The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 27, 1873, Image 2

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Farewell, Old Year.
Another year lias nearly paert away,
cartylng down with It to the sepulchre
of year bright hopes "ami aspirations,
ad trials and misfortune, unlookcd for
successes and failures; all,- all sunk In
.oblivion! Farewell, sunlit -paics,
bright with, happy experience. Faro
well, chueiiu'red mnmcnW, , hours and
days, throuded with miblest memories.
On (hv marbled vault Is written what
lias been, and, saddc.t of all expres
slons, what might have beeiu Tho
squandered days ran slowly, Imper
ceptibly, as tho sand glides from globe
to globe in the hourglass; the last speck
dropping ns tho solemn funeral toll
will anno unco the departure forever of
(lie year 1673, Wo lovo to treasuro up
In memory'a.nooks the brleflcts of the
past; and. oft wo tell of some green
oasis In tha desert of life ; tell of tho
cool lug draught from somo gushing
rivulet, whoso Ilfe-lnsplrlng draught
quickened, each pulso Into happier tono
that proved the healing balm tp weary
limbs; that Infused new llfo and vigor
Into tlio wearied pilgrim. Wo elo'o tho
book, but remember Its lessons and Its
light and dark shades, Tho past can
not be recalled ; the present only Is
ours; wo cannot anticipate tho future.
Slowly the leaves of New Year will
open upon whose form appears happi
ness or woo, plenty or famine, riches
or poverty, and last, but certainly not
least, life or death. This has been tho
experience of thoso who liavo seen the
lioary-bcaiied spirit of timo turning
over tho leaves of the buried past;
ending one chapter here by a stroke of
bis scythe, and noting tho commence
ment of another.
Tho passing of tho hour of twelve at
midnight of an old year Is a solemn pe
riod, and Is spent In different ways by
different people. Some participate In
tins watch-mecllngs generally observed
by tho Methodists. Others take a so
cial glass to tho honor of tho new year,
Others think It necessary to annoy their
neighbors by firing the old year out,
blowing, tin horns and making other
noises ; but every ono whu thinks for a
moment cannot but feel conscious of
some error committed, offense given,
person wronged, during the past year,
and the mental determination of fuiuro
Amendment. This, however, Is usually
forgotten by noon next day. Charles
Lamb thus beautifully expresses this
"Every 1st of January wo arrlvoat
Is an Imaginary milestone oa Outturn
pike track of human lif. At onco a
resting place for thought and medita
tion, and a starting point of fresh ex
ertion In the performance of our jour
ney. The man who docs not at Iasi
propose Lu hiiiiself to be betber this year
than he was last, must bo villi! r very
good m wry 'wuMudewl. And only to
propose to be .better is toiiatliln
nothing; elsylt Is an acknowledgement
tct ourinHed febivso, which Is the first
step'towards amendment, lint in fact
' to.nroposo to oneself to do well is In
soma sort to do veil positively, for
there ls'notucli thing as a stationary
point in human endeavors ; ho who Is
pot worse to-day than bo was yesterday
is Tjetter, and ho who Is not better U
Therefore, notwithstanding tho frail
ty of poor human nature, let usresolvo
again and again that tho world shall bo
mado better to tho extent of our In
flueuco during the year 1874, Let us
Joyfully welcomo Its advent, and not
only wish but endeavor to make for each
" A IIappv New Yeah."
A Washington dlspatr.Ii sayB It is
thought In the Treasury Department
that tho public debt statement for the
present month will show an Increase of
about $8,000,000.
The trial of ex-Mayor Oakey Hall, of
Jriew York city, wasconcludedoaHiurs-
.day night, and resulted In a verdict of
" wot guilty;" Tho defense offered no
Tim .tuneral of Col. Dent, father-In
law of icn: Grant, took place In Wash
ington ; the-funeral of Trot. AgassU In
Cambridge, luass.; and of JudgoNelson
at Coopersburg, N. Y., on the same
dap Thursday, December 18tb.
The compute returns of tho late elec
tlonon the new Constitution, now re
corded In the office of tie Secretary of
tho Commonwealth, shew Ado following
For tho" Sow Constitution .... 251.T11
Atfalnst the New Conntltutlon , . 106M
Total tote polled . . .
Majority for New Constitution
Recorder Ilaekett Monday sentenced
a man to twenty years Imprisonment
for committing rfrspe on a girl eight
years old. ' i lie Recorder regretted t nat
;ie couiu jioi iiojwQ a uexiu sentence.
New York, Dec. 23. Harry Gene1
who Was found, guilty fraud on Friday
1 t. lm taken flight, SlncMilsconvlc-i1
'ttohoEhs, been.'ln the Custody .of
nBiitvlierlff Shletds.'nt lilsrevhlenre.'
Shields ut ln wlt!iMifm'lai4Bhtfrith
8 o'clock. Genet then asked pre mission
to go up stairs and sec his wife, eayli g
It might bo tho Inst time.
SI:Mds waftatjsfljd (it vrjiyflrluht,
;ns he had allowed him' to 'do (lie sane
thing tho night previous, and he had
returned promptly. Shields felt fallen
ed and fell ajlfeppiot-ftWflkluft Until 7
o'cli;ck,tliU morning when ho-iliscowred
that his prisoner was not to bu found.
He spoko to Mrs. Genet, hut she denied
that she hail seen her iliusband .at all,
and said that ho did not enmo up Stairs.
Shields then went to tho Central OIHcei
and informed Superintendent Mnlsell
of tho escape. A general alarm was
Immediately telegraphed over the city,
An uuder Sheriff replied to day to the
inquiries of n reporter; All that
know, that I feci nt liberty to tell, Is"
that last night Deputy Sheriff Cahlll
went homo sick, and that Deputy .Sheriff
Shields remained with Genet In his
prlvato residence, which, I believe, Is
at No. 2438 Second avenue, and that
Shields went to sleep or dozed, and
wlien he a,woke at 7 o'clock this morn
ing, he found Genet missing, and Im
mediately Instituted a search for him
all over tho premises, of course not
succeeding In finding him. IIo then
communicated with tho Sheriff and.the
police authorities." Sheriff Iirennan
has offered $3000 for tho arrest of
Wood's Household Magazine for Jan
uary contains n lavish supply of first
rate articles. It Is now Initsfourteenth
volume, and every year has increased
Its popularity and added new friends
to Its largo list of admirers. Though
retaining Its old name, It has not the
slightest connection with its former
proprietor, but has for many mouths
been tho exclusive property of Mr. S.
Shutes, Its present pdbllsher. II. V.
Osborne (Tenoroon) still continues as
editor, and Is the only person employed
In that capacity, glvlug to the magazine
not a careless supervision, but direct
personal attention in every department.
The magazine Is Improving constantly,
and is splendidly adapted to the mem
bers of the household. The present
number contains three engravings and
other good things in proportion. Price
of magazine one dollar per year with
chromo Yo-semitic, one dollar aud n
half. Address Wood's Hocsecuold
Maoazine, Newburgh, N. Y.
A'chh or tlio Week.
It is reported that Laura D. Fair has
married a lawyer in ban Francisco.
There has heen a notable mortality
amounz members or the oiinaiiian
Senate. Dlako of Ontario, Leslie, of
Qui'luv!, Btpeviesof New Durnwick, and
Lock" of Nova Scotia, have dilfd, within
aiowuays. .
A white boy aeed seventeen was can
tured .by Mowiia near i nnip Supil y,
about sixty nilles from Fort Doduc,
week, and sea iwu ami uurneil allvi
The Klovvas mini ber2, 000 warrloia.and
are ostenlhly at peued with the Guv
The brldgo to bo constructed over the
Flrth'tif Forth, Scotland, will lie the
largest In tho world. Its height will be
ono hundred and iifly. feet, and: th
number m spuns nearly one. liumlred
Tho tlieat span in the centre Is to bu
fifteen hundred feet, or nearly bue tlilnl
or a nine in wlillli, anil me snmller
spana uiid hundred and lifty wlile
It is estimated tnat mo structure will
cost about ten million dollars.
Sunbury, Dec. 21. A fire yesterday
between 5 and 0 p.m., destroyed; tho
stable of Join jiaruie, with three
horses. When the fire was almost
extinguished the alarm was sounded
asalu, this time for the laruu stable be
longing to the City Hotel, About two
blocks distant from tho urst firo. I his
was also destroyed, with a stable ad
Joining owsed by D. Helm and Kol crt
Campbell, At this point a stable bc
lonelngto Simon Mnrtz ,was pulled
down by a hook and ladder company
for the purpose or arresting the fire.
The house of John Eisley, opposite the
City Hotel Stables, then caught fire and
was destroyed. The (ires were tho work
of a white man aiyl a negro, who were
seen at Markle's stable a few minutes
before the fire andaftertvards were seen
running up an alley In the direction of
the City Hotel stable. Great excitement
existed last night, citizens standing
guard over their stables and other
Havana, Dec. 23 The Dlarlo de la
Marluu to-day claims that as tho United
States Attorney-General has decided
that the Virglnus Illegally, carred the
American (lag at the time of her capture,
Spain must demand her restoration and
that of her surviving prisoners. It Infers
from the decision that Vlrglnlus was a
pirate, and the, United States Govern-in-ut,
besides restoration, must give
Spain tatiifactlon adequate to the
otfenco of requiring a surrender. The
Dlarlo demands that tho same vessel
which received the Vlrginlus nt Dahla
Honda return her there, and that the
Juulata bring the prisoners back to
Santiago, because tho Vlrglnlus was
the legal prize of tho Tornado, and the
the prisoners can and should bo tried
only by Spanish tribunals. Spain is
advised to be clement with them, and
not to employ the full force of tins law,
The Dlarlo concludes with the "hope
Uwt Gen. Sickles will not withdraw his
resignation. ' .
,Esrnpo of Hurry
1'a- '.i''-'
New Advertisements.
Nntlce.U liarabT plvi-n tliAt the Kxaciitora,
tnlftlMratrra. amltCluarillanH herplnafter rurnHL
hare filed thftf tf,petlr anountaor IhefMlos'-i
hit Mlntm n Ilia .Ib-iiMer'a Offlrr, at 'Jliucfh
Chunk, llf Slid f. ftUisQiHintjr of Corbnn,hlh
roomitii imxe Invnllox 1 ly Ihe ItenUtaf-wIll'
lit, preatMileil to the Judgt-a or tlm l'r nanb' umlrl
on th Xi dftrbf January next, at ton
oVIotk; A. .M for cdnfirinatt m
First and flnnl account of Daniel
Shfld., Aflm1pltmtonpr HiuplrGalla-'
gher, dtc'd?ofiErst.Mfthch Chunk.?.'
Firstnnd final account of LydhiGum-
li t. Admlnlstrati)x,of Steiilien Gum-
bert, deceased.
Rulalfr'a OHlf,ei..')ljiy Jl,hl)lllnff. 871SjJ.
I IV llio Court of Common
Elizaiiktii MAytllft., by her next friend.
JUcli'thl MulUlii.vsi Tlioliias'Jlaiiul'l ;
alias auhicona In Divorce, (original
subpoena iVo 2S, ITulio fi'crni, 1873,
returned' nihil,) issued Jun'j 20th,
1873. Itcturn detondant not found.
To THOMAS M AN UKL, Ilifiondent above named I
You aro hereby notllled 6bo' and 'ap
pear at n Court of Common Pleas iof,
Carbon County, to bo held lu Maucn
Chunk, on tho loth day of January
next, 1S74, nt 10 o'clock A. M-.-, to on
wer the; abovo complaint, perhoual no
Ucq of subpeena and alias subpoena hav
ing failed on account of youi absence
from my Bailiwick.
Sheriff's Office, laucli. Chunk,,).
December SS, 187il-w4 J
gV whom It may concern.
All persons are hereby forbid harbor
ing or trusting my 'son, William Komi,
on my account j ho having left my care
1 will pay no 'debts "of "his contracting
after this date, and now give hi in his
ireeaom. jusei'.u KUt'i',
Denver Dun, Pa.
December 27. 187!J-w3
Now ard Srcnml-IIaiiil. " I'll at Clnaa
Makers. willUili nt f.tiTar lrlrc4 for IllalnllmentH. , City or Coun
try, minus tins t-'iiiaiiuini uriais
mutthl ItDlldnys, by IlOKAVIi: WAT-
liitts nun, 4i uroatiivny, timn
ever before ofTeretl In New York.
Accents Wanted tit trll Waters' Cele
brated Plauoa, Concerto. anrfOcrhes
tral Ortcnns. Illustrated Cataloirues
nialled. Great Inducement to the
Trade. A barge Discount to juiiiib
ters, Cliurclies.Sunday 8cUools,rfc.
K rt QOrt t" ll"l Acenla wanted.
tj)tl LU f)jJ Allclaw-eaof wurklnic rwo-
pie oi eiinir x, )nunK or oiu, maKa niore monpj
at work for ua In their Kire momanta, or all the
time, than at any tblnir elae. Particular tree.
tuonmu STlflailN & uu., rorlland. malne.
Teacher. Fudents, rfeor.vpjen. rcwtnwuterp.
M.4 wlJw-awnKe louu eu, atij Jieuauil ho
sun of nil eludes.
Ynu can Ml)r prn ft fir clnsn Sawlnif Ma-
chlncj firl.xk Mifftdfiit tnntnk n lhrry; or
m ralaibte Picttircitn Ijcaatlf.' jour home.,
rr n nlci SlerfOfuf pI; dr'n K"OiJ 1Un keier
(C:o.'k or Wntch); or Muflc tx: nr a Oft'd len;
ir n I'hnlo'rnnhle AlUun. or n StnnJ Kerosene
Lnnip for your I'arlor; or n pr.e Anprdeonj or
Vet)ttrR IllustntfJ Quarto Dlrtloinrvf or
Itoer U'crtJ rtn'ffnrwl tn(uiry Urnupn; or a'
Hue Violin; or a Iteinlngtnn ltlfl Cnuut or a
Itemliuton Doutta nnrrol Hreech Lojdiun liot
(Jun; or a CaMiift Orjrau worth $HM y is m ply
wi rklu up our uimccupleii llmu tn a wny ex
plained Iti tlio clrcularN of lUa 31. II. 1. Co. IVr
fecily lrnl!lmaty aud rrjptcUl'U; lumiywo1
Hy ph!L,iiliroiic, ddfn Vt Va'l'M
Kant 2th ttlreet, Nw Vurk.
conduct an Acetify for h" reeepti-m of aiter
tlrvniftilK t-r Amrl NnwtrEBi the mt
omplettt tnbUhaiiat of the kind In tha world.
Six ttuMiKjind ncWiipflpera are kipt renuUr'y mi
file, njen to lipfcil'm ty cuitomer. iNnrfjidlni
ro m, hnwer ccinpte,ref.','Te onf-twntlethof
llih numln-r. KTtry AUverl Ueitient
tnkt-n at tun home pi Ire of the pnpur, witboutaiiy
mVlItinnil chance r cunuiliuii, fothitatiad
jerlltr, tn dtmllnu wltb I bo Agency, In mvih
lr'ulle .111 1 rnirtp.nidiicet mnklmt one lontruct
InHt fldofad itfit a bifdxyda oraa Ihouxaiid. A
Dook ofeU'Iny pa it us coiitalnlng Ilrta'of Wt pt
t. largt rlrvulatlutii, relljlnut, agricultural,
chua, hIi i ! h lt dUy "atd( country, papora aluo
uiaKAZiiieB and alt publications which art) fpucUlly
i a! u bit to udertfwr, wltb itnnd lutortuatloti
about prices, is Friit FUKK to any addrtiM ou
nppllratlou. I'ormtni at h dltam-e riblng' to
uuke rontraclB for caub Id auy tnv u, city, couuty,
Male or Tjrrlbry of the United hUte, or any
portion of the lJowlblott of Cauada, may tmud a
L-onciite fitateuieut of wbtt they Knot, together
with a copy of the Advertisement they
dctre liiMjrted, and will receive liilbrmitlon by
rilurn mall ubltb will eiiable tbeiu to decide
wbvlber to IncreaM, rtdura or forego toe order.
'or auch lnfrmatlou tberu U no -chance wbat
erer. TutlUbera uot only (.end their mes tree,
but pay Mut-t-r. lito. V; Kouxol it Co. f-r their
rerurt-a. Orderi are accepted for ,ilDile puper
ti wellai for a larger lift; f-r a eluylo dollar ai
fur n largur mot. Add: ess the Auiertcau ISuwa
paper Adiertlsipg avury,
41 Park 9mr, K.T.
Ml"iMCV MmU HtMIih tncll 4 Kay
VUIyLI t'lieik OuifiU Culalwua and full
liirlleulsrs Kats. f. 11. Sl'UNCKIi, 117 Uaooier
airtfui, uosion.
1t to 8100 In Wall atreat .t flat leadato
II VV rorluoe. fo fun. pampnii.
v for- atamn. VlttXTIXI TuHDmiuOt
Co, liankera and I) roll era, 89 Wall street, N. Y,
XT Hjw'elther aes- luar faacloata and zaln
tba lova tgd affvttlona of any, person they rhooaa,
lDstantlf. TMi aluipls uiautal aeiulruUiaut all
eli poaaaa. frea, by wall, fjr '23 eauts; toetbef
wllh s (l,dioOulJ. Kipllsu' Onicl Uraatua.
Hints a UdUi.- A iUr bouki' 111,000 'sola.
AUJresa i, vtiLUiAU A iai., fuuiiiovra,, i-aus-
II a- e . i- c , c
Only Tito Dollar
13i ttx9M Ht- Viiieuraf,
It Droaday,X. Y. 3 8obool SL, Boaton.
113, 119 a 117 K. UUk ttfChUtiS.
i to M t U I
Mtda IUU near I
&us I
Hausman & Knlms8;,1
Ilayu on' Kxhlbltlontho
Vailed Mai
orldll $
In .the World
Free Exhibition. , Day and Evening. ,
- rL, . ."!
This Giant has been Induced to remain
with llatisuiau & Kuhns (at an enoini
0111 PMieil-el dllrlhrr'tlii, llOII'dnvfi. 'anil
our citizens Miould lose no timo.iii vaults.
lug this wonderful piece, of humanity.
The Giant has with Mm all VlTiJTslof
articles manufactured In his native
country, which lie wll gladly exhibit
and sell tl the people of'lhls nefghbur
hood. A special Invitation Is given
to all children to attend.
Besides having tills wonderful. prodi
gy, who la warranted. to boMully
Wo have a largo, and splendid assort
i m'enOof j'. .
VaX and-
For nollday Presenfci for Young and
Old, Ittch and Poor, nil of which wo
are offering at the Lowest Cash Prices.
Ice CreaHf!'!
Plo Nlcs, Festivals and other Parties
suptlled on short notice and nt reason
able rate" also, lu connection there
with, they have a
Bread and, Fancy Cake
and can nlwayssupply any of theabove
articles, In large or small quantities, at
short notice.
Wedding Cakes n Specialty !
Bank St., Lehighton.,
December 20. 1873. r
AT C'OSf !
In order to Close Out my present Im
mense stock of
Among, wlilch will be found o largo and
choice tRrlcty ot
Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, Ac. ,
Shirtings, Sheetings,
Ac; also, u line assortment ot
Suitable for Men's and Hoy's Wear, to-
guiier w:in
and a variety of other' .Goods, all of
which i win &cil at
'. Notf.lstyouritline. IfJydu'Avaiit to ne-
ouro ItEAIi U.1UGAJNS. Tlio Stock
must.ALLi BIS SOLD In order to nmko
room for Now Goods. Hemumber, the
place for Paulo Pilccs :
Nov. 22. Bank-St.-, ietilgliton.
Moniluy, Dec, lHt, 18731
, . I
Reduction Prices
My entlro Stock Marked Down now
is tho timo to Buy I
, " ' i . j j .j . )
Ladies, Look. at. This I
i?est , Shilling Calicoes aro now'
Selling ut ,....10 Cents
Good Calicoes at 8 "
Good Muslin ot 12 and 14 "
Musllus ftt. .......... 8 and 10
Good Canton Flannel at 12 ''
Better " " at 15 "
JJvit Qlnfiliam, sold before nt. j-
' 18 cents, liow.V. '.....:;.. 10 '"
Good Gloghanls at. , . . .8 aud 12' "
prepare' for winter,
I would call special attention to my
large lot ol ,
Heavy Winter SunirlH
Which I am Selllngat very low Prices.
Carpcti. and Oil Cloths,
Aro 'Selling Very Low :' ' '
Best A Sugar at ,..J2!s Cents.
White Sugar at .11" " "
irown Sugar at 7 to' 10 "
And all other Goods in Proportlqn.
TV. A, fiUAVElt,
hipiirrnntlA'StlG6 to
Short Time Buyers
Wo have Bought out BOWNAN & CO.,
at Lewis Weiss' Old Stand, and lu
tend to Sell their entire stock at
l&educed Spates 1 1
To Suit tho Panlo Times I
The old stock must bo all sold during
Winter Months to make room for
rt,-:.l.f I
as '
"qq. fit?
fJJ " I''
.S ; .., . a -fabl.Sttl
'lit kit . f iw'i'j
I i
Goods are -Down and It cannot be de-
nled ; cijma and see 'our stock and
, , . n i . i i ' .i f : 'i
-1 Judge for yourselves 1 ,i
, i - j. t t i . i
.Hi l I ,
,MV4 I-tin n :
,H.i"l l-f.t o
Weissport, Fa.
Docember 13, 1876.
DruglFam'y Medicine
TOu will always find onu of the largest
j,' and best selected stocks of
Pure UrupH,
ClicmlcaU ;
:" 'ASP
Pt All'W')t1ft'N,?,1in?1I'rd, Sperm, Wfn--ter
-Wliaic.-Tanni'rs' Neatsfoot', .etc.,
tho best In tho mrirlret,. warranted 150
.EinvTuAUxrvntExplosive. A superior
expressly for Lanterns. Try It. The
made,-by the bottle or In bulk.
Just received it largo assortment of
-Bracket Lamps,
" ti (Jhimnlesand
of every style.
Patent Medicines
of tho day, Buch as
Lung Remedies,
CouglnMlxtures, '
Dyspepsia Remedies,
Blood Purifiers,
llair Restorers,
Hair Colorers,
etc., etc., etc., etc.
The Driest' lot of American and French
Unlr Oils Colognes. Pomades, Fancy
Soap, Cashmere, ioqtict and Eau do
Cologne, Tollt-tta Soap, Houy and
Glycerlno Soaps, etc.
Pocket Books & Purses
A full assortment for Ladles & Gents.
Pure nrnndies. Whiskies,
svlnfe.ot. lentil IVf.llf.n.a -a
&c, turJIcdiclnal rurposes
ST Trv DURLIVfJ's Trn,..
era, Cattlo Powders, Hog Powders und
Poultry Powders, by tho pound or in
packages". -
And BORDER, an endless variety.
thllnr Is wnrrantiil.l'riOi r:niiinn
Physicians' Prescriptions and Family
Reelpea prepared by Hurling himself.
clNsport Ahead !
The 'under -Iched' would respfclfiillr
infoim liuilili'rs.conlraclorsaiid the pub.
lie in general, that they have opened a
In connection with their
Near .the L. $.5. Depot,
Ji' a
jtnd tVfttliey'h..Vvp.o,ow on hand an im
liifiiso .Ktnclc of 'hor'onclily Seasoned
l.imilx'r, iif.i hs
IIoiirIi Pinn.Hon.rdi;
Siirfnccd Pino iBoard,
Fjtiorlng, Hemlock and Pine,
' "Sidings, or all kinds,
Shinnies an Immenie stock,
Roofing and Celling Lath,
.Scantling, .
and. IMactLuiiiliernf e.vcry descrip
tion at.tliM very loww-t market prlcos.
"Wo we .also, prepared tournlsh Jlulld.
ers ana others with a very fine artlclo of
S a n d , suitable for Masonry
W(" (.!..;? Nterlug. &0 at Ke-
markably Low Figures.
. We.M) C9isbntly pn )ianrl.a large
lot or Wood anltablo for Firewood,
which wp,,.w(U, c,h, In Jarga or small
tyiantitjcj",,! Piles' to suit your Pockets
feakel & Albright,
: J
Rug I
tjarboopunty, P
TW'QTCE Is hereby glyon, In accord--1
"once "with the laws of this Com
tnonwcaith, iliat afircli-H.ol atsoclatlon
Mr the Inr-rf.-horatlim pt "EhHnezer'i
C'hUrehlor theEviinifellcal Association,"
of Wi'ls'pdrt, Pit.', havo befu presented
to the Court of 'Common l?lcas for the
County of Carbon, aud'tto said Court
having' perused atd examined tha tame,
nnd tho, objects, articles and coudltloat
therein set forth appearing lawful and
not Injurious to llio community, tho
Court directed that, tho said writing bo
filail In the1 Offlce of 'tha Prothonotary,
and that notice bo inserted.ln one newt
paper In, said county, once a work, for
at least three weeks, setting forth that
fin application has been made to grant
such Charter of Incorporation, and If.
no sufficient reason bo shown to the contrary,-
on or before the first day of nut
term, the said Court will grant tba
Charter prayed for.
From tho Record.
W. M. lUmiBiL. .
' Att'y forPeiUob. Deo 08