The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 04, 1874, Image 2

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    H. V. MORTIIIMKR, . . . , . KDIIOR.
uanioiiiraH, fa
The Secretary ot lhe Treasury lias
directed the Assistant Treasurer at New
York to volt ono million o( gold each
Thursday during Die month ot Apiil,
five millions In all.
The Judicial apportionment bill has
received the signature ot tlio Governor.
This Judicial District lias been divided,
Carbon and Monroe forming ono and
rike and Wayne another. Judge Dro
ller will remain on the bench In this
JPljWct; the Governor appointing a
Judge for Pike and Wayne to serve
MntU November election.
pitas' Is the largest, most complete
And Instructive catalogue ot flower and
vegetable seeds ever Issued. It contains
n dictionary ot information on flower
and vegetables and planting. Mr. B.
offers $1800 in prltes, this year, for tho
largest crop raised from his now pota
toes Extra Early Vermont and Cornp
ton's Surprise Send for catalogue,
.pries 25 cents. .Bliss fc Sons, 23 fork
flwe, K. Y.
Tho Supreme Court of New York baa
granted an order to show cause why
owlts ot mandamus should not issue
ragalnst Judge Davis on, the motion of
.the counsel for Tweed, who claim there
were certain exceptions taken In the
-course of the trial, and noted by the
stenographer In his minutes, which tlio
Chief' Justice Improperly refused to
allow In setting the case on appeal. The
, order is made returnable on the 23d ot
.April next, and the counsel for Tweed
are given until tho 15th of the same
month to submit further affidavits.
The April number of Wood's House
bold Magazine, now upon our table,
mil sustains its reputation as a first
.class, livo publication. While Its con
tents are not deep or scientific, Its pages
Are free from trashy sensational stories,
jano' are full ot bright sunny reading
itbat goes borne to the heart. The maga
zine contains Its usual number ot illus
trations, and Its general appearanco
.compares favorably with the higher
.priced magazines, Subscription price
one' dollar year; with chroiho Yose-
mlte one dollar and a half. Subscrip
tions may begin with any number. Ad
dress. Wood's Household Magazine.
NewbuTg N. Y.
Tie Rhode Island State election took
place on Wednesday, the 1st. Inst. There
was ho Democratic nomination for State
officers and tho vote was very Unlit:
Henry Howard was re-elected Gover
nor by a vote ot 12,261) to 1,509 for Ly.
m'&n Pelrce, and 107 scattering. Charles
C.Van" Zandt was elected 'Lieutenant
Governor, receiving 7,070 votes, to 0,
6l'S cast William F. Douglas, Prohibi
tion candidate. Joshua M Addlman
was re-elected Secretary ot State, and
WiMan Sayles, Attorney-General, with
but little opposition. Samuel Clark was
elected general Treasurer by a large
majority over Henry Qoff, Prohibition
candidate. The chief interest in the
election centered in the choice of mem
ber of the Legislature who will choose n
United StatesSenator. Tho 'Assembly Is
largely .Republican as usual, but the
:Sepatorlal question remains in doubt.
The bill) to regulate transportation
on Railroad?, Introduced in the Houso
.of Representatives by Mr. Shoemaker
of Pennsylvania, a few days ago, pro
vides for tho appointment by the Pre
sldefjt of three Commissioners at a
salary ot (2,500 per anqnm, to serve
for one year, whose duty It shall be to
classify tbe different classes of freight,
on which the railroads are required to
fix their tariff freight, giving publicity
to the came by. conspicuously posting
tbe same in such offices and depots;
and no change shall be made In such
tariffs without thirty days' notice ot
(snch change by posting such notices as
foresaid, any deviation from the re
gular rates being punishable by a fine
of not Jess tljan $100 .nor more than
l,000.v ' Tho tforpmlcsloners are also
required to arrange a general code of
railroad signals, and tba railroads to
Adapt the same. Tho bill has been re
ferred to the -Committee on Railways
A Washington dispatch of the 30 nit.,
says the following is the present condi
tion pf ihl year's appropriation bills:
Thn Haval Emergency Etr Approprl
atlpn.blll, and the Army, Nary, and
Fortification bills, have passed both
Houses and bsaoroo laws. The Exs
utla and, Judicial Appropriation bill
Is MwundeonsIdera.Uon by the House
Thij Indian and Military Academy Ap
proprtlon .bjlli have been reported, -bat
jiMjet reachedor .action. The Dell
ctency.VHl will be repurtod this week,,
n4,tben, tbe Penslgij, Postal, Consular
and, jUip.loa.atle, llivef and i Harbor,
anJsundryclyll.ejijenies bills, will bo
-jepred by tbe committee and reported
to the lloaso in tlie order name J. In
the bills Already reported tlicroliasbeon
arednction ot between 11,000,000 and
$12,000,000 from tlio revised estimates
of the departments, and llio committee
conQdenUy expect to 'be able to affect
an aggregate saving of 2.',000,000 In
tJia total appropriations this year as
compared with those of the last session.
' Striking For Tliclr Pay.
Susquehanna Depot, March 29, Tho
Erie Railway shopmen on strike here
for bncK pay for tehruary and March
have concentrated about one thousand
freight cars and 'ninety locomotives In
the depot yard, and brought down upon
worn noout ouu inintia. this strmo
hns blocked transportlon, and Is effec
tually ouchcring the company out ot
170,000 dally, In the way ot receipts
from business. This morning 200 Lu
zerne county horne guards arrived in a
special train, accompanied by a battery
of four Napoleons, and Gen. Osborne
as General commanding. The unex
pected arrival, which had been caused
b'v tbe Erie officials teleRranhlnir last
'night to Gen. ITartrantt, created tho
wildest excitement; amnnc the strikers.
and tell like a thunder clap' upon the
resiaenis. as mo troops halted in the
depot tho strikers surrounded tho train,
and gave them a hearty welcome. Tho
muma were posted at once, and the
depot taken possession ot.
The strikers called a meeting to con
sider the following propositions pre
sented by Vice-President Clark:
First All trains to run without fur
ther Interference from tho men, as soon
as they can bo made up.
Second The paymaster to pay off all
the mon for February and March, be
ginning to-morrow. '
Third All men when paid off to be
considered out'ot the company's employ.
Fourth Tho company will employ
all such men as they think are for their
Fifth Tho men pledge themselves
not to Interfere with the cars, tialns,
shops or other property In any rosoect..
Sixth If nolnterferanceor Intimida
tion Is hereafter attempted with the
employees or property 6f tho company,
and all parts ot machinery are at onco
replaced, the company will seek to
make no arrests for anything done dur
ing the strike.
These the strikers refused to consider
until to-morrow morning, but they con
sented to allow passeugnr travel to bo
resumed, and to-night a few trains have
passed. They, will not allow freight to
be moved. Spies aro scattered along
tho road to Intercept any passenger
trains to which freight cars are attached.
Early on Saturday word was sent to
Gov, Hartranft that a riot was Immi
nent, and he ordered troops forward.
The Inhabitants wero indignant, and
telegraphed to him protesting against
theseudingof military, but the Sheriff,
telegraphed that lie wanted help and
the Governor repeated his orders. Seve
ral rmiaueipmareKiments are en route.
The Governor's replies to tho protests
were courteous but linn, lie says that
ho must enforce tho laws, and that tho
strikers must be prevented by force If
necessary from stopping trains. To
night sentinels have been posted In and
around the depot,
March ill). The strikers have voted
on Vice-President Clark's propositions.
almost unanimously rejecting them.
The veto was: No, 470; Yes, 11. Vice
President Clark has met a 'committee
of the strikers, and refuged to make
any further concession.
'1 he strikers aro being paid oft In
small squads ot men who admitted in
side the Hues of tho military to receive
their pay, apd are then escorted beyond
tho lines, when another squad Is admit
ted. No attempt has yet been made to
resist the troops.
One thousand more men of tho State'
militia have arrived, and have taken
possession of the company's property.
..Biug mi aiuug uaio UU1U VCUU w
A secret meeting of the strikers was
held this evening, at which they resolv
ed to meet to-morrow at tho company's
shop at 0 o'clock a. m. and offer to go
to work, and unless the comtmnv will
reemploy all they will refuse to allow
any to go to work. This demand will
be reiuseu by the railroad authorities,
who havo decided to reduce tho force
from 1,000 to 500 men. As the com
pany bos ample forco to sustain them
tne strikers will be obliged to velld.
The town Is filled with rumors In
which nltrnclvceriue and fire are fre
quently mentioned. Tbe large engine
in tne snop has been partially repaired
but cannot be ntarted before Wed icu-
day. None ot the missing parts of the
engines have been restored, and fifty
engines are lying here disabled, not In
cluding those In tho shop waiting re
pairs. Tho paymaster has been paying
the strikers all day and will finish to
morrow. Division Superintendents Thomas
and Gardner have returned to their de
partments. Vice-Presidents Clark and
Wright aro here. It Is probaule that
tbe strikers will not furtlier interfere
with the trains, but tbev mav make
serious trouble In yie shop.
This morning's telegrams, say the
Hazleton Dally News, of -March 81st,
announced the presence ot hundreds ot
troops and a thousand more en route,
while the same authority says the vote
rejecting tha Vice Presidents prosposals
stood 470 to 11, a total of 487 votes.
What a farce to move, thousands of mili
tary ot tbe State to make SOj) nien sub
mit to Imposition; An now mark tbe
Bequeathe company are paying off the
strikers in full; had tbe company done
that In tlit) first place, the State would
npt.haye been plundered und military
ppp-ln-Jsys could not havo aired their
.moth-eaten uniforms at. tbe tax-pay
ers expense.
, Temperance has been triumphant In
Lockpwt, .New York, formerly a pro-
niaDie locality for rum sellers. The
'people have hot o'uly stopped drinking,
but voted that there shall be'iio more
Current Items.
Thn Pntilln Unlit Anrll lit .
decreaso of over $2,000,000.
Tbe miners ot Pennsylvania ask for
leln IfcW In nmliVl rlirlita In Ilia
wage's of their labor.
New York, April 1. A. young
wnmotl nntn.1,1 Antm Qtmtit.c. ..!. ...
' " ........... . . .u wvAwuij, mill IC
cently arrived here froth Philadelphia
mm iiuuo uwur gins, was ioutiu ncau
In a'dcsertf d hnrisn In Itrnnkl
day. The girl had died of small pox,
and It Is supposed the others, fearing to
catch the disease, had deserted the un
fortunate creature to die alone,
The new Constitution provides for
tho payment of rcut lor places to hold
tho election In thn fiiln
- 'UIV no "III uu
seen in the following, which we find In
It... Oil .1 . I . . i . ....
niu muu wciiua or. mo, jaw. Alter mak
ing it oongaiory upon the Secretary of
tho CommnnwonUli In fn,ni.i. t
tlio various blauks necessary, the 'Seo- ucumres wai "1110 UOUIlty UOm-
mlssloncrs of each county shall, as soon
as UfiaV Vlrt nppAftnnrvnfrfip rluialnf nf Iha
.J'. J ....... .I1U
same, at proper expense of'th'e county,
jfiuuuie uuu mtmsu uj an me election
officers of the election districts ot their
respective counties as mav bo rondored
necessary for tho discharge of their
duties under this act; and shall pay all
necossary expensos for lights, rent, fuel
and stationery on bills certified to by
the election officers.
Millerstown, .Butler Co., April 1.
A fire broke out here at 1:30 this morn
ing In the Control Hotel from gas used
In tho butldibg, as Is supposed. Seven
persons were burned to death, and the
bodies have been recovered. The. names
are as follows: Norah Carty, of Plea
santvllle; Gcorgo Dcet, a German; iCap
tain Oliver, oil operator, Martin Philips
and Sanford Acert, drillers. The names
of the other two are unknown, Nornh
Carty Jumped from tho third story win
dow of the Central Hotel ana was
badly Injured, but Is still allvo. All on
the east sklo of Main st. from Fred
erick's grocery and hardware store, In
cluding the Central and Ilanlon Houses,
Reed & Durand hardwaro store, Sink's
Hotel, and two other buildings. South,
on' west side ot Main st. from "Red
Frank's" Shebang, north, Inculslve of
tho Butler County Bank, United Pipe
Lines office, Express office, Millerstown
Saving's Bank and Waterman's grocery
up to Schneider's billiard room on Slip
pery Rock st north side frotnlFrud-'
erlck's boot and shoe' store west, to
Broomlmrt's grocery store, from Hook's
dwelling soush side Slippery Rock St.,
east to Huff'slaundry building. Ninety
six-buildings In all are destroyed. Jbre
persons are thought to have been burn
ed, but not yet recovered.
Parsons, Kansas, March 25. -In La
bette conuty, about twelve miles eastot
this town, yesterday, a double tragedy
was enacted. On tlio previous ulglit, J.
R. Pierce, a school teacher, slept In the
house of his father-in-law, Anthony
Amen, with his (Pierce's)' little child.
In the night the child was sick and
troublesome, and Pierce was so rougli
In the treatment of the littlo sufferer
that .his father-in-law, Amen, remon
strated, The next dav Pierce anproaoh,"
ed Amen and said, "D you, you have
reported that I was trying to smother
my ohild, nnd now you must take It
back or I will kill you right here."
Amen replied that he had not given
currency to such a report, nud would
not take it back, as he had nothing la
take back, ''hereupon Pierce drew his"
navy revolver and. shbthls father-in-law
through the breast. In the evening Mr.
Amen .died. The murderer lied and
concealed himself In tho grass; but a
viguanco committee lound his liming
place, and took htm before the Justico
of tlio Peace forirlal Jast nlght,.guarded
uyvrour picnwltti mnskets; oon after
the trial-was commenced men oft. horse
back began to, file In. and" shortly after
ward one hilnilril'men' surrounded thn
court. room (a country schoblhbuse) and
quietly tooKthe'"mnrdererc out 'to a
fall ady nook and hanged him to the 'limb
of an oak by the roadside. They then
rodo away, leaving his body danclini;
in tbe air.
Yesterdaylafternoon Mr. Herman Fet
ter and another centleman started from
J?ethlehem to come to this city,' with a
horse and carriuge, When they reach
ed Clader's lime kilns, several teams
were coming towards them, and Mr.
Fetter, who was driving, turned to the
ricbt to lot them nitsii. Tlinv were on-
iDgat a fast rate, and In turning,, the
ironi wneei or mo carriage struck a neap
of sand, and throw tho occupants out.
Jr. Fetter in falling, fell with his face
on the ground, and sustained a severe
concussion of the brain. The other gen
tleman was also hurt, but not so badlv.
Several people witnessing the accident,
ran to their assistance, and found Jr.
Fetter In an unconscious state. A lounge
was procured and he was carried Into
the house of Jfr. John Trexler, and word
immcaiately sont to this city for Dr.
Charles 1). Martin. The other man
was assisted on his feet and also taken
in tho house, lifter the carriage was
upset, the horse continued to run down
the road, and readied the L. & S. depot,
Just as tho fast freight was coming up,
The train keeping htm from crossing
over, he ran In between tbe platform
and the train and stood there until It
had passed, when ho was secured.
Stracge to say the only Injury to the
carriage was a broken snait. mo con
dition of Mr. Fetter at this writing -7
o'clock r. ii., would not permit hhn to
be removed, as the doctor pronounced
the Injuries received to be ot a seilous
nature. The injuries' of his companion
were not so serious, and he was sent
horqe with, thq 6 o'clock train. Allen
town Morning Herald, SUt ult.
rano Whom It may Concern.
Notice Is hereby ijiven, That
John Yt uttermaplwr. ot the Borough of
Lehighton", Carbon County, Pa., Is en
gaged by the undersigned as a General
' Lehighton, starch 27, 1874-w3
North-esl coraer of
PblUd cl phi . . . pnn',
iltKU'K BCUMIDT, PrcprUtor.
4- Superior Aeeomraollttni ftir lrvlvr at
roodorjlrhrcl. Wrllfi llln; tt llljr flVW
Iblf t 4tiy at p.'ill I.IVIU4 to luulta Ibe I.
blll !! I uk IDilr kUpluj plr. uur.7
New Advertisements.
In order to closo out present stock,
the undersigned respectfully announces
to the citizens ot Lehighton and vicini
ty that ho has
Marked Down Prices
of all kinds ot Goods to about cost,
and will Sell
Ho has In stock a largo assortment ot
Dry Goods,
and a variety of other articles too num
erous to enumerate.
It you desire to secure
Now Is your Time A Small Sum of
Money will Buy a Large Quantity of
Goods 1
Store Opposite L. & S. .Depot,
BANK-streot, Lehighton, Penna.
Z. II. LONG, ;lgont.
TiwmiAN AnHEii, Assignee.
March 28, 1874.
Of Valuable
Meal Instate X
The undersigned will offer at Public
Salo, ou the premises, late of Daniel
Solt, dee'd, In Franklin township, Car
bon county, Pa., on MONDAY, April
13th, 1874, commencing atONEo'clock
P. M., the following valuable Real Es
tate, situated as above, and known as
tho " Daniel Solt Farm," consisting ot
110 acres, more or less,) 75 acres of
which are cleared and under a high
state ot cultivation, the remaining 33
acres being Fine Timber Land,
comprising White Oak, Pine, &c. Also,
a quantity of Grain in the Ground. The
Improvements, consist of 1 two-story
Frame Dwelling House, 24 x 80 feet ;
Barn, 35 x S3 feet, nnd necessary Out
buildings. There is n never-fnlliug
Sprlug of Water convenient to house
and barn. This offers a rare chance
for a man with n limited capital to get
a 11 rate Farm, there belug no better
lanr In the county.
fST Conditions wilt be made known
at time and place of sale, by
Franklin twp., March 28, 1874-w3
tislgruco's Notice.
Notlco Is hereby given that Thomas
S. Beck, of Lehighton, Carbon county,
Pa., and Mary, his' wife, by deed or
voluntaiy assignment havo assigned all
the estate, real and personal, of tho
said Thomas S. Beck to Joseph K.
Wannamacher, of Kreldersvllle, North
ampton county, Pa., In trust, for tho
benefit of the said Thomas S eck.
All persons, therefore, Indebted to
tbe said Thomas S. Beck, will make
payment to me, the said assignee, at
Kreldersvllle, or to my duly authorized
agent, Thomas S. Beck, at Lehighton,
and those having claims or demands
will make known tho same within six
weeks from this date.
Asfiliriiaa of Tbotnai 8. Ueck. -
sslgnees Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that Gideon
Nothstcln, of New Mahoning, Carbon
county, Pa., and Leah his wife, by deed
of voluntary assignment have assigned
all tho estate, real and personal, of the
said Gideon" Nothsteln, to Tllghman
Arner, of New Mahoning, Carbon Co.,
Pa., In trust for1 the benefit ot the said
Gideon Nothsteln.
All nnranna thnrpfnm. !nrtphtffl in thn
laid Gideon NothsteinLwill make pay
ment to me, the sam assignee, at new
Mahoning, and those having claims or
demands will make known tho samo
within six weeks from this dale,
Assignee of Gideon Nothsteln.
March 14, 1874-w8
sslgnecs Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that Zacha
rlah JI. Long, of Lehlgoten, Carbon
county, .Pa., and Louisa his wife, by
deed of voluntary assignment have as
signed all tho estate, real and personal,
of tho said Zacharlab n. Long to Tllgh
man Arner, of New.Mahonlng, Carbon
county, Pa., in trust for tho benefit of
tbe said Zacharlah II. Long.
All persons, therefore, Indebted to
the said Zacharlah II. Long, will make
payment to rpe, the said assignee, a(
Now Mahoning, or to my duly author
ized agent, Zacharlah H, Long, at Le
highton, and thojo baying claims or de
mands will make known the same with
in six weeks from this date.
Assignee of Zacharlah H. Long.
March 14th, 1874.-w8
-wiftUCUCYE Poultry Yards,
Eggs for Hatching
From the following varieties of Pure
Bted Land and Water Fowls, at
S3 so run DOZEN.
Dark and Light Brahmas; Buff, Black,
White and Partridge Cochins ; .Brown
and White Leghorns; White and Silver
Grey Dorkings; Plymouth Rocks; Hon
dans; Black, Red, Earl Derby and Pile
Games; Rouen and Aylesbury Ducks ;
Toulouse and Bremen Geese.
I warrantonehalf of each dozen Eggs
to hatch ; it they do not I will replaoe
them at 50 cts.- per dozen. Send stamp
for cliculnr, Eigs sent CO Dlf deblred.
Feb. 28-3m JdrJuuro, Stark Co., O
Mew 3oofl$ X I
The umlcwlgned having purchased
the entire Stock-ln-Trado of Thomas S.
Beck, comprising Cloths, Oassimeres
and Vcstlngs, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
and Gents' Furnishing Goods, are now
prepared to offer real
Bargains in this Line.
They would also announce that they
are now receiving an entirely new stock
ot the best and most fashionable
Olothi, Cassimeres andVeitlngi,
Suitable for the
Spring Trade !
which they aro prepared to MAKE UP
in the Latest Fashion, the moat
Substantial manner And at tbe
Very Lowest Prices.
They very respectfully Invite the at
tention of their friends and tbe public
to their Goods nnd Prlvm unit .!-
share of their patronage, and in return
1 1 . . . . i .
guiiiautcu tun Mumiucuon in every
Post Office flulldlDg,
Rank Street, Iidilgliton, Pa.
march 14, 1874-yl
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices I
2d door below M. E. Church,
BANK STEEET, Lehighton, Pa.,
JmTlpc had opwardi of Thirty tnrt xperktet
In tba Millinery limine", dulrai to Inform bt
frlenda nd the Ladbi feoenllj, tbit lb wpt
continUy on band a. Urga auortmnt of
Hair Braids & Switches Made to Order.
8b ha alio tart racelrad from Ntw York a fait
and elegant atoelc of
coinprliloe rtata, Bonneta, Ribbon a, Flower, I,
Crape, Fancy Ooodi, Corwta,OloTe, CblUra, Lace
Edging, Necktie, lluchea, IIandkerchleft,'Ae.
Fnrnlihed at abort notice and at Loweat Price.
March 14, 1874. IES. . FATII.
1874. SPRING. 1874.
The undersigned respectfully Informs
her friends and the ladles In general,
that she Is now receiving a largo stock
of the Newest and most Fashionable
Designs In
Millinery Goods,
for Spring and Summer .Wear, sucb as
Hats and Bonnets made up in the
latest and most fashionable manner.
.411 goods warranted, and Pilces aro
fully as tow as elsewhere.
STORE, next door to " The Carbon
Advocate" BANK WAY, Lehighton.
March 14th, 1874.
olssport Ahead I
. The undersigned would respectfully
Inform builders, contractors and the pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
Itfiunber Yard
In connection with their
Near tho L. fr. S. Depot,
and that thoy have now on hand an Im
mense stock of '.horoiiQhly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pine Boards,
Surfaced Pino .Boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, ot all kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
Roofing and Ceiling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at thq very lowest market prices.
We are also propared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article ot
Sand, suitable for Masonry
Work, PlUNtcrliig. &o., at Re
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a largo
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which we will sell, In larse. or small
quantities, at Prices to suit yourPockets I
aug 23-yl Carbon county, Fa
The Illustrated MuslcalGlobe
la tn
" ilirotoxuT Mciicii MoxTsir Pnrmia."
37 Worth oriev MneUI
SaVeraa Portrait for Vramlaart
Shwt'stolea,"acali,raahionrtoUa, ii,' 11'.
nuaina- in a yeara euoeenptoo ilip. we wanl
an agtutln ary town to Introduce of
Hagaainv. Avery wmiiyanoecripeaonauni unr
oonunlulen la ao )ce an agent can niaia Qoon
Haoisby taking only tnre anbarrlpUim adn
(puny pt our aaiU tk. IS and 16.) ladUa are
Ttry turcftf tfn ranralingfor tbllAlagaalar, end
for Miaiile oopy and 1'feuue to Ag.nta." CUAg.
A. ATrilftfi'ulT A CO., Liberty tflreet, 'New
York. alartb II w-3
MBS, cjuth:,
Of Weiagport,
iHSirsif?i1,t,n(;on?s the Lale, 0f m
Maki Up " h n ?r?I6d u
Hair Switches,
at short noUce and at the lowest prices.
fehe Is alto now opening, a riew.and tie
gan t Msortcaen t of
(Sparing ood(s
Ac., and respectfully inrltes an Inspee
"?J? J em bf 016 Ladles. All work
will be done In tbo moat fashionable
and substantial manner, and at prices
which are bound to snit every one.
March 7tb, 1874
rJfi'D. ClaAVS,
iHerchtit Taller,
And Dealer in , ,
Oeat'f FnraUhiB? Goeda.
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Cassimeres and VesUngsJfor Men's ant
Boys' Wear, which I am prepared to
Make up to Order In the most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladies', Misses and Children'"
A Well ftJ1fVtAyt afiAV -. vl.t.
run ieainer aoou
and Shoes on hand, or
Madfe t:erder.
Hts, Caps And Furs.
Of tho Latest Stylet always oa
the Lowest Pries.
Also, Agent for the
AMerlctut Jt Graver K Bskcjr "
Sewiig JacMies,
' ...
a no nwsenigned , rsspeetfqlly an-
of Lehighton and vicinity, that h ktS
Pned the rooHi recently oecnplsd br
"The Carbon A4oto" ofne., w .
Bftakwwr. lBlviita, 'pa..
AsaShoDforthe '
uane-beatd Chairs, Soras and Edun'iea.
rtvbottomed, painted and thoroughly f
repaired : ' -
and, In fact, Repairs of kinds of Fural- 4
mm ncauy ana promptly attendM to r
at reasonable, charges. Fatronaie It
Lehighton, March 7, 1574-tf .
in i
A. CACHES, a ,r"
Oontraotor, & Builder,
LHtiaHTOS, MXR'A. ' - ,
Plana aad taiacailB8
For all kinds of Stdldlnj at tai i
snonessnoiiee. ...... .
r -
Made for PUni isd SpedtieAtloniW.
ttiA AniMat tL-JJji !' at.. ! a . r I
signed. A. W. ZXCOXS.
Junel4,187&-jrl "
Atnivtcua e
Carrlavca, Bifida, BufKlet,
o4..f arjr eUactlpUea tt . " "
Kaail cftojtt XajU UeUL Baak MraV
AeaUbton, Ta. -
' "
At naaaaatl akarte. i ,
aratro4( Tory reeMetfjiKy anUttUcLacd .
BttaVtaisnate4. Tr" "
r.b.T,U1 a.apoujt 1
- i
0t ruber", Uonao," ef vUe ntry 9M0
P1"1.'.". ortM "tba eelWl teat
book," fall efnrKleu thooaU," Tratbr
ciouta nv," I (bole book fcr ei.ry UmBf."
A. Steel atiratlua, roae UoUd rper,.l
UndlDf, and for SU aale unequaltd. AtHmTS,
OVIKN, wantadln wyonntyj.fl. jaSl?;aeej
aoonth. Seadfcr tlrcolu. .1 ,
sarins HI Arch St, rMUdelftHa, fv