THE SIT ST. WKEKLY.SEMI-WEEKLY&DAILY THE WEEKLY HUN l toowltlely known to re quire liny extended recommendation! butlhe reii onii which luve elrenlj siren It fifty tbouutnd nufoctll'ors nnd which will, we hope, (tire It niKuy thouMDd more, aro briefly e follow! It l a liret-mte newpnrr- All the newt of the day will hefnund In It, rondenne d when unlmpr tant, t full length when of moment, and alwaya presented In clear, Intelligible and Intending mannor. . , , It la a flrat-rate famllT paper, foil of entertain ing and lntrnctle roadlnpr ol erery klnd.but con taining nothing that can offend tho moat delicate and vrupuloui tni'e. It la a Brrt rate atory paper. The beat talea and roraaocea of rurrent literature aro caref uly aeleo ted and legibly printed In ita pipes. It la a rlrat-rute agricultural paper. The meat froth and lnntructlTeorttcIea on agricultural toplca regularly appear In thla department. It la an Independent political paper, lietonglng to no party and wearing no collar. It lights for prlnolple, and for the election of the beet men to office. It especially detotea ita energlea to tho ex posure of the great corruptlona that now weaken and dlngrare our country, and threaten to under mine republican Inetltutloua altogether. It haa no fear of knave, and asks no favora from their up portera. It reporta the fashions for the ladlei and the marketa for the men. especially thocattlo-inarkltf, to which It pays particular attention. Finally, It la the cheapest paper published. One ilolar a year will secure It for any subscriber. It la not necessary to get up a club In order to have TUK WEEKLY BUN at thla rate. Any one who tends a single dollar will get the paper for u year. Vi e havo no tratellng agenta. The Weekly Sun, Eight pages, flfty-shr eoluinna only 81.00 a year. No discount from thla rate. The Semi-Weekly Sun. Same she as the Dal.'j.Sun Sil.OO a year. A discount of 30 per cent, to clubs of 10 or over. The Dally Sun. A large four-page news paper cf twentv-elght columns Daly circulation over 130,000. All the news for a cents. Sub acrlpllon price 50 rents u month, or $6.00 a year. To clubs ofi 10 or oter,iadlscount,of 30 per cent. ADDRESS, THE SUN." New York City Nor. 15,l"J.-0 "p'ortli una Ilcauty! Wood's Household Magazine And the Cliromo Semite I Having control of the magnificent Oil Cbroino, YO SEMITE, we are able to offer a cotnblnatio n of literary and artistic work of genulue worth, anil at prices unprecedented. This fine copy of a pleco of Nature's grandest work, is not presented In the usual limited style, its dimensions, 14x20, making a picture ofjvery desirable size, iu itself An Ornament to tlie Room graced by Its presence. But few copies of this beautiful Cliromo will be allowed to go to tho retail stores, and those will be sold at their Actiinl lletall Price, 80,00, while If ordered In connection with our Magazine, both will bo furnished for $1.50. As a Fremlum the picture may be ob tained by sending Two Subscriptions for the Magazine at $1.00 each, or by subscribing for the .Magazine two years In advance, at $1.00 pur annum. Ad dress; "Woad's Household Magazine," Newburgh, N. Y. S. E. SHUTES, Publisher. Q o w a c 5 9 $io9ooo WANTED Tho LEH1GUT0N SCHOOL BOARD desire tho LOAN OF $10,000, for which they will issue Interest Bear ing Bonds, free from Taxation. Thoso persons who have money to loan will find this to be a good and safo investment. Apply to A. J. DURLING. Secretary of tho Board. Lehlghton, Fa., May 24, 1873-0m jA9IUEl GRAVER, Opposite the Publlo Squaie, SOUTH ST., LEHIGHTON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds of STOVES!! t3T Roofing, Spouting and Jobblu promptly attended to. nov, 30 nnuooiAS kemerer, JL CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The Jblluwlog Companies are l&epreteotwl i Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Fire, Yyoiulng Fire, Pottsvllle Fire, 'Lehigh Fire, and the Trovelers1 Accldeut'Insurtince, Albo Pennsylvania and Mutual lloisu Thief Detective and Insurance Com,' pany. March 2U, 1873. 9 rH TW 5 " i ' - & 3 a ll 8 3 OB C ?J o K s o c 2 S B 8. O m & .s. 5-2 a Q OR a w 2 n to w4 M Pf 2 - I E3 a ob : nt-SX' IIOIIIAS S. BECK, Respectfully announces to Ills friends and the public In general, that he has just opened, In connection with his other business, a Flrst-ciass Merchant Tailoring Establishment, and cuarantccs to glvo "fits" and the best of workmanship and material for the lowest possible prices. Also, constantly on nana a largo and fashionable stock of Men's and Boy's READY - MADI2 CLOTHING, Gents' Fui'iilslilntf Goods, HATS, CAPS AUD FURS. Manufacturer and Dealer in BED SOLE LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, &C. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, STATIONERY, School nooks and Material, In endless variety, and at Prices fully as Low ns elsewhere. Sole Agent In the United States for tho Sale of kknshaw's commercial WRITING- FLUID! Orders by mail promptly filled. Also. Acent for tho celebrated KEY STONE SEWING MACHINE, one of best in the Maiket. Post-Oflico Building-, Lehlghton, Pa. mar. 1. W. A. GRAYER, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTOIV, - - PKNX'A. Respectfully Informs tho people of this borough and the surrounding country, that ho has opened the store formerly occupied by F. P. Semrael, wltnacholce selection of Spring and Summer Press 5mm1&2 Together with a large assortment of DKY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, l'ROVISIONS, QUEKNSWARK CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, 4c, '4c, Which he Is selling at tho very lowest prices. He Invites nn inspection of his stock, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. W. A. GRAVER. Lehlghton, May 17, 1873. ly W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEIIIQI1T0N, PENN'A. Plans and Specifications For all kinds of Buildings made at the shortest notice. ' NO CHARGES Made for Plans and Specifications .when the contract is awarded to the under signed. A. W. EACHES. June 14, 1873-yl W. Ifc. BEX, BUILDER & CONTRACTOR HANK BTltKET, LEIIIGUT0N, l'A, Respectfully anuounces to the citizens of Lehlghton and vicinity that ho Is now prepared to contract for tho erec tion of dwellings, churches, school- houses, and other buildings. Also, that ho keep3 constantly on hand a full as sortment of eveiy description of X.UlllllCl I consisting of flooring, siding, doors, sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, &c, wulcli lie is prepared to furnish at the very lowest maiket rates. patronage respectfully solicited. W. R.. REX. Lehlghton, May 17, 1373. ly J. BOYD HENRI, Architect and Superintendent, No. 143 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa., iurnisnes Plans, speciucauons and Esti mates for Public and Prlvato buildings. Stairs, Ralls, Ac, Constructed and Set-Up by the most approved method, anu at snore notice, ratronace is res pectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. apr, 2U-yl rMAlie undersigned rcspccl- fully announces that he is better prepared than over to Buy and Sell Hides, Cair nnd Sheep Skliu, Tallow aud Plastering Hair, at his Old Stand, nearly opposite.tho post office, Bank Street, J-eliighton. t3f The hlgliest cash prices paid for Hides and Skins. uov. 22. C. E. CJREEXaWALD TOTIClE. A' All twioiia liarloj rlalma n.-aln.i tti ur lattf U.lilvl Kalt. iUvu.,1 -...i ti..... t. .1 .1 .1 l.i ilw ajiuo ar. t.' iu.'.WJ 10 atnii lu ttulr cUiu. ur ui.r.q mhvimuvuiuu ur uvutt JJlUU4r niLUAU auLT, ifauiiia iwp,.-.or.w,HTWw JpftATRONIZE Homo Trade! omething Hew in Lehlghton ! Hausman & Knnns6"- Respectfully announce that thoy Jims opened a Wholesale A I D T MANUFACTORY, In the Borouah of Lchlirhton. Carbon county, Pa., and that they are prepared to supply the Trade with every descrip tion of 1h re Candy, at Prices fully as Low as thoso of New York or Phila delphia. Among their stock will bo found the following tholce varieties : CREAM ALMONDS, CREAM HON HONS, TEAR HL1CKS, ORANm: SLICES. CREAM FIOS, CREAM DATES, CREAM WALNUT, CREAM CHOCOLATE, STRAWUERRY STUN And the Best of Mixed Candies, Together with cholco assortment of IF i ne Friiits9 Oranges, Lemons, Bunch Raisins, Citrons, Currants, Nuts ot all kinds. French 5 GermanToys, and In fact everything usually found In a first-class Candy Establishment, MANUFACTURERS AND SIIIPl'ERS OF STEAM Ice CreaSE I i Pic NIcs, Festivals and other Forties supplied on short notice nnd at reason able rates; also, In connection there with, they have a Bread and Fancy Cake BAKERY, and can always supply any of the above articles, in largo or small quantities, at short notice. Wedding Cakes a Specialty ! Tho patronage of Dealers and the Public is most respectfully solicited, nnd entire satisfaction guaranteed. HAUdSIAN & UnNS, Agts. Lehlghton, Pa., March 1, 1873-yl rarHIE MANHATTAN Siirlns JS- RED aud Combination MATTRESS. P. J. KISTLER. POSTMASTER OF WEISSPORT. has been appointed -dgent for Lehlghton, Welssport and vicinity to give our citizens a cliunce to see and test the merits of tho arrange ment of springs. He is williDg to put them on trial for any person tor one week, and If they do not paove supe rior to the Woven Wire Mattress, Put nam, Yankee, Norfolk, WriRht, Spilng field, Howe, Tucker, Eureka, Junroe, Imperial, United States, Walker, Con uectlcut. Eagle, Salutn or any of the one thousand and one Spring Beds that havo been put upon tho market, you are not asked to buy It. Tho above named beds havo been discarded to make room for the Improved. It has no hiding place for bugs, has no slats on top of the springs, but heavy duck canvas, hooking at tho base of the spring, that may bo taken off and the slats removed (for cleaning or otlicr wise,) by anybody in Ave minutes and replaced at pleasure. Tbo spriugs may be changed to other portions of the bed with very llttlo trouble. Tho springs aro warranted to keep place and last longer lhan wiy other In use. For In valids It cannot be surpassed. Ho fits thera to any bedstead or different weight of persons, tho largest number under the heaviest part of tho body, and with s light covering of husks, cotton, straw bed, or hair mattress, they adapt them selves completely to the body. The ladles should call and see the arrange ment of springs for the cradle, and not have to uso feathers lu warm weather. They aro butter than soothing syrup or cordials for tho little ones. Tho springs are made from the very best cast steel from tho celebrated Sheffield wokrs ot England. Coma one and all Hiid see them. These beds have boen fully es tablished In twelvo different States. The Furnlturo men are especially In vited to cull and examine these beds. Beds put upon trial and no one asked to purchase until after a fair trial. P. J. KISTLER nov 8 '73-tf Agent, Welssport. mnu mi l' a mm itnn.a ,ui. l 7 rooms, garret and cellar, Barn nnd Outhouses, with NINE ACRES OF GROUND, beautifully located nearthebrlckchurch, In Low:r Towameuslng, 1 mile from Lehigh Gnp R. R. station aud 1 railo from Millport ; a very pleasant house. Price, 13,000. Terms very ousy. Also, a small Farm of 80 ACRES with small JIouso, good Ham, tine spring nnd, located on Franklin Turnpike, 5 miles from Weiss port, half tho laud under cultivation. Price $800, half cash, baUnco 1 aud.3 year. This pluce Is offered for a song. Address or apply to D. PRINCE. Weiss. port, Carbon co., Pa. oct4-3m ooooooooo O 0000 OOOO O A RARE CHANCE. o o 10,000 I'ull fartli-ulari. Frf or $500 O o all juioj,1j. S1.UU. Ad o 1 uAgeDtM I'tlTillUltnit KUPfLV A 0 t 0 OOSH'AhVl nWuris. 0 UOKIH.O OOOO riTTaai'BUU, l'i. OOOOOOOOO O OOOO Z. H. Long's Column. r.r -Hi: CHEAP fer CASH. 1 .. i Mill lir . lrtr The undersign ed is willing to sell goods of all kinds at prices to suit the times. You will find a variety of arti cles in his line which are not generally kept by the majority of Storekeepers. ,i i '. b' i. a Call and sat isfy yourselves. THE GREAT ItEMEDY POK CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by n timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. Ifc is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo tho most reliable preparation over in troduced for tho relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to tho public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. TVistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allaj's irritation, thus removing tho cause of' tho complaint. rnKi'Aiti:i nv BETH W, FOWLE & SONS, Botton, Mass., And aold Ly Drugtflata nnilDcaliTMucnurally. ft' OLDEN TOSGCE. V. F, BEATTY. EDWD. PLOTTS. BEATTY & PLOTTS, Manufacturers of tho UlSATrV l-LOTTS CKLKIIRATED FACTORY, Washington, N. J. Unwards of 100 of Reatty & Plotts celebrated Parlor Organs havo been sold In the Lehlgli Valluy during! tho past three months. Becstty & Plotts' Par'or Organs wero awaraea r irsi i reniiuni x uipionin over Needham & Son and J. Estey & C'o'sOrgansattho Carbon C:tim(y Fair, Held at Lehlghton, September, 1872. 3- O00U AQENT3 WANTEn. -s January 18, 1873-yl WILLIAM KEMERER, Corner of Bank & South Sts., Lehighton, Fa., Keeps a ful line ot Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Black nnd Colored Alpacas, Ulnghams-, Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, Ac. of every grade and prlco. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Iu great variety. Provisions Teas, Coffee?, Sugars, Spices, Fruits, Hams, Shoulders, Side-Meat, &s. .Country Produce Bought, Sold or Exchauged. HARDWARE For Building and other purpose: In great variety of the best quality. All g"ods uuiiiiutul us icprtvoultd, aud prices fully as low as elsewhere. April 0, 187-yl rilCliH.JfWtlrjl Dr. J. "Walker's California Vinegar Bitters nro a purely Vog otabloproparatlou, mado chiolly from tho nativo horbs found on tho ,lowcr ranges of tho Sierra Novada moun tains of California, tho medicinal properties of which aro 'extracted therofroiM without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, " What is tho ,causo of tho uupar- allolcd BUCCCS3 of VlNEGAlS i IT- Tisidf" Our ,ai)srcr is, that they romovo tho ctitisb of disease, and tho patient recovers his health. Thoy are tho great blood purifier aud a life-giving prluciplo, a perfect Reno vator' and Invigorator of tho system. Nevor beforo iu tho history of tho world has a incdlciuo boon compounded pos sessing tho rcmarkablo qualities of Vis 'EOAtt Bittkrs Iu healing tho sick of every disease man is heir to. They-aro a gentlo Purgatlvo as well as a 'Tonio, rohoving Congostiou or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, hi Bilious Diseases. Tho properties of Dn. Waijc- I'sVlNEOARlllTTKRsaro Anoriont. Dia ER phoretic, Carmluntive, Nutritious, Laxa tivo, Diurotie, Sadatlva, CoUntor-Irritaut, bucionuc, Aicuraiivc, auu Auu-uiuons. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters tho most w.opder ful, Invigorant that over sustained tho sinking systom. No Person can take thcso'Blt tcrs according to directions, and re main long unwell, provided their bones aro uot destroyed by mineral poison or, other moans, nnd ivital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, , ltcmittcnt, and In termittent Fever's, which aro so nrovalent in tho valleys of our great fivers throughout tho United States, especially thoso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, . Colo rado, israzos, itio uranuo, rcarj, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during tho Sumuior and Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of .unusual Vat aud, dryness, aro invariably ac companied by extensivo derange ments of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, n purgatlvo; oxortlng a powerful influence upon thoso vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. Thero i3 no cathartic for. tbo purposo equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, ai thoy will speedily remoVo tho dark-colored viscid matter wiUrwhich tho bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho hoaltby func tions of tho digestive organs. Fortify tho body agalnsti dls easo by purifying all its fluids with Yineoar Bitters. No epidemio can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Diizlnoss, Sour Eructations of tbo Stomach, Bad Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion' of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs Pain in tha region of thoXidneys, and n hundred other painful symptoms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot tlo will provo a better gaara'nteo of its morits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whlto Swollings. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations. Morcurial affec tions, Old Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as. in all other constitutional Diseases, TjVALKBR'fl Vl eoarBitters havo shown their'great'eur ativo powers .in tho most obstinate and intractable cases. r For Inilamuiatory and Chronic Bheuniatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseasos of the Blood, Livor, Kidnoys nnd Bladder, tbeso Bitters havo no equal. Such Dis eases aro, caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Porsons engaged in Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers, Typo-Bettors, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in life, aro sub'' lect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a doso of JVaxseu's VfXEOAR Bitters occasionally. 1 Ot.t llAnn.nn 1 .... ! nn rui viOKiiavOf uKiiiinnia, Totter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pim pies, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles. Itlng worms, Scald-head, Sons .Eyos, Erysipo las, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratlons of tho Skin, Uumors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature. Aro literally dug up and carried opt of tho system u a short timo by tho uso of thoso Bitters. Tin, Tupe, and other Worms, urking in the system of so many thou sands, are effectually destroyed and re moved. No systom of medicine, no ver mifuges, no' anthelmlnitics will free tho system from worms like thesb Bitters. ForFomaloComplaittts, inyounjr, or old, married or single, at the da,wn of womanhood, ortho turn of life, tbesqTpn io Bitters display so decided an influonca that improvement is soon perceptible. Gleauso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find it inipuritiesburstjug through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores', cleanse It when you find it Ob structed and sluggish in tho veins j clcanea it when it is foul; your feelings xill .tell you when. Keep tho blood puro, and tbo health of tho Bystom will follow. ' n. it. Mcdonald t-oM DtokUU & Gen. Aets, Sao JTmucUco, COlfcr. Him 4; cor. of WuhbiEton ana Chirlton SU.K.Y. holil U- all UruitBikl nd Ptalirt. tt ARft.vl.'vs rou lsjya Me- 'iudoona, nearly now, from"f35.fJ() upwards. BEATTy i PLOTTSJ. Apr. 12. Washington, N.