Cmdudtd frim Aril togr. nnd nt Mrs. McIIume's bidding tat down by bis side. "It's ChrlMmas Evp, you know," said Mlsey to licr with ouo of Ills old tlmo nods. Mamie could restrain her (self no longer. "ClnUtmns gilt, BlllyP' satd slip, suddpnly drawing lirr hand from be hind her, and throwing the scarlet tip pet over Ids bead. "1 knit it' all my self." Mlsey, In his (Surprise, started up from his pillow, forgetting the doctor's injunction, nnd his sister folded It about bis neck. Never before had so great n pleasure come to Mlsey. "l rackeo I" was his 0110 exclamation. He lay back ob his pillow for a mo ment, choking the scarlet wool with Ids bmall, pallid band, and then sud denly recalling his thoughts pointing tuvMtid the trre, mill to his hlstcr; ' Do you tee them skates? They're yourn. .Merry Christinas I" Tho tall doctor, standing nt a little distance, beard him. "Do you want them ?" said he, coming up to Mlsey. Misey nodded. Tnu doctor put them In his hand'aud he passed them to his sister. Th6 doctor put I1I3 head down to Ml sey 'a pillow. "You nro going, my boy. Tho Sisters will take care of Mauilo. You are nut afraid good-bye." He shook bands again with Mlsey. turned and spoko low to Mrs. Mcllumo and" the nurse, and walked rapidly away to tho office, where sat Hod, waiting to learn from Mrs. Mcllume, when she should come down, how Mlsoy was. The doctor walked up to blui and took bl m by tho collar fiercely. "You can go up and seo him three minutes; if you stay longer you'll bo sorry. Eddie, bhow him up.' Hod stood dismayed bcsldo the bed. Ho saw Mliey was dying. Mlsoy's eyes wero closed, but be opened them, and Hod thrust himself before all the others nnd bent over him, "I dldn 't go to, Mlsey; I wish't 1 was dead." "No matter, it's all right, Hod." no strugeled feebly to extend his baud, and closed his eyes. Hod felt for an instant the pressure of bU Augers, and with the cry of a wounded beast lied out of the loom. After n few minutes Mlsey opened his eyes again, fastened them on bis Ister'a faco "Ye got tho skates though. Merry Christmas 1" He crossed the tippet over bis bieast, smiled, and closed his eyes. The children bad gone down to the chapel, the music nnd singing came up softly the singing of Christmas carols. Tho doctor had a long talk with poor, penitent Hod. It was Christmas for ever with Mlsey. lieading the btory of the Cross that night, as he came to the words, "Wo man, behold thy son," and "Father, lorglvo them, for they know not what they do," the doctor said, half aloud, "Only a newsboy, but It was Christ like fur lit nt to die carina for his sister and forgiving Hod." Christian ut Work. SQUlbletti by "Alarcutio." Not long stnee, a colored preachor usul the following forcible language 10 Mimo uinuly Uiemueis of his Uiuk: "Sluneri., vshat jer gnlne ter do when do I old blows out de sun? Uuess you'll want to git out dedarkrultey quick." An enterprising youth who resides near unto my humble abode (humble ahode is good), says be will keep my sidewalk clear of snow during the win ter, and agrees to "bunch the storms at ten cents each." Foor fellow, I fear be won't be able to bunch very many. A young nuthor sent the editor of n story pnper the manuscript of n btory called "A Hornblo Tnle." Imagine the feelings of the young man when he iov I ved his manutciipt, per return mail, with the following remarks by the cdftor: "The title Is the most cor net (Hit of your tale. You are right, It Is horrible. We have never had the misfortune to read 1111) tiling mote bur ilble in our life, and hope we may be sleeping In tho cemeteiy, with 'the clods 01 the valley o'er us,' before wo receive another such horrible tale." EPiTArn. StrnnRcr. drop n tear as you go by, For llr, l-'roo l'ass liutl to die. lie won lmit by lliu now Constitution, .Ami filed from wilkliR unci ilenlltutlon. He xwretly sleeps In lilt ilttlu bed, And still rumulns, us In Mo, 11 "Uvad-licad.', Great was ray delight, n few days since, at having the pleasure of a visit from some of your fellow Lchghtoners and Fackertonlans. Said tho restaurant man to mo, raid be, "Marcushe, will you have your mackerel brllto or bllte?" "No," said I, "for I think It's spllte." "Little boy, do you slut; 'When the uanu uegins 10 piay" in your bcnooiv" "No, sir; we only slug when tho piano begins to play." 'I'm not myself at all, Molly dear." "Well, who are you? What's the difference between a loco motive fireman and a member of tho fire department ? Why, one runs on a machine to keep fires up, nnd the other runs with a machine to keep fires down, (imprisonment for life.) Do you suppose, Mr. Editor, that the recent storms will cause a rise la Le high Ucbi ana N.7 Little Johny (ireen came to bis mother crylne. the other day, and when asked tho causeofbisgrief, he blubbered out: "1 slipped down and tore a bole in the basement of my trowsets, boo cool" A Gentleman who rather suspected that tome one was peeping through the keyhole of his office door, Investigated a syringe full of pepper sauce, and went borne to find his wife bad been chopping wood and a chip bad struck tier in tne eye. There are expert on all manner of subjects in, these day of litigation, A wouinn-testified at court the ft her dy, In, a. turkey coze, and declared that, she knew "iceta lurteys oy vntir wuik their eounUooBce and tbtl manner of Vowttog." PUKLJIVGS' Drug IFam'y Medicine STORE You will always find one of the largiso and best selected stocks of Pure DrugM, Medicines, Chemicals 5 1L of all kinds, such as Lard, Sperm, Win ter Wba'.e. Tanners' Neatsfoot', etc., COAL OIL, tho best In the market, warranted 150 Fire Test NonExploilve. A "superior article of BURKING OIL, expressly for Lanterns. Try it. The finest SEWING MACHINE OIL made, by the bottle or in bulk. Just received a large assortment of Chandeliers, Bracket Lamps, Lanterns, Cblmnies and Wicks of every style. AGENT FOR .ALL TUB POPULAR Patent Medicines of the day, such as Lung Remedies, Cough Mixtures, Dyspepsia Remedies, Blood Purifiers, Hair Restorers, Hair Colorers, Llnimentsl Pills, . Plasters, etc., etc., etc., etc. The finest lot of American and French l?eAfmraeiie s Hair Oils Colognes, Pomades, Fancy Soap, Cashmere, ioquet and Eau do Cologne, Toilette Soap, Honey nnd Glycerine Soaps, etc. Pocket Books & Purses A full assortment for Ladles & Gents. luro Brandies. Whiskies, Wines, Kum, Holland Gin, &c, lor Medicinal I'urpoacH B?" Try DURLING'S norse Powd ers, Cattle Powders, Hog' Powders und Poultry Powders, by the pound or in packages. Wall Papers And BORDER, an eudlesn variety. 137" Goto 7)17111,1 Vfi'S ,vl,or ,., thing Is warranted Fre-h Geuuiue and Unadulterated. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes prepared by Durllng hlnnelt. Hausman & Knhns"' Have on Exhibition the TallesT Mai In the World I JUST EIGHT FEET, In bis BOOTS ! Free Exhibition, Day and Evening. This Giant lias boon Indued to remain with If nuainnii A- Klllum tat nn rninrm. ous expense) during the Holidays, and our citizens should lose no time in visit ing tun wonderful piece of humanity. Tho Giant has with him all kinds of articles manufactured in his native country, which lie will gladly.exhlblt and sell to tli6 people of this neighbor hood. 15J A special invitation is given to all children to attend. Besides having tills wonderful prodi gy, who Is warranted to bo fully EIGnT FEET HIGH, in bis JJOOTS I Wo have a largo and splendid assort ment of TOY and AIBI For Holiday Presenta for Young nnd Old, Rich and Poor, all of which we are offering at the Lowest Cash Prices. MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS Of STEAM Ice CreaM I I Via NiC8- TWIrftlft nml ntfior TV). --- 1 vtuvi uvirc supplied on abort not!f able rates; also, In connection thero- wuii, mey nave a Bread and Fancy Cake BAKERY, and can nl,ways supply any of the above articles, In largo or small quantities, at short notice. Wedding Cakes n Specially ! Hausmau&Kulms, Bank St., Lehighton. December 20, 1878. r JjOIE ItOTEb, n., klotz, pnopn, Summit inn, Carbon Co., Pa. -Bnt or Mcommodttlgai. KxwrWnt r rov can Savd 20 Per Cent. By gctttogjour JOB PRINTING 1 Done at tlio'Offlceof tho 1 1 Carbon Advocate, IN LEVANWAY'S BUILDING. Bet. the P. 0. and L. It. II. H.-Depot, f.cnlgliton, Carbon Co., Pa. We have Just received a largo and ele gaht assortment of SEW TYPE. Of tho latest styles ; together with n supcilor stock 6f CARDS, BILLHEADS,' ENVELOPES; NOTE PAFER, And a variety of other PRINTING. MATERIAL, And can now give our patrons first class work at prices ut least 20 Per Cent Lower Than any other Office In this section, Qive TJ a Trial, and be'Convinced t37"Tlio patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. THE CAnnOX ADVOCATE, A 24-column Local Paper, and the only newspaper Entirely Printed In the Coumtr, Is published every Saturday mornln g $1 a Year in Advance, Or $1.50 If not paid lni advance. The Advocate, with its large abd in creasing circulation, U one 'of the very Beet Hedlume far Advertising In tills Seetlon. Rates furnished on application.' ' 11. v. MQivrniMFR, LeblghWu, gtrbya County, r. JplIOiUAS S. BECK, Restiectfullv nhnnnner in M frlnn.U and the public in general, thnt he has jusinpcnea, in connection with his other btifliu's?, n Flrst-cinss Merchant Tailoring Establishment, nnd Guarantees to glvo "fits" and thelx'stof workmniislilp and material for the lowest paslhlu prices. Alo, constantly on bnnd a larue hikI fashlunablu stock of Men's nnd Boy's HEADY- MADE CI.UTUI.VCi, G'll(M Ell I'll I Nil I II -T jllllllM. li ATS, CAPS AND FURS. Manufacturer and Dealer in Boot & Sim, RED SOLE LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS', &c. TOIUCO) AND CUIAK8, STATIOSKISV. School IIooUn nml material. In endleis variety, and at Prices fully as Low as elsewhere. Sole Agent In the United States for the Sale of RitNsilAW's Commercial WRITING FLUID! Orders by mall promptly filled. Also. Airnnfc fnr thft nililirntnil TvKV- STONE SEWING MACHINE, one of best in the Market. I'osl-OUlco nulluiutr. Lehighton, Pa. mar. 1. TT li. HICKEKT, On the East Weissport Canal Bank, 1 Respectfully Informs the citizens of tlils vicinity that ho keeps con-tnntly on hand, nnd Is selling at tho very lowest Market Prices, the very best brands of AI.SO, DEALER IK 8Hi For .Building and other purpose, which be guarantees to be Thoroughly Seasoned! And to Sell at the , VERY LOWEST 11ATRS. alJ CoalS 2 Wholesalu and Retail nt the very Low est Cash Prices. lie has also a number of very eligibly located In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp., which he will hell on veiy Easy Trims, aug. 0, '73-yl J. K. RICKEIIT. W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LF.1IIOUTON, PKS.N'A. rinns and .SpcelUcallous For all kinds of Buildings made at the shorted notice NO CHARGES Made for Plans and Specifications when tho contract Is awarded to the under signed. A. W. EACHES. June 14, 1873-yl "Wo HI. MJEXj BUILDER & CONTRACTOR HANK STHKET, LEIUGI1T0.V, 1'A, Respectfully announces to the citizens of Lehighton nnd vicinity that hu Is now prepared to contract for the erec tion of dwellings, churches, school houses, and other buildings. Also, thnt he keeps constantly on hand a full as sortment of every description of lumber I consisting of flooring, siding, doors, sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, Ac, which tie is prepared to furnish at the very lowest market rates. Patronago respectfully solicited. V. R. REX. Lehighton, May 17, 1373. ly HO YD IIENHI, Architect and Superintendent, No. 143 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa., furnishes Plans. Specifications and Esti mates for Public and Private buildings. Stairs, Ralls, Ac, Consttuctcd and Set-Up by the most approved method, and at short notice, l'utronaee Is res pectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. apr. 20-yl jAMUEL. GRAVER, Opposite the Public Square SOUTH ST., LEIIIGnTON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all kinds of STOVES!! t3T Roofing, Spouting and Jobbln promptly attended to; uov, 80 MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, Tho Pcr:tv!cm Sfrttp, a PrcCcrt c:l Solution of tho PrciozMo cf Iron, in no combined aa to havo the chtiVKctcf of an ailment, as easily lUycslctl and assimilated with the blood aa tho simplest food. Jl luci' tho quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Ancnt, Iron, in tho blood, and cure: "athotuiand ilia," simply biiTonhiu uptlnulgorallnu and ntallzhsy the System. Tho en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the bo'dtj, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid soirc tlons, and leaving nothing for disease to fecit upon. This Is the secret of tho won dcrful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dinr rlicsa, Bolls, INcrvous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys nnd Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating iti a bad slate of the Mood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system, dicing free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects arc not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are 2ermancnt, Infu sing strength, vigor, and neiu life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands havo been changed by Vic use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in tho glass. Xaiiixlilots Froo. SETH W. FOWLE k SONS, Proprietors, Tio. 1 Milton IMnce, Boetou. Sold dy Druggists otNEn allt. OMCJI TO.UE. 1). V. BEATTY. ED WD. TLOTTS. BEA.TTY & PLOTTS, Manufacturers of tho I1ET "I TT f Kl Klt'UTPD FACTORY, Washington, N. J. Upward of 100 of lieatty & Vlolti celebrated Parlor Organs havo been sold in tho Lehigh Valley during the past three mouths. Beatty & Plotti' Par 'or Organs wero award ea First Premium & Diploma over Needliam & Sou and J. Estey & C'o's Organs, at tho Carbon Cuiinly Fnlr, Held at Lehighton, September, 1872. 3- U0011 AOENT4 WANTED. S January 18, 1873-yl WILLIAM ICEWERER, Corner of Sank & South Sts., Lehighton, Fa., Keeps a full lino of Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Ulack mid Colored Alpacas, Ginghams, Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, Ac. of every grade and price. OdRFETS AND OIL CLOTHE, In great variety. CrroccFiesftiftd 3Pr6visiM$9 Teas, Coffeee, Sugars, Spices, Fruits, Hams, Shoulders, Side-Meat, &c. Country Produce Bought, Sold or Exchaugod, HARDWAKE For Building and other purpose; In great variety, of tho best quality. All poods warranted as represented and prices ruiiy as low m elsewhere, April 0, loio-yi m.f i.H.ILlii Jr. " i1TMVirnT.T'llllTirj Dr. J. Walker's California Ylliegar Hitters nro a purely Veg etable preparation, mado cblelly from tho natlvo herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sicrr.t Nevada moun tains of California, tlio medicinal properties of which nro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is tho causo of tho unpar alleled success of YlXEC.Ul UlT teus f" Our answer is, that they roniovo tho causo of disease, and the pntieut recovers lih heiilllir Thoy aro tho great bloud purifier nnd a life-giving principle, a perfect llcuo vator and luvigorntor of tho system. Never beforo in tho hUtory of tho world has a mcdiciuo bcru compounded Pis ncssing tho remarkable qualities of Yix- EOAH JllTTi:itS ill Ilcllillg tllO Kick of every, disoaso mnn is heir to. They aro a gentlo Purgativo rw well m a Tonic, relieving Congestion or liillanimutioii of tho Liver nnd Visceral Organ ia Bilious Diseases. Tho properties of I)n. Wai.k- BR'sViNKdAKJilTTKiisnro Apurioiit. Dia phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa tive, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and .A!tti-Blllous. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vineoak Bitters tho most wonder ful Invigorant that over sustained tho sinking system. No Person can talce theso Bit ters according to directions, and re main' long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other moans, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, ltcniittciit, trail In termittent Fevers, which aro so prevalent in tho valleys of our groat fivers throughout tlio'Unltcil States, especially thoso of tho .Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, lied, Colo rado, Brazos, Illo Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobllo, Savannah, llo nnoko, James, and piany othors, with their vast tributaries, through out our cnttro country during tho Summer nnd Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual Vat and dryness, aro invnrlably ac companied by oxtenstvo doraugo ments "of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In thoir treatment, a purgativo, oxurtins: a. powerful inllucnco upoli these vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. Thcro is no cathartic for tho purpose) equal to Dr.. J. Wai.keu's Viseqar Bitteus, .n they will speedily removo tho dark-colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at tho sumo timo stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy func tions of tho dlgostivu organ. Fortify the body'ngniu&t dis oaso by purifying all its iiuids with yi.Nr.OAit JIitthrs. No cpiileiuio cull t.iko hold of a system thus turo-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head- ache, Tain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the, Stomach, Bud TaAto iu tho Mouth, Bilioui Attacks, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kidneys, aud a hundred other painful tymptonis, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One hot tlo will prove a better guarantee of its merits man a lengtny advertisement. Swellings, Neck. Goit Inuulout Inflammations, Mercurial affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, "Walker's Vik EOAnDlTTKRS havo thoTra their great cur ativo powers in tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inlliunmatory nnd Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fovc, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys aud Bladder, thoso Bitters havo no equal. Such Dis eases aro caused by vitiatod Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged iu Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers, Typo-eottcrs, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they adranco in life, are sub ject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, tuko a doso of 7alceb'o. ViiE0AR BiTTKns occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions Tetter, Saltdtheum, Blotches, 6pots, Pim ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipe las. Itch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons of tho Skin, Uumors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever namo or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of too system In a short time by tho uso of thoso .Bitters. Tin, Tape, anil other Worms, taking in the system of so many thou, sands, aro effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges, no. anthelmintics will frco the system from worms liko theso Blttorj. For Female Complaints, ia young- or old, married or finglo, at tho dawn vt womanhood, orthe turn of life, those Ton io Bitters display so decided an influonco that improvement it soon porcoptible. Cleanse tho Titiated, Blood, whenever you find its iinpuritieabursting through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanso it when you line! it ob structed aud tjuggiub in tho rcins;cloonsa it when it is foul ; your feollngs wlU tell you when. Koep tho btodd'nure, sad th health, of tho vyktom will follow.. II. II. MqDO.V WD ti CO., Drofsiite & Ocn. AfltiU 6n KraneUoo.' Callfc ala, Sl cor. of WuMnclon noJ Cbiu lii'O SU,N, X. holit1y nll liui;slil nnd PtUr. gii. w. nTiufii eh, PUA0TI0IKQ 1'11TICIAV AND BDROPO.V,. Oifl., niiti Blrert, twit door abora the I'MtoMw, L.blnhlon, I'a. omc Hur tvrjTtii euh Uy, rom IJ to It u'dxVi reuiilodir ati.r tt eSnla UtljfUtoi. VITX