twcme USrEPES'IES'T." MV3E AlSfJ LED LIVE." TERMS: One ttollnr a Yrnr In Advnnrn ii. v. nioBTiiiBinn. Editor and Proprietor. LEH1GIIT0N, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 10, 1874. SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS. vol. ii., No. o. Lenighton Directory. Agent. W.P. FrtllrIM, Singer w",';e.?"2n" Iniranct, next 1m k. II. Snyder', Ran: street. Hartier, B. CAMPED.', Mating. f.iirVvHiTWuntl Mam , Amd. r T i. hm ir. H"le1. !''" Boot and Shoe Maker. Charles Yenwr. nearly oppotite the poif-occ, Bank Mreet; also, dwitr in .Cbnectioncrif. Clinton Bretney, fn Iran's tmildinff, Bank atreet. C".",,c ,l.,n),i Mtcd-work warranted. Coiifeotlimere. AKulit.. opput-lleOberta llore, Bank onlertpriimrlly filled. . tr-et.' Dry Cootie antl Groceries 7 II Lf,nir,TP.L-S. Depot, luiik t; dealer in IlardZe. eenare, iVuaW Or,,, Good., te ll. A. Uelti, Leu. UP "'""o,?'': Groceries, Queentware. (Mrpett, Oil W ti Rnvdr. Buk street,-Ory , Aoi, Uriig and Uedlolnc. . , ilnorobu.e I'. ...Bank street. ' Hardware. F. P. Semmel.neirly "pp. ."'""F " B"',t street. CuUn-aUirl, OUt, fttMl. Guano, Hotel. Thoma. ...antr. Exchange, 'pp. Public e, Hank t,t ,iiln.nogei"i't;f: ..limit Tallom. ""Milliner. v.. w j.-.ii,.Bik tun. a.'i ' .Vuiioiu ind i;. Chunk lllclan nd nurgron. Vr c. . -ri er . 1 li.V. "! I"? " VontMaUoningliihandU-rman. Dr:.V . itUt.uxt tor InP. 0- lUnk ttreet. Cntaltaiion in KugUjUjndJermaiu 'Provlalunii. Jo OUrt.Hank t.. ucKno. Carivp and SmoUng j vauliiKer k fon, Bink ft., desert in Flour and Vriiclimnker and Jeweler. . ..... .i .!.... Hank at. ,"cimkt, l.ingt. tt. yy M. IlAl'SllWli ATrOKNKY AND COUNSELLOR VT. LAW, Bisx StuxM, Ltnioutox. l'A. lUal FKlate and Cullecllou Acency. Will Buj and IMI hi af f.oi.Tyanilnit neatly d""evS?! tV rpr.inp.iv made.' WII'S,";' .Tdeut, , May U con.ulteu Ir. fcIl.b jjl H.-SNYDKIl, JCSTICBOF THE TKACE, l-till4itin, V. OMce In his hture, opposite the Eaule Hol"l. Coll. aud Drawing up of itliT DromV.tlyatt.-n.lfd to. iigHni E K. S1KWBIIS, TTnli"lKV AT LAW, OFPICBi Orouni FOTlntlieuewdl lollof tU "aS?.l In Bnll and G proinp.y.mide.anlCouvayauclui milly do"- piD. C, DIMM1CK, DISritlCT.ATTOnNKY, ATT0P.NKY AT LAW. " i,m,u r.n nuinvrit. flrat door U-lovr American Hotel, sLuchCUunk, Pelin'a. Collection! prompt ly made." Ei III, 3HJMHUKIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUCU CHUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1873. Railroad Guide. pBNNSYlaVANIA RAIIiROAU. Past Time and Sure Connections Five Kirea Train Dally tYom IlarrUbarB to the Wet. Pullman Palace Cars through from liar burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis ville aud St, IaiuIs. Tha'numbtr of mllea operated and controlled by ihl Company eiiabln H to run car through with fawtr change jhan by anr other line. Passengers .will find this, in all respects, The Safest, Quickest &.most Comfortable Route! 3AGGAQE CHECKED THROUGH f" For Rates, Tickets and all lm fornmtloji. ai'I'lj' UnH Principal Offices on tlneof 'Lt'liipli "Valley and Lehigh tc Stpqiiehaiina Railroads, and at, P. K. K. Depot, llarrlaburg, Pa. A. J.CAS.SATT.Ueneral Mana(r. D. M; BOYD, 0nrl I'aaMnirer Agent. J. N", A1I0KY. a.lern Traveling Atfent, MsnbS,1873- 901 Chestnut St., Pbllad'a. OHT1I I'ENNA. RAILROAD. WtKTU eXMNMttlNT, PaaMugers for PbUilslphUwlll leave Uhlghton a rouowBi 6110 a. mv vis L. Yi .arrive at Phlla at 7 37 a. ia'. via L. A 8, ',f ' tti a.m 11.10 a.m. 1110 p.m. 2.15 t.15 p.m. 55 D.u, T.S9a.'m.lL. v. 1IJ07 p-m.vU L. A S. " UXISp.Tn.TlaLrV. a-JT p,m..bLAS. " 4.47p.m.vUL.t(- -" -4.44p.ui.via.UV. - 8.20 VJU. 8.24 a. so. lia p. UK yj iv. 1030 p.m. future,!?. Leive diBot at Berks and American Vit ' 7a' t3 ' m2l ri'e" iroiFflnigbroa ui rhiUdtipbhCttAs. Km, US, lew. MILLS CLAbK, Agaat Railroad Guide. iBNTHAli R. H. OP N. J. ,. t LKlUGll SUSQUKIIANNA DIVISION. WISTER ARRANGEMENT, Commencing Dec. 15, 1873. Down Trains. No. 1. No. 3, No. 6. A. X. 10 25 10 30 10.67 11.25 12.55 139 A2.00 1.220 3.17 3.25 3.37 4..UJ No. 7. P. . Leave A.M. A. . 7.30 7.35 8.02 8.30 9.55 10.37 Green Ridge,.. Seranton Pittslon WllkesBarr White listen l'enn lla'n June. 1.25 1.10 4.53 2.20 3.40 4.19 Muck Chunk 7.30 11.00 4.40 CatasaUfiua 8.35 11(8 12.01) IS IT 12.43 Allelliown Rethlekem 000 Arrive aston... 0.27 Ue Tnuxs. No. 10. No. 4. No 6. P. M. 3.65 4 27 4.37 4.45 A MS U5.U5 0 25 7 0S Nn.14. r. m. 7.15 7 45 7.67 8.00 Leave Kaaton Betblehein... Alleiitcwu CataSAU'iuit .. Mnuck Chunk, A. M. R.30 8 55 , 9.10 0..4 . 1 25 A M. 11.6(1 12.13 12.25 12.32 A125 11.4V 2.02 2 40 4.00 4. 20 4 65 6.00 0.10 Pcmi Haven J'n. 1045 White Haven 11.23 Wlllte-Hurie 12 40 1'lll.toii 1.0.1 craton 1.30 .rfrr.Uteeu Ridge 135 lis 9 25 0.30 CoisxcTHirs yetituehnntg Valley II. (.Down train No 3 6 and 7, aim up Up trains Nos. 10 and 4 connect at Maueh Chunk. . . KorthJItnn'a ll. 11 Down tralna .Non. l, u, s .v Nod. 10 A 4 connec! atBethlrbeUi f t I'hlhdelphln. lteturulii).' 0 1'hllailulplila at 7.10 a. in. fir r.a. ton, Jlauch Chunk, Hath, IMIkea Barre, Tnmaqua, dcraiito", Sharui, 4c; ai 0 45 a. in. lor ICaston, aiaucn I iiuiik, l.tiuaquj, i iiuaupuri, ..iikuk Il i re and rrnnlun; ui 2 10 p. in. fir frrnnlon, VI kea llarre. and Intermcdlitc ftitlon; at 3 30 p. m". fur lUlli aud katou; at 6.15 p. ul. fir. Mnuch rtinnk. Tdmaqua liranch. up irnllia .oa. io unu Down tralua oa.3. 5 A 7couuvctatMaULhLbuiik to and from TmaiUa. Lrliiah Laclawauna II. f. Down iraina o. I A 7. and Ud trnltia N'i. 10 & C it nnect at llelu. leheui fur Bath aud Cliapuun Quarrlea. Kelurn- In., u.. I lianiiiim. nt 7.4 ) a. Ul. mid 2.15 11. Ill i;trnl lUutroad i,f Ktw Jeriru. A II t ralna make CtOi. iltunevuuu ii i-n'.uu win 1 1 ..- v. K.l M..I i.r .w JrBMV. it.i:,tr:lrliiuHtri K. It. Dovfu train No. 3 k 5, aud Up tialns . 4 A 14 mnnect at I'hllllpa- liurif with Url..llel. Jl. II. VJ wmirauni.itiuui J'hiladttnlna Heading .'airoad. The Depot . ..' .. .. .. . ... . t u n . j n.i or tha ljl renn n. ii.anu iu. an conuecled by Street Car. II. p. H ALU vi., uen. j-attenger jigeiu. Nov.. 2, 1873. pIULiAOBIiPIIIA EllIK R II. WINTKll TIME TABLE. Pnand after FUNDAV. NOV. 21. 1873. Trlln the Pblla. A Erie llallroad Dhldlon will run a follow WR8twn. UlriLO KXrftlSS leave IMilk.loll hb. 12 55 p.m. " " 4 IlarrLburi; . 3.(10 pm " " wiMiampori 9 lu p.m. " Einporluui . 1.45 a.m. " " arrive at HuTilu . 0 00 a.m fxll MlAL leave Phlladolplila . . . In 20 p.ra " " llarrULiin: . . . 3.05 a.m. 41 W lillainnuort 7."5 a.m. ' " Ik llai.n . . 860 a in. ' ' lleioin . . 10 15 a.m. " " arrlfe at Krlv . . . 7 40 p.m. KLVixi Mail Icaie Philadelphia . . 8.00 a.m. " Ilarrl lurj; . 1.30 p.m. " " vviltamport . n.X'i p.m. " " arrive at lock Haven . 7.35 p.m. Rixova Actou'.i lcate llnrrUl.urx 825 a.m. " ' " , Willlamvport 1.10 p.m " " arrive at llenota . . U) , KA8TWAED. Ucifalo Exr&EB ItuOaln . 230'pm. " ' " KuipTlum. . 8 3o pni. ' " " Wllllamsport . 1 05 a m. " M arrive at Ilarrbburir . 4.50 a.m. 11 " Philadelphia . 9 10 a..n. Elmixa Mail leaves brie . . 9.15 u u Lnckllaven . 8 30 nin. " ' " Wllllamnport , '..05 p.m. " arr. ac narriiinuri; . -' " arr at Philadelphia . . 8.0J a.m. Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven 8.00 am. " " WIlilauistHirt . . 9.1.0 a m. " u arr. at Il.rrUburir . 1 60 p.m. M " arr. at I'liuaaeipnia . oou p.m. ilAXRiaauaa ACOOH leave itenova . i.uu p.ui. " ' " WillUmsport 3J0 nui, " arr. at UarriKburK 7.50 p.m. " arr at Philadelphia . 2.50 a.m Mall Salt connects east and west at Erie with L. 8. A M. S. K. W. and at Corry and Irvloeton with Oil Creek A Allegheny It. II. W. Mail West with east west traluson L. S. A M. 8. )l. W. and at Corry aud Irviuetou with Oil Creek Allegheny ll. ll. n , f.lmtra Mail aud butfalo Espre make close connection at Wllllamsport with N. C. It. W. train Lortb.and at Uartlsburs with N. C. E. W. trams louiu. WM. A. BALDWIN, Nov. S2, 1873. QiNt Scrt. jrjKHlOII VALLIiY R.U. wrxrix Amixuivcxt. Paisanger trains leave Lehlghton as follawil NoxtH 7.48 a. in., for M'h Chunk. White Haven. Haslaicn, Mahanny City, 51 1. Carm.I, I'ltlstou, it liaeiiarre, auu ail eiaiiuu.. ll'JOa m. for Miuch Chunk, (Hen Onoko, White Haven, liasleton, Mabanoy city, n likea-narre, Mount Carn.el, I'lttston, Tunkbannock, low- anda. Klmlra. llusaloand .Maitara rails. 10 p.m. for Maucb Chunk, I'lttston, Wxvtr lv and Intermediate stations 6.35 n. m. for Mauch Chunk. Olen Onoko. White Haven, Haileton. Mabanoy City, Wllkea- llarre, and Plltstou. v.ut) p. m. lor jiaucn Chunk. Mootii 5:00 a. m. for Allentown, Bethlehem, Eas- wn. rhllade Dhta. uw sorx ana all stauous. 7J9a. in. tor Alleutown, lleadlni;, Bethlehem, Puttsvllle, Harrlahuri;, tJUton, ruilaaelpllla, fl. Ynrk eitv Mtid ell .(..Ion. 1132 m. m. for Alleutown, Batlilehem. Keadlpg, Harrisburit. teuton, ruiiadeipnia aua n. turx. 4.44 p. m. tor Alleutuwu, bethlebem, Eastun, PhlUdeipma, new iora auu an siauuus. 7J8 r.. m. fur Slatluilton. C'aUaauuua. Allen- town, belbUhem, Eaa.ou, Philadelphia, Oaltl- moreand Vt aahlnutou. ItOBEllT II. SAYltE. Dec. 13, 1873. Bupt. aud Eulueer. JAYIU EnUEIlT'S Livery & Sale Stables, DANK STKKKT.KKI1IOIITON, Pa. I always keep on hand the best hor ses and finest carriages, to be let at livery at the lowea prices. Conveyances, can be baa of me at mo snorte,st. postie ble notice, at any hour. I would call the attention of the nubl 0 to mv enccl- l1 MHUes.for.supplyibgslnglo ordou- I ble teims' f6r funeral, Ad " Hgt.Z2, IrTJ, ' DA,VJD KBDEUT. HE, liAVHOR SAVER ! Tho undersigned respectfully an nounces that be has been appointed Agent for the Universal Wringer AND Doty'sOlothesWasher. I would also an nounce to my frlendtt and tho public In general, that, I hayu opened a first-class Idvery Stable and that I can furnish Horses, Buggte.s and Carriages of tho best descrlpllon, lor neasure, uusmess or i unerai pur p.,ses' poses, at very Reasonable Charges. Also, that having engaged a Ilellahli; Driver, 1 am prepared to do 1IAULINO of every kind on short notice. In con nection therewitli I shall continue my t.i nlTAniiA. nrMi.r . ni iiat fj XVJ.aAi.LU.OiVUUl V where the people can get their Carriages Wagons, etc., UEPAIHED on short no tice nnd at reasonable prices. Hie patronage of the public is most respectfully tolicited. Jj. F. Kleppinger, Cor. BAXK. and 1ROM Streets, Feb. 22,;1873. Lehlghtim, Pa. Tg ti. UiiAJJaS, ISci'cliaot Tailor. And Dealer In Gcut'M FiiriilNliliiK Gootls, LEIIIGIITON, PA. . . Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths. Casslmpres and Vestiugs.for Men's and IJojs' wear, wlilcn l am prepaid to Make up to Order in the most Fashion able Styles, at short notice. Ladles', Misses nnd Children's A well selected stock of French aud Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebblo and Grulu Leather Boots and Shoes on hand, or Jlltido to Order. Hats, Caps and Purs, Of tho Latest Styles always oj hand, at the Lowest l'rlce. Also, Agent for tho American & tU rover & Batter Scwiu; Machines. , Only One .Price for Everybody. January 11, lb73-yi FATZINOER & SOX, WE'SSPORT AND LKHICHITOy, Dealers In Grrccrles, Provisions, Flour and Feed,. . . . i . ' . Canned Frultn. Notions, Tost!, &c SiC, &c Country Produce Bought and Sold. Lehlghton Store, three doors above the Post umce i Yyeissport btore, near uauai uriuge nov- su rnillOOIAS ILEitlERER, ... .CONVEYANCER AND GENERAL IN8URAN0E, AGENT The rollowlng uompanlea are Represented! Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Fire, Wyoiidng Fire, Pottsville Kirn. Lehigh 'Fire, and Ihe Travelers' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual llorse Thief Detective ana insurance, com' pany. March 20, 1873 "BT EIIIGIITOX ACADE.UV. MA. ' .' iLehlghto'a'. P An Institution far UotU, Sexea. FACULTY t Rev, O. KESSLiGilt, Principal and Professor, of Clastic, and the Higher English Drancbe, MRS.BI.O. KKSHL.EU. Freeaptresi nd Teacher pf Painting tuulCraelog Hll, JOHN SI, KlSStifCR, A U. Pru teoref Latin aud Ure.A. ""J MISS It. O. Is4Ai; t"' of'llu.lj.; ' WltiSOX ItEllllIG AiiV.taut. " Vor ParticvlaVaaypl''UCVUkSaLER.Ublgh. 'uejPv pc..17iU7J. ' . OSTPOXEIUBNT. FOURTH BRAND SIFT CONCERT FOR Till BBIirifc f)UIK , PUBLIC LIBRARY OS" K.Y. Over a Miljlon in Bank I S U.CC ESS A S S V R E D . A FCLli DRAWING CERTAIN. On Tuesday, 31it of Maroh Next. In order to meet tho general wish and expecta tion of the public and ibe ticket holders for the full ptyineut of the inagnlllcont girts announced f.rtheFourlhafandOla Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky, the management, have de termined to postpone the concert and drawing uutll Tuesday, March Slit, 1874. They bare already renllied. OVER A misLIalOSI OOI.L.ARS and have a great many agents yet to hear from. Mtdoubt it entertained cif Pie tale of wery picket before tht drawing; butwheth'r all are toldor not, the Concert and drawing will positively and unequivocally take place on the day nno fixed, and if any remain untold faey will be cancelled, and the vritet will be reduced m proportion to Vie untold tickets. 13,000 CASH GltTS. will ba distributed amont (he ticket holders. Tho tlfkAtRAre nrlnted In coupons of tenth. and all fractional parts will be represented, lu tba drawing juu as whole ticket are. LIST OP GIFTS. ONE GRAND CASH OIFT J250.0O0 O.NH OIIANDCAS1I GIFT 100.000 (INK Oil Sl IJASII Ql FT 60,000 ONE tlltAND CAII 01 FT 25000 .IV u tut AND CASH (HIT 17.500 10 CASIl.tlir IS, ElutUJiieacn iuu,vj.i 3(1 CA.-II OIFl'S, 6,000 each 150,000 60 1'ASII OlPPn. lOOOeldl 50.0.10 so cash aiFTS, eooeicii 40.000 100 CASH OIFT.4, 400 each 1 1,1100 150 CAMI UIFM, 30.1 each 45.000 250 OAH OlFfS, 200eacl 500UO 325 CASH Ol FT3. .100 each 3i00 1I.0J0 CAclI OlFl'd, 60 each 650.000 Total.12,000 illflt, ail Cash, amount- lug 10 ei,aw,uuu Thechinces f.jr glfl aro a one to fl.e. f PltlCIC OP tickets'. Wh-ila TIekala. t',0i Hitre. 423 1 Tenth, rr ewh ciuDOii. J5; Weien Wh da Tl.kel for JiOOj 22MTlrkel Ihr $1,000; 113 Whole Tl:keH for fS.UOJi 2.T Whole Thkel for $10010. No dis count on lw Ibjn $500 worth of ticket. The Fourth Ulft Concert will iw ennuuciea in all respect like the three which have lieen Klven, and I.U1 paiucuiar may ue learneu froin circulars, wbbh llllw eiil tree Irum this office to all who apply for th-m, Order fiT tlckel anil appiicnuoiis lor aj;eur'eft miMMtteiidedtnln theorder they are received, and it I hoped they will hi wnt In promptly, that there may be no dls ipp dutment or deity in filling all. Liberal term g.rpu to thove who buy to eetl gain. All ageut are pereuinioruy requuva io ultla un their aceoua aud reluru all uuaold iicket by the 201b dty or .Map-b. TllO.i. K. UKAMI.KTTE, Aeont Publlo Library Ky., and llanairer um concert, I'Ublia l.OTry uuuuing, uuuiav.iie, Kjf"r TII03. II.nATftA'CO., Eaittrn Agents, 009 Broadway, N. Y. dec20-w4 3Po J". 'H.h Desltcs to Inform hU Customers and the Public in general, that he proposes to Sell all kinds of. DRY O0ODS, 1 NOTIONS,-' ' ' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEBNSWARB CARPETS, 0IL-CL0TU8, Ac, Ac, at fully as LOW PRICES as Is compat ible with the times, no" Is not offering a lot of old style goods at any price, but is Selling a Flrst-p lass Line of Goods fully as low as the same articles can be bought for at any stoic in this section of tho country. Ho respectfully asks an inspection 'of his goods nnd prices, and guarrantecs that atrial will convince the most skeptical of tho truth of his asser tions. Very respectfully, P., J. KISTLER, Opposite the .Public Square, Dec. 13-w5 Welssport, Penn'a. JPURNITDRE. FACTORY. VAL. SCHWARTZ, BANK STREET, LEiltGHTQN, PA., Reepectfully announces to, hi friends, and tha pub llo In geneial, that he has constant! on habd and for safejat the LOWEST CASH PltfCES, the very Beit end Lateit Stylet f Well-Made. Household J?ui?niture, Comprising .Bedsteads,, Bureaus. Sofas, Lounges, Wood and (Jane-Seated Chairs, Looking Glasses all kud, Ac, Aq. Furiil!iIi)cT UndcrtaUer. FUNKIIALS promptly attended to at very reaaon hi ebarire. ' Juu 21, 1873. E. H, SNYDER, laEIIIGIITOtV, PEJIS'A.. DEAI.EH.IN Dry Goods, Notions, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE; , ! . QIseware,.Uar(lwarv, if. , TO TIMIC. Oh, haste, old Time, on speedy wing, Tliolngfrnnllinurtj nrine qulcklj near tho Joyous spring, The tlmo of floworsi Ilrlng back tho linppy singing birds Anil greenest leaves i Lado tho air with melody, sweeter than words Tho heart receives With gladdest throbs such happy dower, llluo skies, warm suushlno, and summer showor. Glvonowllfo to tho forffit trees, Their buils to swell; Waft zephyrs on the perfumed brcczo From yonder .loll; Tircnk tho cold. Icy chains that hold The brooklets bound, That thny tnav tell us as of old, With tinkling sound Like silvery bolls, how happy thoy That winter, stern unit chill, has passed nwny. And bring. O Time, a robe of green, Tho fields to doo'. In style befitting nature's queen, At nature's heck. Wo'll llstngaln tothosoft plash Of dripping eaves; We'll hear ngaln the loud waves dash, Whllo fituev weaves A chnin uinro light to bind tho soul, Each joyless half in one melodious whole. OUT OF THE DROSS. BY EMMA M J01WST0N. Wandering about the suburbs of '-he city, I found mvself upon omfi open common, where heap of dust, allies nnd rubbish were piled up. At one of these heans T thought T aw snmn llv-Inn- object moving about, and drawing nearer, I found nn old woman, upwards of seventy, lean, wrlnlilfd and crlnled, digging Into the dirt bv means of a plec of stick; hut' in her eawrnpse. often discarded tho stick, and using her claw-like fingers. Her bent nnd bar tered old figure was trmulnns with excitement, nnd she kept, np a mumbled cnnverealinn with herself. Drawlii near. I to her. nnd she Matted,'ing herself, and slmk Iti2 from her eyes some gray locks which bad fallen over them. "You are busy," I said; "what Is It nil nbnut?" "I'm a-lonkln for a Jewel honey." "A Jewel 1" I echned, thinking the rid woman wandering In her mind, he ennop of tho weakness of old age. ''A Jewel'ln a heap of dirt I" "Yin, bless yon, they do find 'em here sometimes. Lenstwnvs, Big Jim found a rare diamond onet." " A nd how long hnve you been search ing?" I nked. "Oh, not long; only these, three months goln' on four. I onmn ev ry day and hunt a spell, and (llen'Igo home and rest mv old bones." "Avd von really think yon wll' find a lewef?" I said to her; pltv. amuse ment and Incredulity all lilendlng In my voice. "For sure T will, honey; I'm Just bound to hunt till Blt it," I looked at the eager, tremulous old creatine, spending ,her little all of strenglli, In the vnln, hope; of .finding noma precious' thing. Should I make any effort to reach, her higher nature? Could t be pnssl'.ile that she would un derstand an appeal to per soul ? Whln J hesitated, I was condemned; nnd there came .to ,my listening, throb bing heart, borne on the stillness of tho June day, these words; "Out' of the dross 1" 'lllear ma I" I said to tho woman; "I want to tU' you about a Jewel that Is 'of more value than any' that has over yet'been found. Ono such as your old eyes have never seen, nor your old heart ever dreamed of." "Yes, yes, honey, I hear you. Tell me about It." Then I spoko that tallsmanie name Jesus! And unfolded slowly nnd care fully the whole btessed plan of salva tion, which Included'even such as she. "Where Is he?" she asked, dreamily. "I think' I kind o' befrd o' hlra onct before." "Mo Is here," I replied. She started and looked about on every side. Now was the time to fix tho Impres sion so that tho work mlghtlw perfect. rsent up a sudden' -prnycr for wisdom and 6trenctli. which urongntnn imme diate answer; and then, with a' delicate choice of words, so that all might bo simple to that simple comprehension, I explained how Christ might uo near us, even In our hearts by fallh, while we could not see him n the flesh. I told her how tlie ulngie. sincere cry of a slmior would bring him to the sinner's side, quick to forgive and quick to com fort. "Honey. It's all very nice to talk this era way when you've got good clothes and'R, plenty to cat. Butilook at me onlv rags to cover me, and my old bones-all twisted with rheumatlr." "Were vou always so-poor?" "No; time was when 1 was n likely ennnnh woman: but I not Into hart com nan v. nnd tlion I kind o' sloughed off. But if I could find a Jewel in tills oro heari. why I'd git all right agliu" "Ti'llme, was Ulg Jim all rlghtnftor he found his diamond V She looked nt me suspiciously for moment. "Now how did you know that Jim dldn' do well? Ho didnit do well. Hint's a Iftct. He sold that dia mond and cot lots o mosey;-but ho drunk hard aud quarreled, and at last he was worse nft than ever; hadn't a cent, and died In my cellar," Mi.nv times lifter that 1 saw old Liz. f'linel.Uuei'.IlUllluig ll'fl a-iil nertps, buiiiu ilmoi In liur wretclie.l .cellars Thin I led the city for a llmo and. 011, ray, reiura .1 .recwea i nvafsge p ui ea.iiiUiir-jwq!VTnKa;w etiB.. I hurried off, hoping I was not too late. When I entered tho cellar tho first words which greeted nn were these : "I've give It np. I M'nn'l hunt for It no more, I don't keer much, anyhow. ItWouldn't linve done me much good. Big Jim's didn't do him no good." "Liz," I said, gently, "there wasan other search 1 told you of. Have you thought about that 7 Havo you been looking for Jesus?" To my surprise she nodded her head. "O, tell me," Liz," I cried, "have you found tho Savloui ?" "It's mighty strange to me," she an swered, speaking feebly but distinctly, " but last night, adayln' here, I wa kind o' gropln' In the dark, llko, to see If I could seo him you told me about. I felt as how I'd Hkn to seo Him, and tell Him old Liz wa sorry she'd been slch a hard case, when all nt onet it seemd as If somebody t0ck hold of my hand, and 'Here I am, LUP It wes dark, hut T seen It was Jesus; swn nim In mv heart, 'the way ynti told mo about. Ind before I knnwed where I wa. he 8-tvs, 'T lov yon. Liz I nnd then I Jest cried like I ain't done since I was a child ' Wl)en I could look un, for my tears, T found the old woman's f.tco white, but shining like nn angel's." "You'll stay by me?" she said. "Yes, to tho lnt, Liz." "And you'll tell 'em that I got moro than T was a-lnokln for. I wna-lookln' for a stone and He give mo bread bread 1" When tho end came, Liz was Joyous. I witnessed ono of the rarest, victories I havo ever seen. 7ut from the miretnd filth of her old life, tho new nnesemed to rise like a pure white shaft, pointing to heaven. And when finally the eyes closed, I was called upon to rejoice that out of the dross had risen a spirit which had, was'ied Its robes and mado them white In the blood of the Lamb. Oh t ye who are often discouraged In your work, tako heart I Over nnd over again I think I would havo failed and given np, If old Liz's own example had not chained me.' If -he could toil on month after month In her almost Im poss ble search after a perlsl lug thing, should I bo less zealous and eager alier herioul? And If Liz could bear the heat of the summer sun, and the stifling odor ol the dust heaps, should I, with 7hrlst In my heart tns.italnme, shrink from iho vileness of her surroundings. Truly, Liz taught me, while I tried to teaeli her. Once morn, be encouraged-! Search deep down In tho ilni's. nnd you will bring up Jewels thatj, Christ, will wear upon his foreheal through eternity. Christian at Work. The Public nntit. Washington, Jan 2. Tlie following a recapitulation, of the public debt statement: ptxTiitxTKO miaiiT it ran. Bond. tlx per rent. . . $1,21 .T2S.1.V 00 Ilonils at Dr per cent. , . 6n.1.478.8no 00 Principal Interest . 11,722 20(1 3',0 00 . . . . 41,997.112 35 dibt aitaiM iivkrcit h ttwrct Moxxr. Certificate r.f Indebtedness at four percent. .... Sii78mo no Navy pension fund at 3 per cent. 1 4100,001 00 Principal Interest 114 670.000 no 229,080 Q3 miT os wich i.ttiarsT nta ciiscd aixct Hi. TOaiTT. Principal (11,070 880 28 Interest 398,183 25 pxsr aiiaixn wo iftxnasT. Old demand and legvl tender notes 1378 431,330 60 Certlneite of deposit 30 720.000 00 Fractional currency 41.MS792 41 37.643, IW, 01 $5)1289 4.11 04 22,684 84 2.849 2I5.2CJ IIS 42447,025 41 Coin certificates Prlnrleal . Unclaimed Interest Principal Interest Total . . . 12291.792 2S7 (1) CIS! IK TBI TXIAICIT. . . . . t01.478.103 45 Coin Currency 4,277,851 08 rpecia. aepniie neia nor reuenip- linn rii remncAiei oi aeposuas provided by lair . , 36,720000 (0 Total tl33 478,961 43 but, usscAsn a thi tin scar. Jan. 1,1871 .... 2,159 315.328 17 Uee. 1, 197 J . . . . Z.IOO,KG2 ON 40 Increase of debt during pvst month Incr-ase of debt ilnre June 89, 1873 IM53.272 71 11,493,612 GO Boxes lut iv ti ranno xtuxots covpixits, ix- Tsr FiTADLX nwroL vosr, Principal nutaUndtng . . $01021512 09 Interest anrrued and not vet paid 1,0 13.705 0) Iutereat pal I br United Si il-. 20,117,9)0 00 Interest repaid by transportatma of mall, Ac ., . . 4 038,134 CO Balance of Interest pvM by the United State . . ' . 15,781,931 00 At what season did Evo eat the ap ple ? Early in the fall, The first lawnf gravity Never laugh: at your own Jokes. Whiskey U said to bo tho horn of plenty because It will corn you, cqt piously. A consequential young fop asked an aged country sextou'lf the ringing' of a bell didn't put hlin In mind of' tils lat ter end. "No, sir," replica the grim old grave-digger; "but (tho rope puts me In mind o yours"." Two Irishmen were working In a qonrry, when one of them fell Into a deep hole.-' The- other1, alarmed, came to tho margin of tha hole, and caUod out: "Arruli, ltarfl yakik intlreiy If yemodwiij.," Pat.r.oaa.i.urod him from the bottom' by saying, In an werbi'No, TTlrrr,- IHn" faol''dtll, 'bul r.fpsjiditinijij"-, t ,