ltuiToit. i,i:inoinox, i'A.: SATUlttUY MOKNlXtl I'KMIUAUY 23. 1S7I llctiinvul! Our friends will plcavj Inko iwtlco that tlio oftlce of Tub Caubox Advo c.Tii will bo n moved from lis present location to this building almost illio-tly opposite, belonging In 1 S. Helntzel man, Kso,., on or about tlio lit of March next. l ilnwimWllllIWHI'l.ll'M UillliaBi Tho woman's temperance movement which Is sweeping over tlio West pro mise1 to extend lis Influence to tho Mid dlo and Ka-tein States, and may result in urouslng n gencinl nintiifc.-t.itlon of vonccrii In regard to the evils of Inteir. 1'crance. The Feluunry nuiuUer of the Musical 'Globe, imbflshed by Clins. A. Atkln sou & Co., Llbcity street; Now Yorfei Is on our table. In addittnn to a largo nmoutitof choice reading matter, itcon tains a portrait of P.irepa llosa and live or six pieces of new and popular music. The. stib-ctlptinn price, is only $1.50 a year, nnd all lovers of music should send for it. Tho Metropolitan Catholic Total Ah stinence Union of tho Statu of Now York convened at 1 F, M. Monday, and occupied the entire itftcmoon with busliiessand aulitialuJ di-cusslon. Tr.o Union deprecates the Ohio moe;i.ent, which acts by destroying the supp'y. Tho Union works to destroy tho de mand, by biinglng the appctlto under thu control of sacramental grace. Thu, liaviug totally different tactics in tlio temperance war, it believes that the Ohio crusaders have taken a weak, mis taken position, aud really injure the causa. Nevada Is demanding' more territory, ilia 3,500 square miles which she now possesses apparently not affording her elbow rom. For a while sl.e looked li ng ingly upon Utah, hoping to nboib tl'.at promising embryo State, but has now coucluded to move in the opposite direction. Slio lias recently appeared before tho California Legislature asking for portions of four counties of the latter State, viz : Nevada, El Dorado, Mono, and Inyo, lint California says the has no territory to give away, and If she bad the ceded tract would not bo taken from theeastern frontier, which is tho cldef source of hr water supply. The famine In India is ulrcady caus ing great suffering. In Upper Tithoot the inhabitants are eating wild roots. '1 ho Indian Government has arranscd for the supply of 312,000 ton? of rice to the distressed districts by tlio middle of May, at a cost 2,000,000. The Gov ernment estimates that it will possibly have to provide for the of 2,500,000 persons equal to ten per cent, of the population of the distressed districts for seven months. It will ro quiio for this purpos'o 240,000 tons of lice. The amount seccurcd shows a reserve supply of 100,000 tons. Dan Ulce is Just now under an evil star, "lie lias been sold out," sajs Wilkes' Sphlt, "at Sheriffs sale, horse, font, and dragoons." Ills farm, and' even his ne.vspaper, the Cosmopolitan, edited by Charles, Stow, did not escape Ids creditors. Col. Itico had a bcautl .fill liorau lnthu Gir.ird, in front of which Is a public square containing a liaudsnmo monument to tlio soldiers of the township who fell In tho rebellion. It Is of u lilt j maible, aud tlio ,eost?$i5. 030, wiii wholly borno by "Col. Rice. The grounds about his place wero ex tensive, v.itli rare plants and shrubs, while the house contained many Inter esting and valuable works of art. Ills failure will be a great misfuiluuu to the village. Tho goh) Held of South Africa, which at tlrst disappointed tlio expect ations of the oilgiual discoverers, of late have yielded the mintrs more prod table return';. The" moat of the gold Is In reefs, ami extensive veins cf gold bearing quartz have been found which Will piobaoly pay well when the come to bo woiktd by companies having suitable quartz-crushing machinery. But recently alluvial gold fields of wonderful i lehness have been discovered, mid these are attractlng.crovds of gold ceker, natives as well as European, from all parts of South Afilca. Stories nro told of nuggets fouud ther. wei.h Ing from sixteen ounces to two pounds, iud It Is reported that ouo fortunate miner secured a nugget weighing forty five oujiccs. The great temperance excitement which Is prevadlng the community was partially manifested Monday night by a meeting In Gunner Chapel, 131 Bow ery, N. Y.; says the Sun; Aj the teats, and. ever, all tho standing room, were occupied, ii conMdcrablu portion of thu Assemblage being woman and children'. Afler th'i Mnglng-of sevVtiil U-mperatico II, V. MOItTIlIMi:!!,- song adapted to popular nlrs, Mr. Dan iel Wnlford, the President, Introduced Hie Hon. I'ulus 1 Andiows as tho or ator of tho cvAilng. Mr. AiulreussnM ho wcis making his maiden speech on tho temperance plat fin in. Within n few months he had given up nlnu and spirits himself, and ho thought It incum bent on himself to persuade and en courage others to the snnio course. Ho was In favor of every species of ag itation which would bring tlio great mass of people to rellect upon this subject. He thought that prohibitory laws would have no other ttfict than to drive drain thinking Into obscure corni'is until tlio public conscience was moused i and the levels und habitual Imbibers of Intoxicating Uiinlts were converted to total nbstiiiciico principles. Nevertheless be was not afraid of any temperance advocate going to extremes. Extreme men were necessary in every eiufade for reform. He did nut believe Hint the poorer and working claws wero more addicted to drink than tlitlr Wealthy neighbors. The denixens of Murray Hill could afford to buy the Uest of ll'innrs, aud It takes more of their stuff to mako a man drunk than It dors of the fusil oil sold at tho buckit shops. Web and poor alike drink to tlio point of lnebiiety, and lie believed there was as much need of reform in fifth avenue as there Is In .Baxter or Mulberry .street. In conclusion, Mr. Andrews exhorted bis hearers who had not already dono so to sign and keep the teetotal pledge, and to go to Jesus through prayer for aid in overcoming intemperate habits. Current ircm. There nre about 11,500,003 child ren ol the school ago In the country. A girl, sixteen years hid, Is in Jail at Indianapolis, . awaiting trial on a charge of horse'steuilng. Santa Anna, who is now 70 years old. is going to Mexico, to pas the re mainder of Ills days In the laud of his birth. TIo latest defalcation has occurred In a Troy church where the sexton bus disappeared with S2000 of thu pew rum. It still continues to bo doubted In England by persons who are presum ably competent to Judge, whet tier the reports of Dr. Livingstone's death are to be relied on. Tlie Convocation of Canterbury In England declares Hint liquor prolilblllo i Is n success In 1, -178 tiaiishes whore It Is enforced by the land owners. So It might be here If evi ry real estate owner weieto inexorably cany out the rule that no man should remain Ids tenant who should sell Intoxicating liquors. In Dubuque, Iowa, William Haley thought lie wanted to die, and so bought a bottle of strychnine. He took it home, an l upon to.tlug there found lie wanted to live. There was a loar'iig fire in the kitchen stove, and tutu it In thiew the poison. Up blazed the stuff .in nn cxplosivo way, burning Ids hale oir, and injuring him so badly that for three days hu hung between life and death. But hand turnouts have over attracted notice In Washington. une was uiai driven tiy lielinOold in the height of his builiu success four years ago, mid the other'es down the avenue nowadays witn Grant hold of the libbuus. It Is said that 230 persons havo teen adjudged Insane by the Com tin lllluoN, who wero made so by tlio Chicago tire. HarrUburg, Feb. 23. The IIouso met at 2 P M. After Ilia reading of the Join mil a large number or iiiHiiiiiert spuing to their feet, calling for the Hour. Older being restored, the Cb-ik lead the re-lgnatlon of V. II. Dinitulck. 1 lie speaker announced his Intention to Issue a writ for the election of a new uieinbei. Mr. Novviuey,i- urged that the ivurgnallnn could nut be accepttd. -Mr. Webb said that it was not in the power ot the House to retue. Tile Speaker decided it could lo nrcpt ed. Tho Hoiisu then adj mined to allow the Inv.-stlgatlng committee to take lur ther testimony. Newcastle, Il,Feb. 2'. -About 1 o'clock this morning Israel U..i . f,s, thu night waiden of the Jail hcr.u u slight noise In tlieard opened the l r and was slezed by n dozen men. who gagged and handcuffed him, tied Ids let-t anil threw him Into a coal hole. One oflliegaug threatened the warden's lite witn a iliawu Kiltie, hut nimtlicr, known as "Big Frank," Inlerfcied. Tim men climbed over the wall bv means of two ladders. They carried away a prisoner, E. Frazier, who was under u sen'ence for .lie- murder of Al lison. It is supposed that they came hero Inn tugboat which was seen uff iseucisllu last night and has disappear ed this morning. "Big Fiank" is one of a parly who were whipped some time ago, and f r whose rt scue, before the whipping, an iiusueces-ful plot wii, ii'rnied. in audition to Fiazler, the Bank burclars Lnwtun. Ilurlhutt. Cutter, and Hope, each under sentence of ten years' Imprisonment, uciu res- cued. The rescuers entered the pris oners' cells Willi Jaekscrews, forcing opeiuho windows There wero twelve or lifteeu men encaged in the leseue. wlio are buppo.ed to be from Phllaiel- piua. MmACLty in FiIance. A young gin living in niniei, in mo nolgliDur bund nf liiirilcnnv. t,. mn t...l m. toreclvc vlsltsfroui tho Virgin, but a'to 10 oe enudweu witn me power of cur lug sick tliu laying on tho bands HarnaiiiHil ''l.t V..i-nul.. ki... Isillio wonder, jf the country round, and tiunus II.H.-K ui ncroHiau in eo ueiileil oi meir oiseaes. Una man, .who hu leeii ajrleken ivitli panlysls for nun vearJ'.'rehktreirtii n ugp to bo ojieratsl upon. Tho process l thusdescrlhd by two witnesses, one of them a doctor,' .who nre to at tent the truth of their npcouut: A medal of St. enedlct was pressed agnlnil the patient's neck, and lie was sprinkled with holy water. A terrible crisis than ensuid, for he fell to the ground In convulsions titlcilug loud eiles. Hut hi n few seconds tlio Virgin appeared; the sufferer beeamu Immediately calm, and recited the litan ies to tier In a very devout tone. Al though not quite cured on the spot, he was .so much belter thai r.e was mile to walk, and the Vligln nssurnl ''La Voy ante" that lie would be completely de livered Irnin tlm evil spirit in a few days. In older that the evil spirit might nut enter Into the body of "L Vojiillte," It was deemed pru 'cut to sprinkle her also with linlv water, and in thewilti-r of this account remarks, the devil has so gieat an objection to ho'y water that lie would certainly have tc-tilicil to bis pic.-cncM Intliechaiiiber bysoiue convul sion liiul lie been lodgid lliele. Cardinal Dounet, .-lrclitiUliop of Bor deaux, lias forbidden htsihrgy to Hike auypatt in these iniiiillestiitions, lir tvhlch, however, the ptonioters ot them console themselves by reflecting that the Mossed Virgin will pl.iuo the tiulli beyond doubt when thu proper time, anlves. P.dl Mall (Loudon) Gazette. New Advertisements. UOEU:Y8: a'oaillry U'arili, UFFtSU FOIl SALE, Eggs for Hatching Fiom the following varieties of l'uro Bied Laud and Water Fowl, at $-i no vkk imzux. Dark and Llelit Ilrnhnias; Buff, Black, White and l'aitrldge Cochins ; .Mown and White Leghorns, White nnd Silver Grey Dm kin, s; Plymouth Itncks; llmi dans; Black, Kcd, Earl Derby und I'llu Gnni-s; Itiiuen and Aylesbury Ducks ; Toiiloue nod treinen Geeie, I w iiriiint one hal f of i aeh dozen Eggs to hatch -, if they do nut I will replace them at 50 cts. per dnen. Send atii-np for circular. Eggs sent CO Dlf dolred. Address, ISAAC lA'N'DE, Feb. 28-3m Jarlboro, Staik Co., 0 R KGISTEU'S NOTICK. NV-H'-rt In'berfrl'r piven lh Fipcnlnri, A.t minl-trslT. unit Gnsrtlnn hrr-i natter itampa h.oe fil.-.! tlielr tp"'tlv' in-ouiifnf llin f.illnw mi? efttAti- In iIim Kf):ller' Om-o. ut .Msiich Chunlc, 111 anj f r thu Cnnnly nf Carton, wlilrli scciiuntR tii Wen atloweJ liy lh will tw presents 1 tn III-, .tu.lzeft of the Orphins' Court on Mo-tdiy. th-21nl il.iv of M.trch next, at ten uVln'k, A. M.t Cur coiiflriua'l m : The Fi't and fi lal nrcmnt of Mar garet E Covins administratrix of Jo seph Collins, dce'd, of East Mauch Chunk. First and final account of Tlinnns Keuierer, ndiiilnistrator of Gideon und Elizabeth Kershner, deceased, of Ma honing township. The account of C. 11. Eherio admin istrator of W II. Ebelle. who was tlm administrator of Sarah Elierle, deceased, late of tlio Borough of .Mauch Chunk. A. WMITTINtJIIAM. Kr'Wer. Rl!!lor'i ORlrn, M iu h Chunk, Kt. li 1ST). Aurtju3 rvoirici:. In the matter of the Estato of Polly Allender, deceased. , The undersigned Auditor nonnluted by the Orphan's Court of Carbon coun ty to make attribution of tl.c funds in the hands of the AduiIm-tratT of said Estate, with p iwer tn restate and adjust the .-Idipii.istratnr's accounts If neces saiy. will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his olik-e. In thu Moroug i of Mauch Chunk, on Monday, the 21st day of March, A. 1). 1874, between the hours of 10 a. ii. and i r. i., at which tine and place all paitles -interested may appear If they see proper. W. U. LEUAItl), Feb. 21, 187-1-wl Auditor. A1 sslgucc's A'ollcc. Notice IsVerebv elven that Thomas S. Beck, of Lelilglitou, Carbon county, l'i., and Mary, ills wife, by deed nl voluntaiy assignment have as-lgotd all tlie e-tate, real ami per-onal, of the said Thomas S. Beck to .fn.-cph K. nnnauiacher, of ICrcldcrsvillc, Nortb nmptoii county, Pa., in trust, for tlie ueneui oi me sain i nomas a sjcck. All person-), therefore, Indebted to the said Thomas 6. Beck, will make payment to me, tho said asilguce, lit Kreidersvllle. or tn aiilt.iiil.i it agent, Thomas S. Beck, nt Lehlghton, and those having claims or demands will make known the same within six weeks. f;oiu tills date. JOSJ'Il K, W ANN AMACIIKIt, AiuMff ItuULuc1. UaIc. Feb. 12, 1571 8w mhniianml nf l.lvm mill .Ultlloiu cf l.uptirljr kv.a Vy uln the AMEH1CAN Safoty Kerosene Lamp TheffeUmpsar maddof bras, anil will nrei 'Jlid burners hit a SaMy Tube Atlarhmout for ewntjof pa, nnj Mill ht fxpl. The chltinii n rj xn of Mlci (ir lnz kUoh, iciiIh1).hii1 tlioy ar ihtt only Ini tliluiteri uiu'id i iMi hi ii ii urohK iy jmti i r rum. limits Chiron,itU(i Lnuipiitire unari ai ex Djuh Ihu Im thrf utihvral tmiil.tliif. Utrr nty-flt miMotik tf Lamp Cblm, uf s r 1 1 nk u u In tlili p. unlry t)try )fr, VtU'c at llanj tauip', tuuiplvlf, UU MIra Cbluiupn, un tl dUr, 1'rli.Nf il Hmiw I'jrlor ur tfianJ Lrntips iwutlulUr. tSut tu any (141 1 uf iuj umitM ci4ii vy cjre uu rtvijJi oi nit ItuiiH und illi-a Cliluihfya lu evvrv liiv mil tuwu, t) wiioui A Itbjrai discount tiIUi uiaUv. evitl fur MtLp'tf Uiupi aiij lrvulaiii thli.rf ail arilculr(, Tney apd4k lor thiiuIvm, m.4 m:i uu iiui. Aujuita AMhlUCAN PAVKTV L1M1C0 MU 1871 o.iO 1 cirl .Ntf iVrk Opposite the Tubllc S'quaio, SOUTH ST 1 LEIIlGiri'OX, P.V., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Aud Dealer In all kinds of tST KooQng, Spouting and Jobbln prouipuy ULeiidfwi ui. nov. w p. itLr.ri'i.voKU iy iiiiuouuce 10; his friends and Hip public In general, that lie has open cd n first-class Livery & Sale Stable, nnd that lit) can furnish llnrses. lluggles and Ciirrlagi-s of tliu best description, for Pleasuie, Uuslness or Funeral pui poses, at very Reasonable Cliarge, and tm short notice. 1IAUL1NO done nt hort tintlcti mid on slinrt notice In connection lie will also continue his Carriage Manufactory w here the peoplecaii-get their Carriages yjiigules. Wnirotis, etc., inane to order, or ltlil'AlliKD on shuit notice and ut rensuimble prices. The undersigned respectfully an notinces that hu has bet.ii npp'ointed Agent lor the Universal Wringer AND Doty'sClothes Washer. These nre undoubtedly the best Wash era nnd Wrlngtrs In the inaiket, and our ladies are Invited to call ai.d see them. L. P. Kleppinger, Cot. B.WK and IRO.V Streets, Feb. 22, 1873. Lelilglitou, Pa.. In order lo Close Out my present Im mense stt ck of Among which will be found a largo and cuuicu variety ot COMPRIStNtl . SILU3. Al.l'ACAS, OINtliUMS DK LAlNlIS, Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, Ac. Shirtings, Sheetings, &c; nlso, a lino assortment of CASSIMEHK.S AND COTTON A'DES, Suitable fi r Men's nnd Hoy's V ear, to gt ther with CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS QUr.K.V.sWAr.K ANn ar.AS3WAlll and a variety of nther Ooods, all of which I will Sell nt Now U j our time, if you want tn fc cmo HEAL U.IIIOAINS. The Stock must A Mj HI! SOLD in order to mako loom for New Goods, ltemember the place for Panic Prices : Mo Ao MMKWWi9 Nov. 22. Pank St., Lehlghton. ondny, Hloc, tst. mix: A PEA11FUL EScdHclioiis Slices Jly entire Stock Harked Down now is the lime to Uuy 1 Ladies, Look at This! est Shilling Calicoes are now Selling nt 10 Cents Oood Calicoes -at 8 " Uood Muslin at 12 nnd 11 " Mii-llns at a nnd 10 " (lood Canton Flannel at 13 " lletter " " at 13 ii'est Ghiiiham, fold bufoiu ut 1H cents, nnw . . 1 rt t Good Uiiighains nt 8 and 13 " PREPARE FOR WINTER. I Would Call Sliecinl alti.iiltmi In mv large lot of SIcMvy Winter Slitnvls AN II WIIl'rE AND QUAY ULANKETS, Yliicli 1 am Selllngat very Low Pilces. Carpels nmi oil Cluitiv, AT GREATLY REDUCED PKICES. Are Selling Very Low ; Uest A Sugar at 12-; Cents. White Sugar nt ,11 " XJiown Sugar at 7 lo 10 " And all other Goods in Propoition. W. A. fi RAVES, UANK STREET, I.EIlIGIITO.V, .... PE.w.i, Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs tlio people of Le lilglitou has most Excellent 'In ur lor .Salt) ; ANn, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW, hr the yfundle. Ho Is also picpuied to do uuy kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LElilGII (2d) STREET, Lelilglitou, Pa. Mnrch 29-ly oriui; i.v uivuuci;, Alias Suhrccna In Divorco to October Term, 187U. No. 7. In the caso of Elizabeth Manuel, by her next file ml, Richard Vatkln, versus Thomas Man. uel, In the Couitof Common Pleas of Caihnii i omit) : The Coinuilvlnner appointed by tho said Coin t January 24, 1S74. to tako tii.lliiiony In the itbiive ease and repoit to tho next term of Couit, will liieetul! ni ties Interested for thu purpose of hi, appointment on Mouday, March Uth, 1874, at li-i uYlnok r. M , at the olllce ot Albright & Fieyimin, In thu bur ougli of Mauch Chunk, Pa. W. M..1UP5I1ER, febl-Mw -CouiinlwIoDor1. New Advertisements. New York Day-Book. A PtwwnATic WrBKtr. Kutatillnhnl ISiO. It moport" lfi( .Vuprnnacv poll""' "1 Mclal. Ttriii ip.r jpsr. Sporlmfii mple fn. Ail Urww DAY-IIOOK, New Yoik City. Wood's Household Magaine The KiNl Dollar Monllily. $5 to $15 SS'tS TI1K YOSE31ITI3 VAI.I.KY, l lZl Inches, lii 17 Oil Colon. .MamHlnr, t jeir, wth Mniinlrd Chromo, (2 00 Mainline, l year, with Uninounlnl Chromo, 1 SO Ma-lli.e, alutir, 1 ear, ... 1 OU Illsullnv nur Clul.l.liiK ami Premium Lint". Tw KlrsUclnea Prrlndlcnla fnr lilt! prll-e i.f ll. Me mill-It ICxiltrl t ueeil ('niivusai.-1'k nti.l lo ,enJ t imc-e for .Uriui una spt-clmt-n M.f-arlne. Ad li f. KHUrKS, fulllnher, 41 Park Uow.N. V. Cll), or .Nenlurgh, N. Y tfy Exterminators rf, And Insect Powder pon Hats. Mice, Koaclio'. Ants. Tted-TliiBs, Moths, Ac. J. F. HENRY, CUltltAN & CO , N. Y., Sole Agents. EAT TO LIVE!"- Write to F. 1!. FMITII A CO.. Atlantic MIII. Ilronklyn, N. Y . nmnnfictumaiif tlw Ortislieil Wlillii Vhcat, f.irlhelr psmphlet(iioiit Iree) mi I'mida, ulllilmp.rla. teitracta fnim I.iibio. Joiiss-is nml i.tla-r rlonlliiii. ltoaj It ami save your l and money. Mi.21wl $250,000"FOE 9ffl. Fourth GRAND GIFT CONCERT For the I'eneOt of tbo t'l JSE.IC Iiinu.iRY OF KY, 31st or ill arch tfcx(. 60,000 Tickets 12,000 Gifts I.IST OP GIFTS. onk niiiMi cash oift OS'K nilAXIl I'ASII (HPT. ONI! OUANII OAslt GIFT ONI! I1KANI) CASH II I FT ONM (1IIANU HASH 01 FT 10 OASII OIFIS, 410,0-10 i-ach BO CASH (llFra, ,6,000 each 60 HASH IlIFIs, l.OOOeach 80 CASH (HITS, 600 well ... 1 I'l I'AMI OlfTC, 400 uarli..,. 160 CAJII IIIFI', KOJeach . C.VJi'A-ll 111 K'V. 2110 mi h... ,TJ5 t'ASII OltTiJ, Oea.l 110.0 CA. II U.Ffll, fitteacb.... ;.50 ono PKI.Of'O 60,000 M.OUO 17.500 10.1.000 .... lW.OOl) C0,tKHI 40 OUO 4 ','iUO 4.'iOM &0 OUO ... 32.5 41 .'.5J.00J Total, 12,r.O I llirtu, all Cash, aoiount- l.u lu l,r.00,C0O; -Th oouc.f t snj itl-titbutlon orsiOa il pnmiivrly awl UMtiuirrivilly takr. ;I.lre iti thr day ulitfthc-r all tliu iKketa are fold or Lot, ntiil IPo lOrtJ jrlfla alt pdd In prorortioii to the liuoitifr of llcki-ts sold. i-iticcs op TtracKTs. Whole Tickets, R); Haltes tlb Trntba. or ea b coupon. $6; Ueien bole Tickets for $600. isvnd lor ilirnhr. Tlie dine fir the drawing H near at hand, and pervf-us IiiIvlJIii io punhabe iii.kuts haw no llmo to lose. TIIOS. K. I1P.AMLETTB. Asent Pnl-llo Lit rsrv Kv., acd .Manager O If I Con- ci-rt, I'uLIIj Library Ilui 1 J Inu, Iicliillle, ly., vt TltOS. II. HAYS i I'O., lantern Acenta4 llruaawy, av York. fis i-n P'r l,aJ wantd. xfiU tU iAJ All dwe of wnrklnjt peo ple of eitlnr sex, younjr f.r old. make more money ut Mork ror ua In Ihelr fptre momenta, or all the time, thin nt any thin? elite. Particulars tree. AU'lres il tll.NSOVi uu., l'orllanil, Elaine. The Great Discovery cf tEeAge ! PROF. D. MEEKER'S PAINLESS OPIUM CURE Cure with mt jniiKT lrroitTenlcnci tn buttlntiii Jt h a iM i(! niieriiiVtf Jttf n?nouii Maim, it ri-8tnrei the brkfti il wn ntrvous ttvotfiu: cItm fiitrifyuuil Mfiulhi curcH witliuut aln cr uf taring lv Ibo pitftjnt. bnl for ptpr on Opluui till ii. V. a. li'tx 473. X. Ii Pirckeri Znor.f,luJlAn. tlpSVOUUMAMhUlt HUI. CIlAllMIM). itur stx ini' fnKrluit aud Kiln tb Moita (tircli''iis ol nny ieriw)a they cbo iu Hia.itiy. 'J liiit menu, ucijulrrmviit all ctn jjtfKcMi, (no, l in tiJ, lor cttil- tuvtbtfr with M.t.rugu UulJe, Kjcyi'tluii Oracle, Urtrtus. lllhU I iJtJfrf. A flUwr toi'lt. 1U0.0UU S'iJ. AU.ieKT, II.LIAM J CO., I'ul I'M aJulpbU. &tf3( loSlOO In Wall street ftn tViJn to fnRyy a f.rimit. No r1U. J - p-imbUt in" tor stamp. Viumink 'JmuxilK.1 k ('.. I.tnkfrrt anl llruttTP, UU Wall street. N, Y. "7c5sMPort Ahead ! Tho unilor.signod would reppclfn1ly Infurm bulklers,:nntraetors and tho pub lie hi geucrnl, tlia(thcy have openctl a In connection with tlielr Near tlie L. S. Perot, WEISSPORT, Penna., nul U'nt Hieyhavo now on hand nn lm tiu'iisn 'stock of 'liuronglily Sensoni'il I.niiilier, such aa ItoiiirlLl'lni) UoartN, Siirfnctil 1'lno Aiardi, , Fluorine, Hemlock qnd l'ine, Siilliix, ot ull kinds, Shinnies, nn Imtiiense stock-, KoolliiK nnd Ceiling Latu, t Scantlln);, and, In fact, Luiiiher of every descrip tion nt th very lowest market irices. Wo nro nlso prepared to furnish lJulld-t-rs nnd otlit-rs with a very One urtlclo of H u ii l . suitable for jlaiihonry Voi U. I'lmtvi ln. ilc , ut lie- inarknbly Low Kiitnres. Wo l.nve consUiitly on hand a largo lot of Wood bultnUiu for 1'IioiviksI, 'A'liluli wo will still, In In rue or small iiuautitlcd, nt Trices tu suit your rockets Ol'aMotio-IIJNKiFcjUST-LOW MHO 18. Ycakel Albright, Weissport, nug 33-yl Cttrbc-D county, P BEATTY & PLOTTS. The Beatty & Piotts cclebwtcd Gold cn Tongue PARLOR ORGAN ii acknowledged by professors of musle nnd celebrated organists to be the lead mfi Parlor Organ now In use. Testi monials and cards of honor are constant ly being received In favor of them. Wo nppond a few and wish you to read them : AtmtoHY, N. J., Jan. 23, 1873. Jessrs Heat y &Plotts, Gents Your Organ, sold me, gives entlresatlsfactlon. It beauty of tone nnd style of workman, ship nro seldom If over surpassed. Wish Ing you success In your business, I am, with respect, Prof, M. H. Ueattt. Shamokin, Pa.. Feb. 11, 1874. I have one of JJcatty & VlolW Golden Tongue Organs. It I- an excellent In strument, linn tono and full power. I like It better than any I have heard. M. II. IlAitrEL, M. D. Lauht's Stat'N, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. I havo had Heatty & Plotts' Organ slice August 14th, 1872; it gives tho highest satisfaction, nnd has proved all that it was recommended by theprop'rs. Jon Henry. SIiATInoton, Pa., Feb. 0, 1874. Beatty & Plutta Parlor Organ 1, like better than tlie Stand trd, nnd it gives better satisfaction, ns I And In my trav els. Prof. Fit. V. Mayer. St. Claiii, Ph., Dec. Cth, 1873. Messrs. Beatty & Plotts, Gents I havo received tho Organ, ns sent by your firm to me, and-1 have had It examined, nnd it gives ample satisfaction. Hon. John Siney. Mahakoy City, Pa., Oct. 10, 1872. The Beatty & P.otts celebrated Gold en Tosgue Parlor Organ is by far the bet Parlor Organ In use. I have care fully examined It, and find its tone, woikmaiisliip and durability to bn thtr best 1 oversaw, and I can with pleasure recommend It to any In want of a first class parlor organ. Prof. O. H. Unoer. Messrs. Beatty & Plotts, of Wishing ton, N. J., are gentlemen of enterprise, nml whose presence would be a credit to any community. Iluckcttitown, N. J., Herald, -1872. Wasiiinoton, N. J., Sept. 5, 1873. To Hubert Morgan, Pottsville I am happy to state that the Instrument gives entire satl.-fnctlon, not only to myself but also to the teachers of tlio Seminary who are better judges. Key. A- M. Jellt. We'say, after careful arid costly ex periment, it Is with pleasure wo intro duce, tho "Golden Tongue," knowing it possesses man) advantages over alt others manufactured. Tho tone excels in fullness, purity, and the thousands of testimonials which are being con stantly received, are evidence that our efforts have been eminently successful. For particulars and 1'ri.v List, address BEATTY & PLOTTS, Feb. 21-Om Washington, N. J. fg D. CliAUSS, Merchant Tailor, And; Dealer in Gent'x FurhlMilnpr Goods. LEUIGnTOK, PA. . Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS; Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths. Casslmeres and Vestlngs.fbr Men's and Bojs' Wear, which I am prepared to Make up to Order in the most Fashion able Styles, at short notice. Ladies', Misses and Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glovo Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebblo and Grain-Leather Boot and Shoes on. baud, or fllntlo to Order. Hats, Caps and Furs, Of the Latest Styles always oj hand, at the Lowest Price. Also, Agent for the Amcrlcau & U rover &. Bailor Sewing Jlacliines. Only One Price for Everybody. January U, 1873-yt A. MaxuraOTUiH or CarrlugeM, Sli-Iglm, Dugglet, and arerj feacrlptlou of SPRING WAGONS. Naarl op)Ua Eaul llot.l, Bank gtraat. UUULtOD, Va. ItKPAtniXO PROSIPTLY ATTENDED TO At reaaonaUa cbargea. 7-Patrota; yrj nifdtMy Kjlicltsd, aol Mtlafartlnn KUaraotWd. K.b. 7, 1871. A.BCCKMAN. BUILDER CONTRACTOR HANK STKEtT, LEllIOIITOX,A. Respectfully announces to tlw citizens of Lelilglitou and vicinity that ho Is now prepared to contract for the erec tlou ' of dwellings, churches', school houses, anil other buildings. Also, that lie keeps constantly on hand a full at uortiii. nt of every description of JLiimbei I consisting of flooring, siding, doors, sash, blinds, shutters, nicldings, tc, which he is prepared to furnish at (hu very lowest inaiket rates. ' ' i 1'atrouagH respectfully solloited. j ' W. .U. REX.. .Wihjhton. My 17. l37 My lt ,