I KDIT0R. LKIliallTON, PA.! SATURDAY MOKXIXU DECEMBER 10, 1873 Tlie people of tlio Commonwealth, on'Tm-sday lat, decided liy n majority of about 175,000 fo adopt the now Con attiutloii as submitted by tbo Cohven .tton elected last year. The offlclnl ma jorily In tills county was 1,018 Votes. Col. Frederick Dent, father ot Mrs. Grant, died In Washington Monday night. Col. Dent was In Ills eighty-' eight)) year. IIo complained of being JU Monday, but no alarming symptoms were apparent until n 6hort time before his death, which occurred without a etrugglc. Several largo manufacturing estab lishments In Philadelphia have resumed, work, and nro running from throo days In the week to full lime, most of them with the full complement of hand, but at a reduction of wages of from 10 to 15 per cent. Tlio mills In Mannyunk are starting, 20 of them having don.: so within the past week, and it s stated that the remainder will be running by the first of the, year. Congress has been laylngout for itself a vast amount of work; and It Is hoped that some of it will be done. On the three bill days tho enormous amount of 850 bills were presented. Slost of these were for buncombe or, per-onal purposes. The large deficiency In tho Treasury demands Immedlato attention, but liat will be dorm to replenish It does .not yet appear. No matter what tho exigencies of the public' service partisan politics rousthave aeontrolline Influence on both sides In directing legislation. O for a few days of united devotion to the Intcrsts of the nation) Postponement Fourth Gift Cos ceiit or Public LinnAiiY op Ken- tuckt A Cad to the Public. Tho Trustees of the Public Library of Ken tucky nnd tho management of tho Gift Concert announce the postponement of the Fourth Gift Concert until Tuesday, the 31st of March next. The public will readily understand thecauscs which have made the postponement necessary Tie financial paulc, which has for the last two months paralyzed tho business of every section of this country ami Europe, has prevented thousands from investing In tickets. Tho epidemics pervading almost tho entire South have cut off a laige and available market. And, too, tho public, Judging from tho effect of these cnusee, have expected n postponement, nnd have declined to In vest without a more positive assuranr.e ot the drawing taking place on a fixed day. All Ir.terestsd desire a full draw-. Ing, but for the reason just Muted this could not be h id on tho 3d of Decem ber, but the short postponement now announced will secure It. The man agement have met with unprecedented success. The sales of tickets, the pro ceeds of which have already been received, amount to over a million, dol lars, with a number of agencies in this country yet to hear from, and.all those In Europe. Thus the drawing (scaling tho, gifts one-halt) could bo had now, hut tho management ileum it best to have a postponement and a full draw ing. This postponement assures tho sale ot all the tickets and a full draw ing. That this determination will meet with; the approbation ot nearly every ono Interested Is made apparent by the very numerous letters received from every section of this country and the Canada asking for a postponement. This action of Urn management will work no detriment to any, but will be for tho good of all. By It the fortunate ticket holders will receive their gifts in full, while it will not affect those who do not draw gilts. ,In making this an nouncement 'tlio. management emphati cally state that there shall be no fur tlicr postponement, and to tills end all agents will bo Imperatively required to lose tip nnd transmit their accounts to this .office by tho 21st of March. Tlios. E. 13 n am letts, Agent Publlo Library of Kentucky. Victoria O. Woodhull was arrested at Jwclcson, Mich'., Sunday last, on cliargo of st-lliugobscene literature, called ,,Tho' Elixir of Ufe." The complainant was nnn ,1. Vlito, who has acquired some notoriety as the prosecutor of liquor suits. Victoria was immediately bailod, and lectured tu about COO people, on the "Soclnl System," tlio, same evening. .On Saturday last, ot West Chester, Udderr.oolc, tlie inurdeicr, was Brought Into court, when Judge Htitler gave Ills decision against granting a' new trial, aqd prouounced the tetence of death upon the prisoner. Jreland.is profiting by the 'large In ,eain In the price otcoal lo England. The Island is known to contain many rich coal fields, which1 have beeii hither' to worked, on a vjry suull scale, dpi lM"are no'w beginning to look to .ifc'Ai prpfltable Investment, and jrep'rillou3 are' bolng mvla to wort be) tf on arp bosly. H. V. MORTJUMCIl, New .it. Advertisements. '.T. "W01PE, Photogrnpnei, L ft v " r?w Pictures of deceased persons enlarged to life size on moderate termsi Hausman & Knhns," Ilavo on Eihlbltfbii tho, , In thoWorld ! JUST EIGHT FKET, In his BOOTS I i Free Exhibition. Day and.Eyening This Gianthas been Induced to'remalh with Hausman Ss Kuhils'fnt an' enorm ous expen.'c)' during file llolldaysf'hntl our cltlzens'Miould lose no lltne'in visit- lug this wonderful piece of huntaimyi The Giant has with him all klnllsor articles manufactured In his native country, whlcli he will gladlyi exhibit' ami sell to uie'.peopie oi litis neipnuor hood. RfA'Rpeclnl Invltalloil'ls glvin' to r.ll chlltlren to attend. 1 Hetties having thin wonderful prodi gy, who la wauatueu lo uo tuny, . EIGHT' FEET HIGH,, Wo have a large nnd splendid 'assort ment, ot For Holiday Present! for YotuiK mntl.- OliW Itlch and Poor, nil iof- which' -we are offering at.the Lowest Cash Prices. MAISUFACIUKEUS, AND SHIl'PhRS.OF STEAM I He real! I 'I Pic Klcs. Festivals nnd other Parties supplied on, abort notice nnd at rpasqti-. ame rates; aiso,, in uouneciton inuru, wlth, they have a Bread and Fancy Cake BAKERY, and can always supply any of tho above articles, In arge.or bid all quantities, at Miort notice. Wcdtllug Cakos r Specially,! Bank St., Lehighton. Decembir 20. 1873. r OSTI'OXEMENT. FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT- rm tds BuxtrtT or, tub PUBLIC LIBRARY OP K.T. Over a Million in Bank!! SUCCESS assure. A FUIil. DHAAVING CERTAIN. On Tticiclay, 31t of March Next. In order to mwjt tho general wlU and epecta-i tton i.f the Dublin and the ticket tiolden for tba full ptyni.nt; or th. majentneent plfta aonouncd r..r tti. Knurth ar.ud out Cgnc.rt or tbo Puuip. Llbrarf of Kentucky, tba manaKwneut haio di Urmloeil to poitpoua tlie coucert ami drawing Tut.any, Mrcn 3in, 1874. They hat. alrwir rwllifd ?JlT A ILMO?' ?10'AR? and liare . crel many asenti yet lo hear from. . ao tuiult f, ttairuiij tu $ait 0 etfry (Wri l-or tlie drauitmi tut, vhtlhtr all anttMbr tiw, (7ie cbnctrt and drawing vill positively ami "'iKaiiy takt place on thiaay now jirra,ana v remain unioMMey uitlb canulkd, and tht i'!"" wlllbt reducti in pnvortum to Vie uritnti 12,000 CASH GIFTS 1. 9 WWWJ trill le d'lrlbuted amont tbe ticket bolderaj and all fnictlral pirli vrlfl b. reprwanted In 1W Th tlck'ar printed in rouponf of tenthfl, drawlngjust aawbol. tlcketfar, MST OP GJPTS. nF. nn"n cbii oirr..,, , ...fssn.wio OM. tlttAPiU 'Aril mr r liin.n-iu OW. 0IHNI1 I1A11 UItT OMR ONK 10 80 so 6rii niprs. !M coh 40 OOO loo pasii am, ISO CA'H nlfTj", ?joiU'ii ntrt, 32S f-ASIt (IiVT3, 11,0X1 CASH Oli'TS, oa eai-n tma 5U) each ... 4'i(O0 lOOeai-b! ,,3iJ-0 SOearb ,.. fSI),0p Total. 12.000 Olfli. ail Cash, amount. log lo -...,.. - II,S00,0M TbUcmncia nr ctiiara a pna ti n. price: op ticicetS: , Whole Tlckelis 1'ib'i IIiItch,. B; T-itli, earh coupon, f 5 1 Karen Whila Ti. ket for tilO I iiUTIrkett fori ll.OOOi 113, While Tl-keti for J,001 ttl While Tl-keU fir, $100)0, ,d!, cuu'ii i.'i iin i nnniMiu worm iicKeir. 1h Fourth run Ounr-rt will l crnnrled In all 'rt epecta Ilka lha lliri'hlrh baveialready Iven (if en. and full pait'cu'art may 1 learned from ftrruUri,vili.h will ba aent free from (hie, vuimivaii win. nppi I ir luiin Onleri ft.r tkkala and pp)lcatlena fir e;eurtea win nuaiiaiaiHi inin inaoraer liwy- ara recetrea, and H U hoped they will be rent n promptly, that there-may li n- dtann-lntmnt or deJly (it tltllnir all. Liberal term Klr.l t3 tho who bay to sell again. All aireotl u-j o-ieai jl.irllr rraulrJd to rattle np their no"Uule aid return all uosod ti0tru liw (r. ciaiK A .rf-r it... , . TU0. E. UKA.MI.RrTE, Aient PulJIl Library Kr. end ilauiae , (oicerl. Public Llbriry DuUJlo;, LouIitII Ky-ur ' ' " ' ' III03. II.IUYHACO, . . .f Uns ia.H rVJ JlflfVi i h 3ir and . illUVD OASII fJIFT , 1T,.W1 HwtwcirullTannnuneaatohUfrliioJIiandfbariib. OASII niTS, Jlno-iOMrli Iftrt.nio llclnirenertl. thaU" li dioitantly oo band and CASH P FfB. SOMeach IW.otlO fof '.ahi.'lt tb. LOWK5T CASH l-RfCKS. tb. Terr nAfiirmt'ri1. li)OQeaalii..i fif).0t10.l lUkLatirt ttt fltlj hr wLll.M.l. ' 1UY yokrwMjck. JftfllU OREAI?tTAtOERY rACKaOl: 'jatrnMPii. fli ShMtiiVWrHlni! Paper, 10 EntelopM, il,l'ehhodJr,Kio' I'enHI.U'enf, I Rlank Duolc; 1 IIIM ttti l'h.toirpli8 MIKJjIImiuIIIiiI Women. nna ti iuce oi i.iuiea- or uem,.- ,t-eirj. cumiiiiT ackae ent by innll, .ot pild, m rece Ipt IT price, 33 rents; 2 pC)cnta-tfir Gd t-ttita, or 4 fur $1. Send for b-ukaue. It will bo tlie rnont l.UoIIwi north more-tbantiw price paid f. r.lha,eu-, tllrdtUcknsudth iltieelartlcfea would, bring f lit retail hot 1ea tnn;5 ciuta." bWl pa tul. coodsyoa eTer noujjni lor me money, me time Try ono lmcliage, audjou will never buy stationery ... ... .1.1' iiiiiiltnw. I Mk llox lit. IWllmoro.Md. W-Altentu wanted eVerJ-wbr-re tJ tt packages, plW bovlu, afc Catalan u,i aaut roe.. . ,L . , m?" !Li LAS i-SS .She JrC a -Ta.S m t. J--3 off-" At. ti ..2 mm 0 SKeCMn E'afT . SOS5 hU'fi', J jl - C - c list srUltte. OnIy,Tvp Uollnra mifl.a, Hnlf a Year ADDRESS I ' TO-DAY PRIRTIN8 & PUBLISHING CO, .31 Sanou. St, PniiADtlritu. 712 Broadway, N. Y. 3 School St., Boston. U.I. 115 s in .ilaaiiwn si.,.untraiO. 111 order to'KIosoiOut my present Im mense btock of g&St dhuice variety1 of n&6i w-drfe flavin $v Y vy , ajrs mj fC3r,,w COMPHSIMl ' silks, alpaca!?, QtNOnAMs, dClaises, Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &e. , waaaa w-B0. uuuuuufao, &o:; also, a fine assortment of ' I ' . ... Suitable for Mpn's nnd Roy's car, to- .utl.u lift Hi car pets & oil- cpox us; QUKUNSIVAKH AND QLA&SH'AUK' and a vnrjuty, of',,othQr, Goodsj.all pf wlilcii 1 wllp9U at, ' i Now Is your-tlme, If ypu, want' to se cure HEAL 1J.1KUAIMS. TIIU &IUCI! must ALL HE SOLD In order to make room for New Goods'. Itemembcr the pIsco for Panic Prices : Nov.,22. Dank St., Lelllghton. Desires toin'orm his Customers and the Public, in general that he 'proposes to Sell n(i Kiuus oi DUV O0OD3, NOTIONS, ,o. : pnoceiiiE3, nnAVienva ' ' " ' 1 QUKESSVfAKE 'CARPETS,OIW:iJ6TIIS,ie'f., , ',1 i. ,-. 1 1 ' 1 i at fully ns LOlV PIUOES as Is compat- ...l. ti,,fi1. r.trArtnr Ihle with tho times, He I? not offering n 0t of old Style COOdS al liny price, but ,'. , ij, -. y., , '. fully as low, ns.the same nrtlcles.can bo l",iin,t f,,r nt ont, tn.o l. IliU .bpIIiih of -'the country. He'rcpectfmiy asks an . .. . . . .' inspection ot ins goous ana prces, ana guarrantcas tliat.n trial will coiivincutiio, iiioit skeptical of the truth of his asser tions'.1 Vefy reipectftlliy,' ' ' ' ' mP. J. KISTLER,- i i - j i i - Opposite the, rubllc Siutuo,, Dec. ,13-w5 'WcIsspprt'.'Penn'n.' B'"1 A1"1.1' -FAC I'llIlX, VA'L. SCHWARTZ; B;ousehold E'urnituiie, comprising jieasioaos, bureaus, boras, Lgunges, Vfapdand.C'ane-Beatcd Chairs, Looklng Glasse ail knds, ite.&c 'Fiirnliliirr' tlii(lcrfakcrf rrai a f s nrnn.nf& JlLn.t.r ,'.) rUlt'.HAlUS proupify attended1 to at rery rtaaoc kKIa ebarieea. E. H. SNYDER v. .dDryf(i' Goods,, Nbtion's,' II l I . . f. (-1 . . u mi u 9 '"1 GROCERIES, QUEEN8WARE. 'J Glassware, Ilrdwar,' Jto. '-' ii a tk stup.ft' 't.v.ntniTTnv pa New Advertisements, IT ; ER' & WILLS. I ,Jniporfant,JVotlCQ fox "K' .TV, AND, Biiycrs We have Bought out DOWN AN & CO., ,, , ' i. it, - " "" ' at Lewis WelsV Old Stand, nnd In teodtoSel) their entire Mock at. II'edticed 'Mate.fJ I o SuilliiPaliTl Tints'! To The old stock must be.all .sold during Winter Months to make room for T 4 ' 5 I - k H tli ,mcoi wm H I. .,1 .11. tK.. I ' I.JV.. M. - I J L. i ,!.. " .i .. ,, , .t-.V ' 1 'i 1 1 . .. 5JI C3- rs c3 ..'l - Goods are .Down an id It cannot be dtr judgo for yourselveal ' ir, 'i and , rtin-tii..i' i. i i I ' i . M I , Ivl i i - a" ji ui y.uMi .- i'iIi'. "ri. i ' .!! rft ,i I .r. I yeisspprtj .SNfYD ti m g5 ' bfi ii.- -ii fZ i " " 'i 1 03 Q i . . r.lUo,'Ci'i iiZii illii.L'..: December iS; l(f73, - , I ( A . Now Advortisetnonts. Ciisliiii!s Djaimal ... Of -Parliamentary Practice. lUlefbf linve-tilnc fti a ilolmte In ilettbcrAtlra rkpui1H, An inditptnmUt hand-tmdk for ertrjf vtmlxr tf a ddihtrativt bodjt ind lh iulboilty Ja Jt the SrtnteF 'The most amboiitat.Teexpnunder of American parlhtnentry liw." Chin. Sumner. I'rlco 03 rentf, Sent hy mnU fnerelptof Price, AddrmT 11 DM P?ON IlllOWN 1 CO. Hoton, Mati 'TRUETO NATURE" Tlili flrnt cla Chromo will lw glren to ?ry rnbscrlbor to odey's Ladys Book for 1874 Whether io a Plnflo Bubarrlhar for Three Dollar or In Club' or Klx ! r Fourteen Dollar. , ' AddrS v. L.;A.flOUKY, . K. Cor.Clh 4 OliMtnnV W.i ro.ladrlDLLi. l'n. Aif-See ti-rma In Ijidy'a Itook f r other Uluta.'ica TAKES on islght:Sf?r nnd Satttmtn llENRV'U'ir.n luicn's'fuinlly newfjiaiHT the ner iahcrU4r n iOR or the Ur.m anil flnwt O U tZO(i It A I'll S-t o mot ntlrncthe cni.ct tlmt inWiu Mglit utlntd dv ."irF. a miff fon, as ctmirriMB ana crmpinionn for her ute Await" nnd Mat AtirtpP AirenU DefS erer DfTji-ed rftnrfsert.M We furnish the lightest and handsomest outfit and Jviy ery hlh Cmn)Uiloiif. JicIl juWrllfr reclrea witnout dilat twob-ftutirui plfturnn, which nrd ready Tor IMMKUIAI'K UKL1VKHV, Th pir itwlt slauds jwrleM' atnonn fnuilly jourialii, Ung o ptpulur tbat ori'a claR it tian tbo 1arm?t circuhi tton in the worUH Mnplojit the tet talent, hd yjird Kfzjrleatfin'a wtUi Htoryljunt lglnnins; la'tC rliapti-ra pupplld to rh autivrlWr. Mrs. towH,( JonjreipectrtlWjUcl toJy ineanrfi" Wgtns tu the nw year. Aity'ont wUh mt n pnod Mliiry or anlndeptuient liUsfueox A UKNTH should send for circular & t.Tui' Wanted I to. 1. 1(. FOIIU New York, lloatou, Cincin nati or S n FmiicIfco. dot29w4 OMPANIONX A WEEKLY PAPER FOR iYOUNG PEOPLE: AND THE ILYX TUtf COMPAKIOK uiuin id, be a ftrorlte In orery snd raid, with !nert't by tlie nMor. Ttw porpofp l'n to Intercut w"bi'e It a mures; to be judicious practlral, fenslblo ; nnd to but o rcntl permanent worth, ythWei it Attrnctft for the hour. i It U bandsomeiy Ulustr att'd, and ha for con irlh.itnrs RCmeof the uiost.attractlva.wrltern In tbe cotntr. Among tbeia are i DrJI.T. IXatm, Lonsc C: Moulto " Boprix .Mat," C. AiFrtniKs, Hctii CsuTcnrttLV, I'rof. Jawh DeMiLLK. L;y M. Mlcott, liCDLCCl II. VkXti, Q. W. Fusdirs, M, A1 Dt.uoN.? f Its rcadlut; i "o'Up.wlto tWoU aud'oung'. I very rarled to tta character; uprigbtlj'and eater hi n! tig. Itelven Stcrtos of Adrenturea Ittpn ofTrnwl. Storlen of Home and ti-hoo) UU, Ta'e, Poetry, Selections for Decla mation, Anecdote. PunJei, Fact and tncldenti. KdUorUls upon Cur rent Topic, lllitoil al Artl-les, Itlojraphtcsl Bkvtrbes iloltiftoat Article, SU.USCRIP.TION PRICE,! $10. Specimen crtplea eent'free Addreii Perry, Mason & Co., No, 41 Temple Placo.'Boston, Mass' rmccinc HINOK COVK iiuknkr for rlntolULsUN' CIIIMNKYB, made by FLU MIS ifc ATWOOD, produces the jrj;eit lljbt. Can lie used ou ,a6yoal ull lamp. I'M aale by alt lamp dealer. noj.M Ttrn rtTTP 1M MEN, Olrla and llnya want. VV UIVIjULN ed'to eell our French au,d Amrrl.-an .lewelry. nooln.Oami-f, .tc, In their own losalltlea Nocapltal needed Catalogue. terms, Ac. fent re. P. O. VICKKltV & CO., Autuata. Me. CflO Iy guaranteed lo Agent. AddreMll 51 Cp I O SVUITAS , Co .8 Bt. Paul tit .llaltlindrii.Md I antrered wllh Ualarrlilbinyyeaie,aud waacured by a aluiple remedy. Will rend receipt, poi-taje. fnli'"'1 9Hcled. Her. T. J. MtAO, Lrawr, 175 i!) recuse, N. V, noy2i4 onday, Dec, 1st. 18731 A FEARFUL , My untlre Etock Marked Down no?r Is the Unit) to Buy Iv Ladies,' Look at 'This' i?est .SilTllntr'Callcw'a'iaro' now. Selllrignt 10 Cents Goal Calicoes nt o " Good MuMln nt 12 and 14 ,Miislins at 8 nnd'10 " Good Canton Flannel at.:... rl2 " Better dt....;,15 " 'y?es-t' Glneham, sold before nt 18 cents; now. 10 " Good Ginghams at... '..8-nud 12 " -i ,1'oiu-mi i r -i PREPARE FOR WINTER, i I would call' special attention to' my large jbt:of -",,!,Upai.;. Wliitcr Shawls ' Kfo I I ' I . ,i WniTE AND GRAT BLANKETS, iWhichvi'iam Scltfng,at' Vcr)1 fwTrlces, i Carpels and Oil Clotlm, AT GREATLY. REDUOED PRICES (1III Ars-1!it!XfrJrii'p.Hr.! irownKnEataf.-eA? lo 10 Atiialliotheri Goods in Proportion, IYllU BAIJCXBEKT, CBHIOHTbi', i.'1 ;', I A , - Drug IFam'y Medicine i STOKE Ton will always find one ot the largest nnd best selected stocks of Viirc OrtigH, . Medicines, Chemicals ; OILS of nil kinds, sneli as "Lard, fe'pe'rm.'Wrti ter Wlialcs Tanners' Nr-ntsfOot', etc., COAL OIL. tlio best In tlie market, warranted 160P Fire Test NouiExulosIvo.' A u tier lor' Article' of 1 ---..-. 3 BVUNHfa.OIIj,. expressly1 'for- Lniiterns. Try,' It. The tiuest SEWING MACHINE OIL miide, by the bottle or In bulk. Just received a.larRo assortment of Chandeliers, Bracket Lamps, Lanteni), Clilwnles and . Wick of every style. AOENT 'l'OR ALL THE 'POPULAR' Patent Medicines of the day, audi as Lung Remedies, Cough Mixtures,, Dyspepsia Kemedles, Blood Purifiers, Hair Kestorero, Ilalr Colo'rers, Liniments. Pills, Platters, t'te.. etc., etc., etc. The finest lot of .Aiut-rican and French Ilalr Oils Colognes Pomades, Fancy Soap, Cashmere, Coquet and Eau de Cologne, Toilette Soap, Ilonny and Glycerine Soaps, etc. Pocket Books & Purses A full assortment for Ladles & Gents. Pure Brundlus. -Whltikles. Wines, ICiiiii. llniianil filn. AiCfor Medicinal lurpona BT Try DURLING'S Horse Powd. ers, Cattle Powders, Uog Powders' und Y ouury rowuers, uy tne pound or In packages, And BOBDEIi, an endlesa variety. GT Go to DUKLING'S where ers-rr- thltig Is 'warranted I'reli Genuine and Unadulleiated. Physicians' Prescrlntlons and'Famllv Uecipea prepared by Hurling himself. rospP.or? I Ahead I The underpinned would rpunpntfnllv Inform hullders.rontrnctors nnd the pub lie In general, that they haVo opened a dumber Yard In connccllon wHh 'their Near tho L. S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna.. nnd that they have now on hand anlmi inense steel; of '.horouchly Seasoned Lumber, such as Rough Pine Boards, Surfaced l'lnepari Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, Sidings, of all kinds, ' Bhlnqles 'an Immense stock, Roofi'ns and Celling Lath, Scantllnc, nnd, .In fact,.Luiuber ot.every descrlp not av iii-j vcrjr iwosi marnet prices. Wo aro also propared'to furnish Build. ers and .other? with n very, fine article of f, ea. aa aa , aiuutuio iur HAHSOnry Work, PiasU'rliiir. &c. at Ra. nmrkably Ifo- Figure... Wo l.avo eons tu nt Iv on hand a larcn lot of Wood' ftillAblo fn Firewood; which we" 'will dell, 'In' large Or small quantities, flt Prices to 80,11 j uur Pockrts Ocs MoTio-IIOKKSt COUNT-LOW. riUCCS. eakel&Albrijlit, Weissport, augtp3-yl , j Carwrn county, r TKTOT1CE Vs'Ilerciil gfv'eri! ft "ilecord. "AW anrn.ivtth Ilia llttVQ nf tMm f nm- mon wealtlr:1 that articles 'of association' i for the Incorporation ot "Ebenezer'i C'hurcliof the Evnneellcal Aisocf&tloa," of 'Welsport, Pa., liare been presented to the Court of Common Pleas for tbe COlinty of Carbon, und ti e Mid Court having perused and examined the tame, nnd the objects, articles and'condltlons therein set forth appearing lawful and not Injurious to .tho community,, tho. Court directed that tho said writing be llletl IruthflPm.ce .of Uo, Prqtbonotry, and that notice be Inserted In one nevr- paper in said county, once 'a' weik, for nt least Ihreo reeks, setting forth that tu application has been made to grant such Charter of' Incorporation, ud If no sufficient reason bosliown to the con. trary, on or before the; first day of neat term, the said Court will grant tbe Charter .prayed for. - a From'the Record. ' , THOMAS KEMEREE, , ' ' ProlhoBotofy. i W. M. RATsmis, . i Att'y (or IVWttesm. Dee 6-we '.