The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 13, 1873, Image 1

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lehighton Directory.
TV. fl. Freilrlrl, Singer Sewing Machine and In
surance, next to B. II. Bn rder's, Bank street.
. u Barber,
R. B- Wlddbs, Staring, Hair Culling and Sham.
pooing. under Kxrlmnpe Hotel. Bunk street.
Boot and Shoe Makers.
Charles Yensor, nearly oppmite the post-ojltce, Dank
street; also,deater in Confectionery.
Clinton Bretney, in Levan's builtling, Hank street.
Alt orders promptly filled work warranted.
r Confectioners.
Uausman A ICubtia. opposite Obert's store, Bank
street. All ordersprompttg .filled.
Dry Good ntnl Groceries.
Z. IL Lonp, opp. L. A- 8. Depot, Hank st dealer in
Hardware, (Jueensware, Ladies' Dress Goods, d-c.
H. A.llfeUckel's, Block, llaVk st., Dry Goods.
Grostrxet, Qucmswarc, Carpels, Oil Cloths if CM.
E. II. Snyder, Dank, Btrcel,. Dry Gemlt, AW Ami,
Dreu Goodt, Groceries, Queensware,Hardware,dx;.
Drugs and Medicines.
A.J Durllng, first door above 1'. ., Hank street.
OOt, Joints, lrfumiry, ,Medicines, d-c.
F. P. Bemwel,neirly opp. Exchange Hotel, Hank
Btreet, Cultivator, Qui, Paints, Guano, fc.
Thomas iiantz, " Enhance.' cpp. Public Squa.e,
Bank at. ISxtrnnage tiiicited.
Merchant Tailors.
Clauss AUrC, Bank street, and rffi'ers in Gents'
Punishing Goods, lIMs, Sinn's, Hats, Clyw, fc.
Thomas S. Deck. P. 0. Iiiiltdinir, Hat k St., Gent's
Purnishing'Goods, Hats, Gips, SJiool lioo!.t, v.
Mrs. E. Fath, B.i"k t trert. 2nd door Wow tLo M.
K. Church Xatimsand Trimmings
Physicians and Surgeons,
Dr. C. 8. Gei muri. rirner i f llank and lion stre-
Consultation trt English and German.
Tr-tf.iB'ilfebir, nut door to p. O., Bink 'street.
Consultation in English and Get man.
Jos.Oberl,-Bank t.. Packing. Curing and fmoling
EttaUuhmetdt Alt orders promptly filled.
J, i'uUlnger A; Son, Bank st, etealers in Flour and
feed, Gtoceries, Pruitsand Vegetables.
"Watchmaker and Jeweler.
A.1. Pollei-majer, Hnuth street. aWiv tank 6t.
Dealer in Watches, CtaSl, Kings, tfc.
yj ai. riAPsiiEU,
,i B4VK Street, LBnionro.v, Pa,
Real Estate and Collection Aptncy. Wl'l Buynnd
Sell Hull Estate. Oonvejam Inu l.eatly done, lol
lectionarprntnptly Inado, fettling KMrtte 01" De-f-edet,
h sprcia'ty. .May he lOuaulted In Knizlli-h
.and tlermRn. ' Nov. 'rl
J7J. li; ti.NTUKlt,
Lelllglltotl, Vi.
ODioe hi litsstprp, opptisUe the.Eaqln
Hotel. Collfctlmis ami Dmwlnj: up of
Det'ds promptly nltf mlvd lo. n'22-lm
1U B1E W BUS ,
OFFICE! Oronnd Floor In tha new addllon of the
SIitnBlATi'nausi!, Miuch Chunk, Pa. Business
transacted In KtiglUh and Uerman. Collections
promply mtde and OonYeyauclng neatly doue.
pD. C. DIKIftllOK,
Office, on Bbojujwat first 'door below American
Ulotel, MauchChunk, Penn'a. Collections prompt
ly mado. Nov. 23.
J)- A". U. HKUEIl,
Office, Bank Street, next door alove the'Postoftice,
Xehlglltont Pa. Office Hours Parryvllle each day
jrem It) to 12 o'clock ; remainder of day atoincein
Leblghtoc. " .Nov 23, '72.
OotlSi 1878.
Railroad Guide.
Tast Timb'Tind'Suro Connections !
Plvoi Bxiress Trains Dnlly from
Harrlsburg to the Will,
Pullman Palace Cars .through from Har
burg to Chicago, Clncinuatl, Louis
ville owl 'St. Louis.
The'numUr of, miles opcruted and controlled by
thla('niuuiy euabls run care through with
fewer 'chinjea than by any other line.
Paseengers.wIlKlitid this, In oil respects,
The. Safest, QulcUcM & most
Comrurlublo Itoutc!
EB'For Kate.y Tickets mid all In
formntlon, apply at nil Principal Ofllces
on Line of Lehlph Vallt-y nml Lehlnh
it tiu'quehannn Railroads, and at, P.
It. U. Depot, Harrisburg, Pa'.
' A". Ji'CA83ATTitleneral Manager.
D.'Ml'BOYO. Oeneral PHncer'Anent,
J. N. IIUfiY, K.elern Travellng,Afc'ent,
JIarch 8, fop. k l?betnut St., Pbilad'a.
e Wiit'bxi AmutraiMisT.
Tuuifnt tit Philadelphia will leave Lhlbton
sfotpv,a . ..
xan.TiiL,y rtUstPillat 8i5 a.m
7J7.rfl.TlaU-4s. ' 11.10 a.m.
7.39 a. nf. via L V. ' 1110 pm
lljrr p.'m. via I & S. " ' 215 p.m.
llXMp.m4vaL.Vii f ( 2.15 p.m.
2.57 p, rn. nl Ut t, I' 't 61 Km.
.7f.m.VttL.AS.' ' 8.20 r m
M p.m.Tla.L. Y, 8.20 p. in.
7J8 p. m, tU L. V. , i,f . lOliOpju.
BturplnJtHts depot'ft JJerka'ind American
?'-rM,,f.1ir,"- ' .WJi -30 and 0.15 a. in.: 2.10
3 JO, arid 5.16 fl tn.1 ' . ,
fare frjm LeIjLjtiles lo PhtTs Jelpfila '.' . tlJJl
Kiirza U.H. r 'ialito CUAEI,Eit
Railroad Guide.
Li:iuoii & susqumiANNA nivisiox.
Oommencng Deo, 1, 1873,
Bows Tiuiks.
No.l. No. 3. No. 5. ' No. 7.
Jare A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M.
(Iren lild'o, 7.30 1023 126
Si-rnntou 7.35 1130 , 1.30
Pitlston., 8.112 10.67 4M
WIlkeHlllire 8.;I0 11.25 2.20
Wlilte lla0n 0.0.1 12..6 8.40
Penn lla'n June 1U.37 13.) 4.10
MauchChunk 7 30 11.00 4.10
Catasnur)un 8.3., 1168 3.17 6;9
Allelltnwn 8.43 1200 3.23 547
Bethlehem 0.00 1217 3.37 1,'U
-trn're Eiuton 0 27 12,43 4.0J 0.23
Uh Trains.
No. 10. No. 4. No 0, No. 14.
Leave a. m. a. m. i. m. r. m.
Faston 8.30 11.60 3W 7.15
Bethlehem 8M 12 13 4 27 7.43
Allentiwi (Ml! 12 25 4.37 7.57 0, 4 12 32 4 43 9.00
MauchChunk 1.25 ' 0.10
Pcnn HavenJ'n. 10 15 2.02 023 ....
Mhltellaven .r)1.22 24" "08
Ullkes-Bane fl240 4.U0 8.30 ....
I'lttstou I.ta iJZG, ii 63
Scranton 1.30 463 923
Arr. drveultldgo 135 6-V0 0.30
OONktCTlftSJ. .
A'eituelieminej Valley, It, it. Down trains Xos.3
6 and 7,'auil Uptiulus Nos. 10 aud 4 connect at
Mauch t hnnk.
Xorth. nn'a K. It Down trains N( 1. 1, 3, 5 A
7lrontiret at Bi-lhletieuttor Phl.adilplila. Uptialns
No.'10 & 4 eonneclat Bethlehem forPnlladrlphli.
l.'eturitliiK leaitiPhtlHilelpliin t.7.10 a. I uh.
tonr.Mftuch Chunk, Hath, Mlkes Barre, Taiuit'iuf,'
Kcraiitou, Sharon, Ar.; at 0 45 a. in. tor haston.
Mauch l hunk, Tatuaqua, U lllltiuisptirt, llkei--Bnrre
hitd ,raiitou; at 2 10 p. tn. t.r b'cranton,
U 1 kes Itarre and Intt-rmediati' stations at 3 30 p.
ni. ft r Utth and huhtou ;-ut 5.15 p. m. f,rAlauih
Tumuqua Branch Up trains Nop. 10.14. and
Dowti tlalttH .Nos. 3. 5 A "cimieUlltMauththuiik
to nnd from Tamai)U.t.
Lehigh ti-Lackawanna II. 7t'. Down trains Xoy.
1 A 7, and Up Union N s. lu A 0 ct linect at Kelh
tehem fur Bath and Quarries. Iteiuru
lit)C lente tlmptuan's ut 7.1 J u. in. mid 2.15 p. in
Centra! l.uitrmdf SiwJersey All truinuiake
close connection at i.ifton v, Itti trati.s on Cutinl
ltHilrontJol New Jersey.
Illvidere.l)elawurc It. It. Down trains Nos. 3
A 5. a id Up tlalna M s 4 A 14 innuct at Phillips
burK with Bel.-Bel. B. It. to and from 'lrelllon,
Pltl.ttdelphla and Beltidero
Pitiladelphia i Jteading Eailroa. Tile Depots
of the l.i st IVun It, It. and the L. A tf. UlilMou
aro c-onuetted hy Street Cars.
II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Passenger Agent.
Nov. 2, 1873.
On and after PUNDAY. NOV. 21, 1873. Trains
-n the I'hlla. A Krle Itallroad Uhl-l jn will run as
BcrrALo Kxrncss leaTes PliPadelphla, 12A p.m.
' " 1'aril.bnri; . 6.05 p. in
" " " Wllllamsport 0 10 p.m.
" " " F.inporlum . 1.45'a.m.
" " arrlv at 1'nlTalo . 0 00 a.m Mial leaves Philadelphia . . , 10 20 p.m
" " " IlarrUhnrir ... 303 a.m.
VIIIlamport . 7.S5 a m.
" " " lffk llateii . . 860 a.m.
' " " l'einn , .
" " arrive at Krh . . , 7 40 p.m.
BlMlRAMAlLlcaiesPhllndelphla . . 8011 a.m.
' " " llarrl lurir , 1 30 p.m
" " " WlPHmsport . r.2ll p in.
" " arrive at l.ick Haven . 7.35 p.m.
Benova Accom'n leaves llarrlsburz . 8.25 a.m.
" " " W llllamsport . 1.10 p.m.
" " arrive at Iletiotti . . 3.35 p'.m.
ButrAio ExrnEss leaves Hullalo , 230 pm
" " '' Emp-irlum . 8 35 pm!
" , " , Wllllaosport . 103 am.
" arrlvo at llanl-hurir , a m
" " " Philadelphia . 010 a.m'.
Eimira MiL leaves rrto . .. , 0.15 am
" " " Lock Haven . 8 30 nm.
" ' " W llllamsport . : 05 p.m.
" " arr. at Ilarrbtl.urn , 2 60 a.m
' " arr at Philadelphia , . 801) a.m,
Elmira Mail leaves Lock IUvn , 8.00 a.m.
" " " Wllllamsport . . 0.:0am,
" arr, at Harrisburg . 1 o p.m.
" ! arr. nt Philadelphia . 8 60 p.m.
IlAKRISDlBtlACCOM'.N leaves Krliova . 1.00 rCm.
" " " llllamsport. 3 30 p.m.
" arr. at Ilarrhburte , 7.60 pm,
" arr at Philadelphia . 2 50am
Mall East connects east and west at Erlevtlth
L. B. A M S, B. W, and at Corry aud Irvlnetou
vtlth Oil Creek A Allegheny It. l. W.
Mail West villi east West trains on L. S. A M.
8. It, W. and at Orry and Irvlnetou llh Oil
Creek A Aln-gbeny 11.11. W.
Elmlra Mall and Buffalo Express make close
connections at W llllauisport vtitu N. O. U W.
trains nortb.and at Harrisburg with N. C It. W.
trains south.
Nor. 22, 1673. Ota'LKi'rT.
Livery Ss Sale Stables,
I always keep on hand the best hor
ses and finest carriapt-s, to be let at
Ilvervat tliolnwMt ml
can bit had of 1110 at the shortest possi
ble liotlc.t. nt anv linnr. 1 n.,n
the attention of the public to my speci
al iiiciiuies lor biippiyn.g single oruou-
uiu luuiiis tor tuuerais, ,vc.
ov.22, 1873. DAVID EnnEItT.
Sealers in
Flour nntl Feed,
Canned Fruit..
lYotlons, Toj,
&c, tiC, tic.
Country Produce Dought and Sold. .
Lehlghton Stnrp.-three doors tibove the'
Post Offlcqj Welisport, ptore, near
Caual'ijrttlfio Uor- B0
rdluunccs of the
Borough of Lehighton
CHAP. XIV.-l'utiHc Hand-bills.
Sec. 1. Any porxin who shall malici
ously tnio down, mutilato or destroy
any printed or willten poster or hand
bill, ailvHitlsiiiR any lawful business,
show, exhibition, lectin e, concert or
entertainment, fiom any plnce
Mich liiind-hllls or posters are allowed
to bo put up, shall, on convlcllon liefmw
tlie burire-ts or any jlinticu within' the
boiough pay a llneof not less than live
t.or more than ten dollars.
Sec. 2. Should a boy, or minor, lo so
convicted, and refuse or neglect In pay
said line, the same shall be paid by hU
father, emplojer or proper guardian,
mid be recovered as other lines are re
coverable j one-half to go totiie Inform
er and the otlier'half to the borough.
CHAP. XV.-Powder.
Sec. 1. That no perron shall ho per
muted to carry powder through any
partof the boiough In grenter quantities
than thirty pounds at one time, unless
the same lie well seemed In go.tii and
sufilcii'iit keg or kegs, or In good tin or
metallic vessels, and In perft ctly tight
wagons, so as lo prevent leakage, and
well covered with oll-clolh or other sub
stantial covering, ami any person or
persons offending against Ihls secllon,
shall pay a line of not less than twenty
Ihe nor more that one bundled dollars
lor each and every such ulfenct'.
CHAP: XVI. L'ulldlng and Permits.
Sec. 1. That from and after the pub
lication of this ordinance, any person or
persons commencing the erection of any
new building, or the alteration or im
provement of any old one, within the
boiough, or to dig In any lane, alley or
sircct for any purpose whatever, shall
ptoeurea penult fn 111 theblirgess.whfch
shall set forth the time when such build 01 Impioveinent shall be finished.
Sec. 2. Any person or persons upon
wishing n penult, shall call upon the
burgess, agree willi him as tn the time
for which It shall bo grunted, mid j.tty
into ills hands' thesum of one dollar per
month, tor the lime agreed upon.
Sec. !). No permit shall be gianleil
for n less sum than two dollars ; ami
fractions of mouths to count as full
Sec. 4. JVb person or persons working
under a permit, as above, hlmll'.be per
mitted to u.e or occupy more than one
thiid the width of nny street or alley,
and that to be immediately in from of
the lot for which said ptiuilt may be
Sec. 5, 411 boxes, barrels, rubbish
and other niateilnls,"to bo removed Im
mediately upon tlm completion of Hie
building, or Ihe expiration of the time
of the permit. And any person or per
sons who hhall refuse to comply with
the requirements of this ordinance shall
forfeit and pay tlio sum of five dollars
willi the cost of removing the same, to
be collected with costs belore the bur
gess or any justice of the peace' within
the borough, one half to go to the In
former and the balance to the use of the
CHAP. XVII -Uogs, -
Sec. 1. That no dog or bitclrshall be
peimltted to go at large or loose within
thd limits of Ihe borough, after 'due pub
lic notice, which shall be uiven annu
ally unless such dog or bitch shall have
on a strong and sufficient basket wire
mutzle over its jaws so as effectually to
prevent such dog or bitch from'blting.
Sec. 2. That from and aftei t,bo time
of public notice In eacli year, It'shall bo
the duty of all owners of dogs or bitches
suffered to run nt largo within the limits
of the Horough of Lehlgliton, to have
them securely muzzled with basket wire
muzzles, and It shall be the duty of the
high constable, or any policeman, to
kill or cause to be killed, c.ich and every
dog or bitch so found running at Urge
without being securely muzzled, as re
quired by this ordinance j for which
duty lie shall receive two dollars for
each and every dog or bitch so killed
and burled, according to the stipulations
of these ordinances,
Sec. 3. That in case of tho high con
stable or policeman icfusiug to perform
Lis duty In regard to the ordinances,
which have been or may bo passed, h
shall, on conviction, pay a Que of uor,
exceeding five dollars tor the use of the
borough, to be recovered in manner as
CHAP. XVH.-PJrlng of Guns.
Sec. 1. TI atno person shall discharge
or cause to bit dlscliaiged or lire nny
gun, fowling ilecti or tiiearms, or nny
kind of tiieworks, or lire-crackers es
pecially, within nny of the streets, lanes
or itlleys, or frpm nny window or house
top, or from any other point or place
In or nenr Ihe built parts uf the borough,
under u penalty fur each aud every ot
fence of not less than live nor more than
ten dollrirs j provided, that this section
slwll not .tpiily to tie u-e of su.'h wea.
ponsjat itny military. ex"icia or review,
or to the killing ol dogs, or liy the olli
cers ot the law In the discharge 01 their
duties, or lu the lawful defense of tho
person, family or propel ty of any citizen.
CHAP. XIX.-Appcals.
Sec, 1. That it shall be tlio duty of
the Collector of UgruugliJTaxes to riVo
twciity "days, notlcV luiiiiedlately alier
receiving Ihe tax duplicates, that tho
iioiough Council will meet on a certatu
day, (a) be uatuod ib tlis notfeepto hoar
and determine such complaints concern
ing the assessments ot taxes as they
may have authority to decide.
CHAT. XX, Drains and Sewers'.
Sec. 1. That the Town Council hav
ing charge of the health of the borough,
ami being authorized to I113 out drains,
fewer, &c, It Is hereby oidnined that
whenever, In their opinion, it may be
necessary tocotislruct drains or sewers
In order to retnovb noxious waters or
filth of nny kind which In tho opinion
of the Council can best be lemoved In
that way ; then the Council, nfter giving
twenty days' notice to the piopvily
owners' along whuse property such drain
I 'to be constructed, In order that' such
pioperty owners may construct such
dr.tln, occurring to dimensions and
specification!) furnished by Council, at
their own expense, and If, nt the end
of twenty dnyri, such owners of proper
ty shall not havdcolmueiiced such drain,
then It may bo lawful for the Town
Council to nuthciize the construction of
such sewer or drain, and shall charge
the owners of propeity 'along whose
property sucl .drains shall pass, their
propoitlon or the original cost with 20
per cent, added.
CHAP. XXI. Burgess.
Sec. 1. Tliat the Town Council, at Its
first meeting In April, or at its organ
ization ntter nu annual election, shall
elect one of their number to act as Chief
lJuigess fur the ensuing year, whose
business It shall be to see that the gene
ral borough law- and ordinances of the
Council :ire faithfully execute'd, and In
all things shall he subject to the Council.
When iictln j in case of arrests ami vio
lation of borough laws itiid 'oidlnanccs,
ho shall iccelve tlio sntne fees as Jus
tices of the peace icceive for the same
YVM. WAGNEK, Chief Burgess.
Wm. Kemeiieii, StCietary.
Dec. 13, 1873.
is 010 no us.
Query. Do ladies who envelope
their shoulders lu that feminine mlicle
of apparel culled a "cloud" expect that
gentlemen will look upon them as an
gels ? " ' ' ' ' '
An Ohio paper, In noticing a new
'.tenmbiiat, says: " When loaded she
v.ill draw less than a foot of water. In
case the river becomes perfectly dry,
she will run on a heavy dew, or by the
nid of n wet sponge secured 011 her keel."
, One's domestic habits sonvtlmrs
stand one lu good stead. A woman In
Cleveland lately hroko a burglar's head
with a boot-jack, and put him to Igno
minious flight. Nothing but continual
practice in her own family. circle could
have made her so efficient with her
There is said to bo a very prudent
man in Danbury who provides himself
with an extra hat for the mouth of No
vember, lie carries It in his coat tail
pocket, and when tho wind lifts the ouo
from his head he straightway jams on
the other, and then. puts nfter the first,
and thus not only saves much dialling
from tlieunregeneratedbutitctuaily gets
credit as a philanthropist the general
impression being that ho Is in pursuit of
somebody else's hot.
An old lady fiom,the country with
six unmarried daugtiters, went to Au
gusta, Gn., the .other day hunting for
the patrons of husbandry. K.he meant
Some base calumniator says : Tho
Indians first called the place on which
X. York was built Manahaclitaniencks.
The translation' of which is "the plnca
where they all'get drunk."
This Is from the Augusta, Ga.,
Chronicle : " Delinquent subscribers
should not permit, .their daughters to
wear ihls paper for' a bustle. There
being so much due on' it, there Is danger
of taking cold.
A Missouri editor, In retorting upon
a rival who nccused hlm'pt "wearing a,
sour expression of 'countenance," says:
"our contenijbrary' usually 'wears a
humorous expresslou of countenance,"
but, as in the case.of babies, you can't
always tell whether It's the colic or a
smile that alls him."
A colored debating society In Tren
ton, Tenn., has jifst "debated the ques
tion, " Which is the most profit tn man
money or education?" One of the
debaters argued that If it had not been
for education the world would nut have
been half so large as )t Is. This clincher
vyas met, however, by the argument
that " If it wasn't .for moneyj how you
gwiuo tu ride on de kyars?" It was nt
ouoo decided (ti fayor, of money,
"Can you steer tho main-iunstdown
the forecastle stairs ?" asked u' sett' cap
tain ur,'ncw 'hand; . i"!Ytu, sir, I can,
If .ypu, will go below and ,coil,t up,,";
The captain didti't-catechlai that man
apy more. .it
.'Talk about the jawjof death,"
excaliied, alien-peeked husband, "they
are no clrriurustancu compared to tho
jaws ot life."
The Jtinttssjicre'of the Crew or
tho .VlrgliiliiH.
WIINESS. Capt, Pryor, ot the brig Azalla, which
arrived at her dock in New York har
bor, n few dnys ago, from Santiago de
Cuba, states that ho was the only Ame
rican who witnessed the massicro of
the 37 passengers and crew of the Vlr
gtnlus, Including Capt. Fry, 011 tho
nfternoon of November Glh, and that
the accounts previously publisher! were
more or less Incorrect. He says :
I brought Hie Azalla toaiichor ln San
tiago de Cuba harbor, outside of the
fort, on the morning of November fi, and
sent for permission from the ntltlioilties
to moor the brig alongside tlio quay. or
wharf, which runs out some distance
into the harbor. There is only one
wharf, and nil vessels receive and tils
charge their enrgoes on It. The head
of the whaif is lelt clear for landing.
I had been so busy getting tho brig
abreast of the the wharf that I ill. I not
notice anything unuscal lu tho town or
harbor But after the brig had been
secured, I saw the Vlrginlulying under
the guns of the tort, and the men-of-war
and gunboats were anchored in a semi
circle about her. I was then told by
the masters of the other ves-els which
lay nt the wlinrf that three, men fiom
tl'o Vlrglnlus Gens, It) nil, Del ol and
Varolii! hail been taken fthme and
shot early that morning. The Virginlus
was towed Into the harbor lute the pie
viiius eveliirg.nnd these three men weto
si lot without the slightest form of a trial
or investigation of nny kind.
About noon boats lrom tho T01 undo
landed several officers tpi the wharf.
They returned soon afterwaid accom
panied liy the oithoililes of the town,
who had bo'n asked to us-lst in trying
the passengeis and ctew of the Virgln
ius, Tlie excitement increased in the
lon, mid nt about' four o'clock ileal ly
the' entire populace gatheied in I ho
neighborhood of the wliaif.
ll.iats were put off from Ihe Tornado,
nnd tho entile crew nnd passengeis
taken on the Virginlus were landed on
the whaif, where a strong e'ort of
cavalry and Infan'ry had been drawn
up In optii order. The prisoners were
marched together in funis.
As soon as they wele landed the body
matched up the wharf to the prison,
wiii-'h is on tlie right side ot the road,
into the town, and but a short dislauce
from the head of tlie wharf.
The pilsoners expected to bo released
Immediately, aud were lu the best of
spirits, laughing and Joking with each
other, wholly unprepwed for the terri
ble tragedy that was so soon to be en
acted. At tlio prison 87 were selected, In
cluding Chpt Fry, who were marched
to one siile, closely followed by n body
of men-of-war's men, armed with Spcn
cir rifles, 'i lieu these prisoners knew
they were to be shot,
1 endeavored to speak to some of the
condemned men, but was roughly forced
back by tlio volunteers who acted as
guards. The other pilsoners were lock
ed up in tlie prison. All of the con
demned palty were In Irons except
Capt. Fry, who biavely matched at thei
lietul of his men with n firm step nnd
his head Up.
Tim. party marched up tho street nnd
tinned otf to the left nt the cemetery.
When they reached the 11 nietery. gates,
the prisoners were aligned with their
faces toward the cemetry wall, nml tint
men-ol-wnr's man who made up the
tiring paity werudinwii upbrhlnd them,
lu a semi-circle behind tuo firing party
were the volunteers in strong foice of
civalry nml infantry, nnd behind them
a dense throng of tho populace. 1 stood
on the lelt between tlie. lines formed by
the volunteers and the tiring party.
The six emts which were to carry olf
the dead bodies wero drawn up on Ihe
other sido or tlie cemetery.
The ofUcer lu command of the firing
party, who stationed himself on the
rlelit of his men, ordered tlie prisuneis
to kneel. Capt.nFry took otf his hat as'
he knelt, and a volley from the firing
party at once lollowcd, The victims
tell 011 their faces, the shrieks of the
wounded tilled the air. and Ihe settle
was the most Jiorrible I ever witnessed.
Nor words or pen can dcscilbe it. While
the wounded were wilthlng In their
agony, the tirlngi party advanced and
fired six more volleys iito vi:tlms.
The hist shuts' wero fired with the muz
zles of the gilus ulm'ust touching tho
bodies. Captain Fry was killed nt the
first' volley.
1 then advanced to the cenif tery wal'
and walked tdowly past the 37 bodies.
When 1 had reached Unit of Capt. Fry
I saw that he hud been shot thiough the
head and healt hi Hi, X had stood llieio
but 11 moment when the cmis wen)
drawn up, and the, commanding olllcer
ordered the. bodies to be thrown lu and
tukeu uwny.'
Captain. Fry's body was thrown Into
the bottom of thu lit it cart nnd six u It
ers weru pitched en tup of I1I111. Four
ofltho meii'si heads hung over the edge
ot the curt the bhi'-d iinpping liuui lr.u
hair atitl tlieir eyes-wiOe open, rolling
With .every uiotlliii uf the can.
'Ihe uliul- cults Mete tilled with six
bbdfes riujli, uud they uriuitill drttwil
into 11 lleliUjtisl, bvjoud Ihe Uinti,- and
dumped in a laigu hole.
As 1 reiuifirU tu the brig, I saw ,by
the laces of a large pirt ot'llio'pbpulacu
tliUUIWy 'ijld-not yinprillilzo with the
autl'0ritIprCy.,q liad.ktf bUiumardy oxfc
cutedtUiiMO men,
F-nf rick. Mcnry In Court.
Tho Intolerance of the established
church Is Illustrated by tho caso of tho
three Baptist preachers who' were ar
raigned as "disturbers of tho peace'
before magistrates who were determined
to convict them. Patrick Henry rodo
fifty miles to defend them, and the'.fol
lowing account Is ijven of his perform
once it was more than a speech on
that occasion.
Ho entered tlio court house while the
prosecuting attorney was reading the
I ml let men t. Ho vyas n stranger to most,
of the spectators, and being dressed in
the country manner, his entranco excit
ed no remark.' When tlio prosecutor
had finished his brief, opening, the new
comer took the indictment, and glanc
ing at it with an expression of puzzled
incredulity, began .to speak In tlie tone
of a man who had heard something too
astonishing for belief.
"May It please your worships, I think
I heard read by tho prosecutor, as I
entered the house, tho paper I nowihold
In my hand. If I have rightly, under
stood, the King's attorney has fintned
an Indictment for the purpose of hp.
ralgning and punishing by Imprison-!
nieiit these three Inoffensive persons'
before tlie bar of this court. for in.crlme
of great magnitude as disturbers ol the
peace. May it please the court,, what
did I hear rend? Did I hear ltdlstlnct-,
ly, or was it a mistake, of my own? Did
I heat an expression as of n .crline,
these men, whom ypur worships, wo
atiout to try for misdemeanor, nnd,
charged with with with what?
Having delivered these woids In a,
halting, broken maniier, as if, ills mind,
was staggering qiuler the weight of n
monstrous Idea, ho lowered his voice to,
tlie deepest bas3,:and assuming the, pro-,
fiiundest solemnity of manner, answered)
his own question: "Preaching .tho.Gos
pel of the Son of Godl"
Then he paused. Every eyowasnow
rivlted upon him, and every mind Into'
It for all this was executed n.ICcan or n
Slddons would have performed it on the'
stage ayo, voice, nttltudo, gesture, all
in accord to produce tlio utmost possi-.
bllity of effect. Amid a silence that
cnu'd bu felt, lie waved the Indictment
three times around his head, ns though
still amazed, stll unable to comprehend
the charge.
Then ho raised his hands to Heaven,
and In a tone ot pathetic energy wholly
lndescrlbablo exclaimed, "Great Godl"
At tills, pnint, such was the power ot
Ids delivery, the audience relieved their
feelings by n burst of sighs and tears.
The orator continued:
"May it please your worships, In a
day like tills, truth is about to
burst her fetters, when mankind aro,
about to be aroused to claim their natu
ral and Inaliciihble rights, when the
yoke of oppression that has reached tho.
wilderness of America, and the unnatu-'
ral alllanca of ecclelastlcal nnd civil
ppwer are about lo be dissevered at
such a period, when liberty, libeity oft
conscience, is about to awake from lier
slumbrilugs, audinquiroiuto tlie reason,
of such charges as I find exhibited here
to-day, in tills Indictment," Here oc-.
curred another of his appalling pauses,
during which ho cast piercing looks at'
the Judges and thu three clergymen nri'
ralgned. Then resuming he thrilled
every hearer by ids favorite repetlton:.
"If I am not deceived according to the.
contents of the paper I now hold in toy
hand, these men are accused of preach.i
Ing tlio Gospel of the Sou of God?" He,
waved the document three! times nrouud
his head ns though still lot In wonder,,
and then with the same'electric'attltudo.
of appeal to Heaven, he grsped, "Great'
This was followed by another' burst
of feeling from the spectators; and again'
this master of effect plunged 'into tba
tide of his discourse:
"May it please your worships,- thero"
aro periods In the history orninn"whon'
corruption nnd depravity' have sHIong'
debased the hunin caharactertliiit' Irian1
sinks under Hie wefg'ht of Uie oppres
sor's taiul, becomes his servile, his
abject slave. He licks the hands that
smites him. He. bows in passive obedi
ence to the mandates Of the despot; ariG,
in the ihls state of servility bq receive
his fetters of 'rpetual blindage lint,
iniiy ,(t plea-ie yimr wurslilps', suofi ,a
day bus; passUd. lfrum Unit, period when
otlr faliier's'left 'their nativity 'fdr tliesfi
American wildi,' from 'thc. moment llioy
placed their feet, upon, A'wetlcari cop
tneut, frouj tha( m,Wlcno'?rotlsm was
MM8re4,;t(jfl . ftiitora ,pX darlpe6,'.jyer
Woken, 'tfudrlleavtn' devsrred Ut&t'mxa