The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 07, 1874, Image 3

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    Adrortttlwg ItnteH.
W deilro It lo be dlitluetly unjeretoon that no
JtdrertlMmenti will blnrted In tho rolomni J
Ti Chios Astocitc that may be recelw frpui
unknown parties or flrmi, unloM accompanied with
tlia Csh. Th following are our osiT terms;
Adrert'.remrnti for 1 year, per Inch each
Insertion 10 Prate.
" fix Mnntha.,perlocheacU Insertion lVnt.
' Three Montbl, f ' SOCen!.
Leacthan thTeemsntha,flrillnar-
tlon $lt each aubsequent Insertion 54 Cent!.
n. v, MORTiiiMKn, ruiiibr.
Wit ixbm twmti.
Iiooal and Personal,
Special Notipb. Those of our sub
scribers receiving their paper with a
eross upon the corner near their naine,
will e&ve fifty cents advance In pilce by
remitting the dollar subscription at
once. Our terms are $1 In advance, or
Jl.yOif not st) paltL
".Vud, ttud, beautiful mud," relgus
supreme In this neighborhood,
New boots and shoes at Graver's
store, Lehighton.
Fresh bread and calces diy at
Bailsman & Kuhns'.
We are sorry to announce that Mr.
Will;, of tho firm of Snyder and Wills,
la seriously indjsposed.
Look nice, the new bar-rqom of
the Welssport House.
Peter Kline, proprietor of the Car
bon House, Westerly, died on Sunday
The Stroudsburg stago arrived on
Thursday afternoon on three wheels.
If you want cheap boots and shoes
goto Graver's store, Lehlghtof).
Wo are now permenently located
in our new quarters n IIelnttelman's
building, nearly opposite our old quar
ters, and shall be pleased to receive our
friends.) We are belter than ever pre
pared to do all kinds of work. Send
along your orders and save money.
' -cWe are requested (o state, j for the
information of our borough teachers,
that the meeting of the Institute ad
vertised for to-day ls-postponed until
Saturday, March 14th.
K. 11. Rhodes has opened a shop
j'or repair of furniture, picture framing,
Sc., iu,the room recently occupied by
us. . Sea. advertisement In another col
uxnn. A dispatch was received at Pack
v:ou on Wednsday evening last, from
Xobert II. Sayre, announcing that the
10 per cunt, reduction made last fall in
the wage.- of the employes of the Lehigh
Valley It. It. Company would cease on
and after Monday 2nd, and men -yontd
pet, old rate of wages. This is a good
iljpf, nncl causes, much satisfaction to all
' concerned.
For family flour, of the very best
quality-go' to J. K. Rlckert, East Weiss,
jjort. Lumber and coal in large or
traall quantities at lowest market rates.
A fsw lots in Rickertonu ttlll unsold
oy at once.
.Notwithstanding the depth of the
. raud, yn our streets, David Ebbert'i
tcamscontlnue to make 2:10 time. Ills
livery is on Bank Street and his prices
tor team hire are very low,
On. Thursday last we had the plea
'cure of a visit from our friend J.
Charlej Freldenbert,er, liquor merchant, .
ot Taraaqua. Charley looks us good as
:, over, and appears as If the world was
using him wel.
"How do you like our new head?"
asks the Slatlngton News. Can't mvt
the head was lacking on our copy. Will
vxaoilnu next week.
A special Meeting of the Presbytery
of Lehigh, will be held In the P'resly
terlan church, at Slatlngton. on Mon
day next,. March Oth, commencing at
3 o'clock P. M.
A general strike of the employes
on the Pa & N. Y. It. n. took, place on
Wednsday last.
Snyder & Wills, of Welssport, make
a specialty of canned fruits. They are
telling 3 lb. cans of pie peaches for IS
cents, and 2 l.b, cans of pared pesetas
for 18 cents. ,
-Wm. Kemerer Is crowded day and
evening Vvith" customers purchasing
cheap and handsome dress goods, dry
goods, groceries, provisions, and hard
ware. Rev. A. F. Leopold, late pastor of
the Welssport Evangelical church, has
been appointed to Schuylkill Clr..; Rev.
G. T. ijalnes takes charge of Welss
port church, Rev. H. F, Buhner goes to
Mauch Chunk, and Rev. J. M. SayJor
is Presiding Elder, of the District..
Home Life. In the Bible, advertised
.In another column, is by the popular
author, Rev. Daniel March, I). I).,
whose books are to widely known, ami
eminently fitted for family reading.
?ylV4S.i!mDloynient is offered Young
Sieaoq ladles, Teichers and Clergy
men, fclrgter & Mct'urdy, rblladel
'pbU, Fa
la-Ks," Eve-ybody who has traveled
by rallxotd has hx.rd the above an
iJouncijmeot, and has probably suffered
from eMIrjg to hastily thereby towing
'Ohj Mtied of dyspepsia. It is a comfort
ti, that the Peruvian syrup will
to? the worst case of Pyi-pepsla, as,
tbouasdj 4p ready to testify
A pood girl Is wanted for general
'housework. Good wages paid to a suit
able girl. Apply to M. W. Rtuden
bush, Packertnn, Pa.
The new in 'mortal cliurch, Wilkes
Barrr, built by Mr, Wadliain, has hern
regularly niganlzcd ns a Presbyterian
Church by the Presbytery of Lu'.crii".
Plltslon eclohrated Washington's
birthday In a becoming manner. There
was n torchlight parade and display Of
firework j It the evenlrg, The new
bridge was opened that day, and illum
inated Ifi the evening.
Te 21st nnnual conclave of the
Knights Templar will bo held at Belle
fonte, Pa., on the 12tli of May. The
annual parade will take place on the
13th, and thn Installation of grand of
ficers 'on the 14th.
The small-pox. Is still rampant
About the c'ty, says (Ho Sciaitfpn City
Journal. Qn Sunday of Inst week' John
Miller, boarding on Penn avenue, was
removed to the pot hoiife differing
from a mrtltgnant attack of tho disease.
A:o si veral others have hemi sent to
pest house by order of the chief of police.
If you want Job Printing of any
description, you should call at (lie
where you can get it done as quick
and fts wel as elsewhere, and SAVE
25 PER CENT, on yo ir order. Come
along. We are ready to servo you.
Snyder & Wills, Wtlsepoit, make a
specialty of Rubber goods. Look at
their prices t
Men's Gum Boots (4 00
Hoys " ' , U 00
ladles' " " 2 00
Men's Gum Shoes 1 00
Ladies' " " 70
Misses'" " t 05
Chlldien's " 35
"Panic Prices" is still tho motto at
II. A. Beltz's store. 'Those desiring. to
purchase are invited to glvu htm an
early call,
William R. Rex has contracted to
build a two story dwelling, 20 x 20 feet
with basement, to be fitted up for a
boot and (hoe store, for Mr. C. Beck,
on Second street. The work will be
commenced immediately.
Children's shoes for 01 cents per
pair and upwards at Graver's store,
We have added about 50 now sub
scribers to our list during the past three
weeks. Come alopg 1
.Vessrs. Yeakel & Albright, the
Wei's port lumber dealers are now re
ceiving an immense stock of lumber,
comprising planed and grooved flooring,
siding, rough board, shingles, &a,,
which they are selling at the lowest
market rates. They will continue .to
receive ndditlniu to thi lr stock every
wtek during the season, and promptly
fill all orders.
For file a five octave Parlor Organ
(new) at a great reduction, ripply at
this tiftlee.
New goods and popular prices are
the Inducements offered by W. -(, Gra
ver. Ills stock of diess ciitxls, cro-
cellos nnd provisions, is unsurpas-cd by
any house in the county.
Ex,-Sherlff Reigel, will commence
he '.'rectlon of a residence, near the
arge oak tree on the road to Packerton.
Mr. Kunfer has taken the contract and
the work will be pushed forward at once.
Mr..Rtigfl is tel(ing the adjoining IjIs
very rapidly, and parties desiring to
purchase should da so at once.
Mra. M. M, Dlm.nlck, of Mifuch
Chunk, will shortly commence the er.
ectlon of a handsome new residence in
that borough. The plans, Ac, have
ben fimiUhe.' by our fileiidJ. Boyd
Henri, the architect, of 142 North Sev
enth Street, Allentuwn. Parties about
to build can not do better than consult
Mr. Henri, his charges nrj moderate
and he. guarantees satisfaction. OlUce
hours from 7 A. M. till 10 P. M.
Go to Snyder Wills, Welsfport,
for Oolong, J&jun aud English Bxeak
fait teas.'
J. Fattlnger acd Son have just re
celved a new stock of groceries and
provision;, hams, shoulders and side
iuc ats which they are aelllug very low
for cash.
Infant's colored thiot can bo had
at Graver's store, Lehighton.
Mrs. Gulh, the Milliner, of Weiss
port, announces the nrrlvnl of new
spring god.s and that she Is prepared
to make up hah- switches, curls and
puffs. See her a,dYertfeeiuent in anoth
er column.
Charles. Trainer, comer of Lehigh
and lion streets, will supply you with
flour and feed, plow your gardens or
do vow ba,ulil)g a.t reasonable rates
Have you a Doty Washer und
Universal Wi.luger?. If not go to L. F.
Kl"pplnger mid get one. They are the
best, .dlso, horses and carriages at his
livery at all liourj very luw.
The Moimug Herald Publishing
Company, of, Allentuwn, nroposo to
corarueuca the publication of a weekly
in connection with the Juurslng Herald,
about the fitpt week In .lpril; Wo wish
you success, gentlemen.
M. E. Church services Preaching
on Sabbath at 10:30 A. M. and 7:00 1,
M. Sabbath School at 3.00 P. M,. Sac
lament of the Loid's Supper will to
administered at tho clow uf the morn
ing hctyIco,
The Presbyterian e mgregatlon will
hntd services In the Iron street school
houses to-morrow (Sunday) overling at
7 o'clock. Rev. II. V. Uaion, pattor.
- T. D. Clans', tho merchant tailor,
of this borough, lift received during
the past week a full line of fancy suit
inrjt for spring wear, which he h pre
paring to make up In the latest fash
ions at low price's. ANo Just rerelved
a tremendous stock of hats, caps, boots,
and shoes of the latest styles nnd best
make. All are Invited to call and ex'
nmJne.hU stock and le.trn his prices.
The trial of Timothy Heller, for
the murder of Charles T. Mufflcy, near
Kresgevllle, was concluded atStrnud
burg, on Saturday last, by a verdict of
murder In the second degree. The
Jurors were out about one hour and a
I nlf. On Monday afternoon the pri
soner Was lit ought Into Court, when
Judge lJreher sentenced him to pay the
costs, of the suit and undergo an lin-
ptisonment In the Eastern Penitentiary
for Uie term of twelve jcars in solitary
confinement at haul labor.
An envelope containing a sum of
money n trllle less than fifty dollars
was handed I ho pastor of I lie M. E.
church ono evening last week, nt the
close of service, It being a donation
from "many members and friendj."
Farewell Sermons.
ThoM.E. Conference will meet in
Esato'n on the 18th. Inst. Rev. J. T.
Swindells, the highly esteemed pastor
of the .V. E. Church, In this borough,
will preach his farewell sermons on
Sunday next, and in a fnw days go to
Philadelphia to spend the Intel veiling
tlrao with his relatives and friends in
that city. Mr. Swindells has been a
laitlifull worker in the church during
Ills sojourr. (3 in this place, and
has won for himself an envlahlo rep
utltion for christian zeal and faithful
labors .11110113 our people, and his many
warm and earnett friends, In parting
with him, wish htm a hearty God speed
and hope that his path through life may
be strewn with happiness.
Welttirt.l.lternry Soelety.
Saturday Evening, Feb. 23. The
13lh regular meeting was held as above.
The mcettng was called to order by tho
President nt 7.50 p. m. 0lng to the
absenco of the Secretary the calling of
the rol was dispensed with, The min
utes of the previous meeting were rend
and adopted.
The committee appointed to confer
with P. J. KNtler In regard to renting
his hall, reported that the society oould
rent it for the same price which we aie
paying for the hall in the school house.
On motion, the offer as accepted, and
that hereafter wt meet in Klstler's hull.
The president appointed I). B. Al
bright, J. It. ll.t-enstosu and J. S. Mil
ler a committee lo form a programme
for the next meeting,
The following ulticrs wero elected
for tin) ensuing t' rin i President, John
W. Koons; Vlce-Piesldent, J.F. Zern;
liecoidlng Swn tary, Frank O. Knlpe;
Janitor, J. It. Uluunlck.
Select rending by Frank Merlz, sub
ject "Massachusetts to Virginia."
Ji lerretl question. !. What was
the cans.) of the war between England
and America in 18.2. Auswored by
Ellie l'c nner.
2d. Who made thefirst hammer. Ans
wered by Frank Mjrtz.
3d. Why was Pennsylvania called the
Keystone S'nte. Answered by S. U.
Gilliam nnd J. Z. Bagemto-e.
4th. Whit Is the length of theL-hlgh
river. Answered by Miss Jennie Weiss.
5th. What are the mast weighty ar
guments acnlnst sec'el societies. Ans
wered by Henry Campbell.
Question for debate Resolved, That
we suffer moro from imaginary evils
than from real evils. Openej on the
afllrmntlve by John W. Koons, follow
ed by J. Z. B.tgeustose and II. Camp
bell, and In the negative by lrnk C.
Knlpe followed by Frank Mertz and S.
R. Gilliam. Decided In the affirmative.
The committee reported the following
prograimuefor Saturday evenlng.March
Referred questions. 1. Who was the
first convict? referred to J. W. Koons.
2, Why Is water heavier when clear
than when muddy? J. R. Dlninilck. 3.
When was the first Thanksgiving day
celebrated in this country and why?
Miss Sue E. Zern. 4. What are the
ViOi weighty arguments in favor of
secret societies? S. R. Gilliam.
Question for debute Resolved, That
tho Unlle.l States Government should
make it coiipulsoiy lor every citizen to
belong to soiuu religious sect. Chief
disputants altlriuittive Dr. J. G. Zero,
negative Frank U. Knlpe, critlo Henry
C'aiuebtll, On motion, adjourned.
J. W..Kooss, Pres't.
F. C. Knlpe, Sec'y.
Miui. Killed.
On Saturday ovenlng, two men in
search of employment, wero walking
on the Lehigh Valley Railroad a slioit
distance below Redliigtou, Tho men
were deeply engaged In conversation,
and Old no", np'.lcu that a train was ap
proaching from behind. When tho
tralo was within a few fejtX of them.
ono stpppeiTTo light a pipe, and while
that -eiiEdged the eliulno struck and
killed him Instantly. Ills paitner wan
standing on ono sTle, and weaned with
n few Injuries. Mornlnj Herald.
Fited, tlledreM Scull lt I'allller.
OiiHor the best painters of the pres
ent day, Is Thomas Ka-il, of Hid Royi 1
Academy of Arts. Two of his resent
pictures havo Just been bnuglit by par
ties In Paris, fur about $10,000 In gold.
Pioof engravings of these paintings,
soil on Z?ro:idway, N. Y., for 30 each.
What seems a wo'-der of art, is the
fact that T. Dm Witt Talnmgo's paper,
The Christian at Work, Is furnished
with Inrgu Chromns of both of these
paintings, for $4.25, or wlii ono of
them for $3 13, per year, postage on
pictures prepaid, btmplo copies of the
paper sent free. Office, 103 'Cham
bers, street, N. Y.
The Coal Trnilr.
The following tablo shows tho qnnn
tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad for the week ending
Feb. 28, 1874, and for the year as
compared witli the same time last year:
From Week. Year.
Wyoming.... 24,r00 13 240,107 07
Hazleton 25,025 00 333,035 09
Up. Lehigh.. 28 17 1,351 12
Bea.Meadow.. 11,181 C2 123,4110 03
Malii.noy 4,021 04 C5J54 12
Mauch Chunk 88 10
Total 05,008 10 703,005 02
Last Year.... 03,183 10 751,237 CO
Increase 2,485 00 12,437 10
930,000 far $1.00.
The Grand Gift (7onocrt now being
operated at Cotlnno, Utah, to which we
called the attention of our readers u
short time since, is meeting with great
success. Tho prlco of tickets (only
ono dollar) nnd tho munificence of the
prizes, together with the well known
Integrity and responsibllty of tho man
agemeut, uro the causes to whloh
this Is attributed. Now is tho time to
secure a fortune for one dollar. Their
advertisement appears In another col
umn. m
The Ileslgnatlnn.
To Ihs Editor of The Cariijn Advocatc:
Silt, In your last issue you state
that some exceptions wero taken to my
rport of tlo meeting to consider the
acceptance or rejection of Rev. Mason's
resignation, as furnished you tuu week
previous. With respect to those excep
tions, allow me to say a word or two,
and I can assure you tdoy will bo the
last I shall hitvu to say on the subject
under any circumstances 1 havo no
ambition to become a party to the dif
ferences that unhappily exist between
the pastor and members of tlm Presby
terian church. I did not report their
meeting In tho Interest of either party,
and I 011 honestly assert the same with
respect to what I now write. I furn
ished you what 1 considered an Impar
tial report, without going into detail I
said little where much might have been
stid In order to save wrangling thro'
tho press. It would only ten! to com
plicate matters, and accompli, h no good.
What I have previously said with res
ptjet to the majority vote ntthemeoting,
I see no reason to take back, Mr, M's
statement to the contrary notwithstand
ing. This Is ono of the questions that
will, no doubt, bo settled by the proper
body next Monday. With respect to
the proxy, I have only to say that it
seemed to have been the general im
pression Hint such votes would not bn
allowed., Tills Is evidenced by the fact
that it was only nt the last moment, a
dernier resoit, and lam sail. fled tliat
the refusal of the opposing proxy voivs
rested upon tho merest technicality, un
evidence of weakness rather than of
strength, '1 his Is my view.
Now, a wurdor two moro and I havo
done. Siime surprUe hits been exrr- ss
ed at my casting my vote for accepting.
This Is my explanation; I have always
beirv anxious for the We If uro of the
Presbyterian church, lis much so as any
man either hi or out of it j my voting
had nothing personal In It, not tho least.
Tliere Is 110 doiibi but that the church
is In a very disturbed condition, and
whether tlu Rev. II. F. Mason Is res
ponsible for the whole or nny part of It
Is a matter of little consequence ; if tho
cliurch is not actually going back, It Is
at lea-t at a stand still, nnd whether he
will ever be able to uuitu cr build up
the church is very doubtful. Tills is
why 1 voted as I did. Again, why tho
rev. gentleman should tuder his resig
nation, uml then consider all who voted
for Its uc;eptanco as opposed to lilm, Is
entirely beyond my comprehension.
Youit Uktuhteu.
Lehighton, March 4, 1874.
Surprise I' arty.
To the Editor ot Ti iUkdoi Ai.tvcur;
Sm, There was quite an Interesting"
gathering of a number of the friends of
Rc-v. Mr., and Mrs. Swindell?, at the
parsonage of the M. E. church, Wed
nesday evening. They took advantage
ot the rev. genlleuiiui'd absence, and
entered his. house, and upon his return
they very politely informed him that
they had. taken possession of their pro
pel ty, and him also for I lie tliuo Mug,
and that the morn quietly he submitted
to thn powers that now be, the better
It would be for him. After a few mo
ments of social entertainment in the
parlor, all parlies were requested to
oLtertbo dining room, where they found
n la'ilo gioinlng v.n'li-r tlo weight of
goot lhns rulculatid to refresh tho
Inner man, which fioy all proceeded to
partake of, nnd from the manner in
which the delicacies dls.tppeaied they
wore highly appreciated by all more
especially can this be said of "Silver
Grey," as tho eatables disappeared be
lore him llkoiuw-f!akes under a meri
dian sun, In fact he was caught roguish
ly purloining a piece of cold ham from
a lady's phUe I After all parties were
thoroughly satisfied, they returned to
the parlor, nnd there enjoyed a rich
treat In tho shape of vocal and Instru
mental music, the Pastor's wife pres
dlng nt the organ which by the way
Is one of magiiillccnt tone. The pastor
In n few rental ks, then very kindly
re tin tied his llianksln thens'embly and
n-ked that all would Join In singing that
beautiful livmn (Come ye that love
the Lord) which was heaitly respon
ded toj they nil then nutted with lilm
In piaycf, after which the Pastor and
wife wero requested to walk Into the
sitting room, where one of the gen
tleman in 'a tew lemarks Informed lilm
of the objector their visit, and formally
niesented to his wife as a mark of es
teem fioin the ladles ull the articles
which were snread unon a tailo beforo
them, consisting of fruit and cake stands
vases, thimble, table colths, napkins,
handkerclilef.dre-snattenis, bookmarks,
Ac., whereupon the Pastor again re
turned thanks In behalf of his wife and
their laughter. After a few more mo
nients of ;icinl chat, the party reluct-'
nntly illspersei! to their various Homes,
fill leellnt: that they bad spent an eve-
1 Ing that would not soon be forgotten uy
Jarch 5th, 1874. II. W. O.
Special Notices.
Time Tests tho Merits of all Things.
THIRTY YEARS Is certainly long
enough time to prove the efficacy of any
medicine, and that the Palu-Killer Is de
serving of all Its proprietors clahnforit,
Is amply proved by the unparalleled pop
ularity it has attained.' It is a suro and
effective remedy. Itissoldln almost eve
ry country in the world, and it needs only
to be known to be prized, nnd Its reputa
tion ns a Medicine' of Great Virtue, is
fully and permanently established. It
Is the great Family Medicine of the age.
Taken internally, it cures Dyeentery,
Cholera, Diarrheal, CVatr.pand Pain In
the Stomach, Dowel C jinplalnt, Pain
ter's Colic, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
or Indigestion, Sudden Colds, Sore
Throat and Coughs. Taken Extern
ally, It clircs lliulses, Boils, Felons,
Cms, Bums, Scalds, Old Sores nnd
Sprains, Swellings or the Joints, Tooth
ache, Pain in tho Face, fcuralgla nnd
Rheumatism, Chapped Hands, Frost'
Bitten Feet, &e.
Palo Is supposed to bo tho lot of us
poor mortals, as Inevitable ns death, and
liable nt any time to come upon us.
Therefore, It is important that remedial
agents should be at hand to bo Used on
emergency, when wo are made to feel
the excruciating agony of pain, or the
depressing liifluencj of disease. Such
a remedial exists In Perry Davis' "Pain
Killer," the lauiHuf which has exten
di nver all the earth. Amid the eternal
ices of tho Polar regions, or beneath the
iiKulerutilo and burning suns of the
tropics Its virtues are known ami ap
preciated. And by it suffering hum
anity has found relief from many of its
ills. The effect of the Paiu-Klller upon
the patient, when taken internally in
cases of Cough, Cold, Bowel Complaint,
Cholera, Dysentery, and other elections
or tlie system, has been truly wonder
fuj nnd has won for It a naino among
medical preparations that cau never be
forgotten. Its success In removing
pain, as un external remedy, In case of
Burns, Bruises, Soies and Sprains, Cuts,
Slings of Insects, &c and other cau-es
of sulferlng has secured, for it the most
pioiiiiueutpo-ltlon among tho medicine-,
of the day. Beware ot Counterfeits and
worthless Imitations. Call for Perry
Davis' Vegetable Paln-Klller, and take
110 other.
ESold by Druggists nnd Grocers.
March 7-ml
Tnic Worm ! Tape Worm !
Tm; Wirm remore) In frooi SI to 3 boun with
bsrmleoi Vegetable MeJWne. Tlie worm pal.luf
Irotn thaftrMeui Alht, No fee a-keil until the en
fiittre worm, with hrstl, patten. Medicine hnrin
lexs. can refer tlu-ee utuwted to the rlaer.U of
thii cltj Mhoin 1 htvecurej. At iny oJtoe cut be
n.-eii huntit'li of fpeCluiiiiK, ciesiurlu from i9
to let leut In length. Kitty r cent, or caem of
lAr-puiU sttl dUoruHU.Vlorts of the Mvemre
ciiumm by ktointcli suit oltur worm eil.lin,? Iti
the alimentary centl. Wtrrcw, ut&ea.e of the
mut daiigrroul character, are so little underttCHt
by the media it men uf the (ireMnt dty. Call ani
k In urMnnl and only worux dilruyr, or end
Tor a circular which will lve a full dvirrintlon
and treatuieut uf all kind of worm, enclose 3 cl.
Hauip fr retu-uof the aatne. E. K, Kctuu,
2iM .North Mnlb Street, 1'hllalelphl, I'a.
(Adtlreat oltkeor ty in ill free)
4-SU.M, I'l.N and sTUUACll WOKMS alao
reuioled. Sel't. 6, 173 ly
uticu or Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that at a Court
of Common Pleas In and for the Coun
ty of C'urhon, on the 24th tlay of Jan
uary, A. D. 1871, n petition was pre
sented witli articles of association,
praying for a charter of Incorporation
for tho "Towanenslng Farmers' Fire
Insurance Company," of Mlllpoit,
Caibon County, Pa. Whereupon the
suld Court perused uml examlutd the
same, and ordered that unless sulllcleut
cause bo shown to the contrary on or
before tho next term of ttie said Court,
to be held at Mauch Chunk on the
fourth Monday of March next, the said
charter would be granted In accordance
witli the petltiou and articles of asso
cLitiou. riled In the ollicu of the Pru
tliunutary of said Court.
From the recuidt
W. M. RAPoUER Attorney for Pa.
titloatx, , lobil-iw
N'ntlce lherAtr jrlren thtt the titecntnr; Ad-mlnltr.-itCM,.anu
Uuardlane'bereloaftrr tismta,
here filed their rcpei'tlr account of tho follow.
I it rotate In th- lteKlttr Offlc, at Mauch
Chunk. In and f r the County of Carbon, which
HcOMint liatobteii allowed by Iho Iteiginter. will
Im pnFnted to lti. Judge of the Orphan' Court
on Mondiv. thi23rd dir 'f March uelt, at ten
oVIncIc, A. M., for conf rmallin 1
The First nnd fi'ial account of Mar
garet E Collins, administratrix of Jo
seph Colllus, dee'dt of East Mauch
First nnd final account of Thomas
Kemerer, adtulnlstrator.of Gideon and
Elizabeth Kershner, deceased, of Ma
honing township.
The account of C. R. Eberle admin
istrator of W ll. Eberle, who was the
admlnlstratorof Sarah Eberle, deceased,
late of the.Borough of Mauch Chunk.
hiltr'j Office, Mauh Chunk, feb. It. 171.
In tho matter of the Estatn of
Polly Allender, deceased.
The undersigned Auditor appointed
by the Orphan's Court of Carbon coun
ty to make distribution of thn funds in
the hands of the Administrator of said
Estate, with power to restate and adjust
the .-IdiuiiJ-trator's accounts if neces
saiy. will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment at Ids office, In the Borough
of Mauch Chunk, on Saturday, the 21et
day of March, A. D, 1874, between tho
hours of 10 a. M. and 4 P. m., at which
time, nnd place all parties Interested
may appear If they see proper.
Sob. 31, 1874-w4 Auditor.
Mslguce'K Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that Thomas
S. Beck, of Lehighton, Carbon county,
Pa., nnd Mary, his wife, by doed or
voluntaiy assignment have assigned alt
the estate, real and personal, of the
said Thomas S. Beck to Joseph K.
Wannamacher, of Kteldersvllle, North
ampton county; Pa., in trust, for' the
benefit of the said Thomas S eck.
All persons, therefore, indebted to
the said Thoma? S. Beck, wlll'make
payment to me, the said assignee, at
Kreidersvllle, or to my duly authorized
agent, Thomas S. Beck, at Lehighton,
and those having claims or. demands
will make known the same Within six
weeks from this date.
Aeslgnee of Thoua 6. Deck.
Feb.12, Wl.-8w 4.
Alias Subpoona in Divorce to October
Term, 1873. No. 7. In tho case of
Elizabeth Manuel, by her next friend,
Richard Watkins, versus Thomas Man
uel, In the Court of Common Pleas of
Carbon County:
The Commissioner appointed by the
said Court January 24, 1874, to take
testimony In tho above caso and report
to tho next term of Court, will meetall
parties Interested for the purpose of his
appointment on Monday, March Oth,
1874, at l! o'clock r. m , at the office,
of Albright fc Froyman, "in tho bor
ough ot Mauch Chunk, Pa.
febl4-4w Commissioner.
IOKEVE Poultry Yards,
Eggs for Hatching
From the following varieties of Pure
Bied Land and Water Fowls, at
Dark and Lleht Bra'hmas; Buff, Black,
White and Partridge Cochins ; .Crown
and White Leghorns, White and Silver
Grey Dorklut s; Plymouth Rocks; llou
diinij Black, Red, Earl Derby nnd Pile
Games; Rouen and viylesbury Duc'ks;
Toulouse anil Bremen Geese.
1 warrant nnehalf of each dozen Eggs
to hatch ; If they do not I will replace
them at 50 cts. per dozen. Send stamp
for circular. Eggs sent CO Dlf desired.
Feb. 28-3in Jarlboro, Stark Co., O.
Thniiiauil 11 r Lives anil Million! Of
i'rcpertjr eared by lulnic IBs 4
Safety Kerosene Lamp
TheMlampa are made of bran, and will neter
The burneri hire a Pafetr Tube Attachment
lor the eacaoe of gas, and will nerer eiplodc
The cnlinueja are made or JJIca (or Jting itlaii,
mcilled).and they are the only timp chicane)!
made Hut will not breikny beat or cold.
titifid Chlmnea !nd bampaare uniafe and e
pu'lve tbla la the complaint.
Otr aeieuly.fite million, of UI1.1 Lamp Cbtm.
neyi are broken In I hie c motry every year.
1'ilce of Hand Limpi, complete, with Mica
CbluiueTa, one I'rlce or llronie 1'arlor or
Staud hauips todolUrf. sent to any part of
the Uulted Main by euro-i ou receipt of the
money by matt. 1,000 e-eut wanted to eel) Ibeae
bainpa aud Mlra Chluiueyi in every city aol
tuwu, 10 whom a liberal dluount III be made,
feud for Maple lamp! aud rlrculara tilling all
partlcuUri. They apejk for thamietvei, aod leU
uu sight. AdJreaa
febM l87 Jo.:U0 l-eirl St., New York.
Lehighton, Pa.
AU Institution tor Uotu Hexes,.
Rev, C. KKSHLlSIt, Principal and rrofeaaoe
of Olaablca and thelfiber CogUlb
MRS.M.C. ICtdMSliKn, rrewplrui and
Teacher or 1'aiutlns aud Urawlug
Sill. JOHN M, KlfiSLIiK, A. U. l'ro
feasor of Latin and Ureuk.
MISS K. O. NISAI), Teacher of Mojlc.
WlbSOX IIUUIIIU Aialatant.
I' or .I'arllculjra ayply to C. KK3JLEK, Lcbl(b.
'uoil'a. Oct. II, 1973.
Opposite tho Public Square,
Manufacturer of
Tin 8c Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer in all,kluds ot
tar Roofing, Spouting and Jobblc
promptly aUendod to. tvw, 30.