The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 03, 1874, Image 2

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The Jury In the case of Maggie Jor
dan, chnrp.ed with assisting Sharkey to
escape from the Tombs, In New York,
were unablo to ague, and have been
It Is understood that Minister Cash
ing will offer Spain the good offlces of
our government for th6 pacification of
Cuba. Among the reforms suggested
to that end will be tho abolition of sla
very In the Autllles. He will also tie
gotlato a new commercial treaty with
Spain. .
The examination of the Vlrglntus
prisoners was concluded on Moudiiy
evening, and they were then icleased
and taken care of by their Cuban
friends. Abcut thirty-live of them re
trained In ehnrce of the Cuban Junta
at New York. Th-y adnp'ted resolu
tlons thanking Conimani'er Bralnu and
the other (.Ulcers of the Juniata, and
also resolved that they would attend
the fum ral of Captain Braiue's child
Knight, the engineer of ll.c Vlr-
giiiius, Mates that the original sentence
of the Vlrglnius captives wat that they
should alt be hanged at the yard-arm.
The captain of the Isabel La Cntoltca,
however, "did not wish such a spectacle
made of his ship." and had the sentence
changed to shooting, ami, In case of the
crew, to the chain gang. Knight and
three others were sentenced to the cl aln
gang for life, and the rest of the crew
to eight and four years' terms of hard
labor in the same gang.
The engineers' strike on the Pitts
burg, Fort Wayne&ChlcaRoand Cleve
land & Pittsburg Railroads Is over. The
men went to work under the reduction
this morning, and al pasenger and
frelgtt trains are now running regit
Inrly, and a few lnral freight trains.
The strike Is now considered over. A
reduction of ten per cent, also took
effect on the Pennsylvania Central and
Allegheny Valley Ttallroads January 1.
The engineers of the New York dlvl
glon of the Pennsylvania Railroad (180
In number) have also acrccd to accept
the proposed reduction, but will present'
a remonstrance to President Thompson
asking when bu-lness revives that their
wages be raised to former rates.
SlnKlng rilio Vlrglnus.
New York. Dec. 80 . Lieutenant-
Commander lln-nvell, executive officer of
the Oiflpee, says: The 0Mpco left the
Torttiga with .lie Vlrplnlus In tow on
the morning or the tutu lint., as already
reported. They had lair weath'r until
the afternoon of Saturday, tho folio w-
tng nay, when a gale spuing up.
They continued to have bad weather,
like that encountered by the Juniata,
and the Vlrglntus signalled that she was
leaking badly. Captain Walters, coin
maimer or Hie Uaslpee, tliereroni ileler
mltsed to shape his course for Charles
ton, S. C, but as they gntlntosmnother
wa'er t he Vlrulnlus behaved better, and
the water was kept outof her tire-room.
On the morning of Christmas Day,
however, severe weather having con
tinued, the Vlrgluius was leaking as
badly as ever, and the vtssels nut Into
Frying Pan shoals, about ten miles
south of Cane Fear light, where smooth
er water coUlu uu obtained. Here the
vessel came to anchor. Captain Walters
Imping that the virginius would ride
out the gale. Before dayllcht next
morning (Friday) Commander Wood
low signalled with lights that the Vir
ginius was leaking rapidly, with tires
out and pumps supped, and that the
crew illnd to bo taken olf. Boats
were loweied from the Osslpeu at day-
iigut, oiki ny I o ouuoani
the Vlrgluius were transferred to the
lorniet vessel. As a heavy sea was
running the work of removing the crew
was one of much danger and dilllcutty,
and, therelore, no lives were risked in
endeavoring to save tlielr pers inal
effects or any other propel ty on the
Vliglnlus. The hawser of the Vlrgluius
wit cut, and u buoy attached to mark
her position. In case she sank out of
sight. The O-slpee remained- at anchor
during the day, and at quarter past 4
o'clock p. in., the Vlrgluius, which had
been gradually settling, went to the
Site sank in eight fathoms of water,
and her topmast remained above the
surface. The Us.-dpee then resumed
her voyage to this port. Hei supply of
coal was ample, twunty-ttvo tons still
remaining on board. All on board the
Osslpee. are well. She will proceed to
the Navy Yard either to-day or to
morrow, after discharging tier powder.
Captain Walters has made a written re.
port, which will be forwarded to Wash
ington at ouch. The released captives
of the Virginius still remain at the Cu
ban restaurant on Pine street, and the
scene there tills morning was one of
great enthusiasm. Resolutions were
adopted tendering thanks to Captain
iiaiue, of the Juniata, for his kindness,
and expressing sympathy witli him iu
the 1ms or his son. It was alio re
solved that the ex-captl ves should at
tend the funeral of his child In a body.
an upper room, Mrs. Kuhnle reviving,
locked her door and alarmed the neigh-
bors, but the murderer esoaped from
the hoii-e. He was afterward captured.
He cave his name as Fredetlck llelder-
II it, and confessed his guilt. The
money stolen was louud on mm.
A man representing lilmfelf to be a
Pennsylvania!!, nain-il John cawiey,
was lynched at Glmarron,New Mexico,
on Monday night, for murdering n
cattle dealer and robbing him of
Hlle. tliofaloon keeper, who accident
ally killed his wife, in Washington, on
MomUy night, while attempting to
defend her from assault, wasdlschaiged
from custody Tuesday. Tim rullUtis
who asaulted her have been committed
for trial.
New Advertisements.
lit ii you no to WeL.port,
Don't fall to call In and seo
W. t,. SMITH,
at the
He keeps everything nice.
TO A 1. 1 j W 11 O fll IT
nnv n v. n v.tJoiIcb u
New Advertisements.
T. De Witt Talmagn Is cdl
tor of "Too Christian at
clal correspondent. They write
for no other paper in America.
Three magnllicent chromo.s.
Pay larger Cnmtuls-lou than -any
o her paper. CHRO"
No sectarlanisiu. No section
allsm. One agent recently
obtained 1180 subscriptions In
eighty hours absolute work.
Sample copies aud circulars
sent free.
H. W. ADAMS, Publisher,
102 Chambers St., N. Y.
.11 4 Y
given. That the Bottd of School Direc
tors of The Lehluhton Borough school
District will make application to the
Coutt of Common Pleas of Carbon
County, at the January lerm of Court,
1874, for authority to empower them to
Morrow Ten Thousand Dollars tor the
put pose of completing the No. School
uuliiltng In said fcirntigli.
By order of the Hoard.
A. J. PURLING, Secretary
January 8, 1874-w4
A careful Washington correspondent
writing in reference to the bankrupt
law now pending with the Senate Ju
diciary Committee, fays the more nb-
jectlohble features of the present law
relating to Involuntary bankruptcy will
bo repealed, but that a compulsory sys
tem of adjudications will be continued,
conferring the power to make a case on
at least half of the creditors in both
Lumber and value, or value alone. The
same writer further says the Seuate'wlll
probably apply the. amendment to pend
ing cases, which application will ope
rate notably In favor of privato bankers
who have brcn thrown Into bankruptcy.
The Intention Is, further, to to modify
the parts relating to voluntary bank
ruptcy as to reduce the fees and to ad
just the law to thu lessened severity of
the Involuntary clauses. These altera
tions, It la said, tl.e Senate will Insist
upon as against repeal of the act, and
the House can either take this sort of
compromise or the law as It stands.
General Sherman, In conversation on
the subject of the cost of the military
establishment, a fewdays ago, remarked
that there was a very wrong impression
in this matter both in Congress and In
the public journals. The -stlmates for
the military e-tahllshment for the next
fiscal year aw thlrty.fivo millions. This
Includes not only the army proper but
theenglnecrand ordinance departments,
the pay of general service men wto are
mere clerks, thu armament to fortifica
tions, and other matters not connected
with the personnel' of the army proper,
aggregating In all about ten millions.
The General dissents entirely from the
policy of spending so much money In
fortifications, and think one million
Judiciously spent would be of far more
benefit than the annual outlay of four
millions. He does not b?llevt In erect
ing premanent fortifications at unlui
portaut points, v. here earth works,
which will answer all purposes, can be
tiastllyithrown upandndinlrably defend
ed, as was shown at Fort Fisher and
Charleston daring the late war. In
impcttai.t Maroon, lie minks, a permanent-
and elaboriio tysteju of defense
should be maintained.
Ladles In delicate health should go
to Colorado. The ease of Mrs. Dexter
shows thu wonderful restorative effects
of the climate. She could not even
sweep ner room vrben they lived in this
vicinity, but In tenathno a year after
ber arrival to the territory abo fchascd,
bir WdVaud a mile and a quarter with
News or tlio Week.
It is proposed now to make Lincoln's
birthday, Ftbruaary 12, a national holi
day. Genet is either In Canada, or on' the
net an sailing or somewhere elso, the
N'w York repoiters don't know which.
Ishmnel Day, one of thu "Old De
fenders," died In Batimoreon Saturday
evening la-t. at the age of eighty-three
years. At the time of the raid of Harry
lillinoro. Into Maryland in July, 1804,
Mr Day was living on his farm ItiUiltl-
more county, and acquired national
notoriety by t-hootlng a Confederate
soldier ulio attempted to haul down it
United States Hag tloatlng over Mr.
Day's residence, boon alter ms nouse,
with Its contents, whs burned. Subse
quent to this occurrence Mr. Day was
appointed Inspector of the Baltimore
Custom House, which podtlon he held
until his death.
Madrid, Dec. 29. it Is asserted on
high olUeial authority that President
Castelar has deckled to press the claim
of Spain for the restitution uy the
United States or the steamer Vlrgluius,
and also to claim the payment of in
demnity by the United St. tes to Spain
for permitting the Vlrgluius to betitted
rut In an American l-ort and seut on a
filibustering expedition against a Span
ish colony. This course of action, it
Is undiratood, has tieen decided upon
after an exhaustive consideration ol the
whole case by the Cabinet. It is be
lieved hero that this new phase of the
difficulty will reopen the whole ques
tion for Iresh and probably lengthy ne
gotiations between the tw o governments
Defore it U finally settled.
Elmlia, Den. 28. A young woman,
n music teacher, of this city, was re
cently Buffeting from typhoid .fever,
and becmiH to all apuearauce dead,
The attending physician prunoumed
life extinct, aud the remains were u
to llornellsvllle for' burial. At h
grave, when thu coffin lid was removed
to allow the friends to take a la-jt look
at the remains, the body was found in
a state of perspiration and still warm
Pleasure' were ai oucti laueu to restore
cons'-lousiirss. but without avail, al
though signs of life were visible for
several Hours allerwaru.
Washlnaton, Dec 20. To-night
threw roughs entered tho restaurant of
Wlllatn ltile, a Uertuau, on Delaware
avenue, between J. and h. streets,
Northeast, aud aked for driuks; being
refused, they assaulted and beat the
wife of Hile, who, lu response to her
cries lor help, entered the bar-room
with it double baireled shot-gun, one
load of which he discharged. 1 he con
tents vtruck hit wife In the back ol thu
head, liistantly killing her. The roughs
then tied, pursued by Hlle, who tired
the otln r load, wounding one of them
lu tl e iliuuulur. line went to me sla
lion house and gave himself up. The
three roughs were arrested.
Philadelphia, Dec. 31. Godfrled
Kuhnle, a Herman baker on Frankfort)
road, below Glrard avenue, was mur
dered this morning In his bake house by
his young German apprentice, known
as Fritz. Kul le was killed by a blow
of a shovel while leaning Into a barrel
of flour, death being Instantaneous,
Ftltz then went into Mrs. Kuhnle'
room and attempted totrangle her, but
she waking up a ttruggle. eu.ued. He
brat her and pushed her-under the bed
believing; "her tit be unconscious, He
ttxn robbed too bureau of alllnetnonev
IC contained, arw) ohanged bto eiottyeaia
For $1.00.
Gift Concert, authorised by and
under the immediate supervision of the
city authorities of Corinne City, for the
benefit and in aid of the
Public Free School,
The Only Free School in Utali Terr'y,
Cant. 8. Howe, I. S. GerrLh. and
Al.x. Toponco.
Distributed to the Ticket Holder.
Grand Gift Concert,
Opera House,City of Corinne,
JHlUX'll 3(Ml, 1M74.
Depositary, Brink of Corinne.
500.000 TICKETS!
$226,500 IN GIFTS,
as troLL.owi
KcUVi lflber.liv trif.n I lint the Kipnutrtri. Ail
Ditnl-tralcrf. mid Uu.rdlm bvrvlnnrti.r iiimi-d.
hnfe fll.ti tbIr te-pe'lW tw-uunlM vt thu follow
In rli In t tin KriilMer'f OITln-, et Meucta
Chunk, In nu J f r the Coilnly of Cerbrni, which
coount lixre bn .Mowed lijr the lleiUtrr, will
Da prHTiiea U) uie judge, or tue llrpHAlift' uourl
nn 31tindnv. the 10th d.v of et Un
o'clock, A. M., tor eonQraie I n i
First and anal account of Daniel
Shield, Admlnitrator of IInh Galla
gher, ilee'd, of K lit M.iucli (hunk.
Km stand linal atcount of Lyilln (liini-
nert, Administratrix of Stephen Ouui
bert, deceased.
A. WI11TTINOHAM, ll?l -r.
llnUler'. Oflli-e. Mnu h Chunk, Uc. 27 IS7J.
1 Oiod Cub uirt .... tJO.OO
1 ' " .... W,0
l " .... wiij
1 ' u .... 8U01I
I mm .... -8.000
I " ' .... 61-OJ
I ' .... 4,000
i " ,j . s.ojo
1 ' " .... 1.000
A lftOa each . 5,000
20 " 5W eivh . lU.iA)
100 " " 101 web . 10.00J
SuO Mearh . 10.04)
700 " " IJeich . 11,000
tM " " 10 eecb . S 000
IfiyO - " Seecb . S,S0
50,000 - ' tench . &0.1.00
SiyU C.shOiaj, nmonDlluf to
The distribution villi be In public,
and wilt be made tinder thu same form
aud regulations a-t the San
and Luulavnie Liinrary tint uouceris,
under the supervision of a committee of
prominent citizens selected by the ticket
no ilers.
Kef-renco as to the Intcerity ot this
enli-rprUo and of the management Is
inaaetu me iouowiiiu well kuowu cut
Sam. L. Tlbbals, A. Toponce, J.
Mulh. J. II, Uerrlih Members of
Cltv Council.
JUIIgU l . J. UISCK, jss i. u. s. wis
sesxir: Malslt & Ureenwaiu, proprie
tors Metropolitan Hotel; r uneiie. Moore,
City Marslml; W. W. null. Arcuitect;
J. Kehoe, Constable; J. Kupfer, Jew
eler: Cant'. S. Howe. C'ontiactor; O. D
Riclunotid Jb Co., Cuiunillon Mer-
chauU; M. E. Campbell, proprietor
Central Hotel: Muululou & Lrealli, nro-
ur etnrs i'acllle btaoiest s. r. illtcn,
Merchant, Sandy, Uuh; A. U. Uatrl-
son, Helena. Motitaua. t
We will also iin ounce that each and
every person buying a ticket can at any
and all times examine our hooks and all
business traniactluns connected with
the enterprise; aud as tliu drawing of
pilzes wilt be placed iu thu hands of
honest aud disinterested men, it will In
sure a talr and Impartial distribution.
Uood Responsible Ageute IVanted
Liberal Coniinleelon Allowed,
tST Money should ha sent by Ex-
nress or by diaft on any solvent bank,
by rostofflco Mouey Order, or Regis-
tered Letter, at our risk. For particu
lars, address
E. W. MORGAN. Manawr.
Lock Uox 156, Corinne, Utah.
Jar 3-3iu
XI All fmof hiTlei tUli uilett tbe EiUte
of UU P.bI.1 Soil, ileooueil, od Ibos.' led. bled
o Ue Hue ere r;u.iud to s.ud ta Ibelr tUlmi
or auke teite-BMBtea er Hiore wwiearj i,
" ...... ui, i.iiu tuu.'r'-
g Christian at Work,
p 102 Chambers St, New Vork.
I . UtH IVI 11 t AliUAUE, iiUUUK
C. II Sporoeojj, Loi'don,
IIoiiatius Ronau, Eilliilmrp,
f-'perlal Contributors
JTERMS, Payable in Advance,
For the convenience of subscribers we
.clve in detail the price, includlni! mount
inc. prepnymentof postage.Ac, sothflt
they inny know readily now uiueli ca;li
to semi. wkeki.y.
Without Chroma $2 50
With either one of thechronws "A
Wee lilt Fractious" or "Sabbath
Afternoon," a
Bv exprei-s. prepaid, mounted on
Wonuen Stretcher 3 0.1
Sent by msll, prepaid, mounted on
canvas or card board 6 4U
By mail, prepaid, unmounted. . . 3 15
t l lie auove prices include Die nostauo
and express on the chromos. When sent
by expiess, see tlio note below, t)
With the two clirnuioa (slzo 15'4x
Inches), "A Wee Bit Fract
lous" and"Sabbat h If ternnnn. ' '
By express, prepaid, mounted on
wooden streiciiert o
Sent by mail, prepaid, mounted on
canvas...... 4 05
By mall, prepaid, unmounted... 4 25
With ehromo "The Twins," (sUe
22x'l Indies)
By express, prepaid, mounted on
wooden stretciiert " o
Sent by mail, piepaid, mounted on
canvas . 4 tx
Dj malt, prepaid, unmounted. . . 4 25
Price, with ail Three of the above
By express, prepaid, mounted on
wooden siretcliei t o aa
By express, prepaid, "Twins" on
n...i.... .i.. , nil...
nill'iuiici, null Lilt? iwu diuuiii:,
on limp canvas or card 7 75
Bv mail. Prepaid, on canvas 7 25
By mail, prepaid, unmounted...' 0 35
Price, with the "Twins" and either
one of the other chroiuos t
By express, prepaid, mounted nn
wooden s'.retcliert u to
By express, prepaid, tho "Twins"
mounted on stretclier, and one
of the smaller chroiuos mounted
on limp canvas or card 6 50
Sent by mall, prepaid, mounted on
canvas u uu
By mall, prepaid, unmounted. , . 5 85
( All the above prices Include the post-
BC and expressnge on tuu uiiroino.
Where sent by express, seo note ueiowt;
'These cl roraoa are n lariie, parti
cularly "The Twins," which Is nearly
2x21 fet In size, that we advise all
persons to order them mounted. " l lie
Twins' can be mounted on either limp
canvas or on stretcher ; the others may
be mounted li the saiuu manner, or on
stiff card board, as desired.
When mounted on wooden stretclier
they have to be sent by express. Uium
payment of the price named, we will
deliver free to any point reached by the
following exp-ess coniianies, viz: me
American, Adams, United States. .Na
tional, aud Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western. I'ackaces for towns wnicn
are not rt ached direct (without trails-
f.-rl tiv one of the companies named
can only be prepaid to the point where
they are irannerrexi ny me expies
which talces lliem ironi-.ew lorn, mo
remainder of the express charge being
payable by the receiver. Always state
by what Express Company the chroiuos
should be sent.
Terms. Pavaulb in AuVANCtt. The
price of the Monthly, with, any or all
Hib chrumos. is fl.OU less than tlie
Weekly. (See terms ror weeaiy auove. i
Without pliromo 11.22.
A discount of 5i0 Der cont from the
above prices for Weekly and Monthly
is made to Clergymen.
AtiKVTS WANTED. Terms and
sample copies sent free on application,
Terms uoerai.
,103 Chambers St., New Vork
IX llio Court ol Common
Emkauktii M a CKI by her next friend
llleli'ird.Miilkln, vn. Thnma-i Minuet ;
alias suli-02iia In Div 'rev, (nriuluiil
Hiihpcciiii All 23, June Term IS73,
ri-limu-il nihil,) IsNiint Juu 20ih,
187:!. Return duiuiiihtnt not found.
To THOMAS MANUEL, llcrpmdcntalonntmtd t
You are hereby notliled to be and ap
pear at n Court ot Common Pleas of
Carbon County, to b,i held In Mauen
Chunk, on thu llhli day of January
next, 1874, nt 10 o'clock A. M., to an
wer the above cumphilnt, per-nnnl no
lire of .-utii ccim nnd allai Atibposna hav
Inn failed on nei-ouut of yout ubstncu
from my llailiiek.
Sheriff's Ollice, Munch Chunk, )
Deceiub. r 22,.l73-w4 )
'nipur'UDt A'ollco to
Short Time Bayers
Jul, i'e
. tS!
rt ;
S lu
5 8
3 .. ff'S u
ai5'! v
; r k 12 5
. 32 -
I Wo have Bought out DOWN AN & CO.,
at Lewis Weiss' Old Stand, and In
tend to Sell their entire stock at
deduced Kates 2 I
To Suit the Panic Times t
5 JK&
Am- C J
3 eO t
Only Two Dollars and Haifa Year
"J I Si.uom St., I'iuud. trim.
712 Hron1.j. N. V. .1 S'hnul St.. Dutoa.
1,3, 111 Si 117 H. Mldluii St., Uuljo.
In order to Close Out my present Im
mense stock of
Among which will be found a largo and
choice arlety or
Stress Croils I
Satliies, Poplins, Prints, c.
Shirtings, Sheetings,
&c.j also, a dno assortment of
Suitable for Men's nnd Boy's Wear, to
gether Will!
and n variety of other Goods, all ot
which I will Sell at
Cost for Caslii!
Now N your time. If you want to so-
curo REAL IMRUAJNS. The Stock
must ALL BE SOLD .In older to make
room for New Uoods. Remember the
piece fur Panic Prices :
Nov. 22. Bank St., Lehlghton.
a vrlioDi It may concern
All persons are h?reby forbid harbor-
Inc or mv son. Wlllarn Kopp,
on my account ; ho having left my care
I will pay no debts or ins contracting
after this date, and now give hltn his
freedom. joatsfii ivurr.
Beaver llun, l'a.
December 27, 1873-w3
ooooooooo o oooooooo
n lA TtATIR nnANCE.i
O 10.0001 roll Pertleetare Free: er I t500 O
O I U cernplM tottlW. Ad-
oAgentsl i-itxbuiuiu enptftv
o , IC0UrAiy;
o o o o a O' o q o o
The old stock must be all sold during
Winter Months to make room for
Monday, Wee, Int. IW-3!
Itediictioii 2 Prices
My entire Stock Marked Down now
Is the tlmu to Buy I
Ladies, Look at This!
7est Shllllne Calicoes are now
Selllui;at 10 Cents
Uood Calicoes at a "
Uuoil Musllu u 12 and 14 "-
MuMliis at 8 and 10 "
Uood Canton Flannel at 12 "
Better " " at 15
Uetl Clnnham, sold befoiu at
lb cents, now 10 "
Good Ulughauis at H nud 12 "
I would call special attention to my
large lot ol
Heavy Winter Shawls
Which I am Selling at verj Low Prices,
Carpctx and. Oil Cloths,
Are Selling Very Low :
Best A Sugar at J3W Cents.
White Sugar at 11
iJrown bugar at 7 to 10 '
And all other Goodi in Proportion.
tBHtOH-rOXl a e rUVR'Ae
Gnotlsare Down and It cannot M di
nted ; ome and sea oor stock Md
Judge for yourselves t
Weissport, Fa.