The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 24, 1874, Image 1

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    ii. y. nioitTiiiBiun. TTOOSPE AH) IYET liTVE.' terms:
ttrtltoraiail Proprietor. MWMUM. M. .m.m. W AXH JJF JJJK. JiAV JU One Oollnr n Yfinr In Advnnro
1 m,m. .- r M "
.Lehighton - Directory.
V. fLFrellrM, Wnew .Vrrfnr Machine and In
turance.nnyo K. II. Snyder's, ltaiik street.
It. B. WIDD3S, Mating, Hair Cuttingand Sham
p Ding, under Kciliiigo Hotel, Hank street.
Iloot mill Shoe MitUeri.
Charles Yeiuor. marly opimiU thcpoil-ojlce, Hank
street! alia,dealer in confectionery.
Clinton llretney, in Lrrm't huiliiing, Hank street.
All mien nromvttu Med work wirruntcd.
TTausmao 4 Kuhns, opiMleOIrt,a (tore,
street. All orderi promptly fitted.
Dry Good and Grooerlei.
Z. II. W. PW-" S. Hero, Hank St.. dealer in
Hardware, Queemware, Ladiei Drill Goodi, dt.
It. A. Holts, I.euckers Block. Hank tU Dry 6W.
Grmriei, Quecniware. OxrU, Od CMAi d- Oat.
E. II. Snjdor, street, Pry GiiaU.Mion',
Drtu GmU, UrmriehQuware, lhretwarr,M.
" Drugs niid Metllol.irn.
A.J Hurling tlrat door ahuii- I'. ' k "'l4
OiU, IMM,, Hrfumery, latent Uedmnei, dx:
F. P. Pemnel,n'rl "PI'- ' xeliaiMM Hotel, Bank
etreet, Cdtmitiire, Oil), f u.l, 6imiio, dt.
' Hotel. ' Kichsiwe, tpp. PuMlC Squa e,
Hank St. lxtrimage iMiled.
.Furniture 'Wareliouiie.
V. Sihwtrti Bank sfreot, dealer in all Undt of
Fnrmlurt. Chffmstnadeto order.
Merchant Tnllori.
Clauss 4 Brc, Hank street, and dealer, in GetUt'
IirnMing Ml, Doolt, Shoel, llatl, Capl, dc.
Thom.S.Heck, I'. 0. hulldlng, Bai.k St.. Cent;
Furnithing Giodl, Hate, Pip; Scliool Hook', dx.
l,lr E. 1'ath, Hank street, 2nd door below the M.
E. Church. .Volfonl and Irmimiiigi
riiyilclnns and Surgeone.
Dr C. 8. German, corner of Dank and Iron ttrt
CbnluHafion in A'nffl"'1 and German.
Dr.S. B. door to P. 0.. Bank itreet.
flmtultolioM in Englith and German.
' Provlalone.
Jo.. Obert.Hank t.. Packing, ganifmokint
JMablilhment. Alt orderi prompUyJlUed.
J. Fatilnger A Son, Bank at, dealer! in Mmr and
HtdProccriel, f Vuftl and 1 egetaUa.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
a o. Dolkuruayer, South street, above Bank at.
Dealer in WaUhet, Clocks, Jlingt, etc.
Bii StHitT, Ltnwmos, Pi.
Heal Estate. nd election Agency. Will 1 Uajjnd
rtt It. al Etate. Couvi-yancinK neatly done. 101.
lection, nrouiptly made. Settling I Mates of Be-
alStalty. May locon.ultea lu hnjllih
and Ueruian. "
1 LelilgliU'ti, Ta.
Onice In Ills Mere. oiif Up Hip KeU
lluifl. l)niNlnK up ol
U.'Hl HIOIHI'H) lltll'lKifll lu. 11' -ltn
'g K. blKWliltS,
flVPlCE I nroundp.urlntl.el.ewaddrloth
Jlausiotl House, MaucU '''
transacted In KrglWi and G Collections
.rouiply mdeand Oonteyaaclng pally doue.
glU. C. DIMMICK, 1
Ontce, on BaoADWAI, first door below American
Hotel, MauchCUuuk, Penn'a. Oollnrtloni prompt
lymade. Not. 23.
Railroad Guide.
Fast Time and Sure Connections !
Five Kxpreae Tralne Dally from
' llurrlauurg to tlie Weil.
Pnllninn ralaco Cure tbrouali from Ilnr
burg' to Clilcago, Clnciuuatl, I.ouIs
vlllc and St. Luuls.
Thnuintr of miles cperRted sod controlled by
tkls Company enable It to run csrs through with
fewer changes than by any other line.
TasEcngers will find this, In all respects,
TI10 Sales., Qulclioht & most
CoiilforlHlJlc Route!
X3T For Rates, Tickets and all In
formation, apply it H Principal Oftce3
on Lino of Lelilgli Valley'and Lelilgh
fi Butquelianna Railroads, and at P.
It. R. Depot, Harrlsburg, Pa.
A. J. CASSATT, Oeneral Manager.
D. M. BOYD, Oeneral Passencer Agent,
J. N, ABBEY, Ksslern TraTeling Agent,
Uarch 8, 1873- 01 Chestnut St., Phllad'a.
WlSTIR AgilltXT.
Faasangers for rhUadtlphlawill leaTe Lehighton
as follows1,:
s-m,TlL.V4 arrltaatrhUaat 8i3 a.ra ' " 11.10 a.m.
7Jfla,ni.TlsL.y. " 11.10 p.m.
11-07 p. R- via Lag. " 2.13 p.m.
XIM p. m. Tla L. V. " " 2.18 p.m.
Xl p, m. Tla L. A 6. " ' 633 p.m.
Alp.m.'TlaL.Ar). " 8.20 la.
4.Up.m.Tl. U V. " 830 p; ta.
7iap.nX.UL.T. ." 10JOp.m.
IWtonjlni, IeTe depot at Verks and American
ftntu. Phlla.,-at 1.10, 130 and 0.43 a. nkj 2.10
3130, mid 6 13 p. m.
troru tVnLdi'jra to nUaAalahla. tlLS.
Railroad Guide.
UNTKAI, 11. II. OF N. J.
Commencing Deo. IS, 1879,
Down Tanas.
ho. 1. No. 3.
No. 6.
12 20
No 0.
r. M.
4 41
t 23
8 JO
0 23
No. 7.
r. m.
Oreen lllite,
Wilkes Barn
White listen......
Penn lla'n Juur.
A. U.
a. h.
llaucli Chunk ISO 11.U0 &35
Allelltnwi 8.1.1
Uethlehom 000
trrircEaaton tl.M
11 n
12 43
Up Trains.
No. 10. No. 4.
No. 14.
T X.
7 43
icire a. m.
Easton H.30
BothleUin 8A3
AIMitrwn 0.18
CalflPAUiiua ..... 0,.l
I. M.
II t'O
4 I'll
4 S3
MnuihChutik 1 .25
I'cnii IliTeti J'n. 10 4a
t.ll- Ilareii 11.23
UllkeUurir 12 40
I'llltto 1 (II
cH-rantiu: 10
Arr, Uimiu IllJge 13
VloucAonlrfO Vallty It. -Down trains Xos 3
ft and 7, and Up trains Nos. 10 and 4 connect at
Mauclt I hunk.
Xurth Itnn'a It. 11 Down trains Xr. 1, 3, 3 A
7 connect at Bethlehem tor Phlladelptls. Up trains
Nob. 10 A 4 connect at Bethlehem fr Philadelphia.
IleturnltiK lcare Philadelphia at 7.10 a. in. f ir Ea.
ton, MauchUhuuk, Hath, IMlkes Harre, Tamaqus,
Scranton, Sharcn, Ac at 015 a m. fur Easton,
Mauch Lhunk, Tatnaqua, Wllllamspurt, Wllkes
Barre and Scranton; al 2.10 p. m. fur Scranton,
Wilkes Barn and Intermediate stations; at 3 30 p.
in. for llath and Easton 1 at 6.13 p. in. fir Maueu
Tamaqua Branch. Vo trains Nos. 10 A 4, and
Down trains Nos. 3, 6 A 7 connect at Mauch Chuuk
to and from Tatnaqua.
Lehigh if Lackawanna It, Down trains Kos.
1 A 7, and Up trains Ncs. 10 A 0 conuect at Beth,
lebem for Bath and Chapman Quarries, lleturn
loj; leate Chspman ut 7.40 a. in, and 2.13 p. m.
Central Itailroad of A'ewJeriey, Alt trains make
close connection at Luton with trains on Central
Itailroad of New Jersey.
Ilelvidere-Delaware It. J?. Down trains Xoi. 3
A 3, and Up trains Nos. 4 A 14 connect at Phillips
burg with Beimel. Jt. 11. to and from Trenton,
Philadelphia and Belvldere
I'ltitaaelphia Heading Railroad. The Depots
of the East Penn 11. It. and the 1 A r). Hirlslon
are connected by Street Cars.
II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Iiucnger Agent.
Not. 22, 1873.
jrjtSnlQH VALLEY 11.11.
Paisenger trains leare Lehighton as follawst
North 7.48 a. m., for M'h Chunk, White llarau.
Haxleton, Mahanoy City, Mt. Carmel, Plttston,
Wllkes-llarre. aud all stations.
ll:JGa m. for Mauch Chunk, (lien Onoko, White
UaTen, Haxleton, Mahanoy City. Wllkea-barro,
Mount Carniel, Plttston, Tuukhannock, Tow
audit. Eluilra, Buffalo and Maiesra r'alla.
1.20 p. m. for Mauch Chunk, Plttston, Warer
ly aud lutermediato stations
bli v, ui.fur Maueci Chunk, (Ilea Onoko,
While llaleu, llasletou. Mahanoy City, Wilkes.
Harrj, aud Pjltsluu. V.08 p. in. fur Mauch
liouTu 6.00 a. m. for Allentown, Bethlehem, Eas
tun, I'uiiMdelpbfa. New York and all stations.
7Ja a. ui.lur Alleulowu, Ueadlug, Bethlehem,
Pottsvllle, Harrl.burrf, lutou, Phtlaaelphla, N.
0tk1-lty aitd all slatiuns.
JlA)2 a. m.turAlleutuwu, Bethlehem, Iteadlrg,
llarrisbur, t.ton, 1'hlladulphla and A. York
4.44 p. m. for Alleutuwu,, Easton,
Thlludelphla, New lurk and all stations.
7.3a v. m. fur Slatluatou. Catasauqua. Allen-
town, Bethlehem, Eabtou, Philadelphia, Balll-
. more anu asniugiuu.
Dec. 13, 1S73. bupl. uud Engineer.
Livery & Sale Stables,
I nhvnvs keen on liand the best hor
ees and finest carriages, to' be let at
livery at the lowest prices. Conveyances
can bo Had or me at the uliortest liossi
bio notice, at any hour. I would call
the attention of the public to my speci
al lacilllles for supplying single ortlou
bio tennis for funerals, Ac.
ISot.22, 1873. DAVID EDDEIIT,
Itefnectfullr announces tohls friends and the nub
lie lu gelieial, that he his constantly on hand aud
for aalu, it the LOW EST CASH I'ltlCES, the Tery
Best and Latest Styles of WelbMade
Household Furniture,
Comprising lledstotuls, liureaus, Sofas,
Lounges, Wood nncl cuiie-bcntcd Ultalrs,
L,ooKing uiasses an Kinds, Ac, Ac.
FtirnlNhliic; UndcrtnUcr.
FUNEHALS promptly attended to at Tery reason
titia caargsa. junei.iaij.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Dress Ooods9
QUtsware, IIardwar, Vo.
iiy 01, 1870.
The undersigned respectfully an
nounces that lie has been appointed
Agent for tho
Universal Wringer
Doty'sOlothes Washer.
I would alsonn
lintincb Id my
friends and the
public In general, that 1 have opened a
Iivcry Stable
and that I can furnish Horses, Duugles
apd Carrlnges tit tho best description',
inr I'leasurc, lluniness or Funeral pur
poses, at very Reasounblu Charges.
A Iso, that having engaged a Rellublu
Driver. 1 nm nrcimreu to do HAULING
of every kind on short notice. In con
iieeiion tncrewitii I shall contlnuo my
Carriage Manufactory
where the peoplocan getthelr Carriages
Wagons, etc., REPAIKEU on short no
tice mid at reasonable prices.
The patronago of tho public is roost
respectfully solicited.
L. F. Kleppinger,
C'or.iJlNK aud IRON Streets.
Feb. 22, 1873. Lehighton, Pa.
Merchant Tailor,
And Dcalerln
Gcnt'H FurnlNliliiK Goods,
Constantly on hand a Bplendld stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths.
Casstmeres and Vestlugs,for Men's and
Roys' Wear, which I am prepnied to
Slake up to Order In tho most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selected stock of French aud
Turkey Morocco,. Glovo Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on hand, or .
lUaile to Order.
Hats, Caps and Purs,
Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at
the Lowest Price.
Also, Agent for tho
American & Grovcr & linker
Sewing JHackiacs.
Only One Frieo for Everybody.
January 11, 187U-yl
J & SOX,
Dealeis In
Groceries, ,
Flour.and Feed,
Canned Fruits.
JVotlonv, Toy ,
&C, &C, &C.
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Lehighton Store, three doors above tho
Post Oillce; Wtl3ort Store, neur
Cauttl Uiidge uov- M
The following Companies are llepreeested I
Lebanon Mutual Fire,
Reading Mutual Fire, .
Wyothlng Fire,
Fottsville Fire,
Lehigh Fire, and the
Travelers' Accident Insurance,
Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse
Thief Detective and Insurance Com
pany. March 2U, 1873.
Lehighton, Fa.
Au Institution for Bolts Sexes.
neY.C.lCKSSLKH, Prloslpal and Prebaser
of ClaasU-sand the Higher EujIUU
BIRS.M.C. 1CKSSI.EK, Prseeatreu and
Teactur of Painting ald Drswleg
IWaor of Latin and tlreex
MISS K. C, HBAD, Teacher of .Mails.
l or Psrtlculsrs ajply UC. XE8UB, Ubllh
uojr. ftll7,ln. ' ''
I know
Tlint true lovo never iltcs i
,or, like tlie star In summer skies.
Jluit brlKlitest eliitu'8. It nu'rr can fade,
And In the lumso of ileatli be lulil.
I know
That fiiltli In nil ttilnirs puro
Im filtth tlmtrv(.rMliull niiilnrf.!
I llcyond tlio river it bIihII bco
Its urijjlit Hopes bloom eternally.
I know
That frlciulshtp shall ublilo
Tin! Heaviest morula, nnd wind and tide,
And granilCHt be wli at the bclin
It stnmls, where waves would overwhelm.
I know
; VySStiTitoXtty-
That truth shall ever bo
That it was made, liv bis own hand.
The soul's guide to the Hotter Lund.
1 know
That peaco will come nt last.
When o'er death s stream wo Bhall have
And reached that beatific shore
Vt Hero Love shall rule lor evermore.
"MISEY 92.
Ho was a newsboy who stood on tho
sunny side of the .dstor House, to screen
himself from the wind of one of the
coldest, brightest December afternoons
that ever shone, a bundle of papers
thrust under his left arm, his hands
thrust de-p down Into his pockets. Be
tween the sharp yells of "extra." he
Jumped and clattered the frozen leather
sculls on his feet In a demoniacal kind
of dance, in which thn tufts of matted
Uaxcn hair hanging about his face or
protruding through his hat seemed tn
join. Over his cotton shirt flapped a
summer coat, which. Ilylne onen at
every gust of wind, disnlaved a narrow
chest crossed by n single suspender.
from which depended a pair of panta
loons many sires too large. That there
were legs In them was probable, since
tho cracks in his shoe, one of which
was a man's boot, showed red feet
guiltless of stockings. His eyes, as
nearly as one could tell through his
matted hair, wero of two shades of
blue, small and watery. His weazened
face, pale and pinched, had a funny
tilck of vanishing in every direction,
when ho opened his mouth ns only a
newsboy can, with the cry: "Vere's
yer mornln' paper."
He was an odd one among all tho
hoys of the Rlvlngton Newsboy's Lodg
liip; Iloiiaoi he never tientt-il at, tlio pen
nut Ftnnd nur lemonade fountain, never
went tn the Bowery Theatre, oven when
tlie play of Buffalo Bill was at its
height of popularity, though ho was a
prosperous newsboy, though at tho
momlly opening of tho Lodging House
Bank, of all the little heaps of nickel
and currency that had been shoved
through lti slits, box !)3, his box, had
always the blgcest pile. For his real
name, which but few know, the boys
substituted Miser, which shortly be
came, from tho number or his bank
box, "Mlsey 03;" until, ns time went
on, ho was known only by that name.
Hn never resented that or any
thing else, though taunted and bullied
for months, till at length the bojs, re
specting the strength that endures, as
well as that which conquers, ceased to
annoy him, and when It was accidentally
delivered that ho was boarding and
educating n little sister, volunteer cham
pions appeared by the score to flglr, his
battles; lie was allowed to break over
any of tho teir-cniiMituted obligations
of newsboys, nnd new-enmers were In
formed mat "Mlsey 03 was a queer
cove, and it whbii'I iafe to fag him."
Yet with all this license he never Ires-l-as-ed
on the other boys' beats; though
the "Extra" was ever so exciting and
consequently salable, hu never ohoveil
forward wlieu buying his papers, hut
often allowed himself tn be Jostled
down In IhiHong column of boys who
in the early morning crowded the sale
room oj (he publishing house. Often
list nut, I'u was Mire to clean out well,
as the boys termed It, per hups becauso
the watery blue eyes always carried
some half'tinderatiKHl appeal, that men
answered by buying a paper.
Mii-ey 03 was stilt keeping up his
stamping danco when two other news
b.ij came trotting bilskly around tho
corner; doubtless tho keen wind com.
pelled their briskness, as It did Misey's
"Hello, Mlsey I" called the younger,
"heard you was colng to leave Hiving
ion Lodgings aud take rooms at the As
tor. So?"
"Half so," Mlsey shouted back;
"Astor ain't high enough. Call up,
"All right," shouted Joe, as he with
his companion, a large, Ill-looking boy,
trotted out of sight.
"Mlsey 03 Is a cute one, Hod," said
Joe to his companion. "He won't
partner with no one. He drawed to
day, the first in two months; he's goin'
to change beat and board with his sitter
on tho 'Rocks,' and go to school
"What d'ye think would panic him?"
said Hod.
"Not lesa than twenty.flve dollars."
"I bet you."
Half an hour after the two boyscimo
back to the corner, Joe looking angry
and Hod sullen.
Evidently they had been quarrelling,
and Mlsey bad been the subject The
"Rocks" are near the Grand Boule
vard, a new street, the continuation of
Broadway (New York), When It was
opened, (be workmen wero' obliged' to,
dig down and blast through Immense,
rocks, leaving In some places embank
ments many feet high. On these bare
rocks the, rent of lots Is cheap, aud
they are covered with little villages of
shanties. In one of these, with a poor
washerwoman, Mrs. .VcHume, Ml-ey
boarded Ills llttlo M-ter, who regularly
attended a mission school near
Mlsey had run down Chambers street,
sprang Into an Eighth nvenuu car, and
was t-ooi climbing tlie rocks of the
Grand Boulevard. That was n happy
evening with his llttlo sister. She
showed the new books, how far sho
had read and ciphered, how beautifully
she had written In the new copj-bnok,
lint making n .single blot. Mrs. Mc
llnnii! had a splendid supper of ham
and eggs, hot cutTc . uud baked potatoes,
buckwheat cakes aud molasses. Mlsey
ate and talked fast. He should learn i
writing nnd ciphering, some day stop
tramping and be somebody, would have '
a Kreat house, Mamie should be n Indy.
Mrs. Mcllume bo housekeeper, and
they would hive Just such suppers ns
tills every day. Mlsey laughed so that
his llttlo face, no longer weazened,
vanished away, from his open mouth as f
certainly as it did when Hu cried his pa
pers In tlio street.
After supper he settled with Mrs.
Mcnurae. What a pile of money there
was, to bo sure I and there was some
left. Mlsey winked significantly at
Mrs., li'enume, who Instantly remotn
bered thati It was time for Mamie to
wash the cups Btandliig on the littlo
table. Mlscv pointed to the llttlo pile
remalnlng.nnd wl Isper'ed "Christmas."
"What?'' was tlie whispered return.
Mlsey looked around carefully to bo
suro that Mamie was not listening.
"Skates. You seo she's In school or
In here nil the time needs exercise,"
said Mlsey, with the air of a physician
with a gold headed cane.
Jwet then Mamie ran lo her brother
saying that some ono was peeping Into
the window. Mlsey called her a little
cownrd that saw "spooks," till ho
caught sight of tho face himself : ''O,"
he said, "It's Hod. Hn's pestering mo
to go partners." Then ho kissed Mamlo
nnd laughed so Immoderately that the
llttlo girl was quite amazed, nor was
her amazement lessened when ho said,
Instead of good nHit. "Christmas Is
I comin' sjrln, and so am I."
I Mrs. McIIunie followed him out to
the door. "Don't spend money foolish,
I "She never had a (7l:rlstmi!s clft
since mother died nor inn," he added
stoutly, nslf It went something to bear
tip against, and ho would do It.
"Skates it Is, and I'm g.iln' in get 'em
now." no gave such a deMded wag to
his frowsey head that Mrs. McIItime
did not remonstrate. "Day after to-
morrow Is Christmas eve. You luing
up both her stockings. My eve I One
, apiece I Won't I get beauties I
Crackee I" He thrust his hands Into
his thin pockets and raced off alone
the edge of the rocks to a footpath that
ran down to tho Grand Boulevard. On
ihe highest point of the embankment.
Hod suddenly darted from tho shadow
of n shanty and seized him.
"Off with your boot, Bnd no noise."
"Police I" screamed Mlsey.
A slngln shovo from Hoi's strong
arm sent Mlsey over the preclpico upon
the sharp, Jagged rocks below. ,
Tli policeman found, lying In a pool
of blood, a limp, lifeless forui.
taut ir.
When Mlsey opened his eyes he was
lying on a narrow white bed In St.
Luke's Hospital, three or four doctors
were standing over him, nnd at his feet
stood n lady in black dress with some
thing misty white on her head, ."flail
fractures," said a big doctor with red
whiskers, but the worst trouble Is with
his head."
"O I here you are," said a tall young
doctor, first seeing that Mlsey had
opened his eyes. "What's your
"Mlsey 03." lie, was Inn feeble and
bewildered to think of the real name.
"How did you como down on those
rocks ?"
"HodIt's no matter. I fel sir."
"What makes you say It's no matter?
who's Hod?"
Miecy persisted In the one answer
and soon everything faded into noth
ing. When be woko again ho was recov
ered enough to look around him. On
both sides of the very long room, and
standing cloo, side by side, were little
white beds; in somo of them wero sick
children, but most of them were empty;
dozens of children were playing about,
somo of them wearing splints or braces,
some bandages; almost all were lame or
bent, but w-ry fowseemed to be In pain.
There wero many pictures ; one oppo
site his bed was of a little girl learning
to knit. That mado him think of Ma
tide, and thinking of her brought back
all that had happened. Ho looked out
of the window, and saw by tho color of
the sky that it must be evening where
had the time gone ?
The sister with the misty whltp cap
came, and spake to bin, and then passed
out, all tho children who could do so
following her, Then ho heard music
and singing. lie had often stood out
side the door of old Trinity to listen,
but this seemed more like the rauslo of
angeli. There was a dim light In the
room, Ids medicine made hlin dreamy
and a little confused; now nnd then he
would open bis eyes and wonder If this
were heaven, His bed was very near
to'the door opening Into 'ha Chape), gal-
ioiy up couuj (iior tne prayers, ana
dimly rtlrtanec'rTart!r,t(p too
Rlvlngton Lolglngs, of the Bible teach
ing he had received there; then,
for the llr.t lime, the thmtghteamethat
he might die. "Poor Minnie." he said,
half aloud, nnd then, "I'd hato to be In
Hod's ptace." Ho heard them saying
"Our Father," nnd hardly cons'limsTit
It Joined his feeble voice the nitrso
heard hlin then he slept.
The children coining bick roused
hlai; they swiftly scattered, e:ich to his
place In or beside a little white bed,
nnd tlie doctors came In. They slopped
by Mlsey's bed first.
"Well " said the tall doctor.
"1 siy, Governor," said Mlsey, "how
long must I stay here?"
"Not long-- I'm ufmld."
"Don't you I'll pull through?"
"I'm afraid you will."
'1 hu tall doctor sat down on Mlsey's
bed. Ills abrupt manner scired Mlsey
at first; but before he was aware of It
lie was holding the little, iK'grimedliand,
nnd had heard nil of Mlsey's story,
having faithfully pinmlsed, though re
luctantly, that he wouldn't "peach on
Hod." Mlsey hud told lilm even about
the skates', Tho doctor called the nurso
nnd sent her for the boot; she returned
saying slio could not find It then, but
would in the morning; and tlio doctor,
shaking tho little grimy hand in a way
that a boy would like better than all
the words that could be eaiil, went out
with his head bent down, pulling his
mustache, a habit ho had when in deep
thought. i
Early In tho morning the nurse came
to MUey's bed,
"There's t boy here to seo you tho
doctor won't let him up, but snys you
may send him any word you pleaso."
"Who is It?" said Mlsey, thinking
of Joe.
"He says, 'tell you its's Hod.' lie
won't say anything clso."
Mlsey started with surprise, thought
a minute, and then said slowly, "Tell
hlin it's all right."
"Is that all ?" said the nurse. Mlsov
thought another minute; somehow his
thoughts nil came very slowly.
"He knows whore Sissy lives, maybe
he'd. tell her I'm here."
The nurse went away. Slio forgot
to tell the miserable Hod that It was all
right, but she gave the second message,
adding, "If thoy want to see him allvo
they'd better come to-day."
The children In their play had much
to say ot tho Christmas tree they were
to iMvn that evening; they. Wore trillP
lug of It when the doctor catr.;. lie
stuppod only to leel Misey's pulse,
shook his head and went on Ills round,
but came back when that was done,
aud sat down on Misey's bed.
" 1'ou want your, bister to have tho
skates, do you 1"
"Don't I though?" said Mlsey,
brightening ut the thought; but pres
ently looking graver, said, "The woman
couldn't Uud tue Dout."
"A'ever mind tho boot. Would these
do?" Tne doctor, bold up a pair of
silver niou.ited skates. Mlsey with it
violent effort sat up in bed; "Governor,
you don't mt.m it?'.'
"See hero," said tho doctor, laying
down tho skates, aj)d with both hands
gently pushing mm Hack on the pillow.
"You do tiiat again, and I'll not prom
ise that you'll ever seo your sister.
Shl'll be here to-day If wo can find her.
Would you like to have these haug on
tho treo ? They are bringing it Into the
room now."
"May sho como to tno treu? She
never was to a Christinas treo nor me
but that uln't no matter. You'll let
her stay to it, 'now,wili you?''
"If you'll promise not to talk nor
worry lilt she comm."
The Doctor hung tho skates where
Mlsey could plainly see them. He lay
lu a perfect eustacy, with fearing hid
eyes on their glitter.
Tlie mistiable Hod had heard Misey's
request witli dismay. Hu was nut bru
tal hudiiiot meant to hurt Misey, but
tu rub Whvii tie pushed Mlsey
over the bank It was without thought
except to escape dUt'Ction. He had
ventured back tu the,' place rccouuulter
litg, Justin time to fellow the stretcher
to the Hospital. Not daring to go back
to the judging huuse, remembering
Joe's threat, hu had slept, or waked,
rather, In one of the great iron water
tubes lying on the avenue, which were
to be placed underground wheu ttiu
workmen wero ready to do so. Jt was
many hours before lie summoned cour
age to go to tlie shanty. Ho told Mrs.
Mullbuie simply that "Jisey was hurt
and at St. Luke's, aud that the woman
said they had better come soon."
Mamie had cried a little nt first on
hearing the news, but as Mrs- Mcllumo
hoped that ho was "not hurt much,"
she was soon all animation, Cor sho,
too, had planned a Christmas surprise.
All the evenings for many weeks bad
been given to tho manufacture of the
the most beautiful scarlet tippet for her
brother. The sun was near settltig
when they entered the children's ward.
The tree was loaded with gifts. There
was a blaze of, gaslight, tho children
wero buzzing' about as merry, though
lot quite so noisy, as well ohlldreu.
The nurse went before Mrs. McHuwe,
and (old Mlsey his sister had comet The
gray-haired chaplain had been talking
with him, and Mls"y had been thinking
fuobly ot what hu had said, his eyes ail
the time fixed on the splendid skates.
Mkmo scarcely know the beautiful boy1
for her brother. The matted hair ;wa
smooth and glossy, bis skin, was as fair
as her own, and Ills eyes sliooe like
diamonds; "O Hilly, what a" beautiful,
Hula white bed!" was first 'excid.
i mat ion; then she kissed her brytUvr,