ii. v. MonTiimr.u. I'.illtfoi' riii'O Proprietor. AMW MET MCVE.55 TI'.IIMS: Ono Dollar :i Vnnr In rtvni e VOL. ,11., No. J2. LEI1IGI1T0N, CAMION COUNTY, VENN 'A, SATURDAY MORNING, FEURUARY 7, 18T4 SINGLE COPIES. THREE CENTS MlBIBEMiEMrff - LIVE Lehighton Dirertory Aflrllt. W. r.VrellrM. Slngrr .Virfn.7 W.irJa'ne ""' 'lunmcclieid to f. II, S. t.l.r'si laiitMuH. : llnllirr. It. n. WIDDO?, SiariM, ,lti(r I'idUngtnd Warn-' ponivg, u. dir Jt.htnte II IlinU ftlff. Umll "Oil iline .ItnUirlt Charln. U-vcr. jwrj inmftr Ut it-t:j!'a, lljt.k .tre.'t;'alw, dtukrtn imfeilnnery'. CUimm Urniroi L"MH'tbuiWg, I k Mint. All vrdart )r.Mycii us.) 'A w if lui.t.if. Control Inner. Iausai.ii Kuhi a, iu.lletMert' Btt r., limit ttrtvl. .H urdvt ;m rl.tf .fiM- i Dry Cumin Hlttl Umct lies. z. ii. i.i.(ir. i ii. i . b- i''i"''i ' "i,k ,'" Hardware, turtrnwan, iMdit' Ortli (In!, tie. 31. A. I ellt, i.eii.k. 1 III", k. Hank st , 'rjl . Cnxxr.rl, gweuniMic III."!', O U"l' U. U. Snldaf. U'l'lt sire . lira 11,1 , X'iimt, n,lr:,.l..;i-Ker,tl.Vanmiir, i7ima.i,dt .. Drug mill Jleillelliea. A.J Durllni;. lnl ilmn al""- ' k ' OiU, liuda, Itrjumtru, I'uttiil Wwfi1"', Ilaiilunrr. r. P. Eemitil,nirlv "M1. ' chnti? Ilolt-U Ifnk litre.-, VMivutnri, Oil' Mi it, 1c- Hotel. Ihorom .artr. ' Cicbmiiie, ' rr- 1'uUIc fo,m . Hank n. Jiitnnut' i"" ( . : Furniture. WHreliouke. V. EiiwsrU. lU"k .tio-i,iii.ftrin u" rf Furuuun, iiJMi tnudtto (.run: ri.i. limit Tnllnm. CluiiM i D.t., Dank Urn.!, and luTiiilhng oW, iAl, M.h., Jlutr, ll)f, dv. Human H Beck, I'. U iLlUiiift JIi kt. ;'"f grinding IW. Ail'. tiU.'.V.W Mlllluei-. JlrF.K.FntU.IU'Uflit.l. 2i..liWlelow tUSI, K. Cuurcli. .VuHoihuh t','M"""g' Pl,j lclun n ml urt;euii. Dr. a S. Uei man, ( ri'ir 1 1'"' ! 1 1 u" " Ctuul(iiiil ill i'uolu'i W O'l-niun. Sr. N. 11. ltet-V, ixt d.i.r tc. V. O.. Ilmk ttrt. , IVmiultutum in Zmlit'i umi 6niiuw. Prn Uloim. Jot. OUrt.)!nk t.. UtHiii;. Curly odfnwH3 J. Vattlngrr i Son. U ink n, .''(' Kour-nnii tml, liiKtrilt, riuiliaxd l.ttaM. , WolclllimUir nml Jeweler. A.fl. Iiollrtiamer. M Ulli Huet. I'W Dnl! 6t. w ,M. UAPrillUtl, ATIOKNBY 'AND (JOU.NSElXOr; AT LA-, 1Jak blllT, Lillioilto, i . Kit-ltena Ollrttlou Ar.nre. M l l'1'""' ? t.ll .. f.) t.i.ii.ie. 6i.v.)i.iliir mill d"' ,'."' '.VllMii 1. I U ". 'le. elllll.e 1 " ; J W jiud UelUiau. "' Ell. iMUlilli JctiicE of mi; rcAci., lA-hlulitt'ii. Va. Office In Ms tU u; m " "-' 5"nt:1,'; JIolil. LolUttii lib kuI Uiuwmii Ul'r UttdH utiiiplj altiii'inl I". -gj 11. blKWUtlS, ATTOUSfcY AT LAW, pli. C. MlMJIlCKt JJ1HTI11CT ATT011NI.Y, ATT0UN1 Y AT 1.JW Olll. Ill nimli: I rUM Itlnw illlellemi Hotel, MUiltChuiik, I'.liu'u. Collei.lloi (ir. Il'pt )y mJ. fr"" li- J II. UiSIMICK, ' ' AUCTIONEER! Otfct IVelniiorl, Pa. ;K Tl. enlM cf nerjr rfe'ftll tl m ullended t" t MH)libIaehiiye. H p.tluing. ( llw ''lc 1 letlecllully Kllillid. it. 3E. 31, illll.UlbltX, AtlOENEY AT LAW, MAUCH CHUNK. TA. . Oct 18, 1873. -yrlien OH E lo 1VeUjiort, Don't fall to call In n:u" 8t'0 W. I.. p.HITII, nt llio WEISSPORT HOUSE. Hi- fcw-p cvprylliliiK nlcf' flMioaiAS K.c.iir.r.ii. JL CONVEYANCER, eENEEAX INSURANCE AGENT The fullowing CrmpnoUt ro Ilrpriuuted't Lt'bHIlCM Mllllllll Flit', lUedlnn Mulunl Fire, Wjon lnij Fin-, 1'ottbVillo Flrp, Lt'liili I'ltc, anil the Travelers' Accident ln-iiuiii-i', Aleo lYimnjhauiu and Mulnul llorsv Tlilet Dultcmo ami !nsuiaiK-o Com pany. MuiUi ill), 187U. -RICK'S Ploral Guide for 1874. 200 rages i 500 Engravings ami Colored Dale. rubllil:id Qiluituly, at 25 cu. aVYMD Flibt No. tor 1874 Just Istuwl. A tieiman tdilluu at n.unu julee. Addresa JAMl-a VJCK, nov, 29. Iloiliebttr, N. Y. AnGAIKS FOR 1S73 Mt T lodeoni, nearly new, from f23.00 upwards. UEA1TY & PLOTTS.J . . WlMliIUEloiJ, N. Railroad Guide. p E N X S Y L V A X I A n A I L II O A D . Fast Time and Sure Connections J Five I'-Xiii- Trnlm Dnllj from Mill Uliliri; to tile Wot. riillirnn Talnrp Cms llirmili from tlnr luitu to Cliffiiuii, C'ihu'iiimll, Louis villv ai.d bl. Li'tiU. Tlifmlnderof O'll-mpernlwl fill rr,ntinlM lT tlil-runiciny el hI'IA H f lll'i r'l'i luinuli null 'ttwel' iliau.-M tti'ili 1 n oilier Ml,e rsf(tigt rs will liuil this, In all R'f-pccts, The 8iiC('St..QutckrM & liloul Cointoi (utile Itotilc! 3AGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH 37" For r.ali'.x. Tk-lscts nml nil In. foiiiiullun, nijil tiill!'rliicl'Hl OQlci-s till r.lin- of l-lil(;li VnllfJ' nliil Lrlit(!li & bL'iii( liiiinia liullmniN. nml lit 1. It. 1!. lh'Lt, Hiuil-lmtt', I'll. A.J.UAS'ATr.ileneril Matusrr. I). M. HOVIl. (Jelier.ll I'fKilal t-r A)fent. .1. I'.IU.Y, Liiiiiein 'lunellhK Aelit. llanli f, 1BTJ- O'Jl CIioiiiui &l l'lillJ'". Livery & Sale Stables, ii t UAMC STKrlKT.I.KIIIfJIITOX. Pn. 1 iilayi ketjp on liantl Hie lirst Imr pis nml fnif-t ctiIiiijis, to be let nt lively ui llielnwe.-t iilei'K Convejiiiices can lie lind of me at tlof'liiirtL't n)--l-lilc untie.', nl any Jiuur. I would call tlii' iitti'iitluii nf (lie I'lilille tn my ;H'i iv I liiitlitUh Inr siiiuilji' iialiiglo or uuu ble luuins lur lunurulM, c. . 'i.K. It".!. iHViD'iimimir. E. H. SNYDER, CliblGISTO.V, PC..V'A,, IJEAIXU l Dry Goods, Notions, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glitssvinre, llnduan.', &e. My 31, 1673 or. Ami Denier In Gcut'N I'm nlslilii? Gootls, I.EIIIGIITON, I'A. Constantly on hnnd a sjilendlil stock of NEW GOODS. CnnsUtlnt: of Plain nml Fancy Cloth". CnssluiPri's nnd VtMliiKsforMi'ii' nml llnjt.' Wear, wlilcli I mii prci nicil to Mnki up to Order In tlm most Fublilon utile Styles, ntsliint nutlce. Ladles', Misses and Children's A well fclecte.i stock of French nml Turkey Moioeen, (iliive Kid, Litioi;, Kid, i'ebblo and (invln Le.Ulier DuoU and Slioen on liitml, or Dltulu lt Order. Hats, Caps and Furs, Of llie:Latei-t Styles nlwnys o.i liuml.'ut tllU LlllM'ht I'lluc. AHo, Agent Ur tlio .Imcrlciiii &. ; rover M ItaUcr Sewing tocliiiics. Only' One Price for Everybody. Junt.my 11, 1873-) 1 rgXlic uiitlci'silgiivi! rcpucl- ttilly nutiuuiicva that ho. U better prt'iutied lliuu ttver to Ruy and Sell littles, Calf niitl, Sheep SUIns, Tal It) iv and IMnKicrlii il.ilr, at his Old Slnnd, nearly opposlto tlio put niuei', Hunk Street, lliiyljlun, VST Thu lilulicst ca3li priuea fold for IllJis nutl Stlui. uoy.,5U. V. E. CREENaWALP. .X -Iv'ew Advertisements. Now York Day-Book. A DlM'TfATIC tfmiY. Krtrt)iHVpil tPutl. It Thiih (2p-r s-rt nMinitMi inpiM fie. Ail drM I) W-UitOK. ..w Voik C, Wood's Household Magazine 'l ho ltol noirai Jiloiuiily. T i M&i CMiiifnr tlii- m-t-'.i. tP lU f3Ie Hi no;v In Iih Itlh TlH-5 YOH.1llTK VAI.l.KY, 14x30 liiclirn. In 17 (111 Ciilfim. ML8iiie, ' jeir, wpli M iitilt'tl (Itnnmn, f2 00 Mnxrl'iH, 1 v r. Mtli I HJiuuu.tdCliruiur) 1 fid MnKi'l'K'i 1' n- 1 u:tr. 1 0J KXriniiiii i ur i tut I Imr jii I Pte'ulnm I,t'r. 't'wt rirot-i'lnkH Vt i lodltnlN fur Hit prlcr vf mil), U i. Uit Kxinl- nrftt i Hin 111 tin. t th r ( rritd t nicf f r uru.ii mi i .-ii cinieti Mp"li"' Ad 41'l'.iik It w.N. V. tlt,tr.vjvClui,i;lit. V. FourthG EAKD GIFT CONCERT I'cr Hie lei.er.t,or Ike Pl'IU.IO E.Itlit lltV (IF KY. DKAUINU llrll;l ):H) TILL :tl( ol" .March It'rxi. In nim 1t the ile nf ttckttn mid uinkn n FULL DRAWING!! .13,000 mill Rlfl" nHl lie lll.lt llillte.l by Hllt'oiif; tile itekel-liulllvi. IiT til- GIFTS. cash ni rr t'A.-ll tilKT tiA-li uirr ...$2.".n n'n ... "IHHI0 ... Si) iu ... 2"i. iw ... 17 S II ,,'ll .Mil ... 15 1.1 11 .... .Ill It' II .... Ill Olll ... 4-.HKI 4100H ... fit) 111! .... 32 .1' U ... IS) 101) IINK 01! A XI) pnk tnn.Mi IINK tilt Ml o.nh iiiiam) iii i:asii' :ui OA, -ii f.ll I'ASII so cull 1 ill I AMI 131) CA-II 2iU i A - II .ijj Aen II 0.0 CAtll 'A-II (IIKT HASH HUT.... t) KlS, tlli.mill urli tilKtS," fitmOeiih..1... liU'ln, 1 I'lHlMR-ll .... UUTS, HUT', nurs, HU'S, lill'M, U.KIS, H. irh ... 40U mi h . :'.IJ I i nrh . 2'W I Il ... Ill) ini I .Ml .mil.... Tolnl. 12,00) lill'lf, lit I Ciii.Ii, ani'unt- i u i" ti,:ooi)co ita-Tlierniie, rt and il.fill utl'in i,rlltll poii'iittijund unrniiii-ttctilfy tatr jlace n lit av wiwjitrd viiultler all Hie II kela hip Mild ,ir l.i.l. Mt Hie' 12011 nl'U all pild In pr('lrllou to tlio l.uiiiUrol Hok.t.Kild. 1'ltlCK-i OP TICKKTS. WhoUTIrketi., Hi; llalrn. t'J Tenth., rr ei Uo"up ft: I l,rii Hli'l. lifket. f.r JUifio J24 Tlrkni T r tlOHj I III Wll'lkj 1lckrl.. jL HJ)( 227 Willi, Tlfke'll li.r $1,'.(U0. .odi c uul n h.a thin .Slid r r Ii "1 liuoei. At'l'l n lo 'I I'T Hirell, Iri Ulld Uldrl. lur tlcku.8 lnaij 1 tiddiu.hvd in IIIOS. K. IHtAMl.lTIT, Afent I'll' Or 1.11 rirt Kv..n d .Maiii. rtllft Uon tirl, I'lMic I iinrv liull'lliiic. I.' uI.tI.I?, K., ir THUS. II. IHS 4 CO.. inlern Agal.lti CO'J lliuaiiwa), .New York. OK Qort pt dy! Airenla want il. JJt IU 1)&J All il.iwa m worklnir p-n-ld nf rlllliT m X, )"Utlf r "Id, itakH in. rr lliuney nt ut'rk Hr na In Hudr .para lili.tiienti., or all tl.u time, thin at any llilnu elce. I'.otli'nlar. Irw. A.Mie.iH t OU I'.irll.ind, M .Inn. BUILDING FELT (Nn Tar u.rd). l.T nnl.ldHirk af.d Inilde. In niad i f I'luMer, IVIi L'nvllnj:n. Ac. rend to u.cejt (.tJilipn lor ciicniir h ..t amp'tR. C.J. KA Y, Camden, N, J, I08IOO In WaWntrct itten leid. In fj3Bw n l"rii'lui Nn rl.k. 32aze panihlrt n inr.' niamp 'Valitisk 'JMiimnE t'c, 1'4,1'keii. and Unler,';,9 Wall ,trevl,.N. Y. TO-DAY PRINTIXQ & PLELI3HINB CO,, 31 Sj.uom Sr., riiiLtcuruu, 712 nrnadwaj, X. V. ".1 S.'hobl St., Bofton, I 3, J .J 4 117 K. 3I.l4l.jn f t., Ctll.-a.-o. r.iTziwi:ri & soy, ' Yf E'SSrOUT' AND LEUtOIIToV, Dealers ,In i Groceries, rrovj.slonn, I'lpur anil recti, , Caunetl, rruls. IVotloii'Toj-, . &c, &c, &c. Country rroduco Bbughl and Sold; Lcldcliton Store, tlirco doors 'above the I'oat Otlleo; WuhSpdrt 'Store, liear; vauai unugq .. . - nov- w Ouly Th o Uollam outl a Haifa Ycm A W0.1IAVS C'OUKAKU. The bi rd-led Hcht nf simsit was tnlnorlng ItM'U in eilmon y ln-lies In the tniliiil tlili-M nf Hie great Wi'.stein liver; tin Idiieliblnl whs Hniiiillng U siM el wliltle'tliliilit;li tlii-tilil piliiicwtl furejts, and Jniintlian llenv, sitting by hl.s eiitiln dnnr, Miii Ui il t t solltnre evening ilc, nml lliimclil vaguely of tlm elinreli Im'IU that ti-ed to ring at cvi nlng time In thu liir off EnNtcrh vil Inge when! h bad been In rti nml hrniijjlit up, with thu roar of thu l'e imliM'iit In hi. eitii. "l'tl llkt" In bear thi'in be1l once ngnin nfiire I die," iinied i.hl Jiinntlir.i. 'Hut it alii't likely I'll vi r go bai k now." Even while these dl-Jnlliteil midltn timis pal-id lblf'ii;h his inlnil, tlu ri! wih n light ill p on II. e tabin thicshold, and the riwlo of Mldlv flnielnd pink calico, ami his iileee Doiothy enmo to the dour. "Ti n'. lemlv. tincle, dear," sa'd ,,hc 'nml I'm linkeit anal New Biiglundi coin blend, ami some ginger' snapi, Midi hs gmiiiliii in ina iKed to make. And se, tint li', I've sliced ,np the llltlo led peacln s fiiiin tin; tiee ynu plantid ymiltielf on tliii-tinth i-ld" ot lhnlilll. Irnel K-iiiinne raid It iwoii'dii't.ginw, tmt it has, and 1 mean to keep a siineer fnl pi;il a Utile cream forturnel io night j n-1 to ihow lilin." Old Jonathan laid don his knife mid fork. "Do yiui mean that. Israel Eimajne Ncoinlng liern to-niiht?" "Yes. uiU'le,",M d lioiotliy, flooping to reeovir n tiaiVn(in I i'i had iliopped, a slim lea oini with an nntlipie vrr t-ttt II eaivid til the handle. -and coming up eiy lu?y lioni tlio teaicli. "Why nolV" "Takn eaie, Dotty. ThntS nil," "Uncle, u lint tin you nitiin?". "1 inuiii, 1 1 1 1I , that Jd rather lay you In your giawi'tn the new burying gioniid, when- time's only on.V iiiouud i t in the rIiiiiIow of the church spire, llian In mt you m.irile.t to n man uhu ililnks. 'lliaf.i what I mean, Dolly " Doiotli 'm head dioi.pid over lit r plate. "Uncle, that's hardly lair. Jecauso a man had a bad habit uuce " "And has It nowi" The holt ejes gllttired In n defiant llaih. "You are inNt.tken, unele'. Js ratl Ehinayne has not toui heil n drop of aident plrits in a year. Ho has prnuihed mo never to much It again." "I hope) he never will, my glil,"r-nhl Jonathan Ileers, although hb tone be tray eil no veiy saiigulne feellln.'. "Rut It ain't n fhte thing fodo. It's mad. ness, love of llipior l, and nothing hurt. It's llnhlu, to bieak out at' nijy time. Israel E-,inaj ueV a good fellow enough. I hain't anything ngnlnst hlui-btit It nli.'t mfe." Dorothy was client. W'Uy was It, she akid her.-elf, that men were so pe-, vpru in judging one another? Why did they nlays look at the'blAtkuit' and lea-t prtimUlng-side of every iblng? I-tnel had promiM-il lit r, slio be.ieved him, and that was enough. ' And while she tiipoed lightly back and forth nbo.it'her household tlnile.i, her niinil was full of the undcllned f i ture. Shu could eee ht r-ilf, rhaduivy and uuUellmil as In a nilrinr, moving nbiiut a little light hoinivheru flowers UIkiiikI In tie cent mi uts, nml buds tang, htitl the eio.-k liektd: "llo Is com ing ' He Is entiling I" "One of these ttnys !"' said Doiothy to hfirfir, n the j til nwny tl u fnucer of reaches and Die little pltiher of thick enaiii on n.wl.ltely Bcoured pau tiy -liclf "one of thei'ilays.'! . She a- thinking of the future. 'And old Jonathan, unoklng. lib pipe, vyns living in thu in't. , , "You've Mirm thing tn do with the railway, stranger, havt n't y(iiu ?" "I leckon I have, ',' said I.rnel IU mnyne, Indiffureutly. "I'm u switch man." "It don't tnkerotich of .your.tltno, I gues.i." "It'll grt to ho looked nflcr Ju't tho snme, though," tnld the tall Wetfrner, as he'lifitd tho Int inoiirter log- from the cart, he was unloading to the tluifty pile jit the ninth end of thu house. "What tlmo dots the way trulti came by?" ' '-'"V.' i' "At nine o'clojkfl" "Do you suppoe I could go to Me' lenvllle and reu 'thu lumber rd'ealeni tliefe, and get backo the'statlon agaln' by that lime?" Isiael looked reflectively at tho olher boreofftherlrrr. ..-'HI" 1 .v V . I. SI "Well, you might," said he, "hut It ' would be a pretty tight squeeze." "I'm a good walker," Mild the stran ger; and ns ho spoke he drew n ll.tt llask fi out hN pocket, une nkeil it with his tecili,,nud drunk a coplnunlrnuglit. 4 I-inel E-u.nynu wa'thi'd him with eager, g.lteulng' eyes Hke tho-o of soiue faiuiied wild auiiuat that scents liloml. "Have n drink, friend ?" said tho stranger, piofferitig thu ll.k. Ir.iel Eimaym- .ihonk hU head with set teeth and llvldly pa'e check. "I never ill ink." sit'd ho hoarsely. ''Yoe would, I gile-n, if jou could get such hlulT at this." sail the in in; "wift a oil mill strong as tiro My liillier'l'iiiiorleil It. There Is not ni icll like It In the I'ouiitry. Taste, If you diili't believe me." liiael stoml fur n moment hesitating. Then ho cat an - eager glance to the light and to Ihe left, as If hilt fearlul lliat some out! should see hlni, and gia-nilng tlio bottle thank I Tlio feveted blood niium'.eil t) his check; a stiange' s'paikle c.tme Into his ey t'3. Mlave ypu got in'orcj like that?'' In" whispered, hoaiS'ly, approitchlng lit-. biiri.lng llp so clovly lo llie tuau's ear that he Involuntarily started. "More?" "I've got anolhet lltik, hut" "Will you leave It behind? I'll pay you a good price for it I" "What for?" . w Israel' eyes fell guiltily. 'Tn- In cae ofiv.iekuess, you know. We can't, buy such liquor heic and ll'a a liuiely Sll.t." "You'rtt light enougli, "there," said Ihe lunii, laughing, as he drew out an other lh'-k, the mate to the first. "neri'.'tnktfit1. P.-haw, friend, put up your pur.se. You're welc'.'iiio to it ns a gilt." And he wa gone, plunging through the high grns an.l bushes, nil fiiuged wl h sc.nil.'t cnitlinal (lowers and nod ding marigolds, be lure Israel c uhl stay him. Israel E'tnayne crept back to hl lioiiM', or rather tho itnlo log c.ibli. th.itai was n suit of liu-.tr.go that one day it real home sliuuld lUu on Us fouuda thins, holding tho Hat bottle close lo him, uiid glancing; nronud with 1 ut live, wandering eyes. "I needed It," ho snld to himself; "yes, I needed it. I didn't know how much ii'.n'ttli titstcil.lt. Just onu muro taste. It slips over pne'j p.thtto like ghts, go smooth, so rich, su full of btiength. . One'inoro taste, and then" When the eloek struck iilne thu wills Hoof the, way tjal'ii bounded ,fa'!('t ipid far off, and isiael Esinaj lie rose tiucer t a 1 1 1 ) y tji Ids leet,. Thu subtle' burning; i lime of the liquid ll.imu had euteled Into his biain; the walls seemed to I eel about 111 in, tliti Mars to swim in the great bluo firm.tmtiit .oviihead. Noth ing was rtttl alj was lailit nutl far oil and visionary. Hut the chains til I ahlt are hard to shako off; and Uiael had goi;o out nt ulno o'efock cvtry night lur' n -year. Groping his way, nliil .Walking with slow, uiileady steps, ho went, still ciarpjng, tho partially emp tied (tlusk to Ids breast' in tho inner (lot lu t of his coat. ' Ho could hear the gush of tho river be'lniv; hu rOi.ld see tho mils of the trsuk glistening l tho fitlut, otailllit; and mechanically fvi'U under a clus ter of sj iiu busl.es. for tho switch Key, ho. knelt i own hud' s'.upldiy fumbled tliere an Instant. ' ' "Tho ay train,"' ho uiutteted to himself. "It's nil right. "An I then tho freight irnln half past' pine a nuailer to.ten: itud -" lie stuopel ilowp by )o rlycr shoru nnd wet liis buinliig forehtad with tho coul drops ho could scoop up In the hol low of his; hand; Jlo.sat dowj ouu (alien tree, and let Ids-head full on Mils palpis. ''Am I drunk?," he muttered, half aloud, "O Uod i havii I coiuo tJ this In spite of every thing?" And tho memory of Dorothy Beers nnd his sacied promise to her rum up ill his mind, as one sometimes lemeui- ber promises tmulo to thu dc.id, in nil' ilmwlhl, wide, nelii g, ioeklng world Of Ids bialn there was hutotio certain ty, llo had lost Duroljiy, his solUstefi- plug, bveet-eyed redeeming angul llio one .In all the world who lovol and trusted hi m Implicitly. "1 don't deaervo her," ho thought, scarce able io shape definite thought In ulilcliaotlcVilnJ; 'Ut-rlifl Iia4 only fallen ,dpwn," dead eWuro befoxo I touched thattccurcd stuff t .film would hare brltevfd In trio thf'n." TIih fresh, conl night air nn Iiu brow was sobering him a little; tho touch of Ihe cold river writer c.ired tho mUts of his eliiiid.il train In sunn degree. He him' up, htendylng hhusell by ttiu sleudi'i' slein of n young white birch tieo hat grew cloou bj.ildo him, and lookeil atoiiml. ll.nk.t A clear uhlstle, half n nillo away, cleaving the sllenea like tho call of some sweet-throated bird. It wis ihe expti as, whoso plrtmo of lurid smoke spatim-d hslf it continent the long, sei ent. like tritln, glittering with lights,. and c.iiryiug a great eye of lire in rout, wii'eli nightly llnuileral oy r the lino of rails, and shut like a nii'ii or out of sight Into the hu-.li iiuV slleneeiil tho w'.m.ls weitwaiil IniuikI, The way tinln pnssed nt nine, niatUnif a In li-r stopp.ige at the llurstly staiinn b. yuid.a iiieie woolen -.lied with a pliilfoim on eithersi'le. II t'f an hour altervnril n slow .mil heavy Iretght train followed it, muiiing olf on it Hide' Iraek Inward the i Iv.-r slu va until tho expii'ss should have sulely paired. And It xifti the special business of Ii lael Eiinnyne In set the swit-h for the trolght, nml siibsi quently replace it lor the Inn rj lug express. II td 1 e done this? With nn awful doubt poKoiitug his heart, hu pressed Ids li.tudi to his tem pos and tiled to think, Iiu hid been t Here -he could recall Just, lei v tlm dewy tails looked, wet an.l glistening in too starlight, lie j ad the switch k.y hi his li.tnd thtt'lio could also n member, llut ws that before or "arteir tlie freight had switched off? He coii'it not reinemlier wiiether Hie freight leul',1 pa-.-r.il or not. Ho did u it kn.iw.t whetlur he had lo;kol tin switches Iwl; or once, or, go U Heavens I nut. at all The pail was a swij lug vaeutiuiy. the tuturc strange and dream-like; K.' closed Ids eyes hu pressed his te:npbiB' as if itlher hand had been a viutvuC iron, In the wild, agunizing elljr'.,li teeall tl ela-t half hour. "O God I" he nuunc.l aloml, .-ih threw himself on his fane in thsiwuU gr.tis, ".nn 1'golng mad"" Somo hhig li.nl shuck itgitluit.vhlsv breast bone as he Hung h(msel8 duwi-f it wn the fatal ll.uk. Iiu tore it.. out,, hall loll of dark led pniVon, imtHadied it passionately lit the hushes. IU was'. Ihut-TllAT lll.lt had douu nil tti-ruiV-chlef. "Oh, Heavenly 'Father P" he crlotti nloud, In ills gleataugulilii ',ifiltipUv..OH 'i'liee tn avelt Itoui me thligii-jtt. c-imo of u.uider ili.ue a timu-nn I fvh audi nautili but one of'Tliy iidtw'ulos ran'., nveit it limv 1 swear heloietliy piivu-i mentnt stars to tuoch that ilevSI'slirutlt , no moi e. O God,. hear ,uie t O-Cliiistv, save nie I" Thu o'aitli lieneath, Ids Baowllng brea.l (hulled and qulveie.l ii- thai -'ex-' ptes.i lialn Hew" ovei' the ri'llsr iu!i Is l.iel K-inaynu held his lireatOi luoiueii t.tlily e.Nnetlng tlni awliil wlu which should, r.lam I. Is tuul wltln Uioiteruul', bland of Cain. Iltislit Ail 'owl hooting: afiw' off l,i' the wiitul-, tlie c.y 'ut soma- sad.vole.ed lliglt Wld ovrllsr.id, tuid t leu.nuollier wliistle, clear mid cheery. Tlwexpicss had p.iosrd thnuigli ilur.-llvy pas-ed llnougli sale uiid bound, AutPlsraet Esiiiayuu slajtserul to ,llisitt, gaed, around him m tustunt, cluteliednaguo ly at the air, ami then fell uncouaeu)US "Unci", he Is coining iV Oh, uuclo I knew 1 kuuw that he waVnot'du.td.'t And tho sod eyes of IXmitliy.. ots weio the Him thing that lsr.u;! iiiiay.iio. s.t wiii Ids soul iMuie out ot thw ws)rliU of slntilo.vs' and Ohilioil, vllW oil Jouatliaii leaning on hit ea'.ie Jttst ho-' y uiul. " I'ell me, Dotty," hu gasped, "how wa? .1? Tin tli-artitelns?'" Tt was my glildid It," said tint old mail. "She c.iic.u' by, ahd slie heard the Height a wlilslllu', mid Site' Seus llio Bttltepe wasn't rlglit, nor nusinali nor tiolhlu'. Simelliing happened,' ,rajr! oliu. And Uiero l.tylie key in tho mi .die of tiiu tractf, and slut unlis;ks U.e swllehei ynu sliuned lier ilov to ulo It jouiaelf, Eiumvho. oao suiuiuer ivl L')t tioo-1 and slit) lianas up her wlifto lalitern, And there uu staiuls, with her heart a-beallu' tit lo choke lur, till tie.freght gits oir. And' lio u.sils to oiieot the biakesuieil. -Set'tliese tight lor tho express,'' says she 'quhJk', or there may b"a a thousand live lost. Wheru'a tho switch tender?' says lie. 'Oml only knovvs,' says my DiiUy. And sii sho come.s pack niter mo. '.U;i tie,' sain sjie. all white an.( Ireinblj;)' like, 'ciiine wIIIi iiih. 'What f.,r." .iiiy I' 'Tn litik for Israel, ' say she. 'I don't slesqi Una, night,' says my Dutty, 'till we've touiid.blui.' " "Goi bless her I" cried out EAmayim In n cholctd voice. "God hvjUiauked for all lils'inercles.'' , "Was It a lit?" raid tho old man, curiously. "How did Ite.mio on?" Hot I-rae Esiuayne Vpoko rio word on tlm subject,' olther then orUver. lie; tuairletl Duriithy Uetis In the spring, and hohtu sa.'iedly kept Ids vow. It '! I."'! -i??0 . And ,Dotty, U:ouflU tbr D'dvcr-ktyK. It. hafl. ttilfpe!