If. V. MOriTIilHKR, ..... EDITOH. LEIIiaUTOX, PA.t JiATUr.DAY WORKING FKDRUAHT 7, 1S71. Kcmovnl! Our friends will pleaso tako notice that tho office of Tub Caiibon Advo cate will bo rt moved from Ha present location to tbe building nlmost directly opposite, beloncine to 1. S. Helntwl- man. Esn.. on or about tbo 1st of March next. (Jen. Cashing expects to start for Ills post of duty at Madrid on tho 22. Ho Is reported to bo putting a rod In pickle for somebody A Washington dispatch of tho 2d Inst. Fays, "the house by an overwhelming vote rrsolved to-day to practically re store the franking privilege by setting the 12th lust, as the day to consider a bill for that purpose, tho dead heading of letters is the only Improvement on the old swindling law. The salve that is intended to euro the wounded honor of every man who votes for this bill to revive dead head mall matter Is a pro vision to allow newspaper exchanges to be carried free. This will pleaso the cout.trv newspapers and excuse the votes ol country members." A special dispatch fromConneautvllle, Fa., gives an account of a most daring and extensive robbery at that place Sat- ui day evening. While the Cashier of IhoFlrstNatonalBank, I). D. Williams, was writing at Ids desk ho heard a rap at the side door. Upon opening the dour two masked men sprang upon him, bound and gagged him, and succeeded in making their escape with $14,000 in currency and 30,000 In United States bonds. Mr. Williams was found Monday morning In an unconscious state, but recovered consciousness In a couple of hours after being released. narry Genet was plaintiff in a civil Hult in the Common Fleas of New York, arxMn it ap licntlon was Sunday mado to Judge Itobinson by the defendant to compel blm under tho statute to clve secuilty for costs as a non-resident plaintiff. Mr. Genet's counsel Insisted that ho had not given up his resldeuce in this State, hut it being Inconvenient for him at this date to occupy It lie was on a temporary visit abroad. Tho Court thought that the change was permanent, the absence being forced, and therefore tbo motion was denied. The Senate 51 Hilary CommltteeTues- day agreed to report a bill to be hero- after framed for the equalization of bounties. It will probably be on tho basis of the bill Introduced by Senator Caldwell last year, which proposed to give a uniform bounty of eight and one-third dollars per month to eaoh and every officer or private who had served at any time either in tho regular or volunteer service, between April 01b, 1801, and April 15th, 1805, the bousty payments already made to be deducted, and tho benefit of the provision to be extended also to the widows and other belrt of deceased soldiers. Gen. Sherman was before the House Military Committee an Saturday last, and In speaking of the present Indian policy of the Government he said that the Influence of the humanitarians, who regarded murder on the part of the Indians as a mere exhibition of mora) insanity, had induced Gov. Davis, of Texas, who ought to know better, to commute the sentence of SaUnta and Big Tree, and the same Influences at Washington had finally restored them to freedom, and they were now on the reservation ready to start out ou more murderous raids. If tbey should scalp Gov. Davis tho next time, be intimated that be would not shed many tears. He reviewed the Modoc.dlfficultles, and gave it as his opinion that Gen. Canby had been a victim of the temporizing Quaker policy. He favored tho transfer of the Indians from the control of the Interior De partment to that of the War Depart ment. In the nouse of Represntatlves Mr. Woodford has Introduced a bill provld ing that after July 1, 1874, Invalid pensioners who are totally dUabled through the lots of ryes or limbs by reason or injury received or disease con traded white In the mlllltary or naval service, so as to require the regular aid and attendance of another person, bhall be entitled to a peuslon of fifty dollars per month; that all persons who, under like circumstances, shall have lost one hand and one foot, r so disabled as to be incapacitated for manual labor, but not much as to requite regular personal attendance, shall be entitled to a pen ftlon of thirty-five dollars per month; and that those who havo been so dls jtblfd as to render there Incapacity to perform manual labor equivalent to the kwaofahanJ or foot shall be entitled toapecsloti of Jwoity-JJvd dollars per tWOstk- TiM wtetmfQ propped to lrT"il'.ir.1rsfii much an equalization as an increaso of pensions, and certainly those soldiers who havo suffered so severely as to bring them withth the class It Is pro posed to benefit are fully entitled to such consideration. Gen. Harney) whoso namo exercised such a wholesome terror over tho lios tilo Indians a ccoro of years ago, but wlro lias been retired from active ser vice for tho last ten or twclvo years, was before the Houso Comralt'.ce on Military Affairs Wednesday, and was aeked to give his views In referenco to Indian matters. He gave it as his opinion thatlf the Indians were treated fairly there would never bo any diffi culty with them. Ho had known but two instances In whleh they had ever violated treaty stipulations, and in those two instances the Indians were to bo ex cused, for tho treaties had grown old before they were sought to bo enforced by the Government, and the chiefs and head men who had made them were all dead. The troubles with the Indians were principally caused by fraudulent agents and by whiskey dealers. He had never known an Indian agent who had not grown rich In office except one. On being asked how the whiskey sel lers could bo suppressed, lie answered without hesitation that they should be hanged or shot by tho nearest military officer. He would have the officer take that responsibility. He was decidedly of opinion that the management of the Indians would be much moro efficiently and honestly conducted by army officers than by civilians, unless army officers l.al changed very much since he knew them. Current Items. The Reading hat factories claim to turn out 2,000,000 hats a year. A Blnlr county farmer offers a pre mium chromo with every load of manure bought of him. . A colored man living near Hunting don, Tenn., claims parentage of sixty- uve cuuuren. Ilazaine Is said to be treated with con siderable severity, no person being uS lowed to visit lilui. - Tho mother of Governor Hendricks. of Indiana, died at Indlanapdls on the 30th Inst., at the ago of 80 j ears. Somebody remembers that 09 years ago Feburary was so warm a month that people were able to bathe in tho open air. The public debt statement shows a decrease of the debt for the past month of $1,845,211. Chief Justice Seymour. Connecticut. has retired from the bench, having at tained tho constitutional limit of ace 70 years. A bold thief In Cincinnati stole 18 hogs from a stock yard, Urovo them through the city, and got clean off with his plunder. The carpet manufacturersot England nnd Scotland have agreed upon an ad vance of ten per cent, lu the wanes of irjcir worirmen. Father Kelly, of St.Mnlachl'sChurch. Philadelphia, died very suddenly on Monday morning last; in tho GOth year of his age. Mrs. Cunningham, of Huntingdon. recently gave her baby the usual dose of laudanum to keep it quiet during tho night and now mourns the result of her folly. The Judge delivered a lengthychartra to the Jury In the Evans case Saturday morning, who. after being out three hours, rendered a verdict of $183,603.50 for the State. N. S. Dodge, formerly Quartermas ter of the Army, subsequently an em ploye or tne Treasury Department at Washington, and well known In liter ary circles, died at Boston, on Tuesday. The two negroes. Lewis Kosenstine and John Moody, the murderer of Far mer ileum, were Tuesday morning nn tenced to be hanged. Kosenstine ad mitted his guilt, and will, no doubt, makeafuii confession, bloody still as serts bis Innocouco. On Thursday afternoon of last week a portion of a roof of a coal mine in Plains townshlp.four ntles from Wllke-- uarre, belonging to lllllslle (Jos l anil Iron Company. tell In. crushing beneath It a laborer named Patrick M'Donald. The body was not recovered until Sa turday. Mis Roa Sands, daughter of Rear Admiral Sands, United States Navy. now In charge of the Naval Observatory at Washington, Friday received tho white veil of the nuns of Onler ol the Visitation, at Mount de Sales Convent, liaitlmoro County, Md. A very large assemblage witnessed the ceremony. Concord. N. II., Feb. 2. ThUhag been the coldest morning of the season. At Lancaster the thermometer Indicated 48 degrees below zero; at Canaan, SO; at Franklin, UO; at Meridithvllle, 83; at Lake Village, 82; at Bradford, 80; ami In this city 24 degrees below zero. The uraperaiure Is now moderating. Tho barometer Is unusually high. The opinion that frost does notrende'r brittle either cast-Iron or wrought Iron or i tee), was expressed at a late dis cussion before the Manchester Literary ami rnuoaoiJiiicai society, uy several wen quauneti juuges, among tnem Sir W. ralrhalrii and Dr. Jnul. The latter gentleman tald that, railway accidents arise from the neglect of the companies to bubmtt wli.elfl, axles, and all other parti-o their rolling stock, to a parties larandsuthelenttekt before using them; and Sir W. Falrbalm attributed much of the. danger arblng from the broken tires of car wheels, not so much to change of temperature, as to the nrae. lice of beating (hem to a dull led beat. and shrinking them oo to tl rlaiof the wecei. ' lil ii'il The political campaign of 1874 will be ow tho most Impoitant State "can vasses that we have ever had In Penn sylvania, on account of the number of important officers we will have to olect. Under tho new Constitution, now tho organlo law of thoStatc, we will have to elect two Judges of the Supremo Court, a Lieutenant Governor, a Secre tary of Internal Affairs, twenty-seven Congressmen, a largo number of State Scnatorsaud 201 representatives, whoso duty it will be to elect ft United States Senator at tho session of 18T5. This will roako lively times lu the "Old Key stone." Harrlsburg, Feb. 3. Under the re cent legal desclslons showing that he owes the State $185,000, Geoige O. Evans Is now looked up Intho Dauphin countv iatl. Ho will propably remain until he complies with the requirements of bankrupt law of 1812, which required tho bankrupt to show his assests and llabilltlesand reaions for bankruptcy If he compiles with this last condition he will be obliged to showlhe exact man ner In which he expended the hirgf com missions tecelved from the State, and with whom the protlts were divided. Look Out tor Them. A party of deceiving impostors are at present traveling through thecjuntry districts swindling farmers with dry goods samples, and it will thereforo be well to keep a sharp lookout for them. Their name Is to no from house to house ex h b tlnrr samples of cotton goods, c These they propose to sell for oboutono quarter or their real value, anci or course take a larce number of orders therefor, with tho promise to deliver tho goods soon. Then they exhlbltolotof eloths nnd cassi meres, aUnos', worthless, wmcn they sell for a big price, delivering the goods on the spot, and receiving the cash therefor. Of course, the cotton goods aie never forthcoming, while the swindlers have disappeared with the money they received for the worthless cloths, etc. ylllcntown Democrat. The sleighing In this neighborhood lias been tolerably goodfor the past few days. New Advertisements. JUUCIi.IUA.IV, suNcriCTL'n or Carriages, Sleighs, Buggies, and erery drserlptlou of SPRING WAGONS. Nearly opposlto Eaile Dotal, Dank Elreet, Lcbljbton, Vjl. ItEPAIItING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO At reasooaUe charges. flvrtrora;c fury reictfullr eollclted!, aud ftallrfaeltnn cau-Mutrd. r.b.7,187, A.liTJCKMAN. o ENTIIAL. II. It. UP IV. J. MSUiail & SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Coraineaiclnr; Dee. 13, 1873. Bown Talma. .So. 1. A.M. No. 3. No. 3. Ko. 7. r. h. 1.2.1 1.30 4-W S.20 i. M. T.SU 1M e.tr 8.30 9.JS 1U.S7 l.H. Ureen lltdK Hcranton Pittiton Wilkes llarrt Wblto Haven l'enn lia'n Juue. Mauch Chunk 10.25 10 30 10.67 llS VM 1.3J A2.UU 3.17 3.23 3J7 1.04 3.0 4.13 7.30 11.00 4.10 Catasauouu 8.35 Alielltown t.ti 11 68 IS.0O H17 VIM 6,15 647 CM Bethlehem 9 OU Arrive Eaiton 9.27 VP Tallin. No. 10. No. 4. No. C. r. x. 3.65 4.27 4.37 4.43 16.45 1C.05 6 25 70S 8.30 865 9.2J 9.20 No. 14, Leivi i. K. Eaiton JO Uothlehein 866 Allentown MS Catas&uiua 5, 4 Uaueh Chunk 10.25 Fenn llaTen J'n. 10.45 White Haven 11.21 Wllkea-llarre . 1240 l'lttaton 1.03 Scranton 130 .4rr. Orecu Ridge 1.35 . M. r. x. 7.1S 7 45 7.57 11.60 12.13 1J.23 1M2 1125 11.46 2.02 2 40 4.00 4.20 466 6.00 8.00 9.10 CrtSlCTIOH8. JVcMueAonlnj ToHcy It. if. Down trains Nob. 3 6 and 7, ana Up trains Not. 10 and 4 connect at Uaneh Chunk. Itorlh Jtnn'a X. J!. Down trains Not. 1. 3, 6 4 7 connect at Bethlehem lor Philadelphia. Up trains Noa. 10 a 4 connect at Uelnlefcem ror rmiaueipma. ltelurulnir leave rhlladelobla at 7.10 a. ul. for Kas ton. Mauch Chunk. Hath. W llkee Barre, Tamaiua, Scranton, Sbarcn, kti at fi.45 a- ui. for Eaiton, tlaueh Chunk, Tamaua, Wlllianitport, Wllkes Darre and Scranton; at 2.10 p. m. for Scranton, WIIV.i llarra and Intermediate Elat onK at 3 30 p. in. for Dath and Eastou J at S.15 p. in. fvr Mauch Chunk. Jlmotftia (rone. TJp trains Nos. 10 k 4, and Down trains Nos. 3, 6 7 connect at MauchChunk to and from Tamaqua. Lhig it laclawanna Jt. ..Down trains , 1 A 7, and Up trnlos N of. 10 & 6 connect at Ulh. leheul for Bath aud Chapman Quarries. Return, tnir leave Chaomau's at 7.40 a. m. and 2.15 p. in. Central ii'oilrod'werir. All trains make clow connection at fca.ton with trains ou Central Tt.llroMil ut NmW JerRMV. JLItiJcrclXiiwri B. Jf. Down trains Not. 3 A 6, and Up trains Noa. 4 k 14 connect at I'bllllpa- buric wun liei.-lfel. it. li. vi miraw inuwu, lhlliUlnhla aud llelvldere ndaJtliJM it (radius Jtallroai. The Depots of the kait Fenn It. II. and the usb. minion are connected bv Btreet care. II. I'. IULUW1.N, Gen. ruiungtr Jtnt. Feb. 7. 1874. of Architect and Superintendent, No. 142 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa., furniilies Plans. Specifications and Esti mates for Public andl'rlvate?ulldlns3. Sinlrs. Halls, sc.. Conitiuctcil and Set Uo by the most aniiroved method and at short notice. Putronaeu Is res- itcetfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. apr. ij l aAMUEL GRAVEK, Opposite theFnblleSfl.uaie, SOUTn ST., LEniOUTOK, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds of $TOT!! RooSbk, SpouUos and Jobbla protspuy ftuenctea eo. sot, ov News!! $1,000 REWARD FOR A CASK OF FAlXUItE. Dr. II. T. The greatest tiling Phjalflin In America, cures ail aiseasas oi me LIVUR, STOMACH AND DOWELS BV rCltELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE. CURES ALL DISEASES OF TIIE Throat, Lnuci tud Air Passages Bjr Medicated InhahtlonsandOxygeiiated Air. Cures all Chronic, Nereous anil Falnful A trac tions by " ELECTRICITY, " NATUKK'S GREAT REMEDY. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUREDI CATARRH CURED! CANCERS, TUMOHS, PILES, CURED WITHOUT CUTTIXO. TAPE WORM ReinQTed.Li tbr hour?. No charge until the enure wuiin u rcmoTea. REMEMBER: Dr. BOND, 030 Hamilton St., Allentovrii, I' f Conioltatlott free of charge, daily, from a. x. until b r. m. 3- If you art sick or afflicted, Dr. Bond can curt you. li ue raunui euro yuu. iuu Ululy peat all hope. Jan. 17, lt7-r EW STOKE, New Goods and New Prices ! ! ON OR ABOUT VEDRUARY 15th, Respectfully announces that he will reopen the aiercnam lauoring K.siaoiiKnaieni ui xreacrici. Schmidt, lu Weluport, with an entlro new atock or Clothe, Caslmereand Veitlngf, and has engaged a Critl'l Cntter from rotts- ville to lake cnarseoi mat ueparimrni, eo mat be can guarntee tho beat of workmannhlp and nin terlals, and elegant fita. In ccnneetlou he will keep a full stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Booti, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, and. In fact, a general assortment or Ml Roods usually found In a first clara Merchant Tallorlnjr Store. paironageoi tne i-uuuc n ajuciieu. T. nnilerstTned will also c-nllouo the Dry rt, I. nM. .nA Pm.LlAll liuslii.uat ha eld stand, r.n ine corner i ue aw. aiwh wh., Mill, nnd will give bis customers the benefit to be derived from his large cash purchases. All goods are warranted fresh. A. U3WAt.ii. 3 TALMAGE, SPURGEON. T. Do Witt Talroaco Is ertt tor of "The Christian at ork C. . Spurceon, Spe cial correspondent. Tney write for no other paper In America. Three niauiillicent chromiis. Pay larger Oonimlslon limn 53 any other paper. CHRO- P.? WIOS ALL READY. $i Nn sectarianlsui. No section USt allsm. One agent recently g5 obtained 880 subscriptions lo P eighty hours absolitUi work, fi Sample copies aud circulars fti sent free. K AGENTS WANTED, 83 J II. W. ADAMS, Publisher, Rt !-7t lanR.ilm If.'i A1 UUlTUK'h AIOTICU. Tb. jtvdlter iprMlsud k the Coort t 41s trlUite tbe moneys erUluc from ttie kliarllTs eal 0reilastaUsl Daniel iiaatnaa, IU Deel tbe parties lotereeUd for tbe porJOaa tt bis appoint Kwat,o JlODd.j.Uj.ial dj ct r.truirj. ItTt, l 13 o'clock - Vi ' b1 "a" la Meudi CbuuW. ml.e7 1 J.O.PIUUlCX,Alltrr. Is. F. KXr.PI'IXGEIl Would respectful ly announce to Ills friend nnd tiin public in general, tbat lis lias open ed a (irs).class Livery & Sale Stable, and that be can furnish Horses, Bungle and Carriages of llio best description, for riensure, Iluslness or Funeral pur poses, at very Iteasonablo Charge, and dn short notice. HAUL1NU done at rhort notice and on t-hort notice In connection bo will aho contlnuo bis Carriage Manufactory where the people can pet their Carriages JUL'Kii'K, aeons, etc., mane to order. or HEPAIHED on short notice and at reasonable prices. Tho undersigned respectfully an nouiices that ho bas been unpointed Agent lor tne Universal Wringer AND Doty'sClothesWasher. These are undoubtedly tho best Wash ers anil Mlugtrn In tliu inniket, and our ladles aiu invited to call aid sue hem. L. F. Kleppinger, 6or. BAUK and IRON' Streets. Feb. 22, 187U. Lehlghton, Pa. A In order to Closo Out my present lm- mense stock of ill &;b Among which will be found a largo and cnolcu tarlely or coMpaisivo SILKS, ALPACAS, CINGIIAMS DK LAINKS, Ratines, Poplins, Prints, Ac.' Shirtings, Sheetings, &c.; also, u line assortment of CASSIMEIIES AND COTTONAUES, Sultablo for Men's and Itoy'a Vear, to- gcllier wun CARPETS & 0IL.CL0TI1S QUCUNStVAKB AND OLASSWAItU and a variety of other Goods, all of which I will Sell nt Now is your time, if you want to se cure ItKAli U.lliOAlNS. The Stock must ALL HE SOLD lu order to make room for New (Joodi. Itemember tho place for l'anlo Prices : Nov. 2. Iiank St., Leliigbton. Monday, Dec, Ut, 1873! A FEARFUL Kcdiidioiis Prices My entire Stock Marked Down now Is the time to Buy I Ladies, Look at This! ifest Shilling Calicoes are now Selling at 10 Cents Good Uallcoes-at 8 " Good Muslin at 12 and 14 " Muslins at 8 and 10 " Good Canton Flannel nt 13 " Iktter at 15 lltil Gingham, sold heforu at 18 cents, now 10 " Good Uiughams at 8 aud 12 " PREPARE FOR WINTER. I would call special attention to my largo lot of Heavy Winter Shawls AND WIIITE AND GRAY BLANKETS, Which I am Selling at very Low Prices. Carpels and Oil Cloths, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Are Selling Very Low : Rest A Sugar at 12 JS Cents. White Sugar nt 11 " iJiown Sugar at 7 lo 10 " And all other Goods in Proportion. IV. A. fill AVER, HANK STREET, LISIIIGHTON. l'KN.N'A JPLOUK AK0 FEUD. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs the people of Lo- hlghtou lliat liu lias moat isxceiieui Flour for Sale ; Also, cood FEED of all kinds, and STRAW in tho Zfuudle. llo Is also. prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at tbort notice. LElilUU (2d) STREET, LeblgbtoD, Pa. Mar eh S8-ly 5 $1.00. For raXHR FIRST QRKAT SALT LAKE Gift Concert, nuthnrtzrd by and under the immediate supervision of the city authorltlraof CorlnnoClty, for the benefit aud In aid of the Public Free School, Tho Only Free School in Utah Terr'y TRUSTEES OF fUIILlC FRRE iCnOOL, Oaipt. 8. Howe, J. S. Oerrlsli and Alex. Toponce. . it TQ lilt Dlalrlbuted lo tlie Ticket Holders AT A Grand Gift Concert, TO BE HELD AT THE Opera House,Cityof Corinne, ill arc U 3lNt, 1H74. ll'cposltory, Dank of Corinne. 500,000 "TICKETS ! PRICE SI.OO EACH, Olt SIX .FOR FIVE DOLLARS. $226,500 IN GIFTS, AS FOLLOWS I 1 Oiand Cash Olft 1 ' " :5,oto vaooo 8,00V C.005 4 IXO 4,000 3,03il 2.00J (,00U 10.UCO 10,0m 1 0,0 JO 11,000 ,C0l) e,suo 50.00U $::s,coo $1 000 each 500 each 101 each tO each SO eich 10 each & each 1 each 62,931 Cash Gifts, amountlug to ONE CIIANCE IN EVERY NINE I The distribution will bo in public, and will be made under tho same form nnd regulations n the San Francisco nnd Louisville Library Gift Concerts, under the supervision of a commltteeof prominent cltUens selected by the ticket holders. Referenco as to tho integrity of thU enterprise and of the management Is made to the following well known citi zens Sam. L. Tlbbals, A. Toponce, J. Malsh. J. II. Uerrlsh Members of City Council. Judge T. J. Black, Am't U. S. As sessor; Malsh & Greeuwnld, proprie tors Metropolitan Hotel; Kugeno Moore, City Marshal; W. W. Hull. Architect; J. Kehoe, Constable; J. Kupfer, Jew clrr; Cnpt. S. Howe, Contractor; O. D. Richmond .ts Co., Commission Mer chants; M. E. Campbell, proprietor CcntrM Hotel; Singleton & Cr'rath, pro prietors Pcl(ia Slablei; S. P; Uitcb, Merchant, Sandy, Utah; A. G. Garri son, Helena, Montana. Wu will also ani'.ounco.tliat each aud every person buying a ticket can atafty and all limes examine our hooks aud all business transactions connected with tho enterprise; and as the drawing of pilzes will ba placed In the hands of honest and disinterested men, It will in sure a fair and impurtlal distribution Clootl Iteapoiutble Agent Want!! Liberal Commission Allowed. t3T Money ehould be sent by Ex press or by diaft ou any solvent bank, by Postnrllce Mouey Order, or Regis tered Letter, at our risk. For particu lars, address E. W. MORGAN, Manager. Lock Box 158, Corlune, Utah. Jar 3-Sm clssport Ahead I The undersigned would respectfully inform builders.contractors and the pub lic In general, that they have opened a JLniasflBer 1l sard in connection with their Near the L. Ai S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., nd that they have now on baud an im mense stocK or '.uurougiiiy seasonca Lumber, such as Rough Pine Boards, Surfaced rino UozrM, Flooring, Hemlock nnd Pine, Sidings, of all kinds, Shinnies an Immense stock, Roofing anil Ceiling Lath, .Scantling, nnd, in fact, Lumber of every descrip tion at tlit very lowest market prices. We are also prepared to furnish Build ers nnd other with a very fine article of k it n ii . .suitauiu ror iriiiDonry Work. IMuMcriiii,-, Ac, at Re- uiarkably Low Figures. Wo havo constantly on hand a large lot of Wood suitable for Firewood, -which we will toll, In large or small iiuautitlcs, at Prices to suit your Pocketa Ocs Motto IIO.NKSI' POU.T-L0W VRIOZU. Ycakcl&AIbright, Woissport, aug 23.yl 6'arbon county, r rgpo Uulldora & Contructorv. PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT COisTANr win dow renlre proses tls to erect A STONE MILL, tOiJO feet,3lorTari4attlr, near Bowcaan's 86a Hun, on tbe U (. Kflad. Sepirata bUl to ta oiaj. for carrerjter aod mixio work, Fouiulatloek, titular., U eu of uww eoojpiri M, for piau, .)-iikuwh-, w. v A. I'.. VIlINCJi. uji- tatlsjb Qss Uwtoa ft W, 1 " 1 " 1 " I " 1 " I " I ' S " " I'J) 2U0 IilO COO " 1,300 " 60.000 '