The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 14, 1874, Image 2

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A lieutenant governor is .-one of the
new cfilcca to ijo .tilled at Hie fall elec
tion, lie will lie elected or four years,
and )Ua calmy vUU be. 3,000 per an
num. Tlie liungry place-hunters nre
already on the scent, tliercforo tlie
.office is it likely to go begging for
some one to flit It. Patriots are. plenty
mid .claimants for oMclal honor' are
IhUfter than tilts In midsummer.-
New linmptlilrc.
licturns from nourly all tlie towns have
beou received which show tbat there is no
flection of Governor by the pcoplu. Wes
ton. Democrat, laOs nbout 30J of n um.
Jorlty. The Council will probably stand
two IK-ruocrta ami two llcpubllcmiB. The
Jtepubllauis claim tluit they liavo elected
live Senators, and tho Democrats three,
with four vacancies. The Chairman of tho
jtcpubllcnii State Cimmlttco expresses tho
opinion that tho IIouso will be Democratic.
The Democrats claim that the returns ot
tow ns show show tho nouso. to stand'
Democrat, 155; Itcpubllcnns, 111; lndc
Oicuilcnts, 2. Tho towns yet to be bcnnt
rom gave last yenr.Dcmocrats, 21, and Ue.
publicans, IT.
A tippler In (lie church, to our mind,
b ven worse than a toper out of It.
And yet there nre many of si cli who
Jiold high places In tho sanctuary wlio
bend their knees In public, turn their
eyes toward heaven, and Irreverently
repeat the Lord's Prayer: "lead us-not
Into temptation."- Can any raair whoso
breath U laden with the fume of strong
drink appeal to "Our Father who art,
in Heaven," and make this request,
without feeling that ho la a sinner, and
that the cunning of which hi is guilty
cannot hide Itself? The tippler and
tempter asking not to bo ';lead into
temptation!" Such audacity, finds, no
counterpart outside an Insecure heart,
and this, too, in tho very face of
heaven. Ex.
According to tho reverend Iiteman,,
Indian agent for tlie Pyramid Lake,
and Walker river reservations, Nevada,
tlie two reservations have cost 152, C31,
B7sincoil871. Deducting agent's salary
nnd old Indebtedness, the flvo hundred
Indians have cost about fl,30p per
month In excess, of alt the products, of
the farms, trout streams ia"d several
tons of Hour furnished by the military.
According to the Intelligent' Chief Nnt
ciiei, there are few or no Indians 6a tho
reservation during eight or nine months
lu the year, and there are at least two
hundred of.the five hundred who nevor
go near the teservations, but live on
tbs charity of citizens. The agent has
railed for an investigation, lie. should
have it. '
The temperance movement which
commenced In'theWest is steadily gain,
ing ground In the Middle and Eastern
States; New York especially is cartistty
at work in the matter, and meetings of
women und ministers of tho Gospel are
of dally and nightly occurrence. Oh
Jonday aftanoon a meetlug of all the
most prominent ministers of lheilty of
New York was held In the Young Men's
Christian Asso. rooms, and the follow
ing resolution was unaniuioustyadopted:
Itesolved, That a committee be ap
pointed to drawupa law to take the
place of aU exUtinglaws on the subject,
whereby tippling houees may be sup.
prei.64.-d and drunkcimets puuW)edand
lerort nuch raw to au adjourned meet
Ing wlth a.vlew to its being urged upon
tho Legislature by our citizens).
Jn accordance with the above.the fol.
lowing gentlemen were appointed as a
committee: Dr. Prime (Chairman), Dr.
John Hall, Key. W, C. Steele, Dr.
Howard Crosby, l)r. Hepworth, Dr.
Foss, Dr. Gane, r. Deems, Dr. Sa
bine, ltev. Halsey Moore and Itetr. J.
i. McCulloch. This looks like business
In earnest.
Heath ol Charles Sumner.
A Washington dispatch of the 11th
Intl., says: Senator Sumner died at a
.quarter to 3 o'clock. He passed a way
lalmly and without a struggle. Dur
ing tlie last two hours ot his Illness his
)iite)Uct seemed to be much clearer,
nud he was perfectly conscious to. the
last. His bufferings towurd the last
seemed to bo iutense, and ho several exclaimed, "I want quiet, 1 am
Uu iccogDlzed friends who came Into
ice uwiu, und one ot the last to whom
ht biwjf was ex-Attorney-Ueneral
Hoar, Alt MauAcbuselts, to whom he
tttld, 'J'ak cia toy Cftvll Klghts bill.
About quarter before 3 o'clock he was
attacked by.u sJJW spuaiu, In which he
Around his bed af (be time were ex
Atluiui-y Ueueul JJoai, Dr. W. P.
Jubtieuu, ot Wttsbliigiun, Parley
i iAjiv, ueo. i. ijuwuiug uua y. worm
'Ibo ouly rejstlvo that Senator Sum-
uer has is u tUter, the wile of a plivsj.
loan iu Siu Francisco, aud to her the
tau uevifc was tuegraphed immediately
'Xho Uisensefrom which Senator Sum.
ex ouUextxl Uauutlectlunot the ncives
4 the heJt, uouipiScaieil with syuip.
Death' or rx-I'rcslrtcnt Mil
,; iw. .Ilard, Flllnierc.
Ex-I'resldent Millard Fillmore, idled
nt his reeidetico In the city of nuffalo,
N."".,k'oii jSunday, evening la6t, tlio 8th
Inst., nt ten minutes past 11 o'clock.
At 8 -o'clock, In reply to a question by
his physician, he said the nourishment
was palatable -These woto his last
words. Ho was conscious up tit tlie
lime of Ills death, which was -painless.
Mlllaid Fillmore was born at locke,
nowSummerhill.Vavui'acountv.N'. Y..
'JanH, 1800. "llis'fatiier, Nathaniel Flll-
,more, wasuf Kngllsh dis-cent; and fol
lowed.tliu occupation of a fanner. 'He
removed to Erie county in 1810, and
cultivated n small farm.
At annjly.ago Millard, was sent to
Livingston comityto leant the clothier's
trade,, and parsed four years In d resting
cluth. jDurlii'' this llm he Im
proved every spare hour to supply
the, defects of his eurly, education.
In 1811), ho made tieiicqualntnnce of
tlie late, Juduo Worn) of Cayuga eobnty.
and entered his ofllco for the purpose
of studying law., n order to do this he
httl to pay $30 for one year's time
which Im owed his employers. To raise
this nun he devoted his spare time to
teaching school.
liy working I torn four In the morning
until late nt nlKlit.ho accomplished the
desired result, paid his debt, and had
10 left for expenses. for the, whole year.
His board cost him not Id up.
In 1820 he was elected to represent
the county of Erie in the State Assem
ply. Uelng a, member of the. old Whig
party, whlcli .was. at that time in the
minority, hit liad little opportunity of
dUtingulshlng .himself.- Ills humanity
and lavo of justice, however, led him
to take an active part in the movement
fur abolishing Imprisonment for debt In
the, Slate.-
In 1833 ho was elected on the anti-
Jackson ticket to Congress, serving
one- term. In 1837 Im was again chosen
as a Whig; nnd also in 1838 and 1840.
Ho was again nominated In 1842, but
peremptorily declined. While In Con
gress he .declared himself opposed to
the annexation of Texas so lung as
slaves were' held therein, and In favor
of Congress exercising all constitutional
powers to abolish the slave trodo be
tween the States nnd the f lavo trade In
the Diftrict of Columbia.
In 1830, at tho onenlnc ot the Twen.
ty-slxth Congress,, he took part In th
celebrated ."broad-si'al" contest on the
right io'th&sents of five of the six mem
bers from New Jersey, and Mas one of
the Committee on .Elections maklnrr a
minority report on the fiulilect. In 184B
ho was elected Vice-President of the
United States and became, President
July 10, 1650, on. the death of General
Taylor, and tjiat year signed tho Fugi
tive Slave law and the accompanying,
bills known as the "Compromise Meas
ures." in 1837 he. put In force the
Neutrality iaiysnrjalnsttthel Lopez fili
busters, removing tho Collector of New
Orleans, by whoso connivance the
Pampero escaped from that port.
in mo'j. ins wiro,. formerly a Miss
Abigail Powois, dauehter of the Itev.
Lemuel Powers, died leaving him two
children, a s'on and a dauehter. the lat
ter of whom died In 1834. In 1855 and
1850 he visited Europe, where he was
received with tho most flattering atten
tions. The samo year he was nomina
ted by the Americans for thel'residency,
but received only toe vote .of Maryland
iu tlin Electoral College.
Feb. 10, 1858, he married Mrs.C. Mc
intosh, daughter of the late Charles
Carmlchael of Morrlstown, JV. J., and
has ever since lived in quiet letlrement
at Buffalo, devoting himself to literary
pursuits, and particularly to the His
torical Society, of which he was first
President, and In whose affairs ho had
taken seat; interest. ,
In 1801 when the news was received
of the firing on Fort Sumter, he pro
sided at the first meeting held In the o express the loyal sentiments
of the community, lis also helped to
orgaut'u the Union Continentals, a home,
gunrd organization, and was long its
Current Ircmis. '
A man has been arrested nt Mnnll.
Utah, who is claimed to b tlie old man
Bender, the Kansas' mnrdeier. He will
be held for Identification.
Henry Connors, of tf. J..
arjed fortyfivn. maclea wager on Satur
day that lie coulddrlnka pint of whisky
ana n gallon or i'er m an hour. Ho
won tho wager, but. died Iu a few
John W.i Cole. th carne t-bac Post
master of Danville. Va., has confe.pd
to embezzling public funds and was
sentenced to six months' Imprisonment.
The Jury were unable to agree ond were
discharged, nut the prisoner acknowl
edged his guilt.
Illnehamnton. March 10. A boiler
at the city water works exploded this
morning at iiatr.past h o'clock; blowing
the boiler house to atoms and kllllnc
David J. Bmlth, the ennineer. Pieces
of the machinery and building wer
scattered a nistanre or one thousand
feet, the body of the engineer being
uiowii a nuuureu leei.
Pottsvllle, March 10. Stephen Itar
rls, civil e ngt'nerrand prominent citizen
of Pottsvllte, while attempting to Jump
on a coal train at Fracksvllle at noon
to day. fell under, the whole train nass-
Ing over him, belug badly mangled and
instantly mneu.
New York, Jarch 10. A Are occur.
red last night In the buildings Nos. 200
and 211 Washington street, occupied bv
various parties, causing damage to tho
extent of J20.000. Pt ter McGovern, a
vagrant, was burned to death; and John
r. Algo was fatally ipjured by a fall.
Leavenworth, March 10. Mrs. Car
penter, a widow, rt-sldinc here, shot
upd Instantly killed John White, of the
aw infantry uami, yesterday, fur maw
lug Improper advances to her. A
coroner's jury' pronounced the killing
The Utah, Legislature, liti adjourned
after a forty dajs' struggle the
uovemor. ills ivi sn taMtl
one making me baiting ot minus or
juut-ra) specjioens, falMi assays, wUXul
mlsrepresentatlonx relative to mines -for
the purpose of selling .them, or other
wise ditctJvIng parties Investing money,
a fWony, piinlsliaDloby fine and Impils
outueiit In ths penilcntlary.
The Press1 ipeAta pltlfiilly of Parson
Urownlow of Trnnesseev' He Is taken
to his seat In the -Senate) at twelve, and
carried back to his solitary house at
five. Them Is no color In the tall.
pale, dark-linked man except In his
eyri, wlilch grow restless when any
thing in the debate excites him. He
never speaks nor moves, nor smiles nor
cans a pa up, nor taiKS to a neiguuor.
He la afflicted "with a terrible palsy
which makes him quiver and tremble
continually, but the old 'man means to
dle-witii his harness on. and sits there
by the door on thelettottbe President's
seat, biding his time.
At a German fanevdress ball In Bos
ton, "Dlo Lewis's Prayiott Band" was
comically represented. Tlie rriotto of
the Worcester ladles. "Down with
rum" which Is Just what the topers
say. Tlie uev, itlcliara Urogan, a tem
perance lecturer, has been Interrupted
In his labor In Portland by arrest for
debt. In Norfolk, Virginia tho police
court reports show fines of only (11 ty
cents each for being drunkand disorder
ly, and one dollar In outrageous cases.
Wl-en the ladles of JotTersonrllle, lu
dlana,'called at Strauss 's saloon to pray
they were politely shown into a card,
room, from wh'cli they had a full view
of the bar. Just as they were seated n
well-known church member entered
and called for a drink. The nose of the
bottle was held to the f,lass, and the
fluid-began to gurgle out, wben ouo ot
the ladles coughed- The man looked,
saw, .blushed, remarked: The women,'
by gracious!" and weut out dry.
Augusta, March 8th. Two. negroes,
named Peter Blair and Mose.s Sullivan,
had angry words, during which flair
told Sullivan that he was not a gentle
man. The latter demanded an apology
or satisfaction with shot gunsor pistols.
Blair replied, that he had no apology to
make, but accepted tho challenge,
naming tliuo and place and weapons.
Tho parties met at Sand Bar Ferry at
seven o'clock, accompanied by their
seconds,, two negroes, named llalph
Knght and Win. Armstrong. The
groumd was stepped oft, and Colt's five
shooters 'placed Hi. the hands' of princi
pals. Knight gave the word of com
mand.. He said, Pete are, you read)?
Pete said, Yes. Moses, are you readj?
Moses replied, Yea. Then commenced
shooting, and both parties fired away
until the last birrets were discharged,
Pistols were reloaded aud principals re
sumed positions. Words' of command
were repeated, and' filing recommenced
and continued until Blair fell to the
groUml, shot through both shins. The
parties returned to tills' city Immediately
utter. Sullivan fought at the same
place last year, and Blair fought .an
other' negro near Savannah some time
Subscribo for'the Advocate $1 a
New Advertisements.
"flGTOR SAIjE. The undersigned
offers his nouse and Lot, situate
In Franklin township, on the road lead,
ing from Weisspoitto Mackereltown, at
prlvato sale. The house is 20 x 20 it.,
three stories in front with basemant,
and the lot 60 feet front by 100 deep.
Suitable for business stand. Apply to
March 14th, 1874-w3
1874. SPRING. 1874.
The undersigned respectfully Informs
her friends and the ladles lu general,
that she is, now receiving a targe stock
nt the Newest 'and most Fashionable
Designs In
jMillincry (ioods,
for Spring and Summer Wear, such as
NOTIONS, &a &c.
Hats and Bonnets made up In the
latest, and mo it fashionable manner.
illl goods wananted, and Pi Ices are
fully as low as elsewhere.
s TUIIK. next door to " The Carbon
Adyocato" BANKWAY, Lehlghton.
March 14th,' 1874.
Mslgnevu Notice.
Notice Is. hereby clven. that Gideon
Nolhstein, ot New Xia'huuliig. Larbon
county, Pa., and Leah hit wife, by deed
ot voluntary assignment hate assigned
all the estate, real and personal, ot the
s-ald Gideon Nolhstein, to Tilghman
Arner, of Hew uanouiug, carbon (A.,
Pa., In trust for the benefit of the said
Oldeon Nolhstein.
All persons, therefore. Indebted to the
said Gideon Nuthsteln, will 'make pay
ment to me, tlie sata assignee, at xsuw
Mahoning, and those having claims or
demands will make known the same
within six weeks from this date.
Assignee of Gideon Nothsteln.
Mirch 14, 1874-w8
iwlgacoa Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that Zscha
riah 11. Long, ot Lehlghton, Carbon,
county, Fa., and Louisa his wife, by
deed of voluntary assignment, have a
signed all the estate, real aud personal
of the said Zaeharlah II. Long toTllglH
man Arner, ot New Mahoning, Carbon
county, Pa., In trust for the benefit of
the said Zaeharlah H Long.
All persons, therefore, Indebted to
tlie said Zachwlah II. Long, will make
payment to me, the said assignee, at
Now Mahoning, or to my duly author,
lied ageut, Zacharlub 11. Long, at Ltv
lilgljtou, aud those having claim or do
iiitttids wll) make known tha &utno with,
iu six weeks troui ihia date. '
Astlguud of ZacbulAU U. Lang.
Mwch nib, 1B71.-wB
New Advertisements.
The tinderslgned.wlll sell, at Public
Sale, at hi Residence at PACKERTON,
cnninienclng nt 12 o'clock Noun, on
SATURDAY. MAECH 21st, 1874,
A variety of Useful
Household Furniture,
consisting of Bedsteads and Bedding,
WashsUnds, Chalrf, Stoves with Pi,
Dishes. Tinware, Lntnp.-. I(JE CUEAM
FBEEZEtl, and other articles of houses,
hold and kitchen furniture too numer
ous to "mention.
The' conditions will be male known
at time and place ot sale, by
H. D. OTT.
Fackerton, March 14-w2
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices!
2d door below, M. E. Church,
BAJK, STREET, Lejiightoa. Pa.,
bTluir hd npwanli of Thirty. Year Mp.rltt
lu lb. SllUln.r lluMntK, itrnlrei to Inrorm Ijer
frl.ndu and iha Ladlvt yiri.nllj, ttut li t-ci
contlanK on hand larR ancrtmant of
Hair Braids & Switches Made, to. Order.,
Bha has alao ul rwaltad from Naw York a full
and alajant atck of
rainprlilnt IUta, Bonn.U, Klbbnna, Tlovcri. I a-a,
Crapei, Kantj lloodi,, Collar., Lara
Edging-, Nat'ktler, Uuch., llandkarchlela, te. '
Fttrnlinad at ahott noljca and at Lowjit Prirta.
March 14, 1S71. MRS K. PATH.
The linilrrlrnp.l linirlnrr m,r1i.
the entire Stock-ln-Trade of Thomas,
lieck. ennittriftlniv ffnilia, Yautni....
and Vesting, Uoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
aiiu uenis i-orniimng uooas, are now
prepared to offer real F
Bargains in this Line.
They would also nnnonnrn that 11.
are now receiving no intllv iw.wctr.oi
of tlie, best and most fashionable
Cloths, Caiiimerei and.Vestings,
Suitable for tho
Spring Trade !
which, ttfey are prepared to MAKE UP
in thi I.ntcttt Fasiilon.thc most
Substaatlol manner ana at the
Vefy Rawest Prices.
They.Tery respectfully invite the at
tention of their friends and the public
to their Goods and Prices, and ark a
share of their patronage, and in return
guarantee full satisfaction In every
Post Office iJulldlcg,
Bank Street, Lehlghton, Pa.
march 14, 1871-yl
The illustrated MusicalGlobe
it mi
" IIlaeiOHUT Mcilcil. Mohtsit rcBllsicio."
$SIT Warth of New Mnalet
Sarcral Pof-traHa;fir framing I
Short Elorlaa, Oortlp, Fuhloa NoU,, Ac, all In
clad a Id a yaar'a iulcrlpn.i tl 75. Wa vaut
an ajr.ul in tr town to lotroduca thla b.vt or
Mairaiinaa. Kr.rr fanilljaubKrlUaon Mht 'Our
MDjmla.lon la at lara an aviit ran umka llooo
Vt'aoaa lr t.klnf oulj thraa auUcrlptluii. a dajr
(raau ol our t.ka 12 and IS ) LadlMi ara
far Mv-feasful cant aalns tor thla M.gaxlua, Siiud
fur aampla Mip aud "Trrma tq Aanta." CIIAS.
A. AlKlNso.N & CO, H titortr htraat, N.w
Tark. JJirliHwJ
-nVCUEYE Poultry Yards,
orrsn, for, balk,
Eggs for Hatching
From the following varieties of Pu ro
lled Land and Water Fowls, at
Dark and Lhrht Brahmas; Hutf, Black,
White and Partridge Cochins ; Zfrnwn
and White Leghorns; White and Silver
Grey Dorklnns; Plymouth Rocks; Hon
dans; lilack, Ited, Earl Derby and Pile
Games) Itouen and Aylesbury Docks;
Toulouse and llremen Geese.
I warrant one half of each dozen Eggs
to hatch ; If they do not I will replauu
them at 60 cts. per doren. Send stamp
for circular. Eggs sent CODlf rfesireit.
Feb. 28-8ro Jarlboro, Stark Co., O
hausaud of l.laa and IBtlllona (it
Vrvftttf aared bjr trnnf tba
Safety Kerosene Lamp
Thaaataopaara madasf traaa, and will n.i.r
Tha burnara hata a Tuba Attacbmast
for ttia varapa of f aa, and will nar.r aiplode,
Tha ablunava ara mada of Mica (or lalnf ctaaa.
aoeallad).au4 thaj ar tha ooly lamp chlmuaja
raaaa win not rraaa. oj uaai or coiov
Ulaaa Chlmnaaand Lanpaara unaafa and ax.
paoalia thla ta tha unlraraal complaint.
Orar aarantj.flTa uUllona of Ulaa Lamp Chlm.
naf a ara trokan In Ihta nntrr af .rr tear.
Wh-a of Hand Lamp., cuuiplata. with Mica
Cblmnara. ooa dollar. 1'rloa or Uronia Tarlor or
Btaod Latnpa, twodollara. Sant to aojr part of
tba Uulua BUtaa bt acpraM, on raoalpt or tba
Dona bjr ualt 1,000 agauta wantad to aalt thaaa
Laupa and Mica Cblinuaa in ar.rr cltjf anl
towu, to whom a llbaral dlabount wit ba utada.
band fur aampla Uwpa and clrcutarl fifing all
particulars. Xnaj ipaak for.thaDMlrai, and aatl
on Big m, Aanraia
Milt-Wi Mo.llF4rlStk-laa' York.
TKTOTICB.-Notlce Is hereby given,
that I have leasod to Haustnau &
Kuhns. one Ice Cream Freezer aud Ma
chine, Fllteen Tin Cans, Fit teen Tubs
aud Apparatus r.uinpkte. All ieisons
luru noutird ,uol to touch tho iu a t
remains my piopt-ny.
Marth 7, 18T4.W3
Now Advertisements.
New York vDay-Book.
AIl)iilSrTic Wim r. KniaMI.M ISSn. It
aupport.H-il .'uprrmncy.'iiinll-lrorjaild atclal.
T-rina. 12 pr year. prlmrri iplei frra. Ad
draaa DMT.UOOK, ,NVw Yoik City:
Wood's Household Magaine
Tito: Uciit-Bollur-ninntlily.
$5 to -$iS
Till. .with Chmtno,
ll30 Inches,' In 17 Oil Colors.
Manailnr, I fair, with MonnlM Chmmn, (2 CO
Magmliia, 1 jaar, wlttj L'nmountrdCb'romo,- 1 SO
Magailnt, aluti, 1 r, ' ' 1 01
Kxamlpe our.CJuljl nj arjd,Pram,lum LUta,
Tvn Flrat.clnaa Prrlnillc'nl'a for
the price of oil, tie iwllclt Kxirrl
euccil Canraatin, and otbrra to mi at
once for terua ubd fpn-lmrn Mijrmlnp. Ad
diaia e. K.xllUl'KS, I'oUUber,
41 Park Row, K, Y City, or Nawburgb, N. Y.
And Insect Powder
Rati, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Hed.Rugs,
Junius, e. Jif, IlKNIl V, CUHIIAN
& CX) . N. Y.. Sole Acentsl
WrHa to t. K. SMiril A CO., Atlnntle MPla,
limnkljR, N. Y-,ninurlnr,'thiCrnaUel
White Wheat, r-irihlrpamihlat(rat Ire)
on Foods, wliblnip -rial tutracta rrom I.iibiq,
JoiiNao"! and otbar.MleiiUaii.irUaid It, and ui,
your health'ahd "money. fob.2l wl
$250,000 for $50.
For tha banaot'or tbe
rrniaic riniciaiY of ky,
a 1st or Alnrch Next.
60,000 Tickets 12,000 Gifts
OSR finAM) CASH Ol FT 250(OO
CIN'K fill AND (M.-ll GIFT...... 'luuion
10 CASH OIF-IS, IU,0"Oacl 1DI.UO0
60 CASH (llr'rs,
150 CAtll aiFi-.",
250 cash aivn,
l,UUOach &tl.000
nuoewbi 40 000
COD aib 4 1,000
300 each 4 (KM
2 )0 each 60.000
100 facta 31 CM
6Uaach ... tSO.OOO
11,0-JO CASH Oin'r),
Total, 12,000 UlfU, all Cih, araouut-
10R lo, t fl,IU0,OVO;
Aar-The concert and dUlrlbutlon of ttlti -nil!
jmiitivtly anduhvuivKiXly take flare m Vti day
nowjlxtd, whatlivr all tba tlrknli ara aotd or not,'
ami the 12IIJ0:ina all paid lu proportion to tbe
uuuior Of llcKt-la aohl.
Whola Tlcketa. ti): Hatiea, 2S ; Tanlha. or
each coupon, b Lltu Whola Tlckata for 600.
t-and for circular.
Tba Hula f.r Iha drawlofr U near at band, and
pcraoua lutundinfr to purcbaaa tlckata bare no
time to Iom. -
Arant PuMIe Llbrarr Kr., a id Slanagrr Olft Con-
caru ui-iic .iurarT ituuuiug, aiu,niii.t at
or TIIOS. II. Htm CO..
KaKtorn Aeanta, COO llroadaray, York.
6fl -n QOfl P" '"r1 Agen'a wantd.
IPO LO C?lJ AUclaawof workliiir two-
pla of either jiounjr f.r old, make more money
at wora nr ua in ineir apara motnani. or an ina
time, than at any tlilnir elaa. Partlculara tree.
AdJrfMU TI.ll & IM., I'nrlland. .Milne.
The Great Discovery of the Age !
Cures without. patuOr ncufen vtict in tmt.urMi
It l a toi'le Blterttlve iuj ntrfou m-dtlivr. It
rehtorei hd lr.kfn dwo nervous pKtcro; sUen
ut-rT auil KtraQkttb; eurr without palu iuft
entlnir. " l.O.U6i'4,r5,
t pSVv'HUJlANCV, 0U byUL tilAltMIMl."
iifirw clthrr SbX miv foK-lijiiU aod traiu Hi
lotnil AfTttclfons ut Kny perHin they i-lioosn, Iu-
si q it jr. iuissimpi uinini ci)uirtuitti au cnii
putatvss free, L, fur 25 cvuU; ttvtht-r with
a Mairiao UulJe, VgJilUn Oracle, Dreams,
llluti to Lad tm. A nivr Look. 100.00J aoM.
AdirtjM T. W LLIiJl t CO., lubi.. 1'hHadelptila.
fiJifc IO9100 in V.Ustrt-t (Iten Un to
I HH a tViuu Norlfk. 33 patj pioijiLlft
TT v for t lino. Talintim 'Iluuiiikii k
Co., lUukera and Urtkra, Wall strvl,N. V.
"Toldsport Ahead!
The nnilrrslr'nrd woufd resrectfully
Inform bulldrrs.contrnctors and the pub
lic in geuerai, tiiaituey nave opened a
ILumlbex Yard
In connection with their
Near tho L. .v. S. Derot,
snd that they have now on hand an Im
mense stoclc ot 'horouglily Seasoned
Lumuer, such as
ltoucli I'lirft lloiirO j.
tiurfaci-d I'lriit floarili, - K
Kloorlnp, Hemlock nnd Vine,
Sidings, ot all kinds,
Shinnies, an Imiut-iise ttoclr,
ItoodiiK and ('filing Lain,
Scantling; . ,
nnd, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at tli' yery luwcs-t 'marliet prlpeSf
Xo are also prepared to furnish Build
ers and.others( wltli a. yery tine, article of
8 u 11 l , suitable' for lllaSoiiry
Work, Plaiitcrlu?, &c, at Kc
markably Low Figures.-
We have constantly on hand a large
lot ot Wood suitable for firowiKxl,
which wo will sell, In large or small
quantities, at l'rlces fp suit your rockets
cakcl& Albright,
Carbon county, Pa
Of Woissport,
RfHvtlully ItifoniH tlie Lrnlles of this
vlelnlty Hint slio is mw prepared to
Make Up
' i E
'Hair Switches,
at,sliort riotl.aiid at tho lowest prlcwr-
Sliols hlso'ruiw opf nlnfc a new and eir
gflnt nssortracnt of
Ac., and respectfully Invites an Inspee
tlmu.f .them t.y the, All work
will be done In the most fashlooablo
nnd substantial manner, and at prices
which are bound to suit every one.
JTarch 7th, 1874 '
rjp I. CLAIMS,
Meichant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Gcnl'N Furnl.iihlDrT Goods,
Constantly on land a splendid stock of
mew oooria
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
uuaaimrirs nuu vnsilgs,IOr Aleil M and
Bnjs' Wear, which 1 am, prepated t
Make tin to (Inter In tha mn.f
.. . ' ".v-i .-.awwat
uble Styles, at bhort notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A Well fifiWtn.1 atrw-V nf lrMn-1, . ...
" - i icubu aitiie
Turkey Moro!ri. ril.u via t
Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boot
uuu ouues on nana, or
Made to OrAtttf.
Hats, Caps and Purs,
Of, the Latest Sfy'les always oj ha'nd.av
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American & Grovcr & Baker'
Sewing JHacIiisies,
bnly One Price for Everybody.
January II, 1873-yl
The uudenlgned respectfully as.
nounces lo hi friends and the citUrna
... .iiMiiiii ttuu viciuuy, mat no n&a,
)ened the room recently occupied b
'I'liu I'url.r... 1,1 ....... ...i T,i. "
. - w..vv nuiuuiw UUllT, UU
Hanuviay, Lchlghtoa,
As a Shop for the
Repair Fiiruitare.
Cnne-Seateil fMielrn Kifo. ,n.i r..n-u
re-bottomed, paluted aud thoroughly
nnd, lu fflctjlepalrs of kinds oXTurnL
turo neatly and promptly attended te
at leaxumblo chargeti Patronass la
respectfully solicited.
Lehlghton, March 7, 1871-tf
o W. EACHE8,
Contractor & Builder.
Vlaan . and SpeciacaUeaa
For all kinds of Buildings rondo at ttv
shortest notice.
Made for Plans ana Speclflcatloss woes,
the contract is awarded to the ODdet
sigued. A. W. EAOnES. "
June 14, 1873-yl
mxcri'cti'aili o
Currtasett, Sleigh. Huntti
and erary daiarlptleaef
Kaarly cp'Uxlte l&irla Ilot.l, Eals tkmK
' Labl(hte, Ta.
At raaaonaUa charraa.
ePatroi aj. rare raapectfollj acllctteA-emt
Mtiir.rllartraaratleedi .
yU.7,I87t, A.BCClWAtt.
Bj the author of "Klfht Seaeea Id the SHU" ae
Oar ratter's llouaa," or which navlr Wfioa
bare haan aold. - Home Ufa" la eensier&eS V)
mlnMera ofaU cberehar as "Ike aclWa heet
l.kf""rKll of nrocloua tbootbU." -Trotia era
flout at Kama," u a. (bole, ha fur eeeCT ftBT,"
tr. Weal raemtiDS roee tinted mar, rlafc,
Uadlnd d4 tur rapid aale anaotiaU. .ASerVfiS,. nr..v. laufK, itucuitH&H(M'
0IlO., waoUdln a-arjaoULtji tr3ta(Jteap
aaalh. taliitot cirralar.
surTisa MS ArO ftt, rWUvVllWOi