The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 27, 1873, Image 4

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    I'rofcinor AgniiHlz.
TIio news thai (ho eminent Professor
Agasslz was seized with paralysis was
received last week with the deepest re
gret, and the tidings of his death, which
occurred on Sunday evening last, will
awaken tho most profound sorrow
throughout tho country and tho world.
As one ot tho foremost men of science
of this, or any age, though a Swiss by
birth, and nn American by adoption
nnd citizenship, 1m was truly n cosmo
polltnn In feeling, In character, and in
reputation, and his loss Is a, calamity
to the world at large. Being one of
the most Indefatigable of workers, ae
complltliiiig tho task of many ordinary
men within a given space of time, he
lias doubtless suffered from over-cxer-tlou.
IIo was .attacked with paralysis
early last week, and without any favor
able change ho remained under the
power of disease until Sunday evening,
when he expired.
Louis John Rudolph Agasslz was of
French descent, his family having been
one of those driven abroad by tho edict
.of Nantes against the Huguenots. Ho
was the son of six generations of clergy
men. Ills father was pastor of the
Protestant parish Of St. Iralcr, In the
ancient Bishopric of Bosel. Ills mother
wa3 the daughter of a phjisiilan, in tho
Canton de Yaud. Louis was born May
28, 1807, in the parish of Mottler,
Switzerland. He received an academi
cal education In tho Canton' ot Berne.
In 182-1 he went to Zurich, as a medical
student, thence to Heidelberg Univer
sity, and continued his medical studies,
and studied zoology under Ltuekart
nnd botany under Blschoff. In 1827
ho entered the University of Munich,
lie early became distinguished In tho
department of Natural Science, aud was
niado In 1832 professor' of Natural
History In the College of Neufcha'tel.
Having visited tho United States in
1810 and excited groat Interest by his
lectures, he was Invited by Professor
Bache, of the Coast survey; to use Its
facilities for the prosecution of his
researches, an offer which induced him
to take up his residence in the United
States. In 1848 he became, a professor
In tho newly founded scientific school
at Cambridge, Mass., which he has
iuco made the eentro ot operations
which have extended to every part of
the United States and, almost circum
scribed the American Continent. Ex.
Two of tho Bendor family of murder
ers wero arrested last week at Wines
vllle, Spartanburg, county, S. C. Every
one will remember the great excitement
produced not long slneo by tho discov
ery of the wholesale murders committed
by tho Bender family, In Kansas, and
the .exhuming of the bodies of their
victims found burled on the premises
around their dwellings, and that1 the
Bender family all. made good their
escape'before their crimes were detected.
ine, murderers wero traced, and an
officer with a, posse came over1 from
Union county and arrested an old man
ueuuy sareuiy years or age at utvlngs-
ville by the name of Tliumas Webb as'
the veritable old man Bander, and his
wife as the old lady Benderi Stebs
have also been taken to arrest'hls son.
Joshua Bender, andhlfwffe, .who are
living u North Carolina, near Hickory
btation, on tne' western North Carolina
Railroad. It is learned that this' man
Thomas West, a shoemaker bv trade.
formerly lived near Blvingsvllle, and
moved West with his family about 17
years ago. The name of .Bender mujt
have been assumed by them when 'they
moved West, or when, thoy commenced
the life of robbers and murderers. The
old man and his 'wife moved back to
the county a short time "since, and set
tled In the neighborhood In which they
formerly lived, without any suspicion
of being remembered by the name of
Webb by some of the old citizens who
knew them many years ago.
" Doctor," said a lady to her phy
sician, "Lion't you think tho small
bonnets that the ladles wear nowa
days have a tendency to produce con
gestion it the brain?" "No, madam :
.where you see .one ot these bonnets,
bucie is uu uiaiu uj cuugesi.
A lawyer. In
replying to his o-
tagonist la court, said ho had " a keen
rapier with which, to pierce all fools
and knaves," whereupon his opponent
"moved the court" that the rapier be
taken from him lest ho should commit
A Justlco of .the peaco In Illinois
has decided that 11 courting Is a publlo
necessity and must not be interrupted:'!
and to prove that he meant what he
said, he lined a man 165. for electing.
young man from the parlor who was
courting ms aaugnter.
A watering place correspondent"
writes --mat very lew earners uatue at
vvestcnu," wnereupon Mrs. Partington
says she "bad an idea that, they bathed
an over."
i How can a man see the point ot
joke when be himself is the butt?
r-It Is apparent to many a parent
that a (treat many children net on the
wrong track because the twitch Is mla-
The most curious thing In the
world It a Trbmaa wbo U not curious,
The Mennonltes liavo decided upon
Minnesota as their future .home, and
twenty families have already arrived at
Mountain Luke, on the line of the St.
raul nnd Sioux City Railroad, and
purchased Improved tracts of' land at
prices from $5 to $15. Russia, thtnlv
settled as it Is, Is sending thousands of
of Its most valuable Inhabitants to the
United States. Near Yankton, In
Dakota Territory, there is already a
colony of 180 families of German Luth
erans from tho country bordering on
the Black Sea. The LutheranB greatly
outnumber the Mennonltes. and are
equally Industrious and law abiding.
A man who had missed his way over-
took n boy colne with a pot of tar to
mark his master's sheep. Ho asked
he road to Banff, but was directed by
so many turnings thnt he agreed totake
tho buy behind blm on his horse. Find
ing the boy pert anil docile, lie gave
nimjsoine wholesome advice, adding oc
casionally, "Mark mo well, my boy'
"Yes, sir, I do." He repeated the In
junction so ofteu thnt the boy at last
cried out, "I canni mark yoiuony malr,
as me lar is gren out."
P. J. KlS'ftKlt. P0STM4STEK
OK WKlSsPOlU, Us Ueeu uppotuted
.dgeut lor Leiilgl'tuu, 'Weisspurt uud
Yiuiuity tu give our citizens a
see uud leal the merits ot Hie uiranue-
lUUUt Uf bpllUga. lie is willlfig tu put
them uu Ulal lor uny person lur- one
euk, and u tlieyMo 'not nauvo suimj-
iur tu the SVuveu Wire Matties, Put,
nam, luuKee, JNoriolk, right, oprug-
ild, Lluue. iucaer, .bureau, Jr.uuroe,
Impel lul, United Status, Wulker, Con
necticut, hugle, baum or uuy ot tlio
oue thoubuuu uud uuu Spring tleds liiitt
have beuu put upon the market,, yyi
ure nut usked to buy It. The above
named beds havd been dUcurded ,lo
make louui lur the Improved. It has
uu Hiding 1 lace lur bugs, has uo slat
ou tup ot ll.e sspilugs,' nut heavy duck
canvas, nooning ui mo uuse ot' (lie
priug, that may bo UUeu olf and tile
suits leuiovuu (tor cleaning ur other
wise,) uy anybody iu livu uiiuule aud
replaced at jdeaauie., Ttieepnugs may
Da cuauged tu otner portions ot tuo.ueu
with veiy little tiouule. The Borings
aie wauuuted to keep place aud, last
loiicerluan auv oilier lu use. i or in
valids' It cuunut be surpassed. Ue tits
of persons, tliu largest number uuuer
thu htavlest part ut the body, aud wan
i light covering ol huks, cotton, straw
uecl, ur Half waitress, tUey adapt luem-
selves completely to the budy. The
ladiis nuou.d call aud see the urrauuu-
uieut ul spriuuH for the cradle, uud not
have, to use leathers in warm neuther.
They are heller than soothing syrup or
cordials for the little oues. Tue spriugs
are made trout the very best cast stuel
trom the celebrated Suetlield wokrs uf
Enulaud. Cume uuu aud all and see
tUt-m. These beds have been fully es
tablished In twelve dltleient States.
The Kurulture men are especially in
vited tu call aud examine these beds.
Beds put upon trial and no one asked
to purchase until alter a fair trial.-
nov 8 '73-tf Agent, WeUsport.
.X tltfrt llnilA 'to ttri
7 rooms, carrot' and cellar, liarn
ana uutuouses, wun
beautifully located near the brlckchurcb.
in Lower Tuwumensing,-1 mile from
Lehigh liap it. u. station and l mile
from Millport ; a very 'pleasant hddse.
Price. ia.WH). Terms very easy.
Also, a small Durm ot uu AUittb
with small House, good Barn, line
spring and spring-house, located on
1'ranklln Turnpike, 6 miles frum Weiss
port, half the laud under cultivation.
.'rice 9uuu, nan casii, naiauce l aud.u
years. This place Is onercd lor a song;
Address or apply to u. riunur,; weiss-
port, uaruuu uo.) l'a. ocw-am"
Miss Lizzie Kramer
Has just received and opened n splendid
assortment of tho Newest and most
Fashionable Designs In
Millinery (xoods,
For Spring and Summer Wear, such as
to which slio calls the especial atteu.
of tho, Ladles' of Lehlghton and vlciu.i .
All Uoods Warranted to bo as repre
sented, aud Prices' to, suit the times.
Store, opposite the " Carbon .ddvo-,
cate" ortlce, Uankway, Lehlghton, Pa.
April io, ioiii-iuj.
rlMic uudorslgncil respect
fully announces that he. Is better
prepared tuan ever to liuy and Sell
Cairand Sbcep Skins,
Tallow and
at bis Old Stand, nearly opposite tho
post oiuce. Bank Street. JLiehiirhton.
t ino nignesv casii prices paid lor
Hides aud Skins.
nov. 3a. o. E.
Floral Guide for 1874.
200 Pages j BOO Engravings and Colored
i iaic. ruonsneu quarterly, at !W eta.
a Year. First No. tor 1874 Just Issued.
uvtiunu wuiuu ai hiuu price.
nov. 20. Rochester, N. Y.
000000000 O 00000000
o 10,000
full fuUcuhn In i
tlx fcimpiM (or lo. Xt
drat riTTsnuariu supply
$500 o
A o
0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 OIOIOIII
Respectfully announces to' his friends
and ,the public In general, that he has
just opened, In connection with htsother
business, a First-class
Merchant Tailoring
Establishment, and1 guarantees to give
"fits" and the bestof workmanship nnd
material for the lowest possible prices.
Also, constantly on linnet a large and
fashionable stock of Men's and Boy's
Gents' FurnlHhlng Goods,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
ISoots I $lioe$,
Scliool nooks and Material,
In endless variety, and at Prices, fully
as Low as elsewhere.
Sole Agent In the United States for tho
Sale of ltENBKAW's Commercial
Orders by mall promptly filled.
Also, Agent for the celebrated KEY
best In the Maiket.
t'ost-onico Building,
Lehlghton, Pa. mar. '1.
tt k. mcKEirr,
99 Onnnsltn T.. & S. nennl.
. I ri r-'
On tho.East Weissport Canal Bank,
Respectfully .Informs tho citizens of this
vicinity tlint lie keeps constantly on
hand, and is selling at tho. very lowest
Market Prlccsytho very best brands of
Xlour &.ITeetl4
For 27uildlng and othor purposes, which
lie guarantees to bo
And to Sell at tho
Coal! Coal!!
Wholesale nnd Retail at the very Low
est cash Prices.
He has also a number of very eligibly
3$uiMin ILots
in RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
wmcn ne win sen on very Easy Terms.
aug. 9, '73-yl J. K. ItlCKERT.
Contractor & Builder,
lIans nnd Specifications
For all kinds of Buildings made at the
shortest notice.
Made for Plans and Specifications when
the contract is awarded to the under
signed. A. W. EAOnES.
June 14, 1873-yl
Respectfully announces to the citizens
of Lehigiiton, and vicinity inaf no is
now prepared to contract for tho' erec
tion ot dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
he keeps constantly on handa full as
sortment of every description of
consisting of flooring, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, .suntters, moldings. &e.,
which be Is prepared to furnish at the
very, lowest matket rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
W. It. REX
Lehlghton, May 17, 1873. ly
Architect and- Superintendent,
No. U2 N. 7th Street, Allcntown, Pa.,
furnishes Plans, Specifications and Esti
mates for Public and Private imlldincs,
Stairs. Ralls, &c, Constructed and
Set-Up by the most approved method,
and at snort notice, patronace is res
pectfully solicited, and satisfaction
guaranteed. opr. 20-yl
Opposlto tho Publlo Snuaie,
Manufacturer pf
Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
And Dealer In all kinds, ot
EST Roofing, Spouting, and, Jobnln
proptly'attDded tor dot, 80
z. h.' Long's Column.
i r
! M"!1'. .'Mil'-"1!.' H'
n ' ,."fii vjim
i . i i .4-, 1 ff-uli ' I
uuiti'l'til J Jl .lt'bnn .
' m (T ,fw "iflltil'liwi
; , !i (,. i At. yn. ,
, ' .! "' WshikW jit .
''.. .-.. J,
; Ik ) ,i
ti i
,,;ivll .'('.
The undorsijrn-
ed is wiliiiiir to
sell goods of all
kinds at prices
to suit the times.
ilou win nnu a
variety ot arti-
cles in his line
which are not!
generally kept
by the majority
of Storekeepers.
Hi , WJl.
! 'I ,
'' : !.;. Il.
.in1 i.t
i .'tUii ad'j
:H. nil' i
i worr;
Call and sat
isfy yourselves.
Lxrpn jnfche Blo.od
The Peruvian Stirun. a Protect
ed Solution of the Protoxide of
Tt l t.l. J.y ' t ' 7. .7
tltc ehavnclcr of an aliment, ad
easily aigcstca ana assimuaiea
with tlic blood, as the almnlekt
food. Jl Incrcas'co.tho quantity
or jtaturo'a otvn ruaiizina
Agouti Iron in the blood, ami
cures 'atiiousami.nis,'' simply
oirxomny in,mviaor,aung ana
Vttdltzlua the Siistcm. The eii-
rlchcd and vlUiflzcll blood per-
mcatesi every part of the body,
repairing dqinagesi and.w.aste,
searching out . morbid secre
tions, and Having nothhi'g for
'disease to feed Upon,
This is fhesecret of the tOon
dcrful success of this rcincdu In
curing Dyspepsia, Jjlvcr Com-
Ttlaint; Dronsyi Chroiile Dinr-
rlioca, Boils; Nervous Affections,
Chills siml Fevers,, llumors,
Iibss of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of tho Kidneys nntt
Bladder, Fcrrmlo Complnints,
antl etff diseases originating in
a bad state of the blood, or ac
comvanled bit dcbllllu oraloiu
'stale of the syslcni. Being frca
jrom uiiconoi, in any jorm, us
lenergizingi .ejjvcts ara mot joi
loxved bit corrcsnondlna, reac
tion, but are permanent, Infu-
'.t..M ..... . .,11. .. r ' j . . .
amy on niiyiit , vtyur, ftltll. livtv
llfeinto allparts of the system,
and building tip an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands have been channed
by the use of this remedy , from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, and
happy men and women; and
invalids cannot reasonably hes
itate to give it a trial.
See that each bottle has PERU
VIAN SYRUP blown in tlie glass.
Xampblots 'Froo.
SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors,
No. X Milton Place, Moiton.
Sold dt DnuaaisTi cekekallt.
Manufacturers .of ,tlio
parlor mum
Washington,. N. J.
Upwards of 100 of Ileatty & Plotts
celebrated Parlor Organs bavo boon soldi
in the Leblgli valley (turing tne past
three montlis, ,
Beatly & riotU" Par'or Organs wero
awaruea r irbi rreruiuiu as uipiuina
over' Needlmm &' Sou and J.
Estey & C'o'a Orgaus, at tho
Curbon County Fair,
Held at Lehlghton, September, 1872.
January 18, 1870.yl
Corner of
Bank & South Sts., Lehighton'i Fa.,
Keeps a full line of
Comprising Ladles Dress Ooods, Black
and Colored Alpacas, Ginghams,
Prints, Shlrtlugs Sheetings', Ac.
of every grade and, price.
In great variety.
Teas, Coffee?, Sugars, Spices, Fruits,
Hams, Shoulders, Side-Meat, 4c.
Bought, Sold or Exchauged.
Jor Building and other purposes In
great variety oi too ua,.tjuj..
Alt ijwwjw - .
aud prices tuny as itjw eiaoy
(llttllA t.V.lLllX.TJ
Dr. J.lVnlkerV Gftlifoi:nia
Tiuegan BUtcrpjir.p a i?urcw yeg
otabloprcparatipnniadppljIeUyXoin tho nativo herbs found on tho lower
ranges dFtub7- S!orr.vNoradn"7noun
talns' ofi .California, tho medicinal
proiicrtios ,of which nro. oxtrnctcd
thciefrom,without the uso of Icphol.
The question is' almost dally risked,
" What is tho causo of1 tlio tinjJar
hlldldd suce'dss bf ViSifbAh' IIit
teus V Our answer jn, thati they
romovo tlio causa of disease; and
the pnticut .rccuvors liii health.. They
are tlio "great blood purifier and' a
lifo-givine principle, a perfect' Hcrfo
vator aiid Invigorator of tho cytom.
Njavcr befora Ii5 .tlio hiitpry jif .the-world
has a mcdicino bc'c'li clmipomided poi- 1
Bcsalhgtua remarkable rJnalitlbs'Af Vl'.v
BOAR' ilm'EKS in healing tbo Kick of
every disoaso man is, heir, tnj 'flicyn
a pcntlo Purgativo, as well fs a Tonio,
rcuovlrig Ciihgeiitioii Vir lnflftuiiimtlim' of
the Liver nud Visceral Orgausj in ISiliouj
,Tlic propcrlies of Dn. Walk
er's Yiseo A'r IIitt'krs aro Aperient, Dia
phoretic, Canuinativo, Nutrition1!, Lata
tivo,.Diurat!c,Sodat!vc, Counter-irritant,
Sudorificj Alterative, nnd Anti-Bilious.
Grateful, Thousands proclaim
Vinegau Bitters thompst wonder
ful Invigorant that over sustained
tho sinking system.
No Person can tako theso'Bit
ters according to directions, and re
main long unwell, provided their
hones aro not destroyed by minoral
poison or other means, and vital or
gans wasted boyond repair.
Bilious, Ilcmittcnt, niul In
termittent FcTCrs, whliih aro bo
prcvaleut'jn tho valloys of our great
rivers throughout tho United States,
especially those of tho Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee,
Cumberland, Arkansas, .Red, .Colo
rado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pear),
Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others,
with' their vast tributaries, through
out our cntiro country during tbo
bummer and Autumn, ana ronmrKa
hly so during seasons of unusual
Vat and dryness, aro invariably ac-
compamcu uy exiunsivo uerango
ments of tho stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera; In tbolr
treatment, a purgative, oxprting a
powerful infhienco upon theso vari
ous organs, is cssontially "nocossary.
Tiicro is no catnartio lor tno purposo
equal to Dr.. J. Walker's Vixegar
Bitters, as th'ey wilt spoedily romovo
the dark-colored viscid mat tor with which
tho bowels nro loaded, at' tho pamo tinia
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
and genoraily restoring the healthy func
tions of the digostivo organs.
t oru!y the body against uis-
caso by purifying all. its fluids with
Yineqar Bitter's. No epidemic cau
taxo nolu ol a system tuns lorc-armod.
Ursnonsla or lniUirestion, Head
ache,. Tain in tho Shoulders. Cougbi,
Tightnoss of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour
isructations ot tno btoraacn, nan Tnnwi
in (ho Uiiuth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Inflammation iof the
Lungs. Ifoin in tborcgionof theKidneyf,
and a hundred other painful symptom),
are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot
tle will prove u better guarantee of IU
ments tnan a icugtn y auvorusetncni.
Neck. 0
Indolent Inflammations,. Moronria.1 iifeo-
tlons, Ola bores, Ijruptiouot tno Kln,
Soro Eyes, etc. In, tlleso, as )ii all.btber
cons'tltutlorial Dlsdas6S, 'AOtKKn'ff 'Vis
EoARllmiiRshavo rhown their great car
atlvo powers in tho most obstuiatand
intractablo cases. .
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Itlicnmatistri, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Tove'r!; 'Diib&aea
of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and.Bladder,
theso Bittera havo no equal. Such Dis
eases aro caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons
engaged iu Paints and Mineral, such ai
Plumbers, Type-settors, GoldibuaterB and
Miners, as tncv advonco in life, aro sub
ject to. paralysis of thoBowcK To 'guard
against "this1, takis"a dbsa b( "Walker's
VrtEOAn BiTTiiaa occaihraally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,
Tetter, Salt-Bhonm.BlotchQS.SnoU, Pim
ple's, Pustules, Boils, 'Carbuncles., Ring
worm's, Scald-hcad,'S6ro Eyei,'Ery6ipo
las, Itch, Scurfi),' Discoloration of the
Skjn, Humors ani Diseases of tho Skin of
whatever uame or nature, aro litorally
dug up and carried 'out of tno system in a
short lima by the use of .these Bitters.
Ein, Tupe, and. other Worms,
urkiug iu tho By stem qf.isqmany thou
sands, aro effectually dostroyed and re
moved. No system oT medicine, bo ver
mifunes: nd authelmlnltlcs1 -will free the
system from,wprms like these.BJtUrt,
Jt.oocniaicvomiiuuiiwj, mfoaDf
or old, married or.singlo, at thoTiavn of
womanhood, orthe tnrnof life; thes'aTon
io Bitters dispby;s( deoided,an .intlneace
mat li
wheneTBt l
through', the sum Jo J? unpins, iKrnptions,
or, Sores; cleanse (Vwll? J,ttiftnd (t
Btructed and slu'gisb.'in the ve1ni;clera
it when Itid'fduf; yoHefoblings-wiir tell
you when.. Keep the blood pure, and th
health of tho system wjll follow. ,
fcoldbrnU Uniirsll
d Dtklmt'
tnGAliy8; FPU I8?Wt-e-aP.
lodwu, pearly BPWjftwtWjOfl
Apr. 11. WMbtafteo, X