ln following I a list of Iho Grand a u .1 TMHiiHn lornM ilrnllfn .I t A mil tlVTOl, 18(4! onA'Ji) jonv. 3ihn Tlnrprr, Jlntirh Chunk bnrough David Griffith, T.iv.anienlnir twp . .1 W Helier'lne. Vauh CliuiiK iHirouli Levi llnrlly, MVntli'tly borough V W Uonl, Ucavrr 3Vadow James Turci'll, Urr twp Jacob ChrMmnn, Summit Hill ICeiibpn NffI, East Pcnii twp Thomas Kcuhner, "E Mauch Chunk Joslnli Heed, Welssport borough Jolin W Davli", Summit Hill J F Williams, llnnlis township Andrew Graver, YVels.sport Charles Carrol, Lausanne twp Clinrli'B l4ux, Lclduhton Imrtmgh Nathan lllmails Summit TI III Frederick Haitnian, Weatherly bor JI C McChlie, KesquHliinliiii Nehcinliih Enbi dy, M Chunk borough John Weir, Hanks township James D Amer, Summit Mill John llehter, St Chunk .bcriiugh John IlalllK't, L Towanifiislng TltAVF.IISE JUilT.-VIRST WKEE. I W Nyre, Summit 1111 Charles Fi Hz, XeMiuebotiliiR 'Itlchnrd Koons Iichlghton borough John Cot way, Mauch Chunk bor Lewis llorn, Fimikltii townlil AO liioadhcad, K Mauch Chunk holoim.n Itachnian, Summit Hill Michael McDnunel, 'es'(iuehoidng "W K Shaffer, Towamersni! twp Christian George, Kidder twp Nathan Drumheller, Siiiniiili Hill , Samuel Uoxner, Iiehlghton borough Jo Andreas East Penli twp Edwin Uaucr K Mauch Chunk Levi Behler, Franklin township .Thomas MeDomiel, Noqiiehonlng Win Ilex, Lehlghtou borough Wm Madeia Maurh Chunk bor Anthony' Schneider, Summit Hill ' Charles I.entz, Mahoning township N F Glace, Mauch Chunk bor Jacob Gould, Bank.- townMup II VErwin, Banks township Curneliiis'iegeuruss, Kidder twp Jonathan Marsdeu, Neiuelioning Joshua Graver, Fianklln township William Hughe, Summit Hill Henry Siauach, Mauch Cluink bor Levi Harleman, L Towancnslng Itobert'Fowler, Banks township E E l)odson, Backer township Aaron Mller, Mauch Cuhnk bor Michael North, Hanks township c'batle Hontz, E Jauch Chunk Jacob Kaufman, Mauch Chunk 11 F Gould, Kidder town:hip John Tate, Summit Hill J Bowers Cox, Mauch Chunk borough Jtichard Broach, Xesquehouing John Stein, Summit Hill Cameron Lookhart, Jfauch Chunk bor William Rheilg, Mahoning twp James Warner, Mauch Chunk bor J ,11 Gombert, Mahoning township Jerry McAvoy, Nesquchoiiing 'Wm De Freyhn, E Mauch Chunk Wm Harpel, Mauch Chunk borough TRAVERSE JUItY SECOND WEEK, Reuben Horn,, Weatherly borough Charles Eterlin, Banks township David Kllutop, h Towamenslng Samuel' Weir, Summit Hill James Hall, Summit Hill Danlei'Nolhsteln. East Ter.n twp Thomas 'Siegfried, Mauch (hunk Adam Mehrkim, L Towauiensing David.Fetry;- Lausanne township WilliaM Nicholson, Kidder township Solomon Kummerer, East l'eiiu twp Solomon Dreisbach, E Mauch Chunk W II Tu j lor, Lausanne township David Kn.m, Fianklin township Peter 11 Stautfer, Xjchtghtou boiough Daniel Wentz, Franklin township Aaron Rherlg, East Mauch Chunk William Butler, Nesquehoulng l'etcr Jones, Towameiislng twp C W Amdon, Jfauoli Chunk borough Henry Campbell, Franklin twp Abraham jlenry, Franklin township Bernard Campbell, Weatherly bor Nathan Houser, bummlt Hill .Votes Neyer; Summit Hill Edward Mullen, Banks township Whiter S Stedman, Jauch Chuukbor William Craig, L Towameuslng Adam Burr, Towameuslng, twp Fianklln Schultz, Lehlghtou borough Georgo Eiehkutf, Mauch Chunk bor Couuril Kocher. E Mauch (hunk Jacob MUschlltz, L Touaiueiislug Daulel Senslugcr, Franklin twp Frfciicis Weuiier, Kidder township HUMOROUS. The coming tailor will Incorporate a square of sand piper lu smokers' pants. Jones mixes a lltllo suthln' In his wnler, because, he says, ever si nee the deluge, fresh water tastes of drowned sinners. A Newspaper office in western Iowa rents part of the office for n cheese factory, and thus exhibits a double 'claim to the power of tho press. An Intelligent vjter in Burltrgton, Iowa, In scratching the name of Mr nagar, wrote upon the ballot, "D iant want no wurcruun lu Maine." Just like 'cm. "Pat," said a traveller, "why did yon make the stone wall around your shanty so thick?" "Why, plaze jer honor, I heard tley havd extr'ordlnary high wind" In Ameriky so I thnuuht If I built it about as thick as It was high, If It should blow over It would be just ns high as It was before, yer honur," Did you ever stand on a bench to reach something and have the bench give out? Nt finath down, but slio it out behind aud llliirf you. This Is what happened ton North street man, Mou day night, while lie was putting up a picture, and when lie went down he made a cully In the wall with hi nose nine Inches long; and nearly turned that valuable organ bottom upward. "India, my 'boy, said an tilsli officer to a. trlend on Ids arilval at Cal cutta, "is tho finest climate under the uiubuta lot of young fellows come out here, and they dilnk and they eat and they drink und they die; and then they write home to their parents a p ick of lies, and say it U tho climate as b killed theta." ' uJlTlK! OV CAX Save 20 Per Cent. By getting jour JOB PRINTING Done at the Ofllcoof the Carbou Advocate, IN LEVANWAT'S BUILDING. nt. the r. o. and l. n. rt. n, Depot, 'chlrjbton, Carbon Co., Pa We havo just received a large and elc- gaht assortment of K3EW TYPE. Of tho latet t styles j together with n supeilor stock of CAEDS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES, NOTE PA FEB, And a vIetyf other PRINTING MATERIAL, And can now give our patrons first- class work at pi Ices ut least 20 Per Cent Lower Than any other Office in this section Give XT a Trial, and bo Convinced tSTThe patronage of tho public Is respectfully solicited. THE CAItBOX ADVOCATE, A 2J:column Local Paper, and thocnly newspaper Entirely Printed lu the Con y, IspublUhed every Saturday mornln $1 a Year in Advance, Or $1.50 If not. paid In advance. The Advocate, with its large and In creasing circulation, Is ouo of the very Beit Mediums for Advertising In this Section, application. Rates furnished on n. v.,MoivrniMEB, IitulfUtoa, Cubon County, J?t, mmxs s. iFkck, Respectfully announces to hli friends nnd th puhllo In general, that ho lis Just opened, In connection with hlaothcr business n First-class Merchant Tailoring Establishment, nnd puarantees to give "fits" and the bet-tof workmanship nnd material for tho lowest possible prices. Also, constantly on hand a larcu ami fashionable stock of Men's and Boy's RKAV-flIADC CMJT1IIXG, Cents' FurnlMliIng ftoorip. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. Manufacturer and Dealer In- Boots laoes BED SOLE LEATIIEH, SHOE FINDINGS, &c. TOBACCO AND CIOAIt?, STAUONKIIV, School RimiUn and .llitforlnl. In endless variety, nnd at Prices fullv as Low ns clsewheie. Sole Agent In the United States for the Salo of llESsilAW's Commercial WRITING FLUID! Orders by mail promptly filled. Also, A cent for the celebrated KEY STONE SEWING MACHINE, one uf oest ill the Maiket. l'osl-Oilico Uullrile.tr, Lehlghtou, Pa. Inar. 1. r it. itacrtr.KT. " Opposite L. &.S. Depot, On tho Esst Weissport Canal Bank, Respectfully informs the citizens of this vicinity thnt ho keeps eiiii-tnutly on hand, mid Is selling at the very lowest Market Prices, the very bi'st brands of ALSO, DEALER IN For i?iiilding nnd other purpose'", which he guainntees' to bu Thoroughly Seasoned And to Sell at the VERT LOWEST RATES. ? 7 Wholesale and Retail nt tho very Low est uai-u rricos. He has also a number of vervellclblv located IV J5 In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp., which he will sell on veiy Easy Terms. aug. i), '73-yl J. K. RICKERT. WILLIAM KEMERER, w"' Corner of Bank & South Sts., Lehighton, Fa., Keeps i full lino of Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, lllack and Colored Alpacas, Glngliams, Prints, Shirtings Sheetings &e, of every grade and priced CARPETS AI - OIL CLOTHS, In gre; wryly, CS-roccii snaid Teas, Coffee", Sugars, Spices, Fruits, Hams, Shoulders, Sldo-Mont, &c. Produce Bought, Sold or ExehaugcJ. HARDWARE For Dultdlng and other purpose; . great variety of the best junlity. In All ooods warrnnted ns reiirepented and prices fully as low us elsutvhere. April a, ia7it-y l uuiaro. ACiiisniv. Lehighton, Pa, Ail Institution for Ootlt Scxei. FAcuLrr : ev,C. ICBSSLUIt, I'rlnrlpal inj l'rofMjr or ClMMCnaud tlivllltflier J-.iitflitL JIIIS. M.O. KKKtil.RH, IW-ptreM iinj 'XVitititfrul I'dllllln aal Uralii till. JOHN Hi itlttHUUU, A, 11.' IT ltfKror l.iu anil Urewk, SUSS IS. O. NIC AO. TVichur or Muilo. WIL.SO.V llKlllilU A..I.UH. For l'rlkuliri,jly toll KlIgSLKll, ULl;h uol'. KjI. IT, 1S7J. ;tlof Aliahm Alii cr. dce.-ueJ. IjU of lb tornurfbtr Lvluuliiuu. itii, Cartu ruumv.il. triNtt, lut Uv ur-dtUtl nit an rwUtfiuti punr iinnivdiHtt pjiuiriM. Abd lbf tlaim ai!iubt ll.e wUl TIIUMAS Ut.uKIU.lls LuULit03, Jiti, 10, U74 Gw Lxocutor, AGLIS II OTE 1, fit ICLOTZ, IMIOP'H. , Summit flllli Carbon Co., Pa, Mr Uet of ucommodallmt. l'.xclWnt rfi- Tru mimu. , Ssrosa m iho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. Tho Peruvian Syrup, a Protect' ctl notation of the Protoxide of Iron, ia eo combined no to havo the character of an ailment, aa cacti; lUgcstcil.tind aoslmlltztcd vjlth.iho. blood as tho simplest food. I(, litcrcasco the quantity cf lUilurc'o Own litdlsluff Agent, Iron i.i the blood, and c::rc;.'"ithous:ind ilia," simply by Toning u;,Invlgoratlnr and Vitalising the Syaicn. The en riched aud vitalized blood pcr tneatea every jart of tho body, repairing damages and ivnstc, searching' out morbid st'ii'c tlons, and leaving nothing fev disease to feed upon. This is the secret cf the won derful success of this remedy i:i curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Dolls, Ncrvouu AiTccUonn, ChiHa tvir.l Fevers. Ilf.r.ioro. Los3 of CoHDtilulioisal Tifjor, DJyqation of 'tho ICIcliicyn ami , Dlatitler, Fcinalo Complninlo, and.all diseases originating In ( a bad state of the blood, or ac companied, by debility or a low 1 state cf the system. Uclng frco from Alcohol, In any form, Its energizing effects arc not fol lowed by corresponding 'reac tion, but arc permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and nevj life into all parts of , tho system, and building up an Irpn Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from wcalt, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to glvo it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN GYRUP blown in tho glass, Ianiplilots Proo. SETII W. FOVLE L SONS, Proprietors, No. 1 Mlltou I'lace, lloatou. Sold st Drugoists arwcnALLr. Hausman & Knlins,Ai" Have on Exhibition tho la tho World ! JUST EIGHT FEET, in hli 1100T.S ! Free Exhibition Day and Evc.inj. ThNCilnnt has heen niluecd.to renmln i. 111. I In H4IIIII .Cr Tvllnw tit tin mi.tiin- mis expi'ii-e) during the llnlhlnvs, nml our ellizeiiH hhiiuld Ihm- no lime in vl-ll- Hip nils wnii'lerlul piece or liuinnnlly. I'll., fil-mt ,a ivin, nt.ii uii L-iii.i. ,.r nillclis iiiaiiudictuied in hid native country, which ho will Kindly exhibit ami hell to the people uf this neighbor hood. tiTil special Invllnt'oii Is jjlveti lo .mi eiiiiiiren in nitciiu. liealilcs luiviii)! t!iU wonderful prodi gy, who Is warranted to be fully EIGHT FEET HIGH, In his .COOTS I Wo have a largo nnd splendid assort ment of TO'W' and Fur Holiday Tresenti for Yonim and Old, Well and P.ior, all of which we are offering at tho Lowest Cabli Piices. MANUFACTURUHS AND SIIIITKUS Ot Se CreaM 1 1 Via Nics, FehtlvaN and other Parties hiipillcd on sliiirt notice and nt reahun able lutes; ulso, In connection theiu willi, they have a Bread and Fancy Cake 1) A K E R V , and can nlwnya supply nnyof I lie alio vi articles, in large or tmull tuantitlc, ul !lioit notice. U'ctlillug CukcD a Specially ! SSausm;uu Kiito, Bank St., Lehighton. DecoiubcT 20, 1873. r W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEUtaillOS, riSNN'A. 1'lniiM jiiid- Spcclflcntlous For all kndB of Buildings made at the shortest notice. NO CnAItGES Made for Plans and Specifications when 'liet cqntracl U awardeil to Hie 'under signed. ' A. W. EACHES. Juno 14, 1878-yl A New Idea! -SHUTTLE- Sewing MacMne FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned TUB BEST IN THE WORLD! C2TTho Hlglicst Premium waj avrarded to It at Ohio Stato Talr; Northcra Ohio Fair; Amer. Institute, N. Y.j Cincinnati Exposition ; Indianapolis Exposition j St. Louis Fair; Louisiana Stato Fair; Mlssissiupl Stato Falrj nnd Ocorg-ia Gtata Fair; TOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, nnd dolns tho largest aud hest ran go of ivor!;. All other Hachluo i:t the Market 'Trcrn l:i direct , COMPETITION ! ! tSTFoi' Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Whoro wo havo no Agents wo will deliver a Machino for tho price named abovo, at tha noarost Rail Road Station of Purchasers.. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Qltl Machines takpn in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Prico List, &c, and Copy of tho Wilson' Reflector, oao of tho bast Periodicals of tho day, devotod to Sowing M'a cnines, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted Wilson Sewing MacMne Co, CLKYKLA.ND, OUIQ, giiuscniUE run Tlio Carbon Advocate, r ' ' Tb Cbojxit Ttper la ths Ulilih Tilc, ', ; a i nOnljr On Dollar Year. i , , ' i I ji. r. woKTiiiUKn, roMiiW, , 1)1'.' Vniy tff Cnlifornia Vinegar Hitters nio n imrcly Vog btalili'wiinnUli")ii,ii:Ult.'clileilj,niom tlib Wlv6'liei'lrtlfiitnil'0n' tlio"lovor rangcsuil' tho Bieir.i Xor'aikv- moun-i talna.pr Calirorjilai tho, ,;nc41?ln!il liiopeiljcj of whiehjavo, ctrapod, tliei-ufroiii vitlio(it tho uso.of Alcohol. Tho qntistlon Is' nlindst tlally-'nskcd, " What 13 tho caAso'fof tlld luiphr Wlcleil WfccoS9"rir,VlN'lT,W lr riiits f" Our nttHwf r 1'i;1 tlfat' they rcinovo tlio eausb uif" dlxrAiso,- nnd the patient jeyHVenOiif lu'ldUi, fSkay pro, .tho wejit bln.1,1 pacilh-r ' aud a lirelfilvlhjr pflilllplo,- 'ft'pl'ilect lteno vntnr nnd 'llivlpiTiitur ( jthi." ryHtont.' Xuvuc heliiro. in tluijujijijjf tlip"worcl Inn a niedieiiiu ,heen cnuuiviintleiT, pin Fussllijr'ttio reuinikuhld finhlllleM'lif Vis'. i;6.ut l!ni'i:i:s iii 'hi-itlinj:' tho nick cf every disease ' Unii. isJipi fitj Tjieynro a Kontlo PuriMtivo jn.wll ni a.Touiij, relfut'hig L'onpel.tlilll'n? Ifi'llfttninfiflHh bf tho Liver a':d V.lsecril OrgaHiinlllllidui IJ 1 sense . . -. tltoj :)iurl!tI(!,Sinlnliv!. CJiiiintttr-lrritAnt, riiul'ir"" (''ii'Vin I Auti-Dilioui., , Grateful qisuii)1h pro'cjalm .ViNEGAit I)itti:i:s tho most tTPnrter fdl lin'lKoi-it'ii't'tliat cvor Bust'al'nc'd tho sinking system. J No LVrson caii t.ikf('theso''Bit tors nccordlnjrto direction's, nhd'ro-' main Ions unwell, provided'1 thiilr bones 'arc not destroyed, 'liV' ihln'e'rhl poison or other ihtoils, adi vital d'r gans wanted he.voifd 'repair.' . 1 '-' Bilious,, ltemittent,. ftiid lu-' tnrmittent Ecvors, whiclr nro. 6t urevalent in tho valleys of.qur croa rivers tlmmj:hfut thy 171111611,810103, especially tiioso" of 'tho Mississfpni. ... Ohio, .Mlsidii'ii, Illinoi'Teiirliissco, Cinnhei land, .Arkansas', Hctl iColo-"-railoj HrazoH, llii'. Gnimic; 'Pcarf, Ahtbima, , lubilo, Sayannah,' 1K9 nni)!;o, James,, and, .many pthcra, yith tlieli-'.viist tributaries, ilirdugh- -out 'ohr cntl'ro cQitntfyutturing' tho . Slimmer Ahil' Autumn, and rdmarlra-; lily eo during. scaspnsaoftunusuHts ' cat nii(l,iilryncasr- hroJiavariablyic-' " cinnpdiiicd byr stcusivodcraugb- mcnta of th'o stomacli and flvorarid-'. other' 'abdominal' viscera. ' In th'olr . i parposo-' canal to l)::..l..VAt.i:i::t'a Vinegar i l.ITl'Kltx, ni 'they' will speedily roiiinvo. tho diirli-colnreJ vheid matter witli'whieh tho bowel .aro.ilwhjd, At tbo (.amoltiiiia stinuiltttinj: tho secriitiniH of the liver, . and generally roUiirili'&thdjhealtliy 'fdtio- ,, lion of tho dhiostlvo' organ. l'M ' I'prtify tlio botly iitgaihst (lis-' ' rayo bypurirying all its, iluitls vitl" ' VtN-na.An. JjiTps. Xo iCuide;uio can ' taho hold iifii h,vtein tlina forearmed DysnDpsiii or'IUdigcstibii, Heaa- nehe,' I'rthi 'in tHo'hmildcrs'.' ColifcUS, Tihtnos of Use Cherts Dhtlints.tSonr KruetatiniiH id' tho Stomach, Dad iTatej in tho Mouth, JJilioiH Attnplvn,, Wlmta tion ofthb Heart, Inflain'uiathm'W tho Lmig.( Pain iii'tlitttipiiot' tha-Kidneys and a hundred other nainful 3'uip(oDi9f aro the oUVpringiof DyHiiepia. Ouo bot tle T.'lirhrovb'n'ticttergtiarahtce of "its wcriU.thau a lcuthv ailvcrtiscmunt ' Scroiula, oi:JfiiisraiEil, Whito Swellings llleers, Krysiiielas, Swelled Xeck, (ioitre, Scrofiiliiuri liilhuniilittlon Indolent Inllaiiiiihitliin.vllcrhirtiil offco thniii, Old Sores, KrupUoiiii; itfitho Skin, Soro Kyc, etc. lii'ihexe. nvjn all Pthw cimstitiithmal DlxeaW, iValkbiw) vtS K'JAnliiTTKiishrtvdVhown'tlieir'itre'at'iinrJ ntivo pnwerj iu the inosi ;obiUiiato and !ntractah)o cx-cj. . For Iitllaiiimatory aniJ Chronic niiuumntIsmGout, Hilfouj3,Keuijt- , tent and Intermittent l-'over, DNeasoi uf tho llliuxl, liver, Kidriej'Hulid-Uliidaer, these llittcM.havq ni) ivqinil. fjichflir caiej nro cause'd by Vitiated. Jili'ipd. Bi cell n n iciil Di s(nsi',s; I'crsons engaged tii'I'afiiM'arid llliierabi.'Btith as Pluiuherx.lTypbettejsj (JilcT.leatcrgnnd nitnl Vjikoab UiTtKns'ticcallonliUy.r- or rsklu JJlscascs,-,Eraptlons, yfelpe la. Itch, Sourf.,'Dll.e6!6rutifats bf tho' Skin, llumiir.1 aud UiseaeiiifbpSkinoC qkiii, iiunnir.1 nun uiseafu f up ftKIUOl. whatuvcr naino .or aViirB, nro.lilcrnlly dug tip and tilrHtd ohtl.nhfc jlMtc'ia in a Bhnrt time by 'the usradf ths6Uilttc'ri- wuiuuTcr shn rin. Tano. and other'Worms. lukitlg in, tbu.Byjtilm of to lifauyj thnnr eand, aro cll'eetually dciitniyd and.ro muved. lo Kystom. of medicine, rltf vcr ininigoa', no nMhebliinitlei will' frwlh iFrnteni fiinu worm like these UitteriT ForFeiualoComiilaiiits, lnyfinnga or old, innrrlea or. HiHjfl. fli uiown ox woiiiniihnod.orthe turn M llrcj thtfaeToa iu Bitters UMplny'fiiiMectdcd au'!iiiQuonc that iipprnvemont li:(Hnipctco jitiblej Cleansa tli.o yitinted JJlood whenever you find, it iuiuuritiMbDratiog: throagh the MA in Pimple; EruWions, or Soros i cleaa-o it when you-lfa'd1t'(l)., 'Uucte(laudilhpgibhintbaveidl;clofiiaa i,i).. rrupclm ti r.rn. Apli , Siin Kranclioa CtllfgN Ola, & cur. ot Washington nnd Cliorllon W,KrK r I'JtAOTCINQil'ltYSlCtAN AND AOHOEOXi .Offlce, IUjii 8Jrl, nlt lir .lo Iha VaAoOm, treatment, li purgative, 'oxcrtlng1 .-t pmrerl'nl ialluenco up'o.itri'bso'vm'ii, , oaa.oransi ii,Si5ohtiiilly''nccbssaiy. There is.uii.cathai'lio for.thp parposo-' ' It ylieii n,y,niuj ymtr.iijollngwui.teu you wheu. Keep tlio hliind l'mrp, add thb Leulth iiftholy'SthiS will flilldrf.,'j lV .. n..n. MriJivi,i).A: co.n