The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 21, 1874, Image 1

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    mmmmmi ""jjj"!!! I ,. H. I M I ll I I I II I MM I lim.l I fflll , I I M llll lllUll I tJjaMIMMIIWiIMWlMHIIJJlILlUUWIJIBIIII ll IMII.,
She fwiii ik
M-g :M ....
" ?'v:l':;,';..r. ixPEPEjypETVT"-" MvgAyii"MjE. ... ,,,, -g; ; ;,.
LeTnnWri Directory
n iV 1 d i 1
y?. p,;Fretlrlrl,- Singer, .lewing Machine and In
luran,next to K. II. Snvder'a, atreet.
HH.WIDD1, Hiamg llitr Culling and Siam
pntitfli aielef?tx'h.iiire Unlfl. Dtiik .lreet.
Hoot mid Shor Alakrra.
'Cbarlea Yenaeri nAjf (J ijijtiiov the pottMce, Bank
fclrwtf.attOfcaferin Otnectlonery.
iCIInlon Itretney, fn Uilan'i building HnU afreet.
.411 mdtri promptly JUlfdxoark K irrauted. ,
HiMifmaa'A Kuhnfi onpoaile Olwrfi atore, Dink
atreet. Ml ordert promptly filleiLi
Dryflonrta anil Groceries.
Z. II. Long, opp. 1.. S. Depot, Hank ft., dmlcr in
Hardware, Quceniipate, Ladiei Vrett Oaodi, ifc.
n. A. jieltiV fe'uefcel'a. liloelt, Uaok t.. Dry Gmli,
Groctriet, guipitwrt, Carpcfi, ,Oil CtMi C dial.
& It! "Snyder, limit' atreet; Zry Gooda, Xoliont,
Drtu Goodt, GrtKtriet, Quccntware, UardiMre,tc.
Drag! and Medicines.
A;J miJrtlne, Bret, ttr nbore. I. i'.,'Bank' street.
!PiUj int,'XtAf"ir!, lilent Metticinci, etc.
YP.Semnjel.neariy opp. KachanRe Hotel,
atreet, Cullivafarl, Out, liiU, Guana, at.
f'T n Hotel. ;
TlioDi,latiU,r,itiifhniif;,trp.ruUIO Equa'.e,
Hank ft. Patrtmogt tdii-itcd.
furniture Wareliouie,
V. StliwartJ.aiank afreet, dealefin all Hnii of
Jirmlurr Zytlint maiU to order. T
' ' 'MeYciiaiil Tailors."
Clau'a AJhc, Hank Urcetl and dealer in Gente'
untuJiinp tAMi, lkxtt;&lioei, llatt, Una, f&
-Xhcmaa 8, Hack, I'. 0. l ulldinh B'kH. Cnt'
FurnithitigfiiKtdt, JfaU, O'D. .VViooi UuJ.t,tt&
i k milliner.
"Ir. KOFath; Ba"k ftrei-t..2jid door below (he SI.
Jl Cbufth. .Voti'mu and Trimmingt
.Pliyelclaue ntiil Surgrona.
Dr. C.' Oermaif. cc pier t Hank and Irun slrc
L'omultatinn in EngUih and German.
,. IruvUluiiii.
Jot. Onert. Hank at., Vk inj. Curinff nnri Smot ing
l!alliihntnt. Alt orderi promptly Jilted.
jrJl'atlTntior Siulllinkat., ilealeri in Flour and
ll ialjSKKtHf, I'TUdtUndXegiluulei.
Wntclmtnlxer, and JcHeler,
A.l.'tfuliH-mi-r, 'fimiti flrtet; alcve Bank al.
XDttdtr MlVuW, Cloili; Jiingt, tic
ATiqnsy as!j, cpo.ssuLLor. at law,
;Bas!sniHT,' Liniijiiip.t, r.
Kal Ktte and Collfctloli Atf ncy. Will But and
.hell Kflate, Convejamiim l eatly doi e. Col
)ectlc,priniitVm,iUe. t-'tttllns t:nt.n uf D-.(edeiitf-aufweiaUy. coiibultvd lit knulUb
aad Oeioram ' Iov..
Ip IL'SttYPlSH,; , .1 , ( ,
" "SJctTicEoi'-'iniiTFACE;- '
t ' ' lli-hlRliton, Pa.
Office lii-lils store, npi'Sllp Hie Fucle
Holrl,fi,-Cillttioiis.rtiitl Uiiivsiiig up of,
DreuiWmpily iritMlM to.4" n22-)m
ni t I..
JTJ .i.i,E.w,i5:n,
"att6inV:y at law,
OFF;cn: (ro'uni I?lor1")lheiiwnd.ll'onerthe
Mulou 'lliljae,"ltiutti i limik, 1'j.' IHiflnew
Iraifaacled.ln.CjiaHili jindUiiuuir. Collmloua
proinply tat(f and Jj) tejiim-lnn mallydoi e,
-gjo c, pmiMtckc1,
Ollke. n IlBmtiTtKt.'t.ratiCloor.WloiT Amrili-nn
l.ot(J,M!$e).puWiMW.'at Cvlleion lirrmpt ,
ldilde. Nor 23,
ll ' " ' !
J It. U1J1.1I1CK,
A; A.
Enit Velaa;inrt, Pn
r ' A , , ' '
Ktl. ?ale of eiefy Jefrrlptlon attended 'to at
rrafoiiaVl,'fliir)!ef. t 'ifae nstruuag or t put.llu
l repwlldlly iilliltHl. "; '74.
Oct 18, 1873.
lien you go to 'Wclaiiiorti
Don!t fall to call In ard sea
.'W. Jj. SMITH,
-: ' - L 'nt' tlm
j 6o hceps.'evcry'lli(nK nice,
fmiiomAS k9ii;rcr,
'' 1 AUff
The following Compmlei ire Kepretentedl
Lebanon .Mitt ual FIrcr ,
, Heading Jtiflifal Fire,
.jV Wjwlng FItp,
I'olUvllle Flrp,
r ,. LeJiij-lfHIre, and the
. Travelers' Arcfdt-nt Iiisurance,
Also iihsylVai)la and Mutual Horse
'tlitft Detttili'o lli-uraiico Com
pany. y r , 'March gU(,l87a.
rfflKiie for:i874.
200 rgfefKVaOO'EiiAravlnps hnd Colored
rinto. ruWlt!id Qunrn tly, at 25 cts
JiYcr.f fclieiWiu lur 1874 JuM ImuiuJ.
A),tii,-ruiai4fituii nt.'s.vino jiilci.
f- AMdirmirt V JAMKS V1CK,
4Waj).. ltnylin.tir.K..V.
t " v ; ; i
.ArcniteDt ;and. Superintendent,
Nir. 143 ."7tliBtwet'iAlleiltown, Tb.,
furnlblies I'lshsi tSpecificatibris and KbU
lim'tei forI'Ublle"andPrlvat()'iiUIUIInBi.
(.'t.i 11.11. ... .-.
cnurf, 'Akette, cbi:., v,uiiMiur;t(t nun
6et-Up by! the iiibot'uirilrovcd liiftliod,1
and ft "short notice'. ' l'utionaco Is les
pcctfslly KolldtVr L'Ma callblartion
uaiaotiSaJis,t:' .Uapr.CO-yl I
Kailroad Guide.
""" '
Fast Time and Sure Connections !
Five Kxpreii Trnlne Dnlljr from
llarrlaburg lo the Went.
Pullman Palace Cars through from Ilar
burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis
ville and St. Luuhi.
Thenumber of mllff nperMed and rontrolled by
tbla Company enable. Ittn run eara through with
fewer changes than by any other Hoe.
Passengers, will find this, in all respects,
The Safest, Quickest & most
Comfortable Route!
IS- For Kates, Tickets and all In
formation, apply at all Principal Offices
m Lineof Lelilph Vnllpy and Lehth
x Su-tiuehanna Railroads, and at, P.
It. 1!. Uepot, llarrlaburg, Ta.
A. .I.CAS.ATT, (leneral Manager.
P. M. rtOVH. General I'nciieiip-r Airent.
J. N..AIIUKV, tern Traieling Aeut.
Mar. h 8, 1U73- 901 Chestnut r I'bllad'a.
Winter AnitAttoEMtNT.
Paaenzers for Philadelphia will leare lehijhton
if followat
.1.10 a. m , tla L. v.; irrlteat Thllaat I,. 8. ' "
8.55 a.ra
11.10 a.m.
11 in p.m.
2 15 p.m.
5 35 p.m.
8.2U I'.ni.
8.20 p. lu.
10 3U p.m.
T39 I.. V.
11.07 p.m. vh I.. S.
11.0i p. ni. via I.. V.
Ml p.m. la I.. S.
4 47 p.m. tin LaS.
4.44 p. in. via. U V.
t-30 p. ni. t, tj. .
Heturnini;, leave dpot at Herki and American
Streeta, 1'liiln., r. 7 10, 8 30 and 9.45 a. in.; 2.10
and A 15 p. m.
fare trout Lenlsbwu to VbUidrlpbla. 125.
Feb. I, 1971. MILLS Ul-AUK, A.'.nt
CM'IIAl. It. It. Of- N. J.
mXTKtt Altlt.tXUKMLXT,
Comiiienvlii Deo. 15, 1873.
Down Tiuixs.
o. j.
Iavt A. M.
Oreen ltldhC,.... .,...,
MTanttiu '....
Wllkea llatre .....
tVhlte llaidn '.
I'etiii, lia'b June,
Maucb Chunk 7 30
No. 3.
a', m.
11 68
in 17
12 43
So. 6.
10 25
10 30
"12.. 5
12 20
No. 7.
e. m.
4 -VI
5 47
I, 0
C-5 .....
Arrive hanlon
0 00
9 27
.Up Trains.
No, I0. No. 4.
Kn 0. Ko.14.
r. m. r. m.
3.55 -7.15
4 27 ' 7 45
4 37 7.57
4 45 8-liG
AV45 .
023 ....
SJO ....
9 25
A. ll.
A. II.
11 50
12 25
2 40
4 26
4 55
Allentrwi ,
9, 4
Mnuib Chunk 1 .25
I'cnn Unrett J'n. 10 45
Uhltrllavei 11.2.1
ttlll.el)urte 12 40
I'lttftot 1 ICI
rkraiitcn i;ii)
trr.Ureeul.ldje 135
Xefiuehntilng Valley It. Y. Down tralna Noa 3
5 and 7, anil Up tialns Nos. 10 and 4 connect at
Mauch Chunk.
Xorth lnn'a it. It Down tralna Xm 1,3,11 4
7VotinetiatHetblehCnt'or 1'blladelpltta. Up tralna
Noa. 10 & 4 connect at Bethlehem fr Philadelphia.
Ileturiilnif leaicl'ljlladelplila at7.1ll. ni. f,r taa
ton, 1aucti Chunk, Balli, Ullkea Barre, Tamaiua,
i-tantuu, Mhaaii, 'At-.; af 9 45 a. m. for Kaston,
Mauch fliulik, Tautaitua. U llllanifiairt, Wllkea
llarro mid Scr.mion; at 2 10 p. ut fir Scrautou,
Wllkea llarruand Intermediate ftatlutif; at 3 30 p.
m. Hr lUth and Kastou r at 0.15 p. lu. ft r Maucu
Tumaqua Iranc, Up tralna Noa. 10 A 4. and
Down tralua Noa. 3,5 A teotinvctatMauihthunk
to and from Tatuaiua.
LehigK. d- Lackawanna ,. Down tralna Xoa.
1 A, 7, and Up trillua Ni. 10 A Crtmuect at Beth,
lebeni for Bath aud Chapman QuarrUa, Iteturn.
a$ leate Chapman' nt 7.10'a: nt. and 2.13 p. in.
tVnlral Itaitroad t.J XeuiJertey.S 11 tralna make
cIokm connection at ha.ton with traloiou Central
llailrnad of New Jerfey.
liMdere-JMauurt Jt. Tf-Down tralna Noa. 3
A5,and Upttalna Noa.4 A 14 ioutect at Phllllpa
burg with Bel.Del. It. II. to aud Iroin 1'relltoa,
Philadelphia aud Belttdere
1'hllaaelphia dijteudmg Jiailroai. The Depoti
of the tjiat. Peun it. It. aud the L. A i. DlvUlon
are connected by Ktreet Care.
, 11. P. BALOW1N, 67en. iiin(r Agent.
Fb.7, le74.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Glassware, Ilirdwaro, Ac.
May 31, 1873,
rVJIic jiiidcrnlgnetl rcNiec(-
fully aniiouiici-ti that he is better
pipainl tliuti uyi-r to Uuy aud Sell ' .
Ill tics, "
Calf anil SUeop Slilns,
Talluw unci
' ' I'lafitorliirT Hair,
t his Old tSJaml, nearly opposite the
pol ortltif, ltunk Street, lebiyliton.
fST The highest uaali pritus paid for
ll'Ji'nnud Skiua.
(wv. U. U. E, GXtENVALI).
For $1.00.
Tjnnr. fiiist ghkatsalt lake
Gift Conci-it, authorized hy and
under tin- iinintiliatc MipervMon of the
city auihorlthss of Corlnne City, 'for tlm
bent-lit unit in aid of the
Public Free Scloolt
The Only Free School In Utah Tirr'y.
Capti 8.- Ilnwe, J.' ft. Gerrlali and
Alex. Toiionce.
TO 11E
Dlitrllitittd tn tlic Ticket Holder!
Grand Gift Concert,
Opera House.Ciiy of Corinne.
March 31mI, 1S74.
Depoaltory, Iliukif Corlnne.
500,000 "TICKETS !
PRICB $1.00 K1CBS.
$226,500 IN GIFTS,
1 Oiand Cash IV , . , 50.000
8 0.0
& I.0J
3.0 ll
5 000
10 om
0 000
0,5 0
I It .1
I " "
II t
II .1
I .. :.
1 I.
20 " '
2 JO
CjO " "
W 10 " i
60.00) " '
62.931 CashQirtf.anKittnllu lo
$22C 51,0
The distribution will be In public,
and will In; Hindu under thti same form
mill rrjjutatloiis us the San FiaiicUuo
and Louisville Lihrniy (Jtft CoueeiLs,
uniler the Mipetvir.ioii of n eoiiiuiitteoof
prominent citizens telected by the ticket
Itefi rence as to tho Inlemlty of this
enteipriau uti.l of Ilio management Is
, made to llie'followinjj well known cftl
zell.: Sun. L. Tibbals, A. Toponce, J.
Mhlah. J. II, (Jerrlsh Membew of
City Coum-il.
Judge T. J. Illack, lss't U. S. yls
sesMir; Jlalsh & Grfi-nwald, pioprlii
tor MetropoliUn Iloti-I; Kugeiiu Moore,
City Maiahiil; XV. XV. Hull. Architect;
J. Kehoe, 6'outable; J. Kupfer, Jew
eler; dipt. S. Howe, C'oiitiaetor; 0. L).
liiuhmoiiil it Co., Commission Mer
chants; M. E. Campbell, pioprii-tor
Centriil Hotel; Singleton & Ciiath, pro
prietors Paeillo Stables; S. P. llileli,
Meielianl. Sandv. Utah: .1.
u, lleh'iia, Moiitnua.
it o will also am ounce that each and
every person bujlng a ticket can atauy
and Ml times examine our books and all
littsliit-BS transactions connected with
tint enterprise; and as tlm drawing of will be placed in the hands of
honest noil illsliiteieatnl men, It will In
bure a lair nl.d Impaillul disliibutiou
(ood Kcaiiuliallile Agenta AVanteil
Liberal Coiiiiuiitloti Alloireil.,
1ST Money Hhuuld be M-nt by Ex
presit or by Uiatl on any solvent bank,
by lV-tolllco Money Order, .or Rrgls
tercd letter, at our risk. For particu
lars, uddress
E. MflllflAV. tnnr.r
LocU llox 158, Corluue, Utah
jai 3-3ui
Livery .& Sale Stables,
I always keep on hand the best hor
ses and finest carriages, to bo let at
livery at the lowest prices. Conveyances
can be had of me at the shortest possi
ble notlc.-, nt any hour. I would call
the attention of the public to my tpeci
al fiicllltlen for supply ii.g single or nim
ble teams for funerals, Jic.
t or. 22. 173. . DAVID KIlBKItT.
TJgo Rtillucrs &. Contractor.
Uloow rcvlt prcpcul toeraet
40i5J feel, 3 alory and inlp, ir Unamati'a SCi
Inn, ll. the (.. i r. 'Iliad, Is-pirata hldl luiUa'
Ulade fur caret r aud m ,Mn nork. FouinJatloa
i.oh coujplei4. lur pUn p-ciuc4tuas or pat
I lUuhue, call uu otfAaf.u
' ---.'niNCl!,
Jkll- Uaiiii Oip, CmIwi Co, Pa.
2O;0OO Rc:i-iitM,
In Every Departmentof Human Effort.
It Is prlnlid on trnrg, heavy paper,
fiom new flrctiotyi e platl-s, In tine
volume of fi30 royal octavo, dotible
eoluinn pages, nlphalii-llcally arranged
lu divisions and sub-iivlrioiis.
It Is Issued in two different styles of
binding Kncllsh cloth, wlili rruiii back
stainp. $4; leatlier, sprinklnl edges,
ribbed back (library style), U 75.
Ask tlm flrst book canvasser you
meet to show you a copy, when without
doubt you will piucliuse It. If you de
hire a copy and cannot find a book
agent who has it, a copy will bo mailed
on receipt of the pi Ice by the publisher.
It will he useless tn ask for It in a bnolt
btore, as It Is Fold only' through can
vassing agents, and it will nevenbo on
sale In book etores If the publlsherscau
prevent it.
No Hade, profession or occupation
but what Is represented therein. Tho
Housewife will fiiut aids and sugges
tions therein Invulnerable. The Car
penter, thu Uulhler, the Blacksmith,
will find material aid eacli in tl.elr n
spectlve departments. The yuing lady
will find Innumerable aids lo pass her
time not only pltasan'tly but profitably.
I'lin Fanner and Stoek-iaiser will there
nap hiu-li valuable hints as cannot be
found outride n small agrleultuial'llbra
ry. 'I he Dress maker, Dyer andClear
ciarelier will find there just what they
want to kno to make themselves per
fiet In their different specialties. The
Trapper can liml In no other book'or
books the stents contained in You
man's. The sh k can turn up therein
to the particular (II-cmso with which
they urn tumbled, mil learn the latest
Ifii.edie.s with methods for honvi treat
ment. Hut ili.simpo8slbletoiniimer.ilb
every parllcul ir branch of every em
ployment that Youmuii's Uiitlonaiy
tines not advance new and valuable In
toruiiition iheieon. S. T. LEOPOLD,
Agent lor Lehinhton, W'elssport, and
Funklln township. Jan. 31, 1874.
lit: its A YIIATTAIV Smlnpr
Illln nml l!iiiiiliiiiiiiiii
OF WElSSPOItT, hss been ap.olnted
fluent for Leldgl ton, 'elepi,rt and
vieinlly to uive our citizens - clianeu to
st e and test the merits of the airange
meutof spilngs. Jl,i s willing to put
them on tiiul for any person lor one
week, ami if they .In not pi-ove supe
rior to the Woven XX'iro Mnttress.i Put
i.aui, Yankee. Noifolk. XV rigid, Spring
field, Howe, Tucker. Eun k.t, Junn e,
I mpeilal, United Slates. XX'alker,' Con
necticut. Eagle. Salum or any of the
two thousand and one Spring lleds that
have been put itoii the market, you
are not asked to buy It. The ahovo
named hed.s have been discarded to
make looiii for the Improved It lias
no hiding place tor Lug-, lias i o slats
Oil toil Ol tl.l) rlirlliiM- lint. I ii'At't 'ill ftr
canvas, hooking nt the bare of the
spring, inai may n0 taken oil and tho
slats lemoved (for chauliit; or other
wise,) by anybuly in live minutes mid
lepbiced at pleasure. Tho sprint's may
be changed to other portloni of the bed
with very little tumble. Tl'in Hnrtn4
me wairanted to keep p'ace and la't
i""Kui innn iiny oiner in use. .tor in-
vniius u cannot tie sur ft-ed. He fits
Iheiii to anv ln tNlenil i,r ,llff..r. ,.l wii,i
of persons, the largest number under
me iimvirsi pnuoi me nouv, anil wltn
light eovi ling or hmks. cotton, straw
ued. or hair mattress, thev mlnliL tlinm.
selves completely to thu body, The call and see thu arrange
ment Of stllllliM fur III. frmlla nml unl
have lo use i'eulliers In warm weather.
They are belter than toothing syrup or
cordials for the little ones. The springs
are made from the. verv lipst. incr ntn.ii
fiom t lie celebrated Sheffield wokrsof
.ngiauu. uome one and all and see
them These beds have, been fully es
tablished In twelve different States.
The Furniture men are especially In
vited to cull and examlno these beds.
Beds put upon trial and no one asked
to puichase until alter a fair trial.
nov 8 '73-tt Ageut, XVeiseport.
Jut s
tie i-fa,
a vaioUak.aiBi
Only Tho UolUra null Haifa Year
73! Sisaoii.Dr, I'uilicurau,
712 DroiJaajr, N. V. 3 B.boct S: Dtitoo.
IU, 116 A III B. JUUlM ft , Clttai,
?f -E-.Sr-S.S
0"" t 7 t-f t Ct"- .
The Ilnbea hi the Wnode.
(niO l'ISB FLAT, 1871.)
"Somctld'nK characteristic." eh ?
Humph I I reckon you mean hy thnt,
Something that hnnpcneil tn our way.
Jlern at thu'ci-ossln' of lllir I'lno Kfiit.
Times aren't now its they used lo be.
When ttolil was lluah anil Iho boys were
Anil a man would pull out Ids battery
Koranytliinu-tnuybotho price orwhlsky
Xothiiift ofthnt soit. eh? Tlints strninre.
Why, I thought you tnlirht bu dlvurted,
Ilearlni; how Junes, or lleil Itoc-k llntiL'e.
Drawed his -Hint to the Unconverted,"
Anil saylntt. Whar will you have It V shot
tlierokeu Bob nt tho lust Oebatlnt; I
n bat was tho question t I lot-got
But Joiie3iUUii;t.lKoUob s way of stating
Kothinff of tho kind, ell J You mean
SomuthltiK milder! I.cfs sec Uh, Jool
Toll to tho stranger that llttlo seeno
Out of tho "Uabes in thu Woods." You
Babes was the name that wogavo 'cm. sir.
Two lean lads in their teens, unit crooner
Than oven thu belt ol spruce and in-
where they built their nest,uml each day
t'rew leaner.
Ko'ono knew whero they camo from- Nono
Unreit tojiak if they huil n mother.
Itunnwny schoolboys, maybe. Ouo
Tall anililntk us a spineoi.tho other
Bluo unit told in tho eyes anil hair,
Soltjxiul 4ow In his speech, hut rarely
Talkluc with us;, and wo illdn t care.
To get at their secret at all unuiily.
For they woro so quiet, so sad and shy,
Content to trust enoli other sololv,
That somehow we'd always shut ono eve,
Am thoy passud to tholr 'work Twas a
AViit-n.i,iil nln l,ii
iYiiiiiieverseeintoouscrvotncm wnoiiy.
AVorn -out clnlm.
And It paid them grub. Ihcy could Uvo
without It,
For tho boys had a way of leaving camo
In their teit, aui forgetting all about It.
Yet no ono nskoil forthelr secret' Dumb
It Jay In their big eyes' heavy IioIIOwm.
It wu iiiideistnod.thiit no onuslioulil como
To their tent unaware, save tho bees
nml swallows
So thoy lived nlono.. Until ono wnrmnight
I was sitting herejitthutent.door,so,lr, nmiliKr ln ivnrlil.-.. nimninr T., r..
When'outof the sunset's rosy light ' coming ill tins nariiho n mnnei. In ro
up roso tho sheriff -of Mariposa. I'ly they told tho President that tliey
, .
ll,l.. - "
Aniltheio Isn't much you can fetch'nlong
I o make the sinews of .lack' Hill brittle.
"tin mini tho BubesI" ho whisneieil,
ForYVe,a"storynn.C.tJ!,,;it S'.
1 vo got a wan-ant; G-d u-n It, hurry f
,,,,, ,
bin'0 y " S0C" " aoros3.tl10
I iiin 'to thelr.tciit and found them lying
Dead in cuofi others arms, and mill
Clasping the drug they had taken flying,
And t here My their secret, cold and bare,
Tlteirllte, their trial -tho old old stnryi
l or tho sweet bluo eyes and tho golden
Wcre.u woman's ilia ine and a woman's
Who wcro thoyf more. or nsk
I lie sun .that visits their L'ravo so lightly;
.... iiie'iuwiij; rt-UIIS, lir UISK
Tho inounilng crickets 'that chirrup
All of theli- llfo bnt Its Jovo forgot, i ?. ttas ''' '' """0 " Intoetlei't.
Kvcrythtng tender ami sort and mystic; At tie same time, to appease the In
Theso nru our Jiubes iutho Woods, you vo dlans, a siimptumts feast wn-) made-for,
--Iluman Knturc-.tbats character. !'" f''1'' i' I' who du.lng
istici lira llarte. tllB "otter slate of fi elingS which seem-
I ed lo prevail, took occasion tn pxnlalif
Romance of an American
In 1783 tho srttlompnt of Gpnrgin
was commenced by a .numlier of Eng-
lisb people, who. were brought ove. by
Genera Oil ethnriii, on, I nllxlinil IL.ilr
I Ti r ' V
I tents on the. very spot now occupied by
I the city of Siva.mah.
In his intercourse with tho Indians.
he was greatly, assise d by an 'Indian
woman, whom he found In Savannah,
by tlie naini) pr Mary Musgrove. Shu
had resided among the lEuuliah in an
other part of the, country, and wm.well
acquainted with lielr language,. Sim
was of great use, therefore, to Gi'neral
Oglethorpe. In Interpreting, what lie
said to the Indians, and .what they said
to him. I' or this purpose he gave her
a hundred pounds n jcar.
Among those who eame over with
Geneial Oglethorpe was n man by tho
naumuf Thom.ts ilesoiuworth, who was
mo chaplain, or minister, of thu col
ony. Soon after Ids arrival ho married
me aoove mentioned Indian woman
Mary Jfusgrovo. Unhappily, Desom
worth was at heart a bad man, tliougl
by profession n minister or tho
He was distinguished for hls prido and
love of lichen and Influence. At tho
same time, he was very aitful. Yet,
on act'uuui ot ins profession, ho was,
jor time, mucu respected by tlie in
.4t ono of the great councils of tlie
Indians this' artful man inluced some
of the chiefs to crown Malatche, one if
me grearest among them, and to de
clare him prince and emperor of all the
Creeks. After this. fm i,mlB UU wife
call Herself the eldest sister of 'Malatche,
and she told the Ii.dlans that one of her
grandfathers had been made kipg by
the Groat Splrjt over all the Creeks.
Tho Indians believed wlnr, Mary told
them, for since General Oglethorpe had
been so kind td her they hnd become
very prouu ot ner. luey called a great
meeiinu or me cnieis together, aud
Mary made them b Iohl- talk. She told
them that Uiey had been Injured by the
whites that they were cettim; uwav
the lauds of the Indians, and would
soon drive them from all their jiosses
ilons. Said she: "XX'o must assert oui
rights we must arm ourselves a.aliiat
them we must drive them from our
territories let us call forth our warriors
I will head them. Stand. by me, and
the houses which they have erected
shall aiuoke In ruins."
The spirit of Qjeen Jary was con
tagious., Every thief present dcclaied
himself ready lo ilefeud her to tlie last
drop of his blood.
vltit-r dun preparation the warriors
wire called loilh. Tliey h-d patuled
llivmeelves'afreell, aud hiiarpeklekluneiv
tholr tomahawk' for Uwj Utile, Tiia
mnrcli was nniv commpiiceiT. Quppn
Mary, attended by her Infamous Inn.
band, the author of nil their ills
content, headed Hit' savage 'linuitr.
Hi fi re they reached Savannah their,
approiich wns nniiniiueed. The penplo
were Ju-tly nhirmed, Thpy were few
in number, ami, though they liml a for
tification and cannon, thevjiad lio.gniHl
lea-oli to hope that tlnvsliould bn alls
to ward off theileally blow wnicli was
aimed aurtitist tliem.
Hy this time tlie savages werMn sight
of Savannah At (his critical moment
nn Englishman, by the inline of N'nhlti
Jones, a buhl and daring man, ,rodi'
toitli, with a few spiiltfd men on, horse
back, to meet tlicm. As he approached
them, ho exclaimed, In a video like
'Ground your arms ground your
arms I Not nn armed Indian shall set
ills root in this town I"
.Iwu-striiek by Ids lofty ton", and
perceiving him and his companions
icady to dash In nn.onc them, tliev
paused, and soon nfter laid dmvii their
arms. 7esrmworth and his tpicen wero
now summoned to march into the city,
and It was permitted tho chiefs and
other Indians to follow, but without
their arm.
On reaching (lie parade ground, tin)
the thunder of fifteen cannon, lire I at
sune moment, told them wtiat they
miulit expect should thev p-rslst Intlieir
I ..
Hostile designs. I lie Indians were now
marched to the. liou-e nt" the pre.-lent
of the council In Savannah. Itesem
wnrtli wasreiiulred to leave the ludl.ins.
while the president hnd a friendly talk
with ll.em,
In his addres to them lip asaured
them of thoi kindness of thu English,
mill ilpilintiilml vvlitit Hint (iw.iiir lit
"invi iiearu mat JIary was to bn scut
tlie great waters and they had
.llllA In nam Ilim. . . , . ... I...,A
i tlieir'ntipcn."
Findi,,,, ti !, t.I!
, 11 tlio Indi,
deceived: and tlmt lloso
-wi.iu IW (ii.ii, ,,uy HIUJ nilu IU ll'JU
,tns had befrt
somwortli was
SelMl,"1,1 l",'" JlT o'lf !lm !',?
!, 1 u" Intended to.get p of
maeaJne, and todeslioy the whites,
tho council dlreetcd him to be seized,
n",','t!' thrown Into prison,
I Ids step, Mary resente I witli great
snlrlt. linihlncr r,irtli ninmia ilm In.
V,"' ' '"sn8,rorl" n"n0"S the III-
dlans, slm oppnly cursed Gen. Ogle
Ihorpp, fillhoush lie had raised her liom
poverty and distress, nml declarej that
the whole world should'knnw' that the
ground she trod upon was iter own.
The wHtllko spirit oi tlm Indians lift
lug thus likely to be renewed, it was
ihought'advlsablotolniprlson Mary also.
! to them the wickedness of lliiiomwoith,-
and how by falsehiKid and cunning Jio
had, led them to believe that Mary was
really their queen descendant' o'f'ouo
of their ereat chiefs.
"lirotliers," sild he. "ft is no such
tiling. Qiifen Miiry Is no other than.
Mary -Vusgiove, whom I fm,d ii'ooi.
...! .. I..: I ... i ., . ' '.'.. '
"i"i "ii" mis i.reti iiMiiti me iliipo n t 10
. artful Ue.somwutb; and you. brothers
Iho.dupen of both." '
Tho aspect of tilings was now. nlea-
sant. The Indian, were beginning to
bohati-iied of the villainy of lliwnu
wiirlh, and of tlio ical eharnete'r f
.Vary But at this moment thu door
was thrown open, and, to tho siirpri.
of all, -Vary burst Into the rpiini, She,
I 'l made her escape' from prison;' anil,
learning what was going wii,-hhu had
rushed lorwtrd Willi the fury of a wild
beast; . .',
"Seize your nrmsl seize your arms I
Cemember your pro'mlie, and de'lcnd'
your queen."
The sight of their queen seemed. In
n moment, to b1lngba9k.aH theorlglnal
muni ui tun c-iiierjiusu. 111 an insUut
every chief had seized his .torn ilimyk,
and sprang from the ground to rally at
tho cali of their queen.
Al this moment Captain Jones, who
was present, perceiving tin, dancer of
the president, and tho other white's,
draw Ills' sword and demanded peace.
The maleity of his countenance, tlw
fire of 1.1s eye, and tlio glittering of tils
sword, told Queen Mary what slio
might expect, should sho attempt to
raise any higher the fevcrlih spirit of
her subjects..
The Indians cast an eyo toward.Miry,
as If to Inquire what they should do.
Her countenanco fell, Preceivltig his
advantaee, Captain Jones slopped for
ward, and, In tlie presence of llm Indians
standing round, again conducted Mary
back to prison. A short Imprisonment
so far humbled both Besom worth nml
Vary, that each wrote n letter, In
whieh.Uiey confessed' Hie wramr iimv
had done, and iirninlsed. ir releAhtut
tlratthey woulil conduct themselves will)
...uio iiuiiieiy in luture. nn pe.iplo
kindly foriravo th6iu both, ami n,..i.
left the city; '
A certain man has n watch whloit
lie' says has tallied unouuh tn tiav flip
itself In six month.
XVhcn ft bit of ostrich feither Ii
found, by a wife In her husband's bear !
no one can blame her lor belm? don-n
on him.
A Detroit feraalo of lust twenle.
five was mauled to her llllli husband
lately. All gentlemtn allyo, and the
lirat four are doing well.
An Iowa editor wrote: '"TWIn-
the past At-ek we have been vl,tln- Hih
ohnxuf tliecountry;" mid his eoustaut
uojiriuerjlui'JKlhuta lunnr ivsy to
CImOI 'aalneui.