I an excellent in
struiiient, linn lono and full power. I
llku it better tlian ituv I have. Iteaid.-
M. II. IlAllPiiL, M. D.
Lauuy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27,' 1874.
1 havu bad lleatty & Plotts' Or.m
nil cm lu;nst 14th, 1872 ; It gives tho
hlghi'ht Mill-fn.'tiiii, and-has proved all
that it was recouilut'lided by the prop'is
Jon IIiikhy.
Slatinoton, Ta., Feb. C, 1874.
Beatly & Pli.tts Parlor Organ 1 like
belter than the Stand ml, anil it gives
better batiofiictlon, sis I find In my t.-av-ls.
Prof. Fit. V. MAYiiit
St. Claih, P.i., Pec. fith, 1875.
Jfessis. Uiatiy & Plotts, GentI
linvu received tlio Organ, asu-iit by your
linn to me, niul 1 have had It examined,
aud it gives ample. Hitlsfacllon.
Hon. John Sinet.
Mauanoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1873.
The Ueatty & P.otls cclelirattd Gold
en Tosgiie Parlor Organ is by far tho
bct Pallor Oigan In use. I havu care
fully examnivd It, ami find Its tone,
woiktuitiishlp and durability' to bo tlib
heitt I ciers.iw, and 1 can with pleasure
rccommeml it to any in want of a lir.-t-class
parlor organ. Piof. O. II. UNtHiit.
Weiars. livatty & Plotts, of Washliig
ton, N. J., aio geutlemeii of enterprise,
and whoso lU'esetico would bo a credit
to any community. Uackettstown, N.
J., lleialil, 1872.
Washington, N. J., Sept. 5, 1873.
To Itobeit .Moigan, Pottsville I inn
happy to statu the liislritineilt gives
enlitu hatlfl.iclion, not only to nijself
but itl?o to the teachers of tlio Ibetiilnary
who aru better judges.
Ituv. A. M. Jklly.
Wo bay, after cnretul (.ml cmtly ex
periment, It is witli pleasuro wo Intro
duce tho "Golden Tongue," knowing
it possesses imtuj advantages over nil
others manufactured. Tho tomt cx.-els
in fullness, puilty, and tho thousands
of testimonials which are being con
stantly received, aio evidence that our
eiruits have been eminently successful.
For partlcuhirs aud Pri.'e List, address
Feb. 310m Washington, N. J.
rmilK BA.'HATTA,V Sp7lR
" K-E uud Cumblnatluii
OF WEISSPOIIT, lus been a.pointeil
lgent for Lehlgl'ton, W'elssport and
vicinity tu give our citizens n chance to
bee uml test the merits of tho arrange
inetitof spiiugs. Ilo is willing to put
tliem on tiinl for any person tor ono
w eek, and if 'they .lo not paovo supo
ilur to tho Woven Wire Mattress, Put
,liam, Yankee, Norfolk, Wi'ight, Sptlug
field, Hone, Tucker. Eureka, Juntoe,
Inipeiial, United States, Walker, Con
necticut, Eagle, Saluui or any of tlio
owo thousand ami one Spring lieds that
have been put upon the market, you
are not asked to buy It. Tlio above
named beds have been discarded to
make loom for tlio Improved. It has
no hiding place lor hugs, lias no blats
on top ot ll.o t-prlugs, but heavy duck
canvas, buoklng nt the base of the
spilug, thai may be taken otf ami the
sluts removed (fur cleauliiij or other
wise,) by anybi dy in llvb minutes and
replaced at pleasure. Thobptlngs may
be changed to oilier portiuni of the bed
with very little tiouble. The sprlntis
! me unlimited to keep p'acu and I.ut
iiuigoi I nan any oilier In use. For in
valids It cannot be surpa-o-cd. Ho UU
Ilium to any bedstead ordiffereiit weight
of persons, the largest number under
tlm pait ot the body, nml with
t light covering of hurks. cotton, straw
ued. or hair niattres, they adapt them
selves completely to the body. Tho
ladles bbou;i call and see the arrange
ment of spilngH for the ciadlti, ami not
liuve'to use leathers In warm weather.
They aiu belter than toothing byrup or
coidmls lor the little ones. Thu springs
ale made I rum the very best ca-1 btevl
fi urn tho celebrated blielllcld wukrsof
England. Coiuu one and all unit see
them. Theao beds have been fully es
tablished lu twelve .ditfeleiit States.
The Furniture men are especially In
v I ted to ci.ll aud examine these beds,
lluda put upon trial and no one asked
to purchase .until alter a fair trial.
nov 8 '73-tf Agent, Weissport.
"RtflOK SABaB. Tlio undersigned
J"- offeis his Houso and Lot, bltuato
in Franklin town-.)ilp, on (lie road load
ing front Welsspoitlo Mackerellowu, at
pilvato Mile. The huusu is 20 x 2(1 it.,
three ctones in front with bu-cnicnt,
and tho lot 00 leet front by 100 deep
Suitable lor ImMiirrs bland. Atinly to
1 1 EN It Y llOTIJEUMEi-.
Much 11th, 1871-V.3
tt'or The. Caanox Advociti.
niv nioTiiCK,
I've wanilcred fnrnway. mother,
Far Irani my happy linmo.
Ait 4 Iclt Iho limit that jrnvo mo birth
In other climes to roam;
And tlmo tallica then lias rolled Ills ycsirs,
And mnrkpil tliem on my brow;
Yet still I think of thee, motlici
I m tlilnkltigof the now.
VYhcn by thy gcntlo side, mother,
You watched my dawning youth,
And kissed mo' In your pride, mother,
.Taught me tho Wonl of Truth;
Then brightly was my soul lit up
M'lth thoughts of future Joy,
Vt'hllt your m ight fancy gatliinds wOYO
To deck thy darltny by.
I'm thinking of tho day. mother,
When, with such anxious enro,
You lifted up your heart to heaven,
Your hope, your trust was thero.
Fond memory brings tlio pat ting glance,
Whilst tears roll down my cheek,
Tint last long loving look told moro '
Than over words could speak.
I am lonely and formation, mother,
Ko I i lend Is near mo now,
To SQotho mo with a'tender word,
Or cool iny burning brow;
Tho dearest ties nfTcctlou wovo
Are nil now torn from mo,
They left me when my troulilo came,
They did not love llku Iheo.
I would not have thfo know, mother,
How brightest hopes decay
Tlin tempter with his baneful cup
Has dashed them all away;
Anil Bhiiniolms left his vunom'd sling,
To rack with anguish wild,
Yet still, I would not havo tlico know
Tho sorrows of thy child.
l'vo wandered far nway, mother,
Slnco I deserted thee,
And left thy trusting heart to break
Tloyond tho depp blue sen;
Yet. mother. I still love thee well,
I long to hear thee speak-,
And feel ngaln thy hnliny breath
Upon my careworn check. i
nut oh I thorn Is a thought, mother,
I'ct vndes my beating breast. t
That thy bright spirit may have gono
To its eternal rest I
And as 1 ivlpo tho tears nway,
There whispers In my ear
A volco that speaks of heaven, mother,
And-blds me seek theo there I
Socta Limoorox, April, 1374.
' Hiatal-)- of the Grnnge .Movrmrlit
or, the Parmer- War ngiin-l .Mon-pnUea " De
Ini a full and authentic account of the tru;ste
of the American Farmer a.-alnt the extortions
ofthe llallrmid Compile. With a History of
the lllaeand Progrea(,f theOrderoltboPatrune
of 11 usba-idry. Pul Ilshed I y tbe.Nalloual Pub
lMiIngCo, Pblladelbh, Pa.
Of all the great questions now before
tlio public, that of Iho fanners move
ment for the redress ofthe wrongs from
which they have so long suffered, is, un
questionably, tho most Important.
Tho author portrays In a masterly
manner the evils of the gteat
System which havo brought our pipspnt
liimncia! troubles tipop us; thu gindual
growth and concentration of this vast
power Into the hands of n few eoipoi
latlons; tlio false sysb-m ol building
rnllioads In advance of the demand for
them; tho terrible evils arising Irointhe
reckless stock gambling operations
with which the country has been curs
ed for Hie last eight years; theiiisolcnco
and tyianny with which tho IlnllroatW
treat the public dependent upon them;
Iho fearful extent to which our Legisla
tures and Courts have become ror
iitpted by the great corporations which
seek to eontrol them; tlm causes nf tlio
great panic of 173, mid the events of
that ciWs are related with ngraphlcness
which leaves nothing o bede-lred. Tho
author gives a startling account of tlm
dang-rs wllh which reckless railroad
management has assailed tho nation In
every feature of Its existence. Ills
blatements will nltraot universal atten
tion, and nre woitliy of the setlous con
bhlcriitlun of every eltUen of this coun-try-Passing
from thn MonopnlUts nnd
their outrages, the nulhor takes up the
au.o of the wronged and oppressed fir
mers, aud gives us a detailed statement
ofthe evils I rum which tho tanning
class Is buffeting. He analyzes skill.
Hilly Iho causes Ot thesu evils, and
shows huw and by whom tlio farmers
me rubbed.
The wjrk contains a detailed nnd
carctully prepared history ol the now
Older of the Patrons of Husbandry.
A eoniplft,, account ol tho orgmil7nthin
nml objects of tin, order is given; its
lw nnd mode of pioeeduro nrtatul;
una each feature I-explained at length.
It ftbouuls in tho most startling dis
closures, and will, unipiesllonably,
tuako a noisri In the world. The hook
Is ably written, nnd It Is n bold nnd
vlgeroiis plea in behalf of of the farmers
and all who are oppressed and robbed by
the grasping Monopolists who are giv
ing us mi much trouble. The author
treats his subject f i a practical stand.
point, and no ono who wishes to keep
himself lufiirimd upon llm most impor
tant and exciting question of tlio d-iy,
can ailord to bo without tills vuluiuo.
The appearance Is ino-t opporlunnln
and It iiitt-t I'ommiiuil a Urge and inpid
sale. The book is soul by biib-cribtion
only, and the publishers want neon's In
every cuuutry.
it4?."? a?.1 J,ur"slde ' spoken of for tho
Uuitud States Souite.
Thu Ucncon's Slat.
A rather ridiculous sceio occurred In
Xonnlk, Ohio, recently. Tho lu-,ro Is
n prominent and much respected dea
con. Tho other ktinday ho hturtod for
church wiHi a,, old'hat on Ills It
was an easy lint, nnd the obi gentleman
enjuyed It It appears thero are pegs
lo bang hats on in tlm churches theio.
Ho thus disposed of his head-gear on
reaching iho church, and took Ills seat
with thu coogregathm. When the ser
vlco was over lie lingered, as Is custom
ary and proper for deacons lo do. Ilo
linally inohed tho porch, and stoppul
for his lint, nnd any respcjtable clt!zcn
can lin.iglne tlio horror lie experienced
on beholding but one hat left, and Hint
n most dilapidated and scauJelotts look
ing nnicle. Ho could letl his blood
bull .ithlM tiim as he looked nt It it ml
thought of tlio inuttoti.lic.iil who owned
II, ami had walked off with Ids glossy
beaver instead. Ho said out aloud that
the owiurof that li.if wai a' inultoii
lnad, nnd ground his deacoiiism heel
Into the floor, nnd felt much lelleved by
so doing. Then 1 e tied a handkerchief
about his head bcnttso the old lintwas
much too laige for him, and lie could
not wear it, oven If llcsli and spirit had
not it vol led agiibist tho spectacle. He
told Hie 'cxlou that that hat u.u-,t li.lve
been built In a dry duck, and tho only
thing that doubled him In the nutter
was how a man with a head ot that size
gotinlo church anyway. Then hu stalk
ed majestically homeward, witli the red
handkerchief wound about 'his head,
and thu detestable hat held at arm's
length of hi in, and altogether
foi ming n fpectncle that fastened tho
astonished atiHiition of every beholder.
Arriving home, he extended thu obnux
lous article toward his wife, and waiting
nu instant for tier to lake lu the awful
enormity of tlio olfejici;, lie explosively
shouted ''Look ntthat villainous rag!"
The lady looked at it, and astoti
ishciL "I don't wonder you.aro tick,"
he howled morosely; "it makes niesick
to think of tlie bullhead who owues
such a smoke-stud; palming It off on
me, anil taking my now beaver for him
self in mistake! (lie groined this out
with wiithlng sarcasm.) A prelty mis
take 1 mii't say when his miserable rag
is big enough to cover a cait, and filthy
enough to make a ciow sick. "Hut
that's your every day hat," as.erted
his wife, in still greater astonishment,
"My hat!" gasped thu amazed deacon,
blaring nt her with his eyes hair way
nut of tlnir sockets, .and then lnughltig
hysterically, ntnf shlveri-ig from head
to foot. "Certainly it is," persisted
his wife, '-and hero Is your best hat,"
taking lliat artlch fron its accustomed
place and holding it out to him. Willi-
out a word Iho tulser..b!e man snnk Into
a clnir, and after stnrlrg blankly nt
his wife for a moment, slowly said:
"The ways of Providence nre past Dull
ing out. Hub my head, Matilda!"
Intemperance yet lias licences, ami
popular countenance. In tlm eloquent
language of another: Its innrch of ruin is
onwnrd still. It reaches nbro.-.d to others;
Invades tho family nml social circle,
nnd spreads woo and sorrow all nrotind.
I', cuts down youth in Its vigor; manhood
In its strength: and age lu its weakness.
It breaks the father's lieait; exting
uishes natural affection; erases conjugal
love; blots out filial attachment; blights
parental hope, and brings down mourn
ing age with sorrow tn tho grave. It
produces weakness, not strength; death,
not life, It makes wives, widows; child,,
die n orphans; husbands fiends; and all
of them paupers ana beggars. It halls'
feve ti, feeds rheumatism, nurses gout,
welcomes .epidemics, invlles cholera,
imparts pe.sllleucr, and consumption., It
covers the land with idleness, poverty,
dlsea-e. and erlnin It tills your J ills,
supplies your alinhlnises, and demands
jour iisylums. It engenders contro
UTslcs, fu-ters quartels, and cherishes
riots. Jt contemns law;, spurns ordn
loves mobs, it crowds penitentiaries,
and furnishes tlio victims for your neat
folds. It Is (ho life blood of tho gaud
ier, tho 'ailment of the counterfeit, tho
prop of the highwayman and tho support
of the midnight incendiary,
It countenances the liar, respects tho
t hlef, and esteems Hie blasphemer. It
violates obligation, reverences fraud nml
honors Infamy. It defames benevolence,
hides love, scorns vlituo and slanders
Innocence; li.cit-s tho father to butcher
his ofT-prlng,, helps tho husband to mas
sacre Ids wife, aud aids tho child to
grind his pailcldal axe. It burns wad,
consumes woman, detesta life, ciuses.
God and despises heaven.
"It suborns witnesses, nur.se9 perjury
defiles tlio jury box, 'and stains tlio
judicial ormltio.
"It bribes voters, dl-quallfles vote's,
corrupts flections pollutes our liistltu
Hons and endangers our government.
It degrades the citizen, debases tha
legislator, dishonors tho statesman, and
dl-aims the patriot. It brings sliauio
not honor; misery, not happiness. And
now, ns with tlio malevo euce of u fiend,
It calmly surveys its frightful desola
tloipj, Instatlato wllh h.ivoe, It poisons
felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, bilglits
confidence, slays reputation, nnd wipes
out national honor, then curses tl e
world and laughs, at Its ruin."
In View of such a catalogue of vices,
wlilcli degrade and ruin humanity, who
will not cjir.o out boldly and unreserv
edly in favor of such measures as will
restrict within tho narrowest limits
possible, Iho monstrous evil? What a
fearful catalogue of crlino and misery
it leaves to murk Its bloody path.
Woman ami 1'lmvoin.
TJIessings on, the heads oftho-owho
fend llowery presents to those whoso
energies have been de.Mil.iteJ by disease!
Flowers luipait not only fr.igr.inee and
beauty to onu'a sick room, but .they
ab'oluiely light up the gloom that,,
hangs aiotiud iUikcadar.: curtain, and,'
cause cheerlnlne-s to take, tho, place
of heaviness and oppression of tlio,
heart. Often has our soul felt.excail
ingly grateful to these dear women iwho
have considered our low estate and sent
llowers", fresh, fragrant and beautiful, .
lo cheer our fiivaliilisni. -Could wo
strew their pathway through life with
llowers, hovv.e.igery would our hand
perfoim thu .task! Had other
oilice, than to minister to tlm pleasures
of tlio .bick, that of itself would bo
reason sufficient why they ,shonId be,
cultivated. Hut when wo remember j
that. they tiro not only an ever pleasant
joy to tho eye, but nro also true nnd
genial teachers of moial truth and ex
cellence, as well ns the prompters to tbo.
highest tis Wjell f.s the most lefiudcd
sentiments, wo can perceive of qtv;
great impoitance it is that the hand aud
heart of wonianls power is In her love
liness. and she ought to do overytblng.
to encourage It.' llcr loveliness has
broken tho bondage In which nianx a
sinful man was bound, and which .had'
resisted persuasion and (oco tlnoug't
many a year. Let her, Increase, her
power by a.ldlng to her loveliness, a,nd.
this sho will not full to do if slio glyes
Iter heart up, to a luvo of .beautiful
poetry of eai Hi. ".
Xo iVo.Klor.
" I wonder wJiero my .scholars are?"
said a teacher, with languid air, ns sho
seated herself In her accustomed e.bnlr,
and looked arouud upon u vacant
"form," i
" I should not wonder If your schol'
ars are vyhcro you wero last Sunday and
Hie Sunday before," whispered a volcd
close besldo her ;. and looking up, sho
recognized tho-superititemleutj -
The fact is, situ wusnhoutasftcaiueat-
ly nbscnt as present; and when she wan
present sho w as so little prepared for thai
proper presentation of the trutli in tho
lessjn, thntshu might itlsD"-as well havo
been absent.
She wondered, but' tlio superintend
ent tlld not, nor need we. Llko cause
In llku -clrcunistaiices always priiduca
like effects. Lot .your , pastor pursue
that policy, and half ids time fall to
meet his congregation nt its regular ap
polntuients, and 'It will not uS'long be
fore, even when ho does come, his con
gregation will fat) to meet him. Or
even if ho conio vvlth tho utmost puuc
tuality, still, if, when h does, come, In
ste'ad of providing milk rind meat, he
only makes a clatter with an enjpty
saiice-pan, a liko'iestilt .will follo.V; for
pot ce'n cattle will count pp,
unleso tbey find by experience that they
aru to bo fed. A minister who'shodid"
thus foolishly and wickedly trltlo with
a charge so sacred, would Lo, and should
bo, suinmirlly dUmlssed; and If a sun
day scliuol macjer of. like eliaraeter,
bhould be differently iloalt with, wu do
not discover the reason. llaptlst
A few days slnco a needy person
applied to a wealthy citizen for help
and recti veil tho siiiiill sum pf live cvpis.
liu' giver remarked nt ho handed uver
tho pittance, '-T.tko iouwra wclcsrue.
our ears am always opeu to tho cails of
the lil-tiessed." "Xinit may be." re.
piled tho recipient, "but never ' before
111 toy life liavn I sn tut iiii
ing tor aud. largo uui." 1