The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 31, 1874, Image 1

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    u. v. nioRTuiMGR. IWlEIEMlEMT---6 tf lriE AUB TulET A"VTC 59 terms:
Editor nnd Proprietor. jj jy.m. u.ijy.mi J. Jwi J. W JLwi .m..! .MJP JU.EiJ. JiJ. W J2i0 One Bollnr a Ymr In Art vmire
' " . if I ' " " " ' "" " ' I
Letiighton Directory.
M. C. Vredlrlrl, Sinner Swing Machine and In
turan,net to K. II. Snyder', Hank street.
Ejn. WIDDOS, Hair Cutting ami fflra
living, under llcchnige Hotel, Bank street.
lloot ami Shoe makers.
Charles Yenser. ncnrl.v oppoiit e Iht postffice, Bank
street', alto, dtalir in Omfictioncry.
Clinton1 Ilrelnoy, in Leran't building, Bank street.
All rmleri tiromvtlv .filled utork warranted.
Hausman Kubnii, opposite Oberfs store, Bjnk
iitreet. Alt ordertpromptly Jilted.
lly Goods nml Groceries.
Z. II. Long, opp. L. S. Depot, Bank ft., dealer in
llardtnart, Qnemmare, Ladies' Drat Gmli, itt.
31. A. Bolts, Leuckere Block, Bank st. Dry Good',
Groceries, Qucensivarc, Carpets, Oil Cloths if- Wul.
3S. II. Snyder, Bank street, Dry Gonlt, XMoni,
Dress Goods', Groceries, Quecnmare, llardture,dt.
Drugs mid Medicines.
A.J Durllng, first iloorftboTe 1'. O-llank street.
OOl, Mnli, Perfumery, latent iledianes, rft.
T. P. Bemmel, nearly opp. r.jcbange Hotel, Bank
street, Cultivator!, Oil', J'aintt, Guano, dc.
Thomas Mants, " Exchange," epp. rubllc Squa.e,
Bankst. Patronage lotitiled. .
Furniture WwslMiue,
V. Schwartz, Bank street, dealer in all kinds 0
Pumilurc. Coffins made to order.
Merchant Tailors.
Clauss Bro, Bank street, and dealers in Gents'
Furnishing ISoods, Voolt, Slioet, llatl, dipt, rtt.
Thomas S. Beck, 1'. 0. building, Hank st, Gcnt'l
Furnishing Goodt, llatt. Caps, &htl VooU, ifc.
lira. II. Vatb, Bank f treft, 2nd door below the M.
K. Church. Motions and Trimming)
physlclans-aiul Surgeons,
Dr. C. 8. German, corner of Bank and Iron stree t,
Consultation in English and German.
Dr. N. B. Kebrr, neit door to P. 0.. Bank street.
Consultation in Pngtish and German.
Jos. Obert.Bank st., lucking. Curing and Smoking
litalAishment. Ml order! promptly filled.
J. Fattlnger A Boji, Bank st, dealer' in Flour and
Feed, Groceriei, Pruitt and Vegetables.
Watchmaker mid Jeweler.
AjO. Dollenmajer, South street, abote Bank st.
Dealer in Walchei, CHocH, Hinge, fc.
Bass: Smiti, Ltmoniox, Fa.
Baal Estateand Collection Agency. Will Buyand
fell KMnle. Couvejantlni! neatly done. U.
lections promptly nude. S-etlllng hnate iof De
cedent, a specialty. Way bo consulted In fcngllsli
.and Urmu.
pi H. SNYBEll,
Justice of the Peace,
Lehighton, Pa.
Oflice In Ms store, oppoMle tliu Eaele
notel. Collections nnd Urawlug up of
Deeds promptly nttended to. nlS2-)m
OFFICE: around Flcorln the new addl.lon of the
Mansion Uouse, Mauch Chunk, l'j. BuHiesa
transacted In English and Oerman. Ccllerllous
jiromply mide and CouTeyanclng nently done.
jTjo. c. Duimicic,
Oflice, on Broadtvat. f.rft door In-low American
Hotel, MauchChunk, I'eun'a. Collections prompt
ly made. Nov. !23.
Railroad Guide.
Fast Time and Suro Connections !
Fire Kxprrsi Train Dnlly- from
llarrlaburg to tlic.Weat.
Pullman Palace Cars through' from liar
burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis
vlllo and St. Louis.
Tbe'number of miles operated and controlled by
this Company enable It to run cars through with
fewer changes than by any other line.
Passengers will find this, in all respects,
TUo StU est, quickest & most
Comfortable llouto!
. 1ST For .Rates, Tickets and nil In
formation, apply at all Prlncipnl Offices
on Line of Lehlph Valley nnd Lehigh
A Sutquehannn Itnilroads, and at, P.
It. It. Depot, llnrrlsburg, Pa.
A J CASS ATT, General Minijer.
J). SI. BOYD, General I'assanper Agent.
Uarch 6, 1873-
j. c. AUUKi,bsiern iraieuog Aent,
901 Chestnut bu, 1'hllai'a.
The following Companies are Represented!
Lebanon Mutual Fire, ' -'
Heading Mutual Fire,-
Lehigh Fire, and tbo
Trayelers' Aw'dent Insurance,
Also Pennsylvania &ud "Mutual Horse
Thtef Detect! Y9 and Insurance Com.
r5N ... '. ii&tbra, iB7a.'
Livery & Sale Stables,
I nlwoys ltccp on hand tho best hor
ses nnd finest cnrrlngcs, to bo let nt
livery at tho lowest prices. Conveyances
can bo had of ino at tho shortest posil
blo notlci', nt any hour. I would call
the attention of tho public to my speci
al facilities for supplying single or dou
bio teams for funerals, &o.
f.OT.22, 1873. DAVID EBliEItT.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Glassware, Hardware, etc.
May 81, 1873.
rjp D. CiiAUSS,
Mcrckiint Tailor,
And Dealerin
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Constantly on hand n splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain. and Fancy Cloths.
Casslmeres nnd Vestlngs,for'Meii's nnd
Ilojs' Wear, which" I nui prepaicd to
Mnko up to Order In tho most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses nnd Children's
A well selecte.l stock of French and
Turkoy Morocco, Glovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebble nnd Grain Leather Boots
nnd Shoes on hand, or
Made to Order.
Hats, Caps and Furs,
Of the Latest Styles nlways oj hand, at,
tho Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American Si G rover & Raltcr
Sewing Machines.
Only One Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
.Dealers in
Flour and Feed,
Canned Fruits.
Notions, Toy..,
&c, &c., &c.
Country Produco Bought and Sold.
Lehlgliton Store, three doors above the
Post Ofllcoj Wcissport Store, near
Canal Bridga uov- 80
8 6 ftSnstr.-
J erl!3. 5 lit ii-s
i-f'.E8 EO t"S-iE9 fj 0
Only Two Dollars and a.IUlf a Year
733 Siksom Br., I'mUDttPHU.
713 Broadway, N. Y. 3 School St., Boston.
113, lis & 117 E. Madison St., Chicago.
lodoons, nearly new, from 25.09
Ap. ,1 - RlMhlilgtcrir, V.
7. " c R r
s. :.5;8B'5J
Lehlgliton, Pa.
An Institution for Doth Sens.
Rev, C. ICISSSkliK, Principal and Profeswr
of ClaEtslcs and the lHghor English
MRS. M. O. ICICSSIilCR, Preceptress and
Teacher or Painting and Drawlnf
MR, JOHN 11, KISSLEIl, A. B. Pro
feasor of Latin and Ureek.
MISS IS. C. NHAD, Teacher of .Music.
Vor Particulars ayply to C. CES3LEK, Lehlgh
uo)Pa. Oct. 17, 1873.
New Advertisements.
New York D ay-Book.
A Democratic Wnnr. Established 18J0. It
supports White Supremacy, pollilcal nnd social.
Terms. $2 per 3 ear. peclmen coplei free. .All
drest DAY-BOOK, New Yoik City.
Wood's Household Magazine
The nest Dollar monthly.
Ji. f J- tft-i f &"1 n""le c,n"
alO'B TA ear Tasslnff for this maira
YbO IU fjJJlrJ tine, ooir In its ltth
W 1r to!. with Cbromo.
14x20 Inches, In 17 Oil Coloi a.
MaKSllne, 1 Jour, v th Mounted Cbromo, (2 00
Magazine, 1 jear, with UllinounteuChromo, 1 AO
Magazine, ulone, 1 ear, ... 1 oj
diamine our Clubbing and Premium Lists.
Two Flrat-claaa Perlodlcnli for
the price of one. We n.. licit Kxperl-fciicetlCan.Taaaei-i
and others to send at
once for teruis and Specimen Mnparlne. Ad
dress S. l:. Ml UrES, Publisher,
41 Park How, N. Y. City, or Newburgh, N. Y.
For the benefit of the
3l8t of March Next,
to completo.tbe tale of tickets and make a
18,000 Rifle ivlll he distributed
by lot among the ticket-holders.
ONK llltAND CASH 01FT 17.S00
10 CASH (11FTS, tlU.CHXIeach KHl.lKJO
30 CAfll (lUTS, f,000each 1S0.OOO
60 CASI1 OIFTM, 1,000 each 00.00(1
fO CASH (HITS, f.OOeich 40000
100 CASH (IIFT.-, 400 each 41,000
1.10 OAMI (I IV t, KOO each - 41Ul)0
2,0 OAM1 OIFre, BIO each 60,000
323 CASH GUTS, 100 each 32M
11,0'JO CAfll UllTS, 60 each 660,000
Total, 12,000 (lifts, all Cash, amount
ing 10 . $1,600,00;
A3-The concert and distribution of gilts will
positively andunetiuivocally take jface on the day
now ftred, w hether all the tickets are sold or not,
and the 12.OJ0 gifts all paid in proportion to the
number of tickets sold.
Whole Tickets, (50; Ilalres, f 25 1 Tenths, or
each coupon, $5 ; MuTen Whole Tickets for 6000
22U Tickets for $1.000 i 113 Whole Tickets for
$1,000; 227- Whole. Tickets for $10,000. No dis
count on less than $500 worth of tickots.
Appllcntlous forngentlcs aud 'orders for tickets
should le addressed to
Agent Tublle Library Kv., 2d Mauager Qlft Cou-
cert, Public Library Building, Loulsllle, Ky.,
Rastern Agents, 603 Broadway, New York.
fftK TTi iRQO I' Agents wanted.
q)J XjU Pi2U All classes of worhluR peo
ple of either sex, )oungor old, make more money
at work tor us In their spare moments, or all the
time, tlum at any thing else. Partlcutsrs tree.
Address O ST1NS0X S. CO., I'ortland, Maine.
(No Tar used), for outside work std Inside, In
stead of piaster. Fel Carpetlngs, Ac. Send two
3-cent stamps for circular aud sampes.
0. J. FAY, Camden, X. J,
toSlOO in Wall street rften feads to
a fortune. No risk. 32 page pamphlet
for stamp. Vauntim Tchbkidai &
Co Bankers and Brokers, 3t Wall street, N. Y,
Fgniio undcrslBiicd rcsipcct-
-- fully announces that ho is better
prepared than ever to Buy and Sell
Calf nnd Sheep Skins,
Tallow and
Plastering II..Ir,
at his Old Stand, nearly opposlto tho
post office, Bank Street, Jelilgliton.
12T Tho highest cash prices paid for
Hides and Skins.
nov. 2i. C. E. GUKKNWALD.
Floral Guide for 1874.
200 Pages ; 500 Engravings and Colored
Plate. Published Quarterly, at 25 cts.
a Year. First No. for 1874 Just Issued.
A G cr man edition ntiamo price.
nov. 59. Kochester, N. Y.
Rstate of Abraham Ahner, deceased, late of tho
borough of Lehlffhton.
Whereas, letters testamentary on the estate of
Auraiiau, Aaucr, laie 01 ine uirougn 01 Leblgn
ton, Carbon county, deceased, hate teen granted"
so ine suoKnucr, su persons lodabted to said es
tate art rennested to make Immediate payment,
uu tuw. claims against lue same will
present them authenticated fur uulemest to
LeehjhtOB, Jin, 10,17 -r executor,
"What I " muttered Noah Brcnnan,
ga2ing Into Walter Adams' face, "do
you mean Hint you'll givo mo n home
too Hint you will provide for roe and
help me'"
"Yes." returned tho youth hopefully.
"I could never be happy with Agnes,
much as I lovo her, if I thought her
dear old father had no homo. Come,
wo will live together, and bo as happy
as the days are long."
"But yoursa'nry 1"
"Is sufficient for us. I have five
hundred dollars n year. Wo can live
on that, and lay up something, too."
'"Well, well tako her love her bo
good to her mako her happy dou't
When tho old man saw tho Joyous
tears streaming from his child's eyes,
ho turned away aud walked quickly
from the house, but ho was not so quick
but that lie heard the blessing that fol
lowed lilin. -rltul when ho talked
atone hem nth tho starry heavens, he
wiped his eyes ns though something
troubled hlra.
Gay as a lark was gentle, beautiful
Agnes, when she becamo tho wife of
Walter Adams. The rose, bloomed
again upon her cheek, and tho smiles
were upon her happy facellkosunshino
nil the day long.
"Do you pray God to helpyou'to
love mo now?" tho old man asked,
after ho hud lived with Walter some
two months.
"Why, what do you mean V Agnes
asked, in surprise.
"You used to pray so, for I heard
you," returned Noah.
A moment the .young wife gazed Into
her parent's face, aud then sho an
swered, while ho threw her arms about
his neck:
"Oil, I pray that you may bo spared
to us for long years In pence nnd hap
piness. But love you ? Oh, I could
not help it If I should try.- And Wniter
loves you, fntl er ho loves you very
much, tor ho has told mo so many
There was something morn than
usual in tho old man's eyes now.
One evening, as the happy trio sat
at tho tea table, Walter looked more
sober thnn was his wont.
"What is it, love?'" Agnes asked.
"Oh, nothing;" the husband said,
with a smile, "I was only thinking."
"But of what?"
"Only castle bulldlnj;, that's all."
"In tho air, Walter?" said foah.
"Yes, very high in the nlr," the
young roan replied, with a laugh.
"But tell us what It is."
"Well, I'd as llef tell you ns not.
Mr. Osgood is to rctlro from our firm
In a few days. Ho Is well advanced In
yenrs, nnd has runde a fortune In the
business, and will now live for comfort
and health nlone. IIo lias not been
very well of lato years."
"And Is that alt?"
"JVo. I nm to ba advanced to tho
post of hend book-keeper, with a sal
nry of twclvo hundred dollars,"
"And Is that all?"
"But what castlo in the nlr is there
about that?" ,
"Oh, that Isn't tho castlo."
"Then what Is the castlo ?" urged
tho old roan.
"Why, simply thlsf" said Walter,
laughing, but yet almost ashamed to
tell It. "This noou Mr. Osgood patted
ino on the shoulder, and said, In a play
ful way, 'Walter, I'll sell you all my
Interest hero for fifty thousand dol
lars.' "
"Ha, ha, ha I" laughed Noah Uren
nan, "and you thought ho was In ear
nest?" "No, no," quickly returned the
young man, "I did not think that,
though I kuew'that tho two other part
ners would willingly have me for an
"But It seems to me that Osgood
holds his share in the concern nt a high
'Oh, no; It's a very low one. There
fs n clear capital of one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars in tho business
at this moment; and think of all the
standing and good will, which goes for
"Ha, ha, ha 1" laughed the old roan
, Then Wniter Jaughod, and then Agi
nes laughed, and then they finished
their supper.
On the next evening Walter - Adams
cair.e In and sat down on tho sofa with
out speaking. Ho was palo and agi
tated, nnd his eyes had a vacant, wan
dering stare.
"Walter I" -cited Agues, In terror,
"what has happened?"
"He's sick," muttered Noah Bren
nan, without looking around.
"No, no; not sick," returned tho
young man, starting up, "but I am the
victim of a miserable trifling."
"Eh, how ?" nsked old Noah, now
turning in his chnir.
"I'll tell you," said Wniter, with a
spasmodic effort. "I hnd some long
entries to post this evening, so I re
mnlned In the counting room after the
rest hnd gone. I was still nt work
when Mr. Osgood enmu in nnd placed
sonio papers on my desk, saying, ns he
did so: 'Here, Walter, aro yours.'
And then ho went out. When I had fin
ished my work I opened the papers.
Tho first was n sort of Inventory of
what Osgood hnd owned In the business,
and footed up, In round numbers,
forty-nine thousand eight hundred nnd
seventy-fivo dollars. Tho next paper
was a deed conveying the whole vnst
property to me, and making mo a part
ner In the concern upon equal footing
with tho other two."
"Well," said the old man, thumping
his foot upon the carpet and keeping
tlino with his hands, "1 don't see any
thing very bad in that."
'"But I do," said Wniter. "It li
cruel to trifle with mo thus."
"There was something In Noah' eyo
ngaln, but ho managed to get It out,
aud ho spoke thus:
"Walter ldams, when young men
used to hover about my child, I be
lieved tho same of you. I knew of
nothing but this love of money that
could underlie human action. My heart
had become haidened by it, nnd my
soul darkened It was for my child
to pour tho warmth and light into my
bosom. It was for her to keep before
mo the Imago of tho gentlo wife whom
I had loved nnd lost, but, nlas 1 who oc
cupied a place In Hint lovo second to my
gold. It was for my child to open
gradually, but surely, the fount of feel
ing which had been for a llfo-tlme
closed up. I heard her pray for me
pray that she might lovo me that sho
might have help from God to lovo me;
and that was after I had refused to let
her bo your wife. I saw her grow palo
and sorrowful, nnd I knew I had dono
It nud she loved me still. Still she
prnyed to God to help her help her
whnt ? Help her lovo her father I I
was killing her, nnd sho tried to smllo
upon me. Ono evening I heard you
both conversing in the old hut. My
child chose misery nnd duty to her
father, rather than break that duty In a
union with a man' sho loved, wind you
uttered a prayer. Ymi prayed that I
might bo pointless. Stop I hear mo
through I You would then show your'
disinterestedness. I walked away and
pondered. Could It be that I hail found
n man who would love an old wreck
like myself, with no money. IMtwcre
so, then that would break tho layer of
crust from my soul. I determined to
test you. I had gained a glimmering
of light, my heart had begun to grow
warm, and I prayed frequently that I
might not be disappointed.
"I went to tho bank and drew out
fifty thousand dollars In bills. That
night my miserable old hut was set on
on fire or a caught fire. I shall nl
ways think 'twas my candle did It. But
the old shell burnt down, and room was
made for a better building. Icameout
with tho wrong trunk, and tho other
trunk was burnt up. But the money
wasn't In it. No, no. I' had that
stuffed Into my bosom and deep pock
ets, nnd all buttoned up, and the next
day I carried It back to tho bank, and
had It put with a few' thousands more
which I had not disturbed. And so
my experiment commenced, and Hound
the full sunshlno at last. Aye, Walter,
I found you the noble, true man I had
prayed for. You took rao Into your
home nnd loved me when you thought
roe penniless, and you took my child to
your bosom for Just what God had
mado her. And, now, my boy, I've,
paid Mr. Osgood fifty thousand dollars
cash for his share of the business, and
it Is nil yours. And let me tell you one
thing, my boy, If your two partners
can ralje fifty thousand more tb'lrivcst,
lust tell 'em jou can' put lu'fiye'and,.
twenty thousand, nioro at twelve- hours'
(notice. Tell 'em old Noah ain't qulto
shoroyet. Tcll"cni'i6 has .fbuncj a
he'tjtV,' my toy.' Como berc, Agnes,
Come hero, Walter. God bless you ns
you have blessed ino."
Nobody pretended that they had
moles In their ej es now, for the occa
sion of the weeping wn too plain,
I saw n llttlo bird that wns singing on n
And said, "Youslnftso sweetly, will you
come and sine fur mo V
But ho spread his dttsly plumago nnd ho
sped ii cross the sen.
For tlto ditty that ho warbled was never
snug for ine.
I saw tlio dnlnty blossom of n whlto and
frairllo flower,
And I stilt). 'Cotno bloom for mo In tho
acntio of my liower."
Hut n wltitu lintid. bright n sunshine, enmo
ami plucked it I tout the stem,
Antl I trow that It was culled to grnco n
princely dlndcm
I met n kindred heart, nnd that heart to mo
said, "L'otnuj"
Ami mine went nuttoincctit, but was lost
in sudden irlootn.
Whither wander nil tlieo fair things ? To
somo land boyondTimos son?
Is there nothing glint ami lusting in this
sliudow-woilit lor ino?
Upon tho nrrlval of a train In
Germantown, tliu other day, an old lady
affectionately greeted a stylMi young
lady as follows: "Why, how'd do,
Mariat? Why, how funny yo Inokl
Didn't hardly know ye! Got your
false teeth, nlu't ye?" Maria changed
the subject.
. There is n boy near tho depot who
Is nccuatoined to go out on the railroad
track nud imltnto the steam whittle so
perlectly as to decclvo tho flagman at
tho station, nis last attempt proved
eminently successful; tho depot master
came out and switched hi in off.
When a young lady gives herself
away, does she lose her self-possession?
A pilvato In tho army sent a letter
to his sweetheart, closing with: ".Uy
heaven cherish and keep you fiom
yours truly, John Smith."
A cnptnln finding nn Irish boy,
during the middle watch, frying sumo
ham aud eggs ho had stolen from the
ship's stoies, called out to him, "You
lubber, you, I'll have nono of that."
"Faith, Captain, I've none for you,"
said the lad.
A nogro In Virginia went to sleep
with Ills head on a railroad track, and a
hand-car camo along and ran over lilin.
He got up swearing that ho couldn't
get any rest anywhere without some
white man would come along to bother
An Irishman on his first shootluz
excursion shot n bird, and seeing some
thing fall, went to tho foot of the tree,
and picking up a frog, supposing It to
bo a bird, put It In his pocket. The
frog kept up such n continual hopping
tlgat his companion asked him what
jnado tho bird hop so. "Och," said
Pat, "tho poor thing Is could; I shot all
tho feathers off."
One of Jones' constituents, who
had a remarkably red hose, having
fallen asleep In n barber's chair, a ne
gro boy who was waiting to get shorn
of his wool, observed a mosquito ltov
ctlng around his faoe. Quashey eyed
It very attentively. At last it lit upon
the said, nnd Instantly (low off
ngaln. "Yah I yah t" ho exchlraed,
with great glee, "mo bery glad to see
you burn your fut dat lime."
"Emma." said a little girl to a
schoolmate, "wouldn't It bo nwful If
somo one shoot ourteacher?'' "Yes,"
was the reply; "but then, wouldn't It
be nice not to have any school ?"
"Ah, my dear," said the philo
sophic Miranda, "the arrangemonts of
nature ever oxclte my admiration. Tho
same wlud.whlch musses our crinoline
blows dust In the eyes of young men
who are so anxious to examine It."
Jinks hns been indulging loo freely
In ardent spirits. At a street corner
his hat dropped Into the, gutter. Says
Jinks; "I know If I pick you up I'll
fall, an' you won't p-hlc me-hlc-up.
Goodnight." And ho walked off with
a smile of satisfaction, describing In
uumerablo zlg-7.ags as he went, leaving
his hat In the gutter.
"Sympathy," says John Paul, "Is
something which I never withhold from
those in trouble, whether they happen
to ba fi lends or npt; there's nothing
mean about me. I find, too, that ono
can go around shedding sympathy on
all skies lor weeks at a time, without
spending a cent, or being at much per
sonal inconvenience."
A llttlo boy, hearing the phrase
that "Matches ra made In heaven,"
said "ho should, thlfk they could bo
made easier In tlto other place, where
tbo brimstone Is." This youngster's
practical turn 'of mind will probably
Wo him (row becoming o gloomy ev