to (Dnttoro gtecnto. H. V. JIORTIIIMK F.DlIOn. LUIIiailTO.V, 1'A.I fiATimDAY MOBN1NO JANUAKY 10, 1871. Hon. Coleb Cushtng, appointed by the President JJInister to Spain, vice Gen. Sickles, resigned, 1ms accepted, and his nomination Us been confirmed by the Senate. Attorney General Williams, In a let ter dated tho 8th Instant, withdraws from tho nomination to tho office of Chief Justice. No other nomination has yet been made by tho President. The N. Y. Sun wants to know whether It is "Just riglit to tax a poor man's tea, coffee and tobacco In order to pay Gen. Grant $50,000 a year In stead ot tho $25,000 for which lie agreed to servo the people?" , Ex-Sheilff llrenncn and, his deputy, Shields, of New Tork, have been found guilty of contempt In disobeying tho order of Court and allowing Henry W. Genet to escape from custody, and sen tenced to pny a fiife of $250 each and 30 days In the county jail. Tho pews In Plymouth Church (Henry Ward Heecher's) were sold on Monday evening last. Tho amount realized was $50,470, against $00,232 lat year. The highest price paid for one pew was $530, which 'was knocked down to Mr. C. O. Dennis, and was tho fifth choice. Tho report of Senators Graham, Itutan, and Davis, Special Commission ers from Pennsylvania to .the. Vienna Exposition, recommends the appropria tion of $1,000,000 from the State Treas ury In aid of the Philadelphia Centen nial, and says that Pennsylvania is already committed, by tlu legislation of last session, to aid tho project. It also dwells on tho advantages that would accrue to tho city and State. Tho Hon. David B. Hellish of New York Tuesday Introduced a bill to pro vided a national currency, which lias several Important and popular features. It provides for tho substitution of legal tender notes forlhenatlonallanknotes, atid that a certain proportion of these notes shall bo received In payment of customs. The bill vvns referred to the Committee on Hanking nnd Currency, and it is known that several members of that committee favor tho principle of the bill. The revised estimates were laid be fore the House Tuesday. The only ma terlal reductions are mado by the War Department, which pares dpwn over twelve millions. It is noticeable, how ever, in the revised estimates for pub lic Improvements, under direction of tho War Department, that there is no paring down for work to be dono in Washington City. The same lavish cs inatesasked for Improvement of squares, reservations, White House and grounds, and all that sort of thing, are again re ported. Uii paring down In liver and harbor Improvements and public works in other sections of tho country Is al ways vigorous and often sweeping, but in that favored latitude the expenditures aro to be heavier than last year. Gen. Sherman was before tho Com mittee on Military affairs Monday and Tuesday, In response to an invitation of tbo committee, to give his views on on tho subject of reducing the expenses of tho army. Tbo summary of his opinion, is that tho force ot the cavalry, the artillery and tho Infantry is now at Its minimum, In view of tho extent of Jand and sea frontier which It lias to cover and protect; that if tho pruning knife is to bo applied at all, It should be only to the engineer and staff corps over which he has no control, and that with the exception of the forts in New York and Boston harbors, Fort Alca trazlnSan Fiajicltco harbor, and soma of the forts In Portland harbor, Maine, tho other sea -coast defences of tho country are not of tho slightest im portanco, and should not have another dollar spent on them. Ho recognizes tho possible contingent Importance of Fort Schuyler and tho fort at Wlllet's Point, Now York, in the event of the Hell Gato channel being opened, but thinks that until that time no expendi ture should bo made there. The representatives of thirteen lead lng Western railways recently met In Chicago to tnko measures forabolUhlng tho deadhead system. They resolved to limit the distribution of free posses over each road to its own actual em ployees, ilvo or six of the leading offi cers of other roads, and the agoutg of tho principal cxprcs;, telegraph and transportation companies whose con tracts call tut passes. About fifteen Athrrcompaoif have since agreed to tbe resolution. The nw eonitltutlnn fl ,JVifliy'lijiiand law of Illinois jirobfWt th IsffulDf? lo 'those Stale ot passes by railroads to any but persons actually In tho service of tho roads; but wo fear that certain usclul and favored individuals will continue, to travel with out.paylng fare. Either corrupt legis lator and officials will be conslderedas actually In the service of the company1, or conductors will be Instructed to for get to call for their fare; or, what is more likely, freo tickets will bo sent to them and charged to the contingent nc- count. Whether clergymen and coun try editors ride freo Is a matter ot con- sentience only to themselves and tho companies over whose lines they travel; but whether Presidents and Governors, Congressmen and legislators rldo with out paying over the lines of companies from whom they are honestly entitled to no special constderal Ion, Is a matter of public moment. N. Y. Sun. Pennsylvania Legislature. Bellnf e. Harrisburg, Jan. G TheSenato was called to order rft .1 p. in. by Speaker Strang. Secietary Quay announced tho election returns, which were read, and new Senators sworn In. Tho balot for Speaker, resulted as fol lows: Butler B. Strang, 21; Win. McSlierry, 12. For Chief Clerk: Errett, 20, Leisenrlng, 13. The following resolution was offered by Mr. McClure:, That all the legislation ho In accord ance with the new Constitution. Passed unanimously. January 7. Tho Senate met at 11 o'clock. Tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth presented the Governor's message, which was read. Jan 8. Tho session was opened at 11 o'clock. Tho following resolutions wero pre sented : By Mr. Humphreys, lhat Senators, and members of, tho House of lieprc seutatives, If tho House concur, shall meet In thu hall ot the House of ltepro sentatlves this day at noon, and count nnd publish the returns of the election pf State Treasurer, as required by law. Adopted. By Mr. Warfel, that a miscellaneous committee of livo bo appointed by the Speaker to examine and report subjects upon which legislation will be necessary under tho provisions of the new Consti tution. Bead twice. Mr. Graham reported from the Com mltteo on Revision ot Rules a series to conform to the provisions of tue new Constitution. Adopted. Thu principal changes in the Senate rules aro as tollows : ' A Committee on Constitutional In form, that it bo divided into five, sub committees ot three members each, and that thu five chairmen of these II vu sub comml.tees form a revisory committee. Every bllUoinlng before the Senate goes to thu Committeo on Constitutional Be form. It must be referred by them to one of thu sub-committees, according to itssuoiict, Tins sub-cominllteu thor oughly digests it, nnd when leady pre sent It in a proper state to thu Revisory Committee, it Is considered by that body, and finally returned to the Senate lor action, llio mea originated with Senator Wallace. House. Jan. 7. House called to order at 12 o'clock noou by Chief Clerk St-lfrldge. Prayer was offered by Bcv. Mr. Snyder, German iterormeu unurcn. xnesecre tnry of the Commonwealth, non. M. S, Quay, presented the return of the elec- Hon of members, which wero opened and read. The roll being called nil answered to their names, except Messrs. louick, of l ork-, aim xouni:, of Alio gheny. Mr. Jylln moved to proceed to tho election ot a Speaker. A creed to. The oiectlon of Speaker resultod in the choice of Henry II. McCormick, of Allegheny, uy 60 Republican votes against 42 Democratic votes cast for John II. Orvlfl. Tho Speaker was escorted to tho chair by Mr Orvls. January 7. Tho House was called to order at 11 o'clock. Mr. Newiueyer, Allegheny, offered tho following resolution: Besolved by the Senate and House, that It Is the truo Intent and meanlne of the new Constitution that the first session ol tho General Assembly elect- en unuer its provisions ueglns on Hi first Monday ot January, 1875. an i ih members ot the House thereof shall l-e elected at the general election of 1874 Mr. Webb was not opposed to tho subject matter of the resolution, but thought It should bo laid over for one day, in accordance witli tho rules, and prlutcd, and it was accordingly laid over and ordered to be printed. The secretary or tho Commonwealth. Mr. Quay, presented thu annual mes sace ot the Governor, which was read. Jan, 8. The House was called to or der at 11 o'clock. Mr. Foster (Schuylkill) offered the following: Resolved, 'lliata special committee of nine bo appointed to act Jointly with B..U..M4. vviilllMlltD 14UIU MIC AJCUUIV, should the Senate appoint one, and if not act separately, lor the purposo of Inquiry into thu condition and affairs of banks, trust companies, savings funds, and Insurance companies; and also that sam committee inquire into the causo or causes of the recent panic, and re port to tuts nouse such information as they may obtain in reference to tho money market generally. Mr. Cross moved to postpone the resolution. Agicedto. A resolution from the Senate to meet the House In'Joint convention at noon, auucouui me votes ror state Treasurer, gave rise to a short debate as to the. law for the case. It appeared to be con ceded that there win no act ot Assem bly ruing the time tot counting thu votes, xue uou&e agreed to meet llie senate at noon. The Sneaker and member, of the 6onaW being Introduced, the twobouw proceeded to open and count the votes for State Treasurer, tho convention meetlue for Mil purpose tinder the Joint resolution to that effect passed at nils morning's session. A Washington d'patch, dated tho 8th Inst., says: The Indications nre that the Committed on Banking and Currency will ropoit a bill looking to tho winding no of all national banks. Tho temper of the House. Is decidedly In favor of tho substitution of Greenbacks for the national bank currency, ami If a well devised bill for that purpose li reported from thu committee It will undoubtedly be nassrri. It Is doubtful, however. whether tho Senate cimld'be brought to tho view of the House. The, Actors In the Last Per formance In Madrid. The names of those who ficuro In the so-called conn d'etat in Madrid and In the new Cabinet clearly indicate tnat the ocTiirrences of Saturday and Sun day last aro .but the preludti to the restoration ot a monarcny in opain, Gen. Pavla. who Is reported to hp a friend of thu, deposed President Cas telar. lsnotouly if to Bepubllcan. but he Is a member of one of tlm most aris tocratic families of Spain. He served tinder his uncle, the Marquis or Nova- Itches, who coninmnded thu Queen's army at the memorable battle of Alco lea. That, battlo was fought between the royalist troops' and the! forces with which Serrano was then advancing from Cadiz upon Madrid; and tho defeat of the former obliged tho Queen and Gen. Jose de la Concha, her last Prlmo Min ister, to seek safety in flight. Not one of tho new cabinet Is a republican. Admiral Tooete. the colleacuu of Ser rano, nnd w in Willi nun proclaimed n Itepubllo at Cadiz, remained with his fleet at the latter port while Serrano strangled the republlo at Madrid, ba uasta was the Minister of Amadeus, who vainly endeavored to persuade the King to overrmo mo constitution. Za vala, Flguerola and Becerra are bu reiucrats of the purest water, and ser- vllo worshlnners of tho rising sun. Whether Prince -Alfonso or the Duke of Montpontier be ultimately called to the throne, the farcical republic of Spain, of which our Administration has tried to make a cover for Its own blun ders and cowardice, has terminated In a ridiculous fizzle. N. Y. Suu. New Advertisements. gJXECCTOIl'S NOTICE. Kitivle of Abraham Aliner. deceawd, lito of tbo hni-nujhof T.Bhlirhton. Wberea, letter testamentary on tne eiar( oi Abraham Anner, lata or tue borougn 01 Lemr.n- ton, Cirlion county, deceaxeil, liaTO teen granlea to tbe suliK'rllKr.nll petFons Indebted to Bald es tate are re.ueUd to make luiiueJlate payment, and tbore Imvlnif claims atfilnst the utuie wUl present them authenticated uir settlement to THOMAS KWimtKII, LeolgbtOD, Jan, 10, 1S7-W KXecutor. larbuii Co. Agricultural Society. A mcetine of the stockholders of tho Carbon Countv Aurlculturat Suciety will bo held at tho VulU-y House (lattf American Hotel), in tho UorouRlrot LehlL'hton. ou FRIDAY NEXT, thu ltllh of January. 1874, at 10 o'clock a. M., for the purpose of electing olti cers for tlm ensuing term. A. full at tendance is requested. l'KTEii i.aux, rresiuent. W. C. FiiEOiitict, Secretary. m a tp inrriTi spurgeon. i frS T. Do Witt Talmace Is edi t fej tor of "The ChristlAii at I iij Wotk C. II., Spe- J 3 clal correspondent.. Tney write t frt for no other paper In America. Threo magnlllcenf chromos. K t3 Pay larger Commis-sion than f ia nny other paper. CHRO- ' M MOS ALL READY, i No sectarianism. No section- i-O I ! f, . - ..II.. SS " f V:..., . plirlitv hours absolute work. rt J-j Sample copies and circulars f.Hj sent freo. AGENTS WANTED. f4 II. W. ADAMS, Publisher, i 102 Chaiuhers St., N. Y. b trjj an3-0m u "Jhen you go to WeUaport, Don't fall to call In and see W. L. SMITH, at tho WEISSPORT HOUSE. IIo keepi everything nice. TO Altl. WU O.M IT 31 Ax CONCERN. Notice Is hereby elven. That the Hoard of bcliooi direc tors ot Tho Lehlghton Borough School District will make application to tne Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County, at the January Term of Court; 1874, tor authority to empower thorn to Borrow Ten -Thousand Dollars for the purpose of completing theNe.v School uuliuing in sam iorougli. By order of the Board. A. J. DUIILING, Secretary. January. 3, 1874-w4 o whom It may concern. All persons are hereby forbid harbor ing or trusting my son, William .Konp, on my account ; he having left my care I will pay no debts ot his contracting after this date, and now give him his ireeaom. jusr.t'ii ,&uri', Beaver Uun, a'. uecemoer (, ioo-wa- ooooooooo o'o oo o 0 0 0 0 o A RARE CHANCE. 0 10,000 Full l'rtlcu;.nwe; or O ' alx eui(l.. lur tlAO. Ad- o A genu piTTSBunait snppCt O OUUfA.NY) oWintlB. I'imiciai, Pi. WOO'.o A o Uoxra.o ooooooooo o oooooooo JKOISTKIl'S NOTICI".. N'otlce lat tierehr plren that the nxpcator. Ad' minlMrntcrf. anil Guardian Iierelnafter nanwa. hare filed their reapei-llTw arrouutaof tho follow lng entkU-a In 111 RfirlitM-' Office, at .Mauch Chunk, 'In anil fir the County of Carbrni, which accounta hare been allowed by the KenWtrr. will bi prriunted tti Ihe JuJgeR of thtf Orphan' Court nn Monday, tba lOlh day of .January natt, at ten o'clock, A. M., lor confirmation 1 First and final account of Daniel Shields, Administrator of Hugh Galla gher, dee'd, of Munch (hunk. First and final account of LydlaGum- tirrt, Administratrix ot Stephen Gum be rt, deceased. A. YflllTTIXUllAM. Ileltater. Jtc?ller' Omco, Mauch Chunk, Dec. 27, 1873. IX the Court of Common i'i.ras op nAnnoN rxinvrv. Elizabeth Manuel, by her next friend Richard Mulkin, vs. Tiioina .Manuel ; alias subpoena In Divorce, (original subpoena Ao J, Jnnu Term, JH7.ii, returned nihil,) Issued Jiitu 20th, 187:1. Return dutendaut not found. To TIlOMtS SlAXUKIi, ItetmnJenlulnvenanwl i You are hereby notified to be and ap pear at a Court of Common Pleas of (union uotiuty, to. ou Held in juaucn Chunk, on tho lOtli day of January next, 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M., to nil- wer the abovu complaint, personal no tice of subpoena and alias subpeona hav ing failed on accouut Of yput absence from my Bailiwick. OLIVER HKE.N, Qlicrltt. Sheriff's Office, Mauch Chunk, 1 , JJecemher.ya, 1H7U-W4 J. k; 3? .9 a S S'aa s s i , a -s as " SO 2s .CsaB .S5 vi:iO,ST!-?.-.I.- -EP siirS I: Jj ii - s C'j Only Two Dollar ami a Half a Year ADD IE 83 TO-DAY PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO., "S3 Six sou Sr., rmuntmiH. 712 Oroadway, X. V. 3 School St., Beaton. lis, lis ill E. .Maaisou St., umaigo. IJl COT2 In order to Closo Out my present lin- menso stock of Among which will be found a largo and ciiotco lariety ot COMPB13IXO SILKS, At.l'ACAS, OtNallA.MS PH LAINES, Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &c. Shirtings, Sheetings, Ac; also, a tine assortment ot - CASSIMEUES AND COTTONADES, Suitable for Men's and Uoy's'Vear, to- getlier wltu CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS QDEENSWArtU AND OLASSWAKK and a variety of other Goods, all ot which I will Sell at Cost for CasIiX Now is your time. If you want to sc- curo HEAL B1KGAINS. Tho Stock must ALL HE SOLD In order to make room for New Goods. Remember tho nlsco for Fanlo Prices,: If. A. J&JELFZ. Nov. 22, Bank St., Lehlghton. iroudny, Icc, 1st, 18731 A.i. EARFUL I BcducUon Prices My entire Stock Marked Down now is tne time to liuy I Ladies, Look at This! tfest Slillllnc Calicoes aro now Selling nt 10 Cents Good Calicoes at o ' Good Muslin at 12 and 14 Mucins at 8 and 10 1 Good Canton Flannel at 12 ' Better " " at 15 2'et Gingham, sold before at 18 cents, now 10 ' Good Ginghams at 8 nnd 13 ' PREPA E FOR WINTER. I would call special attention to my largo lot of Heavy Winter SbawlH AMD WHITE AND GRAY BLANKETS Which I am Selling at very Low Prices, Carpets and Oil Cloths, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Are Seillng Very Low : Best A Sugar t....,..,...12CenU White sugar at irowu Sugar at 7 to 10 o And all other Goods in Proportion. o W. A. GRAYER BANK STREET, o LKIUGIIITOX, .... PBKK'A Y01J CA:v Save 20 Fer; Cent. By getting jour JOB PRINTING " ' Cljf) J'lt.j. Dono at: tho 'Office of' tho Carbon Advocate, IN LEV AN WAY'S 11UILDING. Hot. tbe P. O. and L. It. It. It. Depot, r.calgliion, Carbon Co., l'a. We have Just received a ldrpe and gaht assortment ot ele. IEW TYPE, Of the latest styles j together with a supcilor stock of CARDS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPEB, And a variety "of other PRINTING MATERIAL, And ran now give our patrons first- class work at prices lit least 20 Per Cent Lower Than any other Office in this section. Give TJs a Trial, and be Convinced. By-The patronage of tho publlo respectfully solicited. , . , ,. THE CARIIOIV ADVOCATE, A 21-column Local Paper, and the only newtpaper Entirely Printed In the County, Is published every Saturday, morning at $1 a Year in Advance, Or 11.50 If not paid In'advance. The Advocate, with its largo and in creasing circulation, ls'bno of the very , .- Beat Medluuifor AdTerUalng In this Seetlon. application. Rates furnished on H. V. MORTHIMFR, Lehlghton, Carbyn County, Ta, so,ooo For $1.00. nplIE FIRST GBKAT SALT LAKE Gift Concert, authorized by and under tho immediate supervision of tho city authorities of Corlnne City, for the uenelit nun in aid of tlio Public Free School, The Only Freo School In Utah Tcrr'y. TnusiTEs op PonLt'o rnnn jcdool, Cnpt. 8. IIoiyc, J. S. OerrUli and Alex. Toponce, TO BIS Distributed t' the Ticket Holder AT A Grand Gift Concert, TO DE HELD AT THE Opera House,City of Corinnei itlitrcU 3lit, 1814. Depository, Urnik of Corlnne. 500,000 "TICKETS ! PRICE St.OO U.4CM, OU SIX FOU FIVE DOLLARS. $226,500 IN GIFTS, AS FOLLOWS I 1 Grind Cash Gift . JM.00 35,000 12,005 ,00(i 6,000 . S 000 4,000 3,000 2,000 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 11,000 . 6.000 suo 60,000 1 " 6 ' 20 " 100 " 200 " 700 " COO " 1.3'K) ' (0,000 " $1,000 uh COO eicb 100 ech 60 each 20 each 10 each 6 each 1 each 32,031 CuhOirti, amouotluic to $226,600 ONE CHANCE IN EVERY NINE I Tho distribution will be in public, and will be mado under the same form and regulations as the Sail Francisco and Louisville Library Gift Concerts, under the supervision of a commltteOof prominent citizens selected by tbe ticket holders. Itefi-rence as to the integrity of this enterprise and of tho management Is madutu the following well known citi zens: L. Tibbals, A. Toponce, J, Mulsh. J. II, Gerrish Members of Citv Council. Judge T. J. Black, -flsVt U. S. ls semor; Mulsh & Green wald, proprietors-Mttropolitan Hotel; Fugenu Moore, City Marshal; W. W. Hull. Architect; J. Kchoo, Countable; J. Kupfer, Jew eler; (.'apt. S. Howe, Contractor; O. D. Itlchniund & Co., Commission Mei chants; M. E. Campbell, proprii-tor. Central Hotel; Singleton & Creath, pro prietors Pacific Stables; S. P. Hllcli,,. Mi-reliant, Sandy, Utah; A. U. Gatrl- hun, Helena, Aloulaua. Wu will also annouueu that each and every persou buying n ticket can atauy una nil times exauiliiu our hooks ami an business transactions couuected with Hit; enterprise; and as thu drawing ot pilzes will bv placed In the hands ot honest and disinterested men, it will In sure a lair ar.d Impartial distribution Good Kesponslble Asente Wanted Liberal Coiiiiiilsaloii Alluived. SST Money should be sent by Ex press or by ltaft on any solvent bank. by PostofUco Mouey Order, or Regis tered Letter, at our risk. For particu lars, address E. W. MORGAN, Manager, Lock Box 1S8, Corlnne, Utah. J(u3-3ra jpiLOUR AKD FEED. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs tho people of L lilgbtou that he has most Excellent Flour lor Sale ; Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW In tho 27undle. He Is also prepaied to do any kind ot Hauling and Plowing at bhort notice. LEHIGH (2d) ST11EET, Lehlghton, Pa. Starch 23- ly rWHio uiulersltfued reapect- fully announces that he is better prepared than ever to Buy and Sell Hides, Calf nntl Sheep SUlns, Tallow 'and 1'Instcrlng- Hulr, at ills Old Stand, nearly opposite tbe post office, Bank Street, Jehlgliton. 1ST ine nignest casn prices paid for Hides nnd Skins. nov. 22. ' O. E., GREEN4WALD. Floral Guide for 1874. SOO Pages ; 800 Engravings and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, at 25 eta. a Year. First No. tor'1874 Just issued. A German edition at samo price. Aaaress james VXCK, nov. 20. Rochester, N. Y. Attorney at law, MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Oct 1S1ST.