f,TYW-" lie . , " , . .. . i ii. l. lil.l in.i , .ass... rlUi-iii.. . I, iHtm. n .,. .....-ii...,, ..., i i ... , - ii... jJSsSs&sl ' iMii:piayiwi?---"iLyB jghijji mot live." ono nol, j; i., VOt. II., Wo. 7. LEU1GI1T0N, OA.UBON'' ICOUNTY PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, ' JANUARY 3, 1874. f SINGLE COPIES, THREE OEXTS. ' . i . , . ' I - !!-H i - , , Iiehighton Directory-1 Agent. VT.CTn Uriel, Singer Hewing llacfiine and In wrqwTOit to'EH. SnyftrA, "auk street? ! IJ. Wlddoa, aarinj, Hair Cutting and flom. ;oig, under Kzchan;o Hotel. Bank street. Hoot mid Shoe RIakeri, Charlen Yensor, nearly oppotite the poit-office, Bank street; aUo, dealer in Confectionery. Clinton Bretney, in Leran'l building, Hank street. Att ordtrl promptly filled work warrantid. Confectioner!. Hausman t Kutanl, oppoidte Olfe (tore, Bank atret. A U orden promptly JMed. i t-t'ry 5cimi Vtil"'Oroitrle'ii" Z. 11. Long, opp. L. A S. Depot, Bank st.. dealer in Hararequetnty:i).reiLadM'.Dreik Ppodid&r. H. A. Belli, Leuckel's Block, Hank tU Dry Oood jrerU,,iu(n,art,:prf,ts, Od CWAi.jS Ofil. JC.II. Snyder, Bank street, Dry Oc Mmi, Drat Goodt.Groccricl,Qucentware,Ilardwarc,eh:. Drugs and lledWn"' A.J Durllng, drat door above P. U., Bank street. OOi, WnS, ltrumery, Patent ltedumct, fc. y V Hnifilwaro. Or. P'BearaeT.&arly bppl.Kxchan&JIojeUBank atreat, Cultivator!, Odt, fainti, Ouaiw, Hotel. Thomas Hants, " Klchann-e," cpp. Public Squa.o, Bank at. Patronage tMeittd. merchant Tailor. Clause BrcVBatak streetand rMGeni!' Ivmuhing Good!, Boot!, Shoet, Halt, Capt, dt. Thomas S. Beck, P. 0. building. Bank st.. Gent's rSmUhing floods. UaU, Copt, Mool DooU, dc. Milliner. Mrs E. Fatb, Bank street, 2nd door below the M. K. Church. .Voiron! aniHWwiinol S?hylcln anil Surgeons, Dr. C. 8. Herman, corner of Bank and Iron stree a CbniulWion in Engliih and German, Dr.N. B. lleber.neat door to P. 0.. Bank street. ConiuUation in Engtfth and Gemian. -'- ' jprovla'loni. ' ' .Jo.Obett,Bank.t.,ilcil.n'Wa"J'7,,U'" AtaNiWirUfif? M order! promptly Jilted.- J. Vatilnger A Son, Bank st, dealer! in Flour and Jeed, Oroccriel, fruit! and Vegetable!. Watchmaker and Jeweler. A.O. Dollenmayer, South street, alwve Bank st. Ztealertin Maicnei, iw,'i ni.. iri. Art f I w. M. HAPSUBBi ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bake Bitiir, LcniontOit, PA. RealEsUUand Collection Afency. Will Buyand Jlsll Ki al Kstate. Conveyanclnn neatly dono. tol lwtlona promptly made; tettllng Estates of esd.nt, a specialty. May b. cou.ulled lu J.njllsh .and Uerman. Jl II. SNYDKH, Jctic"eof tihi Peace, LehlgtitonePa. Offlce in ills store, opiiosltu tl Er;1o Hotel. Collections and UrawlDg.Up of Deeds promptly attended to. n22-4m : jjj n. siKWicus, . ATTORNEY ATLAW, vu. orriCE! Orouni Floor lotbt new addl.iou of the Jlansloo Housi,.Afauch Chunk, Pa. 4V'"e" transacted In JJngllsh and Owman. Collodions yromply made and Couteyauclof neatly dope. glD. C. DlgfMlCK, v ( DISTRICT ATIORNEY, ATTORNEY ATLAW. Offlce, on BaoiDWAI, first 'door below ABrican 'UoUl,MauchChuuk,I'enn'a 3ollettloos prompt lyiu.de. '' Nov. 23- , S. B.,RBBEK,k PRACTICINOJf IIYBICI AN- AND SUKUEU.N, OiSce, BaMK Street, next doorboie the Pjstoffice, Lehlghton, I'aJUlfiice Hours Parrytllle each day Mm 10 to 12 o'olotki remainder of day at office In Lehlghtor. J No-SJ,J2. n- ' Slit ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAlJgn CIIINK, PA.rr, Oct 18, 1872, r Railroad Gruide pEIINSYLXNIA uailhoaST' Jast Time and Sure Connections ! Wire Kxpreaa Triln Dally from UarrlatiurK to" the .West. Tullman Talaco Cars through from liar burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis ville, and St; XiotUs.i The'n&mbet'of snlleji narrated and controlled by thla Company enabla It to run care through with fewer ckangea than br an other Hue. PasEengere will find this, In all respects, Tho Safest, quickest & most Comfortable Route! HAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH ,, . . .1 m" V i j ErJ" For Rates, Tickets and all In formation, apply at all Principal Offices . on Lino of Lchlpli Valley and Lehigh it tiutquelianna Railroads, and at P. It. R. Depot, narrisburg, Pa. A. J. CASSATT,Qeperfll Manager. B. M. BOYD, General Paueofer Age of J. N. ABBEY, Eastern Traveling Agent, March 8, 1873- 901 Chestnut St., Phllad'a. jgOUTII PISNNA. RAIliIlOAD. t- W1,"W 4AIBiI!T. . m , via L. V i arrive at Fhlla at 11 a.m. via L. A B. - 7 1a.m.vlaL. V. 11.07 p. m.vta L.A 8. 1L03 p. m. via L. V. 1 J7 p, m. via L. & 8. - ti a.m 11.10 a.m. 11.10 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 5.36 p.m. 8.20 p.m, p. m. via i. o. C.tO p.1nJ i in in. mT LScr'berlcan 9.15 a. n; 2.10 aa bom Lixijhwn to PhUadelDhia u. Railroad Guide. lENTIt'A I.i Hi It. OP N. J.. LK1UU U k SUSQUPHAN.NA DIVlSIONi irA7i .aiikanglme't. Commencing Dec. 15, 1873. Down Triins, Io.l. No. 3. NO. 6. A. M. 10 25 10 30 , 10.67 . HS5' 12.5 1.3 A2.0), 1220 3.17 355 3J7 4,03 U No.'6.' ,r. m. 3.65 4.27 '4.37 4,45 A5.45 10.05 0 25 7 08 8.30 865 0.2S 9.30 No. 7. P.M. 1.25 ,,1.30 4.63 ' 2.20 3.KJ 4.19 !4.40 6.39 6 47 P.iiO ' C.25 0.14. T, M. 7.15 7.45 7.57 8.00 9.10 Leave A.M. A.M. 7.30 7.35 8.02 8.30 ' 0.65 10.37 I 11.00. UroeniJUdgi!,.'.. Scrantou rlllston.;.,., Wilkes Barrel ' White lUtun....'.!' l'enu, lll'n June. 'tr.-r r.'f Mauch, Chunk.. Catasjuqua :.. Allelilov M Bethlehem Arrhe Kaston.. 750 t 8.35 900 1168 12.00 1817 9,27 . 12.43' Ifr-'TRJiiNi. .Ko.HO. No. 4. Leave i Faston Bethlehem.... Alli.ntrAn..... Catasauqua Mnuch Cbunk(l A. U. , as 12.13 12 25 12 32 A125 11.45 . 2.02 " 2 40 4.00 4.26 4 55 fi.00 . S.30 8fi5 , 9.10 , 9,'ii , 1.25 Pcnu Haven J'n. 1046 WhttKllaren 11.23 Wjlkes-Burre 12 40 l'lttston 1H! Scrapton 1.30 Arr, Oreeu Itldge 133 CONMCTIONi.- A'eiquehonvg Valley II. It, Down trains Nos. 3 6 and 7, and Up' trains Nos. 10 and 4 connect at Mauch Chunk. , Korth ltnn'a K. II. Down trains Uos. 1, 3, 6 t 7 connect at Bethlehem for Philadelphia. Up trains Nos. 10 & 4 connect at Bethlehem fur Philadelphia Returning leave Philadelphia at 7.10 a. m. far Eas. ton, MauchChuuk, Hath, Wilkes Barre, Taniiln.ua, Scrantou, Sharon, Ac; nt 9.45 a. m. for Kaston, Mauch Chunk, Tamaqua, Wllllamsport, Wilkes Barn and Scranton; .at 2.10 p. nl. for Scrantou, Wilkes Barre and lgterinediato stations; at 3.30 p. m. for lldtb"and Easton ; at '6.15 p. m. f vr Mauch Chunk.1f i I' a' 'lo' i Tamaoua Branch. UP , trains Nos. 10 A 4, and Lehigh t I-qd,aqanna It. jc. Down Jralns Aos. L k 7, und Up trains Nos. 10 k 0 conuect atleth .ehetn for Bath and ChSnuian Quarried' Return. log leaie Chapman, at 7.40'A. m. abd 2.13 p in. CVntralii'aWroudoVcwJcriev. All tratna make close connection at Ea.tou with jralns on Central Jlallroad or www jerser. ,' i r.......lr,.l.fc.u.fc.. . T nnwn t..l..'Vn. A 5, and Up tralna Nos. 4 A H connect at Phillips burg with Bel.-Del. It. K. to and from Trenton, Philadelphia aud lleltidera , i'lilaiefjin'al'Vca'iling'AaHrold. The Depots' of the l:ast Pelin It. II. and the Lit. Dlf istou are connected by street Cats. II, P. BALDWIN, Gen. 1'diunger Agent. - Nov.V2,lb73(j ' V ;' t plIIt,AI)KI.l'lIIA & ISUIE It, II. WINTERTIME TABHH., On and after SUNDAY, NOV. 2d. 1873. Train mi the Phllaii Erie Railroad Dltlslou will run. as follows ' f ' WESTWAM). BurrAioExratss leaves Philadelphia, 12 55 p.m. " " HarrUburg . 6.05,pmn " " ivnuamsport u lu p.m. .topurium " arrive at BulTalo 1.45 a.m. 0 00 a.ra Emc MiALleavta Philadelphia .. " - llnrrisburg . r 10.20 p.m. a uo n.m, 7.35 a.m, Wllllnmsport . 8JK) a.'m. ll.IlftVA 10 15 a.m. ... 7 40 p.m. ." arrive at Erie . Elmiei Jlllt leaves Philadelphia . ' " " JIarrlburg , ( " '' Wllllamsport; ' " arrive at Lock'HaTen Rikova Accox'.v leavea llsrrlshnrg, - n , IWIlllamsport 'i " arflye atjRepova . ASTwaitn. . uu a.m. 1.80 p.m . P.20 p.m. 7.35 p.m, 8.25 a.m. 1.10 p.hl. , pzo p,m, ncrmo'Piiarss loveifllulTalo' v 1 2 30pm.- . - -r-bupariunj ,( -8 p.m, ' " Wllltamsport . 1 05 a ra, " " tarrlre at Ilarrlsbure ,. 4i0 a.mv Eimiha'MaiL leaves Kfie 1 " " Lnrk-IlaTen . " ' , " WUHamsport " " arr,.at UarrinburK " arr at Philadelphia . ' , ElmixI Mail learea LockilaTeii " " f lVUlam(Doxt,, , " " arr. at Ilarrlfhurit, , , ' " arr. lit Philadelphia 1 lURXiaicaa Accok leaves Ketioya . AolliVm! 8 30 p in ,05 n.m, ,20 a.m, '8.00 a.m. 800 'a.m. ,0.30 m 1 50 p.m. a oo p.m, ,1.00 p.m. I wiiiunjspori. l , in. arcatJlarilsbam t-.i-TiOipmi " arr at pniiadeipma , 2 au a.m Mail ltsstieonneots east and wcitat-Urtwlth L. St.t M. S. It. W. and at Corry and Inlneton wun uh trecK a Aiiegneny ji. it. u. Mall IVe'st: with iiaau west tralnaoh', iJjafcM, S. It. W,,ap4 at, Corry and lrvlneton with Oil. Creek- Allegheny It.-It. W. Ellulra Mail and Buffalo Eipreas make close connections at 11 llllainsport wltb N. U. R. IV. trains noj-th. and 'at! Uarrlsburi with N.'O 11, IV. tralns'southj''. r , r' ,!.;. ! 1VM. A.Tl.tLDVl: Not.22,1873. Oa.i'l Suit. JKlllOII VALLEY K.Uvi Wt.vtiR AiaixqiHisT. Taisenger tralni'leave'Leblghlon aifolUw's'l' North 7.48 a. ra., for M'h Chunk,, White Haven, Haxle'on, IahanyCtty, Mt. Carmel, 1'ittaton, lVllkes-llarre.niidall stations. 11:36 a m. for Mauch Chunk, (Hen Oprko, White xiaveu, uazifion, .iiauanoy uity, miKes-oarre, Mount Carmel, l'lttston, Tunkhannock, Tow. anda, Kluiira, RulTalo and NUrw Palls. 1.20 p. ni, for Mauch Chunk, Plttstou,. IVavef, It and lnt.rmMi.li. stations'. ' 6.35'p. mvfor Mauch Chunk, Olen Onoko', White Haven. Ilatlfton. Mahanoy City, Wilkes. Barre, and Pulsion, v.os p. u. ror, Aiauch Chunk. Mouth fi.00 a. m. fcr' Allentown,, Bethlehem, Kas ton, I'hlladelpbis. New York and all stations. 7.39 a. m. for Allentown, Reading, Bethlehem, t'ottiTiiitYJiarristan!, rjuton: phiitdeipiuarii York-dtTancTJlIslstlons-. " n IIB2 a. in. for Allentown. Bethlehem. IteadlFg, Ilarrlsburir, Eaton, Philadelphia and N. York. 4.44 p. ni. for Allentown, Bethlehem, 'Esston. Philadelphia, New York and all atatlons,, 7J3 p. m. for Elallugton, Cataaauqua, Allen, town, Bethlehem. EaltOA,,Pbila4lelpUa,.BslU ROBERT II. 8AYRE, S6pt. and Engineer. Dee. 13, 1873. Livery & Saje'Stables, UANlCSTE .KIlIflllTOV. f I always efcp 'oriliana tlibDisniAr; livery at (HtfloweU prices. Conveyances can bo had of lue a( tho shpitest possible- notlde,, nqy liour 'tl v,woulO,',call i no Buenuon uiiib puuuc vo ujy speci al ifacllltles for, supplying etagla'Sor dou I ble teams for funerals. &c. . UElTbl IIC LABOR SAVER ! The undersigned respectfully' an' nouuees that be )ias bten. appointed1 Agent for the . 1 t ' i Universal Wringer AND ''rl Dotyspiothssher:: T would rilso fin- frlehds and the public in general, that I havu opeiiet a first-class ' '' , ' JLivrV 'Stable . V r r.r, and that"l can hmjlsu 'Horses, Buggtea and.Carilages o tho bst .description, for pleasure, uusincssfpr J;vnerftipurr poses,! at very iteasouauie, ynarges. Also, .Mat. haying engaged aRellabh) Driver, I rim prcparjiu to do IIAlJLJN' of every kind on short noflcn.. Inon,. nectlon therewith, I shall contluuu my; Carriage Maniifatitpry whero.fho people cah gciKpfr1 t'arrlages. Wagoris, ctcvRUPAIlllSO' orl'sliofi uo- lieu iiivi ii. reiiauiiuuiu pifues. ThelliatronagH 'of the' Jiublltb U'mdStl respectiully'6licll'ed. " , ' , , L. JF' Kleppinger,, 6'or.JJlNK.and'iRbStreels, Feb. 22, ;1873., Lehlghton; Pa. f .. 1 1 ;n . u i i. I; CIjAINS,'. ' . milt Tailor, Ana'Dealerln' Gcnt'N Fiirnisiilnfe Goods, LEHIGIITQN, PA. Constantly on liaud-a splendid stoclt'of'' NEW GOODS, ; Consisting of Plain and .Fancy pinths. Casslmcres and Vestiiigs,for Men's and Boys' Wear, whlcll'I' am prepriie'dito Make up to Order In the most Fashion able Styles, at short1 notice: Ladles'; Hisses and.Childrpn'a A well, selected. istock; of French! and Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pebbld and' Graln Leather Bootai and Shoes on hand, or' . made' to' Order. Hats, Qa'ps and ,1?.urs; Of the Latest .Styles always oaliandinv the MrvRst I'rict?. 'Also Agcnt"fbr Uib' American &Gravri& Maker Sewing-, lachiiies. f Only Ono Price for' Everybody. January t 1878-yl tQUU AO' FEED' , t .Charles Trainer.' ' . , .'.. ii 'ju:i i J ai I I u, u Respectfully Infdrma the'pcbplo bf'iLe lilgutonHliat lie lias' most 'Kxcellent 'ii II Flour' for Stilts':- Also,' 'good' FEKDI'pf 'alfklrids; and STRAW In the Itfiindlc'.He Is' also prepared to' do any kind of- Hauling and 'Plowing X at short notice.. ,LIJini?U (2d) STREET, ' Lehlghton, Pa. ', March mIIOniAS KEillERER, QENERALiINSUEAKOE AGENT . The'rollowlng Oompanlea are Kepreaentoelti Lcbanon'Mutual rire; , t Reading Mutual Fire, ' ' Wyoming Fire,- 1 ' PottsVIlle Fire. . , Lehigh'. Tflre,-and the Trayelers'-Accidenfliisuraiice,' ' Also Pennsylvania and Mutual'' Horse' Tlnet Detective ana insurance 'Uom paiiy. , Marchy'loTS. i, t i, ii 'TIT .1iilIlGIITbiV;CAftEMY. Jm Lehlghton, Pa. .lui t'Vjy. ti i It '.ii'iilvf et Au Institution for Doth Sexes. ' FACULTY t"i Rav. O. ICEltittKVieil.' Principal arid'ProfessoV of Otaaalcs and the Ulzhen Euglhue ureipcuiH, f , , , TliriS. M. O. ICKSIal.lXn, Prtx?pJrosa and till, JQIIN 1, ICISSAjKII, A. II. Prb- - Terror or x.aiiu aua ureea. MISS IS. O. NEAll.-TejAerof'.SIuJlc. SviLiSON rtGHIlia-Asslstantr -rVTOTIOK.I i " " J"" " .4-N All persons havlogtlaliasa'clnit IbeJiitsU ot lata Uaul.l Soil, deceased, and thoio IndebUd, t the aam'e ara rtuiated to aend In tbair flallnr ... L a . . or UaU Miuanuniouor ueiora iaBi.ry , IS"' pj rr. , ..swilLt,m hOifrtaj L. . . toiounSsatje OSTrOIVEMEIXTi ' ' FOURTrT tfRWD'ftf TfuNC'Eftf"' ', I vot Tl( ENjfrt'oTMt: , .PUBLIC LIBRaRY'oP KY. OVeT a MllTibrt' irf Bank I S V'C CGSS bAjf.1iiT,Bi'E'i). A ,FV1,U DllAW.lNafCKRTAIbt, On 'rucailaj-, 31t of Blorcli Next. In order lo'meettho irenerM wish, al lafi. and eipecla, Hon or tho full b l vine' li,n of thu'nuLlfe ftml till) ticket 'holders for thrt ruieiiioi me uiiixmncoiil finis auiiouncvu tourUiprjiudpifb,,Con9ei;t of the, Public r of Kentucky, the ..lamujement have do- , r (ha Hurl 'l.lhmrvnr K teruilhtd to posrKinb 'the concert' 'aud drawing Tueiilay, Marelt 31st, 1874. Tfioy luveTalreiily jeallied.. OVUU A .IHUlLilOX OOLCARS and have il'reat many agents yet to hoar from. Sodoubt u entertained of . the talt of every ticket before. theydrafving l Jjut, whether all are eoUtor ViotMc Concert and drawing wilt jiiitivtly and .unequivocally take I'laiebn'thf tlitf 'nmb JlieU, and If any remoirl nnnW Wley tci'l be cpncellat,and-the prieet will be reduced in proportion to the untold tickett. lS.ObO CASH GIFTS.'' it, vjp ys Jr 9 will lo distributed amonj tho'tlcket holders. Th hckntaarb, nrlnted in coonons Of teuth and'all rrnctlt p.nrts'wlll bj represented la the drawing Just as whole llcKeta are. ONE ORAND CASH OIFT $250000 ONE GRAND CASILGIKX... r 100,000 one oitAND OA? vifirxZ ej.i.l. 60,000 oik lIUAN'O CASirD FT.:. ........Z.. 23.000 11MK tlltAliD.CASII UIKT... 17.500 10 UASll tllMO. fio,,JuiJeBcni.i..i,... iiimi 3q,CASH OIPTS;('i6,O00 each.. 160,009 60 CASH (Sir IS, jjuuuenn uu.uuy 80 CASH U1KT3, loo.'cASii ointv 150 CASH 01 PM, 2.10 oa mi a if re. ouu eacu au.uun 400 enoh '4J.000. ,303,each ,,..t., 41W0, 200 each 60 uy 100 ich..ir..U,- :3a50i 'miVib.S ..- '.Rn'nrii 325 cash oim ll.OoO'CASil OIPT3, .'CSOjOCKJ Tnt.'l.li.OOo" (lifts, an Cash, amount. ing 10 ciwwu Tho cuSncea' for glfll an i as one to five. i 1MIICB OP TICKETS. WhnleTlelbels. S10f 11 lve. 351 Tenths. rr ..rh.mmnn.t',: Kerpn I Vhi.lo Tltkets for J500 22K Tickets ror $1,000; 113 Whole Thkets for t5.Ul));2:T WhflsynckeH'fr:'$10.050. No dis count on Ih'S than $500 w 5rth lWlc,'Ms.,lri, The Fourth Gift Concer t will bu conducted In all respects IIU the thise vhlch hav already been Klven, ,and, full nai tlcolars may bi,learned frniil circulars, whl'li w ill bo 'sent 'free from thW otnee to all who apply for Uim; Orders fur tickets ana .ropljcatlons for ngeucles "Tl , " V ., U"3 Ur,?U loswlra arif lect'lve-d.iassertionf sajingi with some spirit, i seiit in prnmpily.thal'p' that tlitvglrN'coUld not be 'dispensed will beV attended til n .the nd 11, honed tbev will I sent 1 11 frti theru may bo no dlsvppullil ment'or.rley In fllllni; .ill. Lllwral terms cueu tl those who buy to sell iilni iAII Hems aro ti einitioriiyi reQUirea w 'liri'lhrlr acrdunta 'ilnd returu' all nnsoM- tlclb.ta by the.20Udavof J.U'h. THOS. K. hlfASlCETTE, Afeot Public Library Ky., tea waojiter uiit 1 Loacerr,' ruoue ltorary unuumg, iwuinnie. Ky., or -Easiern' Agents, ?euu, 801' BriVaWayVN.'Y, v dec23-w4 De.lres!to inform hStstomelin'ii'fheJ Vubllc In general), that.tue proposes to Sell nil kinds of ,'"!' ' ' " DI(Y O0OD3, JiOTIOS, : OR0CERIE, , PROl'lfelONS, '' QDEENSWAnE i CABPET8, OlL-CLOTUl', kej Ac, . o ' 'at fuily'as LOW PRI0E3 as is compat ible wltli(the times.' He-Is nbt offering a lot.of,old stylf. B9ods.aTniy P?lcf uut U Selllhg a Ffrsf-class Lin., ot 'Goods .fully jQw(,as,tlietsa,niR,arLIoles can bo. qimgiiiiinr ni anyisioiein iuiib .nepngii. 6f the country. 'Ho respectfully nsks art Ihsnectlbn 'of his 'goods' nn'd prices', nnd guarantees that a trial will conyjneo thf nioit skeptical ot tho truth ot nu asser tions. Very, respectfully, ' , . ' .P..J. K'IST'lER, ; Qppqslte, the j?ubllc Siuae,, . Dec. 13-W5' Wclssport, l'enn'a. ' -gUJVJTIJRE; FiCTOR.Y. t BANKSTREET.-IiEillGHTON'. PA1.. IteKpJctfailrantabQitg tobWfrUniJ'aii'd tba'puV'' nc mRuotrai. taai o eonitanny nnruannaat for sal, tUUie UJWKSV'Af tl plttOi: Um Try Houselioid Furniture. 'Compslhe; Bedsteads. 'Bureaus. Sofas. LouDfets' Wq6d ind (7ane-Se(ited Cliatrs Look(pg Grasses, all klndsj jbte., fee. Fiiriilsliliiir Unrtiiifakcri PUNiillA'LS'promptly attendeil'to at veW reason-1 aoie euamaa. j una -l, is?a. 1T1 TT' ' nWTTTT1-Tl' ' 1 ' .tEiltCTO,,: 'EpA ' DEALER .Iff ' ' ' , Dry .Goods ..Notions, ' .GROCERIES,1- QUEERSWARE; 1 OIkwar', nsrdwar, &c. A PEW TBNDEUIOIWB. A I,ay of the Lnrtler. ov iAncuno. At I.olilghton, Of a- wlntrj' hiorhinz, Justh's tho .09j'dnywn ilntviilng, Two mon.'sntiL'l ylud In lmtchers' rfd. started out td'slay some pigs.' ' Slowly and softly, anrt'ovorsri sly, J)M tbey oreop unto tho hurablo sly, Wliora la peaceful, blltglul slutnbor Slcpt'tbo lilijS, just two In limnbcr, .Ono )lgy;n9ilreomlngof having a fill JOr tliq very swtctost Icliul of , swill: Tlio otljcr li'camt,,of- wallowing lu.tho choicest muu. i , . Jlut neither of, them dreamt pf.iiLooD I 'ICceri was tho bln'fld of ea'cli knlf'e,, .lii'lgntund'reaflj'rprtllOstiilo; sAnil sooil upon the lnotnlngalv. ' ' ' '.Ql.lnlr fl,n lba t '.1nl.' '' ..." '"-1' vDj.b. Tlrst camo entreaty; then tho ileath-grop. plo i I And tho pigawero ready' for snusago and iicnipplo. , llolrt butcliors.'yo acted well your parts- near witnet,e, two lacerated lieaits. Thoso butchers, ybwed that sweeter far tlian pranges ov.flgs' , , , . , Were. tb.Q. vllj-rpasts ,andi pcrapjilo from Voaonlirs; , , Foi; tlicy'said Uicy'd cacii many kinds of 'mcat,'n ' " , t But s,L'CH sausage wa lnilcei. a trqat . r.vn'op.TiiE'l'ibs. ' ' by" mr's, si. a. innniiAH., ' Solomp'n Browp.Jiad, fi'v jlapgli'ters. Thejoldet of,. these was twenty-six, the youngest 'eveu'tuen.' In) po'nie ,ot tliq liea'theii, tjountrles. 'It Is 'considered a inUfordjijeylicn a rjlrl is bprn, Splq moh Ur6vnvs mlrifl may JiavQ been, col ored, with thla heatlieiilsiii thnimh hu. I own(jl , a pew jn ihe.chuich and cop- iiiuiueu cuii.'.un'iiiioii'jiy lu us (loiiaiions for he shook hlsTrca'd lri'ToIenin dis approval iv) his lamlly Increased, de claring that.glrls were, and had been sl'ncVlh'oworUI begii'i, a failure. ' , ueariuuo mrs. jjrowu eiliplmtlcally with', and as the GitatFrithoYliad seen ut to create them, It, inust.lii'e been' -with, the consclousnoss.tbaL they might oe prvnounceu gpoa, ui courMi they weia good.'' She would Just ask Mr.. BroWn whathero .was that might he faldi, truthfully in disparagement of their own children? ... ' Ifi they, wero ,boy?,i Lucj'," said Browiii footing up) n idry goods bill, "they woiild-bo self-supporting, Jf, for.instance,' Matildaihad beuni named Solomon and you know' that name' lhas .fallen .toiUhe cldcst iniourifatnlly ior 'genqrauons sue, or .no rather,. niigntiiavojeanieq a trado,, and 'would 6ow be able.not only to caro for lilm'J aelf.but to lendcisMiecdful .asslstancn' to his. family. X am'sura X never blamed Betsey Trptwo'qd, .thouBh J, dan't.un- detstand Jierltaf Jjie. .couldn'tt forgive David, f.qrjiqt p,epg agir. ilbavnnovcr forglyeti.onqf.iiyiBitls that ,th0y (lis, oPRWflMjVeV, . . , - . . 'iDeat,nic,,.$pJonio.n, I.am, sure,. the B'Ut irS plugt!io pest,ihey ,can. Mn tllda,s,a very.g.oqd.dreMmnkerT-t'.'i j . " Bosh I" cries Solomon. Imiinl.lonMv "tfjPi country, ,s,, pverrun wtth dross, makers, . 1 lei .you all Ilii, feathers., fuss. ,anl llpimuvry ISjriilulng.nsjTi-that " Mis I'l'iipiyr HV" '.y.ou unaeremna every additional clrl is nm niiditiona.1 burdejijf) ,6.9mB)ne . Hqk wmli; do you s.u j)p9&, Lutiy,,, I, pp.id out for- rlbt bons last year? Only ope hundred dollar. tlie giVlsl'yokiiov', 'n6'( doubting my. sbfHnd- tlm. malb'e!, tn'enty dollars only1, 'for eai!i. "I ani sure that isn't extravagant -at all, .There's Deacon Smart's $all!e; para t,lt utjciv prone Rpman sash. Our filrlsW very liandy about lurnlng-th-iir Mings, and. lxpg Jthem' tiji As good 'As new,, .TJiero were, nnlir tivpntv-fmp vAV.I. (l, .i..i,' dreS5.6s thU'fiiVrlnglhat lain tho ilrtss of each VI1II14 Mis', Mliripn used thirty- uve,, ano. ,i must say mat our girls' were timeh the prettiest'."' "And would have beVii prettier sllil if they had beanLmiule:outof eii!lit growled SoIoiuod, deiporfttely fooling up urn iiccuuniaiogain. ' 1 , Figures are nb&tlnitd faott.'i Solcw mon, Influg'thosbin total of united coluuinsi.beama auobjtinat'Xman. ' ".Ltell, you, Luoyj.wo ican,'t- co on In this way,, that's certain. 'Somethtne 'must' bq do.ue.i' Why 'don't 'thoi" get! married ?V . " But'tbat-vias a luseJcss question,.' for this vasja Netvi .EngJand' 6tte',- 'nnd' 'theriwworei cevel aj , thousand m6re women1 than mi. 11, find as ond mail wit) -aloived only oue wifr.ilt was quite' Im possible that all could be pj ovlded with a liusband. " Dear me, Solomon,'' said the Jlttlo. wife, slnlllhg.hulnorpu'sly, "VoU foreeL " " l". .(VbJ 15 bl tualiy rio otif b hhriur Ve"Way Walthe ,lrll,l,.i. Il.l ...11.! L.i'.l . J..i I.. ..4.1.1 , ivu, uuiacu. viibiiu tjulfe disapprove of 1'the'fr',MitfMs., band hunting'. r' 7 ' ' ' 'l n' ' KowhIle'Sdloniortliad bec.ii' talkj Ing thiis c'dniplttlniiigly' 'and 'coiifl jiftt tialiv toliiirVlfe,1 hls'llW iria'pprlclatefi daughtvw' tiaU-bV'eWltirteVlUt'VrM'ibJ new room; . ..... . a - "rqqrpapa, Indecdj" snapped out the second sister. "1 do believe ho begrudges Us tho bird's allowance whi"li we eat." " Bird's, allpwnnce I Josepjilno,. I'm sure there Wn't, n heartier family .of' girls' In thN' country than ours. , No canary's portion would do for me of that I'm sure. I do think It a shame Ihrtt'flve great girls, nS nblo to work as we urn, nhould depend up,m one little-, old, broken dnwn man' for their sup port. Gome, now, 'Tjlila, Nut It ililleu Ions'? Don't yoii thiiilvthat' wo night to (to'snlnellilng?"' "I'm sure," Matilda said, "that I liavo been trying Just the best,that I knew" ,low' Ypu, know I pought the ,iiiachiiie, nhd Hit n then " ''Well," Lucy Said, laughing, "poor papa had toiniako the payments on it." "I;'m .sun; I cquldii't ielp that, be cause I had qxpected,.to. .get. plenty of sewing to do, aud sewing, you se " " Is'n (tru'i In tho market. No, 'Til da, and Josephine, - and, Sarah, and Flirar all ,of those pretty, traditional, ,aya of a woman turning an honest penny aro out of date. I've been thinking this over, nnd I'vd. made up my tnlnd, Come, glrl, will you stand by niq? nave you, the courage to lay asido your dainty slippers, to encase ymir'fect in heavy shoes, to let the o'un kUi urown freckles 0111 your lace, 111 fact to w?ar.fi.,llopinr?',' A bloomer ,i" tnq lour cneu .to gether'. " Yesrnyriearsi'ior or course 1110 work that I havo laid out for us to do couldn't bo dQne.liitralns...J have been thinking that wo had better take Jacob. Sloan's Tarni'ffirla yeaV," and Miss Lucy, asMie.'spOKtiiiopened a pocket Knito aim cnmnienced.,wlittlltig,n bit, of btlck iu true xanitep style. ... 'Jacob' Sloan's arm 1" tboy cried, nghaf. ' '' i es: uoar-i: t was1 over taming 10 Jacob yesteiday, and he's .quite de lighted that wo liotikl .have thought bt making the experiment. He Is sure, hu saysi, thirt if Will bo a Success'. Only think, girkvhow uico it wonld'be; It we could help tliq old father lipw.-aRer all ofi the trouiili.he,,has had wltl us. ,And wliat.ivtrtuuiph, too. If Wo could ,prpve to hlin'tl'idt jvlrlal fire it blessliti;': athas'tl f nqt cxnctl.v' that,' still worth' being borpi WJiatsay you? .WUi'you put your ll!"!lr,B i'o lle contract?. Come, nmy. apirc ue cowaruiy, nor try to una excuses for siuricing a amy. jacou never had fire 'mors 'able bddied pilipla than wo are." "But wliat wll.l tlie WPrM say? A.no then, dear.'Lu'cy.you havo bad an offeri you know. Will Frank" Lawler lie satisfied that his future wife shoOH en gage iiiian unladylike occupation?!'1 " ,11 he Is.iiSsitlsfled that .a .woman ijhould do wliat slio may do well, I'm very' gla'll 'to have an opportdnity'oi leamlnc.lt before I'm tit's. Frank Law' ler, instead of LupiBrovvn,' ,If I havo S'l'ls.i '?H,'W res assured that.they fehall bo seir-sunnorttntr. nuitu inde. poiident 6'f olitslilo' help towards gaining & livelihood.' nlf theyliavdri' talent for muHio.'npqvff two ordinary- possession, hey .may, hfrWi ir".acl.Wr?t l( noti they will, pot spend tour hours'-ft day In nseless'beallni'ef tlielr WlittO, helpless 'JiDg&rs- Sgalnst'sonifelll.liSed'piano kej's;- If tboy;aro greatly isltted 'with superior lutejjlgerice, ;hey .may.go Intju ,tlia pro fesslpus ; if not', piey will learn trades I -don't "niea'n ihlllfncrs and dress makers, and so onV-l'ut nice little light trades ,;lilfewatcUimaking land .cngr.1v' Ing apilidrOjUiug, nt;u, liideprl,. Jiea,vipr one, If,llv'y liayo tho niusele. Wp all, havto'm'uscle.'' TheVo Is1 lio o'xeuso that' wp'shoui'dTcmaln ldle. -The world is fiilUotuwork, and I can't underatabd' T,)iy any, honest calling should bei 141., , .wpmanly. " Come, girls. let us go and sign the coiltr.Vcf which blmU us to ork.op, old Jacob's faiui." , , , '"'Dear in'e,' folomoii," said tle vflfe . Lucy In trie evenllig, "you could not gucl3 tvhatthoio' glils have done." 'i 1'erha.psi purchased eaoli a now flllk,," gowled-Splqinqn, withputRftlng bis eyes from his papf w 4lKo, fnd'et'd nor1,"' cried tlio wlfa In .dlpnnntlv. ' '4 They've rented Jaeob1 ,Sloan,'farmT-elglity, acres, nud.tweuty B of lUn,frul," : " Vmt I" ctiod Solomon", the paper falling helplessly" it 1.14; feet. "You , don't -surely" mean' 'our girls not Ma tilda, aiiii 'JiKophliie, nnd Sarah',' and Flora,-and, Luoy?'! " 1 mean n onp else's gila,.ure)y," llieVlfe replied, n little cfply. 1 They thke-possessionlu Ihe" riiomln'g. Jiicob' loail'h' to fiuii everything, and they are t.o liaye qne-haif." ",a'JI: jst tell you(Xuey,".wJ,at It is. Thll.tlia iu,9nt,jC9nsu(uiuata ,pli;co of, 1 )mnibug I ever heard of. It wilt )t) 4end: failure; arid' they'll fuako them jieives tliuilaughl'n stocir ot' wholo ' -.neighborhood .Fanning, Indeed I Why, ilil?'(l3li(t,1i9Jrf,I.of,6er hands Uiat s)i0 never sweeps, even, without gloves! . and''Flbrri wrani her head lu a to wel to' .ilustf l'vd'seef. tfojephlhe'ab ttie'breaWi faswhiugjl wUlL'tlitt dhli rag clinging to 1 a lffk- .n.d SaralL wrapd. hej- .tlngcrfc '1 with a bit of cl9lh.,each oijqgeparately,,. if jslie'lmrfgeta'bWs tbprepariJ 5irave faijmMa'tlle wlItiraiko t" "Und Soioi men Brown went back to bU paper .'s .With nscornftiLcliuclsIe - 'ii?r?V6o VatHlpSkltl tB thb dnd'tif (ho inaiter,' 'AUeatfVjty', W'na'd'ofto;ii ijaltltbat It 'as"s6;' hut; native "ctAi 1 oT'l'i'e'lc-V-lued'l3ufof HoUldJ ' well v6& WajSr" treh-bV Wueitterf Eveo'cl$er?4 . , ftUfjajwJ .b'eerifa' VlclourtWUrSiJ' jmt, so, jw. UIX.1JI LAttK,sAao.t.''j W4tJ IfAVroZ8ir.W.",'Ifnlr " ; " e 'May 51, 18T8,"''' v- f