a, Advcrtlilnr; Ilatcs. We desire It to be dlstlnrlly understood that no Adrertlsementi will b Inserted In the columns (y TBI Cisco advocati that may be received from aasknown parties or Arms, unless accompanied with the Cash. The fallowing areouroiUT tennis Adrertlsements for 1 year, per Inch each Insertion 10 Cents. " fix Montha. per tncheacb Insertion IS Cents. ' Three Months, " " 2oCi'Uts. ' Less than throe months, Grstlnser- tlon$l, each subsequent Insertion 26 Cent. II. V. MOIlTIIlMKIt, Publisher, SATURDAY MOKNlhO, .1 AH'AUY loT"wl. Local and Personal. (fondles, wholesale and retail, at Hausraan & Kuhns'. Tno Governor's message was laid before the Senate and Iluuwi of Repro iscntativea on Tuesday last. The Indies of tlio First Prcsby iterlan church of Mnuch CluinK will give a dinner In Khoads' Hull on the 2Htof February. 1 he First National Bank of Mauch Chunk has declared a semi-annual divi dend of B per cent, payabb ou and after the lfitli inxt. This Is n good time to subscribe for the Cahbon Advocate. The prico Is only tl per year In advance. Try Itt - tl,500 Is the amount leit by Miss ylnnle Kuehner, recently deceased to the M. E. Chuicli at Mauch Chunk. The Central of X. J. It. II. Co. has erected a very neat little depot at Bowman's. Progress 1 Life lias few charms for the Dys peptic, which Is not to be wondered at when we take Into account the amount of bodily and mental suffering that this distressing malady generates. The Pe ruvian Syrup (n, protoxide, of iron) has cured thousands who' were su'tlerlng from tills disease. For family ilour, of the very best quality go to J. K. Itlckert, East Welss- iport. Lumber and coal In large or .small quautttles at lowe.-t market rates. A. fow'Iots In tRlckerton ttlll unsold buy at once. Hausman & Kuhns have still a con siderable stock of toys on hand, which they are offering very cheap, suitable ifor birthday presents. The School Board of this borough, at thelr.meetlng on Tuesday evening, passed a resolution ordering the prose cution of ithe children who smashed the windows of the South Lehlghton public .school building during the recent vaca tion. Fresh bread and cakes dally at Hausman & Kuhns'. Three talloreeses, on custom pants, 'wanted Immediately at T. S. Heck's meichant 'tailoring establishment, Lc lliightou, Pa. A. Oswald has leased F. Schmidt's store. nnd residence, In Welssport, and will move into Itaboutthu lstof March. TRev. F. T. Hennlke has leased Mr. Oswald's dwelling, and will take po--'session about the same time. Several small steals have been per petrated In Welssport during the past .few days. Charles Palsgrove lost a fine 'lralnj on Sunday night Fatzlngcr & ;Son's store, at the canal bridge, was entered, and about $5 worth of articles carried off. The protracted meetings are still being held each evening In the Evan gelical hurnh, Welssport, Rev. A. F. Leopold, pastor. A. number of persons llrave been added to the church. The Ice crop apparently will be short In this section. Some of the lio tellsts In Mauch Chunk aro getting the large Icicles from the rocks in that neighborhood, Our public schools reopened on Monday morning last. No matter whether for a funeral, a wedding or a pleasure trip, David El 'bert is prepared to furnish Orst-class 'teams nt vety reasonable prices, lib livery Is fully supplied ttlth good horses and elegant carriages. The amount teallted at the recent fair and festival for the Benefit of tho First Presbyterian Church of this bor ough, was In the neighborhood of $300. Very satisfactory. Wanted, a dwelling house, con taining from six to eight rooms, In a central location. Kent must be mod ernte. Address P. O. Box No. 07, Le hlghton, Pa. If you want anything n the gro ceiy or provision line, call at J. Fat linger &Son's. on Bank street. You will he sure to find what you want. 30,478 persons passed over the Switch-Back Railroad last year. Mr. M. A. Abbott, a gentleman widely known and very highly respect ed, dUjd at his residence In Bethlehem on Friday morning last week. In these tight times hero Is some thing suggested by an exchange that .at least will bo worth trying: By ex pending one penny you can make one ton of coal equal to three tons. One penny's worth of tar water will satu. rate a tub' of coal with treble Its original quantity of bitumen, the principal source of their heat and light, and, of course, render one such tub of three limes, more valua than when It was un- naiurarwl. " The third Tuesday (17th) of Feb ruary Is the day fixed for holding city, waid, borough and township electlm Now l.iok around for your candidates. Don't forget the public salo of store stick, firnlshlrg goods, Ac, nt Fred'k Schmidt's, In Welssport. on Fri day am) Saturday next, January lflth and 17th, commencing each morning at 10 o'clock precisely. Mr. J. Boyd Henri, the architect, of Allentown. was In town on'Wcdnfs dtiy, and nipped In to see us. He Is a first rato fellow, anil wo aro always glad to see, htm. Under the ew constitution women are now eligible to any office of control or management under the school laws of Pennsylvania. If' you want Job Printing of any description, you should call at tho CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, where you can get It dono as quick and ns well as elsowhere, and SAVE 25 PER CENT, on yo ir order. Come along. We are ready to serve you. Chailes Trainer, corner ot Lehigh and Iron streets, will supply you with Hour and feed, plow your gardens or do your hauling at reasonable rates. Win. Kemerer Is crowded day and evening with customers purchasing cheap and handsome dress goods, dry goixls, groceries, provls!6ns and hard ware. H. A. Heltz has laid In a fine" took of dress goods, Just the thing for tfcls season of tho year. IIo offers the finest choice of goods in his line for sal" In town. In addition to his dry goods and dress goods, he furnishes tho finest slock of groceries to be found. If'ypu desire a neat fitting and substantial gument, call in at T. S. Beck's, Postofllce building, nndlet Laf ferty take your measure, 'ihere Is a choice lot' of goods to select from. Mr. James It. Struthers has been appointed clerk to the Commissioners, vice John C. Dlmmlck, who has very efficiently filled that position for the past three years. Tlio Directors of tho Second Na tional Bank of Mauch Chunk have de clared the regular dividend ot 5 per cent., and an extra dividend ot 1 per cent., making a dividend of 0 percent, profit for tho past six months, paynble ou and after tlio 15th Inst. ".A horse I u horse I my kingdom for a horse I" So shouted King Dick; but the people of this section can ob tain a good horse and a neat buggy for a very small sum at L. F. Kleppluger's new livery, corner of Bank and lion streets. For tho promptness with which the Bore ugh Council responded to the de mand to have the sidewalk fixed aloug Baukwa,ln last week's Advocate, they deserve our thanks and they have them". Messrs. Snyder & Wills, of Welss port, are running up a flue business. They are now offering a specialty In tho way of fine black alpacas, at a figuro which Is hard to beat; also, a full line of ladles' gents' nnd children's boots, shoes, gaiters and slippers, at prices which defy competition You should call now If you wish to secure a bargain. Has sold more overcoats, dress coats, sack coats, pants, vests, hats, caps, and other gents' wear, than any two establishments in town, and all be cause his trade Is so largu that he can afford to sell cheaper and better than any other. And that Is why T. D. Clauss Is so successful as a salesman, lie Is sellfng overcoats and winter clothing cheaper thau they can now be manu.actured. Parties Interested In the widening of lianknay an requested to meet tho viewers appointed in the matter, at the Exchange Hotel, In this borough, ou Tuesday next. Wo have becri Informed that a num ber of men will be taken on at Packer ton about.February ,lt. This will be welcome news to our business men as well as the worklugmen. W. A. Graver is bound to beahead. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine his superb stock of ladles' dress' goods and notions. IIo sells no goods bought at auctions, where nothing cm be depended upon. All his goods are furnished direct from the factories, aud his groceries direct from importers or producers. He war rants everything as represented. II. K. Church. Services in this vicinity on Sabbath next as follows: Preaching at Packor ton at 10:30 a. m., and at Lehlghton at 7 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. J. T. Swin dells. Sabbath School at each place at 2 p, m. All are cordially Invited. IC. of I, Tho following named gentlemen were o lected officers of Lehlghton Lodge No. 234, K. of P., at their meeting on Frl- day evening of last week: J. u., j. w. Ullliam. V. O., Daniel Rlckert, l'rel.. Thomas Wledau. Mas. of A., Win, Bacbman. K. R.S., II. n.Musselman, M. of F., Wo. M. Du Four. M. of E-, Joseph Moyer. ke hie Leg, Bernard Letnhard's son William ac cidentally broke liU left lep, Just above the ankle, on Monday attcrnoon last. He was playing on a pile of lumber In' the neighborhood of Mr. John S.Xentz's new lestdence, when ho fell with the above result. Dr. C. S. German was called In and reduced the fracture, and we are pleased to state that the boy Is doing well. The Coal Trade. Tho following table shows the quan tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley Itallroad for tho week ending Jan. 3, 1874, nnd for the year as compared with the samo time last year: From Week. Year, Wyoming.... 17,747 07 89,070 02 Hazleton .... 20,348 in 72,243 10 Up. Lehigh.. GO 01 001 03 Bea.Mendow . 7,500 07 32,037 J9 Mahiiiioy . . . . ' 4,735 15 20,437 05 Mauch Chunk 80 10 Total CC.401) 05 271,847 05 Last Year.... 42,708 13 250,443 12 Increase 13,751 12 Decrease'.... 28,505 07 Iter. C, Kessler. Our readers and the numerous friends of Rov. O. Kessler, In this borough, will no doubt bo pleased to read the following K'lter received by Dr. N. B. Beber a lew days since, anil published by ids kind permission: Santa Ciiuz, Dec. 20, 1873. Ddau Doctou: I arrived safo and sound last night a week ago. We had no hi rlous adventures; four times wo stuck In the snow, nnd once n broken rail might l ave destroyed the whole train. The climate here is delightful. Ro-es, lilies, geraniums nnd kindred dowers are la lull bloom in the gardens. Yesterday I ate strawberries from the bushes, and saw n roso bush whoso stem was twenty-five Inches in circum ference. Apples sell here nt GO cents a bushel, flour at $0.75 per barrel; butter and eggs are high, but other groceiles are considerably cheaper than In L. I spend most of my time In the open nlr. and lam leellng very well. I feel con fident that when I eume back to L. you will see a different man altogether. Kemember me to all Inquiring friends. Yours, &c., luu. Kessler, Sir Ktlwln Landicer. Of the great painter, Sir Edwin Land seer, the Imperial biography of Art says; "No English painter has been morn popular, and none except Sir Thomas Lawrence has received such Immense sums for his works, fc'or the copyright of somo of his pictures he ob tained 3,000($15,000), In addition to the original prlco.of the picture. It wns, a master stroke when the "publishers of The Chrlstan at Work presented the triple combination of a magnificent chromo (about two by two and a half feet in size) of Landscer's great paint ing of dogs and sheep 'The Twins' with Talmage as editor of their paper, and Spurgeon as special contributor. They deserve success, and will, get. it. Write to them at 102 Chambers street, N. Y., for sample copies and terms. Agents wanted. See their' advertise ment." A Poor Arrangement. The School Board of tills borough on Tuesday last agreed to accept the offer of $300 a year for the use of one-lnlf of the upper room of the new school building, or what at first was Intended as a public hall, provided the lessee can enter sufficient ball for the payment of the rental. Wo do not consider our School Board has acted very wisely In this matter. Wo think there Is more to be realized from a public hall, and especially hero, where a place of this kind Is so much needed, than can be by leasing ouo half for a number of years, and rendering the other portion too small for any public purpose, and this we find to bo the opinion of many of our most prominent citizens. And an other point, and a pertinent one too, is: Have the School Board the light to lease any portion of the school building for private purposes to any citizen for a given length of time extending ovor their term of office? Wu think not; and nsk them to keep It for what It was originally intended a public hall for the benefit ol all our people. Where Is "A Taxpayer" on this question ? Local Creditor of Jay Cooke efc Co. The New York Herald somo days ago published a complete list of the creditors of Jay Cooke fc Co. Tho list of names nnd liabilities occupies over two pages of elosly printed matter. Among the creditors we find the following from theso parts: Notes' of the Thomas Iron Co., $45,051; Lehigh Valley Batlrpad, $25,010; Thomas Iron Co.. $04,507; The Dimes Savings Bank at Slatlugton, $23,003; W. II. burner, Alleutowii, $383; Eastou National Bank. $4,001; Cutasnuqua National Bank, t304; Ma cunglu Bank, Allentown, $1,3G0; First National Bank, Allentown, $522; Sav ings Bank Ilellertown, 11,470; South Mt. Iron Co., care Thomas Iron Co., t4,005; Empire Trust lank, Allentovvu, $400; IVabody Bauk of KuUtown, $3, 204; W. H. Glsh, cashier nf Dimes Sav Ing Bauk, Slatlugton, I10.000. The first meeting of the creditors "will be held ou the 15th of January at the Assembly Bulldlugs, In Philadelphia. Subscribe for tlieCAKBOH Apro Ctb. 'Jl a year. Not Settled. There appears to be an Impression In the lower end of the valley that Judge Packer lias lost several millions of dollars by tho Wheeler suit (for the recovery of certain coal tracts) going against him. Tho verdict has not been reached, the case having been post poned until tho June term of tho U. S. Court. Judge Packer has no Interest ;i this matter "Inoro than any other stockholder , of tho L. V. B. R., whlsh absorbed tho Hazleton Coat Company who occupied the lands, one quarter of which, with rentals, Mr. Wheeler al leges belongs to the heir whom ho rep resents. The whole, value of tho prop erty Is said to be about $8,000,000, one fourth of which, $2,000,000, nnd Inter est and rents amounting to $500,000 more, Is claimed by Mr. W. The L V. It. U. is liablo for nbout one-fourth this amount, $025,000; tlio Bobluson estate another quarter, and the remain ing half is divided among other parties. Mr. Wheeler is sanguine! of success. On the other hand the most promi nent officers of the L. V. It. R. say that there is nothing in the case, nnl this seems to be verified from tho fait that they pay little attention to it and rarely speak of It. Democrat. Veleeport Literary Society. Saturday Evening, Jan. 3. The fifth regular meeting was held ns above. The meeting was called to order by the President at 7 p. m., and the roll of officers called. Tho minutes of tho previous meeting were read and adopted. The following candidates for mem bership were proposed aud elected: Misses Jennie Weiss nnd Annie Hauk. Mr. Isaac iJagenstose wns proposed, but being absent, was not elected. On motion, nil who take part la tho debate shall ,be recorded on tho min utes. The President appointed n committee to form a programme for next meeting, viz: Miss Baker, ii'iss E. Hawk and T. W. Rcnshaw. Tho programmo laid down nt the last meeting was disposed of as follows: Referred questions were all answered correctly. Declamation, Miss Aggie Hauk; sub ject: "A Girl's Soliloquy'." Select Reading, Miss Carrie Schmidt; subject: "The tfurlnl of Moses." Impromptu Address, Mr. T. W. Ren sbaw; subject: "Educational Agencies." Subject for debate: "Which U prefera ble, Married or Single LlfeV" Afflrma tlve, J. R. Dlnur.lck, followed by Messrs. Leopold, Renshawnud Ullhatn; negative, Henry Campbell, followed by Mr. Yeakel and Misses Zern andBaker. The judges gave the decision in favor of the negative side. Will tho Secretary inform us which was the negative side of this question. Ed Advocate. The committee on programme for next meeting reported as follows: Referred questlou, "What was the name of the King of tlio Medes and Persians about 483,'B. ?" Mr; S. T. Leopold. Declamation, Mr.,John T. Zern. Select Reading, Miss Sue E. Zern. Rcrerred question, "What constitutes a Perfect Lady ?" Mr. S. R. 'Gilliam. Subject for Debate, "Resolved, That tho Printing Press exerts a greater in fluence for good than tho Pulpit." -4f-firmattvc, Dr. J. G. Zern; negative, J. W. Koons. ' On motion,, adjourned to meet at 7 p. M. Saturday evening, Jnn. 10, 1874, J. W. Koons, President.. S. Leopold, Seo'y. A bee raiser In New England Is said to have patented an Invention for tho protection of bees from tlio nttacks of the honey moth, which enters the hives at night nnd r I lies the stores. The Idea arose out of his familiarity with the dally routine not of bees only, bu( of liens. Hens, hu observed, retire to rest early; bees seek repose earlier still; no Roonernretheysunk In slumber than tho moth steals Into their abode and devours the produce, of their toll. He .has now built a stand of hives with a hen house abovo it. Tlio bees first betake them selvs to their dwelling and settle them selves for the night. The hens then come home to roost on their perch, and, as they take their place tipou It, their weight sets seme simple- mechanism to work, which at once shuts down the doors of all the hives! When the day dawns, however, the hens leave their roost, and the removal of their weight from tlin perch raises tho hive doors and gives egress to tho beef In timo for their morning's work. Itlnrtictl, Deo. 27th ult.,br Kr. Mr. Loos, Mr.Oeorge.L. Bradford, of M4uch Chunk, to Miss Cortulla A, Jtrrcaw, of Hath. ' Jan. 3d, 1871, at the parsonage of the Iter, A. F. Leopold, Mr. frank J, Irilo, of Lrhl jhton, to Mist Aunts K. blsbert, of 1'nnkUu towukhlp, l'. Lc.2'Jth, bjr Iter, F. T. Hennlke, Mr. William Henry tleiiel to Miss KUiatwta Kltteie , both or Lehlghton. On the Hth dar of December, by Her, A. Bar tholomew, Nr. WalUr V. Krotsarto Mla Sarah It. Zimmerman, botu.of fraukliu township. On the 20th day of December, by tbe samo , Mr. Milton X, hhappel to Mlia Catharine i'ruhn beisicr, both oi tait Peuo township. Oatheltfihlnst., by the liar. Kdsal Ksrrl.r, Oeorge W. alaser to Jsxle blinpscn. December 2tb, by Kor. A. Zlegeafuss, Peter Storm, of Upper 'rowanenslug. to ttebesca Marlett, ot Scrauiou. Died, ship cu th 1M ilMlluil In Franklin township cn the 1 dar 'ff.,Jais.. ur. Maria UudaUsM M...ln-.r. Vln. et n. Utsslofer, aa W ;!, t months end It dsy, On the 13th dar of Deramtwr. In Lahlirbton Klluletb, wire or Jcrrj T. Monlhrop, aed C3 jeiri, x momnaana if oaj. On the l7th dar of DecemW. In L-hlihton. Abraham Ahntr, aged 82 yean, 6 months and 0 aajr. On the 23d dar of December. In Lehlihton, Ljdja, wire of Joaepb Krnhnheliser, aged 75 y eara, ji montna ana io anys. Special Notices. PAIN-KILLER! For Over Thirty Tears Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain-Killor Has boon tested In every variety of climate, nnd by almost overy nation known toluierlcans. It is the constant companion nnd estimable friend of the missionary and tno traveler, on sen nnd land, and no one should trnvel on our Lakes or Itlvers without it. It has been before thu nubile over thirty years, and probablv has a wider and bstter reputation than any other i roprletary medicine of tho prcsentiiay. At lids period lliere aro but few imac- qialnt-d with tho merits of the Pain- Killer, hut while some extol It as n lini ment, they ki.ow but littlo of Its power in oaslug pain when taken Internally, wnue outers use Itlnternally wltli great success, but aro equally Ignorajt of Its neaiing virtues wneuappiied externally. We therefore wish to say to all that It is equilly successful whether ied Intern ally or externally, and It stands to-day, unrivalled by all the great catalogue of family medicines It tssufUctent evidence of Its virtues as a standard medicine, to know that It Is now used In all parts of the world and that Its snle Is constantly Increasing. No curntlve agent has had such wide spread sale or given such universal satisfaction. It Is a purely vegetable compound, and perfectly safe In unskillful hands. After thirty years trlal.it is still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues, from persons of tho highest character and responsibility. Physi cians of tlio first respectability, recom mended It as a most effectual prepara tion for the extinction of pain. It is not only the best remedy ever known for Bruises, Cuts, Burns, &c, but for Dysentery or Cholera or any sort of bowel complaint, it' is a remedy unsur passed for efficiency and rapidity of action. In the great cities of India, and other hot climates, it has become the Standard Medicine for all such complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, nnd other kindred disorders. For Coughs and Colds, Can ker, Astham, and ltheumatlc dllUcul tles, it has been proved by the most abundant and convincing testimony to be au Invaluable medicine.. Btviart of all Imitations, Tho Pain-Klller Is sold by resptctable drug'gUU throughout the United States aid foreign countries. Price 23 cents, 00 cents and $1 per buttle. Perry Davis & Son, Proprietors. Ko 13C High street, Jan. 3 liu. Provldeuce, It. I. MjK. II. T. BO.D, having for Ten Years made a spcclalty.of af fections of the alimentary, canai, suc cessfully treats all diseases of the Stom ach, Liver and towels, by Ills common sense treatment. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Nervous De bility, Hernia (Rupture), Hemorrhoids (PI'es), and Tape Worm yield to bis treatment after everything else falls. Thousands of cases of diseases of the Throat aud Lungs and Nervous Com plaints arise from disorder of the diges tive functions aud disappear under pro per treatment. Have you a weak stom ach, general debility. Indigestion, con stipation, acidity of tlio stomach, palpi tation or fluttering nt tho. heart, heart burn, fulluess or weight In the stomach, disgust for food, swimming at the head, If so, consult Dr. B. at onco. Do you want something to stiengthen you? Do you want to get rid of nerv ousness? Do you .want a good nppetitr? Do you want energy? If so, consult Dr. B. at once, his common ense treat ment will cure you, Skin Olscasus arise from impur ity of tho blood aud disordered diges tion causes Impure, blood If the, loun tain head bo vitiated the entire stream Is rendered Impure all outward jtppll cations such as lotion aud salves may dry up a disease for a short time, or drive It In on tho vital organ", but Dr. B's treatment expells It from tbe system and makes a perfect cure. IIci'iilu (Rupture), treated by me chanical appliances aud electilclty, Radical cure effected In nil curalilo cases. IMIch! Blind, bleeding or Itching, cured like magic, Instant relief given and speedy cure. The number of those afflicted Is truly marvelous. Let no false dellcaoy prevent, but consult Dr. B. at oncenud be relieved from a life of misery i'apc Wua'iu Removed in Three Hours. nuudreds of patients afflicted with tape worm are doctored aud drug ged for other complaints, of course with out relief. The presence of this dis gusting parasite, gives rise to a train of symptoms that are often mistaken for other diseases. Dr. Bond removes tape worm, head and all, with purely veget able medicine In three hours. No fee askod until entire worm Is teinoved. IST It you iave any of tho above diseases, do not hesitate, but at once consult Dr. Bond, and be cuied. Ills treatment Is rational aud scientific ; his remedies are purely vegetable, they act by auditing nature and restoring the syitem' to n healthy condition. He Is the only phyi-lclan in America that makes a epeclalty'of this class ot disease Dr. BOND will visit Lehlghton occa slonally, Duilughls absence he oau'be cousulted by letter all'com;uuucatous confidential. Address, describing symp toms, Du. II. T. BOND, Allen UoiiSb, yllleutowo, Pa. uuv 22-Uui. jQttl rr. it. niSBBR, l-BAOTICI.NQ ruVSJCUM AND BUllQEON. Orilce, lUmt Street, next aoor.abere the roatyrOce, Lehlgntea, fa. 'Office Uonret-rarryvUle earn day rom u to 1 u'ctxrkl remainder of day at oitlf In Vebtfblen ttufJJ,!:, Tape Worm l Tape Worm! nemored la a few hours with barmleoa Vegetable! Medicine. No feetmlied until the entire worm, with head, pne. liefer tliosn atHlcted to rel dents of the city whom I hare eurrd, that had been nnucceMfutlr treated at the JcnVrson Medical Qillege, on Tenth alreatj hid taken In rain tur pentine, the en-called skic10cs, and all known re medies. Dr. V,. K. Kekul, No. 2.19 North Nlnlh Street, phlhdelphh. Tho fioolor hie beon In huilness for orer twe nly-flte yesrs, and Is perfect ly reliable. Call and oo. Adrlro free. Ite-nnrrd tapoworm from a child Mx years old, measuring 20 feet. At his office cm be seen specimens, aonw of them oter forty fret In length, which hnro been remored In less than three hours by taking one dose of his medicine, llr. Xunkel'a treatment Is simple, safe and perfectly reliable, and no fee un til the worm, with head, passes. Di. II. I'. Kcumu 219 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, I'a. Sept. 0. 1873 ly DrugiFam'y Medicine STORE. You will nhvaya find one of tho largpio nnu nest sciecteu swells ot Pure Driigtt, illviliclimsj, Clacmicalrt!: of all kinds, sucli ns Lard, Sperm, Win ter wna;c. innncrs- nonisfoot', etc., COAL OIL, tho best In thn innrlrpf wnrrnntrwi mno Fire Test Non-Explosive. A superior article Of BURNING OIL, expressly for Lanterns. Try It. The finest 1 SEWING MAOITINK OIL made, by tlio bottle or In bulk. Just received n large assortment of Chandeliers, Bracket Lamps, Lantern;, Chiinnles and Wicki of overy style. AGENT FOR ALL ,IUK POPULAR Patent Medicines of tho day, such as Lung Remedies, Cough Mixtures, ' Dyspepsia Remedies, Blood Purifiers, Hair Restorers, Hair Colorers, Liniments, Tills, Plasters, ' etc.', etc., otc, otc Tbe finest lot of American and French JPFfniiiei8ies s. Hair Oils Colognes. Pomades, Fancy, Soap, Cashmere, iioquet and Eau do Cologne, Toilette Soap, Honey and Glycerine Soaps, etc. Pocket Books &rPurses, A full assortment for Ladles & Gents. IMno Ilian.lles. TVIilsklCH. Wines, Kuui, Ilolluiitl Gin, &c, ror.lEoiIiclttul Purposes tar Try DUR LING'S Horse Powd ers, Cattle Powders, Hog Powders und Poultry Powders, bv the nnnml nr In packages Wall 'Papers And BORDER, an endles. variety. JST Go to DURLING'S where every thinir is wnrrantii1 bYn&l, lliinnin,, nnrf Unadulterated. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes prepared by Durllui: lilmsclf. A., J- DURLING. olaspot.t Ahead ! The undersigned !would respectfully Inform bullders.qoutractors and tho pub lie In general, that they have'opeued a j JLtiiinfoer ITsirfl lu connection wltli their Near tho,L. AS, Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., nnd that they have now on hand an Im mense, stock of Mluroughly Seasoned Lumber, such as Rough Plue Boards, Surfaced I'lno foards, Flooring.'Hemlock and Pide, Sidings, of nil kinds, Shinnies (in Immense stock, ' ' Roofing and Celling Latb, 'Scantling; i ' nnd, in fact, Lumber of every descrip tion at th't very lowest market prices. Wonre also prepared tq furnish, Build ere and others wltjt a very fine artlcje.pf Sund, sultnblo for ilaUHUiit-y Woi'k, Flustering. &c, at Re- markably Low Figures., We have constantly on hand a largo lot of Wood suitable for Firewood, which wo will sell, lu largo or small' tiumtltles, at Prices to suit your Pockets Of a. Motto HONEST C0U.X LOW PllIUIB. Yeakel & Albright, Weissport, nug S3-yl '6'urbon county, Pa The undersigned, havlna sold .out i their business to Mjssra. Snyijkk & Wills, hereby request, thosa peraonsi indebted to them to make Immediate t settlement of , their acaoun, and avo , trnttlihl h tit IVriAII kt 'I'ha snonitiilu as. WetMport, Dec. 1678,-wl'