The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 31, 1874, Image 3

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    Ail vert irilnpr Wntcs.
W dortro It to be dlMlnelly umlemtwil that no
Adrertlemnt win W Inserted In ttie colnmni of
Tnipamivi tvocATi lhat may he recelted from
unknown pjrtlviinr(lrm.wnlc(i"rnnipiinlii(l with
the Cull. The t'llhwtm! arectironT terms t
Adrerllemeritii Ibr 1 year, pr Inrli each
Inewlloti 10
' Fit Motitha per Inchoach Insertion 1or-.nt..
' Thru- M"l th. " ' ' SUCvira.
jJM linn ttiriH'WM'lli. fir"l lner-
tlon Jl, each Milwe,uenl Infill'1" ESOnta.
It. V. M'lUTIIISlKII, IV-lhlier.
Tioraiid Personal'.
Sr-EciAi. Ntrricil. Those of our sub
scribers rtcelvlng llii'ir paper with a
cross upon llie corner near their nnnic,
will tn fifty cmls advance In pilcoby
remitting tlio dollar subscription nt
onre. Our terms nre $1 In advance, or
1.B0 If not so inHl.
Overcoats fro n $5.00 tu 13.00, nt
Snyder & WI)U Velspoit.
A bail habit to get lcto a coat
that Is not paid for.
Sheriff Urenelwr was In town on
Monday last, ami smilingly looked In
ipon us.
Fresh lirend and' cakps dally nt
JIausU'ftii & Kuline'.
"Panic 1'ilces" Is Mill the motto nt
II. A. Be)t7.s store. Those desiring lo
purchnso arc Invited to give. Iiltn an
arly call.
Strangj thnt steel made Into spur
or pen, and applied tn the flesli of horso
or men, should hnvo tho effect to lalso
the "hair." Hum I
Haiismnn & Ktilms have still a con
siderable stock of toys on hand, which
they aro offering very cheap, suitable
for birthday presents.
nigh Constable John Painter, r.f
Slnuch Cliimlc; was In town on Monday
last, lie looks well, nml nppenred ti
be filled with business. John makes n
gooii ofllcer.
On, Tuesday last, about noon, the
cngluo.Nowport, In charge of her flte
man, was on .her way down to Packer
ton to take out n coal train, iho went on
to a switch to let another englnu pass
her, but.having too much headway, sho
brought up 'In the Lehigh.
Three tnlloreeses, on custom pants,
wanted, immediately at T.'S. Heck's
merchant tailoring establishment, Lc
highton.'l'i. Win. Kemorer Is crowded day and
evening with customers purchasing
cheap nml handsome dress goods, dry
goods, groceries, provision and hard
ware . Ucn. Mr. Klstler, of tho limine of
Representatives, will pleasb accept our
thanks for public documents. The
honoiablo gentleman has beell-opKilnt-cd
a member of the Committees ou Ap
propriations nudJuillclary local.
T. I). Clans", the merchant tailor,
In nddltlou to his Immense stuck of
cloths, cassimercs, and vestlngs, keeps
n full line of overcoats gents' furnish
log goods, hats, caps, bouts, shoes, rat
ters and overshoes. All of which ho
is offering to Iho public nt prices to suit
the times. Cull nml examine gooda and
Carbon county has now two papers
printed within Its borders, one In Le
llighton, and two halves In Mauch
Chunk; the other half, the Lehlghton
News, has "gone owlt," llJnzlctoii
Dally News.
--Hats and caps for men nnd boys,
from 25 cents up to $5.00, nt Snyder &
Wills', Wtlsspoit.
The German Reformed enngreca
tion will hold services at the Academy
to-morrow (Sunday) evening nt 7
o'clock In the German language. Itov.
L.K.'Derr.ofSlatlngton, will officiate.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to our
citizens to attend.
Men's and boys' hoots and fhoeo
very low atSnjder& Wills', Welssport.
: -Messrs. March nnd Uutterileid, of
Welssport, received tho englni) to bo
used In their new Emery Wheel Works
on Wednesday list. It Is nn eighteen
horse power engine of a llrst-class
Lsdlcs' slippers 23 cents a pair, at
.Snyder & Wills',- Welssport.
Tho prlco ot hides is looking up."
C. E. Grecnawold Is now paying 7 cts.
per lb. for crccn liiilec, 13 cts. per lb.
lor calf skins, and sheep's pelts, green,
41.50 each.
Daniel Seuslnger, of Franklin
itowusiilp, will sell at public sale, on
Thursday, Feb. 10th, 100 acres of tlm
br land, In four lots. See bills printed
t this oGloe.
Charles Trainer, corner of Lehigh
it)d lion streets, will supply you wi'h
flour atlil fced.jilotv your gardens or
do your hauling at reasonable rates.
If you wantanythlrg In the nro
ceiy or provision JUie, call at J. Fnl
ilDger fc Son's, on Itauk street. You
vtll Iw 6ure to .find what you want.
This Is a good time to subscrlbo for
tho Cabboh Advocate. The prico is
otllytl per year In advance. Try it I
. Pur lamlly flour, of tho very best
quality go to J. K. Illckcrt, East Weiss
jwt. Lumber and coal in large or
mail Quantities at lmvtv,t market rat..
A tow lota lu Jllckertofln lUll unsold
fray i onee,.
Wo have received a communication
from some unknown person. Wo
should be pleased to publish It, pro
vided we knew the writer, but a the
iinmii Is whhhelil we must decline, as
we mnke It a strict rule not to publish
I'Pimmiulcatlnus unless accompanied by
the name, of the writer, nut for pub
lication, but tor our own security.
Should tho writer clinnso to comply with
this rule, wo will publish the letter.
L. F. Klepplnger's livery 6tnble,
on tho corner of Hank nnd Iron streets,
Is becoming unlversnlly popular with
oi r citizens. Ills teams nru Mist rate,
and his charges low.
The citizens of Corluue, Utah, In
tend giving a grand gift concert, and
to distribute cash gifts from $1 to
$30,000. The proceeds of this concert
nro lo be devoted to the free schools of
Col I ii nc, which are tho only free schools
In Utah. The conceit Is to take place
on the Cist of Mnrch, 1874, See ad
veitleuient tn another column.
Hun. Zach. II. Long can always bt
found smiling behind huge piles of dry
goods; call nnd see him.
The, Presbyterian congregation will
hold service's In the Iron strett school
houses to-morrow (Sunday) evening nt
7 o clock, Ilev. II. F. Mason, pastor.
Mr. S. T. Leopold, of Wtl-sport,
has been appointed agent for n new
work, entitled "A Dictionary of Every
D.iy Wants, contnlnlng some 20,000
valuable receipts," by A. E. Tollman,
M. I). It will prove n book of much
value to the farmer, mechanic and In
boicr, as well as tlio hnii'
Candles, wholesale nnd retail, at
Hausinau & Kuhiis'.'
if.-ck, the tailor, In tho postolllce
building, will make you a n'ce fining
gaiment of the best material ut the
lowest price. Try him,
Jacob Kreher, on Monday after
noon, was dilvlng down Indian Moun
tain, when he slipped nnd fell, the
wheels of tho wagon pacing over lib
leg, ciushlng and breaking it in n se
veiu manner. He lay upon tho road
for sumo time belore he was discovered.
Dr. Zern, of Welssport, Is attending
"Their Natuo Is Legion," maybe
applied to those who die annually of
Consumption, nlthough science has of
late j ears sensibly diminished their
number. It Is gratifying to know that
tho general use of Dr. WUtar's Dalsaiu
of Wild Ohcrry is largely Instrumental
in attaining tlds end.
If you want Job Printing of any
description, you should call nt tho
where you cnu get it done ns quick
and as well ns elsewheie, and SAVE
23 l'Elt CENT, on yo ir older. Como
along. Wo lire ready to serve you.
Hausman & Kuhus, Jus. Obert,
nnd others of this borough, have se
cured a quantity of Ico of good quality
nnd about six inches In thickness dur
ing the past week.
-- Mcssis. Hausman. & Kuhns will
commence making trips to Summit Hill
on Tuesday next, with bread, cukes and
prctzcN, and will thereafter continue
their tilps on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. They will nlso make trips
lo Mauch Chunk on Monday, Wednes
day nnd Friday of each week.
It will tnko seven thousand ton of
mils to lay a single track mi the Lehigh
Valley extension to New York, nnd wc
undeiitand tlm Allcntown ltolling Mill
Cou.pany has tho contract to furnish
this amount.
Our Senator, Mr. Albright, one
day Inst week introduced a bill in the
Senate to enable tho officers of dis
solved corporations to convey real es-
tnto held by such corporations.
"When a man Is saddled with a bad
wife there nre snro to he In tho
family." Hilt David Ebbert's Is one of
the most peaceable families In Carbon,
notwithstanding lie number of saddles
ho keeps for tho accommodation ot his
friends at his livery on Wank street.
New goods and popular prices are
(ho inducements offered by W. A. Gra
ver. His stock of diess goods, gro
ceries and provisions, Is unsurpassed by
any house In the county.
On tho 20th Inst., Mr. Nathan
Klotz, of Summit Hill, reopened his
hotel, tl.o Eagle, at tiiat place, with a
grand supper to a number of his friends.
Mr. Klote has now one of the hand
somest fitted up bar room and olllces In
in this section of tho country. '
Parties Interested in tho distribu
tion of funds arising from the sale of
Daniel Eastman's properly are referred
to tho advertisement In nuother column.
Proposals aro wanted tiy the Prince
Metallic Paint Company for the erec
tion of a mill at Howmau'sStatlon. See
advertisement In another culumn.
Our ft lend J. P. Smith, who lost n
leg some three months ngo, wan in town
Wodn'sdny acd Thursday, nnd spent
soieu time in our sanctum. Hois get
ting along nicely.
The Constitutional Convention
cost 8110,723.60.
JU. 15. Ohuroli.
Priachlng at Packertnn at 10 a. m.,
at Morlah Furnaco at 8 v. m., and at
Lehljhton at 7 r. m. Extra meetings
still in progre:B.
Dorough Election. '
A preliminary meeting of citizens of
this borough, Indepiudent ot party
politic, was held at J. W. Itauden-bu-h's,
Valh y llouse, for the purposenf
nominating candidates for borough offi
cials The meeting organized by tho
election of Frank Stocker ns President
and II. V. Morthlmer us Secretnry.
Tlio object of the meeting wasstnted,
nnd after a short conversation upon the
suhj ct, It was, on motion, resolved to
adjourn over until Mondny eveulng,
Februniy 2d, nt 7.30 o'clock, to meet at
the nme place, when the citizens would
rnrccd to tho nomination of a full
ticket. A full attendance of citizens Is
earnestly requested.
F. Stockhk, President.
Hrai.tii and ZJbautv. Dr. Bond's
treatment purifies thu blood nnd beau,
tides tho complexion, nnd radio illy ex
pels from tho system all Impnrlths,
such ns scrofula, syphilis, fever- sores,
ulcers, snro legs soro mouth, soro head,
salt rheum, cankers, whito swelllngt,
enncers, tumors, msh, tetter, blotches,
pimples, ringworm, erysipelas, Ac,
Ac, giving tho complexion a healthy
color, and restoring to thn system
healti and purity. Consultation 'dally
free nl ohirge. Remember, Dr. II. T.
liond, No. 020 Hamilton street, Allen
town, Pa.
The Coal Trmle.
Tho following table shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over the, Lehigh
Valley Railroad for tho week ending
Jan. 24, 1874, nnd for the year as
compared with thu same time last year:
From Week. Year,
Wyoming .... 10,082 13 143,915 CO
Huzleton 39,885 14 182,097 10
Up. Lehigh. . 32 12 1,200 15
llen.Meailow.. 10.254 05 70,019 14
MahMiov 3,013 17 34,334 00
Muucli Chunk 8,854 11
Total . . .
Lnsl Year.
Decrease. .
78,290 01
55.185 17
23,114 04
431,234 .08
425,399 17
8,854 11
To the LDics.. There, nro thou
sands of Ladies (young, middle-aged
nnd old) dragging nut a miserable ex-i-tnice,
nml suffering Iroin homo of tlio
many diseases to which they are so
liable, and who have tried doctor nfter
doctor, nnd nuy quantity of niediclno,
without benefit. Now Dr. Bond's suc
cess In tnls tin's of diseases is truly
astonishing; therefore, nt unco consult
him, nnd suffer no more. Ills treat
ment Is simple, pleasant and effectual,
Consultillons daily from 0 a. m. to 8
l'. si. Remember, Dr. II. T. Houd,
020 Hamilton street, Allcntown, Pa.
Wctsport XSormigU School!.
Roi.i. op IIoN'on. Tlio following
named scholars havo exhibited a satis
factory iccord during tho past month as
regards attendance, conduct, progress
nml industry:
Henry Tropp, Robert Yundt, James
Dick, Wnlter Dick, Arthur Dick and
Austin Doyer.
Edwaid Yundt, Albert Oswald,
Ulysses Knnns, Willlo ICtoomer, Milton
Koons, Schuyler Koons, Chas. foyer,
Thomas Coyle, Cathnrinn Krutii, Ellie
Polsgrnve, Annie Smith, Lily Guth,
Laura, Mngglo Dick, Rebecca
Dick, Carrie It. WeNs, Annio Wnssen,
Enimn dinner and Amanda Albright.
January, 1874.
Cancf.ica:i ub Cukkd. Dr. Bond
has discovered a positive cure for Can
cer, nn matter of how long stu.illiig,
without nny surgical operation, cutting
or pain. nuecrs cured in fiom 1 to 8
weeks. Dr. Dond's Cancer Antidote
(used externally) checks the growth,
corrects tho foul smell, stops all dis
charges, and forms a healthy scab,
while th Cancer Cure, used Internally,
purifies thu blood nnd removes all taint
from tho system. Dr. Bond will .send
his Cancer Antidote and Corn (suit)-
clent to last one month) to nny part of
uie country on receipt of llfty dollars.
No charge, for examination nnd con
sultation at the office. Patients writing
from a distance must Inclose "live dol
lars, which will bo deducted Irom
charges for treatment. Dr. II. T.
lloud, C20 Hamilton street, Allcntown,
On Tuesday of last week, while Mr,
Andrew Seem, of tho Sixth Ward, was
up at the Lehigh Gap attending to
somo business, his horse, In driving
along a rocky, open road, shied, and by
a sudden plunge sideways threw him
out of the vehicle, precipitating him
over a rough and rocky embankment nt
least fifty feet In height, where he lay
in nn lusenslblo condition for a long
time. After recovering his senses Mr.
Seem made his way to a house nt some
distance from the scenn of tho accident,
where he was kindly cared for, nnd
medical assistance being obtained, his
wounds were properly attended to.
Hi. was tadly cut about the head and
facp, nnd considerably bruised nbout
the body. Tho horso continued homo
to the residence of Mr. Seem's father-in-law.
Allcntown Democrat.
Sudden Death.
On Tuesday evening of last week,
says thu Catasauqua Dispatch, our
community was startled by the an
nouncement of tho death or Mr. Solo
mon Iilery, nn oldresldentot this place,
who died In his 00th year.- He was
sitting In Ids chair nt his residence,
when he suddenly fell to the floor, and.
before medical aid could be summoned
ho expired. Thu sickness was pro
nounced apoplexy, nnd his decease was
unexpected. Ha bat bueii resident of
this placo nil his life, being n son of
Mr. FrIU Blery, who kept tho ferry
known m Blery's, whero the bridge
now stands. IIo built nnd kept the
American Hotel, now RogVs, for a
number of years, but lias not for many
years been engnged In nny active hul
nc-s. One, by one the old lesldents nre
being called awny, and soon tho places
which knew them will know them no
To the Nekvods and Debili
tated. Do you have spells of short
breathing ? Is your memory Impaired ?
Do you feel dull, INtles, moping, and
tired of company ? Do you wish to
b t left aluiw and get nway from every
body ? Does any little tiling make
you stnrt nnd Jump? Is your sleep
broken nnd restless? Dhvo you lost
energy nnd confidence, In youiself ? Are
your spillts dull and given ioflls of
melancholy ? Is your back weak,
knees weak, nndslo you hnvo but Utile
ippetlte? If so, J on require prompt
treatment, or it will lead to ciiMimp
lion or Insanity. Your health and
happiness demand that you shall nt
onco consult Dr. J?ond, who .will cure
you. Consultnt'on free. 020 Hamil
ton street, Allentowu, Pa.
Qu.illflcntliii for Voter.
Tho following aro tho requisite quail
fication.s lor voters at the election on
tho third Tuesday of February next:
1. IIo must bo twenty-one years of oge.
2. He must hnvo been a citizen of the
United Stall's nt least one month. 3
He must have resided in this State one
year (or If having previously been a
qualified elector or native born citizen
of tho State, he shall have removed
therefrom and returned, then six
months) Immediately preceding I lit?
election. 4. He must havo resided In
the election district where hu shall offer
to vote slnco Dec. 10th, 1873. 5. If
twenty-two years of. ngo or older, he
must havo paid within two years a
Statu or county tax, which shall hnvo
been assessed at least two months anil
paid nt least ono month bcfoiu the elec
The Dlntt of (he Trumpet.
After listening to a sermon from T.
Dewltt Tnlmage, thu Christian Intelli
gencer said: "Surely the gieat trumpet,
was blown that night with no utn r
taiu sound; and If nny one who listened
to its blast never heard Christ's Gospel
before, they heard It then, with, fullness
nnd sweetness nnd power. The secret
of the Tabernac.e preacher's success
evidently lies in his natural endow
ments, his bold and faithful Gospel, and
still more In his blood-earnes'tuess."
Tlio sermons nnd articles of Mr. Tal
mage nro luruisl'cd now only to The
Christian nt Work, ot which he has be
come editor. Mr. Spurgeou nlso writes
regularly for ItnuJ for no other Jour
nal In America. We suppose they
stand ready to lecelvu auy dumber of
Iett rs from subscribers and agents.
Sample copies free. OfUco 102 Cham
bers street, N. Y. See advertisement.
Weluport Literary Society.
Saturday Evening, Jan. 24. The
sixth regular meeting was held asabove.
Tim meeting was called to order by tho
President nt 7 i: m., nnd the roll of
officers called. The minutes of the
previous meeting were lead nnd
nd opted.
The President appointed a committee
to form a programme for next meet pig,
viz: Messrs. A. W. Horn, J. F. Zero,
nnd J. R, Dlm.iilek.
Oh1 motion, the Committee on Pro
grammo will appoint a "Critic" for
that evening. T. W. Renshaw was ap
pointed Critic for Saturday evening,
January 31.
The exercises of the evening were
taken up, as follows:
Select Rending, Mr. T. W. Renshaw;
subject: "Tho Blue nnd The Gray."
Select Reading, Mr. S. R. Gilliam;
subject. "Don't Make a Mistake."
Declamation, Miss Jennie Weiss;
subject: "A .''mack In School."
Essay. Miss EDio Fenner; subject:
"Tho Sun."
Subject for debate: "Resolved, That
tho pen Is. mightier than tho sword,"
Mr. J. W. Gilliam, chief disputant on
the affirmative side, was absent. Mr.
II. Campbell was substituted, and was
followed by J. R. Dhnmlck and Dr.
Zern; negative, 'I'. W. Renshaw, fol
lowed by Messrs. Gilliam and Knlpe.
The Judges gayo their decision In favor
of the affirmative side.
The Committee on Programme re
ported ns follows:
1. Impromptu Addrcis, Mr. S. E.
2. Select Reading, Dr. J. G. Zern.
3. Essay, Miss Carrie Schmidt.
4. Declamation, Miss Effle Fenner.
Referred questions: "When and un
der what circumstances was the printing
typo first used?" by Mr. Allen Marsh;
"Why .did tho Patriarchs attain so
great an ngo?" by Mr. Campbell;
"Which It land is In both hemispheres?"
by Mlsu Jeuuio Weiss.
Subject for debate, "Resolved, That
woman has more will-power than man,"
Affirmative, Miss S. E. Zero; nega
tive, S. T. Leopold.
On motion, adjourned, to meet nt 7
l'. M. Saturday evt Mug, J.ln. 31, 1874.
J. W. Koons, IVc.Jdut.
5. T. Leopold, See'y.
Miner lit Council.
A dispatch from Wllkss.Barre, dated
January 28ih states that at a meeting
of tlio delegatei from the dlstrlo s In
Dili mlnlng.reglon, to-'ay, a proposition
made by Superintendent. Parrlsh on thn
23d ln-t. to the mlnersof slopes os. 11,
12, and 13 to go to work on lat year's
basli", was considered. Thsn work nre
situated In Plymouth, nnd the miners
having agreed not to rosuinc work with
out the consent of the delegates from
all the districts, brought the subject up
to-day. It gave; rlso to considerable
discussion, the Plymouth miners being
In favor of accepting Iho proposition,
but the delegates from some other dis
tricts were opposed to It.
Those opposed to It gave It as .their
belief that Mr. Charles P.inlsh would
be able to supply the demand for some
time by running these three slopes with
the amount of coal now on.hand, and
that his object was to leave all thu re
maining works of tl o company Idlo
until tho miners wero willing to go to
work.npon any terms.
With the understanding that if the
starvation game should be attempted to
be played a'l should quit work tlio fol
lowing was adopted.
Resclved, That nil districts having
the basis of 1873 offered them for 1874
shall resume work.
Lehlghton Academy, Jan. ,24. In
stitute was called to order at 1:30 r. m.
by the President. The roll was called,
and all the teachers responded to their
names. Minutes of previous meeting
were read and adopted.
An essay was read by"Mlss Bauer
subject, "Should prizes bp used as an
Incentive to study?" Expcrlenco
teaches that prizes my be usd to good
effect in some cases; a discussion of tho
subject followed the reading.
"Object Teaching" was taken up by
D. S. Grossman. Tho elements of
nearly all the different branches of
study may bo (aught by means of ob
jects. Tho subiect was discussed by
thu Institute.
Miss Paul next read nn essay on
"Evil Speaking." Charity, rather
than revongo should bo used ns a wea
pon against tho slanderer.
The subjects adopted for the Jiext
meeting nre ns follows: "History anil
How to Teach It," by Mlfs Hcllinun;
''Amusements, nnd their bearing on the
Schools," by Miss Wenver; "Theory
ai.d Practice of Teaching," by Mr.
Institute adjourned at 4 r. m., to
meet Jan. 31 nt 8:15 a. m.
J. Kesslek, President.
D. S. Grossman,. Sec'y.
The Ihlgh Volley Uallroatl.
At noon on tho2Uth Inst, the stock
holders t the L'i.'ilgli Vnllej Railroad
held their ntinunl meeting In tho oftlco
of tho company, South Third street,
TUototal tonnage for the past year
ot given 1n-the.repoHftho Board of
Directors was 4,172,330 tons; that for
1872 wa 3,877,719 tons, being a gain
of-204,047 tons.
The receipts from nil sources (in
cluding Interest from Investments, in
come from coal lands, etc.) amounted
to' $7,424,893.11; operating expenses
ot tho road, $3,884,850.97; net Income.
At the close ot the fiscal year (Nov.
30, 1873), the capital account' was as
follows: Preferred and common stock
(438,337 shares),, $31,010,850; scrip
fur Instalments received, $1,305,590.23;
six percent, bonds (coupons and regis
tered) duo in 1898, 4,875,000; seven
per cent, registered bonds due In 1010,
50,000,000; Moating debt, less cash ou
hand, $4,837,043.23; total, 135,035,
039.43. Tho usual quarterly dividends,
amounting to ten per cent, per annum,
havo been paid In tho preferred nnd
common stocks.
During tho same period thero were
transported 1,000,820M passengers, be
ing an increase over tho previous year.
Tho receipts from passeugers, express
and mall show an Increase of $16,
102.11, or 8.12 per cent Miscella
neous freight transported amounted to
2,228,650.09 tons, an Increase of 5.2
per cent. Tho Increase of receipts was
$79,275.88, or 0.28 percent.
Tho following material was used
during the ytar for repairs and con
struction: Steel rails, 4,081; Iron rails,
10,033; switch frames, 108, frogs,
340; crosstles, 213,000; splices, 13,000;
kegs of spikes, 1,400. There aro now
in use, Including donblo track and hid
ings, a total of 403 miles of track.
The equipment has been Increased by
the addition ol 13 locomotives, 1.814
cars. The total equipment includes
194 locomotives, 17,250 four-wheeled
ooal cars, and a good supply ot cats of
other description!.
A whlto woman residing on Paclfio
etrtct, San Franclsoc, married to a color
ed man, gave With recently to twins, a
boy and a girl. Tlio boy -Is black as
Jet, init-on thu compensation piiucipal,
Uiu nl 1 1 Is white as a Illy. The father
is only half pleated and -says'Jiu can't
itiiderrtand such a ebedkei board ,ur-taugcuieut.
At tli reltlnrr of llie brMe'fl pnrpntu, lit Mil
jvirt n the 29thlnt. hy Iter. J. T. Snlnd.lH.
Mr. Mlltnn Weln of WVIxpirl, Ml Mu
tla;AMitii, of AiiaMcti.
The happy couple lMa ou? wiotrifit erttirntu
tatlons upon thlf au.ptriou erent. May thir
lilYd a prciptfroua and traii'iud pa.aie (,f llft'a
lea, aod fln'l an anchonrw at at teiondtue
rrach of atorra or ware.
I Mvr two clouds at morning,
1 1nnd with the rlnlnx bum,
And In th Uawu Ihy ttuttj oil
And mloiftfd llltu one.
I law twotuoimer currcnti
( low ainoothlj to their meetlug,
And jutu their coureo with alteiit force,
In peace each other ureetloj;.
Such lie jrrnir renlle motion
till llfu'liait pulse nail beat)
Llkerummer'a beam and luramer'a itreain
Hunt uu In joy tu uieut
A calmer ana, where joy halt ceaie
A purerlhy, where all it
On the 10th day of January, by Her. A. Bp
thulomev, Mr.thnrlei Soober to Jlr. Atra Kle
unniMr, both of t'euu Uiten, Ctrbou Oj.
On theaamo diy, l,y nme. Mr. Jacob llu k to
Jll-l Emma Jure MilUr, bAh ,( Lebanon.
On the IT th day or January, by irtuie, Mr. WIN
mm J. i lntel, of Kmtou, .SVrihauipton Co.,tu
MIm ijalleua Cunell, or Kie'eTl.le, Mu.iroe Co.
In l.ehlirhton, on the STih liit.,Miri' Ku-ene,
on or a. and Mary K. Miller, eJ 0 111 mthe
and 6 daya.
iln the 'Bib day or Jmuirv.ln Mi I jh tin, la
tepll I'auM, tfU of Andrew and Sirah i auipbcll.
aged 17 )tata, 0 uimuh n,id 12 da;,
On the 231 day of January, Ii Lwhlthtm,
Kiln Ktn.i, daughter of slirnl A. nnd .-ebil.a
Wnlbert, a;ed 3 yoir, 2 ut mlha and 31 day.
At the residence of her aondn-law. T. b Fopter,
In I'.afit M'liii'h ChuuU on tfutidiy, th i 23 h lint.,
Eliza Worlhlngtj , rellet or Ai.mli W. ivatt
ajed COyea.a.
Special Notices.
For Over Thirty Years
Perry Davis' Vegetable Paiu-Killor
Has been tested in every variety of
climate, nnd by almost every
nation kuown to.-lmerlcnns.
It is tho constant companion and
estimable friend of tho missionary and
the traveler, on sea and land, and no
one should travel on our Lakes or
Itlvers without it
It has been before thti public over
thirty years, nnd probably has a wider
and better reputation than any other
I roprletary medicine, of the. prcsentday.
At tills period thero are but fow unac
quainted with tlio merits or tlio l'.tin
Klllcr, but whllo boiue extol It as a lini
ment, they know but little or Its power
In easing pain when taken Internally,
while otheis Uso it Internally with great
success, but aro equally ignnrn ,t uf Its
healing virtues when applied externally.
We therefore wMi to say to all that it Is
equally successful whether used Intern
ally or externally, and it stands to day,
unrivalled by ull thu great eatiihwie tr
family medicines l Isstitlicient evidence
ot Its virtues as a standard medicine, to
know that It Is now used in alt parts of
tho world uutl that lis sale Is coiiitatiily
Incrca-lng. No curutlvu agent, has hail
such wide spiead sale or given stieli
universal satisfaction. It Is n purely
vegetable compound, und perfect! v salo
in unskillful hamU. is still receiv
ing the must unqualified tistimoulals ti
Its vil tiles, from peinons of the highest
character and responsibility. Physi
cians ot the first respectability, recom
mended It as n most effectual niepara
tion for tho extinction of pain. It Is
lint only the best remedy ever kuown
for Urulscs, Cuts, Unrns, &c, but lor
Dysentery or Cholera or any sort of
bowel complaint, It Is a remedy unsur
passed for efllcieiicy and rapidity of
action. In the great cities ot India,
and other hot climated, it lias become
tho Standard .Medicine fur all such
complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaints, and other kindred
disorders. For Coughs and Colds, Can
her, Astham, and liheumutlc dillicul
ties, It has. been pruved by the must
abundant and convincing testimony to
be an tuvaluablu medicine.
ikusirt of all Imitation!,
The Faln-Klller is sold by respectablo
druggists throughout the United Suites
aid foreign countries.
l'rice as cents, 00 cents and SI
per bottle.
Perry Davis & Son, Proprietors,
No 1U0 High street,
Jan. 3 lin. 1'iovldeiice, H. I.
Tape Worm! Tape Worm!
Hemored In a few boun with harmlen Vegetable!
Medicine. No fee'tuled until the entire wprtu,
with head, patfaei. lttfer Ihoao afflicted to real
denti or the city whom 1 hare cured, thathid been
unucorullj trailed at the Jeueraort Medical
Celled, on Tenth atreet; Ind taken In rain tur
peutlne, the mvcalled iivclnc, and all ku,jwn re
medied Dr. IJ. K. Ku.m, No. 249 Nor'h Mutli
Street, Philadelphia. The Doctor hal bean la
bublneaa fur over twenty-fire years, and la perlect
ly reliable. Call and eec. Adrlce nee, Itemurru
tapoworm rrom a child l yeara old, nieiiurlu; K)
roet. At hta otttce can be Mft ipecluieltl. fcuui of
thetu over forty ret in length, which hare beeu
retnured in leia than thiee hour by taUtiig oiu
dote of his medicine. Or. Kunkei'a treatment U
ilmple, fate and perfectly reliable, aud no fee uo
til the worui, with head, pauea. Ur. E. F.Kv(,tl
223 .NoilU Mnlli Street, l'btladolphla, Pa.
S).t. 0 1873 lv
Jjp IIO YD HE.Vltl,
Architect and Superintendent,
No. 143 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Ta.,
furnishes Plans. Specifications and Etl
itiatei for Publlcand Private .Buildings.
Stairs, Italki, A-c., Constructed antt
Set-Up by tho most approved method,
and at sltort notice. Patronaca Is res
pectfully solicited, and satisfaction
guaranteed. apr. 28-yl
Opposite tho PnblloSquaie,
Manufacturer ot
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all lilndj ot
1ST Hoofing, Sprinting and Jobbiu
promptly attended to. uov, UU