Ma jsiiiTon. l.uiiiairro.v, I'A.t XUIIIDAY M011NIXU .IAt:OJI M, 1871 The efforts of the ladles' praying band hate n6ulted In tho closing up ot two salopps Ifi N-w York $ty. Th etc nro now only 8,401 saljons left In Unit vljlage. Horatio C. King, a. gentleman "well' known in,. buslposR., circles, has. .become publisher of" The Chrlsilanat.Wcrk,'' Ho sajs : "Wo aro, now backed by forae of lha,flr.-.l financial nvn of New Toik, and start out on a.niiw career of wnik,wl,!qh wo hopo.wlth the blessing of God will accomplish meat jthjngs.ior Chri&t and his kingdom, " It. JJiqnptAS. The cuirtuit number ,of St. Nicholas opei s,wll)i an article on Jtlui Inventoln of pilntlng, by Donald ,G. Mllcli.cll, ami illusltato.l by. n large .engraving 9 .GjUtenberg's slatuo at Strasburg. An aitlcle, entitled "Life Saving On ,0m Coast." by William II; iydelng,,glyes.a useful and highly in teiestlng account, ot how poor ship wrecked sailors and passengers .are .8,ved when tlr.iy aro tlnown upon our .cost; for It.appears, thoy are marly al ways, saved, tour excellent, illustra Uons.accompatiy ht1 article. The three serials aio iucrea'.ns in interest. In VFast Eiiend," theio aro adyenturcs at ui boardtng-'mu-o In New York: In "Xlnipo's Troubles,!' tho children get luto sera put lu a V'eM rn ill.ige, and in '-'Yhat Mlglt Have Been Expected," wonderful schpmes aru concocted in tho backwoqdfi, of Vliglnia. "Jacklu-lbc-Pulplt," i; unusually good this month; lie fa)rly, sparkles with fun, and every body, pld and young, will bo t-uro to hayo, jolly laugh -with "Jack" for April. The Letlor Pox and other de pajtraents are full and Interesting as Autppsy of Senator Sumner. An autopsy of tho body of Senator Sumner was' made Monday morning, Hnil a report written out as follows: The left coronary' aitery ifi in consld. prabte portion of Its length was fo much ossified that Its ralihro was diminished nlfnjtcuc-lialf. The .light coronnty artery was ,slphty atheromatous, and cBrisldprably enlarged.' ' Tho cayitjes of ihVh.carV'Wero dllateri, efpeclally ti.o lower, third of. the left ventricle. 'i'Iio waits of thi? ventricle weru generally thinner than usual, espcially tp af tjm p'o'lnt riboiit nn inch and a half front tho iipe'x, over1 n'f pah) two' thirds of an inch Ifi dlonieterj In tho vicinity of 'this jere fevcral small clots of blood, soiuo uf widen liad.nrobalilv foimcd befnro jlf'atn. NbllJIng abnormal was foUnd, (n'ilirt.binlri or other organs. (Sinned) J. Its'Jankson, a Kills, H. II. Klutz, '..lnmesenceof Henry G. H. E. CpJtliigr'Vllfred 'Hitchcock, II. 11. A. lleach? Jrimes T: Johnson, and C. E. Bsotvn-Seqpanl. I'Dh' XfrowniSeqnait says no traces of t-liVtuisault committed' b'y Bjooks were discovered in tho brain. ' In thp House of Iteprcsentivcs, on' Tuesday last, Mr. Coburn, Republican, pf Indiana, introduced a'blll'whfch pro vides for a reduction of the nfihyto 25,. CC0 men, to bo composed of twenty rglmcuti of Infantry, lilno of cavalry, and four of aitlllcry, thus dispensing with eeven regiments. Th5 oftlces of Regimental Adjutant ard Qiwtemhster und ono Major in all of the cavalry and and artillery regiments are abolished. Tho permanent staff U to luced In seve ral corps, and a provisions is made for filling tho lower grades from tho Hue. Thengin;er and Medical Corps, the Bureau of Military Justlco, and tho Pay ijeparjinpnt aro excepted from details. Dctn)led ;aff 'OjCcera aro to serve four years, tho object being to select tho best material for staff duty and promotion in all brandies Is to be opened. Otticers are allowed to resign on one year's pay as before. Itelgments nie to be con solidated, and olliccrs assigned to stall pr lino duties, or If unworthy, aro to be fuuitercd out by a, board. Those of 30 years' service thus put out aru to go on tbo retired list. Xo officer Is to go out put tut by reason of mere reduc tion, of force, but to conllnuo In service uplejs'lio lCslgns or Is icmoved by the bpmd. Provision is tuado for the pay troops by drfu at convenient posts as jehslons aro now paid. The consideration of the bll was made.a special order fjr the flrst Tuesday lu fitfite lCKlllKlure. enatc bill .No. I4 (sairy blll),hs passe finally by tho following vote: YEA Mesqr; Andersou of .41le gbeny, vlnileHfln o( Crawford, Cutler, Da ls, Fitch, Graham, Hellinan, Hum. ph'rf ys, 'Lnmpn, I.emo), Jf'ClVre, M' Klndly, Macl'ay( R.utar), yarfel, ypk-Jey,Hd'S.'rar(g-7. , ats Messrs. Albright, Becbtel', Clinlfant, Collins,' Brmentrout; Jf'Sher ry, Vallave Warektn, WbJto and 'yer- (wlikhloci not go .into ftl BtUll Deo: l('1874) pjvlrrestbat.tKe p)mxcasAw -of jfiiravnii too, gco II. V.JlORTHtMKII, eral assembly shall bo $IQQ9 (or .each regular and and adjuwrned annual ses sion, pot exceeding 100 days, and, $10 per diem for lime necessarily .spent af-. ter f ho expiration .of tho 100,fd.iys, pro vided that eucIj time Blinl.iiot exceed fifty dnj-s at'aiiy one jscssion, and tlO per diem at each adjourned or special session and mllcago to and from their homes at each regular, adjourned or,' special session at the nileof twenty cents per mile. The salaries of the chief clerks ot the senate and liousu are Increased from ?2',p09 to.e3,1300....Thu.cpmpensa- tl n of tiio nssUtant clerks remains un changed These salaries shrill cover' alUervlqesicndcred lyth'ni at regular omd'ournod' rcs-slotis and dur'ug tho recess. ' Said clerks shall receive no nn mini salaries during the years In which there shall be no fegular or adjourned annual sessions and lit years In which special sessions only shall bo paid $10 per diem for the term of special session and mileage, ns Is otherwise prov)icd In this act, A bill imposing a dog tax Is now be fore llio lh.ute. It provides thai nl' dogs tiiust wear cojbrs with brq'ss tags. allaidied,'6ii which is inscribed the name, of tho owner nhd tho number ot1 tho dog. The tr.'x' Is fixed at one dpjlar on rnUp, and two'o'n female dogs. Persons own lug shep aro to bo paid for their loss when killed by dogs, and any fund not thus expcnde) goes for behool parppses, Tho bl.'l to lilcreaso tlio rate of Inter est from 0 to 8 and 10 per cent., wns finally disposed of in tho limine, pi) Thursday of last week by Indefinite postponement, yeas 07, nays 14, It will piobnbly nut naiii bo called this session A supplement to tho act for the betjer and mure impartial selection of jurors In each of tfie counties of tho common wealth, has passed the Senate by a un anlmousvotc. The bill In tho payment of the newspapers for publishing the JVow Constitution Is r.ow in the. hands of a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Tally, Webb, ltcyburn, ltamey, Allen, l)atesnaid Toner. A,)iill (la bei'iij reported ifavorably in the House, defining tho liability of lijo stockholders In amouut of stock held. An act to promote the Improvement pf )eal estate by eeinp'.Ing mortgages from, ta xatl on, except for State put poses, has bec;i rvrprtpi) Ijy corotiitteo lit tho ljpiif.e, Tio General Approbatn Illl. as PRSS.ed in ))o House branch pftjta Leg islature, makes, the, Governor's salary 810,000; tho becrptary of (1)0 Cmintu)) wealth, etf.fiOO; Deputy Sepretary, $3... 250; Auditor General, 3,000; Attorney General, 53,500; Statu Treasu,rer,f,000; Surveyor, $2,.r)O0; Supeilnten dent of Common Sehoul, $2,500; State Librarian, 41,800. For the support of the Common Sellouts of the State tho sum (1,000,000 Is appropriated. Judicial Oisd lclH. The Senate has passed thronsh third readinz a bill whlcli divides tho Stute into tho following judicial districts j 1st district Philadelphia 2i Lancn-iter . . . 3d Delaware , 4lh Chester nth1 York and Adams' ' Cth Cumberland 7th Vraukllu and Fulton i l 8th Bedford ' ,.. , 0th Huutlniidon. Blair and Cambria 10th Indiana ' ' ' ' 11th Dauphin and Lebanon 13'h Ueiks 14th l'"netto and Grceno 15th Schuylkill 10th Rucks 17th Montgomery 18th Lehigh 1'Jth Northampton ,20th Susquehanna 2lst Wayne, Monroe, Tike and Carbon li null out 23d Columbia, Sullivan,' Wyoming and iuumour 24th Northumberland 25th, Union, Snyder and Jifflln 2Uth Clearfield, Clinton, Centre 27th LycoiiiliiL' 28th TiJgo, Potter, Jf'ean andpaip erou 20th Eric. 30th Crawford ttlftt .Vf.linnirn r 32d Jctfer.sou and Clarion 33d Armstrong 34tu llutler and Lawrence 35 til Merqur ' 30th Heayer 37th Varren, Elk and Forrest 38th AViishlngtou 30th Allejilieny 4tlth Wpstmoreland 4Ut Perry and Juniata ' Curpcnt If ems. Jolinnn Jli'lnrlch Mncdlrr. tlift distin guished astroiomer, U dead, Jin was sevunty-nlno years ojd. Stanley writes to tlio London Daily News Hint niter careful Investigation he Is convinced that r. .Llvlngstou Is dead, Thn California Senate has passed a CompuUory Kducatldii,blll. The writ of error In the Uderzook case Is set down for argument in the Supreme Couitin Ilarristiurg for t).q 18tli of May next. " ,Iiarrsuurg, March 10, ThoUauphln County Com t today granted ap order j or me release or ueorge O Kvtns or) hllenterlntr $25:000 ball tor nt.tlws Ap;H ,kU); to take the benefit of i Ihe'Ips'ol vent act. Tlio condition ot Mr Evfli' health b gradaaKy "growing wor,. Physicians liavfl certified that he Cannot live) morel than ono mouth if kept confined, and lto will bu reinovevtas edon a, possible. Calcutta, March 17. Tho distress frofii (amino 'In Bengal Is increasing, and mahy'thouaiids of tho tintlvts are dependent upon tho Government for food. In Hit! Tlrhput dlstilct 100,000 persons, nil of whom wero In nn em aciated condition, made application for relief -within tluv ast ten days. 1 Ualtlmore, Md. March' 18. nr.'Paul Schoeppc, was arrested to day on n chargu ot being a common bwlmller. Numerous paper Including nulroad passes wero luuml l.t peron, nil beat ing the nameoi J. 1'. Schulenberg. Tho accusal wa coinmlltod for tho action of tliu Grand Jury. Chlca o, March 18. A dUnitch re ceived hero tu-dny fiom Gen. Terry's lu'itdijuurtcrrt says tlmt no tioublo U an ticipated uom (lie imllans at -Leecu Lane. This corrects tlio previous re ports sent to Washington by persons interested In creating disturbances with tho Indians. 1 Jacksonville, March 18. Tho Hon., O. U. Hiiit, Governor of Florida, after a lingering Illness, dled'nt his residence in this city at .7 o'clock tins evening. , A voun! mill about 25 vears of nut. imposed from letters found ou Ids per- soif 'tb bo Franklin A, bishop, ot Petrd- n t it Centre, Pa., shut hlni'elt In tho ight' leuiplo lu the Malison House, Itutfalo, at, 2 l". M. on Saturday, having irevioiisly taken chloruloruf. cause is assigned for the act. He had abund ance, of means in his possession. On tho Texas frontier a foimldablo raid by Indians fiom Fort Sill Reserv tlon is Imminent. Lone U'plt Is lending' them. Tho Coronoi's jury hnvn concluded that (ho explosion in tliu Rlngluiiutoii water works was caused ly liiipeiteet coiiuC-ct'loiis bitneeli Iwif liolltrs. locomotive in tl.'u Pennsylvania Rallroaij Cuinpaiiy's yHrd in Altoona, ra uotsianeu in somn day vlthotit any any perim ou it. ,it ran thniugii mo lyuiui iio"e, uuim uu opei) space, aim into a ll'" hiimjhiiiu sliop,'iu'ifi1iiB tho entlrp length of tho 8hop,'over'30p. Ifet, In which over 500 nieii wero at worK. une ini hibu doorman, wns killed, and another, named llnulley, had Ills eg ran.-." ou, and caiimit llvo. Npw Advertisements. OST, on Saturday, Match 14lh, a .Black Pun. with "short tall : ans wers to tho namo of " Tip." Whoever has found him and will return him to tho understood will ho .rewarded for llieir iroutiie. uiia. r.iiuciiLiiu, Lehlghton, ilnrch 21 -wl pKNNSYIjVAMA 11 AII.I1 0 A I, piIILiDELriHA EHIR Hit. DIVISION. xvimt Time, Tni.jr. On and aflr StlNPAV. NOVKMIIKIt 51.187.1. he tr.ilna on the I'htla. i Erl Jtlt. Hj"llou will lUliailluuonBi YKT ll. llerrito Rxraits UatM EhlljdHlphta 12.6.1 p.m. 6.1 fi j.m, 0.20 I'-in. V.lft H.Ul. 80 n .11 1. luao rt.f p in, T.J i p in. R,4H p.m lO.Uin.m. 7 2)pm. 8.01 Ji'm. 1 .30 p tn. 73.1 iuii. IMrrlfchiifif Willi nofport Kinp-irlnm nrr. nt llulT'ild Knjt MAlLlTe I'hlliitldlplila Wimnu(Prt ltenOTa' an. at Krltt iisrriuurp ' VllUmtH)rt lci iiavwi IltsovA Accomod'k Ilrrls1)urj it m. i m " WlllUmfp't V2tft pin. Bald Eiauc MAaUnreft Vtlllniupirt 1.15 p ui, a arr. bi uuveu 3-10 p.m. EA6TWAIID. Dcrmo Kzratss leire BaM, .4 ' - . Itnporlum 3 05 p.m. 01 J p.m. 1.1J a.t. .,,, ... ', .Wllllanwiwrt arr. at llarriburi: 41' 9.1 0' a, in. , l'bllidelpbrl Knit Mill earea Erie 1 ' lleiiova . lk Karen ' " Willi import " arr. at llarrl.lmrx . " I blladrlphla Kuiiat Mail leaves lMk llnven Mllnauispprt ' " arr. at llanlklmr'ji ' it.-1 a.m. 40 p m. 0 K p.nL 11 lu p.m. 3 06 a in. 80 a.m. 7.5. a.m. 0 ;)0 a.m. tt.Ui p.m. 6.f0 p.m. rilllalrlplll, Ilir.EUBCBO ACCSSI. leires Ulljm;prt U30 p.m. arr. at llarrl.l.urlr 10.50pur ' llilijelphla 361a.m. DlLD KlOlt Mali. Irarel I ck II ivell 111.2 1 P.II1. I' nrr. at lllauiipert 13! Mall lla.t connects Oitnt anil wertat Krle Mlth I. SillSllV and at Corry ami Irtluetou with oil Creek and Allegheny II II W. Wilt witll eatt anj,wet tratna on I, S .1 M S K tt.aud at Corry anj Irvluetuij lib01ICr.ek and Allei;Ueny U It W. Klmlni Mall ami liullalo Itxpreo make clore connection" i.t IMIilainFport wi ll N O It W tialua nortb.aud at ILirrlsburf ltli N C KW Iralua koulb. V'JI. A. UALUWIX.Oen 1 Supt. IIUL.1C SALE. Tho underslRned will sell, nt Public Silo, at Ills Keshlericn nt rACJKKK I ON, commencing nt 1" o'ciock xvuon, on SATURDAY. MARCH 21st, 1874, A variety of Useful Household Furniture, consWtlnc; of lledsteiub nnd ItfddlnK, ValistunrM, Chalrr, btoves with Pip IJiMiPri, 'rinvare, ijtinpi, lut. uiika.h FltEEZEIt, fipd other articles of house hold nnd kitchen furulturo too numer ous to mention. The conditions will be made. known nt time and place of Mile, by t it TV OTT. Packertnn, March 1-w2 JOU SAIE. The undersigned - offers h!s House mid Lot, tltuatu In Franklin township, on the rond lead ing from WelSJpottto Mackereltown, at private sale. The hmise'ls 20 x, three Ptorles ti -front with 'basement, nnd tho lot 50 feet froi)t by 100 deepi Suitable fur business. Maud. Apply to IIENUY ltO'l'UpUMElj. March 14th, 1874 -wa 1CIVS Floral Guide for 1874. 200 Sf, ! BOO Engravings and Coloretl Plate." Published Quarturlyat 25 ct. li Yi'a'r. , JJlfst.ii. ,lor,1874,Just isUei. A German MlUon at name price. -Adflfe'ss ' " 'JAMES V1CK,. BQ"y,''20r' IiooheaUr, N. YT Now. Advertisements. Milli,6hs of Acres ' IN NEBRASKA, Now for Sals very Che5.p. Ten Years Credltf-Iiitflrest:only 0 p. cf. Dcscrlp'llio riimpiiMvwlth SeotMnal MagiiFroe. THE PIONEER, A liindromd IllustnteJ Tit'.er, CQnfilliiln the ilmritriul but, ni1 ll free W ll ' t rl r Iha wuilj. AdirwK, O. F. DAVIS, , , LiaJ CommtJper, VJ. 1. 11. n. . mrfh t-rt' Ohauj, Ntn. SKICII.S ANIJ I'iTa.NTS. XT. It. TIlUll Ilhl: k C.).. lirvokltl.', Wndblui Co., Conq.( oTrrH lull niifurUileht,at,tJioJciit price. Tfrelre "Aprorttfil pi i iit pent tree ly uidll Dr $1.2:.. 23 Iri-e oil npp'IctHlOn. flnar21-4 Tlie Sliorlpit. Itniflo to Forlune. $4.50,000 Given Away! , lOJ,001 FOrt ,OfNLY Ql6 ( Grand Legal Gift Concert In iilil of ft Jurpntle Iteform School At I.envnn- worlb, Kn. UltAtVINO 'Al'iMb 3py lBTt )no I'rlto iruftrftnlwil In every pilclvficn of 11 -riKi-Ai- win iu-ri,.vuiB. Art R tt.r 11 r,i. Hut few .llckeln )a! aii'l. uur Mlea rr HplJ. purclnxem KhouM ortler nc onre. An) imm..r anlrlnff tou IaImwIU be returrwl. .GoimJ reflthl Aitonti ,wnijteJ eferyffuefcy For ful 'pjrtlculsrttJjreM J - ' " ' SIMON AUlSljtiS, mir 51-w4 I. KAVKNWOIITIl, Kan . WANTED A GENTS lor Dr. CorrcH'f Frtnnly IWM-ltill,!lon and HmI(1i nnllp! nJerjur, pivmltl'U n wierr sni fffTlW'.i tif.ihia j like u .1 tliocountrv-.nrartliinci'; t'.irtlrul-tM fre. II. It. I10S, kl,l.jl'ul.'r, neon. Max. Exterminators A;id Insect, Pqwder . Fon lint". Mleej Itonche', AnK Hert.rtnc.i. Mollis, Ac. J, V. II ENHVr, CUIIHAN & CP , N. Y., Solo Agents. ??ew. York Day-Book. A I)rl0C"Tia WII.T.- Kutnl.llilipil 18S0. It mppoct Wliitf Fnjirtmocy. anj sochl.. Term, f 2 pir year. Rpprlmen roptei free. Ail irtff DAV-1IOOK, New Yoik City. Wrlln fir a l'rl to .7. II. j'nilNSrON, Gt.Western Gun Works, 170 SUITlll' STIIKKT, riTTfnUROlI, PA. Itrrrrh-railtng Shot Oonf, ft) In MO. Pouliio Shot (limn. $S in t'.M. Slnple (Inns 3 In JJV ltllli, !S lo$75. lleolver.S.")t. I'Htoli, Jl l,);8. Hun Malfrlal, Fl-liing T.Vkle, .to. I.arire dtronntit In riVater or rlnl 8. Army (Inn. I'.ovol er. If., Ijonht or trailed for. floods pent by ex. prehs 0.0. n. to m examined before pildfni EATTOLIVE! Writ tr l V. PM1TII A CO.. Allintic MI'l". on uutls, ttiillunn-rttiiteJtrct frimi I.Uijia. Toti.Mt'iH nml nOior M-Unils', l!iiil It ahI wuh our lirnlllinml nionty. mr.21 w4 BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for your MACHINE. FIT6 andEPILKPiY lMHlllTnly rura-l. Ti Mnr.t ca'. of longo't Man.n.l.y u-ln Mt. II KIinAI:!)'!' LUKK. A imijie Mil lr io an ad.lre.-iitj J. iiibblhk, Prncxl-t. SHClh Aienu. ,. Y. , mr21v.t n Will out I Truth Trl wbiiJ )oun,'roilt 'and lVmtilc, tiiaVi mirt) money Fillln(j our rrrnrh and Anii-rl'aii Jewery, Ilikkand fltpicH tlhn t'finj ttiii iIm. Orffit iidiirementa t" Acfnla'atid I'un Orttn.iueVT-Vruift auJ lull i.vlcu lars tieot frc 1 1 all, Addr-nn 1 ' I'.O. VlCKr:UV.'Au)tn.I,.Malne. Nr.flco U herelir i-lren thai thy Kaefiutor5. Ad mtllln raters 'and OuaVdUna hereinafter named, bate tiled tbelr rep..e a.'iuantaof thafyllow I'll! estates in IUe lle)t!Mer4 uiuce, al Jl.mcn Chupk. Ill and fir the' Coilniyot Carbon, which aeuoi'liita bare baell 'allowed by ttitf lleiUter, Hill be preiilited tn tliH4uItf..a of tta llrphink' IJourt on .Monday. tbe)nl dir of M4rch uest, ut Un oMnrk, Ai l, for couuriuailin : The b'Tt and final account of Mar garet 12 Collins ndiultiUtratr.ix nf Jo- repu uoiltuB, ueu u, ui r.ast jiuucii Cluiuk. . t First and. final' accent of. T.Iionias Keinerer, admluls'tratov of Oldeon nnd Elizabeth KvrMmer, deceased, qf Ma honing township. Thp account of C It. Eberloj ndniln Istriituf of V. II. Eberle, who wus tliu ndmlnlatrator of Sarah Euerh', deceased, lato of the Uoiough of Mauch .Chunk. A. WHITTINUIIAM. llerU .r( Ite?lster' Otrlce, Chunk, Keb. 12, 1871. rpiiniianml at Lives nnd (ltlllona rropcrry sat.a oy (iniia me AMEIUCAN Safety Kerosene Lamp These lamps are made of bran, aod will never break. 'lbs burners lure atSaTety TuU Attachment for tha escape of ga,and will nerer asplode. TIim MilimiHii ai. in.tlM oflMlcuCur IrJncl.isn. n-iwIlrtJl.itua they Br.xUui.o'nly'nip lijiunejs mit.ic. tiixt will iiat IsrH&krlir heitt rr rold. ULim L'lilmiifjMiDl.l-iuipiiiiro unnng intt r- iipiamu fawi'lJiQip Clilm. nru.lioKvululUc umrjf mtf ir. . 'I'rtce tf llnuJ Unt, fumptet,, with Mica pi.ii.Lt.nvat tr. Itilm or llrumo l'afior or Stand lattu.p-; tw3U5ii;.rrf. w ao. rart n tli Uuiteil 2tv ty eijfen on rtvulpt -uf Hid I uionti) by inf.ll. l,QO0 uit an:l ti nvll lW Lamps.. nml Mlr Chiipuvj V lit evtry ritjf ail 4 lilural dlKcoulit lllbd Ul&de. Vend for Miopia1 lamp' "d rlrculars gll'i all particulars, ruey tpaK loriueiuMiroa, arri sen uu slulit. Address . . 11 AMr.KlUAN BAFKt LAM1 CO., epli-iei-l XV,-v J van :. .if" av.B UIJUUYU I'oullry Yurdti, OFl'EU FOIl SALE. Eggs for' Hatching From inn following varieties of puro Uied Land and Water Fowls, t sa I'KU UOZKV. -Park nittl Llelit Hiahinas; Huff, Black, White h ml. Pat I ridge (JiK-lilns i JUnw ami White Leghorns, Whllti and Silver Grey JJuiklnusul'lyKrt'Ulli Hocks; llm daiisj Ulaek, Ited, Earl Derby and I'llo Gnmeir, ,lti meu :mnl ylebuiyiPucks j TuulnusB nnd tfreineii Ueeou. 1-wiirriiiitftni. Iinlfuf each dozen Ecus to hatch-; If -they lUt not I wlll rrplitco them at &0 cts. per doien. Send stamp for.eleulttr.,Eggs sent OODIf leslrtd. Feb fiS-'3m Jarlboro, SfarK Ob., O. 3STow The tinder.dRned Jiavjng purcliafd tliu tnlire Stock-In-Trade of Thomas S. Heck, comprising Cloths. Cusslmeres and Vestlngs, Uonts, Shoes, HaU, Caps and Gouts' Furiiiihlng GOoth, nt'o now prepared to.olfer.ieal.,. - Bargains irithis Line. Tliey would also, nnuounco that they are how receiving nil entirely nevfstdck of tho pest and most fashionably Cloths, CnBsimp.rcB nnd VestiDgs, Sultablo for tho i' Spring ' Trade 1 which tiicy aro prepared to JlAKE UP In thd &'. Ill ii n, the most SiifiNfantlal Illtiiiiifit' nnd'attli6 Very JLotrcst I'riccH. They very respectfully Invito tho'at tcnllo'i of ,thelr filemls nhd the public, to lln-lr Gords and Prices, nnd n-k a share of. their patronage, and lu return guarantee full satisfaction lu every particular. i , LAURY & PETERS; Post Offlco JJulMI..g, EtanU Street,, f.clilglitou, Pa. march 14, 1874-yl Latest Stj les nnd Lowest Prlccal 2d door below M, E. Church, BAMK STREET, Lehighto.i. Pa, Imvltii: liiil UDnrJ-i nf Thlrtv 'cr I tn 1 lie Millinery ru-in'enF, ilfflreft tn Inform tier iritiiias ma inn ijna.n peiu-rhiiy, line puo hveps piiifttanly on hanj u l.ire ftinrrtmeiit cf NOTIONS 'HUMMING:, NATUItAL nati AUTI KICIAI. I1A1U, JJalr Dralds & Switches Mailo to Older. Sh Iiir nlfr. jnt received, from Xew York a full and fU;nnt stock of cAinirifilnj Hals Ilotiiieh, l!lMmnft Flowfrs, I n-e, Crnjcs, Frincv lodn, Cirr3etf,01oro, CvHrv Laro -JMi;lii, NetktU'n, Iluclies UauJk'erchlijri', let MOUBNING- GOODS Furnl'bcd at fhort notlc an4 at lowdt Prices. MarcIU,1874. MHS II. FATK. 1874. BERING. Tho undersigned respectfully Informs her friends anil the ladles In jieneral, .that hhods now icovlvliijr a laign stock of tho Newest uud tuuat 1'aslilonaUl Designs In 1 a for Spring and Hummer Wear, such, as I.A1J1KS' HATS and IIDWMIW,' Tlll.MMI.q?, .FLQWCRSi NOTIONS, &!., &a. Hats and UoiiiX'ts made up In tho Inteht nnd moit titshinii.ible manner. .-Ill goods wni'iauU'd, and Piicci.oro fuily ns. low ns eisowliere, b'i'OUE. next door to "The Carbon Advocate" BANKWAY, Uddghton LIZZIE KRAMER. March, 14th, 174. clssiiorl Alictiil! The upder.'lgned would rejri'clfully nforiu liiiililers.eontrnctnrs ana tliu puu lie In gentyal, that they have opened a ' In 0011116011011' with their Near thoTi. A S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., and that they havo now on hand an lm pienso stock of '.horotighly Seasoned Lumber, such ns ItougU Pine Hoards, Surfaced 1'lne Wnards, Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, Sidings, of n)l kinds, Shingles n,n Immense stock, hioling.nnd Ceiling Lath, Scantling, nnd, In fact, Lumber of every descrip tion nt thi very lowest market prices. !Wo aro nlso prepared to furnish 'IJnlld- 'ijrs nnd others with a very lino article of Suiiu, stiitniiip rur ;uusonry Worli. IMiiMtti lii'. &c , ut lie- umrkably Low Figuics. We l.nvo constantly on hand a largn lot of Wood sultahlo for Flremui-I, which we will sell, In large or small quantities, at Prices to spit your Pockets Oca Mono-iio.Nfcsr oxujmVtWW I'ltiosa.. Yeakel to Albright, Weissport, nug 23-'yl C-Virbon cpunty, Pa ThQ Illustrated lVlusicalGloba lliwiouiir )tP5ioL MoststTirriimtt." $37 Worth of. e iv Mmlol TffQ 1'lthJllUH CllKUMOS tVKItV CHOICE.) a(S KU.UANT ILLUSTIlATIUIbl Several Porimtta fur Framliifj I rburl fclofles. Hilp,lr'u.blunNoiri, tensll In. (lu 1 uif lu a tur'a .ubwilDluli tl It a want ati aicrut ly owr'tu to luli4ace tljis le.t f.f tlaaillies. KeiyHOlll.UOKTlueaon .miliiar enuiuilubn la aa lime au sj.i.t nn umLe Uoju Uiomm l'kinmhlj nre uo..iii,uu..-a uij (uiaujr ui uur .,-,j;is ukfl 12 4 U X hH )! eri -celsraifaurWu(Hi'lW.3f,((Ulur, (.d fur MUiUeHHMl rrrnAi. Id ADw."''CII.1S. A. AliUXBJis 6 CV-. -MilelljKMreab, Jo V T ' .f.K... I 1 w 'I jj-II,iaNERY STORE. Of Wejssport, Uespecifully Informs tho Ladles of thU vicinity that sho Is now prepared to Make Up , Hair-Siticps,: CURLS, PUFFS, C.t at short notice and al tho'lowest prices. Rtr n.. . r Sli,lsl,so now openlpgtamvrnd.eIe Spring oods Comprising, Hats, Uoonets, . , , J Rlbbuas, riocr, Notions, &c., and respectfully Invites an Inspec- iiiiii or mem tiy tne tad,ei. All work will bu done. in. tho most fashionable and substantial manner, and at prices which aro bound to suit every one. mis. guth: arcli 7th, 1874 p B. GiaAVSS, Icrcliaiit Tailor, And Dealer In Ccnt'N FuriiitililnK Goodg, LE1I1GI1TON, PA. Constantly, ort hand a splendid. stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting of rialn and, ancy Cloths. Casslmeres and Vestlngs.for Men's and Uojr' Wear, which I am prepated to Mako up to Order In tlio. most Fashion able Styles, at short notice. Ladies', Misses and" Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glove. Kid, pasting, Kid, Pebblo and Grain Leather Boota nud Shoes on hand, ,95 , HI ail o to;brdor. Hats, Caps and Furs, Of tho, Latest Styles al.wayj) oj h,and, av the Lowest Price," - Alsq, Agent for. tho American &. Grovcr &. Ilaker' Scwiog Isicliiiies; Only Ono Prleo for Evorybody. January 11, 1873-yl, fOMtTlllXCi AXfVi Tho undenlgnedH respectfully an. noiin'cVsito'lUs friends nnd the citizens of Lehlghton and vicinity, that he hu oH'iied tho, room recentlyi occupied byr "Tho Carbon Advocate'V office, on - BiinKtTny, l.chlg.itoi,; Pa:K A8'RSJiop for thSr Repair Furniture. Cane-Seated Clmlrs.'SoVns anl'Lolir!gf)i re-hottojned, painted aud. thoroughly' lepalred j ' PICTURES FRAMED and, In fact, Repairs of kinds'. of Furni ture neatly( and. .promptly, attended to at trainable charges.- JPat'ronaga U respeciiuiiy.soiicueu. E. If. RHODES. Lehlghton, March. 7,- 1874-tM -1 w. Contractor & Builder, euiq:iit6n', l-rs.VA.- f Finn's nud 8pccIfIcalonii For all kinds of Ilulldlngj made tttbs shortest notice. NO O IT A K G ES Made for Plans nr)d Specifications wherr the con)tnct,U awarded, to l)'e,, under signed. ' A. V. EAOnES. June U, 1873-yl 1 MlSlTiCTUSIl or CairlHgefT, hleJgliH, Uugltn, aud verjr description of SPftlNC WAGONS, Nearlj epio.lte Etsle Hole), fiauK Btrsat, Ublghlon, Ta, ' JIKfAIBlKO PRQMl'XI,T AT7KSDEP' TO At reaafuatU l)srjia aT-Patroi ax Ter rafpectfall aoulta4,ui satl.r.ctlou guaranteed. fb.T,187j, . tAJPPqyMjtK., Jtj the author cf "Nlfht fnnaa it) the BlUa" "Our I'atber's House," of wtiljih, nely, tW hare Wen .old. Home Ufe" Is 0tierde4 by tnliil.ters 1 f all ohurlbaa s ."Ihe salbor's btrt h.k ," " lull o prtdoui 1 1 bou jb'. i1!?' 8l"n;rsiii;Hc,n9iel r- atsrr tuanr," I jispr. neb It.rrl4 aaW-tftun MdENT, (IS JLnh St., FUUielpiiia. t. V