Sarinm !3L if lit it t Slf P II. Y HIOKTIIIHirm IvtlMor mill Proprietor. Ti:it.iis.: One Dollar Vrnr In Aiivaurn "VOL. II., No. 13: LEI11GIIT0N, CAUBON COUNTY, PENLVA, SATUIIDAY MOUSING. FEURLT.UIY H. 1871 SLVOLE COPIES, T.IIKKB OE.VTS Lehightoiis Directory 'A gen I. W. C. Fre-tlrifl, Singer touting Machine and In c mranff.iieit to.K. II. SprdiT's, llaiilc street. Dnrtler, R..B, WIDBIS,- Staring, Hair, rutting and Sliam. r poking, ur,'Iliti.I. Hunk street. ' Hoot ami Sho Jllnktm. Gharlet 'tree! Yeuser nearly ipiiosite the leiil-njfac, Bank ;!4t; i&'ur in (imfrlWitn-yi llnton Bretney, in 'Zero'' building, Itank streiL .411 onerl promptly filled uxtrk-warranted. Confectioner. Hausman A Kitbnii, ophite 01 ert's strre, Dink street. Aliordertpromptlg .fillM, ' 'Dry'OoihU ami Ot uurrtt-Y. Z. It. lxmer'ppp.')..- 8. Deput, Hank sti 'tinier in Hardware, UuecnKurc, Ladies' Dress Gotls, tfc. 11. Jii Belts, lrtdck'eri Block. Il'a'nk al., Dry Gnnlt, Groceries, Queensware. iiirpett, Oil OUhs CW. X. H.lBnyder. Jljnk street, Dry Goofs ..YuffiM,, Hress Goads', Groceries, Queensware, Ihrdioarr,a. Ditaga Witt Medicines. :A.J Durllngtlrst'dooraixireP. , llnk street. Oili, Joints, Itrfumery, latent hlrdtcines, dv. llarilware. Vl P. Bemwel, nearly opp. Kxchauge Hotel. Bank treat, Cultivators, Oils, liinls, Guano, ifc. Hotel. Thomas .antr, " Eicbonitc, ' cpp. Public Squa a, Hank it. JTgtrrmuge toliritcd, Furniture IVarcliouae. V. Schwarti, Bank'street, dealerin aU kinds if furniture. OoJJmsmadeto order. Merchant Tallore. OnussA Brc, Hank street, anil dealer in Gents' furnishing Goods, Uoott, Uioei, Hats, ;, if. Thomas S. Beck, I'. O. building, l!ai k st . Gent's tFurniihing Goods, Hals, Lupi, Jklioit Uuuks, ifc. Milliner. Mrs. E.Fath, Bak street. door below, I he M. E. Church. Sotionsand Trimmings ' Fliralclnne mill Surgeon. Sir. 0. 8. Oenuao, corner tf Bank aud 1 roil stre Consultation in English and German. Sr. N. B. He'tar, next door to H, 0. lliuk street. Oonsuitatim in English and German. Provisions. Joe. Obert. Bank st.--7ucAin0. Caring and Poking Eltablithment. AU orders promptly filhd, J. Katllnger Son, Bank t dealtrs in flour and tied, GttKeries, fruits unH Vegttalles. VAtolimnktrr nml Jeweler. Bollonnujer, fnulh utri-et,, aim Bank at. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, liingi, rfc. si.iiArsii'ren, AXT0HNEV AND CQDSaBLLOR. AT LAW, IUSI BtBIIl, LiniGHTON, Pi. Rial Entate and Collection Afency. Will Bnyand f 11 Id al Ettale. Uourejauclnir neatly doue. Col leclloni promptly inolle. fettling ,Eltate of De cedent, a rprclalty. Jlay be couaulted iu KrulItU Jicdtternmu. ' Not. 13. E. II., Justice of tiie Peace, " Lelslgliton, Pa. OlGce In Ms store, opposite the Eai;Ie 'Hotel. Collcctlons'nnd Drawlirp up of 'Deeds promptly 'nttemk'd to. na2.4m JJl ' II. BIEWBRS; iAttohni;' .At 'law orriCEt Ground Floorlntheliewa.tili loiiof the lamlon House, Maucu Chunk, l'a. lluln- traniacted in Enclihh and tlerman. Colletlin$ ..proinply made and Coimjauilup neatly doi.e. E D. O. DIMMIOK, DIBTRICT ATTOHNKY, ATTOIINKY' AT MW OClce.on Broiditat. rat door below American Hotel, MauchCbunklrenu'a. Collectlona prompt ly made. Not. 81. jr . DIMUICK, ' ' AUCTIONEER. 'Welaeport, Pa. UN'B. Salea of eTery (teacrlptlon attended to at freaaonaUe charea. Ihepitronage of the public 'la retpecifully follclted: 4k l J I. '74. M, 3IUMIUU., ATTOENEY-AT LAW, MA.uqn ,cnuNK ta. Oct 18, 1873. t ' ' yhtn you go to 'Welsanort, Don't fall to call In and aea v. v. SMITH, nt the WE1SSPORT HOUSE. He Itefps eTerytlilng nice. rSIIOIilAS KEniCRBII. CONVEYANCER, AND GEHEEAL IN8UEANCE AGENT The IbUow ln( Oonpanlea are Bepriaeuted I ' Lebanon-Mutual Fire, , Beading Mutual Fire, Yj'0Uli)8 Fire, l'ottsyille Fire, Lehigh Fire, and'tUe TraTelera Accident Insurance, Alto iPennsylvanla and Mutual Horse Thief Dctectivu and Insurance Com. Pnyt " A iMartjh 8!), ,187U. , Floral Guide for 1874. 000 rages ; 500 EnjravJngs and Colontl Plato. PublUhrd Quattirlj, at 25 cts. a Year First No. lor 1874 Juht lesUril. A German edition at Maine pilce. AddrebS JAMES '1CK, , , .Itochetter, N. Y. TrtAiiCAiNS roii isra -Me- - lodeoui', nearly new, from 623.00 upwards. BEATTY i PLOTTS.J i Jsr.n. WiuhlnBtoo. N. 1 . i ,.. t i ' Kailroad Guide. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Fast Time and Sure Connections ! Five Eipreai Trnltie Dnlly from llarrUburg In tile Wril. Pullman ralnceCnrs tliroii);li from Ilnr liurt; ti Cliicaftti. Cliiuliniatl, Louis ville and St. I.uiili. Thejnunil er of mil- a operated nn I controlled by thl Conipany'enable It t run cue through with fewer cbauee then b any other line Passengers will find this, In all respects, ' .I,' ,i The Sales!, quickest & most Comfortable ItouCc! BAGQAOE CHECKED THROUGH I5f For Rates, Tickets and all In forinutloii, apply at nil Principal Offices on Line of Lehigh Vnlley nnd Lehigh . Su-quelmnmi ldillronds, and at P. U. K. IJepot, llarrlsburg, Pa. A. .1. CASSATT, General Manager. D. Mi BOYD. Ueneral I'aaaener Agent. J. N. ABUKY, lutKlern Travellni; Aeot, tlar.h 8, IStl' 001 Cheatuut M., fbllad'a. CISNTKALi It. n. OF N. J. LfclllGII 4 SUlJQUKIIANNA DIVISION. H7.vVi.7f AllllA.XQElESr, Commencing Ueo. 15, 1873. Down Trains. o.l. No. 3. Nn.5. No. 7. Xat-e A. . A. l. A.M. Ureen IUJ;c, :M It) 25 i.2h Scrautuu 1M MIIO 1.1(1 l'lllalo S.H2 H'JIT 4l Wllke.llaire 8JU 11.J5 S.'JU White IlaTen 9.5.1 12. 5 3.40 l'eun lla'u June 1U.U7 . 1 3'J 4.19 Maueh Chunk 7.30 11.00 4.40 Catasauquu 8.33 11 &S 3.17 6.39 Allelltown 8.43 l'.OD 3.13 147 Bethlehem 9 00 1! 17 3.37 00 wtm'ctEaaton 9.27 12.13 4.03 CM Up Tailss. No. 10. No. 4. No. Q. No. 14. Leave a. m. a. m. r. x. P. w. Fanton 8.30 11.(0 3.53 7.15 Bethlehem 855 12.13 4.27 7 43 Allentown 9.16 12 25 4.37 7.M Catamuqua 9,i4 12.32 4.45 S.0R Mauch Chunk..... 1".25 A5.45 10.(10 9.10 fenn llaeen J'n. 1045 2JJ2 023 .... Wbltn llaien 11.23 2 4H 7 08 WllkeVarre 1240 4.00 8.30 .... I'ltlatou 10.1 4.20 8 55 Scranton 1,30 4f.S 9.25 Arr. Oreeultldgo 135 6.00 .?.3U .... Connections. VeA7ueJionIrN7 Valley It, V. Down trains Noa 3 & and 7. and Up tralus Noa. 10 and 4 connect at Mauch Chunk. .VoriA Ann'u li. if Down trains Nop. 1,3. 6 k "counectiitBethlehcmtor Philadelphia, Uptralna Nos. 10 A 4 connect at Bethlehem ftrl'lill.idelphli. lleturnlng leaie Philadelphia nt 7.10 a. m t)a. ton, Mauch Chunk, llatli, Wllkea Barr, Tauuiqu, Scranton, Sbjrcu, Ac; al 9 45 a. in. tor KaMnu, Mauch Chunk, Tauiiiua, llllnluK4rt, W llkea llarre and ticrnuton; at 2 10 p. m f ,r Scranton, IVbkea llarre and Intermedin!!' atntlonp; at 3 30 p. ui. fur Hath and habtou ; at 5.15 p. ui. ftrMuucu Chunk. Tamaqua Uranch.XSi tratiia Noa. 10 A 4. and D6wi) trains N'oa. 3. 5 A 7cuuuectatMaUihChuuk to aud from Tnuneiua. Lehigh d1 Lackawanna It. .'.Down tralna Koa. 1 A 7, and Up Unlns No. 10 A C connect at tletti. lehuui fur Bath aud Cliapmau Quarries. Ueturn. leaTe Cbapuiau'e nt 7.4 i a. ui. aud 2.15 p. 111. Centra! Jtattroud of Xew Jersey. All tralus uiake cIomj connection at tji.tou with trains ou CcUtral Itallroad of New Jersey. Jlelvidere-Velaware It. It. Down trains Nos. 3 & 5, aud Up tialus Nos. 4 A 14 connect at Phillips burg with llrl.-Url. It. It. to aud from Trenton, 1'bltadelpbla aud BeUldere I'hUadeliiliia if- Heading Itaitroailr-Th Depots or the Last Peuu It. It. and the Hj. Ulil.lou are coubected by ftreet Car... II. I'. BALDWIN, Gtn. l'atsenger AgcnU l'eb.7, le"4. E. H. SNYDER, L.EIIIGI1TO.V, rtXX'A,, DEALER IN Dry! Goods, Notions, GROCERIES, QUEEXSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, &e. May 31, 1873. J.ITIU EHIICKT'S Livery Sc Sale Stables, DANK HTE BIST. TON, Pa. I nlways keep nn hand the best hnr ses and flneat carriages, to be let at livery at the lowest prices. Conveyances can be had of me at the shortest poa. ble notice, at any hour, I would call the attention of the public to my epccl al facilities for supplying single or dou ble Loams for (uuerals, &c. Hot. 53, 1173. DAVID EBBBRT. New Advertisements. New York Day-Book. A Democratic Whiit. Established 1850. It supportj HViifj Supremacy, pollilcal and aoclal. Terms. $2 per jear. apeclmen copies free. Ait dress DAY-BOOK, New York City. Wood's Household Magazine The Host Dollar Monthly. its K A. ith-i r Daily . mafia by ran- to ' as TABr-a laasinp rur tni. ma fJJiJ iHl Wlel now In II. II " tol. with Chrmno. lib TI1F. YOS1C.1I1TR VAI.I.KY, 1 lx'4l liiclice. Ill 17 Oil qiilnia. Magazine, I eir, with Mounted Chmuio, no Mainline, 1 jetr, with UuuiouuteUCbromo, 1 50 Maailne, alone, 1 etir, ... i oj Examine our CluI'Mng and Premium Ll.ts. Tm'ii Flrril-vlnas I'rrliiillcala fur (lie price of one. Me a licit tCxperl-eiii't-il C'uliv tieaeri, and others to eetld at .nice fur terms nu.l epeilmen Mvarlne. Ad diefs S. K.ellUIKS, Publisher, . 41 Park How, N. Y. City, or .Newburgli. N. Y. L)-2JI ttFW FourthGR AND GIFT CONCERT For thelwuefit of the I'L'HXIC 1. 1 It K A II V OF KY. DIIAWI.NO IlfcKKItl'.EI) TILL 3lNt or itlnrcli Next, to complete the sale of tickets and make a PULL DRAWING!! 18,000 cnah Rifle ivlll lie dlit rlliuteil by lut among the tlcket-lloldera. LIST OF aiPTS. ONE OltAND CASH GIFT $250 000 ONE OltAND CASH O I FT 1IK1.HO0 ONE OltAND CA"H UIFT 50 0U0 ONE HIIAND CASH UIFT 25.(00 ONE tilt AND CASH (IIFT 17.5 0 10 CASH OIFIS, lO.OdOeach 10.1,0110 30 CAfll OIFTS, 5.000 each - 150,000 50 CASH tUFI, l.OOOeach 511,000 80 CAM1 OIFTc!, 510 eich 400U0 Mil I'.tfll OlFT-i, 4(Wenh 41,(100 150 CAM1 OlFr.S 300 each 43 000 250 OA-It tl IF JC, 2uHJeicb 501.00 325 CASH RIFTS, lOOea.1 325;0 110.0 CAlll UlFl'S, 5Ueach t SO .000 Total, 12,000 (lifts, all Cash, amount- inn to ft,t0O0,0o; ter-The concert and distribution 0fKlttaT,tll pnnliiely anduneiuivocally take place in the ddt now fixed whether all the tl( kets are wild or not, and the 12OJ0 gltta all pjld in proportion to the nuiuber ot tlcketa fold. PlllCES OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets, 50; Halves, $.25; Tenths, or each coupon, $5; Kleren Whole Tickets for $5000 li'i Tickets for (touo; 113 Whole Tickets fur 5,000 ; 227 Whole Tickets for $10,000. .No dls count on less thn $500 wurth of tickets. Applications for agencies aud orders for tickets should be addressed to TIIOS. E. BltAMLETTE, Agent Public Library Kr., a3d Manager Gift Con cert, Public Library Building. LnulaTlllo, Ky., or THOS. 11. HAYS A CO.. Eastern Agents, 009 Broadway, New York. tJJc LU if)4J All rla.sea of wuralng peo pie of either ex, oungi,r old, maktruiure money at uork for ua In their spare moments, or all the time, than at any thing else. Particulars tree. Andrew H t-TI.NiQx A Co.. Portland, M line. BUILDING FELT (No Tar u-ed). lor outside work atd InsH In stead ef piaster. Fell CHrpetlngs. Ac. Send two 3-ceut etiinps lor aid amples. C. J. FA Y, Camden, N. J. 4fe lo $100 In Walt street tften (aids to sJJ I YjB a fortuue. No risk. 32-page pamphlet for stamp. Valkntini: IusiuridukA Co Bankers and Brokers, 39 Wall street, N. Y. Sits e w Q 2"s M " s tin o IS - s Elr all j c 3 e ? I c S t. y 5a ti 1 5 S5is?:stai iS tg3n i fro fii s s Only Two Dollars and a Haifa Year ADDIIM TO-DAY PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO,, 731 Btxsou Si, Pniiisuriiii, 712 Broadway, N, Y. 3 School St., Boston. 113, 115 A 117 E. Madison St., UlcajO. J FATZI1.UI3R & SO.V, WE"'8SrOIlT AND LEIIIQIIT0N, Dealers In Groceries) Provisions, Flour and Peed, Canned Fruits. VotlonH, Toy. , Country Produce Bought and Sold. Lehlghton Storc'three doorsSbove tho l'ot Otrlcej Welssport Store, near Caual ilrldge nov 'iO ' P?t3 r 1' Ai CilOSS AND OHOVV.V. nr VERNE LEE. Wnltlnjr. so wenrlly. fulnt Willi Its Ins. tcelltiRlts bunion la nothing but ilrosg. llt'inli-tli my sotu 'neath tho ireitfht of Us cross. I.onp lmvo I wntcliod for tliocomlng of ilmvn I.pncly nnrl ilc-solnto. wenry. forlorn ; When elmll I too tho gray promise ot iliiwn? Fearfully shrinking 'ncath Heaven's tlnrk fniwn. Watching rite skies bending mournfully down Is It mi nngcl's voice, "cross before crown ?" Now for a moment the storm clouds arc lilted. Now for n moment tlie shadows nro lined. Into tliu liavcn my fraii bark hulk drifted Wrongfully Accused. It has been many long days since then, yet I remember It all, Just as though It had occurred yesterday. I was a carpenter, the foreman of a large establishment, and as such pos sessed the entire c mfidence of my em ployer, whtt, by Hie way, had been an old schoolmate bf mine. One day he called me, into bis office lo look at some rare coins he had just purchased. "Here," said he. placing in ir.y hand a heavy gold piece, 'Is one which Is woith all the rest pu. together. It is a great curiosity. I paid two bundled di.l.ars for It, and consider it cheap ai that. I could easily double my money in eellllng it; and so you see, Harvey, it is a good Investment." "No doubt it Is," said I, "thouuh it seems a large sum to have He Idle." I breathed an Involuntary sigh as I laid the coin down op tliu desk, for two hundred dollars would have seemed a I'oitunu to me u.-t then. The severe Illness of my' wife anil one of my children, ami the death of another, made serious inroads on my purse, and it had required the utniot economy to keep myself free from debt. Nay, I had been obliged to withdraw from tho bank the small sums which, besides my salary, were all I possessed' of worldly treasures. Thinking of this, I laid the coin down with a sigh, and turned away to atteud to niy du ties. The next morning I was again sum moned into the office, but this time I met with no friendly greeting as usual. "Harvey," said my employer, ab ruptly, "that coin we were looking at has disappeared. I have made a thor ough search, but It is not to be found. It lias been carrie I away by some .0110. You alone saw or knew or it, and " He paused and looked .significantly Into my face. , I finished the sentence lor him, the hot blood dying my cheek and brow as I spoke. "You mean, therefore, thai' I took it 1 1 "What else can I think? The coin was hero; yon alone saw It I cannot recall having seen it since It was In your hands. You are in need of n'.oney you have told me that yourself, It was a great temptation, and I forgive you because of our own friendship, but I cannot retain jnu In my employ. Here Is the (.alary due you." "Very well," 'said 1, with forced calmneM, "so bo It. Since you have to poor 1111 oplnlou of me after years of faltluul service, I shall not stop to de fend myself," Then I took the money he had laid upon the desk, and went out from his presence a well ulgh broken-heaited man. I Jut for the tender love of my wife, I doubt not but that I nould have burled my sorrows in the grave' of a suicide.. " . ' ... Supported by that love.'however, and the consciousness of my owp inno cence, I took, frtish courage, and set resolutely to work to find a new em ployer, , ,i Uut powerful Is thebrealhof slander,, Turn which way I might, I ever foupd that the story of tny dUmUsal for Iheft had preceded me, and .my applications for employment uniformly met with a refusal ' Time went on; piece by piece of fur furniture and every spare article of clothing found Its way to the pawn brokers, until at length even tbs poor resource failed us, and my. chlldreu cried In vain for foo'd. Yet I did not bit down In idle de-patr. I could not afford to do so. The life or death of all I loved on eartli dependrd on my 'exertiQlnsJ, and m, junilng away from honie vlh a heavy heart, 1 once moro set out 011 .the weary search for work. Aign vain 1 Itefocal altef refusa met my entreaties for employment, and I was turi lug homtnv.irii with a listless step, wl't'ti, paxslngan (mineiHe church, I was attracted by a group of men at Its bae. Impelled by 80T1H strange lmpuNo I approached anil mingled with tlteoi. A workman wui htandiiig near by. looking up nt the great steeple, which towered aloft someSoO feetalmyethem, while a gentleman, evidently architect, was addressing hiin in cnnic.-t lan guage, nnd at the, siiue tlitie piiliillni! tit H o golden cioss nt the summit of the spire. "1 tell you," ho exclaimed, as I drew near, ,"lt mut nnd'eaii be dune. The cross .muat be taken down, or the firt. heavy gale will send it down into the street, and lives will be lost. Coward I is this the way you back out of a ob after engaging to do it?" "I didn't know the spire was so high up there. Do It yourself It you want it tlone." o "I would, If I were able," said the architect. "Uut go If you will; let it be. . My honor is pledged to have it done at any prico--and I can find a braver man thau you to do it." The carpenter walked away with a tlogged, slouching step, and the gentle man was about to walk away also, when I steppitl for.vard. "What you want done, sir?" I akked. "I am a carpenter; pet haps I can do it." He turned eagerly towards me. "I will worth yotit while. Take down that eros.., and I will pay you it bundled dollars. You wl luve to ascend 111 ise ornamental blocks, and I t-ll you candidly they are not to be depended on; they are weak and rotten, for they luve been there fr yu.trs." I looked at the spire; it whs square at the base, and Uipo ed to a sharp point, while along each angle were nailed small glided, blocks of wood. "It's it dangerous place to work," I said, "and there will bo even more peril lu descending th.111 ascending. Suppose I succeed In moving the cross, and then" "If any accident happens to you, my brave fellow, the money ehall be paid to your family. I promise you that. Give nie your address." "Here it is," I said, "and ns you value your soul keep your word with inc. My wife and children are starving, or I would not attempt this work. If I die they can live on the hiiiidri'd'dollars for awhile until my niqk wife recovers her strength." "I'll make it n and' fifty," exclaimed tho architect, and may God protect you. If I had the skill neces sary lo ascend that steeple I would a-k no man lo ris lilt life there. Hut come, and keep a steady hand and eye." I followed him Into the church, then up Int) the, until we pati-ed De fore a'narrow window. Tills wa,4 the point from which I must rtait on the perl'ous feat which 1 had undertaken. Casting a single glance at the people in the street below,, mere specks in the distance, I reach"!! out from- the win dow, nnd grasping onu of the ornamen tal blocks, stvuhg myself out upon the spire. for an Instant my courage falterel, but tht remembrance of my starving family came to my aid, and with a si lent1 prayer for protection and sucveaf, I placed niy 'hand upon the next block above my head, and clambered up. From biK'k,to lilock I went, steadily and cautiously, 'try It.g each one ete 1 I trui-tcd my weight upon It. Two-thirds of 'the space had been passed, when suddenly the block' that supported mo moved gave way. Oil, Iieavem I Never, though I shuuMllve to see a hundred years, shall I cia'O to shudder ntthe recollectlqn of that ter rible moment. Yet even In the midst of my agony, as I, felt myself sllpplni.' backward, I did not for one .second lose my presence of mind. It second to me that never before had my senses been so pieternaturally acute ins then, when a horrlble.death seemed Inevitable. Down, down I ellnped, grasping at each block as I passe I it by, until ai length my fearful course, was nne.tted, apd then, while my. head leeled with the sudden reacllon, a great shout came frpin the peop'e Mow, "Come ,'diuvii; come down I" callecf the architect from the window; "hull Die sum shall bo jours for (lie r-k you have run. Don't try again. t7u.i.e down.'" ' ' j II ut no.) tcore than ertr now was, I determined to succeed. I was not one to give up nrter having undertaken a illllicul link. Coolly, but rntitioiiy, I com-netirec! tho ascent once nmre, flnt seekl'ig li val.t to reach across to the next ro.v of blocks, for I (II I not c.tro ti trust' my vlf main on that prove.l so treacherous. This I was compelled to do, however, until I he spit v Ib'tween the angles beuuiie siifficltntly small to allow me to swing acnis.s. Accomplish ing my purpoie. at length, I went' up more rapidly, carefully te.-tliig each hlo-k ns I proceeded. Ere long I reached tho cross, and there I paused to rest, .looking down from the dlz.y height with a coo i.ess tltiii even thou!ilt,hed me. A few strokes Atlth a light hatchet that the architect had swung nt ,nty back, and piece by pluco the rotten cross fell to the ground. My work was, done, -and as the last iraginent djs ippearcii I fUMl n m pleasure In fie thought that should I never reach the ground alive,, my 'dear ones woi.ld have aiii.lo ineans to sup ply their wants until my wife should outliiii employment. Steadily and cautiously I lowered my Beir from block to block, nml nt length .reached the. t-plro window, mold tho cheers of tho-.e assembled, In the street. llislde.the steeple the architect placed a roll of bunk notes In my hand. "You have well earned tho, money," lie said. "It does ,mu good to m-o a man wih much nerve but bless me 1 what Is tho matter with your hair? It was bl.iek be ore you uu,ln tho asce'ir, now it Is gray I" And oo It was. That moment of In tense agony, while slipping helplessly downwind, had blanched my hair until it appeared like, that of an old man. The woik of years had been done in an instant. Entering the bare, cheerless room, which was now all I,cal,ed my home, 1 found 11 visitor awaiting me niy old employer. "Harvey," said he, extending his hand, "I have done jou a great wrong. It cost mo a terrible pang to believe In your guilt, but circumstances were so strongly against you that I was fotced to believe It. I have found tho coin, Harvey; It slipped under the secret Can jou forgive me, my dear old friend"" My heart was too "full to speak. I silently pressed hand. "I will undo the wrong I hnved uie. 111 the world shall know that 1 have ncciisfd jou unjustly, not only through my words, but through my nciroit', too. You niii-t bo my partner! Harvey. If you refuse I shall feel that you have not forgiven nie. I did not refuse. Indeed, I thank, fully accepted'the offer which my friend sj generously made, knortlng that no surer liiethod could liave' been devised U silence forever the tongue of tier, and ireo my buttle Iroiii theuii. merited reproach had of late tested un it. I Uiimeilted proipcrlty hit attended my steps ever since tliat eventful day, but uVither prospeiify nor wealth can efface Its memory from niy, nor icstore my withered locks'to'tlielr own raven liuo. A young gentleman .who hu been studying finance., for some time pat, wishes to know whether tho day rate of atlect the nitrate ot silver. .dt prayer meeting, Bfew ,i.,yrt gf)( one of tho members prayed: "IVord thou kmwcst (hat Charles Tou.klns Inn sold )oor boots to some ofi us. Make him do the fair tiling." lfally, of the Oaiilitiry News, com menced some, reiuurfcslii a prayer meet ing recently, by sajlng, iolBuinly, "i would not live nivvay; jet, wliep I pet pretty sick, I auys send ,fur the duo tor." Why Is a new born babe like the relief of Luckiiow? liau t ie long expected sucker, A bachelor edior,vho had a. pretty unmaiiled sister, latclj wiote tu nuolher similarly circumstanced, "I'leaso ex. change.,' A h.Yllig wife in Danbury, Conn., on the decea-e of her hmlmibl sen( the lolowing thrilling terrain to a.diatant irlend: "pear John Is dead. Ljsi fullj coveied by Insurance." More than ope iiuntlied women are tidying law In IhuUullid SiHtes, aud the qiiotlun as to wlm' shall be Chief JtMlsess may yet agitato the land. Hut for the present tin, fair 'sex should be c.Qmenttoblde.tbelrttuie,