The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 28, 1874, Image 2

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LUIIiallTOX, l'A.t
Wo have received from the National
Publishing Co., 10.N. ,7th Street, Phil
adelphia,. specUnpn pages of the History
of the- Grange Movement; or the Farm
ers' .war ogalnst Monopolies; .by Edw'd
AVInslow Martii.,,The work, vlll. be
.well gotten up ami will bo sold by sub
scription. It wlU 'undoubtedly' 'b n
,vork of much Interest to our Farmers.
Tho DcmocrntlcStute Central Com
jmlttee In session In .l'lijlndelphln, on
Monday, resolved to bold a, state Con
vention at 1'lttsburg ,ln May.. ,A reso
Itt'on was adopted that where repre
sentatives nnd .senatorial delegates
liavo been already selected, they shall
bo taken to bo delegates from the ill-
.tricts in, which they respectively reside,
and the elections, 'shall bo heldlfor- all
other dUtticts not represented, or not
fully represented tin accordance .with
and on tho basis of new apportionments
Tho new elections shall b.e held at sucli
times abd places as city av county ex
ecutive committees Dliatf deslgnato
Hook .and Ladder Co.
During the past week or two a num
ber of our most, prominent men have1
been.canvaslng .thpnecessity of.forming
some sort of a firo department in this
borough, and after'inuch copsldcratlon
of tho matter, it lias,becn conceded that,
being np avallablo w.Atcr supply at tho
present time, the formation of a Ilook
and gadder Co, would,bo,lho mostfea-'
slble, and that a subscription be raised
among the property owners for the pur
pose .of raising tho necpssary funds
wherewith to purchaso tho apparatus.
TheJdea Is a good one, aud wo earnestly
hope that some one will take hold of
tfic matter and bring It to a successful
Issue. That wo need some well organ
ized plan for "flghtlng" Are there can
be no donbt, and now Is tho best time
to prepare for any sudden emergency.
"Who will move?1
Tho reports fromJndia are not hope
ful, and tho glooray prospect can no
longer1 bo denied. Up to .March 1 the
gum of $12, 500,000 had been expended
on the famine, and tho expenditure by
Oct. 1, will aniotint'to $7o,00O,000. And
yetrfor tlua need of a little extra use of.
money-many, thousands must dio in tho
next few mouths. The Viceroy has not
been willing to' spend enough to perfect
tho rncans of transportation: and ho has
been to hard a task-master In exacting
60 tigorous a labor test. Women and
children arc forced to. shovel earth in
rather a purposless way beforo any food
Mill bo given them. The men aro paid
4Kcepts a day for this labor, and the
women are paid even less. At the pre
sent price of rice' this compels them to
live on two-thirds the quantity of rice
furnished to convicts. But after, the
work Is dono tho food is not always on
hand, and so tho (oil may bo In vain.
Of tho .300,000, persons now employed
on the relief works one-halt will perish
form diseaso In tho course of thp sum
mer. Tlify aro obliged to camp out'in
tho open cxuntry,where dysentery, cho
lera, rheumatism, and low fevers make
sad havoc In their numbers. During
June and' July the suffering In Bengal
will bo most ir.tcnse, but tho distress
v. Ill not be over until October,, as tho
rice which is harvested in August can
not bo'eaten for fifty days afterward"
It U too fresh and, green at first, and
causes sickness and disease. In a por
tion of Tlrhoot alone, ono of the famine
counties, In tho middle of February
there were 85,000 'then, women, and
chlldicu staggering on the road In search
of food and Government aid. Deaths
from starvation had already common
ced and as tho season ailvauces the
mortality will increase at a terrible
ratio. Tho Governor-General ot Ben
gal. Sir George Campbell, was quite
right In lils apprehensions, Tho Vice.
roy has shown himself unequal to the
Current Ilcmis.
In Uxbrldc?, Mass., Monday. Gros.
venor Aldrlch fell upon a circular saw
and was cut In two.
Small pox Is again on the Increase In
Montreal: It Is estimated thero aro at
IcasUtwo hiindred cases in the city.
Ono hundred mcrdbrrs of our present
congress fought In the rebellion', and
twenty-slx'bf them werp confederates,
ThoTthodo Island Deiuociatlc State
Convention wet aiouuay, audrtpiilveu
to imiiiu uu jiuumiuuuus tor f;iue OU
Tho 'Senate. Tuesday confirmed the
noiuluatlou pf David Iteed to be United
BtntesAitorney lortuo western District
of Pennsylvania.
M. U. Brown, -father of Gov. Brown
ot Georgia, and. a soldier of 1812, dlnd
on Sunday night lu Ch'ethero, aged
Wushlngtqn, March 23. In the Houso
to-flav ft bill vas missed authorizing U.
S. legsl tender1 notes' to theaimcount of
j4W,uuy.uu to ue Kept in general circu.
Iivtumfaud that 'the total Amount of
notes issued shall ucver oxuted 100;
The Massachussctts Legislature talks
of a law prohibiting the catching pf
trout less than tlireo Inches Jn length.
When nnglers feel a bltc.fjwll! .they
liavo to wade. in and measure the trout
before they land Mm?
When the ladles of Tullahoma, Trnn. ,
began singing In frontof a liquor store,
tho barkeeper set out a bottlo with a
fuse attached nnd lighted It. Fearing
It might bo powder or Jersey whiskey
tho ladles retreated.. '
At a Centennial mass meeting In
Philadelphia, Wednesday evening, tho
citizens pledged themselves to Increase
their subscriptions by a sum not less
than $1,000,000, and to call on tho city
to appropriate a further sum of $1,000,
000 ro bd Used in the erection' of the
Centennial buildings.
Mr. Disraeli hns consented -to ljsten to
a deputation of seventy Irish members'
of Parliament in favor of tho release of
the. Fenian .Convict'. Dr. Butt, and
Messrs. Mrtin, Ronaynp, Sullivan,
nnu otntrs will address tno I'remter.
The, members of tho deputation aro very
hopeful of receiving a favorable reply.
San Francisco, March 24. .A de
spatch from Ttiscon, Aiizona, says that
Jajor Had a light with Apacho
Indians fifteen miles from Floienco.
Eleven warriors wero killed nnd thirty
women and children captured. Three
soldiers were w.ounded. Major Randall
had a narrow escape.
A few years aco Hangman Footo
offered a reward of $10,000 for tho scalp
of an Abolitionist, One night last week
tills ferocious individual went to a col
ored man's restaurant In Washington,
anil (lined wlin Wendell ,1'hIIIps; .anil
Mr. Philips retired fromtheslttlng with
wuat uair lie r.ns intact.
Annapolis, March 24. Gov. Groomo
having returned to the capital,- signed
to-day, upon requisition of the Govern
or of Illinois, n warrant fcr the deliv
ery of J. B. Schulenberg to tho author
Hies ot that Mate, where ho Is Indicted
for forgery. Schulenberg is tho notov
ions Dr, Paul Schoeppe,
In tho Court of Common Plpna rif
Dauphin county Ttfes'.tav .Attnrnnv.
General Dlmnilckaml Deputy-Attorney
Lyman Gilbert nrguede'ise in common
wealth against the Cilo Hallway of
New Voik, to reeovur $70,000, also
against the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad to recover S42.(10n.
and against the Danville and Wilkes-
uarre and tiie Reno Company for small
er sums. The cases will undoubtedly
be carded to the Supreme Court.
Cincinnati. Jareli 23. In June, 1872,
Belle Secor, a young girl aged thirteen,
was ouirageu ni ii murdered in Jercer
County, Ohio,, aud two men, named Mc
Leod aud Kimmell, suspected of the'
crluio were lynched bv the infuriated
citizens. A few days aco Thomas B.
Douclass, of Fort Wuvne. Indiana, nn
his deathbed confessed tjiat ho commit
ted the outrage, and afterwards partici
pated in tho hanging of th'o two inno-
cent raeii.
Philadelphia. March 24. At tho pIpc.
Uon for tho Penna. Railroad Company,
held to-day, the following-named per
sons were chosen to servo for the ensu
ing year: j.ii.'iiionipson, Joslah Bacon,
Westar Monls. John M. Kennedy.
John Scott, from Pjttsburg, Alexander
J. Derbyshlio. Samuel M.Feltun. Alex.
ander Blddle, N. Parker Sliortildire.
and Henry M. Phillips. Joilali Bacon
received tlie lilglmst vote 280,094
shares; and Henry M. Philllns the low.
est 279,512 shares. There was a fall-
ingoir iu Mr. lliompsuirs vote from
previous years, ho receiving 282,75(5'
Tho Pennsylvania Itallroad Gomnanv.
tho New York Central, aud the fast
freight lines, on Saturday resolved to
niako common cause witli Erie company,
am sustain the latter In their proposi
tion to their men, which is to 'pay $30
per month and 17 Hcents per hour 'for
over time. Fresh men weie offering lu
abundance Monday at tlieso rates. It
was announced by tho police that effort
of the strikers to restrain or'Intlmidato
peaceable workmen would bo promptly
put down. Tho mischief at the Erin
docks is' suspected to liavo proceeded
fiom the effort of tlpso concern cd. In a
former freight delivery contract which
was proiuamo uiing under tho old JStlo
management. The contract nrlco was
78 cents per ton and the profits were
sam 10 oe enjoyed uy certain ex-omciais
of Erie. The Stockholder.
Philadelphia, March 24. A Cre star
ted this morning In a saw mill attached
to Cramp's ship yard in Kensington,
and spread tp tho machine shop, exten
ding 400 leet pn Beach street, 150 feet
wide aim tlireo stories ingii, which was
entirely destroyed. The shop contained
uiachliieiy valued at $100,000, moat of
w lilch is i uined. The building cost MO,
000. Tho steamship Pennsylvania of
tho jmer!can line, which underwent
repairs, was nground and narrowly es.
caped destruction. Two new steam
colliers at tlio wharf, belonging to the
Heading Tialjroad Company, were haul
ed out into mo stream lor safety.
part ot t ie macmno suop walls fell on
the joiners' shop, crushing a pattotit,
The totaj joss is $no,O0U; insurance,
$127,750. Burning brands carried
across the river set tiro to Mandersop's
mill and other property on Pettv's 'Is,
laud, dpatf oy pg property valued at $50,-
uuu; insured ror $a,uuu.
New Advertisements.
njfto Wliom it may Concern
- Notice Is hereby given, That
John Fensteruiacher, of the Borough of
Lehlgliton. Carbon County. Pa.'. Is en.
gaged by the undersigned as a General
Agent. 11. r ENSTEKjI ACHHK,
Lehlghton, March 27, 1874-w3
bacco, Cigars, Pipes, &e., next door to
Hex's Grocery Stoie, Susquehanna St.,
Mnuch Chunk, respectfully asks tho
people of Lehighton and vicinity, wheif
visiting that place, to call iu aud try" his
tire very best in the market.. Every
articles in ins nno warranted us repre
seuttu nnu ai lowest prices. im;u23
New Advertisements.
,In order to closo out present stock,
the undersigned respectfully announces
to the citizens of Lchtghton and vicini
ty that he has
Marked Down Prices
of all kind j of Goods to about cost
and will 'Sell
lie, lias in stock a largo assortment of
Dry (lOotls,
and a variety pf other articles too num
erous to enumerate.
If you desire to secure
Now is your Time, A .Small; Sum of
Money will Buy a Largo, Quantity of
fetore Qpposlto L. & S.,pepot,
BANK-sireet, Lehightor., Penna,
' V Z. It. IlONG, Jgent.
TiriniiAN AnsErt, Assignee.
Marcu.28, 1874..
' Of Yaluablo
Heal Efststte I
The undersigned will offcr'at Public
Sale, on the preinistp, late of Daniel
Solt, dee'd, in Franklin township, Car
bon county, Pa., on -MONDAY, April
13th, 1874, cominenclngiatONEo'cloek
P. II., tho following valuable Heal Es
tate, situated as abovp, and known as
tho " Daniel Solt Farm," consisting of
110 acres, .inoro or less, 7.1 acres, of
which aro cleared, and under n high
state ot cultivation, tho remaining 35
acres being Fine Timber Lund,
comprising White Oak,,Plne, &c. Also,
a quantity of Grain in tho Ground. , The
Improvements consist of 1. two-story
Frame Dwelling House, "24,x SO feet ;
Ban), 35 x 55 feet, and, necessary Out
buildings. There Is a never- tailing
Spring o Water convenient to houso
and barn. This offers a lare cha,nco
for a man with a, limited capital to get
a lirst-rate, Farm, tbtre being iw better
land In the county.
IS" Conditions will be mado known'
at time aud place of Sale, by
' SOL. & WM. SOLT,
Franklin twp., Mrch28; 1874-w3
slgnpc's Koticc.
Notice Is hereby given that Thomas
Beck, of Luhliihtnti, Carbon county,
Pa., and Mary,' ills wife, by, deed ol
voluntaiy assignment lmvo'a'sslgned all
tho estate, real and personal, of the
said Thomas S'. Beck, to, Joseph K'.
Wapnamacher, af.KreJdersville, North
ampton county, Pa,, in trust,, tor the
benefit of the. said Thonias S j'eek.
A)l persons, therefore, Jndebted to
the .said Thomas S. Beck', wIH inako
pay'ijient to uje, the $aid assignee', at
Kreldersvlllo, or to my duly authorized
agent, Thomas 13. Beck, ,at Lehfghton',
and those having claims, or d(jin.inJs
yllIimaKo Known tne saino witmu six
vyecks from .this date.
Acslenob of Th6mn4 i. lleck.
HSlgUCCS Kotico.
Notice Is hereby glvon, that Gideon
Nothsteln, of New Mahoning, Carbon
county, Pa., and Leah his 'wile, by deed
of voluntary assignment have assigned
all th'o estate,, real and'persoual, of the
said Gideon Nothsteln,- .to Tilghman
Arnor. of New Mahoulng, Carbon Co.,'
Pa., In trust for the benefit of the said
All persons, therefore ndeoted to tne
said Gideon Nothsteln, will make pay-'
mentto me, the said assignee, at New
Mahoning, and those having claims' or
demands will make known tho same
within Blx weeks from this date.
Assignee of Gideon Nothsteln.
March 14, 1874-wS
aslguees Notice..
Notice Is hereby clveh', that 55achaP
rlah II, Long,, of ' Lehlghton, Carbon
county, Pn.,' and Louisa his wifo, by
deed of voluntary asslguinent havp as
signed all thu estate, rtrjl and personal,
of the said Zacharl.lli II. Long q Tilgh
man ,Arncr, ot Je(V .tauoiiing, parpon
pounty, Pa., iu trust for the, benefit of
the salil .acnarian n, Long,
All persons, thereforo, lnijehted 'to
tho said Zachfrlfh II. Long, will make
. 1- I ., ,r. .
payment iu uju, liiu uuu utuiguve, uv
Now Mahqning, or Uj my duly author
ized agent, ?aciarlah, II, Long, at Le
hlghtou, and thoje liavlug claims or de
mauds will make known the sanie with
in six weeks from this date.
Assignee of Zacharlah II. Long,
March 14th 1874.-W8T
UCJKKYE Poultry Y;;rilS)
oyrnn ron sale,
Eggs for Hatcliing
From the following varieties of Pure
Bied Laud aud Water. Fowls, at
$2 no pint iozi:.v.
Dark and Llnht Urah'mas; Buff, Black,
White and Partridge Cochins ; rown
and White Leghorns;' White and Silver
Grey Dorklnps; Plymouth Bocks; llou
dans; Black', Bed, Earl Derby and Pile
Games; Itouou and Aylesbury Ducks ;
Toulbuse aud Bremen Geese.
I wnrrantbnehaltof cachidozcn Eiigs
ito hatch ; If they do not I will replace
hem at DO cts. per dncen. Send stamp
fotclrcular.- tggs sent UU u If ilrbircil.
Address, OdA'AU LYNDB, .
Feb. 23-Utu Jarlboro, Stark Co., O.
ew Fliiuif.rvE w prices:
Tho underfened haylnir nnrpbaspil
the entire Stock-lh-Trade of Thomas S.
Beck, comprising Cloths, Casshneres
nnd Vestlngs, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
and Gents' Furnishing Goods, aro uov
prepared to offer real
Bargains in this Line.
They, would also announce that they
nre now receiving an entirely newstock
of the best and mosjb fashionable
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vostings,
Sultablo for the
Trade !
which they aro' prepared io MAKE UP
In thd Latest Pnsiliioit, the most
Substantial JUuiiuor
Very Lowest Priccls.
Tlipy very respectfully Invito the at
tentlqn of their frleuds nnd the publlo
to .their Goods and Prices, and ak a,
6hare of their patronage,' and. In returd
guarantee full satisfaction In every
Post Office .Bulldtrjg, ,
SlnnU Street, Lcliighton, Pa.
march ,14, 1874-yl
Latest Styles and Lowest Pfice3 1
2d door below M. E. Clmrcl'i.
BANK SIREET! tehi!?hto,K Pa.
having lud upwards of TLIrtr Yeir Mprlonce'
i,i ma .iiiiiiiury nuint,fiB, fiexire lo iniorm iter
frlendH and llio Lndia jjenrwlly, lUat she keens
conttanUy on lind A Urge nisfrtaioiit o( ;
riuiAl llAllt.
Hair Braids & Switches Made to Order.
She has nlso just rocehud from Xew York a full
and eldmit plock of
csmprlslnir lints, llonnets, millions, Flowors, l.a'o.
Crapes, Piracy Ooods, Corsets. (1 loves,' Co! In rs, I,are
dglnf, Neckties, laches, llandkerchlcl's 4c.
Furnistied at short notice und at Lowest PrLa.
March 14, 1874. MKS. V.. PATH.
1874. SPRING. 1874.
The undersigned respectfully.informs
her friends and thd ladles In general,
that she is now receiving iiilariM stock'
of the .Newest and most Fashionable
Designs in
JHilliucrj 6QQd$9
for SpriiiK and Summer Wear, such as
NOTIONS, &u.. &c.
Hats and Bonnets made, up In tjio
latest nnd moit.l'asliionablo manner.
AU goods warranted, and Ptlces aro
fully as low as elsewhere.
BTOUE, next .door to "The Carbon
Advocate" BANKWAVJ, Lehlghton.
March 14th, 1874.
eissitort Ahuad !
The undersigned .would respeptfully
Inform hullders,contractors'a.nd the. pub;
Ho in general, that they .have opened a
In connection with tlreir
i ,
Near tho L.uK: Depotj
nd tliattlie'vhavo now1 on -hand 'an Ira
nienso stoalc of 'horonghly Beaconed
l.iitiiiier, such aa
Rotipli l?lne' Boards,
Dtinaceii rine oarns,
Floorlnjr, Hemlock and l'ine, '
Sidings, ot all kinds,
Shingles, nn Immense stock,"
Roofing and Ceiling Lath, -ScautlliiL',
and, In fact, Lumber .ot every' descrlp.
Hon at tho very lowest market prices.
Wo aro also prepared to furnish Ilulld.
ers and others with a very fine article 'of
:i ii ti , suitable, ror masonry
Worlt, I'laNterln, &o., at Re
inarkaby Low Figures.
Wo have constantly on hand a largo
)ot ot Wpod gultablq (or Firewood,
which wo will soil, fn large or small
quantities, at I'rlces to 6ultyourlockets
Ycakcl & Albright.
nng 23-yl (arbon county, Pa
The Illustrated MusicalGlobe
is ma
Worth of New Mlialcl
$6 ELltaAflTjIH,VSTIUT!OSS, , t
Several Portraits fur Framing t
Short Stories, Uoslp,FasbionNottf fcn U I
cludiuir In a dear's subbcrlptou 71.7&. Vewai
an airut lu ovtrv tou u to lutruduce tills bet O!
elsirazlues. Kverr famlljrsubscrlbesoi Mint bur
ci.uiuilwlon Is su large au kut niu'.nmke UooD
Maucd by taking ulily tltree suUrrlplloin, adiy
(luaiiy ol our uguuts t'ku 1- and Ladles are
wry uceskful eauat.luor Iblspiaailne, end
for hauiple aud "IVruu to Agents." CflAS,
A. AlKlXfeU.N A CO, -ii LICerty Street, Kew
VMli. Marco 11 w3
Millions of Ac're
Rich faiiiuiigLaudj
Now for Sale very Cheap.
Ten Years, Credit, Interest only 0 p. ct.
Descrlptlvof nmptIi9t,,lth feetllonal Mips, Free.
A hnndomo Illustrated Taper, containing the
Ihmeslrai Lav), mailed freo to all parts of the
world. Aderess, O. F. DAVIS,
Lwd Goinralsloner, V. V. It. 11.
inarch ' ' OMUttA.Mn.
SKiails ,ANI PLANTfb-)V. Ii, TUUIt,
BKll :Cl)., llrboklvD, Windham Co:, Colin.,
olTera full assortment, at moderate prices, TwelTe
assorted plant sent free by mall for $1.25. 25
Tapcrs Flower Seeds sent for $1. Catalogues sent
lreeonappllcatlou, mar21'w4
The Sliortcat llonto to Fayftgne.
$450,000 Given Away I
f 100,000 FOR ONLY $2.S0I
Grand Legal Gift Concert
In aid OP n Juvenile lleform School at Leaven
worth, Kan.- DIIAWINQ Al'KIL 30, 1871.
Ino Prize Riiaranteed In every, packaire of '11
ricket.. Single Tickets. S2 50 '. 4 for (12111 Co,
J25. Hat few tickets left; and, as ourtales'ar,
apld. purchasers should order at once. Anj
money arriving loo late 111 be returned. GofvJ.
reMihtu Agents wanted everywhere. For ful
particulars, Address . , . .
SlJlUil .JUiEljisa, ,
marSl-l LllAVr.NWOIlTII, Kan.
1'flpei Religion nnd lUalth united fplendtd
premium to every subscriber nothing like It la
tho couutrv -n rare clnnce; rartirulam fre.
II. II. KITS ELf Tub'r, Uoston, MaM.
And Insect Powder
Tints, Mice, Itoaches, Ants, Ited-Tlucs,
Moths, &c. J. F. nENRY, CURRAN
& CO., N. Y., Sole Agents.
New York Day-Book.
A Hjmocratio'Weeiit. Eslalillshtd 1S50. It
supports White , Supremacy, political and social.
Terms. S2 per year. Specimen roplei free. Ail
dress DAY-HOOK, New York City.
Write for a Price List to J. II. JOHNSTON,
Gt. Western Gun Works,
piTTsnunoir, rX.
Breech.Loadlnff. Shot' Guns, J40 to $.100. Double
Shot Ouns, $R in ?160. Single tlnn, $3 to Jil.
lilfles, H to S75. llevolrers, (5 to $15. Pistols, f 1
tn $S. ,Oun Material, Fishing Tackle, Ac. Large
discpunts to dealers or clubs. Army Ouns. ltevol
vers, Ac, boilirht or traded for. Ooods sent by ex
press C. O. I. to bo examined before paid fcr.
Write to F. K. SMITH A (CO., Atlantlo Mills,
Frrklvn, v. r niamuacturers or tne (jrusueu
Wliltt. nrnt, fortneir psmpniettseiu iree;.
mi Kooila. with luiDirtantftitraota from Li'Uia,
J)HS01!ad otbdi- scientists. Head It and save
jour llrnliU and inoniy. mr.Jlwl
ptmlth'oly'curoJ, Tba.woMt cflBen. of tonset uslasr 1H1. HKUBAHU'S CUUK. A
bolt io sent tree to All aaaresning i, ti. uibdlei,
Will out! "Truth Trii
VmpbantJ Ajents, old.
and youDC, male and
ftoialtt make morel j1trtip71pc.Ur.ff oariTreneb and
American Jewelry, llocksjind Gauidi tbao at any-
tliing elio, Grt?ateet laduromenta to Affentu and
I'urthasers. 'Catafnguex, Terfns and full particu
lar sunt fro to all. Addretw
,U.,viUKL.uvf Augusta, fliaine.
miiousnml of lilves' nnd Millions Of
J- rropertv saved by tisiua ,tne
Safety Kerosene Lamp
These lampsaro made of brass, .and will never
, The burners have a Safety Tube Attachment
for the fvapoof gap, and wilt nerer explode.
Tli cbluines are made of Mica (or lsln Rlass,
ROcalled),and thy are the only lamp chimney
made tht v.1 1 not breaK nv neat or roia.
iiUm Chlmiwyi and Lainpnar unsafe and ex
pumlver-tms Is the univorui eonipiamt.
avr nrt. liruLuu In this eruntrv everr year.
l'rlre of llaod Lamp, complete, with Mica
Chlmrien. onedollarJ I'rice of Hrnnie 1'arlor or
Slant! Lainp), twb dollar. Seut to auy part of
tne unitea Maus ny exprens on receipt ui vu
money by m a 1 1. 1,000 ageut4 wauled to sell these
I.nmim and' Mica Cltlmueys tn every city and
town, to whom a liberal discount w fit be made,
bend 'for 'sample Utmrji aud circulars gHlog all
particulars. They spck for themselves, and sell
ou-slgui. Aaarebs
fblM871 .Not2J0 1'earl St., New York
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs tho people of Le
hlgliton that he lias most Excellent
Flour Tor Sale 5
Also, good FEED ot all kinds, and
STRAV in tlio Ifupdlo, .11 U also
prepared to do any etna or. '
Hauling an& Plowing.
at sliott lUOtlce t O'l'f '
LehlKhtpu, Ffa , .March, ly
rsniioifiAS luiaiERER,
Th following Companlti are It.prsMBtedl
Lebanon Mutual Vffe,
Reading Mulunl Fire,
1'ntUvlllo Flrp.
Lehigh Fre, and the
Travelers' Accident insurance.
Also Pennsylvania aud Mutual r Horse
Thief Detective and Insurance Com-'
pauy. til ... , March.2',,1873.
6g feed.
Thu unders'lgnfd having more Hog
Feed than will supply liU own btock,
will tako itbuut Thlrtv Slioatu to tVed
at Five t'tiufs her Py lf application Is
Li-hlghtou, March 7-8w
Of Weissport,
Respectfully Informs the Ladlea of this
vicinity that she b now prepared to
Make Up
Hair; Switches,
at short notice and at tho lowest prices.
Sho.l? also how iopcninff"a new and ele
gant assortment of
Spring (ftoods
&c, and respectfully Invites an inspec
tion or ineni uy uio Lames. All wore
will be done' la tho most fashionable
and substantial manner, and at prices
which are bound to suit every one.
Jarch 7th, 1874
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Constantly' on liand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Tlaln and Fancv Clnlli..
Cassimeres and Vestlngs.for Men's and
ijojs- wear, wiucn i am prepared to
Mako nn to Order in the most Foshlnn.
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's i
A well selected stock of French
Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting;
Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots,
and Shoes on hand, 'or
aittdo to;Orter.
Hats, Caps and Furs,
Of the Latest Styles always oj'handav
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent'for the'
American & Grover &. Bailer
Sewing laeliines.
Only One Price for. Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl.
The, undertlgned1 respectfully ' an',
nounees to his friends and the citizens
of Leiilghtoh, and vicinity, that be hi
opened the. room recently occupied by '
"The Carbou Advocate" offlee, on
Bttnliway, I.cUguton, pa..
As a Shop for tho
Cane-Seated Chairs, Sofas and Lounges
re-boUomed, painted and thoroughly
repaired ;
4 at J A m '
and, in fnct, Repairs of kinds of Furtil--'
ttire neaty,and Trpmptlyj(endeAt
at reasonable, chkiges., Patronage Is
respectfully solicited: s ' r ,
Lehlghton, March 7, 1874-tf1 iv
Contractor & Builder.
, . -I'M i J" 9
Finns and Spcclflcatloas
For all kinds of Buildings nude at thd
shortest .notice.
Made for Plans arid Specifications' vf hen
the contract Is awarded' to the under
signed. A. W. BACHES.
June 14, 1873-yl
Carriages,, Sieigbs, DmcsIc..
, arii-.V.rVd.Mr'Iptlotiir" " "
spring Wagons.
N.arl epioilt, .Etl.. ffot.l, Ba: BtfHt,
1 ; : :
, iaurcniiE or
At reaaouabl.eharKu.
C9-ratroi ag. Terjr 1 r MpWtfuliy- HllclUd, lad
Mtlifa-tlonituarantwil, I3J I'
t y.b.7,16H, A. PPCKMAK.
It j th. author of " Night Itnu lath. BIMV a4
."Our Fatb.ri Hons.," of which Surly S30.00O
hasabeD sold. "llom. Mr." la comni.ttdd bj1
mlolsters f f all churrha as "lb. author's bolt
bixk:,H ''lull'pf precious thoughts, "Truths tr
rloii. at ms," a ct.Jw Uxk for .'erjf fsmllT,"
Ac,' 8ti mrilMk., rWMlotl pspr, rich
ilu.llii.'knj Wr rapid sal. uniualtd. aOKNW,
U.Mhy(wsutwIn fijiroouot; $14 to ICD pr, ,
mouth. Buodror circular. . '
mar7m 618 Arch St , PhUadVphia, ?