The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 07, 1874, Image 2

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    II. V. MOirqUMER, tDlTOIl.
' l.EIIiailTO.V, I'A.i
,On of Hrlgliam Young's natilaichs
,1s dead. Thaddeus Afyord, aged 93,
was bom In IlRmjpsJilrc county, Mass.,
removed to New i'ork, was baptized in
presence of Joseph Smith In 1834,
shared hi all the struggles nnd suffer
ings o(f the Mormons, was ordained n
patriarch onu year ago, and died about
ten days ago.
An expedition of one hundred ard
Ifty men anrVtwowagonsleft Bozcm'an,
Montana, on tlio J2th day of February,
provisioned lor tlx month., tnd prepar
ed to explore the corntry between
Bozeman' and the Yt llowstone. Car
penters, blacksmiths, a surveyor, nnd
paw mill went v.ltb the expedition, and
,tbe purpose la to lay the foundation of
ii tbwu nt the bead of Yellowstone
A coirospoddent writing from Ne
braska nays tbi re Is not tho slightest
danger from It.dltns there. The fron
tier where .tho Indians may still do
mischief Is far beyond. Fort Kearney
li now Keaipey City, the centro of a
weil-settjed eountry, and tho military
are no jonger needed there. On Tues
day last a meeting of O nalia merchants
was held, and resolutions passed declar
ing that there was not the slightest In
dication of a general uprising of tho
Indian tribes.
The public debt on ularph 1 was $2,
04,580,043,11, Jess JlSQ.'
cash In Treasury. Tho cash in the
Treasury consists of 183,588,222,12
gold. .,727,754,03 currency, nnd $50,
390,00$ 5pecialdeposltch'eil for rcdemp.
tlon of certificates of deposits. The
debt was leJuced during' the month of
February to the amounf of 12,51)0049,.
45, which reduces the Increase since
June 80, 187? to $7,001,353.3!. The'
amount or t.icinc itatlroaj bonds out
standing is $j4.G2S,5 12, on which Jp40,
238,12 inlerest Is yet due. The United
States has' paid Interest on these bonds
by Iransportlon of malls, fcc, $5,034,
5i7,01, making a bal.mce'of $7,352,
344,01 Interest stljl due fho United
The March numberpf Wood's Houe
iqM Magazine W n rapltal one. It
opens with an interest jng story entitled.
"TtVe Guiding JJaml." by Mrs. II. G
Howe; folovylng 'this Joseph Snider
gives his "Experience in the City," an
article which for Its simple tiuththe
youlh of the land Mioukl reai to th,elr
jirpflt-, "Jy Trayer" U no a religious
tketch as one would suppose from tjio
Jitje, but Is a rnosf touching Btory told
Jn the sincere manner and rough speech
of a railroad hand. "The Weekly
diabolical," byKai'lKaspalmsa'sharp
nnd timely blow' at sensational liter
ure. "'1 he Kaiser Frederick" is one
of Mary Harwell's entertaining stories.
IJn the'lnt'tallmentor "Misery Jippcau,"
)I. V. Osborne raps the knuckles of the
lashjonable clergyman, and builes
Vnny Poit from sight. There are sevc.
ral other articles of merit,' and some
rholce poetry. The Magazine contains
six llla'trattons, including a fine design
for a Country fclio il-House. Terms
only one dollar a year lth chroiuo
Voenilte one'dollar and a half. Sub
tcrlptlon may begin with any number.
Address, Wood's Houseliol'd'Magazliie,
Newburgb, N. Y.
The English Cunul-Geaeral at Zan
rlbar, Mr Fildeaiix, lu a despatch
dajed, Jau. 13, says that the lumnrsol
I.vlngstoue'H death were confirn ol
cm Jan.' 3 by letters nteived from
Lieut. Cameron, the l.tte't of nhleh
was tent from Unyanyembo Oct. 22,
1873. The toiy of tin? eieat traveller'ti
decease was told, by his servant 'hu
wah to Lieut. Cair.eron. Cliutnah said
that after marching for f-omo days
through an extremely marshy country,
in which tcmellmes for th'ree hours at a
time, the witer stood above the wal.-ts
of the traveller, tho Doctor succumbed
to an attack of dysentiry, which carried
Mm off after an lilt, on of ten cj fifteen
days. During lids trying Journey two
of Ids men died a'nl several deserted.
The remainder, seventy-nine In num.
bcr, dhembowelled the corpse and em
balmed It, as well as they were able,
with salt at.d binndy. Qp Hearing
Xlujanyerobe, Chumah, with a few
nthers, started ahead In order to pro
cure 6tipplle, as the party was neirly
fctarvlug; and the remainder, with tl.e
body, were ri ported to be distant from
ten to twenty ctny'b march from Uny
uoyembe at the date of Lliut. Camer
on's letter. Ja'id bin Jalim, the Arab
Goveoor of f'lijanyembe, says that Dr.
Llvlngtonf died al LobUs, further to
the eastward than Lieut. Cuuieron nun
jid. An old resident of Zanzibar,
writing borne to England, throws dls
credit oo U whole btorvi
"it In mirely au ltse-dlxlt. and.
nnifcs Uioe U Jullar lofuroutloa at'the
Consulate than X possess, I think that
lllrt filet Is VpVe ftilllhf lilt. Tt rtiw uom
very strange that negroes should of
their own, acror'd carry ft dead body for
COO'inllvs toUnyanyeinhe. Wliere were
iiipy 10 net me pan mm me uraniy to
pVesefve the body wlth7 In so far ns
uiy'lnf.irnintlnn goes, 1 think the case
is very nuuious.
It would be curious If Llvlncstono
should turn out to be alive after all.-
A IMUIc Woman's IMuck.
The lollowlmp, wlilch wo clip from
n N. Y. exchange, In regard to school
discipline, Is what our friend Itenshaw
would pronounce a "good thing," nnd
as we think so too, wo give It to our
The rjeasantvlllrt public school has
been decidedly .unpleasant to somo of
the overgrown male pupils. On the 1st
of January Miss Grace Udell, a young
lady of superior attainments, wnsinadu
principal vif tho school, vice a male,
who wanted ninrn pay. Two of the
youngsters becan their inetibiirdinalion
ly writing oAViimvo words on their
slates and passing them over to I'm
younger pupil. Miss Udell, catching
one of the boys at this trick, raised hlin
out of his eat. nnd made lit m nn exam
ple. Sim shook him utitlll his lectli
chattered nnd than led litui to tlie stair
case. There the yquth ntte'uipted to
exeit his rising manhood, but beloro he
iniild do anything something dropped
nt the foot of the stairs. Another un
ruly rustoiner timk" it into liis head that
no "schoid marin" should belifs"itiler.
lie offered an insult to one of tho young
girls, and wits soundly punished by
Miss Udell," and nlferwants expelled
from the si hod. lie was soon loltowil
by njjother nmbl'tiQti'3 youth. 'Afler
this experience tlio'lilg bojs were tame
fur utyiut a week. Then one of them
made a final effort to settle I ho questioii
of superiority by refuslrjg'to nbidu by
the'fules of tho'sehoul. 'lolil by tho
teacher to go out, lie dared her to pnt
him out. ''ho jotl took nbout 11 tntuti'to
and a ipuarter. Fmiii'thu bottom ot tho
stairs he cast a defiant glanco nt MUs
Udell and applied an liiiiiltlng ep
ithet to her. She forthwith had him
nrre-ted and hu was lined $4, and ex
pelled from the school.
Tho rebellious boys nro mainly
the promising children of wealthy
parents. The latter, taking sides with
their Interesting progeny, moved for
tho dismissal of Jiss Udell, but as
the trustees anil a majority of the people
approved their teacher's course, bhu is
likely to remain master of the situation.
"Sua" on Senator Morton.
The N. Y. Sun thus talks of Senator
Morton in regard to Ids taunts of Mr.
&hurz. In his sneech a few ilnvs kIuciv
wherein he casts reflection upop the lat
ter gentleman's nationality;
Usually the Senator from Indiana
keeps a cool head, and does not ellow
himself to losn Ids balance, lint the
exposures of his inconsistency on the
fllinnplnl .nllUvtlin nn.l ntlm-lnll.. ..f ,1...
arcutuent'for lllllntion. lit- Mr. Kr-lmr? I
the other Aav. ivtrn'tnn tnnM. i.ta
eiiunnlmlty. He copld not ans-,ver the
facts of his adversary, he was
to contend with ti reasoning, ami
therefore ho 'got Into a passion and
taiiited'Mr; Semirz. with lieing aGerm-
atl aild l.Ot Ulllll rsttlllHInrr ln.tOi.
lions. '
iown passion H not the best condl
(Ion of mind for a leading stntesi'nan
llir. I. no ..l...tA .1. .... -1
"..w Mt.ii pnifciittiu lllnif;il!1 Ull (11(1
I're-ldency. And It is not the pa.rt of
wlilnn, f, lcaII ... n. ..11
l VICIIIIdll iriuiw
citizens for Ignorance, or to question
tho motives ot nni who has done hon
or to the land of his birth, since ho has
acquired by olunlaiy adopted the
rii'lit. il ......nil.. !..wi. .'r...
native born In out publlo affairs.
Leaders like Mr. Morton find tho
Germans very good,ilntelllgeiit, qud wor-
'J i'm H" iiirjf i:ujaeill lu irnill 111
H)-lr company, to vote their regular
ticket, nud to swallow whatever they
prescribe without' making lint
ii.unnn a. , In... ii v.. I.. l.i..,. r.'.. .1....'..
selves," to turn tinir backs on fraud
win vi'iiuuiiuii, in it, riaiiu niuepeu
deuce of party, (hen they are stupid,
twin., nun uiivv tiu ituuwieue or
lit niiiir.ii ...I yt- If 1 . A.
w. 11111:11 t,, .UUII IllUb UUtVIl
from his h'gh horse the next day, afii r
Kli.ntiiir iiiitnt tl n .l 1. ....c.ll.l.t
w..,.... , . MIU P.I .ICflllll 111 IU3-IUIU
consequences, ho did not mean to relleet
upon Mjt. Schuiz's nationality. Oh!
Ki'iiniiuy 1101. 11 was an sum in u
1'ickwickkui se.tisv. Coiisldeiing Hit
lllllllllr .1, n.,...n.tA l.i ..I
Dther WVbti'in btates, lie riMly Jovcl
uiub me", nm aiyuotiy whoever tiouot-
tJ that t.lOt mil hflVM ktrniDulL'tuLmi.
j4I,L.(J lJo
utTatoixl hlin, Wcauw Iftlhrow.iH no
u.mtii no wunitM iiieir voles.
IVrhapi thU sort of ijiuckcry may
pas mustiT with tho e who want to bo
rllflltVll llllf If ti-fll III.
tlie iiias of (JtTinan.s ur otl er ntlipttil
viiiAuuN who navo uecn uti t il UiHr
fill tlfHinnrx liti tb oi.ti.o ). .. .1. .......
tiuu, 11 nd resenimeiit nt insult and
1.1...1.. . .
ijusiiuu iihs luuen 1110 puce ol no
oa.raj.ed patlenov.
Ctirrunt I'ems.
It is said that the Hon John Morrlj.
sey Is candldato for Police Commis
sioner. If appointed, he would luve
the mlvaiUage of knowing how to tiud
Ihe gauiblnn: houses.
Mls Atbey L. Merrlani, daughter of
the publlslin of Webster's Uivltmi try,
and u resident o( Spriu.tield, Mass!,
coiiiuntted euiclde Wednesdiiy by Jump,
iuglioiu a tourth story window of a
water cure establishment lu Madison
avenue, while laboiiiig under a lit ot
tempo'iy insanity.
It Is' wgucsted that the Centennial
celebration be spread out allinortlm
country like an ordinary Fouith of
July, ami not confined lu i'lilladelplila.
there is no reason whv ft blmuhi jiBt
bo so. The country Is wiilo add great,
and Oregon ha, us coud tfljllt to cele
biato iislVinujlvuiitaoi jYeiV E.iglaiid,
tor the li-rdy pioneers ot tlw West in
cludu many debce!:dants of th( uieu of
'78. Let the rejoicings uiid the tun be
national, 'nud uut crumped un.'-'-Bo.D't
lion. Robert Fowler, ex-State Trea
surer of Maryland, ft member of the
House In the present L"gMalur finm
llaltlmore oiinty, pud one of tliu most
Influential citizens of tint Sta'e, died
Wednesday night nt twelve n'click, of
pneumonia, nt llaruiiiii's Hotel, ' Ho
had been sick nbout three weeks. Th"
decensid was n member qf th.e liruif
Zelgler & Fowler.
llarihbug, March 4 Tho Investi
gating Committee of the House made a
report implicating Dlinmlck and J.
Mniiioe letter In tbenttempt to obtain
money fiom the banks. No persona
named either Gibbon or Snumb rs could
bo found, who had any knowledge of
patUclpatiug in tho scliums.
llnffalo, Mnreh 3rd Dr. J, 1?.
White, ex-President Killmoio's family
physician, reports, nt 9 o'clock to-night,
no clinugo In the lati r's condlMon'I He
f.iys that while the v. hole bo,iy Is' com
pletely paralyzed ihe ex-l'(eslil,ent's
mind Is clear. Ho can nitlrulatu dls.
tlnct'ly, although witli an elloit. Ho
ean eat and fully appreciate his con
dition. Thuiloctor thinks there U hnpu
of ids being able to weather tho attack.
California legislators tire retrenching
by cutting down tho salaries of State
otlleers of the Executlvu Dopaitnient.
The Treasurer Is to iiavo only $8.20,
and the lttorney General less thnu $10
per day. A good deal inoro won H be
tO,ved to the fjtiitu ' If ll;e legislators
were to cut down their own ext'iava
g Hit compensation of $10 per day, In
cluding Sunday, with mileage allowance
nnd stnt I mery.
Shortly before midnight on Saturday,
James liroun ejideavoreil to force ins
ny Into thii hijusiiof .ludrew Updyke,
Woodruff stro'el', Trenton. He was
met at the door Ijy Mr. Updyke, who
vnrned him a way. ' This Incensed
lirown, who took a run mid jumped
through the window. Wldh; he w,s
struggling to pas tirouyl(, Up()tke
dealt him a cru-lniia blow with nil axe.
lirown Ml hack pncoiisclous. Updyke
went to the ppliJo sl.ftlon, and (illlcer"
were M'lit for Uiown. He was loiuid
und'.-r the window It) n pmil of blond'
He' was taUeu jo the l'ollcu HeadiUar
ters, and Dr. J.nlur stopped the How of
blood. Up lyki was locked up. Unnyn
is alive, but his recovery Is iinpo-hlble.
The brain Is crushed, and the scalp
terribly I iceiatoil. Updykelii w'.dovv
er, with t-Ao htt'u chiblron, noil has tho
reputation of 11 'quiet.' indiMrious'iiian.
liiMAii is known as one of the worst men
in Trenton.
New Advertisements.
The undersigned having more Hog
Feed than will supply hli Town stock,
will take about Thirty Shoats to Fied
at Five C'eits per Day, If application Is
made soon. I'UTElt LAUX.
Lehlghton, March 7-Uw
TTOTJC K. Notice is hereby gl vpn ,
thr,t I havo leael to IlnuBiian &
Kuhns, one Ice Cieam Freezer and Ma
chine, Fiiteen Tin Cans, Filteen Tutu
and Apiuiratus complete. All person)
are noiilied not to toucl) the bauiu c,i It
remains my ptoperiyi
March 7, 1874-w3
rjlo Uuildcrsi ccCunti actot's.
Will be received by the undersigned up
till Thursday, the IStli Maieh Instant,
foi the Election and Completion of a
in Mauch t'iunk, In compliance with
l'lans nnd Speciticallous on file lu Ids
Olllce. In Allentown, P.i., or they may
be seen ii the Droadyay Hou-e, Mauch
Chunk, on TuevJay, u 10 h Inst.
J. 110YU HEN'IU, Architect,
ill .V. 7th St., Allentown. Pa.
March 7th, 1674. '
Let Ev$ry Family Road This !
Useful to every Man, Woman & 'Child.
720 Broadway, New York,
Useful American Inventions
Will f.irwurl, pnp ill, hr mill, MiTrf tlm fot.
1I1B illrlrn, m i;lt ofprlru lined fTr
nneir hl.S-,hy thrir l-ibir-ailnr quallUe. I lie
U'.y,rorl tho ii..ulU prixlii vJ.nul lt Intiin
ne ourih, l I repay itico.t Wly lliue onr Ij a
tlDla luuutu.
, Xi trrc. .
Tut ncitaLta Alarm Hili With attarh
in. nt, t-ir vrhlcli liiitaut nor Ire It ghrn i.f
ruit at uiitry nt 3 CO
Tin i'ritiix lii'tTos.'iiai renin Supr
lir t ait, tiling of tlie kintl ver i;ct up . S3
TH(itiis'a Iitt iriimn Ci.nsts liW nt um nfa'wp an wur . . M
b'O naeuE KirncraR Jteinorei
iriaMh iiiil, illtt or l.iliinlnjitaully,auil
ilo.-a uut mill ihj an'i.t atU 35
KikmimOii. IticTirnxa l'owiica. JUml
ra k ruMiU atit-iluUlj iwn-rxploiief, 'a4ta
KrJKiii ui t-uiiiiej. iriiiu Unat, auj r
f.cta 'artfi, t4viuj lu couaJa)tu , , ,
T'T Srincti Exuii ain.i tu uiu.t cl.
' Atitgioaa Ij lluru, ab co. I ifa limr nulk-
, tftf
Tat KMMIa KMrc euLlllua t'orrlainln;
kultro auj rjrka p,rivcilyi wiij-uut laimr,
Titcir Vt urate I'ma i Sucia Kauri
01 abo.'aiifil . ,
.OKr.T itntr I'll save ynu-a-lf Irou'.lj
auU ttiucUllJren lil. SImjIjIU'., perdf,
An Iiuuioiii, cuu,6ninc . . . t .
Wtu.ica' l'xr, Metros hue
Tlio iaatHfrrit er li,tiiittl . , . .
T.ii.NtTjptl'iElcvtSrivr. Canl.'J nmh,
prNi.t, It irliw-tUu garniii.taau t4iit
auj 0 odor
avTHK sum:iiK;i's FiiiKu.-ca
The Eclectic Salve!!
Tbla irroat r-intdr, pr. "r,l lijr an uld and e.
perlncwJpU)! I, , .a l aill turn
lor tutu c.iMa, tiiltf., aolt n.rrclliiu.. Ilea and
all t!o.'il ruUDiuaa dlMiiwa. 'fli rell.r trout
piin l iiik'auunoiiua and a cwtat'-i rurv rll ..
t.ry filul y iIijuij Uit tlila pii n.t l LuoJ,
ntjvui. uug IL,ui,r wl.l u, wiibUl ti.
1 1 ftiu ujx, vivrv ckvr.i. '
Uddrxa, O. W'llII0eK,4. CO. .
uuirtiull Kt OriBJway, York.
New A.173 rtisments.
O.M TII1.G Mffl,
Tho itiideirlfned rfSpectfitllV an
tiruuees lolils fietnls and llio citliena
or I.iJilflitun and vicinity, jlhat he has
opened the mom recently occupied by
"The Caibon Advocate" office, on
nnkay, Ililliioii, ia..
As a Shop for tho
Cine-Seated Chairs, Sofas and Loutices
re-lioltouied, painted and thoroughly
lepalreil j
and, lu fact, Impairs of kinds of Furni
ture neatly and piomptly attended to
at leiiMiiialde chaises. Paironago U
respectfully hollclted.
1:. ij. itiionr.s.
Lehlgliton, Maicli 7, 1874-tf
Of Weissporfc,
Reppectfully Informs tho Ladles of this
vicinity that site Is now prepared to
Make Up
Hair Switches,
nt short notice nnd nt the lowest prices.
SI10 Is also now opening a new and ele
gant assortment of
Sec , apd respectfully Invites an lnp?e
tlon of them iij the Lad.e-. All woik
will lie done In tho inur-t fashionable
and Mibitautlal manner, and nt prices
which are bound to btiit every one.
JlTirch 7lli, 1874
Rt Iha atiltinr of'Mjlit Srenr. In tho nil I," and
Our rnther'a lloua-," "f wtilor) tti-arly 2'noK)
luti-liifn - ilouid l.lfj" Is rutiimjrd-d ly
llltll.Lr. It Mil fthllr.'llUtf Hh. -Illlw.. I rtjt
lnok," "lull rr pwiW,! tlioi) rni."' - i'rulha pro.
rl'iu, as Bums," it cb.lrt toklr mery fimily,".
oir eiiRnuiiicn, rnsd Ultlel pip.r, rich
l.iU.lllllf. Htld fur nn.i.uL.1 .111- .'I'j
VllV.NU JIK.N, LAlllW. TKACII.ill.S and GLWl!
UV.Mi:.t, iMint.1 In oierycoii. tj 1 J75 tuJIOj per
uiuiiiu. cnuu iur tiu'uiar
mat7iu3 61S Ar.b St , Vlulada.pnU. I'a.
M Aorth taHt i-ornvr or
l'lluileli(:iln, . . . . I'euu'n.
J KtVlv f CII.MI tIT, l'roprlator.
Ai) Supi-rlor accornmodititns far trarelers at
inodiirulu ilura. I'arllua t;itlu Ilia rily rnmi
Una l) am peclally Intllud 1 1 luukd me i.u
Mih Valloy Uuu afippluj place. iur. 7
'J " " 1 "" - -in- ir i irrf.LMnn
Moinlnj, Bcc, 1st, 1S73!
SednctiQiis Prices
My entire Stock Marked Down now
Is the lime to lluy I
Ladies, Look a This!
est ShlllhiR Calicoes are now
SfllhiK at 10 Cents
Oood Calicoes at 8 "
tiood Muslin nt 12 ami 14 "
Mucins at 8 and 10 "
(iood Canton Flannel at 13 "
llettcr " " nt IS .
TAt GliiRliain, sold before ut
IS cents, now 10 "
Good Ulnghaiiis at 8 and 13
I would call special attention to my
la,rgu lot of
Heavy Winter Shawls
W'ldeh 1 nni Selling nt very Low Trices.
Carpets unit Oil Cloths,
Are SellliiR Very Tow :
Best A Sugar at 1315 Cents.
White Sujrar at 11 "
iiouti biih' ir at 7 lo 10 "
4nd all other Goods in Propoithn.
w. a.aver,
r.Riunirro.v, ....
miiji am) ruuo.
Ohfirles Trainer
Itespcctfully informs tlio peoplo of Lo
lilgliton tlat hu has ino-t Excellent
riour nir Sale ;
AIo, rooiI FEEli of all kinds, and
STRAW In the, iJuudle. Ho Is alo
iieii,iied to do any kind of
Hauling anf4 Plowing
at bhort notice.
I.EIilGlI (2d) STHEET,
radilKhton, l'a. ' March 2S-ly
N. 1CLOTZ, l'JI,Ol"It, Mill, Cobou Co., Pn,
- Ue-t or Atrcominodailcoi. Kxcaheot ra
tauraut. wqdfriiiu. U.LVd. ttatituf atu.U.d
Taruu luoddratf .
Now Adverlfsemonts.
New York Day-Book.
A DtMoeTio ftmr. Ea'tahllahrd 18S0. It
mpporl" lri( Suprtmacy. pill-leal and aocla'.
iirin. cpr jear. primfi, roplel Irea. Ail
draa I) iV-II )OK, Nw Yo!kCltyr
Wood's Household IVagaino
The Itot Doltar niontlily.
$5 tO SrStS
14x'4ll Inclica, In 17 Oil Coluia.
Manrlnt, I jir, wtlh Mnttnttd Chrncin, ti 00
-mkiziih., 1 )ar, win, unruourjltiiuuroiao, I 10
.M11C.I1H', aleiii', 1 ar, ... 10)
Klamltto our Chil.Wn,- arid Premium I.ttta.
'l'Tt Flral-clnaa Prjrlnillrnla fnr
ine price ni one, l aullclt Kxprrl--l;enl
CanvnaaeiK and cthi-ra to mild nc
linen iur luruiaitlid riHjjImfti .M.ciilTir. Ad'
dtoaa n. i:.nllll-KS, i-uMlnUer,
41 I'ark ltow, Y. Cltj, or Ntwlwrgb, N V,
And Insect.Powder
Hats, Mice
Moth., A-3
, Itoachos, Ants. Iled-Ilucs.
J. F.. 1IE2IKY, CUJtftAN
1 ., ooie Aiieuts.
Writ, lo 1'. V. SMITH i CO.. Atlaatlc Mill.,
Ilr-jnklvil. M. 1 . miiiifitiirranl lh. fv..1i.rf
Vlilt Wheat, forthelr pimpb,et(aeiit Ir'ti)
01. I' ljiula, Miih imp ,rt,. loxirnota rmui Ui-it),
tfwii.-.B'j.', anu ciuur riftiilsir. Head it and t-ate
juur iiraiut auu money. Ib.2l w4
For the bonallt of tbo
31st or Mnrcli Xcxt.
60,000 Tickets 12,000 Gifts
03 B OltAMI CASH OlFr'.....'. JM0II0O
1IIOASI1 OIFlS,'ilU,O00w,ch Ill MOO
au CAjII OIFI'S, 6,000 tticli 15U,CW
tl) HASH (llFI'.s, l,u00aich 611.OOO
81) CAfll OlFTS, ftUO.ach 1U0JU
Jitu l.'ASlj illlT.-, 00aoh 41,1.00
150 OAtll OIFIV, 30Jach ISOOO
210 CASH fllFr.-, SWeacU' SOC03
:iJ5 CASH ttlFTi), lOOwrh 325.0
ll.O.U CAclI OiFI'S, 50(.ath 650,000
Total, 12,001 (lifts, all Calti, timount-
I'M x - .'st.tOO.OOO;
aa-TliH cmort and 1tnti ILutlon of Ifla will
ptu1irtl!anduaf,mt(KuUtHln 'fure i-n the ijy
tntwji-riU Hbulliur all IIiq Itckela arp Mild Or not,
and lite lSUAItirti all (uld lu protortlau to the
uutuL.irol llcne tod,
V'hol Tickets til; Ilalrrn, $M; Tenth!, or
earu ouupifi. .1utu Vboli llckata fur $500.
nd lor Llrcnlii,
Tim llinu fur Hut drawing U rioir at hand, and
pi-ranui liitaiidlnif tu jidrihaaa tivkata hav uo
tllUO tU lOM.'.
Agrnt I'uMtc LitrarT Kv.,A?d MittiagtrUirt Con
cert, futllo Ulrarj'lluildlng, Lnuliville, Kr.,
Entern Agnnta, COO llroadwuy, Naw'Yprk.
fti to fR9n P' i!t'1 K'' wantrd.
qjU LU PU All cha or working po
lta of either frex. )nunz or old. make more money
at work rr ua In their apare momenta, or all tlie
time, than at any Inline elae. l.irticutar trae.
AiUrewll STiSiON & CO., l'.irltand, Milne.
Te Qrpat Discovery of the Ag !
Curv wllbuit pilnor lne m?en!fnc tuliiri
It U a t" iillwritlve and nervou Niltllw. It
ruxtoreg the L;. kn d wa nrtous n tm ; Ue
nirtyy od Rtr-nnUi; cures without pain or mt
1itI4 tu tbo littltrnt. bdiid for pip-r'na'Oplvm
tull lit.'. I'.O.MW.
Ur; ! A Ij. MrcUer, Xportn, litdUm,
V Haw tith-r ix taiy fnAciute nud tb
loia and ttlftfcllutit, uf uii)' porrou tliey cboo Id
iiantly,' 1 his uibiiUl ncfjuirement all'cuu
jHifUcFi, frtf;. tit uiiil, lur 25 cviiu; ttrgtlbur with
a Matriago UuUif, iJjjypthu Onu-le, Dre.uit,
Jllutt li Ud x. A jUvH-r book. 1W.WJ .void.
Adiireha T. WILLIAM ACQ., l'uU.t adclphU.
to StOO In Wall street tlten tAio
a.uriutitt. NorUU, 3Jrse ptmj.hlrt
lor slaniD. Yalentim 'ItMuaiDut t
Co, lUuktr and UnAen, 3tf Wall ktrt,N. Y.
"Telssport Aiieuu;
Tho i:niler.!fnc( would resrfclfully
InCorin buililtTh.ROiitravtorii anc tho pub
llo hi geucral, that they havo opened a
In coiiiiecllon with their
Near the L. . S. nepoj,
snil that they have roxx on hauO an Ira
nit'iiso stock of .horoughly Seasoned
Lumber, sut'.li aa
Kougli 1'liiu UoariH,
Surfaci'tl lln boards,
. Flooring, Hemlock and l'ine,
tildliius, of all klndii,
till null's an Immense stock,
- Itootliii; and Celling Lath,
and, u fact, Luiulier of every descrip
tion at th'i'vVry louv-t market prlcei. '
We aro alo prepared to Build
ers and othern with a very line article of
S ti 11 l . suitable for ittiihoury
Work. I'litstt rliirV. &s , at lte-
inarkably Low Kigiui'i.
W'q constai.tly on hand a larpa
lot of Wood rsultiiblo for Kire.votvt,
jvlllt:li wu will ijt;!!, 111 lurne or aiuall'
ijiiautitluj, atTricei to unit your rockets
Oca' CjUnt-low ritl(j:s.
Ycakol & Albright
aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pa
fhe Deatty & Vlottt ctlebtated Ooli.
en jrongua
U acki)0led(red by profeastors of musla
and celebrated orsanlstj to bo tho lead
lug Tarlor Oigan flow In use. Teitl-,
monlali and cards of honor are constant
ly being recdyed In favor of them. W
anpend a few jwid wish you to read
tbem :
Anthony, N. J.. Jan. 25, 1873.
Jertrs Ueat y &PlotU, GenU Your
Organ, sold me, gives entire satisfaction.
II iM auty.of tone and style of .workman
hhlp are ehlQin If ever surpassed. WUb
Ing you nieces In your b.uilneJB, 1 am,
ttlth icpect, Prof. M. II. IIkatty..
Shamokin, Pa.. Feb. J 1, 1874.
I have one or Jleatty & PlolW Golden
Tongue Organs. It I- an eccjlent In
struinent, line lono and full power. J
like it better ihan any I have beard.
M. II. Hawk?,, M. D,
LACrtY's Stat'n, Pa., Jan. 87, 1874.
1 havo had lieatty & PlottV Orgn
fit co august 14th, 1873; It gives tha
highest satkfaetlon, and has proved all
that it was recommended by the prop'ri,
Jon IlKNltY.
Slatinoton, Pa., Feb. 6, 1874.
Beatty & PlotU" Parlor Organ I like'
better plan the Stand ird, and 1 give
better satisfaction, as I And In my trar
ils. Prof. Fn. V. JJatbh.
Sr. Clair, Ta., Ilec. 6th, 1873.
Messrs. Beatty fc Plotts, QeijU I
have received tho Organ, as sent by yonr
firm to me, and j have had it examined,
and It gives ample satisfaction..
lion. John Sinet.
Maiianoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1873,
The Beatty & P.otta celeorated Gold
en Tosgue Parlpr Organ Is by far the
be.-t Parlor Organ In use. I have care,
fully examined It, apd find 1U tone,
woikniauship and durability to'ba tlir
best I ever saw, and I can with pleasure
recommend It to any In want of a first,
class parlor organ. Prof. O. II. Umowi.
Messrs. Beatty Plotts, of Wishing,
ton, N. J., aro gentlemen of cqterprfie,
and whoso presence would, be a credit
to ailV COIIllllUllltv.ritnr-lrat,iin W
1 i l v -w n m. ei .
J., Herald, 872.
WAsiiiuqTosi, N. J., Sept. 5, 1878,
To ltobeit Morgan, Posylle ani
tiallllV to ht&tH tllllMllii Inntriimunf nluj
entire eatlafactlon, not only to myself
uui ut.iuiu me teapiien of me seminary
Who are butter Judges.
Kev. A. M. 4,?lit. .
Vo hftv. nffnr nnrpfiil ami i.n.Hu ...
peflmeijt, it Is with pleasure we Intro
duce thp "Golden Tongue," knowlnjr
It llO.S:es9ts IRnllt nrlvnntniva nva-1 all
others manufactured. 7 lie tone exsela
In fulliiesa, pitrity, and the thousands
of testimonials which are being cpn,
htfltlLIV renHivMil. are tlif "np.
eiforts have been eminently successful,
ror particulars aim 1'rif.e LiW, addrce
Feb. 2rjin. Wellington, N. J,
Merchant Tiilor,
And Dealer In
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock'of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths,
unssiuieri-s aim vesiings,ror i(5ll anq
Boys' Wear, which I am prepared to.
Make up to Order In the moat Fashion,
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selected stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
Kd, Pebblo and Grain Leather Boot,
ayd Shoes on hand, or
JIIuvVj, to firmer.
Bats, Caps and Furs;
OX the Latest Styles always oj hand, av
the Lowest Price.
AU0, Agent for the
American & Crovcr It Rakci
Soriog JlacIiiueSa
Only One Price for Everybody.
Jauuary 11, 1873-yl
MtucriCTuaia or
Carriages, Sleighs, BuebIci,
and Try description of
N.arlr on-oille Karl. Dotal, Baak Etraat.
latliton, l'a.
At rcaaooaUa chargai.
W-falroi a;', terjr rap)fuHf Klidtftd, lal
tatlafacJInn tcaarantard.
tab. 7, 18TS. A. BnCKUAK.
Itesptfully annoutices to tho citizeba
of lehlghtuu and vicinity that ho Is
now prepared to. contract for the eree
tViu of dwellings, churches, school.,
houseri, antl other buildings. Also, that
he keeps constantly on hand, si full as
sortmmit of eveiy description" of
lumber I
consisting ot flooring, siding, doors,
saah, b)lnd,i, shutter, moldings, Ac.,
which he is prepared to furnish t tb,
very lowest maikrt rates.
Patrousgo resjioctfully solicited.
Lehlglktoo, M.y 17, 1873, ly ,