t Sua , V. noilTHtMKK EBItOII. I.ElllOIITON, V.i SATURDAY MOHNINU miRUAtlY It, IUtitnVnlt Our friends will lKno take vrtlro that tlio onice of Tiffi Cakbos Abvo c tb will be ri moved from Its rresent location to Uie Wilding almost dlretly opposite, belonging to r. S. Helntzel man, Esq., on or about tlio 1st of March next. Missouri legislation Is saU to cost seven dollars a minute. The Southern lllriuileal SoIety U gathering the record of the lute civil war, In order that tho material may ho obtained for a Southern history of tlio struggle. The prndiicthm of coal on the Pacific cost is M Idly Increalnp. The Mount Diablo mines have averaged 175,000 tons a year for two years past, mid the lowest pi Ices are $0,23 for fine, $8,25 for coise. and Attorney .General Ti ftln r f M nsachu Bi tts advocates the abolition of the death penalty. Ho says that as the law now stands secret murder may have become one of the safest of crimes, and In his opinion the certainty of conviction of a crime punishable by Imprisonment for life will bo far'more effectual In de terring men from tho commission of niurd-r than the threatened severity of punishment by death. The New York Mercantile Journal Company, 350 Pearl Street, New York City, -announce to the public that as all previous editions of the Lecture on the "Currency Needs of Commerce" by Mr. Walace P. Groom, In pamphlet form sixteen pages have been ex- tiausted and as tho Inquiries for the pamphlet are still numerous, they are again printing it, and will send one or moro copies to any person applying therefor and enclosing stamps for return postage. Monday afternoon the house exploded, killing two men named McMnhnn and Kecfrs Their remains were 'terribly mangled. palU r.f them being found In different places in the woods. As they were making som reptlrs It is thought they hit some concealed glycerine, which caused the explosion. In thcpcheduleofasaetsand liabilities filed In the bankruptcy ca"e of Edwin P. Booth, In New York, the total are given as follow; Creditor holding curties, $100,115; unsecured ciwli. tor. 5-102,1(11; assets, 40,80J; debts 517,841). The ladles In Ohio who have joined In the crusade ngalnst the saloon keepers, have some little dlfllcultle" to contend with. A saloon keeper In that State recently had timely warning that the ladle were coming to nuid a prayor iicctlliL' In Ills saloon, lie prepared lor their reception by sprinkling red pepper on the Move with moat disastrous results to his lady visitors. A Chicacn roan lately received a tele gram from his wife, who Is In Germany, Miylng that she had given birth to a daugnter. He was so pleaed at the news that he nave orders to a naki r to distribute 500 loves of bread to the poor eaeh dny for 10 days. Thurlow Weed, who recently had his watch ttolen bv a ulikpocket. while riding in a Uroadway stage In New York, has recovered his property oy aia of the detective police. The watch was given him by the Lite James Savage, of Albany, In loJJ, over rorty years ago, The Nova Scotia fisheries were valued at $0,200,000 last year. The City Marshal of Davenport, la., has Mied 2102 free and enlightened voters lor tneir poll tax. A bill U before the California Legis lature making 12 hours a day's work for street car conductors. The Maine Legislature appears to bo dividing Its attention between capital punishment and lobster trade. Baroness Burdett Coutts recently delivered a speech at Edinburgh on the occasion of being presented with the freedom of that city. St. Louis merchants have been victim lied by a large number of counterfeit Treasury notes for S20. S5U and 9iw, In circulation in that city. The scarcest fur in Alaska is that of the black fox. Of 21.000 bklns taken In 1872 there was only one black fox skin, which sold for the large price of $1DU. A letter from .Alaska to a gentleman In New York says that the gold fields in th.it territory are panning nut well some miners making from $100 to $150 a day. They arc on the Stiklne river, about 200 miles from Sitka. The same writer says that Alaska is no place for white men. It rains or unows nearly the year round. An attempt was made to raise potatoes near Sltkn, and the result was a watery tuhcr about the size of a walnut. Iibeumatism Is prevalent there. The N. Y. Sun fays: Mr. H. Singe; ex-policeman, Is In ncelptof a pension of $;to0 per anmini. A ludgmint wa some time ago recovered agaiit lilm and the ordinary supplementary pro- ret dings viero taken, ii lulling In tile appointment of u ii ceiver. The receive gotone quarter's pa) mi nt of the pension and proceeded to apply It in payment ot the Judgment. On application Mr. Since, Judge Jiveph 11. Daly has oidered the money to 1c paid back holding that a pension is no debt due the pensioner, but a gift by the Govern ii.i r.t, ai.d that It cannot be tclzcd for debt. The army rtductlnr, bill, under con sldmtlon hy the House M iliary Oni miltee, provides for sweeplngieducllons in the army among others of five leg! nients of infantry, two cavalry, and one ai tilery. Officers who may necessarily he affected by the reduction are to re celve one year's pay on being niu&tticd nut. Impoitant changes are also pro posed In the number and mode ot the selection of officers as commanding gi nrrals of tho several military depart mcnts. The bill provides lor the n polntment of assUtant surgeons ami r.s-Utact quartermasters fiom officers who have bervtd In the Medical and Quartermaster's Depaitments during the late war, and that the first twenty giaduates each j ear from the Military Acarh my shall be assigned to reglaienls ad the remainder discharged. Alias Snhrcsna in Divorce to October Term. 1873. No. 7. In the cao of Elizabeth. Manuel, by her next friend, Richard Watklns, verus Thomas Man uel, In tho Court of Common Pieas of Carbon rounty: The Commissioner appointed by the said Cuuit January 24, 1874. to take tetliunny in tne aiinvo rne ana report to the next term of Court, will nieetnl! parties Interested for the purpose of hi appointment on Monday, March 0th, 1874, at r-4 d'ciooK r. ,u , at, me omce it Albright & Freyman. in tlio bor ough of Mauch Chunk, Pa. W, 31. KU'SUKK, feb!4-4w Commhsloiier. New Advertisements. once ix divorce. ft NNlgMCC'8 NOIICC. m. Notice Is hereby given that Thhmas S. Dock, of Lehlghton, Carbon county, Pa., and Mary, his wife, by deed ot voluntaiy assignment have, ns-laneil nil the etate, real and personal, of the said Thomas S. Deck .to J eph K. anniuunclicr, of Kreldersvilic, North ampton county, IV, in trn-.t, for tho benefit of the said Thomas S Jbck. All persons, therefore, indebted to tho said Thomas S. Beck, will make, payment to me, the said assignee, at Kreldersviile, or to my duly nutl.oilzfU agent, Thomas S. Beck, at Lehighton, and those having claims or clenmn.l. will make known the same within six weeks f :om this date. ' josnni k. wannamachf.r; Assignee if Tuoinu 8, Btfi'k. F.l.12,m.-8w A New Idea! -SHUTTLE- Sewing Mine sr otlco or Incorporation, Current Item. A dispatch from Phllabelphia says: On Saturday lnt, Thomas Mooney, a man about tlilrtyifivo years of age, whilst working at the marble quarry owned by D, O. Hltner, In Upper Merlon, met with an accident which caused almost Instant death. It appears that he was In the act of preparing a blast at tho top of the quarry, when a jue mature explosion occurred, throwing (the unfot lunate man shout twenty feet In the air along with the mass of Mono, nd directly over the quarry, which Is mora than a hundred feet deep. Ho ft)! to the bottom, a mangled, dying man, his throat having been cut before he descended sufficiently to sever the artery and cause dath, eveu had he net experienced the terrible fall. He lived long enough to recognize his wife, who is left Willi five chlldien, the oldest about seven years of age. The GJywtoe factory of Michael J5rady at fort Tlconden ga, closed for the past few weeks, was again ttaited ondsy morning. Ataboutfouro,clork Squlblete Iiy "Mareutlo." Competition is the life of trade,' has been knocked into a cocked hat The saying now Is, "Chrom os are the lire of t ratio. " in fact, Chroiuos are all the rage. If you buy a pound of tea you must take a chromi, or else forecr have the undying hato of the storekeeper. Next thing we know we will have chromo coffins, chroiuo cough candy, chromo catfish, and chromo I don't know what. Even the ladles are singing: Cliromo Ruin, chromo gain. From a loreinn store. And oil, my heart Is free from pain Just Ktvu muoiiu pound more, Mr. Clnomo must hu a n o-it Inde fatigab'.e (ah! camphor, please!) artist for his vi rks are vailed and many, and the people crow more (I feel bet ter) about them than they would over the more recent paintings of the ancient masters. This Is a sample of the work that keeps the pottman busy on St. Valen tine's day: Hear AnRCllne. I would bo tlilno, Pinv. (tram this wish ot mine; To von I've taken quite ft shine Ot will you be uiy Vulentlue? Or this: Charles Aufmstus. I lovo you not, And I d sooner ho shot. Than Iki 'cpt In water hot Hy marrying such a sot. We mado a hair bread-th escape, the other day, as wo were partaking of a modicum of the "staff of life." And thrugh wo nio fond ot red herrings, we object decidedly to finding reJ hair In our bread. Bnnrs" boy I as bern to the mrnag eile He says "the hlpro'jvtoes i a gocd beast," but he likes "the cammo miie biMtst of all." Mr. Wallops Is dea I, and Mrs. W. is Inconsolable. Indeed, she is worried almost to death for feaf her n t u biud'snanie will not commence with V, Poor thing I she needs sympathy. Hrrtllver is, i gravid with a "W." lit r china Is marked "V," hence the anxli ty of Mis. W. to get the aforesaid "W." Alas I the rest of the alphabet hath no charms for her. Her lot is a sad one. bhe says If she had bad any Idea that wallops was going to die so scon, sho would never have had the things aarked "W." "What a fall was there, my country. men I" Correct I Astronomy Is a most delightful study, but the sidewalk at this season of tho year, Is not the exact kind of an obsevatory from which to observe the stars and things. From the slippery condition of the streets and the frequent accidents, any one would think It was tho fall of the year, Notice Is hereby clven that at a Court of Common Pleas in and for the Coun ty of Carbon, on the 24th day ot Jan uary, A. D. 1874, a petition was pre sented with articles ot association, praying for a charter of Incorporation for the "Xowanensing Farmers' riro Insurance Company," of Millpoit, Carbon County, Pa. Whereupon tho said Court perused and examlntd tho same, and ordered that unless sufficient cause be shown to the contrary on or before the next term of the said Court to be held nt Mauch Chunk on tho fourth Monday of March next, the said charter would be granted in accordance Willi the petition and nrticles or asso ciation filed in the office of the Pro- thonotary of said Court. From the record: THOMAS KEMERER, Prothonotiiry. W. M. ItAFsHEn, Attorney for Pe titioner. feul4-4W mlioiiimid of and Millions of X 1' l'rupertj MVed hy umIujj tbo AMERICAN Safety Kerosene Lamp These lamps art made of brais, aud will nerer break. The burners hate a Safetr Tube Attachment for the escape of Kax, and will never eiplode. Thecbluineva are made of Mica (r IMn plas, ii called), aud Iht-y are lb on It lamp cbtmuutt ujntie iiiHi win unt tirettk by net l or com. Glass CblmiiK and Lamps are unfttifo aud ex- peupire inn l met universal tonipiainr UTer R)Teiityfhe tuWllone of Ulam l.amp Chim neii are broken In I his e uutryevtrr Year. rrire oi nana jamp. CKUipteic, wun .mca ChtuiueY. onedull.tr. Oiaou iarj)ps twoUulMr. l'rlce il llrmwe 1'arlor or cent to any Liart if the United Matt-s by ox;-reii on rttcelpt of tbe ujuuej vy man, ljUW a,;eittf wauivi tu w.i iiivm LanijM and Mica Chiuiiive lu every ilty anl Uwu(lowhuDi a llbetal, discount will be made. Neiid lur haiLple lamps and clrcuUra giving all particulars. 'i.hey spejk for theuuelveK, aud sell uu klgUU Addrese fell 4-1871 Mj.UU 1'earl fct., New Vurk. JORTII PKNNA, IIA1LROAD, UIIITE& iRUKQIMIST. TasseDf ers for I'blladelphla will leave Lahtchton as lonows.i 6.09 a. m , t la L. V4 arrive at Thtla at 8.55 a.m 7 37 a. so. via L. B. " 11.10 T.39a.ni.TlL. V. " 11 10 p. m 114)7 p. u. via L, k 8. 11 " 3.15 p.m. p. m. via L. V. " . 2.15 p.m. p, m. via u. b " " o. p.m, 4 47 p. m. via L. AH.' l:M i.m U4 p. ui. via. L. V, " i 20 p. m, TJtf p. di. via L. V. 10 30 p.m H(rpntf. lvavadfDotat Berks and American t!trte, 1'hiU at 7.1 J, 30 aod 9.44 a. 104 2.10 Aar Irwi nLba to Tblbderrhta. 13 ii. sjp U. fJaAUSS, Ulcrcliaiit Tailor. And Dealer In Cent's Fiirnlglilnpr Goods, LEtllGUTON, PA. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS. ConelstinR of Plnln nnd Fancy Cloths. Casslmeres nnd Vestlngs.for Men's ntul Hoys wear, which i inn prepnieu 10 Make up to Order In the most Fashion- uhle Styles, at short notice. Ladles', Misses and Children's JBsots& Shoes A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lnstlnc, Kid, l'ebulo and (iraln Leather Moots aud bhoes on hand, or ill a do In Order. Hats, Caps and Furs, Of the Latest Styles nlways oj hand, at tlio lowest rrice. Also, Agent for tho Amcrlcau & Orover & Baker Sewing Machines. Only One Price for Everybody. January 11, 1873-yl FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, Would respectful ly nnnnunce to! hU friend and the public In general, that 1m has open, ed n first-class Livery & Sale Stable. nnd that lie can furnish Horses HiusIrh and Carriages of the best description, for Pleasure, Iliislticss or Funeral pui poses, nt very Ileaionnblo Charne, and mi shoit notice. 1IAULINO dono nt -linrt notice and on hhort notice. In connection ho will a No continue his Carriage Manufactory where the peopiocan get their Carriages .Buggies, AVngnns, etc., inano to order, or I1KPAIKED on short notice and at reasonable ptlces. The unilerslgneil respectfully an. nomiccs that he has been appointed Agent for the Universal Wringer AND Doty'sClothesWasher. These are undoubtedly the bet Wash ers and Wringers In tho maiket, and our ladles nie Invited to call m il see hem. L. P. Kleppinger, Cor. MNK and IRON' Streets, Feb. 22, 187y. Lehlghton, Pa. AKD EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned wirier Tni; BEST IN THE WORLD! ESTTlio Highest Premium awarded to It at TTO3 VIE IsTUST A. muo undcrslgncrt respect- fully announces that be Is better prepared tuan ever to jiuy and bell Hides, Calf and Sticep SUlm, Tallow and Plastering Hulr, at his Old Stand, nearly opposite the Dost office. Bank Street, lehlRhton. ine nigucst cosu prices paiu zor Hides ana bklns. nov. 23. C. E. GUEENWALD J. IIOYD IIUKllI, Architect and Saperintendent, No. 142 N. 7th Street, Allentown, T&., furnlshef Plans, bpeclncatiuns and KM mates for Public and Private Zhilldlncs. Stairs, Halls, ic, Constiucied and Set Up by the mo.t approved method and at short notice. Patronace is res pectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. apr, 0-yl Ohio Stato Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amor. Institute, N. Y.; Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition ; St. Louis Fair ; Louisiana Stuto Fair; MIssisslupl Stato Fair ; nnd 'Georgia Stato Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing1 tho largest end best rango of Yrorii. All other JIacliInej hi tho Market ircro In direct COMPETITION ! ! ZWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Whoro wo havo no Agents wo will dollror a Machirfo for tho prico namod above, at tho nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken In Exchange. Send for Circulars, Prico List, &c, and Copy of tho Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of tho day, devoted to Sewing .Ma chines. Fashions, General News" and Miscellany. Agents "Wanted ADDItESS, .Wilson Sewins Machine Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. In order to Closo Out my present Im mcEso stock of BBY Among which will be found a largo and choice variety of OMMUSISO SILKS, ALPACAS, OINQnAMS. DE LAINES, Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &c. Shirtings, Sheetings, Ac; also, a lino assortment of CASSIMEUES AND COTTONADES, Suitable for Men's and Boy's Vear, to gether with CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS QUEENSWAItl: AKD OLASSWARE and a variety of other Goods, all of which I will Sell at Ctosti tw Cash! Now Is your time. If you want to se cure REAL U.-lliGAINS. Tho Stock must ALL l!K SOLD In order to make room for New Goods. Remember the place for Panic Prices : $50,000 For $1.00. milK FIRST GREAT SALT LAKS Gift Concert, authorized by and under the Immediate supervision of the city authorities of Cnrlnno City, for the ueuenr, nun in am or tne Public Free School, The Only Free School In Utah Terr'y. TRUSTEES OF rUDLlC FREE jCrJOOL, Cnpt. S, I1ot, J. 8. OrrrltU audi Alex. Toponc. TO BE DUtrlbnted to the Ticket IIoUr AT A Grand Gift Concert, TO BE HELD AT THE Opera House,Cityof Corlnnei March 3l8t, 1874. Depository, Banlt of Corlnn. 500,000 "TICKETS ! mice 81.00 EACU. OR SIX TOR FIVE DOLLARS. $226,500 IN GIFTS, AS FOLLOWS I Nov. Hank St., Lehlghton. gVUSORIDES FOH . The Carbon Advocate, Tb Cbuptit r.p.r la the Ltbljh Tiller, Only One Dollar a Year . , M0BTI1IUER, PnUUtier, Uelfhwo, Pi. 1 0d Cuk ' 1 1 1 1 I 1 & 20 100 200 too 600 1,300 (0,000 $1,000 ewh 660 etth 100 eaeh 40 wk JO.ith 10 ca rh l.ch 10,00 ti,0M 12.000 ,ooo t.034 (O0O 4,OW 1,000 2,000 6,000 lu,x 10,0. 10,0t(i li,00 S.0OO 6,600 (0,000 outlay, Dec, 1st. IN?3! A FEARFUL Reduction Prices My entire Stock Marked Down now Is the time to lluy ! Ladies, Look at This! Zfcst Shllllnc Calicoes are now Sell Intt nt 10 Cents Good Culleoes at 8 " Good Mvslln nt 12 and 14 " Mu-llns at 8 and 10 " Good Canton Fhtuutl nt 13 " lletter " " nt 15 " iV-jt Glnulmm, sold before at 18 cents, now 10 " Good Ginuliums at...i.8 ami 13 " PREPARE FOR WINTER. I would call special attention to my large lot of Heavy Winter Shawls Attn WHITE AND GRAY BLANKETS, Which I am Selling nt very Low Trices. Carpets anil Oil CIoIIim, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Are Selllnc Very Low : Dost A Suenr nt 131 Cents. White Suunr at 11 iovn bugnr.at 7 tu 10 " And all other Goods in Proportion. 52,934 Cub Glfti, noontlui Is . . $22t,60O ONE CnANCE IN EVERY NINE I The distribution will be in public, and will bo made under the same form and regulations as the San Francisco and Louisville Library Gift Concerts. under tho supervision of a committee of prominent citizens selected by the ticket holders. Reference as to the integrity ot this enterprise nnd of tho management is made to tlio louowing well known cltl. zens: , Sam. L. Tibbals, A. Toponce, J. Malsh, J. 11. Gerrlsh Members of City Council. Judge T. J. Black, jls3't U. S. As sessor; Malsh & Greenwald, proprie tors Metropolitan Hotel; Kugene Moore, City Marshal; W. W. Hull. Architect; J, Kchoe, Constable; J. Kupfer, Jew eler; Cant. S. Howe, Contractor; O. D. Richmond & Co., Commission Mer chants; M. E. Campbell, proprietor Centrttl Hotel; lnglelori& Creath, pro prietors Pacific Stables; S. P., Hltcti, .Merchant, Sandy, Utah; A. (J.' Qarrl son, Helena, Montana. We will also announce that each and every person buying a ticket can at any aud al times examine our hooks and all business transactions connected with the enterprise; and as the 'drawing of pilzes will be placed In the hands of honest and disinterested men, it will in sure a talr and impartial distribution. Uood Haipoiulbla Ageutl Wanta Liberal Commlsilou Allowed. 1ST Money should bo sent by Ex press or by diaft on any solvent bank, by l'u.-todlce Money Order, or Regis tered Letter, at our risk. For particu lars, aauress E. W. MORGAN, Manager, Lock Box 108, Corinne, Utah, jai 3-3ui w cUt port Attcad! W. A. GRAVER BANK STREET, , . rENN'A I.EIliailTO.V. jrLOUK AKD FEED. Charles Trainer Respectfully informs the people of Le highton that ho has most Excellent Flour for Sale ', Also, cood FEED ot all kinds, and STRAW In the .Bundle. He is also prepared to do any klnd.of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LEHIGH (3d) STREET, Lehighton, Pa. March 28-ly BUCU.MAN, xuoriCTUm or Carriages, Slelgus, Buggies, and eerj deicrlptlou of SPRINC WAGONS. Kearlr oppotlte JUgle Hotel, Dnk Street, LeblgutoD, KEPAtMNO PROMWUT ATTBNDBO TO At reuooeUe cbirju. avFtlroiefe 'r retpwUnll ollcll4,Dj r.b.T, irt, A.BCOtUiN. The undersigned would resrectfutljr inform bullders.contractors and the pub lic in general, that they havo opened a dumber Yard In connection with their SAW-MXEiI., Near the L A S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., ind that they have now on hand an lm nienso stock of '.horouchly Seasoned Lumber, such as Rough Pine Boards, burraced rino oards, Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, Sidings, of all kinds, Shingles, an immense stock, Roofing and Ceiling Lath, Scantling, and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip tion at thi very lowbst market prices. We are also prepared to furnish Build ers and others with a yeryjlne article of Sand, suitable for biases ry Work. Planterlmr. to.. at Re markably Low Figures. We have constantly on hand a large lot of Wood suitable for Firewood, which we' will sell, In large or small quantities, at Prices to suit your Pocket Oca Hotto-IIONEST COUNT-LOW mlCKE. Ycakcl & Albright, Weissport, aug 23-yl Carbonoounty, Pa jrjo Builders & Contractors. PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT COMPANT . UI mw reeelTt proeala la tmi A 8TO N E MILL. t0iMfMt,3lorjnaitll!. Beer ' Ja Hon, on tbe L. 4 8. orf. SepereteMdl te he Dixit for ternnUr end rauoo roonllW now tomplW4. for pUei, eferlOeeUoiu, w tf ucuura, cU ea er Manei A.anuMOL Oea.qwStkgera.