(i ne avium NP' ' S3 Vf JS Ty VJ, J ' VJ- V VJ ailiKfflaBSSaiU iarErEariEirT mve aml met urra." TERMS t On o Dollar n Year In Advance v6l. II., No. 20. .'-:7 -V I if' - " LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1874 SINC1LE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lenignton, Ilirectory Agent JUatte-aoltfn)BnffwVi iBank KM! ? Barber,,, j . It. B. WIDDOS, iWnj? ihtr'Cilttmpand Siam pooing, under I Irhamro llotfl. Punk street.- r i noot'al'Slioe,,BIUer.fr Charles Yenwc nearly oppoitfttht pbiMjlef, Bank street! afiveiealer n,KTV(V'm"'!'v . CUntor Bretney, " lewM'i i WW,, Bank street. MtnUrt mrLv IUltd-ork warranted. Um. .Confectioner.. -Herman iKihos, opposite Obert1. .tor., Bank 1 " -i t.rlOoiia,id0oorl , . izriria ' OMmtvari, CarpcUl.Oxl CJoUU !.t"t ' Druuiai"l Medicine... , Durllng, ttrst door abOTO P. U, "rV "fk ; nrfumtH. mint lledtctnu, d-c ? A.J Durlli OOi, :. inll.nearl opp. Kachapg. liotel.,iau; stn Thomaa.Kantj, " Eieng,'lo"pp:.rubllo-Squa.e, Bank f.' Wronoge salfc tot Furniture." AV?' .V. Scliwkrti,B4Dk t-trftet, a " .ijVtwnJ won', iimtK"if - - i Milliner.;- ,-1 . . "jIre..E.' Felly Bar .treat, 2nd ( Ulo; th. M. . Church n. i.i.n. and Surtreona. Dr. C.Sdtttika, eorooref Bank andiron tra ybiuUation in .i-nflluft and IM, rteU i n.u ... 4, ' J uwri. r-tL,:wj glial. t'unnj ana smociny JV, Uioeeriut fruit and Ugtlable ATTORNEY AND COtNSELiORt AT LAW, . BiK 8ta, LiuwaiOK, PA ' ' . Vf.li-iinS nW; "Will But and nd.o'.rpn-iI f ti1)0'?!Li, E.MV BKVDEIl, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, - J . - h i! iton. i'a. '7. .. a.. ' iroi)lnfv nn of kt.VslB'aV'lSnS, ATIOUNEld. AT t AW, . , :rnA vioarlD the uw addl'lMi of tne tVanlaetcd In Knell'!! and 0"man. . yf,)Vm.d. and ConV waning nyallT dona, ,1 DISTRTCT ATTORNEY. ATTORNKT AT LAW. Offl.,dBMtDWT; (frt;ioor W American loUljMiiichOHunk, P.nn'a. Collactlonj PrODpt- VUllflat. .ViViMAUCEtcnUKKi TA JtT t, rt "Tti DIHSIIO K, Rnit AVelianorti P' LBHIOIIVAl.tiaiV.llUJr. m North-east cornar of . M ?TZi -.--...: o BERKS AND LAURENCE STREETS, IILyi CVUaai ' j-r- Boprlor -fteoattiaofUUou for t(Tleri. at -.r.u.lw... n.,u. .lllnn' thadtr from tni.rT Cf-rrltTiT PpftnrlrttOr. thUloaUty ro ipecially ln?llHl to mak the L- hleh Taller Iiouw meir iwuuiug j.7. i"1 ....ii mil. Carbon Co.. Pa. 4- Bet of awoniiaodatlona, ExcolUnt r taurant undiwatbl '.Ooxl aubllot .attached Tarma moqaraw. 2T .11 'I ! .. .i. 1 Vn Si 3 1 Aroniteoi ana oupeiiui.cuuouv, Vn.-li2 -W. Ttli Street. Allentown, Pft., luniUhes Flans. Specifications and Esti mates (or rubllo-snd-PtlTatevBullUlnBS., StalTS, Ralls, 4c, Constiuctedand StUp by the .most approved method, and at shortjltitlce. Vatronace is res- tluUV Isolltlttiar . nna satisfaction irinqBACCORIlST, OiayEh' CrflLliEYf dAler In To batcp; Cigar?. PPPi, next door to RexVOrocery Store, Susqnehanna St;, 4MivucV, Ohunlf, npectfully asks the Annt of, Lfehiflliton'iind .vlelulty when vlalttn tUat place, to call in and try his FRAGRANT CIGARS, "tbeWrV t)t"slnUho' market. 'Every articles In his line warranted as r'epre aebted nfl at Ibwett prices. mar28 ' firstWttHAS'UKDlEREn, 3 1 iK m v w i '.Mtoins'WpV'ltiW Bajreaaatktj TUaa.B(tslBtOal FifO. nKMKJiAL ' AjMbadliirf Mutual -Dire, . rtc ,f"eottvII!e lTlro, 1 t Lehigh Fire, and the ' trwvelcrK Accent Insurance'. AlaWiyeaoiylvanla a'Dd .Mutual Horse TMerf.' Irt:U?' Bd'I'u"rrJc"t,1om jMja..r,v a, ?ffVeb; 89,1878. at a. .. Railroad Guide. jaq-OalTH PENNA. hailkoau, WlHTIlt tKXilfdCXtKT. RiisenifMi for Phlladalphla will leara Lehlgbton i fcllowali!' t ', ' UK's, m , Tl'a trvj arrhe at Thlla at 737 a.m.TlaL.S. " ' HJ&& a.m 11.10 a.m. 11.10 p.m.' 2.16 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 6.35 p.m. S.20 p.m.' 8.20 p.m. 10.30 p.m. ,.39ajm.tlaL. V. I1.07D. m. tlaL.i S. " , U.Wp.m.ML.'V, lc p, m. Ta L. t S, " .1 p. in. Yin u a d 1.44 n.m.Tla. L. VJ Hi U p, m. Tia ij. v nifnriinr: li.afi dnot at Barks and American Street,, Phil., at 7.1U,;830 and 9,46 a. m4 2.10 rare rrom .emgnwn to rniwiufipuia, Jebjl, 1874. MILLS CLARK, Agent CENTRAL n. n. OF N. J. LEHIGH 4 SUSQUEI1ANNA DIVISION. i tfJirTBR AJtnANOEUBST, 40ommeuoliir J)c. 15, 1873. Donx Triiss. i, o.l. No, Zcare A. v. .A. i lNo.6. A. . 10.25 10 30 10J7, 11.25 12.65 1.39 iZM t220 3.17 3.25 3J7 4.03 No. 6. t. u. 35 4.27 4J7 4.45 16.45 18.05 6.25 7 03 8.30 8 65 8.25' 9.30 No. 7. F. U. ISi 1M M 2.20 3.40 4.19 . 4.40 639 5.47 6,00 625 No.14. r.x. 7.15 7.45 7.67 8.00 0.10 Green Ridge, 7.30 7JS 82 8 JO 0A5 10J7 wrauton 1'IUiton;. Wllkea Blrre White HiTen'...?.. Penn lla'n June. ,...., Mauch.Chnnk..... ,7 JO 11.00 Catasauqua .... , 8JS , ,8.43 9.00 , 9.27 1L68 12.06. 1217 12.43 Aliautoiin,..... Uetblehed Arrivt Eaiton.- Ur Tumi. No. 10. No. 4. . M. EaitonT. 8J0 Bethlehem; 8 66 Allentowa....'. 9.16 11.60 12.13 12.25 12J2 11.25 11.45 2.02 2411 4.00 4.26 4 55 6.00 CaUaaoqna ..... 0,V4 Mauch Chunk.-... lOiJ Fcnn llaren J'n. 10.45 White Uaren 1123 Wllkea-Darre.....". 12 40 1'lttiton i.wi Bcrentin . 1J0 rr.Qreeu Ridge 1.35 k .CoKtciio. Ntiaueumltia Yalliv lt;llr-Down tralni Nos.3 6 and 7, and Up trains Nob. 10 and 4 connect at juaucn wuuiih. Kmih renria 21. It. Down tralni No. 1, 3, 5 a 7 connect at Bethlehem tor Philadelphia. Up tralni Noav.lO &4 connect at BetnleDem ror rmiadeipuia, Returnlnr learo Phlladelohla at 7.10 a. m. for Eas ton, ilaucli Chunk, Bath, Wilkes Barre, Tamuqua, Mrraoton. hnarcn. a,c: ai v.io a ui lur uiwn. Mauch Chnnk; Tamaoua, Wllllainnprtrt, Wllkes- Barre aiidScrantoni n.t'U.10 p. m. fur Scranton, Wllkei llarre and Ifiiennedlats stations: at 3 30 D. m.forBath'ahd Eastotf;'at 5.15 p. tn. fr Mauch Chunk. famaqua' Branch. Up trains Nos. 10 4, and Down trains Nos.3, 5 Jt 7connectatMauchCbunk to and rrom 'lamaqua. lAMgli itjjacnawanna JfJif. uown iraina .soa. U 7. and Ud tmlna Noa. 10 A 0 connect at lleth. lehem for Bath and Chapman Quarries. Return inv lMj.a f.uanmau's at 7.4'J a. ni. auu .I0 D. la. CtntruHtailroadcfXtwJtrityi Alltralnsmake close connection l.i,aiton wun;iraioaon unirai Railroad if NeWJersey. t " .1 'n n.1viibr.Dilaviare It. Jf Down trains hos. 3 4 5,'and Up trains Noi.lt 14 connect at t'hllllps burl with Bel.-Drl. It. It. to and fiom Trenton, IMiltmla nhla and Uemdere Philadelphia ai A'euiing ifadroad. The Depots of the East Penn R. K. and the. L. i S. Dlflsion are connected by Street Cars. U.P.BALDW1N, Oen.'itKncr Jcht, r.b.7,S74 v , )KNN8YIiVANIA DAILiROAD, PHILADELPHIA t ERIE RR. DIVISI0: ION.' Wlnfet Time Tallin On and a'ri'er BUNDAV, NOVEMIIEnJcj, 1873, the trains on the Phlla. A Erie RhDlrlflon will UDU IU110WS WESTWARD. Borno Sinus leares Philadelphia 12.65 p.m. " " llarrlsburg o.' p.m, . ." Wllllamsport 9.20 pjn, . ' Emporium 2.15 a.m. arr. at Buffalo &50 a.m. Eau Mia (eiras Philadelphia 10 30 p.m, ' Harrlborg 3.05 p m, " " , WlWIamsport 7.3) pm, .11 ! Lock listen 8.40 p.m 1" , ' . Ilauoia 10.06 a.m, " arr. at Erie 7 20 p m. ElKlBl Mill, leans Philadelphia 8.0 J a m. " ' ' Harrlsbure 130 n.m, .'! MUJIameport, 6 2Jp.m. , 'i arr, at lock uaren 7JOp.ni' Rmoti AnoUaOD'n learea HarrlsburE 826 am. Wllllamsp't 1265 p.m. Bus EA0U sua learea w nuamsport 1.15 p.m. ) arr. at Lock Haven 3-10 p.m. EASTWARD. DurrALO Eirnuss learei Buffalo) ,...... , , jmportum WllllsmsiKrt arr. at Uarrlskurg PhlladelphU Esn Mill leiTtl Erie . Rttnora Lock llaren " Wllllamsport " arr. at llarrlsburg " , Philadelphia 8 55 p.m 0 10 p.m 1.10 a.m. 4.50 a.m., 0.10 a.m, 11. 2 J a.m. 8.40 cm, 0X5 p.m. 11.10 p.m. a uo a.m. 8.U0 a.m, 7JS5 a.m, Euuaa Mill learea Leek listen Wllllstniport B20 a.m. arr. at llarrlsburg 3.05 P-m, 60 p.m, I'miadeipma IliauiiCkd Accox. learea Wllllamsport 0 30 p.m, ' arr. at UarrUburc 10.50p.m.' " " Philadelphia 250 a.m. Bau!EaouUau leates Lock llaren 12.24 p.m, l' arr. at Wllllamsport 1 J") p.m, Mall East connects east and west at Erie with L S A M 8 It W and at Uorry and Irtloston with 011 Creek and Allegheny It It W. Mall West with east and west trains on I. S 4 M S K W. and at Uorry and Irtlnstoa lib. Oil Creek- aim Allegheny It It W. Elmlra Mall and Buffalo lucre's make close connections at w uilainsport with NOR W trains uorth, ud it llarrlsburg with N 0 R W train. soutn. vsi' A. UALimi.ipUen'i aupi. TT EIIIGIITON ACADEItlY. JLe Lehlgbton, Pa. Aulnatltutlonfor Dotli Sexea. FACULTY:'. aer.C. iCESSLBU, Principal and Profeisor of Classics and the Higher EngUsh Branches, HBI.K.O, ICiaSSbBn, Preceptress and Teacher of Painting and Drawing sia. jourf M. iciasi-EU, a,.b. po lessor oi iimaua ureea. MISS JI. C. NEAp, Teacher of Uuslo. 1VILSON IlKHBIO AaslsUnC Vor Particulars ayply to a K8SLXB, Lehigh- ,'uoiPa.. .QeUH.H?!, Floral1 Guide for 1874, 200 rages ; 600 Engravings and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, at 29 cts. a Year,' First No. for 1874 Just Issued. A German edition at sanio price. Address JAMES VICK, bov. 89, Rochester, N. Y. BEATTY & PLOTTS. Tho Deatty & PJotts celebrated Gold en Tonguo PARLOR ORGAN is acknowledged by. professors of musio and celebrated organists to bo tho lead ing Parlor Organ now In uso. Testi monial and cards of honor are constant ly being received In favor of them. Wo tnppond a few and wish you to read hem : Antiiony, N. J., Jan. 25, 1873. JeSsrs Ueatiy&Plotts, Gents Your Organ, sold me, gives entire satisfaction. It beauty of.tonu and style of workman ship are seldom If ever surpassed. Wish ing you success In your business, I am, wiiu respect, l'ror, ii. si. ueatty. SiiAMOKlN,,ra., Feb. 11, 1874. I have one of Bentty & Plotts' Golden Tongue Organs. It I: an excellent in strument, fine tone and full power. I into it ueiter (nan any 1 have heard. M. II. IIAIIPEL, M. V. Latjuy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan.- 27, 1874. I, have had Realty & Plotts' Organ slrco August 14th, 1872 j It gives the highest satisfaction, and has proved all that it was recommended by theprop'rs. job HENRY. Slatinqton, Pa., Feb. 0, 1874. Beatty & Plotts' Parlor Orcan I like better than the Standard, and it gives better satisfaction, as I find In my trav els. Prof. Fa. V. Mayer. St. Claib, Fa., Dec. Cth, 1873. Messrs. Beatty & Plotts. Gents I have received the Organ, as sent by your firm to me, and I have had It examined, and It glves'ample satisfaction. lion. JOHN Siney. Mahaxoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1873. The Beatty & Plotts celebrated Gold en Tocgue Parlor Organ fs by far tho best Parlor Organ In use. I have care fully examined it, and find Us tone. workmanship and durability to bo' tlib best I ever saw, and I can with pleasure recommend it to nny in want or a first class' parlor organ. Frof.'O. II. Unoek. Messrs. Beatty & Plotts, of Washing ton. N. J., aro L'entlemen of enterrjrie. nnd'.wlibse, presence would be a credit to any community. llackettstowii, N. J., Herald, 1872. WXauiNQTON, rS. J., Sept. 5, 1873. 'AorKouert-Moroan. 1 ottsvl le I am hannv'W state thutthu Instrument elves entire' satlactloh, not only to myself uut.aispjlo tne'teacliers of tho Seminary wuo are uener juuges. Kev. A. M. Jelly. Wo say, after careful and costly ex periment, it Is with pleasure we Intro duce tho !' Golden Toncue." knowlm: ;lt possesses msnj advantages over all otners -manufactured, xiie tone excels in'fullness,- purity, and the thousands oi testimonials which aro being con stantly received, are evidence that our efforts have been eminently successful. For particulars and Price List, nddress BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21-Om Woslilnaton. N. J. rSHllE MANHATTAN Spring 1IEI mill flmiililniil I mi MATTRESS. P. J. KISTLER. .POSTMASTER OF WEISSPORT, has been appointed yigent lor LiiiRi'ton, weissiiort and vicinity to give our citizens a cliunce to see and test the merits of the arrange ment of springs. He Is willing to put them on trial for any person tor one week, aqu it they ilo not paove supe rior to the Voveu Wire Mattress, Put nam, Yankeo, Norfolk, Wright, Spriug field, Howe, Tucker, Eureka, Jlunroe, Imperial, United States,, Walker, Con necticut. Eagle, Salum or any of the one thousand and ono Spring Beds that have been put upon the market, you are not asked to buy it. Tho above namea oeus nave uecn discarded to make room for the improved. It has no hiding place for bugs, has no slats on ton ot tl.e springs, but heavy duck canvas, hooking at the base of the spring, that may bo taken -off and the slats removed (for cleaning or other wise,) by anybedy in five minutes and replaced at phaisuro. The springs may be changed tCKther portions of the bed with very little tiouble. The springs are warranted to keep place and last longer than any other In uso. For In valids It cannot be surpassed. He fits them to nny bedstead Or different weight of persons, the largest Dumber under the heaviest part of the body, and with s light covering ot husks, cotton, straw bed, or hair nmttresVtliey adapt them solves completely to the body. The ladles should call and see the arrange--meut of springs for the cradle, and not have to use feathers In warm weather. They are better tliau soothing syrup or cordials fur the little ones. The springs are made from the very, best cost steel from the celebrated Sheffield wokrs of England. Come ono and all and see them. These beds have been fully es tablished in twelve different States. The Furniture men are especially In vited to.call and examine theso beds. Beds put upon trial and no one asked to purchase until after a fair trial. I'. J. KISTLER nov8 '73-tt Agent, Welssport. iraOR SAI.E, The undersigned offers his House and Lot, situate In Franklin township, on the road lead ing from Welsspoxtto Mackereltown, at prlvato sale. The house Is 20 x 20 it., three ctorles In front with basement, and the lot CO feet front by 100 deep. Suitable for business stand. Apply to HENRY ROTHERllfiL. March 14th, 1874-V.3 Now Advertisements. Millions of Acres RichfarmingLand IN NEBRASKA, Now for Sale very Cheap. Ten Years Credit, Interest only 0 p. ct. Deserlpttro Pamphlet, with Sectlooil Maps, Fret. THE PIONEER, A ban drome Illustrated raner, cootnliiloj; tho HomttUad Law, mailed free to nil part of the world. AJereM, ' O. F. DAVIS, Land CcmmifiODer, U. P. It. R. march 21-w4 Omaha, Nib. StCftCns AND PLANT8.-W, 1..TI1U1U D Kit k CO. UrooMyUf Windham Co., Conn, offer full assortment, at moderate price. Twolre assorted plants eut free by mall for 1.25. 25 papers Flower Seeds Mai for $1 Catalogues cent free on application. mar 21-w 4 The Shortest Route to Fortune. $450,000 Given Away I , (100,000 FOR ONLY $2,501 Grand Legal Gift Concert In aid of a Jurenil. Reform School at Leaven worth, Kan. SIIAWINO. APRIL 30, 1871. One Prise guaranteed In erory package of II rtcVats. Olnzla Tickets. tUM: t fort 12: II ibl J25. But few tlcketa left; and, as our sales aril rapid, purehaaes should order at once. An Dinner arrlrlnc? too late will be returned. Good. reliable Agents wanted ererywhere. For full particuiare, audress SIMON ABELES, narSl-w4 LEAVKNWQHTII, Kan WANTED A GENTS(W Paper Itellglon and Health united A splendid premium lo etery subscriber nothing; like It In the countrr a rare chance; partl'nlare free. U. D. HUS BLU l'ub'r, Boston, Mass. Exterminators And Insect Powder FOR Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed-Bugs, Moths, &e. J. F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., N. Y Sole Agents. New York Day-Book. A IUuoctUTrc WstllT. Established 1830. It supports H7iife 'Supremacy, political and aoclal. leriiia, per year, "penmen copies irve. Atl dress DAY-BOOK, New York City. Write for a Price List to J. II. JOHNSTON, (jtsWestem Gun Works, 170 SJ1ITIIFLELU STIU'.KT, PITTfBUnOII, PA. Breech-Loading 8hot Onns, $40 to $.100, Doubt. Shot Ouns $S to J150. Single Oun, (3 to t2. Rines, S to $75. IlerolTors, $3 1" $21. Pistols, $1 tnJS. (Inn Matrrlal. Fishing Tackle, lei Large dlsrountato dealers or rlubs. Army Quns, Ilerol- rers, &e., nougni or traueu lor. uooas sent oy .a press O. O. D. to be elsmlaed before paid fon EAT TO LIVE ! Write to F. X. S5IITK k CO., A tin n He MIIIr. BrtKiklrn . n. t manufactuwri of the C mailed White Wlirati for tbelr pamphlet (wot free) on Food I with .DipYtaiitextracU from Llioia, Jonicso.i and other clentfa.i. ltead It and mtp your hrelth and money mr,21 BUY J. & P, COATS' BLACK THREAD for yoor MACHINE. PITS and EPILISPdtf positively cured, The wont cam, of lonzeat itandlDir. by unlnjr DR. UKDDAKD'S CURK. A bottle wot free to all addressing J. . DiDt, vruzewt Bi-ifairj Arenue, n 1. mrzi4 JIlKDERi Will out I Truth Trl umnhantl Agents, oil and young, male and female, make rnore money selling our French and American Jewelry, Bocks stid Games than atanj tblng else. Oreatest tudureoieufa to Agents and ATurcnasers. Catalogues, Terms and full parties lara sent fre to all, Addr. P.O. VICKKIIY, Augusts, llalne. JAVID EBUERT'S Livery 8c Sale Stables, BANK atTEEET. liEIIiaifTOrt, Pa. I always keep on hand the best hnr ses and finest carriages, to be let at livery at, the lowest prices. Conveyances tan uo uuu ui mo ut me suoriesc possi ble notice, at any hour. I would call the attention of the public to my spec! al facilities for supplying single ordou ble teams for funerals, Ac. hoe. 22. 1S73.- DAVID EBBKRT. AltlUEt, GRAVER, Opposite the Publlo Senate, SOUTH ST., LEHIQHTON, PA., Manufacturer ot Tin & Sheet Ironware And Scaler In all kinds ot STOVES"!!- fW Roofing, Spouting and Jobbln promptly attended to; nor, 80 Tiio Two Ways. In the1 county of Lancashire that busy hlvo of Industry It Is customary, as it Is in some other counties, oti Christmas Day to give to the poor peo ple In the workhouses a treat, In the shapo of an extra dinner, with plum- pudding, etc. In the year 1809 a gentleman, who Is a- member of ono of the .Board of Guardians In' that county, went up to the workhouse In tho union where ho resides, In order to see how the poor people fared. Tho dlnuer time wasfix ed for 12 o'clock. It was about a quar ter before twelve when the gentleman referred to arrived at the workhouse. He spent the Intervening minutes which were to spare in walking around the Louse. Ho went Into a room where sixty or seventy men sat anxiously waiting for their dinner. Taking up a position In front of the fire, from whence he could obtain a sight of all their faces, he spent one or two minutes In looking round. After a short pau'so ho broke silence : "I was looking round," said he, "to Bee If there, ,was any one here that I knew; but I think there is not, unless It be that man there," pointing to a tall man on his left. "No, " said the man, "you don't know me." "I think I do," replied tho visitor. "No, you don't" responded the man. "You used to live at Summerseat," said the visitor, "did you not?" "JVo, I never did," answered the man, "But," said tho visitor again, "did you not work on the East Lancashire Railway there, when they were making It, some thirty years ago?" "Aye, I did," roplled the man.. "I thought I knew you," was the ans wer of the visitor. Auouier voice, proceeding from a man behind tho other one, called out "I used to wurch ut Summersheat thirty years back, un aw gects lots o' brass." "What,'' said the visitor, "lots o'brass. How Is It you are hero then?1 The man did not speak, but he aus wered In a more significant way than if he had spoken: raising his hand to his mouth, he made motions as if he were emptying a glass. Ono of the paupers at tho other end of the roo'ra, upon set log this, called out ' "It's dthrink uz sends uz 'o here." 'Now," ,sald the gentleman, who was still standing near the fire, "Just listen to me lor a moment. Our friend there says that thirty years ago he was working at Summerseat, "getting lots o'brass." Thirty years ago 1 was a boy woiklng at Summerseat, "getting elgl: teen pence a week," aud here we both meet to day. Our friend there Is i pauper, I come as a poor law guardian but I never did that," (lifting his band to his mouth as If In the act ot drink ing.) "I never," continued, he "spent a penny upon drink In my life. When I had got my wages, I used to think that down hero (putting his band Into his pocket) or else In my mother's pocket was the place where the money .ought to go, and not In the pocket' of the publicans. And Instead of (spend Ings my evenings In staring Into quart pots and plut-pots n a public-house, I usod to go to the evening school or tlill Mechanics' Institute; to get a kuowl edge to fit myself for the battle ot life andhere I am to-day, and there our friend Is." Tho.man who had previously called out, again shouted In tones louder than before "It's dthrink uz sendz uz 'q here." The ivorkbouso where this incident occurred ws the Bury Union Wprk- house. The visitor was Mr, William Uoyle, the author of "6ur National Re sources, and How Jhoy are Yated." Jfr, Hoyle was then, a factory ,lad, earn ing bis elgbteen-pence a; week. He Is now a large employer ot labor, well known on the Manchester Exchange, and Is a writer of great reputation on economical and social questions. Brit ish Workman. The following dialogue was over, beard the other 'day In Jauch Chuuk: "Say, Jim, l'se noticed Buraefln' lu die t6wn, Is you?" "I dunno wedJer I Is or no, SI; what Is It?" "It's dlst Is you. noticed when a strango darkey comes here dat'mounts to soman, tie white folks say, who Is' that colored man?' hut the culled people eay, 'wbb Is dat nlgga?' Jim, ft nlgga ain't got no en, no howl" "Oftt'j w, 61, eho'a ycr borne,'' HUMOROUS. Old yarns Darned 'stockings. A genius Is popularly said to bo one who, can do everything except mako a living. -"Prayed outot town," are tho words nailed on the doors ot several saloons in SJenia', Ohio,. . -Speaking of becoming attire, what thing Is most likely to become a woman? Why, a Utile girl, of. course. "I'm particularly uneasy on this polnt,",'satd the' fly to the young gentle man Who struck him bri the end of a needle. Afan Is a neetldg paradox, which the fullness of time 'can alone explain; a living englma, of which tho solution will bo found in death. " ' "If a naughty girl shouldhurt you, like a good girl you ,would fprgtvo, her, wouldn't you? "Yes, marm'" sho re plied, "If I couldn't catch her.'k Tho Danbury philosopher observes, that the placidity, ptexprcsslon worn by a man who Is, "next" Ina lull barberfs shop cannot be counterfeited. Mrs. Smith, says her husband Is like a tallow candle, because ho will al-' ways smoke when ho is going out. And she might have .added: 'because', he Is light-headed when ho comes In. "Ochl" said a' love-slok Hibernian, "what a recreation It Is to be dying of lovel It sets tho heattachlngso' delicate ly there's no taking a wink of sleep for the pleasure ot tKe pain I", Soino scientific wretch has beeif suggesting that when a physician sup poses his patten to be dead, he ought jo pierce tho heart of the supposed. depart ed with a 'long needle, ,to make sure work of.lt. As It doctors did not know how to make sure work ot. their pi'tlenti. with. ouf such experimental Wo.protost. against any innovation's upon the. estab lished method of medical procedure.ln facilitating our exit from this sublunary sphere. ' , , There.is an old darkey In.oMot tho back' counties who lately, voted' tor local option, as. he understood It, but not as the public generally understand it. The story, a true one, tuns thus: At a recent. election a friend asked, tho old man how he was going to vote. "Ob," the replied, '.'the iRepubllcan ticket, I always vote' that ticket." "But how are you going ito, vote on local .option?" The darkey looied up and- asHed: "What's that? , "Why, local option. Is putting down liquor," -was the reply. Lors a .massy," tald the darkey, "ot course I vote for. local option; I votes to put down liquor' to, the old prlc.o, flp-pcnny-blt a, pint!" Not very unlike, his paler brethern.ls that very same old darkey. . The plaintiff In a recent case at : court was1 asked what he expocted to gain by such a suit. His reply war, "You have Heard 'of the man who, going down the river in a flat-boar,-moored the boat ono day' to the 'bank, and, going up Into tHetlmbcrVfound a man engaged '61lmblng first ono tree, then'rspldly Seconding (and occasion ally falling;) and running to another tree and' repealing the operation. ConV' tlnulng this for sometime,' tlio fiat-boat man approached the stranger (being ,cur(ous to knbw the object of! his Istrange manoovres), and asked wiat'bo was doing. The stranger', pointing to a woodpecker on the topmost branch,,., asked the flat-boat man il he saw that Woodpecker. 'Yes,' said the other, 'but you certainly do. not expect, to catch it?' "'No, of course not,' tald the stranger, 'but'i; will worry IV ' It Is said that the .Chinese declare that Noah's real name was Ah Boo, and that he resided In Pekln. Unfor tunately Noah's family Bble was lost, In the flood, and wo cannot ascertain from It exactly what his namp was. His door plato also seems to be mission;, and he had a vory careless. way ot neg lecting to mark his shirts; so .Wo are baffled in that direction. -We have In quired at the libraries for a copy Of.tho l'ekln directory of that date, t6 sea.lt Noahroally figured In. Hi pages;'the only copy any of there had' wa out; -t-or our part, we.do not believe tbat hls' name was Ah Boo, or tba't he resided 16 Pekln. 'These Chliamen really claim every tblng that is going, from gunpowff er up to newspaper. If we itIto them .any ground'on the NoaX 6u'sliiet'VA".o first thing wo know they will'bVout' with' the assertion that the 'ark was lo cated In the Pekln Mutual Company, una'ioai aoau usea to givo mo Pekln newspaper people fred tickets toco In and eo the animals perform;' D