SI ('actum VOlL II., No- 10. LEHIGHTON, CARDON COUKTV, PESN'A, SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 31, 1874. SINGLE COPIES, THREE GENTS je" " " ' ., j ; Lehighton Directory. Agent. WjovJr1lrW;- Stnpt Setting ndy to Bill. BhtdcrVllatik street Barber,' R. n. U1DD.1S, Sharing, lllir tjultingand Sham pooing, under I xrhmue Hotel. Dnk street. Boot mil Hboe Mutters. Chirlm Yei.ser. nnirlt.won'n, ' Jt!0i olt ilrMt; aUo,dedUr in Omfeclumtry. Clinton llretliey, in all' lu(Wl(7. Hank street. Confectioners. Ilaoiman Kuhns, opiKlli.6jf .tore, Bank street. AUordtri pnmptll'.nlMt. Dry Good aud'Uroeerles.' II loniKcrp. I.. i'S! Depot, Hunk it. aVafcrfn UardaWotntuart, LadittVrtn Cooch, &. II A. Pelts. Uuekrl'a Illork, Hank St., Dry Oml', llbiu. 'q&SJart, Carp, 0,1 Ooth, t p(. ill Snyder, "ink street', G'i,-""'' "nSSlonarla, Quaruwar,, Uardware.dt. Drug nd Medicines. A J Durlluit. that door ttbo.e I'. Bank 'tjeol- Hardware. .... . n i. atree , (.Tiirui"r' wi, j Hotel. Thomas .usnti, ' Kuclianiie,'' cpp. TuWlo Sou e, jlauk st Jlitnnagc niirdtd. i.-.. .-..ii r Warcbouie. V. BcliwuW. Bank street, deakrin -ati' linii .Furniture. CoJJtnt moat w orocr. jllercnnnt Tailors. -i..,.'i'ftic Uink street, and dealers in Gtnti' Tbomae S Beck. P. O. building, list k et . CmTj fSiMing Good), UaU, Pips. J Milliner. Mrs. E. Fath. B-k street. 2ud door below the SI. K. Church. .Vottoru una" liwwig V" p,ylelaue mid Surgeons.' Dr. C & Ueroieu. corner of llank aud liou sir- CbnadtuXion in AnotilA and Utrman. Pri S. if. Hatsr.iieil door to t'. O.. lltnlf street. OontuUMion in i.nglih and Oerman. . Provisions. Jos. Obert. Beak at...ucKnu. Coring andSmol ing J.,lilos.r Boo. Uk it,rf-tokr; in FUxtr and 'ieed, Uioariti, IWiltand igtUiUa. AVutcbmnUer ul Jeweler. A Q. boliihowjur, IJouih flreet, "Ijotb J)nk t. DtaUr in HJtcka, Clocki, litngt, at- m .nAPauBi. . ATI0BNKV ASD C0O'BELI5R .AT Bix SratiT, LimooTOir, Fi. Heal raUteand Lollrcllon Aiieuc. Will l,u7"!4 fc.ll 11, al PouT.jaocliivc neatly " iKlitta pnmpil nud. etittllne r.sUM vt I'r. ;X.t, a pnra.ty. Max U cuu.ulld In r njrlhb MdUeiiuiu. "'r' J II. SNYDKU, ' JC6T1CE OF THE PKACEi Ulilglilun, Ta. Office In Ills storp, oHb-IIo tlie EneJa Holfl. Colleitlons and Drawing up of Tjea rroiuptl)' attymletl tu. ii22-iiii JJ R. SIKWEllH. ATT0HNEY AT LAW, orriCE: Ground Floor In the new addl loo or tna Maolua Iliw. Haucb Ibunk, P.. Bmlntai "ISIaife'd In Kn.ll.b and O'TOtli. CoUl I. Mdiiplr piaaa-aod Comeyantlng ptatlydone. C. DIMMICIC, D1BTRI0T ATTOnNKY, ATT0UNEY AT I.AW. T)fflce.on BlOiPWiT, Ural door below Amotlran ilotel, MauchCbuuk, Pelm'a. Collacllona prtimpt I ermaSe ""'23. ATTORNEY AT IAW, JIAUCII OnUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1878.' J R. MUH1CIC, AUCTIONEEU, Bast IVe'lsspbrl, P. N pjealss of eiery daarrlptlon attended hi at reasonable ehsrgea. The pilrouag 9r tD" P"!'l,e If'respectfullKilMled. - Jan.2i, '74. LEIUOII VALLEY HOUSE, Noithf an cormr or BE'RKB AND LAURUNCK 8TRBKTS, hlldelnlilB. Pnna.. PRKD7X SCI1MIDT, Provrleior. f Ml lupnrlor. anoramodatlons for trarelers at nAAaraUrhirriii. Parties vlfltinit the CltT frOCJ this lorallly are specially Imlted tn make the l e- blgb valley House tneir sioppiuif piace. iur. , HjiAOL e hotel, it, firloTZ, prop'r, Suriirait Ilill, Carbon Co., Pa. Ueii of acoomutodatlcns. I'zcellent res taurant underneath. Good suWIm atuubed Terms moderate -Thcn you go to Welsauort, Don't fall to call In and see' W. b. SMITH, at the WEISSPOHT HOUSE. He keeps everything nice. BOYD IlCiVUI, .'Architect and Bnperintendent, No. 142 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa. furnUhri Plana. SDeclHcationa anil Eatl niatet for'Fubllc and Private Zfulldlncti. Sialrx, Halls. Ac, Constiucted and Bet Ud bv the most aniirovrd me thod ud at short notice. Patronage Is re- reetfully kollcltud, and ratUfaction roaninid. ' apr. 20-yl r5- CONVEVANUER, OBNERAH6J8UaAN0E AQET Tb hUovfag Ooupanlea sr. HsprcseeUd i Jjctancii Mutual Fire, - 'Keadliig'Mulual Klre, Wyou.lng Fire, r PotUvllle Fire, ,l . . lhlR" Fire, arid the Trmrtacft' Atcident lniuradce, A'Prti6VlvaDUau(l Mutual IIore Eailroad Guide. N ORTII PENNA. UAlIiUOAD. WtSTIft ItRINaiMIST. ,rMn(;wfi)r riilUdlphl will leiTe Lehlghton 1 roiiowm I 6.(10 . m , l I.. V4 t rniia i T37.m,TU I,. '; " SM n.m ll.lus.m. 1110 p.m. 2.15 .lil. 2.15 p.m. 6 35 p.ui, 8 -M I .in. 8 20 p. ni. 7 An A. m. lU I.. ! HJJI I..4 S, I J. (Up. in. lie !( prm. ill lr. 4H. 4.47 p. m. tin I.. 1 8. 4.44 p. 10. tin Ij. V 7Jp.m. TUI.V. i..vni.. iM ii.nnt ni Ttprki and AnterlrAn ftreetn. l'hlla., t 7 10, 830 and 9.45 a. m.; 2.10 350, and 5 13 p. in. . Kara frmii Unlgn.o" lo 1'hltad.lphU, Feb. I, 1874. MILLS CLAUK, AKfnt II. OH N.J. LfclllQll SOfUKIUN.NA DIVISION. mXTEK AIlltAXGEMHyT, Commencing Dee. 13, 1873. Down Tkmks. No.l. Nn.3. No. 5. No.7. r. m. 1.25 1511 4&1 2.20 3.40 4.19 4.40 559 547 C,l.O C.23 No.14. F M. 7.15 7 43 757 8.00 9.10 Xore A. v. t. x. 7.3U 7.35 8.(ri 8.30 0.15 10.37 A. M. 10 25 IiKIO 10A7 11.25 12. .3 133 12.W 1220 317 3.25 357 4.03 No 0. P. M. 3.55 . 4 27 457 4 45 AV4o 'lC.03 (23 7 08 850 855 9 a 9.3U Uraan lllUfe. STantou l'lttktou .Wllkra llncre IVblte Uaren l'emi lla'n June. MauibCbunk 7.30 11.00 Catauuriuu Allirlltoiin Uelblehem JLrrixt taaton.. 8J5 8.43 0OU 9 27 1168 I i 110 1417 12 43 Up Titixs. No. 10. No. 4. Lentt A. u. 11.50 12.13 12.25 1252 Al.25 Ll.45 lilt 2411 4.00 4 20 453 6.V0 Faaton 850 Uetblebem 8H All'iitcon 0.16 Cataftuqua 0, 4 MaurbCbunk 1 Si Pcnn IlaTenJ'o, 10 45 WliltBllaT.i 11.23 UllW-llarre 1240 I'ltthtoli lit! Scrantin 150 Att. Oieeuhldge 135 V"jueonli3 ValUg It. iV-Dnwn tralna Noa 3 5 and 7, aud Up trains No. 10 and 4 cunnnt at Mauclt ( hunk. A'ortA Jtnn'a R. R Down Iralni Xna. 1,3. 6 A 1 conn:l at lMhl.'liemtor I'lillaiitlphla. Up tralna Noa. 10 A 4 conuretatUrlhlebelll ri rl'hlltdnlphlil. Ilrturnlng leaio Philadelphia al 7.10 a. in f r r an. ton, Mauch Chunk, Uath, U lll-ra llarre, Taniuqua, ffcraliton, tiharui, At.; al 9 43 a. Ul. tur Ktiaton, llaurh Lbunk. Tamaiiua. Wllllanmi'iirt, IMIkea- Bairo.and Soranton; at 210 p. ul fir grranton, irilkra llarra and Inlermodl.iti' atntioiin; at J 30 p. m. for llilb aud bistou; at 5.15 p. m. rir Mauch Rhunk. Tlimrmun Ilranrh TTo tralna Noa. 10 A 4. add Boon tralna .Not. 3. 6 A 7t'utiu!ctalMauihLhunk to and rruui Tamaua. LtSxgh a: LacAawanna K. if. uown iraina oii, k. 7. and Un trnlna N. 10 k 0 r. miect at Heth. lebem fur Bath aud Cnapmau Uuarrlea. Hruru li.u (.hNUuiaira ut 7.40 a. Ul. and .' 15 p. Ill I tntrul Lain oad ufXtw Jmty. All I ralua make cIom. connection at t.a.tuu with trali.a ou LrUtlal ltnllnutili.1 NhW Jrrfcer. A 5,auil Up tKliia Are. 4 A I4nnuect at Phllllpl kiirK witu Url.-LVl. II. It. to aud from IreUluu, I'hV adelphla and Bellldere iliiladttpnia t htadtnt Railroad. The Depota of the 1-aat I'eun II. it. aud the L. A S. Ulll.lou lLlriftrrt.uliwure J,. A-lwwu ireina u. o are cour.ei.-ted by Mrewt Lara. 11. 1'. UA1.UI1 1., txn. jvuenger sgeni, Feb.7, ll. Let .Every Family Bead This ! ARTICLES OF F.WNOIV. COMFORT AND CJNYENIKNUE. Useful to every Man, Woman & Child O. WmTLOCE. CO., 726 Broadway, New York, emits i , Useful American Inventions rO.t TUB IIOMK ClIvCLK. Will forwAril, pout pal J, by mill, am f ihn 'ol lowlne rlk l?u. on lecelDt of Dir tiiTifXi-tl vttv one ot which, y tbpir UbtJiTlnx qualities, tb ezctiieore or 1110 rruiiM ir(aumit at a in iiiirin lc worth, llt lepay 1U rout titty times um la a iDgie uiuDia. Tpi BoatAK Alaxm Hill WUh i't-h mtfisU by which i Data lit nollw If Klvtil of fttumlateutrur prvmlMsi . . . . . 3 00 lorto antblDg of thw kliidTvr gtt up . Thoehoh's Inht&xt Vihmw CLiMti STf Ubor or uw or twiap apj witrr . 35 ZtlOHTlfIKO Oreasi Kitr&ctor JtfmnvM urfaw, DAiutt dtit or pUIua laiUiitlr. aud doi uot Mill thd fintwt gotKld . . , 25 KlWilHlUlL lUCTlTTlMl r0W(C. Rf lid fecti Urga MTlug ui eoLiumuilau . 60 TaoT Starch Enaukl Oltta the moot U- cant clow to Uoo. at Lut ofa uirt) both lug '30 TBI KMrtxti Khin I'UldHia For rletulp 1'iTIMT TldlTABll rillH A SUCKR UtHiri of labor aivd t. W Ncbbkkv 3&riTT I'l.x St Touridlf troubU aodtbDcbitdienpalo. SlngUlOjpwrJ. 1 CO LiDIZH PAT1HT NFSULX-TnRliDtKa TBIMBII An lmuiuM eonreoltiDc .. 30 AVlWJTH' I'ATIMt 1UTTOM HOIC WORKtR Tb tnitvrfKt tTrr linvntsd .... 60 Tm Nit ada Pitrcicg Stomc Carrld op (b pernoit, H gl.a tb gattuuta au eletraat and dttllcatv odor 1 30 The Eclectic Salve! Tbls sreat remedy, prepared by an old and as. perlaucedphyaUUn, Is a rpeedy and abeolula cur lor burns, scalds, piles, a. alp auVUuns, Itch and all liolei.t cutaneous dt-eises. The relief fioui pain is losiaijuneoua, ana a certain cure toiiuws livery faml y should base thla pat acea. at hand auq once usiug is, uerer win oe wunuut 11. per box, rurrv ckn w. Address. 0 WIIITLOK A CO. Pur7u3 726 Uroudtraj, .Sew Yoik, "BT EUIGUTOai AVAUISHV J" Lehljjhtlm, Pa Au Institution ifor OotU Bhii FACULTV : aersC.KRSaLEll, Prluclpal aod Professor of Cuuu aud tbe UUher En.Uiu Biauha, imS.M. 0. KUaaLEIt, Praoeptraes and ifrKuvrvt saiuiingauu uraviJ, MR. JOUN H, KISSIsEll, A U. P lewrsif Latiu abd. Urek. MIIS K. O. HEAD, Taachar of Untie. WlliSUN HBIUIU AtiUUnt. rf PartUvUraaytlr taU O, Bil.lf B, LetU' For $1.00. ranilE FIRST GRKAT SALT LAKE Gift Concert, outluirizpd hy and i uiulpr Um InitiietllatH pupn vjldii or the city nulliorilli's of (.'nrluiie City, furtlin bt nclll and In alii of the' Public Free School. The Only Freo School in Utah Trn 'yi TRUSTEES OP PUBLIC FREE CI100I., axt. U. Howe, J, 8, Gerrials and Alex. Toponca. TO 11K Dlatrlbuted to the Ticket Iloldera AT A Grand Gift Concert. TO BE I1ELC AT TI1K peraHouse,CityofCorinne. illurcb 31sl, is')4. Dapoaltory, Oank of Corlnue. 500,000 TICKETS! OR SIX FOR FIVE DOLLARS. $226,500 IN GIFTS, As FOLLOWS! O, and Cash ( , . . tsooon 251101 i.,0'li) BWXi fi.UKJ 50) 4.i 0.1 3.0 fl 2,000 5.000 IV "0 l.'.L. 10O"j 14.00 UOUO C.5 0 to,, 00 $1 010 each 500 oai-h 10 1 rarh fleach 2 i e ich lOralh 5 eai h 1 each lo' 200 00 0 500 50 000 52 9.11 Cahainf,amnunllu to (220 iUO OS'E CHANCE IN EVERV N1NEI The illstrlliiitltm Will be In public. and will ho iiihiIo muter Ihn same form ninl repiiliitliuis as thf, FiinifUco Hml' liufr-vllli- Llliiary tiilt CiuicviIh, iiiider the Mipi'lvihitui nf it i-iiiiitiiitti'eiif prtiiirlneiil citlz;iH t-i-lct'ted by'tliiUlcki t Iiiililcrs. ltef-rence as to tkn Integrity or this nlflpliMt it'nl nf IIih liianitueiiii ni Is tiadetu the lullowlnjj well known citi zens: Sun. L. Tlhbals, A. Tononcp. J. Maloli. J. 11. Ucr'bli Members of City Council. Jutlgo J . J. Blaclt, ls't U. S. A' pessurj aiaWi & Ureeliwald. nrntirle- (irs. Metropolitan Hotel: Kuuelie Mnore. City Marshal; W. W. Hull. Architect-, . Kelioe, (Viiustable; J. Knptir, Jew. hr;eCapt. S. Howe, t'untiavtor: O. 1). Richmond & Co., Coin mission Mei- cliHiitx; M. K. Catiipliell, proprietor Cenlrtil Hotel; Mnuleton & Creath, pro- irltiturii I'aeltio Sublet: S. 1. llileli.. Merchant, Sandy, Uuli: .1. U. Gairi- t-on, Helena, Muiiiiuni. Wo will nUn am ounce that ach and every iktooii buhiK a ticket pan utany hiU m 11 lluifs examine our bonks and all iiialnees transactions connected vtilh tlio enterprise; and as the (IruwIiiK of pnzes will im placed in the Hands nt Iwnest nml (llsliiterenteil men. It willlu- UH a-litir and impartial distribution Uooil Iteapulislhl Asenta trained Liberal Comiulealuii Allutreil. flf Money bliouM he M'nt hy Ex- pre.-H or by diaft on any Mihriit banlc, by ro-tiil!iort Money Order, or lt'(i. lered letter, at our risk. For paitiuu lars, address K. W. MORGAN, ManaBer, Lock liux 158, Corlnue, Utah. Jai 3-3m JfAVlU EDBCRT'S Livery 8c Sale Stables, BANK STREET. LEHtr-IITO, Pa I always keep on hand the best hnr. aes and finest carriaoi. to be let at livery at the lowest prices, Conveyances can oe nan 01 me at ine shortest possi ble jiotlc.-, at any hour. I would call' the attention of the public to my epecl al facilities for supply It.g single oraou- uio teams tor tuuerais, &c. Not. 22. 1873. DAVID ED.DKRT. -ASIVII, GRATER, Opposite the Public Sfjuaie, SOUTH ST., LEniGHTOy, PA., Manufacturer o( Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all klndi ot BEATTY.& PLOTTS. The Rcatty & Plntts celebtated Oold en TmiKue PARLOR ORGAN is ncknoulediti'd hy professors of muslo aud pelebmteil nrijanlsU lo be the lead inu Parlor Oipm now In Use, Ted I- i niimhil-niiil cards of honor are constant )y belwr rpcelved In fsi'nr nf them. Wo tnppend a few and wish you to read hem: ANTIinNY, N. J., an. 2., 1873 Mw Heat y & Plutt, Gents Vour Oinon, i-olil me, Klve.ieiiiiresRtiifRrtlliti. It bia'.ty of lone and style or workman. hhlp Hr seldom if Pver Mirpavstil. Wl-li ln j i ni micccss In your business, 1 am, Willi iespett, Pint, M. 11 Ueaity. Shamokin, Pa.. Feb 11,1874. I have, nne or IJeatty & 1'lott-' Golden Tongue Organs. It i an excellent III Mruinent, line lone anil full power. I like It butter (iiaii.aiiy I have heard. M. 11. IIaiipkl, M. D. Lauiiy's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874.1 1 have had lleatty & Plotts Orsian flico JtiKUst 14tli, 1872; it gives the, highest, sutl-fai'tinn, and has proved all that it was recommended by tlieprop'rs. Job II kn it v. Slatinoton, Pa., Feb. C, 1874. Henlty & PlottV Parlor Organ I like heller than the Stand ud, and it -Ives better satisfaction, as I 'find in my t.-av-ils. Prof. Fk. V: May Kit. St. Clair, Pa., Dec. fith, 1873. Messrs. lieatiy & Plotts, Uents-1 ha vo received the Oipi,i,a.-m-nt by your linn to me, and 1 have hd it examined, and it uuijile Mtislaetlon. Hun. John Sinky. Mahaoy Ciiv, Pn., Oct. 10, 1872. Toe liealty & Polls celebrati il Gold en ToSKUe Parlor Organ is by far the 1 he-t Parlor Oiyuii In Use. 1 Imve care 1 ulJy exHiiiiii it it, and dud Its tone, viiiikni.'inslilp and durability to be the heist I ever saw, and 1 can with pleasure recommend it to any In want of a first class parlor orpn. Puif. O. II. Unqeii. Mfb-rs. ll.-Btly & Plotts, of Wishlng tnn, N. J., uio gentlemen or enterprise, and whose presence would be u credit to any community llackeitstowu, N. J., Herald, la72. U'aiiinoton, N. J Sept. 6, 1873. To Itobeit .Moigali, Pn'ttsville 1 am hapi y In state thai the Instrument gives euliie, hatistactlon, not only tu mjsell but also to the teachers ot the beiuiuary who aru better Judges. Rev A. M. Jkllt. We isay, alter caretul i lid v ex- priiiit-iit, It is with pleasure we Inlrn- (lltce tliu "Uoldcn io,ngue," knowing It iwissesses inanj advantages over all others nianulaclured. The tone excels In lullnes-, purity, and the. thousands in testiiiiiiiiiHis which are oeiug con Uantly teceived, are evidence that our effoits have been eminently successttil. Fur pailieul.irs aud i'll 'e List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21.11m Washington. N. J. raniiK m ivinmv spiin; uuu ('uiuuiuaiiuit MATTRESS. P. J. KISTLER. POSTMASTER OK WElSbPOlU'. has been appointed Agent lor Lebigl'ttm, Weissiuirt and vicinity to give our citizens . chance to mo hint test tun merits of the arranne ineiit or spiiiigs. He is willing to put them on (ilsl for any person lor one week-, nuu ir in.ey.lo not paove supe rior to tnu woven wires Mattress, rut i.aui, Yankee, Norfolk, Wright, Spring field, Howe, Tucker, Eureka, Junroe, Imperial, United States. Walker, Con in ctlcut. Eagle. &ium or any of lite one thousand and one Spring Reds that have been put upon the market, you ure not asked' to buy It. The above named beds have been discarded to make room fur the Improved It has no hilling lace lor bugs, has, no slats on top ot il.o springs, but heavy dhck canvas, hooking at the base of the spring, thai may be taken out and the .lat removed (fur chauinv; or other wise,) by auvb. dv in live minutes and it-placed at pleasure. "Tliespiiugs may be changed to other portiuns of the bed Willi M ty Utile Double. The spring are wairauted to keep place and last longei I ban any other In Use. For In valids it cannot bet surpassed. He fits Ihem to any bedstead or different weight ut, l he largest number under the htaviest pait ot the body, and with 1 light covet Ing of hutks, cotton, straw bed. or hair muttrrs-, they adapt them H'lies fomp etely to the body. The. Ittdh s shou.d call aud see the arrange- j ineiit ol spilng lor the ciadle, and not until iu use naineis in warm veav'ivr. Tliey are belter than siHithing syiup or cordials lor tho little ones, Tlio springs are made t rum the very best cast steel. Iium tlie celebrated bhellield wokrs of Plimlaiiil. iniiM nne uinl all ant! ken tin m These beds havo been fully es tablished in twelve illUerent bUles. The. Furniture men are especially in vited lo ci. 1 1 and examine Uieao beds. Ihd put upon tiiaj and no oue aked ta puichuso uulll alter a fair trial. P. J. KISTLER nov 8 73-lf Agent, WVissport. Floral Guide for 1874. 200 Pages ; 000 Eugiavings and Colored Plate, 0.uarfVrii, at W ets, a Ymr. Fust' No. iur'187a lut Uucd. A Uettnan tAltUuU tUqu, title. AOdrus.' JAMti-iVlOht, TUoDoIIupW Do Vt Spend Wo have to calrulnte pretty close at our house, you know; and the whole family nre called Into council when any Impoitant .expenditure Is to bo made. Well, the other evening we wen con sidering the small .remnant of the qdar ter's salary, and Mrs. Dubhs was try ing to reckon how It could be made to cover everything. Thero was a new dress, arid a new coat for me, and a new carpet for the best parlor, and a new hat for cur (at presentlunmarried daughter, besides a great many other tilings, with which I may not occupy your valuable space. Tlie I'ualn point wns I lie new dress, and Mrs. Dohbs was thinking of this sl tile, aud scrutlnzlug that pattern, wishing she could buy them all, doubt lug If she cntitd buy any ol them; and our faces grew longer ns tho salary crew shorter. Presentlv. with one of my happy Inspirations, I said to her; 'Mrs. Dohbs, there Is no dollar that doesjyou so much good as the one you don tape-nil. ' She looked nt me a littlo perplexed and presently Raid, 'Why doctor, Idou't understand you ' Sa I said, 'The handsomest dress Is thu)one you don't buy.' 'Oil yes that's true. The best dtpsa I ever had was the silk that Mrs. Largn head gave me, when she cime 'from Lehlghton. She bought It at E. II. Solder's ; it couldn't havci cost less than ' 'Mrs. Dohbs.'sald T, Interrupting her, the han Isomest and every way tlo best dres Is the one you don't have.', bhe was more puzrl.d than ever, and I was forced to explain. lrs. Dobbs,' said I, 'all the dresses you ever bought have worn out, haven't they? 'Yes,' said she; very promptly, 'all of tbem. I haven't a decent fhlnc to my nntne. There Is my Imiiibazlne -turn, a moment, l 1 said, for I was mm tally 'afnild to have her yet up that loplc. 'ntul did ou ever buy a dress, ever havo a dress any way, that jou didn't have some misgivings over; that you didn't spe some defect in; thai you didn't rather wish that you had bought the other?' 'I believe you are right,' slio sa!d thoughtfully. lint, said i,- "the dress that you don't buy lias no faults; you are never tiled of It; it never grows old; never fades; never wears out; or, If you want to chaugo, how easily the change Is made?' 'Why, yes,' said Jfrt. Dobbs; 'I never thought or that before.' 'And so,' Mid I, 'of your dollar, You never spent a dollar in our life, that you didn't feel at least a doubt as to whether you had ipent It wisely, You wMied you had bought something olsd. Put the wish' was vain;you couldn't make a change. The dollar that you spend you can't spend but once, but the dollar that you don't spend. you can spend a hundred times, You can buy a hundred things with It every time you go out. If you are dissatisfied with any of your puiclmsei, you can go back and, begin all over. And so, I contlnti. ed, 'the dollar that you don't spend does you a great deal more good than the dollar that yo I do spend; and, better than all, it brings with It no regrets, no misgivings.' Mrs. Dobbs looked as though she didn't know Just how to answer me, but at the same time as though she wasn't quite convlnrel. Presently she n,ild: ell, doctor, I don't know that I see through it all; but no doubt you are right, for you are a great deal wiser than I am. And so we will go oo that principle. I will take the dollar that we do spend.-and you shall have the dollar that we don't spend, which is, as you have showed, ;so much the better ot the two., An imaginative Irishman gave ut terance to'thls lamentation: "I return ed to the halls of' uiy fathers by night, and found them In ruins! I cried aloud, My fathers, where, are they?" .4n echo respondo.l ''Is that you Patrick-McCarthy?" -On St. Valcntlna's day, Bridget Campbell died In, CliloJgoi;ed odo hun dred aod eight. Too. much devotion to tobacco Is supposed to' have been tbe cause. ' The explosion, of a kertwn,? Ia,rrljf rprc'ntly rtored. ,l aft-i-ch i wrrlj women In KsiuJaswhobsttboen speeehi: I l'ivMUmKit4ii. With w1U-'pefW I lsSiMjortae;tWUrur " , Clinnsfps or a Century. The nlnteenth century has witnessed many and great discoveries. n 1803, Fulton took tho flrst patent or the Invention of a steamboat. The first steamboats Which made regular trips across the Atlantic Ocean ' were thp Slrius and the Great Western, in 1830. The first public application to prac tice the u-e of gas for Illuminating was made in 1803. In 18.3 the streets of London were for the first time lighted with gas. In 1813 there was built at Walthani. Mass., n mill bel tveil to have been tint Hist iu the world, which combined all the requirements for making finished cloth from raw cotton. In 1700 there were only twenty-flre post o.l ces In the whole country, and up to 1837 tho rates of postage were' twenty-live cents for a letter sent' over four hundred miles. In 1807 wooden clocks commenced to be inadii by machinery. Tills ushered In the era nf cheap clocks. About the year 1813 the first railroad of apy considerable lenght In the United States wasl constructed. In 1831) the first experiment la photo graphy was made by Duguerre. About 1840 the first express business was established. The Anthracite coal business may bo said to have begun la 1320. In 1830 the first patent for' the Inven tion of matches was granted. In 1845 the first telegram was sent. The first successful reaper was con-1- structrd in 1830. In 1840 Ellas Howo obtained apatcnt' for .lie first sewing machine. IIUIMOHOL'S. When a young farmer's wife mado her flrst boy's pants precisely the sarao before as behind, the father exclaimed: "Goodness! he won't know whether1 he's going to school or coming borne." A Pennsylvania clergyman has made a hit by Introducing "ereonaU". In his prayers, fur histaucei '.'Lord have mercy on John Slianahan, who) keeps a saloon near tho old nsl bridge. Either lay him on a bod ot plokuesi or have him removed from this town.'' "Your future husband Menu twy exacting; lie has been stipulating for j&U sorts of things." said a mother to hK , daughter, who was on, tle point of being mauled. "Never, mind mamma;" said the affectiimalo g rl, who was al ready dressed for tho wedding, "these are his last wishes." When au enthusiastic editor do-" set I bos a brlilit as bunny, and an envi ous compositor, sets her up as "bouyi" as was done at Jacksonville (lie other day, hopo fur a season Otds ijio world farewell, and fnnlii ii shrieks as, the compositor falls at his form, brained by the brothtr of the blooming bride. . Albert M. Darvin drank twenty glasses of beer ou a wag-r, ami on his way home attempted to whip threo po licemen. Wheu brought out next morning, ho Indignantly rctnirkod ; "Yer honour, my theory is thai beer is not intoxicating." "My theory," said the Court, sarcastically, '"is tliat'you will go up for sixty days," Thackery said that .the' drollest thing that he ever heard while In this couutry, and tlie most characteristically American, was the remark of a New Yorker: "Oil, I havo no objection to' England, Mr. Thackeray. Tna only thing lshoull le afr.iid of would bo to go out at night there, k-st I should step on." . A Utlea boy nlio attempted to am putate a ctt's tail found that the ab sence ot the old women who owns tho cat Is necessary to perfect success of such an experiment. Uis lace looks as' though liiitTslo Pill had settled an old grudge against Liiu. "Paddy, "says a Joker, "why don't you get your ears' cropped, the are, en tirely too lung for a man?" "And yours," replied l"at, "ought to be lengthened, they are too short for au as." A fellow; who Is nearly, as b'g 'a ' bore as the Hoosao tunptrl, was tellling in our crapa the of asougthat always carried hlinaway. Our ijevil, looklug round, gently linpilred, If apy one present could slug ,hat song. A Western paper' speaks of the) house cleaning season as that wlieri'd- ' vine, woman has her own rfy at tbo house, v.hl.lllB "old.roau" takes Bolema, repast from tbqopj of, tliejOaur , bitro!, aud, In ' sleeping,' enjoys, the" freedom of tbo interval between' bit bedroom and svi froafrvWiioev If lit, ,'calai. rMmaUd, - 4W Wi wo. HHPev Oot,lT,UU s