The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 21, 1874, Image 2

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    t (
Our friends will plea.o take entire
tlint the office of The Camion Advo.
cue will be n moved from lis irrfcnt
location t thii building almost illrctty
opposite, belonging to P. S. Ilelntzi-I-man,
Esq., on or about tbo 1st of
Mnrrb next.
The expenses of the Territorial
Government of Utah charged to the
United States, Including salaries and
legislative and contingent expense Tor
the year 1873, amount, to $14,108; thosu
of Colorado to (14,031, Recording to a
report made to C'ongiens by the Secre
tary of the Treasury.
A bill has btcu Introduced Into the
Maryland Legislature to encourage mi
gration from Scotland to that State.
The Commonwealth is to pay fifty-nine
per cent, of the passage money, and the
person desiring the cervices of the Im
migrant forty-one per cent., and the
Immigrant Is expected to sign a pledge
to remain lu the State three years, and
to give his note for the nassaee monev.
payable In twelve months. The terii.a
avortoo much of contract labor and old
plantation times, and Maryland will
probably find that Scotchmen who want
to come to the United States will pay
their own parage,
Tho 6teani.hlp City of Melbourne
from Honolulu brings the news of the
death King Lunalllo at Hawaii on Feb.
3. '1 he cause of his death was bion
chial disease. Immediately after the
dlatlt of the King thu members of the
Cablnetwere ealled together.and older
ed a meeting of the Legislative Assem
bly on the 12th of Februa ly toconslder
the condition of the affairs of the Gov
eminent. At Kalhoolawc, on tho 4tli
inst., a mass meeting declared in favor
of Dalld Ealakna, the most powerful
chief In the nation, asLunalllo's succcs
nor. Queen Emma, the widow of
Kamehameha, Is also named for the suc
cession, and there will probaly be n so
vere contest lu the Legislatuie over the
Legal Holiday. Some question
having been raised as to the legality of
observing us a legal holiday the 2M of
February,-(the 22d coming on Sunday),
a correspondent, says tho Philadelphia
Ledger, eallsoor attention to the fact
that the session of the Legislature of
1873 passed a law covering tho point In
dispute . The law, after recapitulating
all the days of tho year set set apart as
boldara, and to be observed by the gen
eral cessation of business declares when
any of the said days occur on a Sunday,
the following day, Monday, shall be
deemed and declared a public holiday,
"and all bills of exchange, bank checks
or promissory notes falling due on citlu.-r
cf the Mondays, so observed as a holiday
shall be due and payable on tho Satur
days preceding such holidays; and such
Mondays, toobscrved shall, for all pur
poses whatever, as regards the piemen
ting for rayment or acceptance, and of
the protesting and giving notice of the
dishonor of bills of exchange, Dank
checks, drafts and promissory notes, be
treated and consideied as Is on Sunday.
The act from which we quote was sign
ed by Governor Ilartranft April 2,
1B73, and clearly settles the right of
tbo banks to close on the 3rd instant.
The debate in tho Ilouse on the
Army Reduction bill disclosed the
marvellous fact that between the 30th
of June, 18CC. and the lltli of March,
1872, the Quartermaster's Department
had received from tales of aimy stores
and transfers of money from other de
partments, the Immense sum of S103,
681,009, and had spent the whole. In
addition to the millions annually appro
priated to It by Congress! It is one of
the worst slgnR of this portentous time
that this statement, read from a' return
of the Quartermaster. General himself,
was beard by the House without Interst
and without debate. Mr. Beck of Ken
tuckey pat the question. "Can the gen
tlemantell me how it Isthatone bureau
alone of the War Department can man
age to p;nd, In eider to meet any con
tiiigency, $103,000,000 In excess of all
appropriations-five millions more than
it cost for all cxpen-esof the Govern
went durlpg the first twenty-one years
of Its existence"" The answer to thl.,
and the close of all the debate whlcli
took place, was. as reported In tlx
Congressional Itecoid "The general
debate On this subject has closed; other
wise I could give the Information he
asks. Laughter." Tho pcoplo are
rapidly passing out of tho laughing
wood. The waste by one branch of the
tinny In less than six years, of ono huu
dred and live millions of dollars over
and above appropriations, is no Joke to
tbejsx payers, as this Administration
wUlnnd cut at the next Presidential
etastlen. N. Y. boa.
A Urlcf Honeymoon.
Garrett J. Uanta was a well-to-do
farmer, residing with his sister, her
little family, and other lclatlveson tho
old 1'Oinpflend nt Purnmus Plain", near
Kldgewood, Bergen county, New Jer
sey. ?nnta was a shy, f avlng bachelor
of tlility-fl.v, wlin for seven years had
cnurti d .lfls Jiitllda Westervcit of
P.iratmis. Olf Saturday theloveis were
inairled nt Hackcnsack hy thu good
Dominie Itnmalne. They went to the
bride's home. On Sunday tho young
wlfusnw het lunliantl busily writing
She Jocularly, ni-ked If ho was. making
his will. He laughingly replied, "Ves."
That afternoon they rode out, and Sun
day night was passed by them together.
.But at half pait three In the morning
he got up to goto his own home, telling
Ills wlfo he went thus early to avoid
being seen, as the neighbors would
make fun f hltu about his marriage, ho
would take her home on Wednesday,
He was not seen until nbout 11 A.
M. of .Monday. Then some oiu! cnlllug
to see 1dm, search was made. Poor
Banta was found In the 'nam, hanging
by the neck from u crossbeam Just
above the hay, iload. Ho hail gone
directly Into tho barn, and taken off his
neckcloth, without removing Ids lut or
overcoat, uoinml.ted suicide.
In hi', porket was found t lie paper lie
had written on Sunday in his wife's
home, ns follows:
I want Win. J.G.Znbrlskle to atlend
to my bu-iness. Give my LrotherJohn
my wnteh and hair c.'iuln. Gallliamo
J. G. Ztibrisklc, it you want my whole
lig (horse, wauon, &c.) for what 1 said,
you must take It. GUI, I want jnu to
net n Patir.-on hi ape and li t thu muney
in thu Piitoim Bank stand one year
after my death. Don't put nny plate
on my coffin. .Would like to lie hurled
In the lielornud Dutch chinch) aril
with the lest ol my family. Ask iJom
mle Koii.alue to preach my funeral
sermon. Tell biollier and sl-ter ami
mother I am liredof life. Yours truly,
Garrett J. .una.
Take the money cut of tho Patcrson
llivik if you think best.
Bantu n.ixed'but little In society, and
many uondeied that ho ever plucked
up coinage to many. No provision,
It will seen, was made for the wile, for
whom much sympathy is felt Un
doubtedly tho poor fellow was Insane.
Illgjiwny Robbery.
On Friday night, last, Lewis Frontz
stepped Into the saloon of Charles
Meyer to pay a little till. Frontz Is a
hard working man, and a resident of
Upper Mattch Chunk. Ho brought out
his pocket book which proved to be
well filled witli greenbacks. Mr. Meyer
advised Frontz to bo careful of his
money, and recommenced hint to take
a friend with lilui to his house. Tho
two started and when Just above Jacob
II. Smith' house, on the new roai
they heard footsteps behind them. In
a:inomput two men came up and ono of
them struck Fiontz with a billy, and
putting Ills hand Into his pocket, seized
thu money and run away. The fright
ened companion of Mr. Fiontz was un
able tu render any asUtnuce. Tho
latter has a cut on his head,, but he Is
not seriously Injured.
On Saturd.iy, D.uiiel alias Cigcr Cur
ran, was uriested and charged by Mr.
Frontz, befoiu Ksn'uiro Duller, with
being ono of the men who robbed hint.
Tim evidence against Cm ran Is circum
stantial. It Is said he and William
Sandal wero'togetlier on Friday night,
and one of them was lu the saloon when
l'V. ntz showed His money.
A few minutes niter tho robbery,
they were seen going down Su'iuieliaii
naM. It was shown that they got a
i'iO bill changed, and Corr.ui could ttot
account forhavlng somuch money. Hu
said he borrowed It. but tht mm he
mentioned denied that he had lent
Cuireu any money. On Muuday morn
ing Sandal was arrested and aslo com
ttittt d. M. C. Gazette
Current Ireim.
W. R. Smith. Adnnw .tfvnma. ...
atGrauby city, Mo., was knocked down
and gagucd on Satuiday by a gang, who
seemed the sate key and took t2,100.
It is probable that tho form of gov
ernmet In tiualu will bo denl.i.i i.u
A smn':er has n. tnjtiiv.n . n ..i
to thu Treasury In full mi' n nf II...
duty on a ten cent cigar, which tlu
consumer miew 10 nave uuell smuggled.
The betrothal of Ilnfcn
WiHtfiinlipre to tho Iti.-J'tn PiImj
Vera, daughter of tho Grain) Duke
f'niistnntlnii. took til an nt fit
on Jan. 27.
T.inni?rd Wnrmlnlil. lrfnrur nf n lio...-
saloon 111 Philadelphia, fataly shot his
wire on buuu'ay nigni without the least
Gen. Alexander Von T.mlprs nf tlm
Russian army, who held a command in
tho Crimean war, dledunSuiidny, aged
84 years.
Svdncv Packard, a wpnllif nllNnn nf
Ninth h'liston, Mass., committed suicide
on Sunday,
Policeman Jump Jnnlrfnn nf ni.lin
delplili hanged hiiii,rr Monday n a
cellar lu the notherii put of llio city.
II. Ilutehcr Swone. ITiilli'il Rtfiioa 11
torney forlho Wes'ein District of I'eim.
lylvunln, died lu Pittsburgh Monday.
Thu wife Of .Tfltlle f. klntnn o
ex-Unlled States Senator, and ConVed
eiato .UmMter abroad during the lebel-
iioii, men iiearAlexiiuUriaotiSttuiday.
The House Commltti-i. nn -Mtitinr
-t (fairs I'Yiiirt I I Ott rlr.un ,1... v
. . .. r. i HU IMIIIV
e-tKbllsiiient so as tosave aout 4.000.
000 nnnuslly. y '
Amoni; Other rpfnrma In ll.a u
Is propesed to abolish tlm grade of com-
niuuore, nincii wweuect a considerable
saving. At present there are 25 com
modores on toe llt.
New Advertisements.
a um i oiis Mirici;.
In the inalter of the Kstate of
Polly Allender, deceased.
The underslsned Auditor appointed
by tho Orphan's Couit of Carbon coun
ty to make distribution, of tie fundu In
the UticNof Hut Ailmiiilrtrat'T of said
IMiit.', with p.iwer.ti) leslfitcand adjust
tho Idmli.t-trator'.s nccounts if ncces
snty, will nttend to tlit:dutls of U ap
poliiliuent nt Ids nlll-e. lu thu llornugh
of Mm.cli C'laiilk, on Mondny, the 2lst
nny oi .nincii, a. n, ion, lietweuu the
hours nf 10 a. it. nml 4 r. m., nt which
line and filaee all pmtles Interested
may appear ir mey see proper.
. W- KONATtl).
Feb. 21, 1874-w4 Auditor,
Nf.tlce l her'jbv (riven tht tha Kxecutorj, Ail
inllilMinlcrf, ml lluardlan hen-liinfter namnl.
lute uiu t,0lf lenrwtlv ni'iouiitnof lh Mlow t'.iit,., n uw wa,ri OHIw, at Mnuch
Cnu-jk, In nnJ f. r Hi Cuunijrnf Carbon, which
U'cnunls liavn bwn allowoj by Ih.i lll,ur, will
Im prefenttfU to h .lu-lea or tbo Orpli mh Court
..Kinuty. iiid ajnl uar ni .I4rt:u UHtl, at ten
v w. n, nt 'i., lur vuiiiii man in I
The First and final necount or JIar
caret E Cn'.liiH. ndmiulstratrlx of Jo.
sepli Collins, dee'd, of Kast Maueh
A. WHITTIXOtlAM. Ite?l'er.
llH1lr'0mfe. Mau Ii Chunk, h'eb 12.1S74.
Tho Bcatty & Plolls celebrated Gold
en Tongue
is acknowledged by professors of music
anil eelebiateil organists to be the lead
ing Parlor Oigan now In u-e. Ttstl-
monlafsniid e.ud.s of honoraie constant
ly being received 111 fa.-or of them. We
append a few nnd wish you to feud
mem :
Astiiony. N. J.. Jan. 2."i. 187.t
-Vessrs Heat y & IMotts, Gents Vour
uigan, Mil. I ini'.glveseiitlresiitisfnctlon.
Jt lieni.ty or toneund style of workman
shin are seldom if ever surpassed. Wi-h
lug you success lu your tuislne.-s, 1 am,
wiui icspeci, rroi, .u. ji. uea'ity,
SlIAMOKiN. P.I.. Feb 11. 1874.
I have ono ot JJeatty it Plottt' Golden
longue Organs. It 1 an excellent In
strumeut, Hue tone ami full power. 1
like it better Ciau any I liave heard.
M. II. Haiii'KL, M. D.
LAUnv's Stat'n. Ph.. Jan. 27. 1874.
1 have had IJeatty & Plolts' Organ
slice August 14th, 1872; It gives the
nigucsi saii-iaetion, uuil lias proved all
that It was recommended by the prop'rs
JOU UliNltY.
Slatinoton. Pa.. Feb. C. 1874.
Beatty ii PlutU' Parlor Organ I like
better than the Stand ird, and It gives
uetier sansiaciion, ns i unit In my trav
els. Prof. Fit. V. Mayeii.
St. Claiii, Pa., Dec. 0th, 1873.
Messrs. Beatty & Plotts. Gents I
have received the Organ, as sent by your
linn to me, ami i nave luul it examined,
and it gives ample satisfaction.
Hon. John Sinet.
Maiianoy City. Pn.. Oct. 10. 1872.
Too Beatty & P otts celebintul Gold
en licguu Parlor Organ is by far the
bet I'arlur Oigan In use. I have care
fully examined It, and find its tone,
woikmaiiship and durability to be tlib
best 1 evers.iw, and I can with pleasure
recommend It to any lu want of n first
class parlor organ. Prof. O. H. Unokii.
Messrs. IJeatty & Plotts, of Washing
ton, N. J., nie gentlemen or enterprise,
and whose presence would be a credit
to any community. Uackeltstuwn, N.
J., Ilerald, 1372.
Wasiiinotos, N. J., Sept. G, 1873.
To ltobeit Moigan, Pottsvllle 1 am
happy to statu that tliu instrument gives
entile tatisfaction, nut only to ni)self
but also to the teachers of thu Seminary
who are better Judges.
ltcv. A. M. JELLY.
We say, after careful i.nd costly ex
periment, it is with pleasure we Intro
duce tho ''Golden Tongue," knowing
It possesses man) advantages over ail
others manufactured. The tone excels
In fullness, purity, and the thousands
of testimonials which are being con
stantly received, are evidence that our
efforts have beeu eminently successful.
For particulars and 1'rLv List, address
Feb. 21-Om Washington, N. J.
msuriCTUMa or
CuriitlKi-N, SlrlKliN, IIugU'M,
and every detcrlptlouof
Neirly opkIi Eaclt Hotel, Bank Strati,
Labbjtiton, J'a.
At reawuabla cbarifea.
aV-Patroi aso Try ropactfully solicited, aod
utlifaction ffuaranteed.
M.t. 187. A. PL'CKMAK.
otlco of Incorporation.
Notice Is herehy given that at a Court
or Common Pleas lu and for thu Coun
ty of 6'nrbon, on the '.Mill day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1874. a petition was pre
sented with nrtlcles of association,
praying for a charter of Incorporation
for the "TowaneiisiiiK Farmers' Fire
Insurance Company," of Millpoit,
Cat boll County, P.u Whereupon the
said Court periued and examliitd the
saiiKi, and ordered that unb-rs sufficient
caiise .be bin) wn to the coutraiy on or
before Hie next term ot the said Court,
to be held at Maueh Chunk on thu
fourth Monday of March next, the said
barter would be granted lu accordance
with the petition and articles of asso
ciation filed Id the ollicu or the Pro
thouotary ot ta!d Court.
Froui the recoid:
W. M. ARsUER, Attorney for Pe
titioner, febl,-,w
Now Advertisements.
New York, Day-Book.
A nrncaTio W'tKLT. Kutalillnhad IS50. It
aupporlj ir, n,),miacy. poll'lcnl and aoclal.
iVOVwPYo?kbl;yfl4 ""
Wood's Household Magaine
The Itcst Dollar Monthly.
it A- 3 y rn"
I aft DA Sfe I ill alnj?for this, maifn
if lV Wli line, noir In lla Htb
lol. wltu thromo.
14x!ill Inclita, lu 17 Oil Coloi a.
Mairaxliu-, I jeir, w Hi Mounted Chromn, f2 nn
Magizlue, I )o,r. with Unmount eJChromo, 1 60
Maaliit, alruie, 1 )ear, 1 uj
KlauilneonrCluM.luand Premium Ltntf.
Two Flral-clnaa Pcrlotlleala for
the iirloe or one. Me B.Ht Kxprrl-ciiecilCniivHaaei-s
and others to tend at
uiieo fur termainid iipiclineu Jl-n.mlnu. Ad
1" , f..l:. SIIUl'KS, I'utillfher,
il Park Itoir.N. Y.Clty, oi-Newlurgh, N. T
And Iuscct Powder
Rats, Mice, Itoncho'. Anls, Bed-nucs,
N. Y., Sole Acents.
Write to F. F. SMITH A CO.. Allnntle Mill.
iir miyn, . , maiiuficturem.rtheCrualied
WUII Wheal, r.)rllielrpnnphlet(Mit froej
. ....u.u4 .in ivirauiH 1 rom 1.IIBIO,
Joosjoi and oilier ictenllMr. Head It and ate
juur iicniiu anomoiiry, fro. 21 w4
$2.50,000 FOB $50.
For the.lenefit of tbo
Slat or AInrch Next.
60,000 Tickets 12,000 Gifts
oxr ortANn cash oikt jaao ro
if.r. ui.A.Mii Arii win inn.olH'
(INK IIUAVI) (!AII tllKT "5,003
O.NK llltANU CASH 0 1 FT 17
10 CASH (1IKIS, flU.Util)Hich H1.1.OOI
M CASH (IIKTS, fi,000ueh 150.000
Ml CASH UlFl's, l,U00e.ich 6J.0.1U
80 CASH (111-TS, fi'JOeich 400UO
1111) IMSH UIKTi, 400enh 4l,ri)U
idu liAPii uiu.-, auu eacll 4VU0U
CASH aim, 200 each BoruO
3i5 CASH CUTS, lOOeach 3i50(
11.0J0 CASH OUTS, SUeach tSO.tOO
Total, 12,000 (llftf, all Cash, amount-
S-The concrrt and distribution of nilts will
pntmveyarut ututmvKaui ttiht j-ltire tm Iht da,
nawjlxeil. whether all the tickets are sold orjoot
nnd the 12 030 Klftfi all pjld lu proportion to th,
number of ticket sold.
Whole Tickets, f ol ; Halies, iii; Tenths. 01
each coupon, $5 eleven Whole Tickets' for $O0
Send for L'lrculsr.
The time fur the drawing Is near at hand, auo
persons ilntendini; to purchase tickets h.iTu ui
tlmo to lose.
Agent Public Library Kv., 11 :d Manager Olft Con
cert, 1'ulllc Llbriry llulldlng. Ixiulsillle, Ky.,
Kastern Acenti., C03 nioadvay, New York.
tt? 4- Sflrt per darl Aeenta wint.,1
tffU lyJ i)AJ All classes of working peo-
.v ... ctinrr ,,iuuc i.r wiu, inane more inonel
at work for us in their snare mi.innts. nr mII tli.
time, tlian at any thlni? else. Particulars Iree.
Aiiuressu a. i;u., i'orllaud, Islue.
The Great, Siicovcry of the Age I
Lures wiuout pjluiT inconrenleiiCe to buslnm
It Is a tci IcalleritiTe and nervous eetlitlve. Ir
restoiea the broken dwn nerioua system; Bire
eniryaud atr'UKth; curea without pain rr ml
Wring to tbo patient, bend for paper im Opium
eatlu. P. O. box 475.
Urn. Djjt V. Meeker, iajiorte, Indiana.
ttpsvoiuiMANur, dit soul" aiAitFiKov-
J. How ellhrr sox miy faKluste and gain the
lore and alfect Ions uf any person they cboote. In
stantly, 'ihlsriuip.'e menial arqslrement all eau
poiscaa, free, b Uljl'l, fur 25 cents; together will,
a Mairiage UulJe, Egyptian Oracle, Dreunis
Hint! to Ud ea. A queer book. 100,UOU sold.
Adaresi T. WILLIAM a CO., Put, Philadelphia.
lo SlOO InVaU street (Iten feids tr
utorluue. -Norlik. 32 pae p.miihlrl
lur slauin. Valbntikk nruHiiti 1
Co, Hankers and Urokers, 89 Wall street, N. V.
7"clssiort Ahead!
Tho under.drrned would renreclfollv
Inform and tho pub.
lie In general, thnt they have onened a
Lumber HTstFil
In conticctlon with their
Near the L. .S. Depot,
tnd tl-at they have now on hand an In
tnenso stocx or 'iioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Itoitgh Plot) Hoards,
surfaced I'lno iroards,
Flooring, Hemhx-k nnrj l'ltie,
SldiiiKS ot all kinds,
Sliluules nil Immense stock,
Hooting nnd Ceiling Latd,
nnd, In fact, tiu'iulier of every descrip
tion at thi very lowest market prices.
Wo are also prepared to furnish Hold
ers and others with u very tinu article of
8 u ii l , sultublo for Ulusoury
orn, I'laslei lutr, &c, ut lte
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a larco
lot ot Wood sultiibie for I'iruwooil,
Tvhich we will sctl. In larce or small
ijuautitlcs, nt Prices tu suit your I'ocketi
Oqa Mono HJXHSC cotl.NT LOW PltlOJB.
Yeakel & Albright,
ang 28-yl Carbon couutjr, r
MKlgllCC'S NotlCO.
Notice Is hereby Riven that Thomas
o. ui-tr., iii i.ciiit;ruoii, uartifin county,
Pa., nnd Mnrv. IiU uiru i.i- .1.....1 i
voluntaiy assignment 1vh nalgncl nil
the estiite, real ami personnl, of thu
piiio iiionms o. kcck to Jo.-rph K
nnnitnmcher. nf Ivrulit it reel If n Ii rt , .
nmptoli county, V , m tnii.t,' for the
benefit of the said Thnni-w s
All persoiH, therefore, lndelited to
thu Hfllll Tllllllins . Itiw.b- ..III ...nt...
pnytnent to nie, thu said nhince, at
rvieioersviia-, or 10 my ULly autt.oilztil
nueiit, Tlioinas S. Ueck, at Lehhihton,
and those having claims or di'
win iimuo ittioiMi tlm bamo within tlx
weeks 1:0111 tlii-t date. '
, Assignee of Tnomas i. Ueck.
Feb. 12, 1874. 8w
rphnnaand of Lives and Million. u
Property saved by, using the
Safety Kerosene Lamp
These limps are made of brass, and will nerer
lb burners hare a Pafetr Tuba Attachment
rorlllo escape of pis.aod will never explode.
The chiuineys are made of Mlci (l.r Islng class,
'""Ci ,l'"r I he only lamp chimnejs
......... ..... , .reivK uy ueaior coia.
utisj LhlnilMj and Lamps are unsure and ei
, ... ...... mo uuifermi i-uiupiainr.
Over seveuty-fir uiHIIona of Ulass Ijimp Chlm.
ne are broken In this ci untry every year.
X'rice Of llllllil ljimna. ..iiit.U. with s,i.
Cbluiueys, on dollar. Price or llronze Parlor or
m.suu huiVv, inououars. sent 10 any part of
te" United Stiti by Cxpre on receipt of th
money by malt. 1,000 agents wanted to sell these
. v, vnyn uiui.iejs in every city and
town, to whom a llbjral discount will be made.
?end for sample lamps and circulars giving all
...U....D. luej iuaik mr tuemseives, and se:
ou sight. Address
febt4 1S71 o.20 pearl St., Sew York.
T. I)f! Will Tntninno a .ll
?S tor of "The Christian nt
;5S W ork j" C. II. Spurceon, Spe- fl
Ml chil correspondent. They write PS
iim iiu uiiii i paper in America. BrJ
Tlireo nintjnllleeiit cliromos. k?j
Pay larger Coninils.-lon than p!
any other paper. CHRO- t?1
i5 io sectarianism. Ko section. r2i
'nllsm. Ono nfient recently ffkl
obtained U80 subscriptions In
eighty liours absolute work. g3
Sainplo copies and circulars RH
la sent free.
iS H. W. ADAMS, Publisher, fef?
EiS 102 Chambers St., N. Y. jj
?3 Jan-tim P35
Opposite tho Public Squaie,
Slaijufacturer of
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds of
t" Roofing, Spouting and Jobbio
promptly attended to. nov, 30
Itespectfully announces to the citizens
of Lehlohton anil vlnlnllv ilmf 1... la
now piepared to contract for tho erec
Hon of dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
hu keens constantly on Imml n r.iii nc. of eveiy description of
consisting of flooring, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, &c,
which 110 is prepareu 10 lumtsli at tho
very lowest niaiket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. It. HEX.
Lelilghton, May 17, 1373. ly
TO. ClaAttJSS,
Hereliant Tailor,
And Dealer in
Gcnt'ri Fiirnlrtlilnpr Goods,
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.,
Cassimeresahd Vestlngs.for Men's nnd
uojs- wear, wnicn 1 am prepaied to
Make un to Order in tlm mnr Vnahtnn.
able Styles, at short notice.
.Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well fielwtp.l atncV nf mM
Turkey Morooco, (llovo Kid, LnSnBl
Kid, Pebble and (Jralu Leather lloots
and Shoes on hand, or
Illnrio to Order.
Hats, Caps and Furs,
Of the Latest Styles always oj band, at
me lowest rrice.
Also, Agent for the
American & drover & Halter
Sewing Machines.
Only One Price for1 Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
Tb Auditor srrxiinlfd br tha Conrt' la rlli
trlbuta tkd moun arlslui, fmm tha harifTa a.U
of rs I rstato Ol Uaolsl Kastuian, will matt tb.
-rii.. ior ma purpose or 01s appomi
lo.nt, on Mondar.tba tit -laj or F.brlui T. UT,
itlDa'cloekA. M,lbUofflra la .Maueh Chunk
Would respectful
iy nn 11011 nee tor
I, I J frlnn.. J
..- Ilirilin ClllU "
thn Till ill If. If, i.anaH.1 , 1. - . I. I
ed a first-class
Livery &Sale Stable,
and that lie can furnish Horses. Buggie
nnd Carriages of tho best description,
for Pleasure, Business or Funeral pur
poses, at very lteasonable Charges,
and (in short notice. HAULINtl done
nt short notice and on short notice. In
cenncction lie will also continue hit
Carriage Manufactory
w hero the people can get their Carrlagea
Juggles, Wagons, etc., nue to order,
or 1JEPAIKED on short notice and at
reasonable prices.
The undersigned respectfully an
nounces that be has been appointed
Agent for tho
Universal Wringer
These aro undoubtedly the best Wash
ers nnd Wringers In the market, and
our ladles are invited to call and sec
Ii. F. Kleppinger,
In order to Close Out my present Im
mense stock of
Among which will be found tv large and
choice variety of
Heiress Croods I
faatlnes, Poplins, Prints, 4e.
Shirtings, Sheetings
&c; also, a line assnrinumt nf
Suitable for Men's and Boy's Wear, to
gether with
and a variety .of other GooUSall of
nincii x win oeu at
Cost for Cash!
Now la vnnr tlm. it vnn
cure HEAL Bi4UOAINS. The Stock
must ALL BE SOLD in order to, maket
room for New Goods. " Remember the
place for Panlo Prices.: '
uv. uanu ot., Leniguton.
M outlay, Occ, 1st, ' l.
1 Tftrva WTrtV'lt
JIv entlrn Stnek MorVorl nnnn
Is the time to Buy. I . ,
Ladies, Look at This fx
Zfest Shilling Calicoes are now
a io cento
Rood Calicoes at 8 "
Gooil Muslin at 12 and 14 "
Muslins at 8 and' 10 "
Good Canton Flannel at 12
Better " " at 15
et Gingham, sold, before at
18 cents, now 18 "
Good Ginghams at 8 nnd 12 "
I would call special attention to my:
largo lot of
Heavy Ulalcr Skanrli
Which I am Selling at very Low Prices..
Carpets and- OH Clotba,
Are Selling Very Low :
?,r.8AcSugar at 13X Cento.
White Sugar at
irown Sugar at 7 to 10
And all other Goodi in Proportion..
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs the people of Lei
hlgbton that be has most Excellent
Flour for Sale ;
Also, good FEED of all klndj, and.
STRAW In thn nr,rll. 11. i! ??Jt
prepared to do any kind bf
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice.
Lehlghtou, Pa. March J8-lj.
Alias Subpoena In Dlroree to Oetebur
Term. 1873. No. 7. In the case ot ..
jviuaoeui manuci, Dy ner next friend.
Richard Watkins, versus Thomas Mao' '
till, in the Court of Gamma. ti. .
Carlon County:
The Commissioner appointed by tha
said Court January 24, 1874, to take
testimony In the hn
to the next term of Canrt, will meetall
ii.,c luwinwi ipr me purpose or nut
appointment qn Monday, March 0th,
1874, at H o'clock r. M at the offlea
Of Albrlcht Ss PYstvmin. In thn hnr.
oqgb of Mfuch. f71mnk. P,