The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 27, 1873, Image 1
IllHillc toVEIEBEi 3P--- lilVK ASH MET LIVE." TERMS: One Dollar-a Year in Advance H, V. MORTOIMEIl. Editor and Proprietor. LEHIGHTOX, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 37, 1873. SINGLE COPIES, THREE .CENTS VOL. n., No. 6. Lehignton, Directory. Agent. W. Ci Frellrlc-1, Singer Sewing Machine and In. turance, next to E. 11. Snyder's,- Bank strset. Harder, n- Wld'do., Shaving, Uair Cutting and Sham. pooiiti man Exi-hange Hotel, Bunk street. IJoot and Shoe IIkri. Chsrles Yenser, nearly oppotiU the poit-ojpce, Bank; alia, dealer in Omectumery, Clinton Bretney, in Lnan't building, Bank street. All order! promptly JUUd work warranted. Confectioner!. Hansman A Kubns, opposite Obert's store, Bank" atreet. A U orderi promptly filled. Dry Ooodt and Groeerlee. Z. II. Long. opp. L. A S. Depot, Bank 'UjeaUrin Hardware, liueentware, Ladief Drat , Good,, t. IMA. BoltV, Leuckel'e Block; Bank It, Dry Goodt, OrKeria'Queeniware, Carpett, Oil Ootht A Coal. X. II. Snyder, Bank street, Dry ''."JI1 Dreti doilt.Groceriet, Queentware, ' Drugs and Medlclnee. A.J Burling, first door above P. 0, Bank street. OOt, niintt. Perfumery, Patent Medieinei, aV. Hardware. F. P. Bemmel, nearly opp. Exchange Hotel, Bank street, CuUivatort. OWt, Patntt, Guano, cte. Hotel. ThomaBtoantl,''Elchanee,"r.pp. FubllO Squa,e, ,Ilank at. Jtilronage tUinted. Merchant Tailors. Clauss A Bro., Bank street. Mid a" '"C''' i?. .i.,, i.Wi. llooU. Shoet, llatt, Capl, dx. t a'nv d. n.-hulldlnir. Bank St., GenCl ''Zl.nrJod.. llaU. Oapt.Sehool Book,, d. Milliner. Mra 15. Fath, Bsk street, 2nd door .below the M, Er fininh. .Volioniand Trtmmingi vsi.valclatis and Surgeoni, Dr. C. 8. Oerrnan, comer of Bank and Iron aire. I amiuiwiion m nguv - Dr.NrB. KetHr.heit door to v. u., CcmiuHalion in Englith and German. Frovlalone. Joa. Obert, Bank Bt.. V.cHna, Curing andSmoUng UtaUiikment. All orderi promptly filled. 3. VatilDgar A Son, Bank at, dealer; n Kour and fYjl, (Imeritt, truitt and VegetaNei. Watchmaker and Jeweler. A O. Dollenmiyer, South alreet, ahore Bank at. iJmlerin Watchet, CloeU, Ringt, dc. M. HAP8IIKR, ATTORNKV AND CODSSKLLOR AT LAW, luxe 8iair, Iihiouios, Pa. Real E.tat. and Collection Agency. Will Buy and Hell Utal Kdate. Conveyancing neatly done. Lol feclion. pVomptly mad. Settling K.tau, i. Dj , cedent, . apoclalty. May b. con.ult.d In tnglUh iui Oerman. 'E M SNYDKK' Jcbtice off tiib Peace, Lchlgbton, Pa. Office In bis store, opposite the Eagle Hotel. Collections and Drawing up o Deeds promptly attended to. n22-4m jjj n. SIBWBHSi ATTORN KY AT LAW, (IFFICKI Around Floorlothenewaddl.'lonof the Sl.n loi Hou., Maueh Chunk, P.. B"f" transacted In English and German. Collections jromply made and Coaveyanclng neatly done. -gD. C. DIMMICK, J3I3TR1CT ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY AT IAW. Olllce, on BaoADWAT, first door below American Ilotel,MaucUChunk,PenB'a. Collections prompt ly made. Nov. 2. J-JIl. ft. II. UKBKIl, nRArrrTirtHn PIITSICIAN AND SUROEON. Ornce, Dim Street, next door above the 1'oitoOee, Lehlghton, Pa. OfBca Hours Parryvllle each day rum 10 to 12 o'clock ; remainder of day at oOlea In Lehlgnloir. nov-w, n JgJ M, SICIiHERrV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUOU CnUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1873. Railroad Guide. JJBHN8YI.VANIA HAII-lsOAD, Fast Time and Sore Connections ! JMve Kxpresa Trains Dally from Ilarrlstmrg to the.lVeat. Pullman Palace Cars through from Ear burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis ville and St. Louis. The'number of miles operated and controlled by this Company enable It to run cara through with fen.r changes than by any other line. Passengers will find this, In all respects, TUc Swlest, QulcUcst & most Comfortable Itoutvl BAGGAGE CHECKED THE0UQH ST For Rates, Tlcltets and all In formation, apply ftt all Principal Offices on Line, of Lehigh Valley and Lehigh ..'feutqufchanna Railroads, and at; P. K, R. l)epot, Harrlsburg, Pa. A. J, CASS ATT, General Manager. B, SI, BOYD. Ueneral Passenger Agent. J. N. ABBKYi EUlSrn Traveling Agent, March 8, 1873- 901 Chestnut St., Fntlad'a. JJOUTH PKHKA. RAILROAD. Wima AutKOfMiKT, Tamngers for Philadelphia wlU leave Lehlgbten e ftllowsi; tXO .a, m , via L. Vj arrive at rhlla at HJta.m.vUL.AS. Win 11.10 a,m. 11.10 p.m. J.1J p.m. 7.39 a:mj visl. v lIAIp.DWviaL.AS. ilaD,m.vlaUV 3.15 p.m. .Iip,p.Tl.Ufo, 4.47nJ.vUII.r. 4.41p.m.vU.L. V. oo p.m, 8.-30 p.m. 8 SO p.m. 10 JO p.m. p.m. via u v. Beturnlog; leave dseet at J Etraets. PhUV, at 7.10, 8J0 t at Berks and American ana w.vo a jisj, ana o.up. Van Irom Le; cUhxaj to JfhltadCthla, tiii. Kr. a, lew, - ,UaiOLA!f. Ae, Railroad Guide. CENTRA I. II. . OF N. . LE11IQU A SUSQUKUANNA DIVISION. t WINTER .ARRANGEMENT,' Coriim'enclngiDeb. 15, 18T3. Down TAim. No.l. A. M. No.S. A.M. 7.30 No. 5. A. II. 10.25 10.30 10.07 11.25 12.55 1.39 A2.O0 L220 3.17 3.25 3.37 4.03 No.'O. P. M. ,3J15, 4.27 4.37 4.45 A5.45 L0.O5 No. 7. Xtat-e P.M. Green Ridge,..;... 1.25 130 Krranton Plttston..-. Wilkes Barre White Haven Penn lla'n Jane, Mauch Chunk..., Catasauqua Allentown Bethlehem Arrive Kaston 7.35 8.02 ..... 8.30 9.45 1037 7 JO 11.00 4.53 2.20 3.40 4.19 4.40 8.35 8.43 0.00 9.S7 11.68 12.06 1U7 12.43 Up Thins. No. 10. No. 4. No.14. Leave Easton........ A. M. A. M. 11.50 12.13 12.25 12.32 A12S U.45 2.02 2 40 4.00 ,4.20 455 6.00 P. M. 7.15 7.45 7.57 8.30 Bethlehem 8 AS Allentown ".10 0,V4 Mauch Chuok 10.25 Pcnn llaTen J'n, 10.45 White Haven 11.23 Wllkea-Barre.....1240 Plttston tii ,' 1.03 Scranton'..'. 1.00 Arr. Qreeu Ridge 1.35 8.00 9.10 0.25 7 08 8 jo .... 15 ?"' COMNICTIOKS. A'eloueAonlno Valley R. R. Down tralna Noa.3 i and 7, and Up trains Nos. 10 and 4 connect at Maurh Chunk. North lnn'a R. R. Down trains Noa. 1, 3, 5 A 7 connectatBethlehemror Philadelphia. Up tralna Nos. 10 A 4 connect at Bethlehem for Philadelphia. Iteturnlnz oaTol'hiladelDMa al 7.1U a. m. lor Eaa. ton, Mauch Chunk, Bath, Wllkes-Barre,, Scranton, Sharon, Ac; at 9.45 a. m. for Kaston, Mauch Chunk. Tamaaua. v, llllamaport, vuae Barre and Scranton; at 2.10 p. m. for Scranton, Wilkes Barre and Intermediate stations; at 3.30 p. m. fur Bath and Kaston at 5.15 p. m. f rr Mauch Chunk. Tamaaua Rranch. Up trains Nos. 10 A 4, and Down trains Nos. 3,5 A 7 connect at Mauch Chunk to and from Tamaqua. Lthiah Or JMChawanna It. it. uown trains no. I A 7, anu up irnina nvs. 1U o n.uuct:. a. ,u lehem for Bath' and Chapman Quarries. Return ing Wva Chanman's at 7.10 a. m. and 2.15 p. m. Cetlral Railroad of NewJeney All trains make close connection at Kaiton nlth trains on Central It. timid of New Jersey. n,lri,Urr-Delaware R. R. Down trains Nos. 3 A 6, and Up trains Nos. 4 A 11 connect at Phlllipa hurg with Bel.-Del. It. It. to and from Trenton, I'MlaUeipuia auu ueiviaere 'iiiaannia a; ffaaing faitroau. me .epui of the Kast Penn H. It. and the LIS. Division are connected by Sttvet Cals. II. 1'. UA1.UIV1PI, wn. mtienger Agent. Nov. :2, 1873. JIIII.ADEI.PIIIA t KIIIB II. II. WINTER TIME TABLE. n. .r,l sft.r SUNDAY. NOV. 2d. 1873. Train -n the Phila. A Erie Railroad Division will run as follows WESTWAftO. BcrrAio Ezracss leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p.m. " llarrisbnrg . 6.05 p.m. " 11 Wllllamsport 9.10 p.m. ( u Emporium . 1.45 ' " arrive at Buffalo . ' 0 00 a.m ERtt MlAL leaves Philadelphia . . . 10.20 p.m. u u u Ilnrrl.bura ... 305 a.m. " " Wllllamsport . 7J5 a.m. ' ' " Lock Haven . . 8 50 a.m. Ilenova . . 10 15 a.m. " arrive at Erls . . . 7.40 p.m. Elviei Man loaves Philadelphia . . 8.00 a.m. " " Uarrlsburz . 1:30 p.m. ' Wllllamsport . 6.20 p.m. " " arrive at Lock Haven -. 7J5 p.m. Rskota Accom'n leaves Harrlsburg 8.25 a.m. ' " Wllllamsport 1.10 p.m. " " arrive al Renova . . 3J5 p.m. lAStWAU. Bcipalo Eiram leaves Buffalo , 2 30 p.m. 11 Emporium . 8J5 p.m. " .wiiuam.porl '. l.uo a-m. " arrive at Ilarrl.tiurg , 4.50 a.m. " Philadelphia . 9.10 a.m. Klmua MaiL leaves Erie . - . 9.15 a.m. ' " Lock Haven . 8 30 p m. " WllllimDort . :.05 D.m. " ' arr. at Ilarriaburg . 2.50 a.m. " arr at Philadelphia . . 8.00 a.m. Eluisa Mail leaves Lock Haven . 8.00 a.m. -" " Wllllamsport. . 9.30am. " " arr. at Ilarriaburg . 1 60 p.m. " arr. at Philadelphia . 8.50 p.m. uaabisbcko ACCOM k leaves itenova , i.vaj p.m. " - WIllIamsporL 3J0 p.m. " arr. at llarrlsburir . 7.50 p.m. " arr at Philadelphia . 2.50 a.m Mall East conneots east and west at Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvlneton with Oil Creek A Allethenv R. K. W. Mall West with east west tralna on L. S. A M. S. K. W. and at Corry and Irvlneton with Oil Creek A Allegheny U.K. W. Elmlra Mall aud Buffalo Express make close connactlona at Wl mamsnort with . U. K. W. trains north, and at Harrlsburg with N. C. It. W. Trains souin. WM. A. BALDWIN. Nov.22,1873. slSuPt. JTAVID EBUEIIT'S Livery & Sale Stables, nANIC 8TEEET. I.EIIIGIITON, Pa I always keep on band the best hor ses end finest carriages, to be let at livery at the lowest prices. Conveyances can be had of me at the shortest possi ble notice, at any nour. 1 wouia can the attention of the public to my spec!- al facilities for supplying singlo ordou- ble teams for funerals! Ac, ov.2, 1873'. DAVID EBDERT. FATZINUER & SOS, WK'SSrORT AND LEIIIOUTON, Dealership '; Groceries, ProvlHlons, Flour and Feed, ' Canned Fruit. Notions, Toys Country Produce Bought and Sold. Lehlghton Store, three doors above tho Post Office: Weiwnort Store, near Oanal IlrWce vr- 99 UE LABOR 8AVKR ! Thfi undarsla-ned resnectfullv an nounces that be has been appointed Agent for the Universal Wringer AND Doty'sClothesWasher. I would alsoan nounce to mv friends and the public In general', that I bayo opened a first-class MVer y Stable and that I can furnish Horses, Buggies and Carriages of tho best description, for Pleasure, Business or Funeral pur. poses, at very Reasonable Charges. AS0' tnat hiving engaged a Reliable urivcr, i am prepared 10 uyiA.uiJimr of every kind on shoit notice. In con nection tnerewitu i snau continue my Carriage Manufactory where trie people can get their C'arrlagos Wagons, etc., REPAIRED on short no tice and. at reasonable prices. The patronage of the public Is most respectfully solicited. L. F. Kleppinger, Cor. and-IRON Streets, Feb.,22, 1873. i .tehlghton, Pa. fjs D. Ji,AUSS, merchant Tailor, And Dealer In Cent's Fiirnlslilnpr Goods, LElIIGHTOKi PA. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths. Casshneres aud Vestlngs.for Men's and ltoys: wear, wiiicn l am prepaied to Make up to urder.m the most a ashlon able Styles, at short notice. Ladies', Misses and Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, .Lasting, Kid; Pebble and Grain Leather Boots and Shoes on hand, or Made to Order. Hats, Caps and Furs, Of the Latest Styles always oj hand, al the Lowest rnce. Also, Agent for the American & G rover & .Baker Sewing Machines. Only Ono Price for Everybody. January 11, 1873-yl JpiLOVK AND FEED. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs the people of Le higbton that he has most Excellent Flour for Sale ; Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STRAW In tho bundle, lie Is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at snort notice. LEEIGU (2d) STREET, Lehlghton, Pa. March '28- ly milOMAS KEMEREu, A. CONVE'AN-!Rn. NB GENERAL IN8ITEANCE AGENT The followlns; Companies are Itenrssanted 1 Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Fire, -' ' Wyoming Fire," Pottsvlllo Fire, Lehigh Fire, and the Travelers' Accident insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thief Detective and 'Insurance: Com, pany. March 2'J, 1873. nr.EUIGIITON ACADEMV. JL4 Lehlnhton. Pa. Au Institution for Both Sexes. FA'OULTY :' Rev, C. ICKSStEIt, Principal and Professor 01 uisasics ana lae Ulgnsr ngusn t. Branches, , i , IKRS. HO.'tKSSSBLBnarrM.ptress aod IMCUsi VI taiuUi auu iiiriup MR. JOHN Al, 1CI88LEU, A. B. Pro- lessor or Latin aoa u reek. SIISS B. C. NEAD, Teacher of .Music. W II,SON IlKIIHIO Assistant. , For Particulars ayply to C. EES3LEB, LehUb. 'noiPa. Oct. 17, 1873. NOTICE, All persons having claims against the Satate of late Daniel Solt, debased, and those Indebted ot is, same are reo.uestea le.Lnosa sueir vibiuu or mate seiuemeniou or neiore January i, ibis WILLIAM SOLT. BOLOMON BOLT. Iter. JO, liTS-fee l-nak OSTPONEhlENT. FOURTH BRAND GIFT CONCERT roa tub !UriT or the PUBLIC HBRAItY OP KY. Over a Mi I Hon in B.anksl SUCCESS ASSUnEI). A. FULL, DRAWING CEUTAIX. On Tuesday, 31at of Blarch Next, Tn nrAnr tn meat tho general wish and erpecta- tlbnof the public" and the ticket holders for tho full payment of the mannltlconi itlrts renounced n,r the Fourth Orsod tllft Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky, the nisn'ageraent have de termined to postpone the concert and drawing until Tuesday, March 31at, 1874. They have already reillied OVER A MILLION DOLLARS and have a great many agents yet to hear from. NaiL,u4. i nf.rfniWn ,A Jtiil of etVrV ticket before the drawing i but, whethrr all are 'old or not, the Concert and drawing will poiilively and unequwocauy take place on the aay now jixeu, u if itnv wmjun ifJA wtili lie. cancelled, anu the prUet will be reduced in proportion to the untold Knew. 13,000 CASH GIFTS. will be distributed among, the ticket holders. The tlcketsare printed In poupon of tenths, and all fractional parte will be represented in; the drawing Just aa whole tlcketa are, ZjIBT op. gifts. one orAnd cash oift :2r,o'oao ONE GRAND CA81I uiu.oou ONB'ORAND'CASIt OIJT . 60.000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 25.000 ONE GRAND CASH QIFT..1 17,500 10 CASH GIFTS,' flUjUiKjeacn iuo,iiou 30 CASII'GIFTS, 5,000 each 160,000 60 CASH OIFTS, 80 CASH GIFTS, 100 CASH OlFW, 150 CAFII OIFTS, 250 CASH GIFri", . 325 CASH GIFT3, 11,000 CASH OUTS, 1,000 each 50,000 I6O0 each ' '40.000 400 each 40,000 300 each 45.000 200 each 60.000 100 each 32,500 60 each 650,000 Total, 12,000 Gifts, all Cash, amount ing to $1,500,000 Thechances for gifts are as one tn five. price: of tickets. Whole Tickets, (W Halve., $25 i Tenths, T each coupon, $5; Keven While Tl.kets for J310 J 221Tlckets for $l,000j II3 Whole Tl;kets for 5,OO0j 227 Whole Tickets for $10010. No dis count nn les than $500 worth of tickets. The Fourth airt Concert will lie conducted In all respects like the three which hive already been given, 'and full particulars may bo learned froni circulars, whlrh will be sent free from this office to all who apply for thrn. Ordsrs for tickets and applications for ageucles will be attended tnlti theordor they are received, and It Is hoped they will be sent 111 prninpny. mai there may be no disappointment or delay In filling all. Liberal terms given to those who buy to sell again. All agents era peremptorily v settle up thrir amounts and ro'uru all unsold tickets by the 20th day of Map-h. Afent Publlo Library Ky, aud Manager Olft I'onrerr, 1'UDlie uorary uunuing,j i.ouii,iue, Kyor THOSJII.UAYS A CO., Eastera Agents, 609 Broadway, N. Y. de'20-w4 P. jr. Kisftlei, Desires to inform his Customers and the Public In general, that he proposes to Sell all kinds ot DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ' QUKENSWAHE CARPETS, OltCLOTnS, Ae Ac, at fully as LOW PRICES as is compat Ible with the times. He Is not offering a lot of old style goods at any price, but Is Selling a First-class Line of Goods fully as low as the same articles can bo bought for at any stoic In this section of the country. He respectfully asks an Inspection of his goods and prices, and guarantees that a trial will convince the most skeptical of the truth ot his asser tions. Very respectfully, P. J. KISTLER, Opposite th'e'Publle STuaro", Dec. 13-W5 Wetssport, Penn'a. VRNITURE FACTORY. VAL. SCHWARTZ, DANK STREET, LEIHGHTONi PA., Respectfully announces to his friends and the pub lie In general, that he baa constantly on hand and for sale, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, the very nest ana iiesi oivies 01 neuuaue Household Purniture, Comprising Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Wood and Cane-Seated Chairs, .Looking uiasses an Kinds, &c, c. Furnlablas Undertaker. FUNERALS promptly attended to at very reason- anie enarree. jnnei, isij, E. H. SNYDER, LBUIGUTOIV, PENIW'A., DEALkR IN Dry Goods, Notions, Dress rOods9 GROCERIES, (jrjEHNSWA'BE; Glassware, Hardwire. eVo. Umf91, 1873. A CHARITY CIIIAIK. BT MART E. OBISWOLD. Horning dawned over tho city, and down from Olivet's brow Drooped a mlst-vnll of mnglcnl whiteness, ns pure as n vesper vowj The nlr was with sweet life pulsing;, and Swung gciitlv In cimiico of Incense, whero . the Master knelt apart, Allnight lie had prayed and wrestled'mlrt thS mountain's dusky calm, The sinless 0110 for tliosinl'iil, thus winning 1 AT.rftJS.1. . isemis. win. ' tlio lily's migrant ncarx with " .t ' 1 Rnillns find irentlo talk. Llko cathedral aisle, made sacred each step of that lonely walk. Tho people throng about him, and fairer than blessed taper, i Consecrated for nyo by prayer, and tho wreathing Incense vapor, Glowetl those eyes of temtercst azure, from tho Hps such pearls of pralso, Falling on those eager spirits, sent a glory through their days. Ah. those words! llko holy chant coming nuur vesper euiui , And the smile I as sweet as saints, Ion Invested with tho nnlni. Lol tho hell of Coil's great peaco through tho hushed air soltly swings, Anil they felt the shining ones sometimes , brush them with their wings. Up the alslo camo hurrying footsteps ; sco, tho haughty Scribe Is tliero, ,. And tho iMiarlseo's broad phylacteries seem to stir tho dreamy air, Ever tn tho world's glad pean breathes an undertone of woo; Side by side, like shine and shadow, puro and wretched come and go , Slowly bowed tho blessed head, till tho wealth of auburn hair Vollod tho eyes of wondrous pity was. there thought of vengeance tliero ? Ah I thnt voice of tender pathos: " Let tho sinless cast a stone.". Ono by ono tho crowd departed, leaving' bnt tho twain alono. Bowing low; with a sweep of glos9y hair round tho oval curvo of face, Shame, remorse tho poor soul crushing, near tho holy altar placo ; Tearful answer to Ills question, few tho Words and quickly said, And ,hcr voice was sud anfl low,, like a prayer beside tho dead. "Go, sin no moro!" Iasscd she out, Into whiteness and tho' calm; " .Wreathed tho sword of earthly Justice with tho illy and tho balm. ' ' In her soul tho fair white petals blossomed alter pain and loss, Dear Chrlst-love thnt works' such healing, there Is crowning lor tho cross. Our Firetide iriena. THE JUD&E'S' STORY; " I don't seo how I coulil,havo' done more lor hiiri than I did ; but still' tho man should not 1iave been punished be should havo been' acquittal.." With these words the Judgo awoke to tho consciousness that lie had a fel-low-traveler ; and then, as if somo ex planation .of his remark would bo in order, he went on; " We had a yery Interesting trial In Austin! last week. Tom Carberry -Irish Tom he is called was tried' for murder. I defended htm, and never 1 struggled harder for a client in my life. For a week before, and throughout the trial, 1 worked ulcht and day to look up testimony, and to present the case to, the jury in the best possible light. 1 consulted with all tho attorneys1 not engaged for the prosecution. We got him otf with throe years In the peni tentiary, but he ought not to have been punished he should have been acquit ted." . The fellow-passenger queried ns to the circumstances attending the al leged murder, and the Judge answered: "a Ley were .very peculiar, and mat Is tho reason why the trial waaeo very Interesting,, A. woman up In iMontana whenever saw Tom Carberry, thought that he had done her a great wroug ; and so, when she was asked, as the phrase is, to 1 take up with a new inau,' she named her terms: "'Kill Torn Carberry, of Austin, Nevada.' " ' But I never saw nor heard of the man,' said the Montana aspirant. "'Nevertheless,' said she, 'kill Tom Carberry.' " " ' It Is the depth'of ,wlntert' was ob jected, ' and we are hundreds of miles from Austin, nue journey cannot now hn Hindi " ' Kill' him In, the spring,, said ttie 'unrelenting woman. "Vxcv aid'iie, ana tue compact was sealed. " With the opening of travel, ,lu the spring there arrived at Salt Lake City by the Montana stage , ah. Individual wuo ireeiy announctu luat no was on ins way to kill uaruerryt "Tom heard of It, but ho took, no steps cither to get out ot tho way or to be specially prepared to see company. Lie was tiled employed at Keystone Mill, nine mites from town,, anil lie ttald there nearly a wholo week alter ho knew the: Montana chap was la Austlu.. .Yausee, Tom isia- peaceable man, , and he didn't, wautany'diuicuity. iqvt men would have como in At onoe, and not tha affair off thelr.hands." ' The itsteuer entertained doubts nt this poiot, but, saying' nothing, the Judcu rtrnrfwjlprl. "Saturday evening,' Just as uaua'l with him. Tom came into.the city, and altar getting shaved and tlxed up for his holiday, he went around to .the sa loons,, where .many Of the people lot mining towns soent their leisure, to meet his friends. It wasn't long till ho encountered the Mouuua .felldw, tn ho, began at once, in Tom.'e hearing to inane insulting remams; Here the listener interrupted with- " Why did he make Intuiting remarks? It he bad mflde a lone journey solely .for the . purpose of killing Turn, 'why didn't be shoot hltn oil-baud.?" "JJecaoso,".. said .tba'-Judgry "that would have been tnarder TUo. com- muntty Is down on muidcr, and ho would havo been hanging from an awn Ing beam In fifteen minutes. Killing Is a very different matter, Wnen two men get Into a fight, and all is fair be tween them, and one kills the otlnr, cjtuinunliy don't ordinarily seem much concerned on the nubject. Under such circumstances, the only way for Moil- JljTiM'r Mna, antl Iead lllm to figlit. But Tom wasn't disposed to gratify him he would. Pot ttDV notlce-dldn't Beem to lipnr nut. rpnoa ml laff " - v .v nvvui i iviv uui! nuilNlll to go to another,, Just to keep out of the way. Montana followed hi m nn. nn n stanuine rigiic oetore Tom, ho came tiown Willi a Heavy lar. and sa d : '.I'm Chief P Even this Tom didn't resent, and when he got up and went away to his room to bed, there wasn't one of them to say a good word for him. " Montana enjoyed a season of glory, no had said, ' I'm Chief P In u nubile place, and no man had dared to accept me uiiniivur. "The next morning Tom was stand ing on tho. sidewalk, when Montana came along, and they met face to face. u.o IU 1.11U 1U u VCIJT IIUIUL, IOW tone, saying: "Stranger, you used mo pretty rough last night, but, I don't bear malice. Jest say that, you'd been drinkln'and didn't incau It, and we'll say no moro about It.' " jlbntana answered ! 'No anoloeles In ,mine.' well,' said Tom, 'you needn't apologize ; como Into the saloon and chink glasses wlth'me, arid we'll let'tbo matter drop.' . " Then Montana said: 'Tom Car- berry, either you're generous, or else you're a coward. I don't think youjre cowardly, an' if I'd known vou' at tho 'start, It's most likely I wouldn't havo waded In.. But the matter-can't be' let drop," for V'eie's hundreds of people in my section an oetween nero an there who know that I came here to kill you ; sd there's but two ways. -Wo must fight, .or you must run. If you'll run, It' Just as good, to rao as ,to fight.' "Tom's almost suppliant bearing disappeared on- 'the1 instant,1 rind ho said: 'Stranger, ,1 ain't: much In the habit oVrunnln'.ian' if we're to fiuht. we may as we'll have it out now as any time. .Are yoil'heeled?' 'Tom asked this question because wo have a law against carrying concealed weapons, which ,1s, regarded at such hours as people think they will have no use for their arms, and disregarded at all others. " The answer, .was i -'No. I left mv revojver wth,the.barkeoperof the.Ex- cnange. "'Get It,' said Tom', 'and 'I'll wait for you- herel' w f , I am maklnc a ,Iona storv of thn shooting, which in reality was very soon over. They Bred three shots apiece' In as many seconds. Trim' third ball passed through 'Montana's heart, ,and he was dead before ,hls head rebouuded on the, brick .cavement. Carberry 'surrendered himself at' orice. and was kept' In jail until his' trial came Off, although ball to any 'amount' was onerea." After a pause, tho Judtrn adder! " t 'don't see how1 1 could' have done "moro ror mm man I'did ; out tbe man shbuld not j have been punished ho should have been acquitted j and ,he. would have been but for one circumstance, which prejudiced the ' court and jury against hlnii't ,. What was tho clrcumstnnen no nrn. Judicial ?" questioned tho listeuer. "Thn Mnl.,,n ml,'... tu - ..v w.-.,. w,,p ia, but, 1UU1,1I man Tom had killed 'Ih 'A'dstln." ah. swerud the Judge; Innocently. Over- muu .uoniiny. HtiHOKOUS. A man lu Chicago ancouncesUilm- self as tho " Methodist candidate for constable.," Wit Is a.danccrous ulft. but wo do not know auy on who Is In great, peril 1IUIU HO .U31V39IUU. An'"bld citizen" vrlsba's'to Inform tbe-ppbllcthat "thero's no use' trying to break .those.lron.coal.holanCQvers by sitting down on 'em." He, knows, The- editor, of-the. .VIcksburg Her ald sppnt (8p0 on a church.falr, hoping to get the' prize' of 13,000' In pjold, and be drew a brass chain and a photograph of George. Washington. Tho world has no further pleasures for him., Rector, going his rouu'dsr-''An un commonly line pig, -Mr. Dibbles, I do claro,;' Coutemplatlogyillager "Ahl yes, sir. If Wowefe' only' all of1 Us as HttodleasUlm.'slrl" ' ' AredUdr1, who speaks with the nlr of a' man who. had discovered' a' now fact by; experience,- says that the way to prevpnt bleeding at tho nose ts to keep your nose, 'out bf.'.pthfcr .people's busi ness. t b'ver tjio's'of n'borlr butcher In one'Sf the e'asterh eonntlei 6'f 'Enjjlahd may lie seen a sign board representing at, man In a, blacr cpat brandishing a hatchet, with tho Inscription, "John Smith kills pigs like bis father.'1 man lu u down town boarding bouse, who ate sixty eggs, at a sitting, Is looklng;for a, new place. JIo. wants to get Into a nice, quiet family, whero his opnipany, viU be i considered an equvaiei(l ,fori,jbi board, though, ho wouldn't, nriudpaylng.js.dollar a week ,lf .bis.msal veru prpugbtto his room. Ills health ii vvry delicate, '