The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 03, 1874, Image 4

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    OmcludaJrm Pint Page.
close to tlic grindstone, and thcro her
daughters had relentlessly lield It,
through all o( the loug years shine that
llri-t tragedy.
. Solomon' believed In progression. Her
thought that, the sciences nilfcht. ,be bet
ter understood; that new disciverles,
were U) he made: ,tliat the ' Atlantic
would bo crossed' In 4 a balloon; but
Solomon's radicalism didn't Includo tin;
coming woman. She was to bo what
she had been from tho beginning. So
he pooh-poohed tit his daughters' fann
ing, not, believing. that nny' good thing
should comn out of Kazaieth.
It was nii,ui'hll road to those fivo
dainty o'aughtcrs, of Solomon lUcmo.
But in ono thing they resembled their i
father. Tliey weios, obstinate, and
when the,y learned blspredlqtlpu as to.
their failure, they were qulto deter-'
mined not to full..
They were up, early and worked lato.n
Their strawberiles wero u success.
Tiiey gave Employment to n number of
girls In the village In gathering their
small fruits, thus. recognizing thu truo
doIIcv. that women mut' helM each
other. They kept one hired tuan.(, ,andj
under ins instruction tnepo yqing la
dles 'earned to turn.a ready 'Jiand to all
kinds of farm labor.
Old Solomon frown's "pooh-poohs"
grew less erapliatlc, and hu began to
speak with a sort of.jshamct'nced pride
of "our girls' place," men, wlien
tho fame of women's farni(ngjiad
traveled. far, a'lyl peoplo c'amu.from a
distance to Inspeet personally their suc
cess, Solomon bcg"an to feel'proud In
6aylng, " Yes, Mr, tliey are Iny girls."
" Your girls aro all boys, then,'' said
one, smiling, qiiQtingiltlp Van Winkle.
" Justas good as boys';) .said Suldmon
Brown, blushing at the retraction of old
sentiments. But theories must fall be
fore convictions, and well filled wheat,
fine potatoes, good corn, etc., wero
more convincing to Solomon of his
daughteis'iWorth than volumes favor
ing the "subjection of woman."
Solomon Brown's daughters still hold
Jacob Sloan's farm Lucy, tho young
est, Is married to Frnnlc Lawler, but
Instead 61 her going home to him, as Is
the manner of' tho world., he caino homo
to her.
Under the homestead Jaws, a woman
that Isn't at tho'head of a family that,
Is, a widow cannot pre-empt land. If
this was not the case, believe that
one of Solomon Brown's -would 0 wfcsi
and. take tip.n piece of land. As It Is,,
tliey are all coins in tlio spring, nnd
Solomon will' enter a hundred and slkty.
acres In Ms; own nanie.fwluch in reality
will belong to his daughters', as' 'It 'will'
bo purchased .wltlrtho, profits of their.
farming Jacob Sloan's land.' 'Our"
Fireside Friend.
Hash Jsvsald ,to be, tho connecting,
link between the animal and vegetable
A. certain man has a watch which
heeays has, gained enough, to pay Tor:
ltsejf in six luQiillis. , ,
An Irishman, seelne a shlo'vet-v
heavily laden, and scarcely above the'
water s edge, exclamed: ''Upon my
sowll If the river was but a little higher,
tho ship would go to the bottom!"
An uustamped letter was deposited
In an Indiana post-offlco last week, and
underneath the adress was tho Indorse,
ment, ".Let ner suae, r. Ju., sni's all
huiiki Inside air ono of, them post hole
Medical students aro warned. iot
to ask a .certain Western mlnUtcrtto'
preach for them. lie lias his text ready:
"In his diseases Asa sought not to the
Lord, but to tho physicians. And Asa
slept with his fathers."
As a fashionable younclady, fresh
from tho boarding-school, cauiu to her
father's breakfast-table; Instead of
speaklng.English and saying, "l?0ftd
morning," suespoi:o urencn, anaiaia,
"Bon jour." "Of courso tho bouo's
yours,. If you shy so," responded tho
practical old, gentleman, as ho handed'
her the ossified portion of a beefsteak'.
Wiiat a splendid accent sho must have
had I
A bashfui'young man In San Fran'-
clco recently called upon some lady
frlcnus, ana after spending soma time
In conversation, rose to tako his leave.
lie was bowing himself towards (ho
ioor,',tne nawue or wnicu nu scuea,
with his face still to tho company, nnd
In another moment nvas gone, and tho
door closed behind him. Then, to his
horrof.'-lip dlsqiverdthat InhU confusion
lie had, ma'do for the yr jng door,' pud
had shut himself up In acliIiia'chVot,
while tho uncontrollable Jaughter of tho
ladles by-no means tended to restore bis
-J"That'& unlust." exclaimed a trav.
clcrwhen 'Informed bj' tho conductor
of a railroad train, that tho price of.
passace had been recently doubled.
"True," replied t)ie urbane official, as ho
took the pabsenger's cash; "It Is uard,
but Jhtn.lf 13'faro.t! .' - -' '
"A horso! a horse! my kingdom
forahorscl" ,crIeLft , celebrated trage
dian. ."Wouldn't niackassdo aswiejl?"
inqulredjan'aff'ec'led 'young man rising
In his seat. "Yes." trluinubautlv ex-
lalrued tho ,rict'or,, "Jubt'ltep p thtsj
way; BIr." 'Hie1 young mansai uowu.
.The maddest rnap, in Weissport Is
rown. Ho vound up , his clock every
night for fifteen years,, audtlien discov
ered that it was an .eight day time piece,
lie muses cn, the work, be might have
done In tlioso wasted minutes, aud.hU
anger Is dreadful,
Passing by a marble yar,dlfho other
day, wo happened tohear a conversation
between a friend, who Is an artist on
monumental matble. and'aTciiton whq
Vin,l .Inst' hifrlert-his Xvlf,.' '"Jllster. I
vante'a 'doomstohe for my 'vlfd yat's
dead,- una I yants' yon to maifo mm
leedle dngels' qn.M "All right," re
sriorided tho ticaommodatlnc artist, and
the prlee'v;is arranged, ' "Yell.tiow,"
eald hej 'vat 'do yon 'charge fbrono
doomlono'forl inej'asl dltjs'soon, too;,
,und I may as veil set hlro' now?" The
price was pamcd, .and the .old man,
tnrnloe ttfitdJ'tld.:'Dt,VilrrlBlit--I
Xlres you daW-bat mind, mister, tl yants,
New Advertisements'.;
aoo PIANOS AD dsiiPANs,
NeW am8fTonil-IIiil,n Flr-it Cb
Mnkers, u (UI Ml at liutyrr 'I'rlcjVor
try, Inl ine' I Ul Klllanillnl, Crlrla
tm,(, Ilull.lnys, hy llOltACK 'VA.T.-,
KH & HON 481 lli-onnwityvllmn
vr bfcfnre ofl'ci'eil In N4vr Ynrlci
Truilc. A l.nigc UUrnllllft AMl'M".
lcr, Churclira, S u n Any m '"' ,ce.
CtJK rt'flSOn f' Aprils' (vafitm.
,tpJ LU QiXJ All classes nr.w.irMiiK'Tv0-'
,plo of .either SBX.ouncor old, mako lucre inoretv
at ivork for us in thelr'spate 'tftointrftv,'or nil' tjo
times ttinri at any llilliif lai 'Particulars' Irort
iA.IUresK) SXINOV 4 CO., t'orllauiU Jlitrio..
Teacher-, students, Clerjr3;men, V(rtlfnUUr,
and tflUf-avakt Young 'Men, and JlutAiud AV6
men. of nlclans,. A . (
You cn rally earn a Trt cla'a Sowing Ma
cbltiei or Udoks KUfflclfnt 6toek n' LlbrafyV'rt1
houi valuable I'lcturel'to 'lautlfjr olir bouie,
rr a uic Klrtocjo( or a Byod 'llmvl.(H!per
(C'oik Or Walch); ora JliiMo llx ! or a Oo'd Pen;
or a l'hfttcgraptile Albttoil Of 'a'Stand ICrostjie
L.tmp fjr 6uc Parlur.i or a lli.o Areordeoa;. oi
WeUter'H Illustrated (Ilurtq .Dictionary;, op
ltera World renowned Statuary Uroupa; or, a
Klue'Vloltns 'or k'llHulnutoii Klfla Car.oY pr a
l(m ....Inn 1,.,ti.a ..n, ItA , nl u,I
lluni or aCatilm t Urean orth ilW v,lry',tliil'lyi
ftorfiln no our u'noccunled 'lluie fu a wav ex-
I'jaineam tho circulars 01 me ji, 11. t-.i,o. i-er-leftltfmhte
and rei-pectakei '" "ojld
' pniianiuroriic. tiaress ai. 11, -,t
2ith 1 reet, .New Yor t.
conduct an Apeney for tho'receptlon of adTer-
tlnementa foe. Atnericati Newspapers -tho moat
oniDlete eKtaoti(.Ument of .the hind lathe world.
Si thousand newFpapers are kept regularly, on
file, open to Inspection hy'customers. No reading
rfKm, however' comp'ete, rpceiyM oni.twenitetliof
mis number. &very Auvcriiacirf he is
taken at the home price of the naner. vrithoutanv
additional charge1 or cotumiftslon, so that an a'd
TertlFer, in dealing with the Agency, saved
trouble and correspondence, makluone contract
lnsteadof a dozen, a huudred, or a thouFatid. A
lioolc or eighty pages, containing lists or Iiistpa
per, largest circulations, religious, ngiteultuialj
class, nolltlra), dally, and country papers, also
magazlues and all puijicatlons which are specially
vnluablo to advertisers, with some Information
about prices; is sent FllK IS to m' add! is J ' bn
uppllcatlou. Persons, at i& distance nifhitigi to,
Inake contracts for cash In any town, clty.couuty,
portion' of thu Dominion of Canada, may' bnld A'
iodcIso statement of yih'it, ithey want, tocether?
tleslro inserted, and will recelvo luiVhuatlon by
return -mall which Willi enable Hhem ttrilottdi,
whether to Increase, .reduce pri foreiso'ths order.
For such information there i 1.0 charge what
ever. I'ablisherB not T6h!v send their hies Ufbf
but pay ilrs.' Uuvll ItowELi . Co( M their
senicesv Ordors ae aceepted for a siugle paper
as tn aa ivf iv tarvr UW vr.a Bjugie uuiJar as
for a larger sum. AdtZ.'ess .the American Nvhh.
paper Aav ortl&log agoncy,
laloirues and lull
pirtlculars I'ree. S. M. Sl-JfNIt,) 1I7 Hanover
stieet, hqston. ' ,
"$100 In Wall street ) Ken lends to
'n fcirluno. Xo risk. ,12 page 'pimpiilrt,
lor stainn. VALENTINE. 'fuMDllIB
Co., It.inkcrs and Brokers, 3 Wail street, a 1 .
JT How either sex may fasciual ind.paln
th love and affections of any person tliey chuose,
-instantly. This simple mental acquirement nil
cm possess, free, by mall, ifor 'J5 ceuts; together
with Hairjngo (lulde, Egyptian Oracle, ureams,
Address T. WILLIAM &-C0,
l'UDiisners, riiu-
Hausman Sc Knhns,'
Havo on Exhibition the
' rrrxV
In the World, !
Free Exhibition, Day and Evenjn
This Olant has been induced to remain
with llausmap &Kuhns ttinunorrmj
ous expense) during tlio, JioHinys, and
our citizens Miould lose no lime, in visit
ing this wonderful piece of humanity.
The Giant has with him all kinds of
articles manufactured in his native
country,, which, he will gladly exhibit,
nnd sell tn tho people of tills liclgnoor-
hood.- RT A special Invitation Is given
tp all children to attend.
Besides having thU wonderful prodl
jgy, who Is warranted to bo fully
We have a largo and splendid assort
ment of
TXS and.
For Holiday Fresenfci for Young and
Old,- Well and Toor, all of which we
are offering at thq Lowest Cash Prices,
UANtJrAcryr.Eiis' iso siiiffers or
Ice Crea-MH
Fie Nlcs, Festivals and other Parties
supplied on short notice and at reason
able rates: also, In counection the'tu-
with, they have a , ., t
Bread and Fancy Oake
B A k E I? Y , ,
and, can' always supply any1 of tho'rbdve'
articles, tn largo or Email quantities, at'
short notice.
Wedding CoIf3;,a Sp'Sciat jjf
Bank St;, Lehigliton
& f'.f
TWWin MANHATTAN Kpt-liifrj
JL UBI. and Combination
OF WElSSPOUT, lms'been appointed
ytAlit1 fur1 LelililMohi Welssimrt ' and
VIcliilty'toiglve our.cltlitens achance, to'
M!apd,test.l.iie-ni,erii.jOt ,,, arrange
Wcnl.of spiln'gv Ho s willing to. put
theni 6n tilnl f"f any' pi-'rspn for one
week .'and If thK do hot paove stilirf-
'rlort'o tho WoVen Wlfo Mattress. I'uti
lectlcut. Eagle, Salftm or any Of the1
one thousand and onu Spring uetiainait
liaye,been,,put .upon the market,,, yqu,
are, not asked' to buy it. The ahovo
named beds' have been discarded to
mak'o' room ifor' the linprovedr' 'It na
no hldlngrPlace.for bugs, hn.i no plats
on top of tl.u f prlngs, .hut heavy duck
canvas, hooking -at .thei bstie of . the
spring', JMt, may, bo .taken ,Off' and tlo
tlats.remoyed for cleapin; or otherr,
wlM-.y by nnybi dyln five, minutes and
replrtied at pleasure'. Tlio sihlilrfs may
be CliUtiged tu other portions 01 tm uetf
With very little tiouble. Tlio springs
tiro wai ranted to .keep, placo and last;
longer than any other in .use. ror in
valids It cannot hu surpav-'ed. He Ills
them'to nny bedstead or dluYrciit weight
of persons, the largest number under i
the hfaviest; pait of the bod.w and .with
1 light covtUng or liujKs. cniitin, siniw.
bed. or hair matties'. thy adapt 'them-
selves rjo'mpletely. 'to the body. The
ladles should call and see we arrange
ment of sprlni!for,,tlio cradle, and not.
have to' use feathers In warm weather.
They are better than soothing syrup Or
cordials'fbt1 the little ones, Tlio springs
are mailo from tho very best cast: steel
from tjio celebrated Sliellield woltrs or.
England. Come out? and' all nnd see
them. These beds' haVo' been fully es
tablished in twelve, different Stiittis.
Tho. Furniture, men are' .especially In
vited to cull and examine, these beds,
iljeds put, upon .trial and no one asked
to purchase until after a fair trial.
nov 8 '73-tf ' Agent, Weissport.
OK'SAIiU. A nice House with
7 rooms, rrarret and cellar, Barn
and Outhonsos, with
n Losvsr Towamensing, i,,ini e irom
t.Vhlnli finti H. li. station and 1 in le
from Millpbrti"dlvcry ttliasaiit "hoWst':
Pilce, 88,000. Terms vcrjr easy.
Also, ftraalli Farm o, 3Pi.iiVCItES.
with small House, good Barn,, lino
Spring and spilng-housc, , located on
Franklin- Tuniptke, 5 mile's frohi'U'els's
pott, halt tho land uifdewcu'ltlv'n'tlon.
:'rlce auu,.iinif casn, uaiincemana.a
year-.. This place, U ollered Tor n song.
Address or apply to D . PKlNCE. Weiss
port, Carbon co., Pa. ' oct'4-3m '
Miss Lizzie Kramer.
naB just received and opeu?d,i'i splu idld
assortment of the Nbweit and most
FashioiiableiDeslg'ns:ln . '
lilliueiy dowls,
For Sptfng anil Summer .Wear,, su'cli as
to' which sho calls the esnecial attention
of the Ladies'6f U-iilgiituu'and'vlc'Iiilfy.
"All Goods Wnrranted to bo as repro-
sentqaf anu.i'riccs to sitit tiiojimes.'
Store',Aopposite 'the " CaYboif Ail
cate" olTlce, Bank,way(Tre,h!ght,oq, Pa
ilJJlll lO, lOIO-UlO,
TV r-S I..I' V
fVlio l undcrslgncd,.rc!pect-.
' fully, nnnounces., that jie la better.
prepared thai), ever to Buy,andell (
Calf :inI SUcep Uinij,
fallow and
' FlnstcrintfIalr,
of his Old Stand, nearly oppo'iltd'tliq:
post onl'c'e, llankiStreet,,'liel(lglit'6li'. '
ikt? 'inu niguest casu jires paiuor
uiaes aim sums.- ,
nov. 2i. ' O: Ei GltEENWA'tP.
Floral Guide 'for 1874;
00 Pages"? 500 Engravings atid Colored
Plate Published Quarterly, nt''20'cti
a Year;, jti'irst o. tor 1H74 jusi' issued,
A German editlou at same price.
nov. 29.. Hoch'ester, N. Yl
x) ,p o o o o o ,o o ,oy o, p o o o O 0, o
fl . IA J.AHK CUANOK.l - o
O lU.VUVl Full Particulars Free;, or I WW V
o I sl, samples for fHiq,-!, o
oAgentsI IfiTTsiiunaii supfr.v I 0
0 ICOMPAM': .'t I 1 o
(,WltItD, I'lTTSaCILOBPir,! Uotlja.O
WETSSPOlt ani rjKuiauiosf;
'Deafers''ln' '
, ii
irlnvl'sil Atisi '
" 'Flour andTeciu
'in, ' '&cV, &c.u,''&c.'
t.ltfullS r 1 ' '' . II 'i
I I t'lMLj 'J ... . '
Country Produce Bought'and Sold.1
i.t. r .
LchlghtoritStorel'Ihreoiibori Abota'theX
"rose UfflCfJiehHportviitore, near
licspectfuliy nhnfiuhceS to his friend
and tho public In general, that lio has
lustopcjied, in cqnnecupn.withjhlsotlier.
buslnes, n First-class
iviqrcAaOT J-ianornip:
EstaVI)slimqn,,Htnil iguaranteefl to give
''fits" and t,)ie bestpf workmanship ,omJi
material for tho lowest possible prices.
AHo, c6n4tantlv"o'n hahifft large and
Manufacturer and Dealer In
TOtlACCO AN' CiaXld, siATtbNEUV,
ScIiodI IltioKs aa ,3Iutcrial,
In endless variety, ami-, at Prices fully
as Low as elsewhere.
olo.Agent,P the United1 Statei fnr the
,SaIp,.qf .HKNpii.vwfri Cpmiiiercial i
Orders' by.iuall promptly Jllejl, ,
Also. Affpnt for tliH 'nidi'tiruteil tvttY-
best In the Mai ket.'
1'ost-onico itiiiiitiii, ,
ielilgliton,Pa. mar,, 1
Opposite L. & S. Depot,,
On the East Weissport Canal Bank,
"Respectfully lnforms'theTcltlzens ofls.
vicinity iiiiu no Keeps cnntantiy on
liaudi and IsI'Se.llIng at'tho very WiweAt
Market Prices, ithe very brit brands of
alJo; dealer
Fpr -Bull'ding qptl.p'tjiijr purposes,, .wlitclii,, , .
ii -
Apd to,Se,U at tho ,
Wholesale' hnfl 'Botali at tho very'Low'-
. n "V. "1 -
esi uasii rrices,, s , .
Helms a'lso d nuihbe'rof very'ellclb'ly
locateU' ; ' ' ' ' " '
in BICKE11TSTOWN, Franklin Ttvp.,
which ne win sen on very i.asy Terms.
aug;-!),"73-'yl J. Ki BICKEBTi 1
Contraotor' &,Buildei,
I , T (
, i LEHiaitrON.'PKNN'A'. '
. ' . . ' I l ( I .
X 1 .1.1..,' ,( I ij !. ' r
4 iFl la ns an d S p c c in C a ,1 1 o n h
For'nll binds of Buildings made at; the
shortest notice. . - ,
Made for Flans and Specifications when'
the contrk'cl'iyaJvK'rded.' to" Uife'.untVer-'
signed. ,'' . .'EA.CIES".', ,
June 1.4i '1878-yl1 " . -
H .iV .. i i" ; '
buil'der'&,c6W jnAcjpR
HAfiK air.KKT, LEH1GI1ION', l'A(
respectfully nuiioum'eAto tjl'io pficris
of Leliis:(t,ou and vicinity ,(Jiat ,lg;ls,
now preptueu toieiiuifiici iuua eiev
tlon of dwellln'csl i.Rliurch'es.' school
houses, ajp'l qtlier bijldipgs. Also, (hat
iio iteens consianiiy ou.jiaiui, airu u.av
Buiui(f.iv,yi. vvcjiyi ,uei:iii,uuu,;i ,
consisting at Hooring, siding, dt.6rs,
saali. blinds,. Hiuttersismeldl tics', itov,
wiiiciiiie, 'is prepared 10 rurnimi. at too
very lowest inaitet rates.
Patronage respectfully solid ted. i-i
Lehlghton, May 17, 137q,i lly . .
j- novo iicivui,
AjcMtect) andrfSaperintende'nt,'
No. H3 N..,7thfrfet,Ailqntpwn,P.l
furnishes Plan's. Sneclncatlons'and Estl.
mates lor x uuuu unui rivuits Jiuiuiiugs,
Stairs) Ralls, &o.;.'Cnti6tiuctod and
Set-Up by thq inostianprovediinethod.i
'. t,..'iii- L...1I vil..i n.'.itji, .,
and at sjior( netice,,, ltrqnageJs(res-
pcetiijiiy soncteu, , ana satisiactio
' i t
'. Onnb'slte'tWTiibiifi'ShMigfni
, SOUTH ST.',1 'LEHIOiTTON', "PA?.'f'
' - ,M,ftMhf't?lTif,8 ' n '-' "
Tin& SnefiiIroii Ware
). . ill, l-fa"B n.T tA
BTJltobtoprjifinbatlntt and -Jobbln
CO U IMf Till M
whibh can bd cured by "a
timely rcoVt 'tb. thi ktaild'
ard 1piyi)avatipn, as li,as, luqii, ,by ,tliei luuulrctls of
testimonials received byntbo
'proi)notorsi It is acknbwl-
hcdgcd by maiiy 'prortiinoi'itj
pu aiuiiius to po iug most
reliable preparation cvci;.,in-!
troduced for tlio reliof and
cure of all Lung complaints,
and is oiTcrcd'.to tbopiibli'
sanctioned by the experience ,
of over, forty j'ears. When
resorted tp in .season it sel-'
dom fails to ofl'ect a speedy
cure iii "the most severe
cases of CoughsBronchitis,
Croup, "Yhoqpiug Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Soro Throat, Paiiis or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side, '
Liver Complaint, Bleeding,
at tho Lungs,, &p. Wistar's
.'Balsam docs .not, dry.iup'ia
Cough, and lertvo tho cauS'e
bch'nVd, as "isn:thc;''datSd With''
.loosens andn.cletinseis .Uie
lungg, -and allays, lirvitatiQij,
thns'.rcnioving !tho causo of
' the rJo"mplain't. ' 1
ti iU lniEPAAKIt it f'
,BETH )W, rOVJLEiij .BQllSi 3osonj Kisii.,,
And sold liy Druggets a.n J Pealpra piwrnp;-.
1). ;F. BE ATT V. r.DWD. TLOTTSli
; ' Manufacturers of'tho. '
miArrv ;i vifrttt 'fciaTmftATFi)
1 Tii'ThV-i'
Wasningtonj .N...J.
i , Upwards Hf lOO'.'of' WHlty '& Plb'(ts ,
?anM7i'e bebri'sold'1
vl'durmrl the nasti
y . 8 , ,P
eeieuraiet.-arir urga
Iri the. Lehilii Valley
' i, i .ii. 1 1, 'in ''ii Ir PlotU.' Par or .Organs, wore
1 nwarfld First 'FremllilGliilitrii '
0Ver; AeMiiam &onl nnti-j.- "
,Estey.ibC'uOi'gajii1htth( n
Curbt'ii "CiHiiiVy F-.ilr,
"Held'a't 'Lfeirigli(bn,.Se'pfeiiihr, lSWi'
I' ' "a f 00iP AO KHTS WANTED, -to"1''
Bank Sofh S., XehightonP,
,Ke.epo;a;fqll line o(i.
.Comprjslng Ifldles' Dress Goods,,
' land' Colored' ''llpacas, tilughi
Prints, Shlrtiiigs'Sheetlhgs, &c,
, 'of' 5 jery grady, and prlc,e,
Iu great variety. '
Teas,' Coffee.; 6ugafs-,'r Spices', Frulfij
HamsShbulders.'Slue-MeSti'AS. '
Bought So) .or.Echaugod,
''For iBulldirig'iantll other'pu'rpose!' In
ni greavajlttyiof rtlio oeiit quality;"
aa n
"and' prldei ftilly'as lo1
Dr. J. Wnlkor's California
Vint'giu UitteW aro rt'ptiroiy'Veg
ctabluiicparatit)ii, ili:nio chlclly from
tbo'imtlvcr licrlis. found on itho Joncr
f ranges oSUiC'SioiTa ,Novatl;i,niou.n7
i.tiiis ui v,iiuiuiim, iiiu iiiuuieiuai
r properjtcs of wlilci ,riro tktractoa
. tneveivom witiiout tiiottso (it Aicotioi.
Tlio'tlUostioii Is almost (la 'y ns'koa.1 1
" What' Is.tlio- canso'ifif' tlju iiDtiiti.u
allclcdiiBitccoss. .ot'.'iVLVEu.vx. 3rr-i
thus,,'', ,0uk nii.stvi;f is, illjat .they., ,
romovp .thq ei'uis,p,.ot; (Waso. a,ud
tho pntieuV leeiivc'rs liU lU'.ftll. Thoy
nro 'tlib'-'groiit lilodd iHiritW arid I
lifc-giviligi princililo,' ia vei lect ltono- n
i vator and, luvigtirator t.d' the .systsm.
ieor bermo ju thu lii-tiny tit tlio world
haVn 'niedleino heen. 'c(rtiiiliiind(Sd fioi- '
sossiifg tlicroltlaiJiulilu (imltie-i,of Vljt- t
CO Alt illi'TKits hi healing tlio siclc of, -every,
diseao man Ii "lieir to, Thera
a gen'tld'I'urgaliv'e' in' well a a 'lonio,
relieving-Congestion or lullammntion.of p
thq , Liver, and Visceral Organ in, liilious,
The 'properties' of Dn., Wai.k'-
er'sViskiIa'r ltlTTHitsaro AperientiSia '
phorotic, Carniiiiativc, Nutritious, Laxa-u,
live, Dini'Qtie, ScdiUivii,,C'ouu.tijr-Irritnt,
Sudorific, Alte'rative, ii i.l Antt-Bilfdds.
Gfntcful 'TlirtiHiind!? proclaim
VrxnoAlt lirrTEits tlio rn6st wonder
ful InvigOraut 'that ever' sustained1 1
tho sinking system.
No l'ersou can tnko those Bit
ters accprdinfrto. dir;eetlous;andirOfiiui
main., long, unw.ql, .pj-pyldcd-ithoir.,
jpoisqn or other moans, nnu vital or-
, Bilious, Keniittent, and-'In' '
' tcrniittoiit.Fevertfrnvlileu 'artonio
1 prcvaleiiVin thqtva)loys,of o.ur, groat ti.-
nver uivyigipt.woiHWtCrtrfj.tate! it
tspecially thoso of tho Mississippi
Ohio UlsstJuf 1,' IlliiVdls '"lVh'nbsseb
.Cunibcrlanil 'laa'ilnsriS, Red', CoWi"
rado,MJrazo3,' Ullo iGrando; 'Pcbrl '
Alabama Jlobllojn Savnlmalf(utIlo-'i
'hnoko, Jaijies , nndn many, iQthers,n n
. .witli ,tieirIvas.t,t,v,ib(titarifs trough--;out
oUr1 Cntiro country, urilng t,hp. .
Siimnicr'Hnd' A'titu'mp, and romarka- ",
bly-eo 'dilring' scasoiis 'of tinhsual"
cat and dryness, aro invariably ski'J
conipauied by .osteiislvo derangtf
incuts, of tho Blomacaiidjllycr, and,.
other aTjdgininal' v'sccra. (In, tlljr
t,i;c!itmcn't, a p'drgAttVo, oxertln '
potVorfttl'inllnclico upon thbsu " Tart-'
ous organs, 'is essentially Miberissary.'''1
Tliero is no cathartic for tho purpose;'
equal tpn, J, WAi.KttH!rt-;V;ty34Ki
PlTh';as, nj they will sneedily j'cmoyf) -thoda'rlAomr'(!dU'ciaiHatte'i-v?itii
tho howcls w-qiloided, nt tho snmo' titn' 1
stimulating tlio sceretioiis, of .thts.i llvr; t
and generally rostofing tho hoaltlfy.funo
Xioih or tho Uijk'sllvd ofgaAs. u '
Fortiiy tlio bol y rigainSt1 dis'
casio ibyporifyihgail'lts- HuKla'wUU'
Viniioar Ilirrults.i No tpiilpmio nriaai
takcj hold ,of a system,,,! t
Eructations of tho.Stotnath, Pad T,a(;
iuthg,Muttth,Ullioiu Jl.ttacB,,Palpitri ( ,
tlqn of thb Heart, Infla'mriiation of th '
Iungs, Pain in tho region of thoKMiieyr, '
aruliA hundred Othcrtpainfiil'.syniptorrfe,
are tuo oilupvmgsol J)yspcpsia,f Unf) JUgVv, ,
tld will prove a better' gtwrautco oT i
Uirits thaiVn'lcrigthy advttli!l6nieat!"J
, cnifalaoiiKiiig'rs BviVWlJli
STolJipg .W;crpirJJpysipclaiV(Sv?fileai t
Ifdck, (Jottre, Scrolulous lntlamrpatipnt i
Iullolent Inllannnations, Mcrcuparaueo-
i tiqmi'Oiai Sores, Hruptlous ht-itii Skin,
Soi'OiJMyo?cKM ilnitllosnimliiutilliblhor;! nY
c'bnstitutlimat JV?Wi? T'iJffflrV Vr
KoWitBlTT.tKS havothowij their greatcar- ,
itivtf'pbwers'W tbb'm'ost'Vlbnlrratei'iUifl -
,iptractablo EttKcj. 1 n . . J 'l
, Porlnilammalory.wulObconlc -.a
lent nnu inierinuieni rtuiir tf'Vrt'T 'n
nf tlio Bfond. Lh'eri'iadnotfsrtna'liiadder:-
Jhoso' Bitter' havo nJr'oAUal. Slich !Di
co4cs, arq .caused by iytjatod;P108d.
Jlccliaiiicnl Diseases. Poreon ,
engaged iu 1'alnts.and Mlncraty.such, w
'PlSilitifcrfr. TA-nc'-Eett'eni. Goldibeat'crs Anil
Jinons Ithey advance in. lire,.'aro sbb-
IiBuaro :
I'or'Skiri Biseasies. Ernptfonil
.Totter, Salt'KhevualUlotchespoUPiro-i
plos, Pustules, atolls,, arbwiclo8r JlUngT.
worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Eryaipe
la's. Itch, Scurfs', PiS6olbratl0ns or thij
Skin, HunioTS'andl)ijeaefeof tbeSftirrcf1 x i
whatever namo or. naturenafO litornlljr'
dug up and carried out of ,t)p sxstQW in ft.
fhnit time bv tho uso of thosu Bitters.
Pin, Tiipelid'OthernVrins,
'forking in tho sjitem bf ianmriy, thou
sands,, aro fTeictqnllly.d?rtroj'od,)a9rli r-i
ISifu& r!ottite
sVstetn ffbrawotmstliltb thosJ'Bitfo'rf
Foi'FoinaloCoiiiplniritiaybnnK' .
or old,i married or siogle;at tae.'4an cCjv 1
wpmauhopd,prthotnnMff,.rtMfiSv,nf- t
lo Bitters display so docidcil pn InflueBM
tbatimpr0ibeut38c)n,por'ceiilible4 4
CleauSeJi-tlio VitiatMBloed '
wheaw r find itoiimpuntlM.wrtlag;i t
''ttirough t,4in , In Jjimploft, EpjotloMj ,
nr Rnrcj.'rlpilIlSQ It WI1UU VOU Hod it Or
)Lwqqiiis lunw yuuDifoiUBaroiuiiwi-1
yiti X,m Iho blonurAao4hj..
hjaltb of thd 'system will follow.
tla, u tot. onvaihluttati
jsoinwx SrVBM
UecembiriSO, 1878: r
ifrompHjriBtAejKkd j, Y noviiaPi-srwAprll 5, 1878-yl