The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 31, 1874, Image 2

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    II, V. MOIlTlliMl.R, lMIITOtt.
SATU11DAY MOttXtXtl JANUAUY 31, 1671.
Deal!) of cx-Clilcr Justice
A telegrnplilo dbpalch, dated Phila
delphia, January 28, snyscx-Clilef .Jus
tice James Thomr,son of tho Supieine
Court of Peiinsj 'ivnnla fell tUnd In llio
bu.ruic C'omt loom thU moinlng. IIu
-.ins nigutiig befote the Court In
I nuc in rt cata of Inx titles, niul hnil
Ji'st closrd his speech. He had spoken
but nbout Dvo minutes. The opposing
lawyer had said that Judge Ehvell watt
(i better Judge on tax titles than lie.
Judge '1 honipson i-ald it was amusing
tlial tin opposite counsel should icmarlc
llilf, and tliin went onto lefcrtothe
fact that tha: drcl.-slon was not mado
by Iilii K'lf. IIu as going on with his
argument, and was leaning over tlio
table, when lie dropped down and died
in five minutes. The Court luimedjatc
)y adjourned.
James Thompson was born In Mid.
dlejex, Jules county, Fa.. Oct. 1,1800.
IIu received a good education, nnd after
leaving uchiiol entered a piloting ofllce.
lie alteiwaid began to rludy law, and
in 1828 was admitted to tho bar. His
talent and energy spiedliy gained hltr,
n good practice, and, turning Ills atten
tion to politics, lie wns three times
elided to thu Legi-iatuie In 1833-81.
Hilling Ills last term tie was Speaker of
the House, and mndenn exelent iiuprcs
tlou by his knowledge of paialiiuensary
lules and his linnnm and Impait'allty.
In 1830 1m was u Presidential Elector,
anil for six years hn sat in llio Dlstilct
Couit as presiding Judge. In 1S45 Jio
was elected to Congiess, and served
until 1851. Ho wi'.s elected Judge of
the Supreme Couit of Pennsylvanlo fjr
tifteen years In 1857, and was the
Democratic candidate for reelection in
October, 1872, but was defeated, Dur
ing the latter part ol his term ho was
Chief Justice.
Br, B.i vlngstonc Dcntl.
X.ondon, Jan. 0. Intelligence has
Just been received here of the death of
Dr. Livingstone In the into lor of
Africa. He died of dysentery while
travelling Imm Lake Rembo to Uny
anyemlo Ills body hat been cmba'med
and Is to be taken to England. It will
come by thu way of Zanzibar.
Dr. David Livingstone was born at
Blanlyre Works, near Ghvgow, Scot
land, In 1815. The poverty of his pa
rents pr vented them fioni plvinghlm
such educational advantages ns the boy
craved, but he manaaed while at wotk
in Hie cotton mlllsto store his mind will
much valuable Information, to be turned
to account In later years. Ho enlowd
on occasional month In nn evening
school In Glasgow, and heroin addition
to the rudiment of ids own language
he acquired a very respectable knowl
edge of Latin and Greek, ntidnf various
branches of science, Including botnnv
and geology, At the ago of 19, after
lie had been promoted from tho position
or plecer to that of sphiier, lie conceiv
ed the idta of going to China as .a
medical mlsslonaiyj and with tlilsobject.
in view aiicnuttl lectures on medicine
and ileUnity in the Unlven-ity of Glas
gow In the winter time, alwiivs resuin
lug hi place In the factory when ll.e
Miumicrvut'ktloii began. In 1838, hav
ing been licensed by the Faculty of
Phjslcinns and Suigeons, he piepared
lo mil for China under the auspices or
the Loudon Missionary Society. The
war between Gnat lliltain mid China
bioke out at this time, however, and
ids lonc-clierisli(tl iilmi was abandoned.
The ouiig entbus'ast next turned hU
nlleullou lo toullurn Aliiea. when- the
Rev. Itobirt Moffat had been laboring
mimiiK ui unlives wiiu signal success.
In 18-10, after a vojage of threo months,
he hunted at Cat o Town, and for six
teen jeaib applied hlnuelf to tho self-
Imposed work of Chilstlanlziiig the Af
ricans. Ills llrst exploring expedition
was innile In 18111, when liu reached
Lake igand, he and Ills companions,
Unwell and flluuny, being the llrst
while men to visit it. In 1851hedis
coieied tile cleat Zambezi river.
Sl.oill) ultir hlsiiriivalatCaptiTown
he mauled a daughter of Dr.,
tho missionary. In 1852 she took her
children to England, but rejoined her
husband substipjcntly Huddled on the
banks of tho Zambezi. Just beforu he
Htaited on what proved to bo his most
important northern expedition a cruel
attack was made by four hundred Dutch
Woir upon tin, Kolubeiiig settlement.
hlxty ot tho luoUciislvu natives weiu
killed, several hiiudied women and
children weiecnriied Into bondage, mid
Llvlugbtouu'y jnoperty was destiojed.
Ill May, 185U. he lunched tliucauital
of the Makololo tilbe, and was pleus-
iinuy riceivcit aim Hospitably eutataln
ed ly King Sekelitu. Crosslin: to An
gola ho became, the honored guest of
me ioiiuguesu aulliurllles stationed
ill Loauda. He next went on foot lo
Qullliiiiil u on thu Indian Uciau. teach.
log that point just lour years tioui the
lime oi nis departure rioiu Cape Town
having traversed thu continent Iroui
ocean Ui uccajt, and travelltU altogether
inoio lliuii U.UUO ullles through a coun
try unknown to civilized man. At
Qulllmaiiu he took passage lu a British
gnu urig which caiiveveu hUu to Man
ntlus, whvncu tm rtturiiul to Euglaud
by the Ited Sea and tho m-erlaud luule.
In 185(1 he published hi first book of
travels, ''Missionary Travels and Ru
w'urclns In South Africa," He had no
Mioiursicu Uik oliuuu fairlv iauuche
Iroiu the j.ress than ho rctutiud to Qujll
mane, having been appointed Consul to
that place with a bolt of loving com
mission. Ho subsequently penetrated
n Lake Nyassa In n steamboat wttli n
mrtv of sclentinn men. In. 1804 ho paid
III 4 lat visit to England, nml In 1803
returned to the scene o( Ids labors In
Africa, after which lime lio was rarely
seen bv white men.
Dr. LlvliigMono leaves one son who
lives ill Scotland. Ills only brother,
Dr Joliu Livingstone, Is In business in
Cannda. At the time of his death the
xplorer was in nil probability o. intern-
dating a return to England to give to
the world a connected account of liW
travels nml discoveries.
A London despatch say.i the deatli of
Dr. Lh lugs' one. took placeln August last.
lie nail been travelling over a partially
submerged country, and after wading
four days through water was seized by
the illness of which ho died.
Gcn. Aluiiioat in Conoiiess. Says
tho correspondent of tho Philadelphia
ress: "The Army Appropriation bill
was considered In tho House in Com
mittee of the Whole and In general rie
bate" Gen. fliailes Albright, of Penn
sylvania, a member of the Committee
on Military Affairs, delivered Ins maiden
elTort In the House tilts session, which
wns n very elahorato speech acalnst tho
proposed reduction ot the army. Gen.
Aiuri.-nt to. it mo ground tho tes
timony f thu Secretary of War. tho
General, of tho nrmy. Lieutenant Gen
eral, and several other ollicers who had
ueen examined before tho Couitiiltteo
on Militaiy Affairs, nil agreed that n
reduction of thuaimy would be detri
mental to tup public s rvlc, would ex
pose the frontier settlements to depre
dations Irom tho Indians, might give
rise io irouuiu in somo or tne southern
States ns well ns in Utah. Tho speech
abounded in facts mid lieu res In sup
port of the position taken' by Gen. Al
bright, and was altogether a very able
effort. At Its close lie was cuugiatu
lated by --oiiie of the leading members
of tlm House. Gen. Albright promises
to beouo of the uio-t usetul as well as
nbl6 men of tho Pennsylvania delega
Tho Fcburuary number of Wood's
Household Magazine is really a marvel
of what can bo furnished for only ono
dollar a year; consUerlng the cost and
the quality this Is the cheapest magazine
which comes to our table. Its articles
have a chasteness about them which Is
not always found In periodical literature,
which ndapts it to fill a placo now
too largely occupied by cheap publlca
catlous that tiro positively injurious to
the young without being exactly Im
moral. We have not room to specify
the articles which fill the page3 before
us but they are many aud excellent.
The magazlno contains threo engrav
ing -a pretty houso design also tho
New York Fashions (Illustrated) pre
paied expressly fcr the Household by
Mine. Demoicst. Tho publisher an
nounces that hereafter llie magazine will
always bo illustrated. Subscriptions
may beulii with any iiumDer. Only
one dollar a year, or with Chromo
Vosemlte, $1.50. Address Wood's
Household Magazine. Newburgh, N. Y.
To lh lMltornf TiiiCiiirox Anvocmi
Sin: I shall bo glad to have the Di
rectors look after my school, that they
may know m what direction it is mov
ing. Those persons who aie Inclined
to bellevo that our school is not what
it should be, would also do well to visit
us, in order that they may know where
of they write, ilthoush It Is the duty
of tho teacher to teach his pupils
morally and intellectually, ho Is not re
sponsible for the falsehoods which may
bo spoken; yet, because somebody has
said what Is not true, you denounce
the school. That little member, the
tongue, cannot be controlled by its
ownerj'how, then, can you expect oth
ers to govern It? It a pupil wishes to
whisper in such a way that the teacher
may not hear him, ho can do so; but
thu statement upon which the remarks
In your paper are founded Is false.
Our schools have now been open
months; the schools are crowded nod
the rooms inconvenient; though tho
teachers believe that they have taught
successfully, not a word In their favor
has yet appeared In your columns; but
somu one has now been kind enough to
notico us by bestowing unjust censure
on at least ono school. Teacueii.
Jau. 27,1874.
NeiiH or tho Week.
Canada lias vast mines of iron ore In
the Ottawa valley. Last year 14.000
tons of Iron ore troni the Hull mines
nnd 28,000 tons from the Marmora iron
mines were exported to the United
Slates. A large quantity or it was
iiiauufaclured in United States and sent
Pottsville, Pa., Jan. A man named
Dradly of Forestville ns shot last
night by ono Fairel while catleg his
supper, l'arrel afterward cut the body
in two and threw the remains down an
air hole of a deep mine near the spot.
Mrs. Uradly gave an alarm, and the
murderer was arrested at .Uinersville
and brought hero. The cause of the
murder Is unknown. Public feeling is
much excited by tlio event.
Tho Dutch troops In Achecn have
taken the mosque by assault. They
were twice repulsed with a loss ot 340
killed and wounded Including twelve
officers. The bomUirdment ot the
Kralon lind only produ'td an Insignia
cant effect un to Jan. 12. aj the eneinv
lias good Ironclad defensive worVs. Tlio
Putcuwenow Bpproacblug thU posl-
Hon by cap, and will throw upa breach
ing battery.
Wilkes-Carre, Pn., Jan. 24. Yester
day afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock,
a miner was walking alone tho main
street rif Plttston nn his way homo from
work, when a man who was standing
on tho sidewalk, and who from his
manner wns evidently waiting for some
one. approached llio miner mid without
saying a word diew a revolvor and Ahot
him dead. Some half n dozen persons
who wer standing near nnd witnessed
tho murder attempted to arrest the
murderer, but with tho revolver In hand
he threatened to shoot any one who at
tempted to Interfere, and passing illicitly
down tho 6treet he disappeared In an
alleyway nnd nothing has been seen or
heard of him -luce. Ho is described by
those who witnessed tho occiiirenco ns
of about flvo feet six Inches in Mature,,
with a scratch nn thu lot t cheek.n mark
on tho nose, of dark complexion, with
black hair nnd uiiistacho. He was a
stranger, never having been seen before
In l'ittson. No cause can be assigned
for the deed.
Harrlslmrg. Jan. 20. The movement
already slnrt"d in thn Legislature to
secure' n repeal of tho Local Option law
Is provoking cimsldernhle discusinn,
It nppeais to bo gaining strenetli,
thoiich many memuers nro yet undecid
ed what position to assume In regard to
It. The Attorney General has been
asked for his opinion as to how tho new
Constitution will operate In respect to
n repeal of tho law. Tint point in
dispute Is, whether such a repeal can
affect the counties which voted against
license. A number of petitions havo
been addressed to the Lcglslatuio prny
Ing for a repeal, but there Is nil evident
indisposition on the part of any one to
assume the responsibility and probable
(iillum of introducing a repealing bill.
The question pro.nises, however, to take
the proportions of one of thu most im
portant matters to be brought before
the Legislature.
Pottsville, Jan. 27. From reports re
ceived hero to-day ntthe various mining
points In the Schuylkill region It Is
estimated that about one-third of tho
cnllerles have lesumed work since llio
final settlement of the bais question on
Saturday, The renson assigned for so
small a number of mines that have thus
far resumed, is that them nro few
orders to fill at this season, there being
a good supply of coal on band, and
many opeiators are repairing their
works ami machinery. Tho Philadel
phia nnd Heading Coal and Iron Com
pany's mines will not be put In opera
tion until Feb. 2d, when, it is reported,
there will be a general resumption of all
the collerles. There is not sufficient
demand however to warrant their run
ning up to lull producing capacity.
New Advertisements.
Tim Auditor uppnlnted hy tlm Court to din
tribute tti mnrtiyn itrlstli from the hherl(T' fait
of rn I ef-Mtt, ot D.ltiltd Kattnan, will meet the
pnrtlex Interested fir the purptue r,f hU appoint,
ment, r,n Mondty, the -1 1 .lay Frruir.r. IS71.
lit 1(1 o'rlvk A. M., at lila nfflt-a In MaucH Chunk,
jani-4w j,u uiujiiun, Auunr.r.
TJo Bulldci'8 ti. Contractor.
wlU now recelre proposals to erect
40x60 ftt, 3 Mory find iittip, nenr Bornnn' Str.
lion, nn the L. A S. Ilond. fVptrat Mis to Iw
madi for carpenter and munii work. Foundation
now coinpMod, For, sped loin, or par
ticulars, caU oil or address
At U. I'Kl.NUr.,
Jitn3I3w Lelttph Gap, 'arbou Cor Pa.
20,000 Receipts,
In Every Department of Human Effort.
It Is printed on htronp;, heavy paper,
from new electrotype plates, in one
volume of 550 royal octavo, double
column pnges, alphabetically arranged
in divisions and biib-tllvMons.
it is Issued In two different styles of
binding English cloth, with gold back
t-tainp, 1: leather, fprlukled edges,
ribbed back (library style), S4.75.
Ask Hie Hrat boon canvasser you
meet to show you n copy, when without
doubt you will purchase it. If you de-
biro a copy and cannot find u book
agent who has It, n copy will be mailed
on receipt of tlfe piice by the publisher.
it will bo useless to hsk ror it in a uoaic
store, as it is (old only through can
vassing agents, nnd It will never bu on
sale in book stores It the publishers can
prevent it.
No trade, profession or occupation
but what Is lepresented therein. Tho
Housewife will find aids nd sugges
tions therein innumerable. The C'ur
penter, the Builder, the Blacksmith,
will find material nld each in their re
spective departments. Tho young lady
will llud Innumerable aids to pass her
lime nit only pleasantly but profitably
The Farmer and Stoek-rulser will there
reap sucli valuable hints as cannot bu
found tuitxlde a small agricultural libra
ry. 'I ho Dress-maker, Dyer and Clear
sturdier will Hud there just what they
want to know to make themselves per
fect lu their different specialties. The
Trapper can find In no other book or
books the secrets contained In You
niauV. Tho sick can turn up therein
to the particular dUcasu with which
they nro troubled, aud learn the latest
le.ncdles witli methods for homo treat
ment. But It bluiposslbletoemiiuerrttu'
every particular branch ui every em
ployment that Youman's Dictionary
does not advance new and valuable In
formation thereon. S. T. LEOPOLD,
Agent for Lehighton, Welssport, and
Franklin townshlo. Jan. ,31, 1874.
watt tvciiiporl, f. j
N. B. SaUi ot tray tfaKrlpttqu atleodaj to at
reaaouatla cuarea. T& luUvuag tt lue putlle
la rtrpMlfull tollelttd. Jan. !,'
.$1,000 REWARD
The greatest thing Phyalrlan In America, cures
all dlfwakea of the
Throat, Lungs anil Air Paisages
By Medicated InbalatlonsaudOxjeeaated Air.
Cures all Chronic, Nervous and Painful Affec
tions hy
IteinOTedln tbree hourr. No rlinrgo until ttie
entire wurtn ii reuiowd.
080 Hamilton St., Altentown, Pa.
S- Consultation frea of charge, dally, front
0 a. m. uulll 8 r. u,
S3-If you are sick or aRilcted, Dr. Bond can
cum you. If lie i-auiibl cure yuu, tiit are i-r
taiiily lust all ho)-. jau 17, Kis-r
New Goods and
New Prices ! !
Ac W1M
RpBclfu1lT nnnounreit lhat lie will reopen the
MercliJint Tailoring KutnbllOimeut of Frtaertck
Scbuidi. lu Wikport, with entire tew stock
Clotln, Castlmercaana VcitlngSf
and Inn fcnjipf d n frstflam Cutter from Potts
vllltt to take chargi of that Prpartnient, po that
he can gunrntoo the U)t of workmaiiftitp and dim
terials, and fleaiit fiti, lu tuuuectluu he will
kefj a full fctock it
Hats. Caps. Boots, Shoes,
Gents Furnishing Goods,
and, In fact, a gsntral astorlment of nil poed
usual); found lu a Ort clin Ucrcliant Tailoring
Mure. The patrouageof the l'lHill; UaollcUed.
The uoderfljnfd will also continue the Dry
aood,Unx'ury aud fruvUlau budlufciat bf eld
itaud, (u the corner uf the l'urt Allun K0III114
Mill, ftud will glr bla cuMouiirri the tvuetit tt Le
drrlrvd from hU Iarg caiU purcuam. All good
are warrauted fresh. A. UiWALb.
T. De Witt TalqiBfjo Is edl pi
tor ot "Tlm Christian at
tl ifk C 11 Qt1i1rrr0r.1t Snu t2
iff clnl corrn onilent. Tliey write 5?
is for no otlii-r paperln Ami'ilca. j04
f-3 Tlireo lungiiitlcent cliroinos.
Pay largt-r Commission tliau f
any ot her paper. CHRO
tyi No sfctarlanism. No ei-ctinn
nllsni. Ono agent recently !S-
otitalneil WO rtuoscrlptlons in Jij
elulity hours absolute work, io
Sample conies aud circulars 3
o tit, t ii.ut r r
II. W. ADAMS, rubllslicr,
103 Chambers St., N. V.
01, MULUfclRrV,
. r l
Oct 18, 1879.
Would resppctful
ly nnnoutice tor
hU frlcniU nnd'
tho public In Reneral, that h,; has open
ed n first-class
Livery & Sale Stable,
nnd that hp can fiirnMi Hnrsps. Hnccl-i
and Carries of tho best description,
for ricnsuic, Iluslncss or Funeral pin
poses, at very, Hcaionrible CharKe,
nnd on short nollcc. llAULINd don.'
at fliort notico and on short nullco. In
coiiiit'cttou ho will nNo contluuo hU
Carriage Manufactory
where tho pcoilociin pet their t'ui rlne-
iipcli'R, Wncons, etc., mano to order,
or ItKPAIIlED on short notice and nt
reasonable prices.
Tho undersigned respectfully an.
nouuees that he Las been appointed
Agent for the
Universal Wringer
These nrt undoubtMlly the Wash
ers nml Wilngtr- In thu niatket, and
our ladles areluvltedto call ai d se
L. P. Kleppinger,
6'or. jBINK and IKO.V Streets,
Feb. 22, 1873. Lehighton, Pa.
In order lo Close Out my present Im
mense stock of
Among wlilcli will he found a largo and
choicu rarlety of
Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &c.
Shirtings, Sheetings,
&c; also, a lino assortment of
Sultablo for Men's nnd Hoy's V'ear, to
gether w!ti
and n variety of other Goods, all of
which I will Sell at
C&ti for CSt&Ial
Now U your time. If you want lo tc
oure ltEAL U.-1UOAIN8. The Stock
must ALL HE SOLD In order to make
room for Nuw UootK Kumeniber tlio
piece for Panic Prices ;
a st mils jn wi
Nov. 22. Hank St., Lehighton.
1$jjTomiuy, Dec, 1st. K8-J3!
My intlre Stock Marked Down now
Is the time to Buy 1
Ladies, Look at This!
lest Shilling Calicoes are now
StllliiK lit 10 Cents
Good Calicoes at 8 "
Uuod Muslin at 12 and 14 "
Mucins at 8 and 10 "
Uood Canton Flannel nt 12 "
lletter " " at 15 "
Bett Gingham, sold before at
18 cents, now 10 "
Good Qlnghanis at 8 and 13 "
I would call special attention to my
large lot of
Heavy Winter Shuvrls
Which I am Selling nt very Low Prices.
CarpctN and Oil CIuIIin,
Are Selling Very Low :
Rest A Sugar nt 135 Cents.
White Sugur at 11
.Brown Sugar at 7 lo 10 "
And all other Goods in Proportion.
W. A. GRAY Eft,
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs thu people of Lo
hlghtou that he has woaUExcelleut
Flour for Salo ;
Also, good FEED of all kinds, and
STRAW in tho jSuudle. Uo is also
prepared to do aoy kind of
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice,
Lehlgbtoo, Pa, March 2My
& 4, O.O O
For $1.00.
rjrinE first ghkat halt lake
-''.Gift Concort, authorized by and
under the immtdinti supervNIon of tho
city authorities or Orlnne City, for tho
lieliedt and In aid of the
Public Free School,
Tha Only Fre.i School In Utah Tcrr'y.
Cnpt. 8, Howe, J. 8. Gcrrlsii and
Alex. Topouce.
DUtrlbitteil to lite Ticket Holder
Grand Gift Concert,
Opera House.City of Corinne,
itlaicli 3tl,
Urjioattory, llnnk efCorlnue.
500,000 "TICKETS !
226,500 IN GIFTS,
1 8. ud Cssh Gift
X fc t,
tt .i
J tt H
I tt- It
1 II It
6 "
a "
IJ.iO "
60 cent "
$1 000 f irh
00 J Milk
101 vach
19 enrtl'
tU rach
ft uch
iiVii Cs.h-Cin, nnmuiitiuj lo-
The distribution wIM be In-publicr
and Writ tin luaihi uuder lliu- lamu form
xml regulation ns the San, FranoUco
nml Louiirvllle IilUnir.y Gift CoucertSi
umler the MiH'i-vJt,n r a-uoHiinltteeoD
)irinuluvut.ullizens belected by tho ticket
Jteterrujo as to.the inlcgrity. of this
cnteiprrMi and or the management is
inadetotiic lolloivlii'weit known eltU
Sun. L. Tibbafci A "Sajvtnee, J
Malali, J. li. Ger'iliMiiberti ot
City Couneir.
JmlgeT. J.BIaok,, Jbh'I U.. S. Ai
sesMir; Malsb & Groeawold, proprie
tors Metropolitan Hotel; Kugeno MlVire,.
City Marshal; W. W. llnllj Architect
J. Kehoe, C'oi)-taWej Jl Kupter, Jew
eler; dipt. S. Howe, Contractor. O. D.,
ltichmonil A Co., Commission Mer
chants; M. E. Citiuptiell, proprietor
Ceuliiil Uiite); .Singleton &.CmUh, pro
lirleturs I'.ielllo StWe; S. 1?. lltlcB,.
Mcruliimt, Sandy, Utah; 1, Gt Garrl
hun, Helena, Montana. '
We will also ,ini ounce tlm'eacli and
every erson buj lug a ticket can atany
and all limes examine our lioofcs.andull
business trniii.ictions couneeU'iU witli
tlm enterprise; and as the itrivwlog. of
pi'izes will bt jilaced in the bands of
honest mid disinterested men, It will in
sure a lair tn.d Impartial dlstdbutioni
Good Ileiipnitiule Agents Wanted,
l.llicral Comml.aluii Allawctl.
t3f Money should be sent by Ex
prusrt or by ilinll on any solvent bank,
by ro.-tollleti Money Order, or Regis
luted Letter, at our risk. For particu
lars, address
E. W. MORGAN, Manager.
Luck tlux 1S8, Corinne, Utah
jai 3-Hm
Alioail !
The under dgned would respectfully
Inform bullders.eoutractors and the pub
lic in general, that they havo opened a
JLinHilfoer Yard
In connection with their
Near the L. S. Depot,
ind tl'at tlmy liHva now -on hand an Im
mense stock of Miuroughly Seasoned
Lumber, uch as
Rough Vino Hoards,
Surfaced l'lne Board,
Flooring, Hemlock and l'lne,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shinnies on Immense stoclc,
Roofing and Celling Latb,
In fact, Lumber of every descrlp
tloq a th" rery lowtst marKet prices.
We are also prepared to furnish Iluilds
ers and other!' with a very flue article of
S u ii a , for Ulusuury
IVorU, Pltittsi'ln, rtc., at R
tnarkably Low Figures.
We havo constantly on hand a largo
lot ot Wood sultablo for Firewood,
which wo will koII, In large or small
quantities, nt Prices to suit your Pockets
oc Mono noxtiF" count low rnic:s.
Ycakel& Albright;
aug 28-yt Carbon coonty, r 4
riten you go to WU(prti
Don't fa!l to call In asd ko
XV. Ii. SM1T1J, , A
at tho : V"
IIo keepi ererythloc tvjet',
6 (100