it ii, v. niottTmniKit. i;llloi; nml Proprietor. T Kit .IIS: One nnllnr n Yrnr In Atlvnnce VOL. II., No. IB. LEniGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1874 SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lehighton Directory. Agent. VT. C. Frellrld, Singer towing Machine and In. next to K. II. Border's, lUnk street. Uarljer1, R. B. VdDD03, Skating, iUii Cuttingand fflon. paging, under I XcliMiCT lintel, Pnok street. ISoot and Shoe Makers. Charles Yenner. nearly apposite the pmUiffict, Bank street; alia, dealer m Vaiiftcttomrji. , Clinton Ilretuoj, in Leran't building. Hank street. Jll ordtri promptly pied work warranted. Confectioner. JJauiman i Kubns, opposite OUrt's itore, Bank street. All orders pnmpllit fitted. Dry Goods and Urocrrlea. Z. II. I.oufC. cpp. I. 4 S. Depot, Hank St- dealer in Hardware, Qurtnsware, Ladies' Dretl Goods, te. It. A. Hells, Uuckefa Work. Hank H.,Dry Coodt, Groceriel, Quetntware. Carpets, Oil Cloths c tkol. E. II. Snyder, llmk street, Dry Gondt, Notions, Dretl ftnii, Groceries, Queeusware, IUrdware,dx. Drugt and Medicines. -X.3 Durllng, tlrst iloor abore I'. Hank street. OiU, Jhiints, Itrumery, lilent iledicincs, eft. Hardware. F. P. Sesimel, nearly opp. Kxcliange Hotel, Bank street, Culthvtorl, Oill, Mull, Guano, fc. Hotel. Thomas hints, 'Kichantte," cpp. Publlo e, Bank at. I'atronagc solicited. . Furniture WareUouse. V. SchmrtJ, Bank street, dealtr in alt .kinds of furniture. Coffins made to order. merchant Tallori. Clauas A Bro., tank street, and Jealert in Gents' Furnishing Goods, JJooti, Sliuei, Jlatt, Oapt, dt. Thomas S. Beck, 1'. O. building, Dai.k at , Cenf t Furnishing Gaodt, llatt, dipt, Scliool ltooks, do. Milliner. lira. E. Fath, Hirk street, 2nd door below the M. K. Cburch. Notions and Trimmings Physicians and Surgeons, Sr. C. S. German, corner of Bank and Irou siren I Consultation in English and German. Dr. N. II. Kebtr, next door to l. 0- Bank street. Consultation in English and German. Provisions. Jet Obert, Bank at. lacking, Curing and6moking Establishment. AU orders promptly filled. J. Vsllluger A Sod, Bauk at. dealer! in Flour and eed, Groceries, Fruits and VegeUiUes. 'Watchmaker and Jeweler. A.O. Dollenmajer, South atreet, atiove Bank St. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jlings, do. yy st. iiAPSiiicii, ATTOKKEY AND COU.NSELtOlt AT LAW, Bisk BtBtiT, Ltnianrox, Pa. lieal Estate and Collection Acencjr. Will Bujand (Sell Ural Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Col lcllona promptly uaile. fettling Estates of De cadent, a specialty. May be consulted In Knyllsh and Uernmu. Isoy. V!l. rfl it, SNYDEIl, ' Justice of the Peace, Lehlghton, Pa. Office in Ms store, opposite Hie Eaglo Hotel. Collections nnd Drawing up of Deeds promptly attended to. n22-4iu JjJ II..S1EWEIW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE; Ground Flnorlnlheuewaddlionof the Mansion House, llaoch tbunk, Pa. Business transacted In Unsllfh and Uerinalu Colleitlons prouply mads and Conferencing neatly done. E D. C. DIMMICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY AT IW Offlce. on Hsoiukai. first door Mow American Ilotel.MaucliCliuuk,l'enu'a. Collections prompt ly made. Nor. 23. J n. DIMMICK, AUCTIONEER, East Wetssjiort, . N B. Sales of etery description attended to at reasonable charges. Tbe pstrouage of the puMIc ,l resneclfully solicited. Jau.ZI, '71. Jg 91, DlVLUIiRN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUCII CHUNK, PA. , Oct 18, 1873. . wjrjrhen you go to Welssport, Don't fail to call In and eo IV. L. SJIITII, at the WEISSPORT HOUSE. He Keep everything nice. IIOIIIAS KEII1ERBR, COiSVJSXANUKU, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Tbs following Companies are Represented! Lebanon Mutual Fire, "Rending Mutual Fire, Wyoming Fire, Pottsville Fire, Lehigh Fire, and the Travelers' Accldeut'Insurance, Also Pennsylvania aud Mutual Horse Thief Detectlvo and Insurance Com pany. . March 2U, 1873. TICK'S Floral Guide for 1874. 200 Page ; 600 Engravingrand Colored Tlate. rubllJhcd Quarterly, at 25 cU. Year. First No. lor 1874 Just Issued. A German edition at same price. Address JAMES V1CK, BPY, ?. Rochester, N. Y. J BOYD UENHI, Architect and Superintendent, No.343 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa., 'lonnsheaTIans. Specifications and Entl ruBWiffor Public and Private .Buildings. 'Stairs, 'KaUB, Ac, Constiucted and 8eHJp by the most approved method, and ai'sbort notice. Patrouago Is res peitloUy solicited, ftid satisfaction smaiaaVL apr, 00-yl Railroad Guide. JENNSVLVANIA RAlLnOAD. FaBt Time and Sure Connections ! Five Kxpreas Trnllis Dally from llnrrlaburs to the West. Pullman Talaco Cars through from nnr burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis ville and St. Luuls. Thejnumber of mllea operated and controlled by tbts Company enable it to run cars tbrouU with feWer changes than by any otber line. Passengers will find this, In nil respects, The Safest, quickest & most ComTorlnblo Route! BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH 3T For Rates, Ticltcts and all In formation, apply nt all Principal Offices on Lino of. Lehigh Valley nnd Lehigh 6 tiu:qiiehannn Railroads, nnd at, 1'. It, It. Depot, Hnrrisburg, Pa. A. J. CASS ATT, Ueneral Manager. I). M. BOYD, Oeneral I'assenirer Agent. J. N. All Ii KV, Uaslern Traveling A'ent, March 8, 1873- 001 Chestnut St., l'hllad'a. jq-OUTII PENNA.nAlL.nOAO. WlSTtS tBBiXOIMSM. Tassengers for Philadelphia will leave Lehlghton a I follova): 6.09 a. m , via L. v.; arrive at Phlla at 83 a.m 737 .m.vlL. A S. " " 11.10a.m. 7 33 a.m. via L. V. " " 1110 p.m. 11.07 p.m. via L.i S. " " 2.15 p.m. 1I.0-J p. m. via L. V. " " 2.13 p.m. 2.27 p, m. via L. A S. " ' bX p.ui. 4.47 p.m. via L. AS. ' " 8.20 p.m. 4.41 p. in. via. L. V. " " 8.20 p. in. 733 p.m. vlaL.V. 10.30 p.m. Beturnlng, leave depot at Berks and Aluerlcan Streets, l'hlla., at 7.10, 8.30 and 9.45 a. ni.; 2.10 30, and 5.15 p.7m. Fare from Lenlghwn to Pblladefphla, (2.53. Feb. 1, 1871. MILLS CLA11K, Agent ENTIUI, II. It. OP N. J. Lt'lllOU A- SUSqCEIIANNA DIVISION'. .WINTER A Hit A NGEMEST, Commencing Dec. 13, 1873, Dow.t TKilXS. No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7. Leave A. H. A. M. A. St. P. M. (Ireen Itldgc 7.30 10.25 1.23 Srranton 7.35 10 30 1-IU rittslon 8.112 10.57 4 -VI Wilkes Barre 8J0 11.25 2.20 White Haven 9.53 12.55 3.40 l'enn lla'n Juuc 10.37 13D 4.19 Mauch Chunk 7.30 11.00 J;-!JJj 4.10 Catasauqun 8.35 11.58 3.17 5.39 Allelltowi 8.13 I2.U0 3.25 547 Bethlehem 900 It 17 337 t!,0 Im'wEaston 9.27 12.43 1.03 0.25 Up Tru-is. No. 10. No. 4. No.c. No. 14. Leave I. u. a. u. p. h. r. M. Faslon , 8.30 11.50 3.55 7.15 Bethlehem 8A3 12.13 1.27 7 45 Allentown 9.111 12.25 137 7.57 Catasauqua 9,V4 1232 4.45 8.00 MauchCbunk 1".2S ; 9.10 renn Haven J'n. 1045 . 2.02 0 23 .... White Haven 11.23 2 4n 7 08 WllkeUarre 12 10 4.00 830 I'ltlston 103 1.26 8 53 Scrauton 130 155 tia Arr. Greeulttdge 133 6 Ml 930 .... CONNtaiOHS. Kesouchonlng Valley If. f. Down trains Nos. 3 3 and 7, and Up tralua Nos. 10 and 1 connect at Mauch Chunk. ' A'orth iVnn'a It. It Down tralna Xos. 1, 3, 5 A 7 connect at Bethlehem tor Philadelphia. Up trains Nob. 10 A 1 connect at Iletbleheni for Philadelphia, lleturlilng lea-o Philadelphia at 7.10 a. ui. Ur Fas, ton, Alaucn Chunk, Bath, W likes Uarre, Tamilqua, Scrantou, Sharcn, tcA at 0 43 a. m. for Fastoti, Mauch Chunk, Tamaqua, Wllllams))(lrt, Wilkes Uarre arid Srranton; at 2.10 p. in. fr Scrauton, Wltkea Uarre and Intermediate statlonr, at 3 30 p. ni. for Bath and Kjitou; at 5.13 p. m. firManch Chunk. ' Tamaqua I!ranch.Ut trains Nos. 10 A'l, and Down trains Nos. 3,5 A icunuect at MauchCbunk to nnd from Tamaqua. Lehigh ajMckawanna Jt. if. Pown trains Xos. 117, snd Up trains Nos. 10 A G connect at lleth lebem for Bath and Ciiapuian Quarries. Return ing leave Chapman's at 7.4'J a. ui. and 2.15 p. m. Central JtailroadttMw Jersey. All trains make close connection at Ka.tou with trains ou Central ItatlroadofNew Jersey. Jlttvidere.Delawart Jl. 21. Down trains Nos. 3 A 5, aud Up trains Nos. 4 A II connect at Phillips burg with 1M..1VI. Jt It. to and from Trenton, Philadelphia aud Fhiladeljthia Heading Hailroai. The Depots or the Mil l'enn it. II. aud the L. A S. Dlvislou are connected by fitreet Cars, II. P. UALUWIN, Gen. lissenger Agent. Feb. 7, Ib74. 'B. H. SNYDER, IiEUIGIITOK, PEXS'A., DEALEn IN Dry Goods, Notions, rxuivEavEiisra-s , Uresis Goods, (3UOCERIES, QUEENSWAItE, Glasswaro, Hardware, Ac. May 81, 1873. Tuo uutlorslgncd rcspccl fully announces that he is better prepared than ever to Buy and Sell Hides, Calf nnd Sheep Skim, Tallow and Plastering- Hulr, at bis Old Stand, nearly opposite the posCoRlce, Bank Street, Lelilgliton. . 3T The highest cash prices paid for Hides and Skins. no v.. 2a. O. . QREEtUWALD. For $1.00. rjiiiE FinsT or:at salt lake Gift Ooncprt, authorhetl hy and under tlm iminediato supervUIon of tlio city authorities of C'orinno City, for the benefit nnd In nld of the Public Free School, The Only Free School In Utah Ten 'y. TncSTEES OF PUUMC FKEE jCHOOI., CapC. S. Howe, J. S. Gerrlsli nml Alex. Tojionce. TO 11E Ulalrlbulcd to the Ticket Holders AT A Grand Gift Concert, TO HE HELD AT THE Opera House.City of Corinne. March 3lsl, 1S74. Deposllory, Hank of Corinne. 500,000 "TICKETS ! price: si.oo uacii, or six foh five dollars. $226,500 IN GIFTS, AS FOLLOWS I 1 Grand Cash (" $50,000 25,000 i 2,000 8.000 0,000 5 mi 4,000 O.OJO 2,000 5,000 10.1 KH) I0,0 10.0JO 11,000 0.000 C,50 50,000 1 ii t ii ii j ii ii ... 1 ii ii " " J II ! ... i t. ; ; ; 5 " " $1,000 each 20 " " 500 each 10) 10) each 200 - 60 each 700 20 each COO " " 10 each 1,300 " 5 each 50,000 " ' leach 02,031 Cash Gifts, amountlus to . . $220 SOU ON'E CHANCE IN EVERY NINE I Tlio distribtitlon will be In public, nnd will he made under tlio same form nnd regulations as the S.iu FrnncUco nnd Louisville Library Gift Conceits, under the supervision of n committee of prominent citizens selected by tlio ticket holders. - , Reference as to the integrity of this euterpilso and of the management Is Hindu to the following well known citi zens: L. Tlhbals, A. Toponce, J. MnUh. J. 11. Gerrlsli Members of City Council. Judge T. J. Black, Iss't U. S. ls scssor; JInlah & Oreciiwald, proprie tors Metropolitan Hotel; fc'ugenu Moore, City Marshal; W. W. Hull. Architect; J. Kelioe, Constable; J. Ktipfer, Jew eler; Cnpt. S. Howe, C'oiitinutor; O. I). Richmond &, Co., Commission Mer chants; M. E. Campbell, proprietor Central Hotel; Singleton & Crenth, pro prietors Pacilic Stables; S. 1'. Hiieli, Merchant, Sandy, Utah; .1. G. Garrl Mu, Helena, Muiititnn. 'u will also aim ounce that each and every person buying a ticket can at any aud all times examine our books ami all business transactions connected with the enterprise; and as the drawing or piizes will bn placed In the hands ot honest nml disinterested men, it will in-t-ure a lair and Impartial distribution Uooil lUeiMinslljle Agenta Wanted Liberal Camiulsslun Allowed. 3f Money should be tent by Ex press or by diaft on any solvent bank, by I'o-tollice Money Order, or Regis tered letter, at our risk. For particu lars, address E. W. MORGAN, Manager. Lock Uox 158, CiTlnne, Utah. Jat 3-3in -JAVIU EBIIEHT'S Livery & Sale Stables, nANIC STEKKT. LKllipilTON, Pa. I nlways keep on hand the best hor ses and finest carriages, to be let at livery at the lowest prices. Conveyances can be had of me at the shortest possi ble notlct', at any hour. I would call the attention of the public to my speci al facilities for supplying single or dou ble teams for funerals, &e. r.ov.22, 1873. DAVID KnnERT. rjpo Builders &. Contractors. PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT COPANV UI now receive proposals to erect A STONE MILL, 40x50 feet,3 story and attic. Hear Dowman'a ta Hon, on the 1.. 1 S. ItoxJ. Sepirate Lids to Ins msde for carpeuter and inuuuwork. Kdundatlon now eouipleteJ. lor plans, speclllcatloDS, or par licuLre, call im or address .... A.c.rmxcE. iuM-3w UUfM Oap, Vaibvu Co, 1'a. OIIKIAN'S DICTIOiViiKY EVERY DAY WANTS, CONTAINING 20,000 Receipts, In Every Department of Human Effort. It Is prlnttil on strong, heavy paper, from new electrotype plates, In nun volume 'of 550 royal octavo, tlouble colunin pngep, nlplmbetlcully arranged In divisions and subdivisions It Is Issued In two dllTerent styles of binding English cloth, with gold back stamp, $4; leather, sprinkled edges, ribbed back (library style), 44.75. Ask the flrst book canvasser you meet to show you n copy, when without doubt you will ptiiclmso It. If you de sire a copy and cnmiot find a book agent who has It, a copy will bo mailed on receipt of tint juice by the publisher. It will be useless to ask lor It in a book store, as it is told only through can vassing agents, and it will never Im on sale in book stores if the publishers can prevent It. No tiade, profession or occupation but what Is leiiresented therein. The Housewife will find aids and sugges tions therein liinumeiable. The Car penter, tlio Uullder, the lllacksmlth, will find material aid each in thejr re spective departments. The young lady will find Innumerable aids tti pass her time nut only pleasantly but profitably. The Farmer and Stock-raiser will thero reap such valuable hints as cannot be found outside a small agricultural libra ry. 'J he Ureas-maker, jjyer omi Clear starcher will find there just what they want to know to nmko themselves per fect in their different specialties. Tho Trapper can Hud in no other book or books tho secrets contained in You man's. The sick can turn up therein to tho particular disease with which tliey are troubled, and learn the latest le.uedies with methods for homo treat ment. Rut it isimposslbleto enumerate every particular branch of every em ployment that Youiimii's Uiclionary does not advance new and valuable In formation thereon. S. T. LEOPOLD, Agent for Lehlghton, Welssport, and I'lankllu township. jnn. 31, 1874. fflllE MANHATTAN Spring -- BI'.O and Combination MATTRESS. P. J. K 1ST LEU. POSTM.4STER OK WEISSl'OItT, has been appointed lgent for LelilgMon, Welssport nnd vicinity to give our citizens h chance to see and test the merits of tho arrange ment of springs. He is willing to put them on trial for any person tor ono week, and If they do not pnovo supe rior to the Woven Wire Mattress, Put nam, Yankee. Norfolk, Wright, Spring field, Howe, Tucker, Eureka, Junroe, Imperial, United States. Walker, Con ni'ctlcut. Eagle, Saluiu or any ot, tho one thousand and ono Spring Reds that nave ueeu pui upon tlio market, you are not asked to buy It. Tho nbovo named beds have been discarded to make room for the lmoroved. It hat no hiding place for bugs, has no slats on lop oi n.e springs, but heavy canvas, hooking at the basu of the spring, that may be taken off and tho suits removed (fur cleaning or other wise,) by unybi.dy in five minutes and replaced at pleasure. Tlia,spilngs may be changed to other portions of the bed with very llttlo tiottble. Tho springs nie wairniiteil to keep place nnd last longer iliiiu any other in use. For In valnls It cannot bo suruased. He'tits Ilium to any bedstead or dilfereiit weight or persons, I ho largest number under the heaviest palt ot the hotly, and with i iigui covering or husks, cotton, straw ueu. or imir mattress they adapt tliem selves completely to the body. The ladles should call and see the arrauue meiit of spring for the cradle, and not nave to use learners in warm weather. They tiro better than soothing syrup or cordials lor the little ones. Tlio springs nru inaiio irom me very nest cast steel fi om the celebrated Sliellleld wokrs of England. Comu .one and nit and seo them lhestt beds havo been fully es tabllslied in tvelvo different States. 1 lio fcurniture men are especially In vltetl to cull and examine these beds. Reds put upon trial and no one asked to purcnasu until alter a fair trial, P. J. KISTLER nov 8 '73-tf Ageut, Welssport. bj as: - r - mi Nil Pi 5 t B B v a g.2 gurgle t: J j S iS-ntl Only Two Dollars aud a Haifa Year IDDIltSS TO-DAY rfilK'TII.G & FLElliHIf.O CO 731 Bisjoh St., rmustuiu. 712 Broadvrar,:?. r. 3 Bthorf 8'., Boston IIS, US 4 117 li JlsJIitu CI, CWtsjo. - -4-5 n1: s :u Is it Safeto Trust ? BT MAItT MONTREAL. Wltfi high hopes of temporal prosper ity, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, with their little ones, joined onu of the Ilrst com panies that emigrated from New Eng land to Kansas, Pioneer life nr.d Its privations, to gether with sicklies and the death of nil the family except tho mother and one tlatightei little Agues dispelled these hopes, but did nut rob tho widow of trust In her heavenly Father. In tho Autumn or 1800, tho year known In Kansas as tho fnmine year, she was reduced to great want. Her destitute coiidltluncouldnot tin nttrlbut- ..edtonny lack of effort on herpait. Slut paid with her own work fortiio ploughing of her large fields in early Spring, nnd her own hands covered tlio seeil when Agnesdroppi'd It in the hills. Through nil that long Lumiucr she haa longed and waited vainly waited for the needed tain. Much of tho seed that she had planted was blown from thu dry, dusty field by thestrong wind, and Hie Httlo that came up soon scorched ami tiled. Whiter 'was approaching, and sho had no food. She would not borrow of her neighbors, for they, too, were destitute. She could not go down Into Egypt to buy com, for shu had no means of transput tntimi nnd no money to put into her sneK s moutli. I She was usually cheerlul, but at this time thero was a cloud resting upon her spirits; jet this cloud had tho "silver lining" of faith. "Wo will eat our supper now, darl ing," sho said, ono evening, ns she placed two heavy, wooden chairs by her rude table. I "Wo haven't got anything to wt," said little Agnes. "Yes, wo have, dear," said her mother. "We havo some very good coni'bread and sumo coffee. Aud hero Is some gravy, too, that 1 dipped off of tho water that we boiled our last meat in. I am afraid thero are n great many people who havo not as gootl a supper as this to-niglit. Wo ought to bo thankful that wo lnvu so much as wo have, and do not need to go to bed . hungry." I .But little gnes could not believo ! there was any gratitude due for so poor a meal. "I want something more. I I want some meat," she said. "I think tho Lord will glvo us meat before long. I know he has not for gotten us. Listen to thu rain, my daughter, and t bank Uotl that we aro nicely sheltered. Wo will thank him for the good rain, too. It is what wo havo prayed for all bummer, aud though I it did not come In '.hue to glvo us food , tins year, It will help to prepare tlit ground for next year's crop. We must thank htm for that." "Yes, mamma, but If tho Lord has cattle on a thousand hills I think he could let us havo some ot them us well ns not, and It seems to me he ought to doit." "Don't yon think, darling, that Afr. Call ougl'.t to glvo you some money?" "No, mamma, lio does not owe mo nuy." "Neither does God owe us anything, and we must nut cmiplaln when liu does not glvo us all we would like to havo. It Mr. Call should uivo you a dime; w mid you thank him or would you fret because he did not glvo you a ouaiter?" "I would not bo so ungrateful, would thank hlin fur the dime." "Then when God gives us health, a comiortauio house, auu rood euougtito keep us Iroin suffering with hunger. shall wo complain because ho does not glvo us more? Will you treat your Heavenly Father worse than you would treat a iieltiliuoiv ' As they wero partaking of their coarse In silence, Mrs. Davis said to herself: "The Lord will pti.vlde In his own time; but how long must 1 wait?" Tho Milnted martyrs are not tl o only ones who cry: "llow lojig, u i.orti, how bng?" Emtlihas many weary, aching hearts that echo back the, cry: "How long?" There was a knock. The widow hastened to open the door, for nobody mini bo lett standing oubidu In tl.nt pitiless storiu. A neighbor was thero willi a package In his hand. "Please accept this from my wife,' he said, "aud 1 havo good news to tell you. The people of the North and East ure going to scud us aid. There will be a load of provisions here, fordis uH'titlou, in less than a week." Tho package was taken to the table and opened. Llttlo Agnes dapped her Imud-, uxclamlug: "It's n spate rib; a nicely baked spare rib I God will pro vide. I believe It uow." When tho widow again sat down to tfce table she did not say: "How long?" but with a lighter heart and brighter face, she ex claimed: "The Lord's promises aro sure, and It Is safe to trust." Christian at Work. A few evei.lnga since, a widow, who was known by the entire congrega tion ot one of ourchurches, to bo great ly In want of a husband, was praying with fervency: "Oh I tho knowest what is the desire of my heart?" Bho exclaimed. "A-man" responded & brother, In a broad accent' It was wicked: but wo are nulto sure that severs! crave 'members slulled'on tho occasion. Subscribe fur the AUvoCAtc'tl b 7 car. Important I.rglslRf lo-i.. The-following general bills have been Introduced and are now pending In the Legislature! One piovldlng for the lawful lncreao of the inilebtness of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality. Ono providing for tho collection of taxes In the several counties. One for the registration and taxation of dogs. , One authorizing boarding house keen- .pets to attach wages for unpaid board' oitis. One providing that all local or special laws which Invo heretoforn been enact ed for thu purpo-Mi of exempting any reni estate or personal property from taxation for either ttatt, county or school purposes, be nnd tlio same are heieby repealed. One prohibiting tho nnnual taxation for county, school, township or borough purposes, exceeding six mills on tlio dollar of valuation: nl authorizing cumulative voting for school directors. A bill was Introduced u lh Hnuso on Thuisdny by Mr. Tonuer which re peals tho Local Option law, and ppb stlttitfcs therefor n license law, giving tlio County Commissioners power to grant licenses. The applicant must give bonds for $1,000 to keep tho laws thesK bonds to bu filed in the Quarter Sessions Dcaleis shall be rated a fol lows: Wlieie yearly sales shall be owr 410,000, they shall pty S200 for licenses where sales aro between $5,000 and 51.000. they shall pay $100. when less 5 000, they shall pay $30, and no license shall bo granted for n let sum. ESUiJIOUOtJS. When Is a young lady like a whale? When she Is pouting. A little Rirl in Des Moines wants to know why there aro no he dolls. -If a cigar makes a man ill, will a cheroot make a man. ilia? If a saloon keeper gets rich It Is because ho makes many good bur-gains. In pocket-picking, as In everything else, a man never succeeds until ho gets his hand in. Do not run In debt to the shoe maker; it Is so unpleasant to bo unable to say your soul Is your own. "Mister, Ioweyotia (trudge, rem ember that!" "I shall not be friglitenc I, for I never knew you to pay anything you owed, What is tlio difllrence between n farmer nnd a bottle of whUkoy? One husbands tho corn, and the other corns tho Husbands. A Western paper announces the coming of a tnr actor who will show ' our 'benighted citizens how Shakespeare ought to bo slung." The editor of the Panama Star ap tor the lion appearance ot bis paper by saying that he had to haul oil to dig buckshot out of 111 legs. An Irish crier being ordered to clear tho'court.dld so by this announce ment: "Now, than, all ye blackguards that Isn't lawyers must lave the court." .-Ire blacksmiths, who make a llv !ni? bv lorsflns? or cariieiit MS. wh'j d) a llttlo counter tittfng, -my t!i in mult whoselllrou aud steel for ally ing? 'Good morning," said acompodtor to the head of a nourishing family; "have you daughters who would inaKu goodljpo setters"" "No, but 1 havo a wilo who would n very good devil." What do you supposo led Alexan der Selkirk to believo thut the IsIanJ of Juan Fernandez was inhabited? Hu saw, on reachlug tho Island, a "heavy swell" on the shore, aud a "llttlo covo" running Inland. Tlio death of ono person from the pork disease, in Chicago, his caused tha people thero to abandon pori pretty generally. A dozen deaths Iroui rum would'ut frighten them half, no much, or damage tlio trude'In the least. Could anything be neater than the old darkey'a reply to a bjautlful young lady whom ho ottered to lift over tlio gutter, and wlio insisted that she was too heavy? "Lor missus," said he, "I'd used to lifting barrels ot sugar." The last definition Is that given by a little fellow in a-ouoilu sctiool at St. Paul, Minn., who, having spelled the word "sob," was asked to define tile word. and said: "Itmeans when afeller don't want to cry and bustsout itself:" "What would become of us If the brake wa3 tc glvo way?" exclaimed a nervous lady la tlio car lu which shu was riding was going down a steep de- clne. "That would depend entirely upon how you have lived in this world" was tho consoling answer of the conduc tor. The Cornlrrc Gazette saysthat there are at the present lime but four young men lu that town wno pari meir in mo iT.iii.tir. Dun vear utro thev'num- bered over twenty, but death and the lunatlo asylun. ana peniiemiarjr uo cut down their numbers to the present figures. A son of the Emerald We Vs at school. The teacher told him to spell hostility. H-or-8-e-,horse,',commeiic-ed Pat. 'Not horse lllity," eald tho teacher, "but hostility.'' "ahure," replled'P&t, "an dldent ye be Wiling toe the other day not to say bout U JabertUtheoU thing, wtd jt ow day, andamider, the nest.