. rs1i'sfrii-1fe' 1? (-.si i.." u, v. nioitTimmun. EqKprInnft-Pj'onIet!Pr' TERMS: One Dollar n Yonr In Advance ttmmt VOirtt., 176, i nl r 1 1 T 'iii i LElIIGIITONi CARBON COUN,TVj iFENN iSATURPAY MORNING, MARCH. 14, 1874. ' ' ' " ' SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lehighton, Directory, A cent. W.C WaMri'KSlng'r towing JmMm and In. ftiS,frjt,1,lj. II. BnYiw'ft'lHiik street. naruer, 11. n. W1DD0S, Sitting' lUir Cutlingand StaiM paning, under I'xthsnte Hotel, limit stresU ; Hoot mill Shoe Makers. Charles Yenser, nearly ojywW Vie pott-Wet, Bank street; also, dMleriKWcctionery. Clinton Bretnoy, i'ii Sevan's building, Bank street All ordtri prmHfifUdymrk warranted. ( Confectioners. Uansnian Knhns, opposite qtots B street. A U !' tnvhptllt .! " islleObert's store, nan Ury"GooiU arid 'Groce'rlks. j , Z.Ttl'Wni.'crp. L.'i'jJ.' Depot, Hank sLitfeMer Jtt nfm' Juir.'il'"''"' Good; .tei H. A. IMtaVLsUckU's Ioek". ""? f 3,-"iw' urocerteg, uiimii , ' j ' . .11. Snyder, l)nk.fret,rL aV''' Dritt axidi.araceriu,QueeiuUare,mrdKare,Cr:. Grocer ,, vwrIt"rv vt " E. II. b Drugs and JIeUlclus,i i a.j Burling. Brat door above 1'. 0.. Rank street, OUl, ruintt, lYrfumcry, VaUnt ilcdmnci, tv, luff'fi ."linrriware), r.T.'AfcfcilMii'rly opp.'Kehante Hotel, Bank' sireei, mmwim., , ; j Hotel. ThooasMah'Eichan'tpp. l'nbltc Squa.e; Uauk at. iWmftsgs'sMltfo'- Furniture -Warehouse. 1 8tnVirt;iiiuktrwt,!ci(erfi all fcindV of V. Fv.rnitu.rt, Merchant Tailors. Clause, i'llrcilank strce't, and VtaUrt 1 in Cents' t'urniShtng Godi, Booti Moa, llaU, Oipt, dc. Thomas dlleetVl'. - lll'dlnBj Hank t:, Gent, rurnUMng Goadl, UaU, Oapt, School VooLit dx. Milliner.' 3Ira. E. VU.Bank street, 2nd door Mow, ths M. E. Chorch.' .Vntfoni and trimvxingi r puslolauB nud Surgeons.' Dfi C.;Uerman,-cOTner"of Bank and Iron strae s Cont ultation fa Eiirjlitli and German. DrTT.V tts&V.'no'at door o V. 6 ltank' (treo't. CWiWtotiiti in MM uud Germani' ll" ' " Prov)slons'. Jon. Obort.ll.ink t ratting, during anclSmokino KitaUMmeM Ml trJtrtyromptlfJUled. J l'atilni:r ft Son, Unuk tU rfftikni'n JTour and. tmaahaia.'ttmtftmt IrgrtaWti, ' - 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' j " iVfiiclmiuktr and Jeweler. A i.T)olleliinayer, Soulh 't.lrt', alwtw llank'st. Dalri'n llu(c, Clicl, Jlingi, rfei m m. UArsiiBu, "Ys t ' j . - ATTORNEY, AS COUNSELLOR AT LAW, V r! Jlisrsxxr.'ltBiantof.Pi. ,j lVifr.rtafendallrt(l6nlApfncy.JWmna7and Itial knate. Convi.yncliiK ndatly done, lol Icclloui pKnrpil M1, rsiillae Utstsiiof I- cedut. a'lil;ty. Jly .Decouiunea intnsii.u and Uemi.iu. Nor. 22. Ji II. BNYDEtt. Justice of xnis TnACE, J 'LelilRlitoii, Pa. Office In'Iils Btori",opiftlli Hie Eaqla H61H. C'ollwtionst and' Urnwlnc up of D&etisprotiilitiyaUPiiilcd'tu. n32-4m jji it. siicwicus, Afro'llNEY AT law, ' OFriCKi Around Fioorln theiuw addl lonoftbe M.nalou Houms M.uih rbunk, l's. tranfatlrd lu Enclifli and Ofrman, Colleltlona riosilplf unde and Ceiivejanclng oaiilydone. E D. C. 1UMM1CK, A DlSITlICT ATTOtlNKT, ATT0RNKY AT LAW. Office, on lisoAim at, llrat Uoor below American Hotel, MaucllChunk, Penu'a. Collections prompt I y mad. N'. 2- SIr MDllUliUN, . jATXOBNEY, AT, LAW, i AIAUCII CHUNK, TA. Oct 18, 1673. J ll. DlMBllCIC,1 Auctioneer, Knaf Welssi.ort( Pa. N DSales o'f eiery3ewl'lpllon attended to at reasonable charges. The patronage of the public la-respectfully Kiliqted, Jan.2,'i4. T' CIlktiirVA'l.'LBT' I10TJSB, XJ North east coruer of DEI1KS AND' LAURKXC1. STREETS, Phlladelplila, . Penu'a. h ,.1'IlKVi; SCHMIDT, rroprletor. r Superior VeSromoailloni' for tr'ateleri at nudersls cliargea. , Parties , visiting the city from (bls'lix-allty'aie specially InTlted to make tbe Le high Valley House their stopping place, mar. 7 JfJ AObB II O T Kli , , . . vN,qCI.OTZp pnOP'U, gumiult' llll(, Carbon Co., Pa. 'sir lte't b( aeeommod'atloni. Kscelleni res taura,qt vodruJtiw Opyd tubliug stUcbeil Terms moderate. jyil'en you go to AVelaaiiort, Don't fall'io call In and sco W..Ii. SMITH, tit tho WEISSPORT HOUSE. t Jle itej'i'n'cverytlilng nice. BOVl) 1IEKHI, Architect and Superintendent, N.o.,t4aNStli6trfet, Allentown, Pa., funiUlies Plans, ijpeclllcations andEtl mates for rtiOllc.niid 1'rlvatoiAiUdlngs. .Stairs. Jlalls", '&C,', .Qiinstiuctcd and &L-Up by tho. id oat approved method, nnd at slioti notice. Patronage Is res jlfully' sollcltiid, end satisfaction BUarauteed. apr. 2Q.yl npilOSIA'S KCDIEREIl, CONVEYANCEIt, rvvr, ; . . atd tSINEKAX INSURANCE AGENT The vojlowlsi Companies are Bepresented t I.cuanbn'Mtitual Fire, Itcadlng Jlutual Klre, Vi'ii'u.Ing Fire, t PotUvlllo Fire, LclilRh FJre, and the , Travelcrp' Accldeut Insurance, Aho: PoUBtylvanla tuid Mutual Uorse ThM'IMeVe 'end' 'Insurance)- Com pity. - J&utfijip, SK, Railroad Guide. JPOUTH PENNA.nAir.UOAD. Wihtir (iAoiisr. Fanaeriaert for rblladelpbla nil) ekri Letilgbton aa folloira.i S.OS i. m , Tla L. arrive at Thlla at nas.m 7 37a.m.ylal..8. " , 39n,m. tin- v. -n" 11j07 p.tiTl L..8.i'(. MOl p.m.Tla L.V. "i !i.S7 p, in. Via n. S. " 4.17 p. m. Tla L. S.. " 4.44 p.m. Tla. UT. ," 7Jsi.ni:TlaL.V. " 11 10 p.m. 2.15 p,m. ,2.19 p.m. '6.33 f.m,' , 8.2Q p.m. 8.20 D. m. p.m. TJaturnlnir, leaTS depot at, Derki and Anierlrnn Street, l'lilta, at. 7.10, 8J0 and . fmt.lO 3M, and tt.iov. n rare inmn Ighxn to VbiIiKlo7plila, $2.53. Feb.1,'1814. OENTJIAI. It. It. OF,N. J. LEI1IG 11 A, SUSdUmiANA, RIV 1SI0N. WINTER AIIRAKGBUENT, CorumeuolnB Dee. 15, 1 873. Dovn TfiiiHa. A 0.1. NoiS. i.W. 7.30 ' 7JS 8.(12 80 10J7 110 UM 12.00 1817 12.43 NO. 8., A.M. 105.1 1030 10.37 11.25 . 12.53 139 HM 1.2 20 3.17 3.23 3J7 1.03 No. 0. r. h. r 3.15; 4.27' 4J7 4.43 aUS UI.03 C.25 7 08 1 8.30 EU 0.23 0J0 "Na 7. . P.M. 1.2S 1.30 4.M 2.20 3.40 4.10 4.40 6J9 , r.oo No. 14. r. h. I 7,15 7.43 7.67 SM 0.10 Leare. OrfenTtliigc, A.M. srrauton Plttaton Wllken llatru White ILlTen 1'enu Ua'n June. ...... Maucb Chunk "JO Cataaaurua 815 Allentown......... 8.43 Dethlcbem D.IHI Arrive liuton 9.'27 Up Trains. No. 10. No. 4. Xeiee A. M. 112.13 12.23 12J2 Al.25 L1.13 ,2m 2 41 4.U0 4.20 4.W, 5.00 Kaaton .;.. .3U illetbleboin 83 Allentowu 0.10 Cataffauqus 0,'.i UaucbCbunk W&i I'cnn Haren'J'n. 10.45 bite Haven 11.23 Wllkes-Darre 1240 l'lttaton l.ltl Scrantos 1J0 Jrr.UnenmJie 1.33 CoaxiCTioxa. iYaoi7ioiilni7 Valley ll. K-Vown tralni Nos.3 6 and 7, and Up tralua Noa. 10 aud 4 connect at Blauch Chunk. , JVwlA itnn'a It. It. Down tralna No. 1, 3, 6 A 7 counpctntllethlebomlor I'blladdlphla. Up trains Noa. 10 A 4 connect at llethleheui forL'blhulelphli. lleturntng leavo I'blladelpbla at 7.10 a. lu. for Kaa. ton, Maucb Chunk, llatb, Wllkea llarro, Taniqna, bcranton, Sbarcu, Ac; at 0 43 a. m. for Kneton, Maucb Chunk, Tamaqua. Wllllaniepnrt, Ullkca llarre and Scrantou; at 2.10 p. m. tor Bcranton, Wltkea Uarre and Intormedlato ttnttonj;1 at 3 30 p. m. for llah and Kattou j at 5.15 p. m. fir Maucb Chunk. . . Jamaqua Branch, -Up tralna Noe. 50 A 4, and Down trains Noa. 3,6 A'7 connect at Maucb Chunk to and from Tamaqua. Lehigh it-Lackawanna It. It Down tralna Xo. 1 A 7, and Up trnios Noa. 10 A C couuect at 1Mb. lebem for llatb and Chapman Quarries. Return tng leave Chapman's at 7.40 s. ui.and 2.15 p.m. Central JtaUroadoftfewJimy. All traltisinake clow connection at teuton with trains ou Central ltallroadof New Jersey. lltlviJere-l'tlamare It. f-Down tralntNol.3 A o, aud Up tralu. Noa. 4 A 14'conuecl nt l'hUllUi. burg ulth lJol.-lld. It. It. to and from Trenton, riillaoeiuiiia ana ueiviaere VhiladtlulkVl L Kcadini llauroad. Tlie Uepots of the aat I'eun It. 11. and tbe.L. A B. Division are connected by Ftreet Carl II. i UALiLiivifl, uen. ivuttngtr jgtni. Fab. 7, IM4. Let Every Family Bead This ! ARTICLES OF ECONOMY. C051FOUT AND CONVE.NlKNUK. Useful to every Man, Woman & Child. O. WHITLOOK c. CO., 726 Broadway, New York, BIALIES I.T Useful American Inventions F03 TltH HOME OIRCLF. WUlforwnrd.oostnald.br null, anr of the fol.' lowing articles, on receipt of price annexed, every one of which, ly their labor-saving qualities, the excellence of Ibe results produced, aud Its Intrin sic worth, v.111 repay its cost titty times over la a single month LIBT. Tut llimouu Alarm Dili With attach. menu nv wnicu insiani notice is wren or A tempt at entry of premises 3 00 Tils I'souiM llclios.non Ctina Super ior 10 auiiuing or ine Kina ever got up 23 Thosstom's Ixstakt Widow Cuiku- bavteljnor or use of soap and water . 35 Lwutsinq Oeiaii EirsAcroa Removes crease, paint, dirt or stains Instautly, and does not soil the Jnast goods 23 Khosui Oil, llccTirma l'owsta. jtend era kerosene abtoluUlynon-trptoiiveiiot breaking of chimneys from beat, andef'" fecta srge saving In consumpllou ... SO Tbov Enseal Kkasiil Olres the most elai f;aoc gloss to linen, at uosi oia mere cola ug 30 Till Evirates Ksnsl' oussit For cleaulug itnivea anaioraa periecny, wunoui laiior, 35 I'aiist Viosntts l'AaiE A Sllcia Hours of labor saved . . . '. 0 Ncsttar Sirtti I'ra Save yourself trouble and the children pain. Single 10, per di. 1 00 Lidiu' l'iiist NiKDU-insiipika Tbivsli Aa Immense convenience 30 WMsria's PATtut ncttoi. aots Wonts Tbe most perfect ever invented . , , (0 Tot Ntvioi PtsruHi StosKCarrled on ths persou. It dves the s-armenta an eletrant and delicate odor 60 MT THE SUFFERER'S FRIEND.- The Eclectic Salve ! ! This great remedy, prepared by an old and ex peneuceu puj sician. is a epeouy ana ausolute cure for burus, scalds, piles, scalp affections, Itch and all violent cutaneous dlrsises. The relief from pain is Instantaneous, tod a curtalu cure follows. fcirry lamny should Usee this panacea at baud, euu vucu uiiug is, uerer wui oe wiinout ll. l'KR IIOX, FIFTY CENrd. Address, O. W1IITLOCK A-CO msr7mS 726 Oroudway, New York. T.EIIIGIITO.V ACADEMY. -" LehlghtoD, Pa. All Institution for Uotli Sexes. FACULTV ; nev,C.KB8SLIll, l'rlntipal and Trofessor of Ulasslce and ths Higher luglisb JinS.JI. C. ICUSsLBn, Freceplress and Aeacuervi rsiuiiuj suia Airswfug Silt JOHN HI, IklSalLsSlt, A. II. fro leseurei AAiiosua uroek. MI9S E. Q. NBAD, Tescbsr of Musis. I WILSON UISURIU AuLlsst.- ' Vor rirtlculsrssypltoC UXSsLEU, Leblgk wirs oc(.iT(ls7 5 9 For $1.00. npnE FinSf GUEAT SAaVT lake -- Gift- Copcert';'' nuilirl.fd'by nntT under ttinlrmricdiate MiprrvNlori of tli& city nuthoritles of C'orlnne City, for the benefit nndin aid of the Public. Eree, School, Tile Only Free j5cliool:lu''Utal. Terr.'y'i TllUSTEES'OF rUBLlfj FREE SCHOOL, Cpl, Si li'oive, J. 9. Gerrlsh and' Alex. Toiionce. TO J1E DlbtrlbuUd to the Ticket Holders AT A Grand. Gift Concert, to be imr at,1tiib ,; Opera House.City of Corinne. march 31nI, 1S74. Depository, .Dank of Corluue. 500,000 TICKETS. I PRICE Sl.OO EACH, OR SIX FOR ,FIVE( DOLLARS, $226,500 IN GrlPTS, AS FOLLOWS) 1 Grand Cash ('' ., . $50,000. 20,UU0 . ,12,000 . a". XI".' 8,000 0,000 oooa 4,000 3,bJfl i. . "' l,006 each, ' " " SOJ'each 10J each i.i"1" f 0 each. 20 each " 10 web ,2,000 . 6.0JO 10,0110 20 ' 101 200 ll'.C. ' 10.0JO 00 11,000 0,000 0,5oO OO.WIO COO " " 100 " " 60,000 ' ' ' a each 1 each - . ,!(!; 52,931 Cash Gifts, amountlug to (2.'0.600 ONE CllANCElft dVEIty;" NINE! The distribution will lie In nubile. and will bu made under the, same lorm mid regulations ns tJie'Saii FrancUco and Louisville Liurary lilft Concerts. under the supervision of a cohimitteeof prominent citizens selected by the ticket uuiuers. 1 Reference as to the lntocritv of this enterprise uud of tho ihanugement is umtie to me luiiowing, well known cltl zens: Sam: L. Tibbals. A. Tononce. J, Malsh, J. II. Genlsh Memucrs of City Council, ' Judge 1. J. Black, ylss't, U. S. .as sesior; Mnlsh & Ureeuwald, proptle tors Metropolitan Hotel; Eugene Misore, City Marslialj W. W. Hull. Architect! o. Kcnoe, constable;. J. Kupfer, Jew, cler: Capt. S. ,Uowe, Contractor;- O. D, Richmond '& Co., Commission Mer chants; M. E. Campbell, proprietor uemrhi iiotoi; singleton a Creulli, pro. prietors l'aciiio btauiesj s. v. mtcu, ilercliant. isantly, Utah! A. U. Garri soiii Helena., Montaua., t wo will also announce, that each. nud every person buying n ticket can atany nun ah umcs examine our books aud all business transactions' connected with llm enterprise; and as the drawing of pilzes will be placed In the hands' of honest nnd disinterested men. it willlu sure a fair and Impartial distribution. Uooil Itesjiolislble Agents Wonted .literal Commission AHotreu. tScf Money' should bo tent by "Bx press or by dinft'on any solvent bank, by Postonico, Money Order, or Regis- terea Leuer, ai oar risk, nor paiticu lars, address E. VT. MORGAN, fanacer. Lock liox 1S8, Corinne, Utah. jatj-uin 1VIU EBBEUT'S Livery & Siale Stables, DANIC KTBKBT.LKII1QI1TON, Pa' I always keep on hand the. best hor ses and finest carriages, to be let nt livery nt tlie lowest prices. Conveyances can uo uaa oi mo at tue snortest nostl. ble notiw, at any hour. I would call the attention of the public to my spec! ni laciiuies lorsuppiyii.g single oruou mo teams ror tunerais, Ac. ttov.22, 1873. DAVID ERIIERT! AOIUGL GRAVER, Opposite the Public Squaie, SOUTH ST., LEHIGHTON, PA., Martjifacthrer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all klndsot ' IST Roofing, Spdutlng"and Jdljbln proujpuy aueuuea to. nor, SU BEATTY & PidTTS. Tho Deatty & Poits celebrated Gold-. en Tongue S. A Blk HT 9 Is. acknowledged by professors.uf music and celebrated orgnuisU to bo, tlie lead in,'!, Parlor Oigan, now n use.. Tedl- nuiniaisnnu, euros or uonornre constant ly, being received In favor of tliom, Xfo append a few nnd wish you ro read them: Anthont. N. J.i Janj,23, 1873. iessrs lleat-y iStPllitts. Gents Your Oign'n, sold rue, gives entire satisfaction., It beauty of toneundfstyluoflwnrkmau ship aiuseldoiti If ever surpassed, Wish I nii you success In your business, 1 am, with iespect,i Prof, M. 1L Ueatty. SiustoKiN, Pa., Feb. 11, 1(574. r have one lif IJeatty & Plott' Golden Tongtie'Organs. It I.' hn excellent In strument; lihti tone and full power;' I like It' better than n'ny I have heard. M, II. HAltFBTJ, M. D. LAuny's'STXT'N', Pa., 'Jan: 27, 1874. 1 have had lleatty & Plotts' Orstnn sIlcu August 14tli, 1873; it gives: tho. iiigucstr sausiaeiion, auu lias proved an that; It 'was recommended byitlie prop'rs. Jon 11UNUY. SL'ATiNOTOii; Pa.,-Feb. 6, 1874. Beatty & Plbtts' Parlor Orerth'I llko betWr tliati the Standard, nnd It glycs better 'satisfaction', as I And In my trav els. ProfJ Frt. V. MAyek. St. ClAiii, V&., Deo. Oth, 1873. Messrs. Deatty. & Plotts, Geiits 'I ha,ye'recelved the Organ, assent by ypur tlrui'to me, and I liave had, it examined, nnd it gives Ample satisfaction. A,,.,,, vunn k?ir,A.s. Mahaxoy City, Pa.. Oct. 10. 1872. ,Tlie, Beatty & P..otts celebrated Gold en Tongue Parlor Organ is by far tho bet Puilor Oignu lu use. I have care fully exaruiutd it, and. find .Its tone, wuiKiiiuiisuip anu uurnumiy iu on, nib nest I eversrtw, and 1 can Willi pleasure recommend It to nny'h want of d first class'.parlor "organ, lrufyo.,'!!. ,Unoer. Messrs. Bentty & PJottsi.of Wjsliing- toiii.N. Ji,.nro.i;entleiiii,ii,of enterprlsei nnd wliosq presence would be a credit tu uny uiiiuiuuiiity, LiiuoKt; iuujwiij -i. , llerulil, 1HTB. W asu iNQTONj- N . Jr1,' Sept.' G, 1873. To Robuit Jlorcan.-l'uttsvllle I am happy to statu that the instrument elves entile patiMactlou, not only to myself nui also to too u-iiciiers or tlie bemlnary wuu am oeiter juuges. IteV. A. W. J LILLY. We say, after careful (ind costlv ex periment. It is witli pleasure weslntro- duce the "Golden Tongue," .knowing It possesses mauj advantages over all others manufactured. Tlie tone excels In fullness, purity, and the thousands of testimonials which nro, being con stancy received, uru evidence that our, ell oils have been eminently successful. For particulars aud Prj.ig List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21-Om Wasliiniiton, N. J. HE niAIVllATTAIV' SpilliB UKU aua combination MATTRESS. P. J. K1STLER. POSTMASTER OF WElSSi'OItT, has been appointed Jcent for Lehlcl'ton,. Welssixirt and vicinity to give our citizens h clianca to see nud test the merits of tho arrange mentof sptiji)rsv llof Is 'willing to put them on'tilal for any1 person for ouo weekj nud If they ilo not uaove supo- rlor to the Woven Wiro Mattress, rut nam, Yankee, Norfolk, Wrlslit. Snrinc- field, Howe,-Tucker, Eureka, iunroe, Imperial. United States. Walker, Cinv nectlcut. Eaele. Snlum or nnv of tho ohu thousand nnd one, Spring lleds that have been put upou the market, y6u are not asked .to buy It Tho above named beds have been discarded to make room for tho In'mroved. It has no hiding rlaceifor bugs, Jias. .no, slats on top ot the springs, but heavy dick canvas, uooKing at tlio uaeu or tlie SDriuc. that nmv be taken oil and the slats removed "(for ' c'leauln "or other wise,) uy anyuruy in live nil nines aim replaced. at pleasure. The springs may be changed to other portions of tho bed with viirv little tiouble. 'The eorlni's hve waiianttd'to keep, place nitd last longer inau any otner in .use. nor in valids It cannot be surpassed. lie fits them to any bedstead or.dltferetit Weight, or persons, the largest number under the heaviest part of the body, nnd with i light covering of husks, cotton, straw bed, or hair mattress, they adapt tbehi solves completely to the, body, The ladles should call nndnen tlui nrrnneh- ment of sprlngK for jho cradle1, and not nave to. use leathers lu warm weather. Thoy are better thun soothing yrup or coraiais lor tne nine ones, i lie springs Bre made from tlie very best cast steel from the celebrated Sheffield wokrs ot England. Come one'ndd all nrid see them. These beds have been fully es tabllshed In' twelve different States, The Furniture men are especially In vited to call and examine these, beds, Reds put upon trial nnd no one'asked to purchase until niter a fair trial. P. J. KISTLEU nov 8 '73-tf Agtiut, Wultupurt, "ICK'iJ Floral Guide for 1874 ,200 .rages ; GOO Engravings and Coldred 'Pjatc. PublliMd Quarterly, at 25 ds, a Year. First No. Ibr 1874 just Issued, A' Gentian tdltl6n at sanle price. Adtlres JAMES V1CK,' nov. so; Rochester, N. Y. ECHOES. FROM AFAR'. BY ALPHA. GETTING fllAUIHED. ".Veastire your cloth ten times, for you can cut It but once. a ult ot goon ntivicu tins, to an tnoso who contemplate matrlmonv, which ns a Reheral rule, we say'ls binding alike on the sons of .Adam, and the daugh ters of Eve, I nrn nnt; however, going to write of tlio advantages or disadvantages 'of the nnestinm nut simply give n few mnts to those who have not yet uttered that lit tle sentence, which is multum in parvo, I win." T6 the ynung woman I say, "Don't marry n fooli" you nan never lespect n man it you think he has no brains; nnd where there Is no respect, love cannot' possibly exist. jno matter now foppishly he may dress, nor how ninth ohcnp Jowellery ue may vrar; ir lie lias no sense, uo not give your company to htm, for n man with less preienslons, but with In telligence, will make you a better hus band. Do not marry n. man who lias not n firm principle. You say tho men are so deceptive, that It is n very hard mat ter to discover wnetner their principles are firm or not. I admit there is toq much truth In the assertion; still there are some means by which you may as certain their soundness of principle. If'vou meet a young man who has no opinion of his own, but will say 'yes, or 'no' as tlio ca?e requires, bewnre of him. A man who is not true to any-' thing, you cannot-expect to be true, to you. never iniiiK or marrying n man who Is not courteous and kind.; Remember unkind sweethearts, as a ru'e, make unkind husbands, if a man talks dis respectfully of his parents, don't have much to say to him; if he refuses to fi tch water fur his aged mother, or afflic ted sister, be assured that he will svive yon the same, If you become hi wifu Do you talk ot reforming him after you nro maarled? Such reforms, are unhap pily r.iro, and nro accomplished with much duueuuy. Shun n lazv mnn. The Chinese havo n proverb, that "oysters get their pearls" by gnP'n8- 11 some young men couiu get money by that means, they would b como very rich. Such men do not make good husbands. If a young man comes to you, nnd says that "ho Is too goon to wont, mac ins agea lamer sup. ports' him," take the advice ot Joliu Ploughman, and tell him to "go to Lubberland, where rueu get half-a-crown n day for sleeping " Uo not weu a man wnoso morals are not good. It is not nil gold that glit ters. There are many black hearts beating beneatlifashtonableroats. There ure many so-called men going about, made up uy me tailor ana tue, jeweller. They look somewhat attractive, but pos sess discrimination, nnd you will see all through this tinsel; and, If there U nothing real and good, have nothing to say td such men. To tho young men whose' eyes may scan these pages. I submit the follow ing observations, beglngitig with a Span ish proverb, which says; "Before yon marry uo sure or n nouso in which io tarry." I wlsli to giinrd you against n' practice which Is by far too common. mean, getiinz married and "going homo with, what is called, the old peo ple, to live." When you are married you win do best in a home of your own; hence be fore you marry, be sure of a house in which to tarry, We aUo recommend you to ruao a chplce of an Intelligent young woman. join nave n wire wno mutt ror ever be sitting down talking 'small talk, or else remain as tnuto as nn Egyptian ronnuny. Seek a voting 'woman with a ontln spirit and a kind heart. The remark we issue1 in reference to sons, holds good when applied to daughters. A vixen of a daughter will make a vixen ot a wife, but a kind and affectionate daugh ter, will not fall. to make an atfectlou ate.wifov Be sure that yoar wlfollves home and Is domesticated. It Is a great mlstor tuuo to have a wife who dosen't know her own work, aud cares ns little about It as she' knows. Playing tunes on the, piano, and working embroidery, are nil right lu their places, but these won't satisfy your appetite when you come home to dinner. Soa to It that your wlfo can play tunes on the frying pan nnd. gridirons. When you choose a wife, choose her rather on Saturday than on Sunday; that is, make choice of her iu her working dress. Quite neces sary in these days of sham to attend to tluit advice. There is so much false hair, aud so mauy false teeth worn, nud so much paint used (such marvellous triumphs of art over nature) that we have need to say ''Young men, be ware of man traps. There are two evils In marriage, against which we wish to guard young, people, ot both sexes. One Is, persou belonging to the church marrying thuse who are not religious. Such unions are uuscrlptural, "uud are a fruitful sourco of unliappluess. A marriage upqn, which you cannot ask the Divine blc-sltig, should by all means bo avoid ed; and l ow ,ctUi yvu ask God's bless ing wueu you Knowingly violate nis word? . Another ovll is, persons getting mar ried to those bid tnough to be their pareiits or grandparents. Such tnar rlsyvs are geutrally made from biw nnd low motives, nnd are rarely happy. 1 wonder the principal, acfors in tho affair are .not ashamed. If nil you who nro camtldatcs for tho United State will take these homely hints nnd act 'upon them, marriage, In your case, will not u what tho little girl told tho priest It was. A prleit, tho other day, who was examining a con ftrmatlon class In tho South nf Ireland, nsked tlio question, "What Is the sacra ment of matrimony?" A I'ttln girl nt the head of the class said, " 'TIs a stato of toimenl, Into whle.lt souls enter to parpare thrm for another nnd better world." "Being," eald tlio priest, "Iho answer for purgatory.' We iuiagliio the little girl wits not wide nf the mark In many cases. But mo-t persons make their own purgatory. That y in may not do It, we urge you to "Measuro your cloth ten times, for you can cut it but once." Current Ircms. 'Birds ond UoWers will soon appear. , Utah Territory can boast that t, is free from debt. Tho national sin of Americans, says Dr. McCosh, Is self-ndulatlon. There are 25,000 women In the Iowa granges, each of whom Is entrusted with a vote. Alderman Mullally of tho St. Louis Council refers with gratltudtt to the fact that he lias been n member of the body for two years, nnd has escaped without getting a black eye. Mrs. Vermeul, President of the Wo men's Tomperanco Society, proposes that the ladles should labor for .tlio cause by conversation and otherwise, but not exlhlblt themselves" iu grog gerles. John yan.Valkeiiburgh, of Chatham Centre, Columbia county, is the oldest legislator so far discovered, lie served In 1820, and, Is nluety-tvYo years of age. Ills wife Is still living, the' pair having been married for seventy-four years. A clerk in the .dare Island Navy Yard, California, h,nl the-rnshness'lo tell tlie commandant how $10,000 could be saved in purchasing supplies. for his department. The commandant humo dlntely began to retrench by dispensing with the service ot that clerk. Senator Sumner has in his posses sion a gold watch whlchwas presented by Washington to Lafayette alter the bat tle of Yorktown. Upon it is this lu scrltlon: "G. Washington to Gilbert Mortier do'Lafnyettei Til commemora tion of the capitulation 'of Lord Cord-' wal'.ls at, Yorktown, Oct.,17, 1781. A new "wrinkle" about the ago of horses Is the .discovery ot'-nu Illinois .farmer, who determines the ag,e of all animals over nine years old by the fol lowing novel method: After the horse Is nine years old a wrinkle' comes ou tho upper comer of the lower lid, and: every year thereulter he has ouo well-ilellned wrinkle for every year over lilne. 'if, for Instance, ahorse lias' three wrinkles, he Is twelve) It ho has four, he Is thir teen., Add, tlio number of. wrinkles toj nine ncd you will, get It. Patrick Kano.nged tblrty-lhreeyenrs, died lii.Lacey'vllle, Pa., Marclt, 2 under pecular cltcumstances. About two' months ago lie 'was prostrated with typhoid fever. 'After six weeks' Ills .doctor, p'ro'iquncud him out of danger, and ordered, him to take nourishment, Kane, however, sent' for YMet 'ftifeyi his priest, Who, 'at Kane's request, pre pared hlui for death. Knne refused' to eat food ot any kind, saying that he was lit to die, and die be would. For thirteen days he fasted nnd prayed, and on Sunday died of starvation. A Philadelphia correspondent of the Bo-ton Journal or Commerce tells hoiy money Is spent at Centennial head quarters. 'Ihomas -Webster receives 16W n month for, speouii literary services, B. II. Haines receives $500 per month, and William ii. Bobbins $250, for tho tame' sort of work, which' con sists' malhly lu copyiifg circulars, Tim other beneficiaries are J., E. Peyton, who, as general visitor to dltlijreiit Staios, gets ?800; nart,generl editor, (300 a man named Blake, tTOU; a ntati named Petit, 8Q0:i nf)d-'Cnarle.s B. Norton; $400 per uibhth At thts rute It will take about tlie ata6unt donated by New Jersey to keep these.cppysta nud runners going until '79. There are some funny things, In the tcmperence movement, In Lincoln, Neb., the ladles Invaded Major Klen. inch's saloon about tlie tlmu he usually1 closed for tlie night. He told them to get out, bat they wouldn't go. .So.hu turned off the gits and locked them lu. The prisoners saiig and prayed in tlie dark, until friends caino and rescued them by bienklng In the duor. A 'law suit for. tresis, Los. Ijeen begun by Klentsch, lu Madison, n.snlooii keeper paid fifteen dollars to 11 father tu escape prosecution for selling rum to his. uii, a minor; hut, upon learning that U101. legal peualty Js. ony tiyo dollars, ho sues to recover the excess. In Califor nia K bill Is In the Legislature prohibit ing the sale of liquor wlthlir ohe "mile'1 of any school. The deal vis claim that if it bepoiues a law the temperance folks will staitBhrewdly-lbcatedttpologles for schools', so that virtual prohibition will be the result. In a late liquor raid 1u Rutland, th truckman, hired, to cut otl tho 'seized goods nmioi private "bargain with the Owner, and tdJtruuhut halt ut them back to1 the Btoro after tne trouble was over. Boston' enemies of lemper aDoe say , that until recently DlO'Luvvi Jet a Vtldlng'fortlTJortWllag, 'utftU much dialed; -" " ' - "