The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 28, 1874, Image 4

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    Current Items.
The taxes on the Glrard property arc
ceased at $70,000.
"Kemopunabllquearchlo" Is suggest
ed as fitting ii a imi for. Uic French re
public. Small featlier fans ate said to be tak
ing the place of the gigantic wind sails
oflast summer.
It Is stated that tlio wife of Senator
Sirgent, of California, Is a strong advo
cate of woman suffrage.
II. I). Rouse, of Weatherly, has a
colt, under three years old, 'Sorrel Pet,'
which he Is willing to back against
anything In this or Luzerne county.
The office of tlio Treasurer of Elk
county, Fa., was .broken Into one
day last week and the contents of tlo
safe curried off, consisting of a ten cent
county order.
Michigan ought to be happy. A re
solution lias been offered In tlio Senato
that In view of the large balance In the
State treasury no tax bo levied for the
year 1874.
Mt. Beecher says says, In a recent
ueiiuon: "To fall from high position
socially by reason of misfortune In
business, or by loss nf weatli, Is to thn
lower sort of men degradation, but to
tte higher It Is coronation."
Tho lumber dealers of Wllllamsport
have shipped duilng January and Fol
uary 28,000,000 feet of lumber, nn In
crease of 11,000,000 feet over the
amount for the corresponding period of
The girls of Virginia City have taken
to wearing single braids of hair dang
ling doyvn their backs. The Chinese,
residents bellevo that the mode Is Inten
ded as nn Imitation of pigtails, and are
The whole number of hogs packed
during tho regular season at Chicago la
stated at j,ou,u'J4. The averago nei
weight has been 210 pounds, and aver
age yield of lard U7 pounds. The total
number of cattle packed was 21,712.
A little girl of our acquaintance was
not at ail grateful for a pair of boots to
which she took a great dislike. Alter
enumerating their many faults, she ad'
ded, "And they don't even squeak."
What a horrible Idea Is tho following:
If ever I marry a wife,
I'll many, a landlord's daughter;
And then I can eit at tho fcur,
Anu drink old Bourbon and water.
The Sultan Abdul Aiz, It Is said,
was most graceful in 1:1s bearlnc to
wards the Empress Eugenie during her
May at Constantinople, his habitual
brusqueness giving p'ace to an unwon
ted amiability. After her depart mo he
actually inopea.
A Iidy lecturer, who has the rlcht
to put -If, D. alter her name, argues
that, "because American women nre
enthusiastic, they nre the handsomest
In the world. Foregin women, as a
rule, become too stout, nie too phleg.
malic, too expressionless."
The county Fairs in this region will
be held as follows Lehigh County Fair,
September 20th to October 2nd. Berks
County Fair, September 8th to 11th
Montgomery County Fair, Sept. 22nd
to 25th. Kutztown Fair, October 6th
to 10th. State Fair September 20th to
uctooer znd. no place fixed.
.Pottsvllle, March 81. While themlne
car, holding ten men at the time, was
descending the slope of Lloyd, Glover
& Co's collier, at Phoenix. Park, this
morning, the ropo broke, and the car
fell, Instantly killing John McCabe,
John Davis and Archie McMichael, the
other seven receiving Injuries, nut It Is
thought not serious.
A young lady In Fond du Lac, while
out walking with her loer, was attack
ed by a saage dog, who seized her by
the ureasi ana tore it irom iter uouy.
Tho lover fainted with horror at the
sight but the young lady, much mortln
od, went for tlio dog with a picket, re
narking "that ere cost a dollar and a
half, nnd wa'n't made for no dog to
chaw up."
A temperance society in San Frai
Cisco arrays Itself against that habit ot
saying, "Wlrafll you have?" "Come,
let's take a drink!" or anything of tl.e
kind. The members do not approve of
total abstinence: they only solemnly
pledge themselves not to nay lor any
other man's drink, nor to drink ut a bar
with anybody. The society is serious
In Its intentions, believes that the con
vivlalityof tar rooms M the cause of
most inti mperauce, and lias a member
ship ot standing and Influence.
There Is an old centleman now II v.
lng at Butler, .Cutler county. Pa., who
was born iu 1776, and who says he In
tends to go to Philadelphia in l7U
attend the Centennial, 'this ci-nten
arlan, Mr. David Douglt-ts, is a well.
known citizen of Butler, who moved to
thai place when II was a wilderness.
prior to 1600. lie saw General Wash
lngton In the West, after lire clo-o ot
his term as l'risldent. lie lives by him
self In a little old shauty ou the tualnu
street, refusion to sell any of Iris Drop
erty or to improve It, and Is perhaps tire
oldest man west oi the inouutains
The thirty young ladles who are to
carry the temperance war to the Pacific
coast will leave Washington, I ml., this
week for Omaha. After singing to the
whiskey sellers there, they will visit
Itenn, Virginia City, Sacramento, San
Francisco and lesser places. As they
are all young and robably pretty, Urn
bachelors of the l'aolfic are awaiting
the raid with eager anxiety. Uiie (Jail
fori) la editor fears that they will all be
absorbed before they reach the Gruss
Judge Dent, a brother ot Jrs. Grant,
died Saturday murulng at 0 o'clock, at
his residence in me city or Washington,
of a tumor In the btumach, from lilclr
lie has been suffering for several mouths
past. The l'reMder.t, Mrs. urant, Mar
shall Sbarpe aud wife, and other mem
bers nf tho family were with lilm when
he died. The deceased was attendtd in
his last Illness by the ltev. Dr. Wn te,
of St. Mattlresv's ltomari Cutlnllc
Church, of which he became a member
a few months ago, Tho funeral took
place on Wednesday.
Subscribe for the Advocate Mas
OnnnsltA T,. A S. Dnnot.
On tho East Weissport Canal Sank,
Respectfully informs the citizens of this
vicinity- mat lie Keeps constantly on
hand, arid Is selling at tho very lowest
Market Prices, the very best brands of
Flour a&JTeedL
For .Building and other purposes', which
ho guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at tho
CoalS Coal!!
Wholcsalo and Retail at tho veiy Low
est Uiifli rrlces.
lie has also a number nf very eligibly
hi RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
which he will sell on very liasy Terms.
aug. 0, "73-yl J. K. 1UCKERT.
Corner of
Bank & South Sts., Lehighton, Fa.,
Keeps u full lino ot
Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Illnck
and uolorcd Alpacas, unigliams,
Prints, ShirtingsSlu-Htlngs, &c.
of every grade anil price.
In grei
JProvi 33ons9
Teas, Coffee?, Stiga-a, Spices, Fruits,
Hams, Shoulders, Side-Meat,
Bought, Sold or Exchanged
For Building and other purposes In
great variety of Ihu best quality.
All coods warranted as represented.
ana prices iiuiy as low as elsewhere.
April 5, lH7-yl
Would respectful
ly announce, to
his friends and
the public in general, that he has open,
cd a first-class
Livery & Sale Stable,
and that he can furnish Horses. UusdIp
and Carriages of tho best description,
jur i leusme, nusiness or r iinerai put
poses, at very Reasonable Charges,
and on short notice. HAULING done
at short notice and on hhort notice. In
connection he will also continue his
Carriage Manufactory
where the people can get their C'arrlace:
Jungles, Wacons, etc.. mailt! lo older.
or KEPAIUED on short notice and at
reasonable prices.
The undersigned respectfully an
nounces that he has been nnoointod
Ageiiv rur ino
Universal Wringer
These are undoubtedly the best Wash
ers nnu wringers in the nmiUet, nnd
our inuies are uiviteu to call ar.d set
L. F. Kleppinger,
6'or. BASK and 1ROX Streets.
T..l. Art 4 i- r , . . . '
reu. -, io(o. i .ueuiulrton. ra.
Respectfully announces to Ihe citizens
of Lehighton and vicinity thnt ho Is
now prepared to contract for the erec
tlon of dwellings, rhurches, school
houses, ami other buildings. Also, that
lie Keeps constantly on hand a full as.
sortuir.nt of eveiy description of
umber !
consisting of flooring, siding, doors.
Sithlr. blinds, shutters, moldines. &c
which ho Is piepaied to furulsh at the
very lowest market rates,
l'atrouage respectfully solicited.
W. It. REX
Lehighton, May 17, 1373. ly
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs the people of Le
urguton mat he has most Excelleui
Flour for Sale 5
Also, good FEED of all kinds, aud
STRAW In the bundle. Hd is also
prepared to do any kind ot
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice.
Lehighton, Pa. March 28-ly
Save 20 Per Cent.
By getting jour'
Done at the Office of tho
Carbon Advocate,
Bet. the P. O. and L. 11. It. It. Depot,
f.olilglitoii, Cnr!inci Co.. Fa
We have Just received n large and
gaht asfoiliuenl of
Of the latit stylet ; together with n
superior stock of
And a variety of other
And can now glv6 our patrons first-
class work at pi Ices ut least
20 Per Cent Lower
Than any other Office In this section.
Gire V a Trial, and be Convinced.
tSTTho patronage, of the public
respectfully solicited.
21-coluuiir Local Paper, and the only
Entirely Printed In the County,
Is published every Saturday niornln f a
$1 a Year in Advance,
Or $1.50 If not paid In advance. The
Advocate, with Its large and In
creasing circulation, Is one
of the very
But Mediums far Advertising
In this Section,
Rates furnished on
v. MoirrniMEn,
Lehighton, Carbon County, Pa,
A New Idea!
Sewing Mine
50 Dollars ! !
Buy the World-Renowned
E2TTlio Highest rrciulum was
awarded to it at
Ohio State Fair:
Northern Ohio Fair
Amer. Institute) N. 7.;
Cincinnati Exposition ;
Indianapolis Exposition J
St- Louis Fair;
Louisiana Stato Fair:
Mississippi Stato Fair;
nnd Georgia Stato Fair;
for'being the
and doing the largest nnd best
rango of work. All other
Machines In tiro Market
wcro in direct
ZWFor Hemming, Fell
ing, Stitching, Cording,
Binding, Braiding,
Embroidering, Quilt
ing and Stitching fine
or heavy goods it is
Whoro we have no Agents
wo will deliver a Machine
for the price named above,
at tho nearest Bail Road
Station of Purohasers.
Needles for all Sewing Ma
chines for Sale.
Old Machines taken in Exchange.
Send for Circulars, Prlco
List, &c, and Copy of the
"Wilson Reflector, one of tho
best Periodicals of the day,
devoted to Sewing Ma
chines, Fashions, General
News and Miscellany.
Agents Wanted
Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Tlio Carbon Advocate,
Tho Output Papar In tn Liblgh Valley
Only On Dollar Tear.
Ublthteo, f.
which can ho cured hy n
timely resort to this stand
ard preparation, as has been
proved by the hundreds of
testimonials received by tho
proprietors. It is acknowl
edged hy many prominent
physicians to bo tho most
reliable preparation ever in
troduced for tho relief and
euro of all Lung complaints,
and is offered to tho public,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty years. When
resorted to in season it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
cure in the most severe
cases of Coughs, iBronchitis,
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Sore Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in tho Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
at the Lungs, &c. "Wlstar's
Balsam docs not dry up a
Cough, and leave the cause
behind, as is tho case with
most preparations, but it
loosens and cleanses tho
lungs, and allays irritation,
thus removing the cause of
the complaint.
rnupAitED nT
BETH W. F0WLE & SONS, Boiton, Mm.,
And sold by Drugglata andDcaloraccncrolly.
T. Do Witt Talmnce Is edl-
tor or "Tlio Christian at
01k ;" C. II. Spurceon, Spe
cial corrppo,"'l'nt. Ttrey write 1
for 110 oilier paper In America.
Three nitrgrrillcent chromos.
Pay larger Commission tlr'au
nny oilier paper. CHRO"
No sectarianism. No section
alism. Onu ngent recently
obtained US0 subscriptions In
eighty hours absolute work.
Samplo copies nnd circulars
sent free. i
II. O. KING, Publisher,
102 Chambers St., N. Y. ;
an3-0m j
tl - &"5 S
Only Two Dollars and a Half a Tear
733 BimoM Br, rmucitpnu.
712 llraadvty, N. Y. 3 School St., Boiton
113, J 15 i 117 E. iUdlaon St., Chicago.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Glassware, Hardware, &c.
May 31, lSto
npiio undersigned rcxpccl-
fully announces that be Is better
prepared than over to Buy and Sell
Cair and Sheep Skim,
Tallow und
Plastering Hlr,
at bis Old Stcnd, nearly opposite the
post otnee, iianic street, JeUlsnton.
, 3T The highest cash prices paid for
urnes ana bitina.
nor. 23. O. E. GREEN4WALD
i n 17.1 .w mi l a ."ra
Dr. J. Wnlkcr's California
Vinegar Bitters nro n purely Vcg
otablo preparation, mado clilclly from
tho natlvo herbs found on tho lower
ranges of tho Sierra Noviulu nioitii
talns of California, tho liiiv.licinal
properties of which aro oxtmctcd
therefrom without tho uso nf Alcohol.
Tho question is nlinnst daily nskcil,
" What is tho catiso of tlio iinpnr
nllolcd success of Vixtiu.vit Hit
ters t." Our answer is. that they
romovo tho causo of disease, and
the patient recovers bis health. Thoy
aro tbo great blood purlller nri'l a
llfo-giviug principlo, a perfect Inno
vator aud Invieorator of tho sytcrir.
Never before, iu tiro history of tho wOrld
bos a medlcino been compounded pos
sessing tho rcmarkablo qttulitii!S (if Vl.s
eoak Bitters iu healing tiro Kick .f
ovory disease mau is heir to. They ara
a gentle Purgatlvo as well ni n Toole,
rolroving Congestion or Inflammation of
tho Liver and Visceral Organs, lu llilioui
Tho properties of Dit.
kr's VlNKOABBtTTBitsnru Aperient. Dia
phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious Laxa
tive, Dlurotic, Sedative, C'ouutar-Irritaut,
Sudorific, Alterative, aud Aull-Bilintn.
Grateful Thousands proclaim
Vinegar BrrrEits tho most wonder
ful Invigorant that over sustained,
tho sinking system.
No Person can take tbe.?o Hit
ters according to directions, and re
main long "unwell, provided their
bones nro not destroyed hy mineral
poison or other means, and vital or
gans wasted bevond repair.
Bilious, ilemittcnt, nnd In
termittent Fevers, which aro so
prevalent iu tho valleys of.our great
rlvors throughout' tho United States,
.especially thoso of tho Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Teuucssoo,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Iced, Colo
rado, Brazos, IIlo Grando, Pearl,
Alabama, Mobllo, Savannah, Ro
anoko, James, and many others,
with their vast tributaries, through
out our ontlro country' during tho.
Summer and Autumn, and remarks- -bly
so during seasons of unusual
Vat and dryness, aro invariably ac
companied by ostenslvo derange
ments of tho stomach and liver, and
other viscera. Iu their
treatment, n purgativo, exerting a
powerful influence upon theso vari
ous organs, Is essontially necessary.
Thcro is no cathartic for tho purposo
equal to'Dn. J. Walker's Vineqah
Bitters, as they will speedily remove
tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
tbo bowels aro loaded, at tbo samo time
stimulating tbo sccrotions of tbo liver,
and gonerally restoring tho healthy funo
tlons of tho uigostivo organs.
Fortify tho body against dls
caso by purifying all Its fluids with
Vinegar Bitters. No epideuiio can
tal;o hold of a system thus fore-anned.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Tarn lu tho Shoulders, Coughi,
Tightness of tho Chest, Diizlnosj, Soar
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste
in tho Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the
Lungs, ain in tho region of tbo Kidney,
and a hundred other painful symptoms,
aro tbo offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot
tle will provo a better guarantoe of it
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Eryslpolas, Swelled
Keck, Goitre, Scrofulous inflammations,
Indolent Inflammations. Mercurial affec
tions. Old Sores, Eruptions of tbo Skin,
Soro Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other
constitutional Diseases, Walker's Yik
eoarBitters have shown their great cor
atlvo powers in tbo most obstinate and
intractablo cases.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Dlllous, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases
of tbo Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder;
these Bitters bavo no equal. Such DU
cases aro caused by vitiated Blood. '
Mechanical Diseases. Persons
engaged in Paints and Minerals, such aa
plumbers, Typo-sotters, -Gold-beaters and
Miners, as they advance in life, are sub
ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard
against this, tako a dose of Walkeu'S
YrXEOAn Bitters occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,
Tetter, Sal t-Ilheum, Blotches, Spots, Pim
ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King
worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipe
las, Itch, Scurf, Discolorations of the
Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of
whatever name or nature, are literally
dug up and carried out of tne system in a
short time by tbeus6 of these Bitters.
Pin, Tape, and other IVorras,
furking in tbo system of so many thou
sands, aro effectually destroyed and re
moved. No system of medicine, np ver
mifuges, no anthelmintics wjU free the
system from worms like these Bitters.
ForFemaleComplalnts, in young
or old, married or Bingle, at the dawn of
womanhood, orthe turn of life, these Ton
ic Bitters display so decided an influence
that improvement is toon perceptible.
' Cleanse the Vitiated DIood
whenever you find its imparities bursting
through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions,
or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it ob
rtructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse
it when it Is foul; your feelings will tell
youwhon. Keep the blood pure, and the
health of the system will follow,
it. ii. Mcdonald a co.,
ProseUli tt Oen. AfU., Sin Franoiieo, CtUfo
Ula, & cor. of WulilBirlon onJChirlloqSu.N.T.
Hold hy all UruggUU nd D1m.
If. II. IlEUEIl,
Offic, But Strxt, lust door itmg th ftatofl
Lehljhton, Pau Offlc Itoun PtrrrtUU Mch (Uj
rem 10 toll o'clock I rraaloltrof day atsMwl
Ltblsbtoc kf tl, Tl.