The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 27, 1873, Image 3
Advertising Itntca. TV doitfrilt 9,U llstlootlr nniltntood Ibano .Adtwtliajiiftntf it 111 t Inlarttd la tb column! o T GaMVX ADTOCiTl that mi be rtcilr e4 from 'abknotni prtlMOrflrm,aolO!Hl!ccompanUa with ittU'Ctsa. Tat ftllawlaf r our cmi term i jHTriimit 1 Tr, par Inch each ' (nwrtlon ; t .... 10 Contf. g li.Month, pr Inch Mcb. luiartlon , 15 Cnt. " Tbrw Months, " ' W CanU. m Xuttintnrtmontha,flntli)wr- tloa $1, each Bnbaeqntnt Inurtton 25 Centi. U. V, MORTIIIMER, raUlihir. SATURDAY MORNINO, DBCEMDKIl 27, 1873. Local and Personal. No suspension of Tnn OxnnoN Ad vocate on account of the holidays. Our carrier boy, Harry, desires us to state to tho patrons of Tnc Caiwon Advocate that he will wait upon tlicm early on iVew Year's morning witli his first annual greetlug. The Lehlghton Academy will re open January Ctli. Tho Bethlehem Iron Works re sumed full operation last Monday morning. The new stack of the Lehigh Val ley Iron Company, at Coplay, will be put In blast soon after January 1. Iter. D. K. Kepner will prrach In tho Academy to-nioriow (Sunday) as follows at 10:00 ft. in. in German, aaii t7:00 p. m. in E'iglish. David Mnntz has taken the hold in this placo recently occupied by' D. P. .KlepplDger. T. D. Olatiss has ono of tho finest Assortments nt' cloths, cassl meres and vestlngs In this section, and Is pienart-d to make up goods In tlie latest' fashion at low pile o ; he has also a full stuck of ready-made .clothing, boots, shoes, gaiters, hats, caps, furs and cents furn ishing goods, which ho Is selling at panic prices. Call and seo his Immense pile of goods. - Ilausman Kuhns have rushed things tremendously during tho past week, but have renewed their stock for New Year's day Call and get what you want for almost nothing. Sure I The Dimes Savings Hank, of Slat lngtmi, has suspended, and Mr. Peter Gross has been appointed receiver. . The Allcntown Rolling Mill Com pany,' resumed operations on Monday morning, last. Fresh bread and cakps dally at Ilausman fc Kuhns'. 'Three talloresses, on custom pants, wanted Immediately at T. S. Beck's merchant tailoring establishment, Le hlghton, Pa. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany took In $200,000 at Allcntown Station for tickets and freight on mer chandise and coal for tho year end Ins Dec. 1, 1873. This does not include 'freight on coal, ore, Ac, for the rolling mills and furnaces, which would proba bly lncrcaso it one-half. Morning Heraid. Connor Tost, 177, G. X.. It., of Summit Hill, Intend celebrating Wash ington's. Birthday In an acceptable manner,. and the arrangements are al ready1 In progress. They will invite Poubleday Post, of Tamaqua,' Sovern Post, of Mahanoy City, and the Post at Mauch Chunk, to parade with them In the morning, attend church, and then enjoy a social dinner. Candles, wholesale and retail, at Haustnan & Kuhns. Por'fumiiy flour, of the very best quality go to J. K. Itlckert, East Weiss port. Lumber and coal In large or small quantities at' lowest market rates. A faw lots In Rlckertov.n still unsold buy at once. 4 Rev. J. P. Wlpkleln, pastor of a church near Heading, Pa., was sudden ly killed a few days since under pecu liar circumstances. Having gone gun ning, his dogs ran a rabbit Into a hollow tree. With two companions ho took hold .of the tree to shake out tho rabbit, when Instantly the entire trunk broke into threo pieces and fell with n terrible crash, tlu upper part striking Mr. W. on the head, crushing him to the earth and killing him In tantly. A dhpatcb from Hazleton, dated the S4lh lust., says, John Dougherty, about 19 years old, Implicated In the, Storey murder, on 11 e 1:1th int.. w arresieu in me uarlelgli nilntM Just lilglit. He confessed before the fustleu of the Peace this morning to having been one of the party. Toys aud candies for the Christmas and New Yen holidays at J. Fatilnger & Son's, at the very luwest'prlccs. Call and Inspect their1 stock before making your purchases elsewhere. If you want Job Printing of any description, you should call at ,the CARBON ADVOCATE OFPIOE, where you can get .It done as quick and as well as elsewhere, and SAVE 25 VXM CENT, on your order. Como along. We are ready to serve you. Joseph Kopp, of Beaver Hun, de sire ui to stato that he Imported a Jack from Qermauy In 1802, and that re cently be bas been stolen or strayed, and that whoever bas got him may Voep him,'; as ho'doa't wanthl'm any more. , '.. ' A distressing cough causes tho friends of the sufferer almost' ai much pain as the sufferer himself, and should receive Immediate nttentlon .Dr. Wis tar's .Balsam Of WlldCherry'jsbeedliy cures' .'coughs, colds,- influenza;, sore throat,' fcc. yIt .will alwayMevp 'con sumption, and In 'marly, TweTliattcstcd cases It has,' effected a perfecCure. The. teachers and friends ot,tho Pack erton Sunday schools treated their schol ars to candy, &c, on Christmas day. Mr. P. P. Lentz,- of Allcntown, spent Christmas day with his friends i n this borough. Tho fair end festival for tho bene fit .of tho Presbyterian Chutch Is still In progress. Christmas In the M. E. Sabbith School was duly celebrated. Two very handsome Chrlitmns trees were trimmed with fruits nnd candles; the' window blinds were clo'ed and lamps lit,' nnd llio trees with their tilinlnlngs made a very pretty show. The children wero liberally supplied with the good things, nnd addresses, short and to tlin point, were made by Rev. J. T. Swindells, J. S. Lentz, Daniel Olewlne, nnd otheis. It was a very happy occasion. Toys for girls and boys In endless variety, and at panic prices, at Ilaus man & Kuhns'. Z. II. Long is offering extraordi nary Inducements to piucliasers of ily goods, groceries, provisions and Queens waie. Call and luspoct his Immense block. ' Charles Trainer, corner or Lehigh and iron btiects, will supply you, with Hour and feed, plow your gardens or do your hauling ut icasonahle rules. Fur alms, linseed oil, glass,, white lead, &c, go to P. P. Semuiel's hard ware store, Bank street,' Lelilghton. Cheap ns the cheapest good as the best. An eminent divine says, " I have been using the Peruvlnn Syrup. It gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, flnsllclty of miucle." Seth V. Povle & Suns, Boston, will bend, free, n pam phlet of 32 pages,, contijnlng a full ac count of .this remarkable, medicine, to any one sending their .address.,. If' we should" happen to' b'o "favored wlth'a' " beautiful 'snow" niidn sleigh IS wrfnted, 'go and' examine those of David Ebbeit. In the men'iitfme take a buggy ride. A beautiful stock of 'Bohemian, china' and'glass ware, suUable.fgr holi day presents, Just received at E. II. Snyder's, Bank street, Lelitghton. The articles aro very pretty aud j,thu prlco will be sure to suit you. -' Thos. Kemerer, Esq., had .his par lor beautifully decorated on Christmas day, and thrown open for tho reception of visitors, anefraade glad the hearts of hh Juvonllq vlsirars.vrith-aUlrfral'' sup ply of cakes and candy. 1 Mr. John Seaboldt, of .Alleritown, spent Clirlstmas day with hU'frlends in this borough. 5 v, Our friend, A. J. Durling, c'ele brntcd his birthday on Christmas. Quite a largo party of friends assembled at .his residence ,on,tho occasion. . . Win.-Kemorcr Is crpvdedtay and evening with customers purchasing cheap nnd handsome dress goods,, dry goods, groceries, provision and'4 hard ware, 1 T.,ScBeck, the merchant tailor,-Is doing a rushing business In clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and gents' fur nishing goods. His prices are down to suit the times, U. A. Bellz Is still offering tho people bargains In dry goods and gro ceries. Step In and examine his goods and prices. Notwithstanding the tremendous rush for dry goods and groceries for Christmas at W. A. Graver's, Ills stock is fully equal ti the demand for supply ing them for tho Now Year. A complete turn-out, single .or double, can be obtained at L. P. Klep plnger's Itvpry stables, corner of Bank and Iron streets, at low prices. Mndnrno Gallevey, late Lady Superior of the Order of the Sacred Heart In the Wc.-t, died Sunday mnrulnu;. In the convent of that order in Chicago. fltdnlRht Itolibtrt. On Saturday night, the reldence of County'Snperlute'ndent Hoffnrd, in this borouuh, was entered by some mis. creants, and the kitchen, cellar and buttery thoroughly raus icked. Among the carried off were ' bread, cakes, pies, butter, a piece of cooked meat, and a 3-iiuart tin kettle. ' There Is at present no clue to the thieves, Tli Col Trad. The following table shows tho quan tity of coal slilppuit over the Lehigh Valley Railroad fyr tjia -week eliding Deo. 13, 1873, and for the year 'tut compared with the same time last year: ,Xrtm WWk yMr. Wyoming.... 10,724 10 50 074 03 HazleUiu .... 13,033 00 22,30'J 07 Up. Lehigh.. 490 09 ' 700 03 Bea.Meadow . -7,523,15, 44,031 10 Mahhtioy.... 8.708 00- 10.57u 0(1 Mauch Chunk 81 08 81 08 Total 50,570 03' lll'UOl 19 Last Vear,,.. 60,083,03 187,027 09 lncreuso '" ' " ' " Decrease .... 11,823:01. ' 83,4 00 rj Maxell Chunk. Itciias. By our own correspondent. A very ludicrous and exciting wheel bnrrow raco took placo In Upper Jauch Chunk on Christmas afternoon. Sev eral hundred spectators were present. A largo number of entries wero made by ambitious whcelbnrrowlsts, and it was really amusing to see bow wide many camo of tho mark. They wero blind folded, nnd were allowed their own liberty In wheeling to a stake some yards distant, on which was fixed a small fl.ig. The entrance fee was fifty cents, and among those who took tliu prizes was ono who struck the stake from a bee line. Tho prizes-were sev- ralfflpe pigs, and tho luclfyHojieSt will bo well supplied wall sausage '.his winter. On Christmas Eve the 27th reunion of tlin survivors of Co. K Stockton Artillerists, who shared the hardships of the Mexican war, took place at the Mntislor. House. Dr. Coffee, President of Lehigh University, and Dr. Banks, of Wllkei-Barre, wero among tho guests from ubroad. Speeches wero made by Prof, toffee, J. H. Slcwers, 'Jen. Lilly, Judro Packer nnd Senator Brodliead, and J. II. Chapmau recited a very appropriate odfc. Tho banquet was n gorgeous one, and tin- bill of fare cinbinceil the eholcost delicacies. Judge Packer woiei n red velvet vest made from material captured fimn tlin halls of the uliiiiteiuiuas. .Viij r Klutz pre sided us chairman, nnd of tho original nnist-r roll of ninety-eight but nineteen wero reported s'.lll living. Thus. Crel ll ii, John Solomon, Win., Ed ward Itemniel, Major Klotz, John Pryor, P. C. Kline, Joseph lllleiuaii and Ed ward Ulainu weio the, only members uf the company present. Some eighteen honorary members of the organization, compose.! of the oldest and most promi nent of our citizens, participated, 4aud during tlieevenlng F C, Kline rendered a number of Mexican airs on the lileu- : tlciil violin 1 1 1 a t had followed the nun puny through the entire war. Alter I thu banquet was over tho' party'ad Journcd to the parlors of tho hotel, and 1 parsed thu remaining hours of tho evening In-Boclal.i'iiterconrsr. Dr. Erwin, who "got up'-'' a beauti ful Christmas " put." at the residence of iMrj -Joseph Laclar, was h constant demand on Christmas, showing visitors the peculiarities and points of Interest. The Representation cojiipletylyfilled the room; nnd vns a striding plc-eturoof 'a mountain fcene. running vntur, siiw mlll In full operation, men pumping waterlitinters sh(ptlfig,leer room was thronged dajw and utglit'hy lookers 011, mid when shown off by tho light of the gas In the evening was real- ' .'111 coiiw-quenccof the leasoimade by the C. R. It. of N. J. of the Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., the stock of tho last named corporation went up from -23 per slmro to H0, Several Mauch, Chunky 9J10 wero on the nlert went'tb Philadelphia and entered lamely into the speculation. Judjie Lelseiulng cleared 870,000 j A. W. Leltenrlng JbO.OOOj M S. Kemerer, $20,000; E. T. B06U1 $8,000; arid- Geo. W. Esser $3,000. On April 18th, 1874, tho anniversary of the battle of Uordo will be celebrated (at the Manslojv Ho'sj.JJ The Scott Legion, of Philadelphia, ti'avb promised to be present, nnd will arrive at Mauch Chunk with the 11:43 a. 111. traltydo .the .Switch-Back, (banquet at thp-Marisloii' House at 4- p. ni., rt-maln at Mauch Chunk over night, and go to Wllkes-TJarre tho next morning, where they wjll. bo. received by. GeuZ-Daiia. Among tho' dlbtlng'iilshed persons who .will be present aro Gens. Hooker, Pat terson, Cadwalader, and others. Mr. Thomas Patterson was married to Miss Sarah Deterllne, at the resi dence of Joslah ifrown, in U. Mnucli Chunk, on Christmas afternoon, at two o'clock. Rev. Noble Pramo performed the ceremony. Tlilerca Arounil. Several of our stores liavo been robbed during the past week or ten days, but who the thief or thieves nro Is a question as yet unsettled. A de mented y out li, who has been discarded by 111-, parents and left to wander at will through our borough, va nt first thought to b the guilty one, but upon a close examination that Miriulse la.'ked confirmation, and now suspicion points where? It would nITurd us much pleasure If theso marauders on other people's premises could be found out nnd brought tj judgment. It is no doubt highly satisfactory to tho gul.'ty ones that they have n poor, outca t, senseless youth at hand to point sus picion upon, so the moro ciTeclually to h(irtlielr nwn cowardly, knenklng uliC And i )ust 'hero lid inig'ht re mark, that this bov. wrose narents are fully nblu to keip htm, should be tuken Off the streptft liv IIih nnllinrllh.j ,iwl placed . In , somiprpper as) (urn, and', tl,e parrfiH, whose; dhtj? It'ls 'ti5'4 tuko can? or their offspring, bo made to foot the hill. It Is simply brutal Hut a human being, though demented, should be al lotted to ro.1111 our streets without n home, nnd eipeclally at this Inclement season of the year. Gentlemen, Poor Directors, do your duty. Senator Cameron voted against tho new Constitution in lUrrUOurg, but neyeitheless his own wrdiKU01tliti 9oattutloD' uujority of tuttty.tiyel Jury,' Jinnirjr TarmlST. The following Is n list of Grand nnd Traverse Jurorsfor January Term, 1874, ns drawn from the wheel Dei 11, '73: uilAND junons. Noal) Grlfjltli, bummlt Hill. Francis Stocker", Lphlghton' i'P Williams, Lausanno township A A Douglass, Mauch Chunk Solomon Wnlck, Franklin township Jacob Ebbert, Lausanno township. . Jonas Rehilg, Mahoning township John ICnauss, .JVesquchontng H'E-Schwnrtzi Kidder township SW Hudson, Paoker towtishlp Alexander Miller, Summit Hill , John Radcllue, L Towamensiug twp Wallace Selwell, Lehighton Simon SSi yder Towamenlng,twp 1 .W ri'ott, Ktdder township' ''. : ' rands Prult, Banks township Joseph I)awon, Summit Hill vlmlnoii Klotz, Franklin township W.,E Mnlonuy, Auiks t.ownslilp Stejilien Bojer, L Towaiuensiiig twp Wililalrrll Amer, Sitmnilt Hill Nathan Peiiner, Summit Hill J K Itlckert, Frr.uKlIn township Joseph Boyr,. Franklin township THAVKltSE JUUOItS. ;Josih Fisher, Summit, Iilll . . . JC Beer; Towamensiug townshlfi '. Owen Lercli, L Towamensiug township f ranklin J Ileldt, uranitini township William Forgee, Simmilt Hill Stephen Solt, Franklin township Adam Chrlstmnu. Penn' Forest George Manrer. East Penn Thomas Path, Lehlghtnn Tbnmns Koons, Welssport Uwen uover, eliigiuon llllnm. Illnes, Neqliehnnlng William' Kennedy, Lausanne AiIhiii Meeke-s Penn Foribt E' If Cooke., East Mauch Chunk Ahiahiini Bertsch, Mauch Chunk John Strnup, Suiunilt Hill David A line, Mahoning 1, De'lliilley, Mauch Ct.unk A .1 Lauderouin, Packer township H H Everllt. Welspoit Franklin C'Kiiight, Franklin " -' ' Nwil MeiiHlW, Ka-t Mauch Chunk Harrison Wentz. Franklin T J lieberllng, Mauch Chunk Joseph Ehert, Mahonliii; SnmuerPolIock, Franklin Adam W Kaehes, Franklin William Wilhelm, Mauch Chunk J T'MeOanlel, Mahoning S.imuel C10II, Weatheily Jams-" McOloskey, leaver Meadow William .hiss, jr., LTuwameiisIng'' Mai lln Uei wick, E iliiucn Chuhk J li Driblebeis, Lehlglituu David Snyder, 1, Towaiiiensing Jo-Uli Kuukle, Penn Purest E C Wilson, Weatherly A' P Peniose, B.inks 'Amui9ii,Aruer, Mahoning' . Ed C-Taylur; Banks " Henry, Beltz, -L Towamenslng John Beiglie, jr., E Mnucli, Chunk J B Twtedle, jr., llixuku Johu Obert, Lehigliton N C Glaw, Maucli Chunk William NisleylSuiumlt Hill Isuau'llurleinhn, Weatlierly.. ' s WUpnrt liltfrnry Soclet-. Saturday Evening, Dec. 20. Tlie third regular meeting was held asaboVe. The meeting was called to order by Jho President 'n't "7 r.'M., nnd the roll, of officers called. Tho reading of minutes of previous ,meetlng was postponed, Tlie following- candidates for m6m beishlp wero proposed and elected: Miss Annie Mertz, Messrs. Marsh, Groot, Zlegenfuss and Glllinm. Tilj .exercises of tho , evening were taken up. ns follows : Mrs. S. Leopold's question, postponed till next week. Miss A. Mcrti's question answered. Essay by Miss Efflo Fenner ; subject : " Country."' Oration by J. W. Koons j subject : "Gambling." Subject for debate, "Resolved, That Labor should control Capital," was then taken lip ; afllimatlve, S. R Gill ham ; negative," T. W. Rcnshaw.v The society decided. In favor. of the negative side. " Tho Committee on Programme for next meeting reported as' follows : Essay, Miss Annlo Mertz. Referred question" Who was Solo mon's father, where was he burled, and what' Is tho name of the place?" J. A. Miller. " When and by whom was coal first dlscoveieil'ln tho United States?" Ed win Groot. s Oration, S. T. Leopold. Subject for debate : " Kes Dived, That men nre more apt to work, for Honor than Money." Affirmative, Dr. J. U. Zern j negative, S. Leopold. On motion, adjourned to, meet, at 7 r. 11. Saturday, Dec. 27. J. W. Koosi, President. S. T. Leoi'old, Sec'y. Thi Witk or I'rayar. Thu following is the programme for the Week of Prayer, prepared by a cpiiimltteo of the U. S. Al liance, It differs In soma particulars liom that prepared by the British AI llanoe, which has been published In home of the papers of this country : januaiiv 4-11, 1874. The Evangelical -AllUm-o suggests tho tullowiiig as a siiltuhle plan lor tho obseivauce, of tliu WVek of Prayer Ihiuujihoiit'the. Uiited States : Sunday, Jan. '4 :'Sei moils' Tho unity of the Christian UliUrch ; the real ono. Utfs of ajl true. believers,: hlndrauoea ,a'nd lmUiveUh'Uiiloh j tlitl hlesslngs to ne imped lor trom tlm union ot believ ers in prayer. John 17 : 21-23. Momlay, Jan, 0 ; Confession. Our ciirtlioriilwirthlnes and guilt," - ' TtmiikKglvlng. For natloual; domes tic and personal lutrcies. Jteuiuoxut uud siilntuul.. rBuprillC)ltIon.-l'or epajtaj blewings. on tho "week of prayer. Daniel 9:7; Mai. 8 : 10. Tilesday, Jan. 0 : Prayer For the Christian Church ; for her increaso In fallh, holiness and lovo ; for persecuted and suffering Christians ; for Christian liberty?; and for tho moro abundant, outpouring of tho Holy Spirit. Co). 1 : 0-11 ; Ueb. 13 : 3 j' Hub. 3 : 2. Wednesday, Jan. 7: Prayer for Fam ilies. Home and parental influence ; i sons nnd daughters ; tho absent, the sick, tiro erring ; Inmates of prisons ; all educational Institutions. Ps. 110: 12-14; 144; 12. Thursday, Jan. 8 : Prayer for Na tions. Jor peace-aiiiong men; for pub He virtue .-and righteousness; for the banishment of Intemperance, dishon esty, infidelity and superstition ; and for tliu, diffusion of punt and Christian literature. Is. 00 j 10-18. , iPiidav, Jan. 0: Prayer. Fo- Ilia evangelization of all nominally Chris tian countries); for tlm conversion of Israel; for' seamen; for int-slimaries ; for tho spread of the gospel In Mb' hammediin and heathen countries: fur the conversion' of thu wotld to Christ. Ps. 08: 31 : 122: 0; Heb. 13 3. Saturday, Jan, 10 : Prayer. For the Christian in In Wry ;for Sunday Schools; for revivals. Mutt. 0: 33 ; Duut. 4 : U; Hab. 3 : 2. Sunday, Jan. ,110-Sermons. Sub ject: Christ's kingdom universal and eve'rlutlng'. Ps. 07 : 1-2. Results of the Sixth General Conference of ,tbe Evangelical. Alliance. SL K. Church. Preaching in tho M. E. Church next Sabbath at 10-30 A. M.'nnd7 r. t. Sab bath 'School at 3 r. si. Extra meetings still In progress. A Watchnlght service will be held on Wednesday evening, commencing at 8:30 o'clock, and continuing until after 12 t. This Is accoidlng to established Methodist usagf . lUnrrled, On tho 18th of November by Uov. F. T. Itennlkn, Mr Ernst JiiAtun Felsel nnd Mrs. Anna Caroline lloibeldt, both or Weather ly, tills county.. 5 Died, In Frnnkljn township, on tho lStli ult. Scnla. wife or Aaron Schncll aged 35 years, 8 months uml ti clays., At Weatherly. an tho 18th tilt. Johann C chlM ofCioMlclj and LoiilnuSclimUlt, nycil I year. 1 tnonlhs nnd U dnyii. Spf cial Notices. II. T. 0O, having for Ten Years made n speclalty of af fections of tho alimentary canal,- suc cessfully treats all diseases of the Stoni aoh, Liver and Jowels. by his common sense treatment. Dyspvpsln, Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Nervous, De bility, Hernia (Rupture), Hemorrhoids (Piles), and Tape Worm ylefd to his treatment after everything else falls. Thousands of cases of diseases of the Throat and Lungs and Nervous Com plaints arise, from disorder of the diges tive functions and disappear under pro per treatment. Have you a weal; stum acli, General debility, indigestion, con stlpalion, acidity of tlie stomach, palpi tation or llutterlng nt the heart, heart burn, fullness 6r weight In tho stomach', disgust for fond, swimming at tho head, If so, consult Dr. B.- at "ouce. Do you want'somethlngto strengthen you? Do you want t6 get rid of nerv ousness? Do'youl.want a good appetite? Do you want energy? If so, consult Dr.,li. nt.once, his common, sense treat mept Sklri OlscuseN.arlso from lmpur, Ity of tho.blooil aud disordered diges tion causes impure.' 'blood if the fqun tali') head be, vitiated the entire stream s rendered. Impure all outward appli cations such as lotlonn nnd salves may dry up. a disease for a short, time, or drive jt In on the vital organs, butDr. B's treatment expells It from tho system and makes a perfect cure, llerriiii (Rupture), treated by me chnnlcal npidlances and eltt-ti Icily. Radical cure effected lu all curable cases. I'lles ! Blind, bleeding or Itching, cured like magic, I n--taut relief given and sptedy .i-ure. Tlie'number of thosa nfllicted la truly maryelous. Let no false delicacy prevent, but consult Dr. B. at onco aiid be rellevml from u life of misery I'aiiu Worht Removed in Three Hours-r-Uundreds of patients afflicted wlthtapd worm aro dwtored and drug, ged for other complaints, of course with out relief. Tho presence of this dis gusting parasite glv.s rise to a train of symptoms that are often mistaken, for other diseases, Dr. Bom) removes taim worm, head'uud nil, with purely veget able uietllclnrf lu threo hours. Mo lee asked until entile worm Is lemnved. E9 If you hav6 any of the above diseases, do not hesitate, hut at unco consult Dr. Bond, and tie cured. Ills treatment is rational it kid scientific; his remedies are purely vegetable, they act byaMstlng nature and restoring' the system to n healthy condition, lie is the only phytdclau In America that makes a specialty of this cla-s of diseases Dr. BOND will visit Lelilyhton occa tlonally. Duilhghls absence he can be consulted by letterall coui.liunlcatloii confidential.- Address", describing symp toms, Dit. H. T. BO.'fD, Allen Uui, ylll.-ptownPaji nuv 22Um, jfjEnian VAbLiiv n.ii. VfMtia Amsoijjt. I'niwSj.r tritp.i lMT Uhlghton t folUm Notd-7.l!. in., for ii'h Cbuuk, White HiT.n. i JlhDoy Clljr, Ml. C.rm.l, I'llUtbu, W tlkot-birn,, ui-j . t,U0D. IWp .in.'bMlt. Ulun OnKsWlilto Ueli! Ilniietoll, MibnoCllr, "WllkeUrr, .ouut Uruiul, I'llUtuu. TunkbnncKk, Tow. nJ. i:iojlrt,llulIlunJ Mticar Ytlx- l.& for JUuch Chunk, l'ltulca, 'Wartr Jy aud tuUrniodUiesUllfruH 6.31 p. ui.'fir lwcu UAuiJc, ilUit.Oaiikt, WhIU lliu, lluluiuu. Ualuuoy City, Wilkw lUrr, auii rltrttoq n. lu; fur Jljudh AlUntown, lllh!bnm, Ksi ton, I'ulUdelfbla, ,Nu Vuik nnd nil Mallout. a. w.lor Alloutoirn, lloadloi;, llthlebm, 1-ulniHlf) IJarrltburr, Kutou, PhlUdclphia, X Votltfiiyandnlliituopi.' . JJia)tu,rurAlluiilun,llKU.uj, llanjji j. Uarrlabuf, utou, PIUilelibu uud,X. Yuri. 4.44 p. Au.-fur Alleutwtflt, lU,thluui, taktun, rbu.a.,uUl, ,w vrk ana all alalKinai , Jiim, Ir ilattuttuu, Uluau4u4, Allan Hou, Ugiul.UrllJ, tulujl i'kiiaaa.uurf, llatfi- iiuur trial ttuuuiflDui' ' t ' 0BKnr a. bAyuis. KIND WORDS. The ilssoelatcd Reformed Presby rlan says For years Perry Dnyls' Pnin-Klllcr has been known as a most useful family' medicine. For pains and aches wo know nothing so good ns'lho Pain Killer. For many Internal diseases It Is equally good. W.o speak from ex nerlence. and testify to what wo know. No family ought to bo without a bottle of Davis' Paln-Klller. MEssrs. PKnnr D.vvtsA Snw. T hnv it. i., .uents; Aiiuougn nstranuerto yoitlamnottoyourlnvnlunhlem edlclne, Paln-Klller. 1 fonned It- ncquniiitnnco In 1847 and I nin on most Intimate terms wllli It still: my experience. In Its nu conllrim my belief that llieiol-ilDineill-clueeipnl to P.iin-Hlld'r fur tlii iiilelt and sure cure of Summer 'Cnuiplainti, Sore Throat, Croup, llrnNes nn I Cut's. J have used it In all and found n spt-ely cure in every paso. Yours truly,, T. J,G.iRI)IXEn,M,D. Judging by our oA-n Mcpprlenei' whr ever once inakes a trial of Perry D.tvls' Pnln-ICiller, will not, full to recommend It widely as an unequalled liniment, and valuable internal remedy for colds and various other complnlnts. Every Moutti The efficacy of Perry Davis' world renowned Paln-Klller In nil disease of thu bowels, even In tho terrible scourge, tho Asiatic cholera, has- been amply attested by.themos&convlucliig authori ty. Missionaries in Chlna mid India have written .home in coiiiin-'iidatlnn of this remedy fn teims that should carry conviction to tho most skeptical, while Its popularity In ciimmuuWies nearer home Is ample, proof .tliat the virtues claimed for it are real nnd tangible. Among -family medicines it stand un rivaled. iiustou Courfor. Tho Saturday Evcn'g, Gazette of Bos ton, says: ItHs Impossible to find a place on this broad laud whuro .Perry Davis' Pain-Killer is not known as a, most valuable remedy for pain. Ill the country, miles from physician or apothecary, tie Paln-Klller Is cherished as the exclusive paiMcu'i, and it never 'deceives. "Perry Davis Paln-Klller Is reallya valuably medicament, ami, uollk-t most of the articles of the day, is uvd tiy ninny physlchiiH. K is' particularly desirable In location Whero pliysic.nn bio not near, nndliy kec-ing,it ntnand, familes will often save, the m-ces-lty of sending ouf at midnight for a doctor. A bottle .should bokept' ln every houjo." Biston irivcller. ' ' "Wo liave tested tliu, tho Paln-Klller. 'and assure our reader's that it. nut only possesses an tne virtues ciaimi.-a lor it. but in many Instances surpasses any other remedy wo liavo ever- known," Herald of Gospel Liberty. Et7"Sold by all Druggists: dO-lra 'PIIK UOST WClNOCrtr-Ot, DISOOVEKT aV tub torn cmuuv. Di- s. d. nowys Arabian Milk-Oure , FOR CONSUMPTION, And all Diseases of thu Tliroat, Chest and Lungs. Tho only Medicine of 'tho kind In tin worJd.i A Substitute for Cod Lhtr Oil, Permoneutly cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of Breath, Cararrli, Croup, Cfiugh, ColdSj.&c, in fow days, Ilka magic. Prioe ,1. ,per bottle, 0 for ,$5. Also, Dp. S. D. noWE'S, Arabian Tonic lllaail Parlflar. Which differs from all other prepara tions In Its 'immediate action upon the Hver, KldneynndBlopd. It is purely vegetable, and cleanses tho, system of all. impurities, builds it right up, and makes Pure, Rich' Blood. It cures Scrofulous Diseases of all kinds re moves Constipation, and rogulntes the Bowels. For " General . Debility, " " Lost Vitality." and " Broken Down 'Constitutions," I " challenge, tho llitfi century" to find Its'eq'ual! -very',B6t tie is worm its Weight' in Gold; , Prlco 1 per bottle, 0 forS3, A. J, DURLING, Druggist, suloageut for Lehigliton, Pa, Dr. s. bi'lID; Solo Proprietor, 101 Chambers' Street; New York. June 23-0.U Tnpo Worm! Tu? U'ui-iu! Itsmoted In a f buurt ltb liirmleu Vjjlablt Mallclna No f a.lal until tho antlra "orin. wllh hraJ. puH. Itafar tlirnw adllrti-l In r.l drnla ur tlw city whom 1 hate enrrd, that Iml Watt un.uccswfullr traalvd at Ihu Jeilnraon )lo.lcl CI1.K-, on Tanlh alrMt;' livl Inkan In tain (ill--prnilna, ths-vcillci ik-1Sc. aiul all Knuwn ral uiadloa. Dr. K. F. Kc.xn, .N'o. SJ9 ,or'U Mulh Hlroot, I'blUdalpbU.- Tlw Ovctor bta baa-i In bualnma ror ,,Tr IWuntj-tiTO yt,ara,aitd UporlaJI ly Kliiblu. CtllandMe. AdrlrarrMi. Iloiuoraa upeomi rr.ia, h child tlx ywira uld, uiMiurln SO Teal. At bit oltlce iriu'U .Mil ,Klauu. aj.iw or bam uv,r Curly Knit in laniii, bjli hsta lawn rimjyo,l In lata iinn ibrn It ur by ,tMu' out dowor hUindlrln. Or. Kmike'a traatuunt It Jljiplu, ui aud (i-loilly r.luUa. aud no ti an til I tn ttnrm, with hd. Hi. U. V.Kcjiku, 249 .brth Nium nlin,fuiladalipbla,l'a, ls7d-ly r rj.UY yuuk Luck. TMU OCKAT ET.(TI3.NKRY VAzman 'JllIUMPliv ConUtoi 10Sbt Wrltlpji I'npor, 13 EnI p't 1 fvDholJtril Utd l'ucti,2 l Uokt 1 11 lot i f. l'h-iOrpiu of U) Ustatliul Vumtt uni a Ivotf of lKlitfft' or U)it' Jlr'. rampl l-Ackaa wnl ly Uttil, i -uit pilJ, nn receipt of nuu; 2 pof) lr0Jc.nts or 4 fur $t tor (itilaix. It will tw lb aval f otoUjouwitjr buuiibtwr lb inn.i)'. Tba prUd ofMi ant. vi.r tbtu thd prlepjli fr tb lr (cknjr. tbb' atbtrr nrlK-ld n'uuKl brlo at ruUl ngt 1M lbu T5 cut. Uoi'i p tula. Try 0110 luekatjanaj'uulll oTrbuy hUtlioar aur other war. AUJuU J. C UUllHJW. U Jxklloxi&l. ., . IWfluurttMd. ,plft.r tuokt, io. Cat4lUiUM Witt Xtw f" - T-rr " j ' 1 1,1 fcl ' """- .W The undersigned having sold out their builneas l Mt sirs. S-WDKlt ,M Wills, lierehyj Teauest, thoso persons Indebted to them ,to make immediate settl-Jinont iifktMr( nco-tuiiti, and ava trntihle and i-'iMise'. "Thf ncrauntsnro Ifi -the' hHhdt'ijfJjMr,,."KllW13 WjElSS, tthn ran U found at Ihu'Old Stand, fo Kttkii.ont.- , J1G,WIAN,4 QO. Wvlwpcrt, Ducv.l873.-rii -