The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 06, 1873, Image 2

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    I ii i. 1 I1 U nil iih inj
wind. That tint sentence nf John Mil
Inn, In a Utile tract on Ediicitlon, lias n
ring In It which will ho heard nil nlong
down the nges : " I run long fdnco per-.
Minded. Hint to do or nay might worth
H.cnioiy or Imitation, no purpose should
ponner movo us than simply the love of
God nml mankind. Tho end of learn
ing Is to vcpalr the ruins of our Mlrst
parents, hy leainlngto know God ailnht,
and out of tlint knowledge to be like
him. Our youth imit proceed, by the
steady pace or learning, onward, till
they have conformed and solidly united
the whole body5 of their perfecte'd linowl
wIrp, like the lat embattling of rt Ito.
man legion." Thus aimed for our
work, Inspired with this hlfih purpose
ngalnst failure and disappointment, we
may be supported by something like
that heroic confidence which sustained
tho Divine Singer, when the burden of
care and danger, of poverty and old nge
nnil blindness pressed him down so,
heavily :
In prophetic dream he xaw
Tin' youth unborn, with plom two.
Imblbo filch virtue lrinn his iwrc.l p.iRO.
TIic President's McMsagc.
Tho following synopsis of the Presl
deiit's Message Is copied from the New
York Sun of Wednesday :
As might be expected, tho subject of
Cuba occupies a pretty large space. Not
nn lmpoitunt fact relating to thu recent
transactions in that Island nnd tho con
sequent negotiations with Spain Is set
forth whoso substance had not been an
ticipated by tho newspaper press of this
country and England.
The IWidenl admits that political
partisanship has ceased to exist In the
agricultural districts IIo assumes Hint
u con-titiitloiial amendment will be sub
mitted to the State Legislatures by the
present Congress, providing for a better
method of electing the President and
Vice-President, nnd In that connection
suggests two oilier amendments. The
flrtt authorizes tho President to veto a
Tart of bill without, vetoing the whole of
It, the disapproved portions being sub
ject to the saiua rules as other vetoed
measuies, and also that during the last
twenty-four hours of Its session Con
gress shall net only upon vetoed mes
sages. The second provides that at ex
tra sessions only such matters shall be
considered by Congress as are brought
before It by written messages from the
Tho President announces that the re
ceipts of the Government In excess of
its expenditures arc, according to tho
figuring of tho Treasury Depaitment,
$43,803,059 ; but lie doubts If it can bo
so well ngaln. Indeed ho thinks It will
be hard to keep even, nnd recommends
economy Jn appropriations nnd econo
my In their expenditure. He especially
suggests retrenchment in regard to pub
lie buildings In cities where the work
lias not commenced, and In the improve
ment of rivers and harbors, except for
purposes of defense or )n tho Interest of
general commerce. He also advises
caution In the payment of losses Incur
red in the suppression of the rebellion
Jle, however, thinks tho Government
blioukl own its own buildings, nnd sug
gests the erection of suitable residences
for members of tho Cabinet, which ho
hopes will Induce tho States to build
similar establishments for their Senators.
He thinks the recent panic may have
been a blessing In disguise, but consid
ers that we have had enough of a good
thing, if wo only tnku advantage of the
benefits which have nlready accrued
His view H that n long step has been
taken toward specie payments; that our
permanent piospcrity depends upon
resumption of a speclo basis, which can
noser bo reached and maintained until
ourxports to nearly pay for our Im
ports,. the interest held upon the debt
held nbrond, nnd our other speclo obll
gallons as to leave an appreciable ac
cumulation of tho precious metals from
the product kf our mines. He says the
Increuso In our population nnd tho con
ftant development of tho country, par.
tlcularly at lallroail and manufacturing
Intel os ts, have worked a virtual con
traction of the currency, nnd while in
ilatlon is not deblrnble, elasticity is. Tho
last lie thinks might bo obtained by al
lowing the national banks lo Increase
their circulation forty per cent, upon
their depositing bonds with the depart
ment, the faco value of which khould be
equal to the amount of additional circu
lation, tho batiks, however, to forfeit
four percent, of tho Interest upou such
bonds white liyj othecated, but to be
permitted to redeem tlium at any time
vUh.tlielr own circulating uotes. The
President thinks there Is none loo mucn
currency now for tho dullest portion of
the year, without considering the in
creased demand for moving the crops.
Ho therefore leaves to the consideration
of Congress the propriety of a free
banking law. He rocommendB postal
eatings banks, and thinks' thcy'would
be of great vnluu to the fr'eedmen. He
favors Aiuericuii shipbuilding nnd thu
Wibirgeiuent of the Krlo and Jlllnois
canals, thus opening n highway for
grain from the Mississippi to tho sea,
It Is .suggested that wojpreparo for
war In time, of peace by Improving our
scaconst defences, nnd ridding) lo the
strength of tho navy. Liberal appro
priations are recommended lorthelattet,
and tho President expresses great grati
fication that the horrors of the late panic
were so much mitigated by the employ
ment of soveraf thpusandriion upon the
now8lnopsof war now being constructed.
Tho message recommends legislation
to prevent nnarchy In Utah, and also a
repeal of the Bankrupt net, at least that
part of It relating to luvoluntniy bank
ruptcy, by means of which caicful nnd
prudent financiers who have undertaken
enterprises of ample magnitude may bo
seriously inconvenlt'iiced.
Tho President congratulates himself
upon the beneficial results of his Indian
policy, and favors tho placing of all In
dians In tho Indian Territory under a
territorial form of government.
Attention is called to the beauty of
the eapitol. The very efficient manage-
went of the Hoard of Publlo Works Is
spoken of in high lfrms, nnd a liberal
policy is recommended toward thol)ls-
trtctof Columbia. Tho message con
eludes, with a plea fur civil servlco re
form, a recommendation that Colorado
bo admitted Into the Union, that nn Ir
rigating canal bo constructed Iroin thu
Rocky Mountains to tho Missouri river,
and that bills be passed granting gene
ral amnesty, nnd to better secure civil
rights to tho enfranchised slaver.
Altogether the message is rather a weak-
effusion for a President. It is n ram
bling, disjointed affair, and gives to the
public very llttlo information they did
not possess before.
A Washington dispatch of December
1st, says: Tho public debt has Increased
50,028,570,84. Coin In the Treasu.y,
83,709,087; coin certificates, $30,220,
000; currency In tho ,Treasury,iSl,200,
440: legal tenders outstanding, $300.-
922,018; special deposit of legal tenders
held for the redemption of certificates of
deposit, $20,150,000.
General Lewis T. Wigfn.ll, formerly
United States Senator ftom Texas, Mon
day applied for admission to the Ualtl
more city bar. Tho customnry oath of
allegiance to the United States, tho
Constitution, laws, and "Government
thereof, was administered, and ex-Sena
tor Wigfajl was admitted to practise as
an attorney.
The Secretary of the Navy's report
says that tliero are In thu navy 10.) ves
sels, carrying 1,209 guns. Eight sloops
of war aro being built. Improvements
on the iron-clad fleet have been made
as far as the appropriations permitted
The cruise of the Polaris lias been thu
most successful of all arctic expend!
Hons. The Secretary Is satisfied that
Capt. nail died from natural causes.
Tho estimates for the next fiscal year
nre$19,253,235, and t8G4,r89 forcurrent
repairs'. The report ends withlhosugges
Hon that appropriations bo jnado sufil
cle nt to keep the navy in a condition for
active service.
Steamship Disaster.
London, Dec. 1. ThoshipTrlmount-
nln, from New York, arrived at Cardiff
nt nn enrly hour this morning, bringing
intelliRenco of a dreadful disaster to the
steamship Yillo du Havre, which left
New lork, flov. 15, for Havre, under
command ot capt. burmont.
At o'clock or, tliomoruiiiR of tho Sou
of November the Ville du Havre came
in collision with tho British ship Loch
Earn, from Jjouuon for .Nov? loik, ami
sunk soon alter.
Two hundred nnd twentw-slx of the
persons on the steamship lo-,t their lives,
The Trimountalu received oielity
seven of her passengers and crew and
brought them to oardlfr.
Tho lollowii'K additional particulars
of thu loss ot tho Ville du Havre have
been gathered from otllcers and pa&en
gcrs at uaruiu;
The Vjlla du Havre expeiimnvii
thick fog until the 20th. At thu time
of tho collision tho weather was clear.
llttlo wind was blowing, but there was
a heavy sea. Uliu captain hait just re
tired, anil the second officer was ir
charge. The lights on tliesteamor wero
all light, llio colllslou was wholly un
expected. -
Tho Loch Earn struck tho steamer
amidships, and made a chasm twelve
feet deep and from twenty-live to thirty
feet wide. Tho exact position of tho
Ville du Havre at tho time was lat. 47,
21, Ion. JV, 31. Panic took possession
of tho passengers, f ive minuted after
tlio coiiuiuii the maiu ami tnizzcmunsts
fell across two large boats which were
crushed to pieces, and many of their
occupants killed and Injured.
in the brief interval between tho col
lision unci the sinking of the steamer the
ciow were able to lunch only a whalu
boat and the Captain's gig.
Thu Loch Earn went a inllu before
stopping. She then got out four boats
to pick up Hie people strut gllng In Hie
water. Meanwhile the whale boat untler
command of tho Second Lieutenant of
the Ville du Havre picked up one load
of thoso who were clinging to the
planks, spars, &c, and took them totlie
lioch Earn. Sim returned to the scene
aud rescued another load.
Capt..surmout, who remained on deck
to the last, was rescued by this boat
three- juarters of an hour alter the col
lision. One of his olhcers swam a mile
to tho Loch Earn, and was hauled on
board with a rope.
Tho boats continued to search the
Witters lu tho .vicinity of the disaster
until (here was, no hope of saving mom
live?. The cold was Intense. Many of
tl.C survivors were Immersed two hours,
and wero almost lifeless when rescued!
Tho ship Tr mountain sighted Loch
Earn at 8 a. m,, six hours after tho
sinking of, ;'thc steamer, nnd received
the survivors, The saved speak In the
Inchest terms of the kindness of Capt.
Urqtihntt, her commander.
There wero elchtv-seven saved from
tho wicck of the Ville du Hnvre, to wit:
Tho' captain, five officers fifty.four of
1110 crew nnu iweiuy-seven passengers.
,2Ve,iVN of tho Week.
Andrew Stratton. aced .twenty-two.
nnu his daughter aged two, nave been
starved to death at Brldgeton, Now
The soldiers of Iowa 'aro moving In
behnlf of n change In tho Homestead
law, to thn'cnd that they may have
their homesteads without actually living
upou tnein.
Tho animal renort 'of tho Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue discloses tho
interestlnc fact that tho receipts ftom
tho distillation and sain of sjiiiituous
liquors amount to more tlianone-hail or
tho whole sum realized lrom internal
A most excellent artisan in Buffalo
had a sljn, "Adam Good, brass foun
der." A countryman coming to market
thought it n very strange sign an tin
nlous slttn for lie read it, "A-dam
good-brass-founder." Singularly enough
his wlfo was named Eve.
An old lad v named CatharlnoKroehl,
was found tu her house In Hid suburbs
of Harrisburi:. on Friday niornliiir of
last week, brutally beaten nround the
head. Sho was removed to tho- City
Hospital, where sho died Sunday ifo
clue to tho perpetrators of this act has
been discoveied, biitrohbery Is supposed
to bo the motive of the dted. -Sim was
poverty stricken, and dependent on
neighbors for support.
Tho Spanish Cabinet lias agreed to
deliver to tho United StatesGovernmetit
the steamship Vlrgl'nius nnd all lie
persons remaining alive who 'wen cap
tured witli her, leaving tho question
whether tho seizure of tho vessel .was
legal to be's'eltled lieu-after by a Hnlxed
tilbutial. Tho question whether dam
ages he paid to the families' or relations
of tho piisoners who were shot Is also
to be settled In a similar manner. The
decision was not airive'd at bj tho Gov
ernment before It had contldentally con
sulted with tho powers of Europe, nnd
was Informed by all of them that repara
tion was due for tho capturo of tho
steamer and thu execution of the cap
tives. The decision is also In coniforml
ty with Hie opinions of the leading
Spanish statesmen" of all parties, to
whom the question was submitted by
the Government.
After belnc taken in TllackSvell's
Maud Saturday William M. Tweed was
asked the usual questions as to name,
age. occupation etc. by th Recording
Clerk. Ho answered that ho was aged
fifty, by occupation was "a statesman"
and had no religion, .rls his famllyi aro
protestants ho was. rccoriieu as a pro
testaut. Being weighed he wns found
to bring down thu.scale at two hundred
and sixty three pounds. After being
takeu lo tho bath, his. was snnveu
In theiegiilation Penitentiary style and
ho was arrayed lit the lull btrlped uni
form of a convict. Ho had two letters
from New York city physicians ,n:cm
mend him to 1)6 put in the hospital, hut,
alter a careful examination hy tlie Pen-,
Herniary physician ho was consigned tq
a common cell iiko an oilier ieions
and numberod 34. Jacket given lilm to
wear Is known at Hih Penitentiary as a
larceny jacket. His bon stayed with
Mm until ho was led to his cell, when
with a few friends and leporters he" left
tho Island.
New Advertisements.
omtaj , Dec, 1st. !
Kediictions Prices
Jly entire Stock Sfarked Down now
Is tlio time to liny 1
Ladies, Look at This!
Jest Shilling Calicoes are now
Selllnc nt 10 Cents
Good Calicoes nt 8 "
Good Muslin nt 12 and 14 "
Muslins nt 8 nnd 10 "
Good Canton Flannel nt 12 "
Ilettcr " " nt 15 "
lteit Gingham, sold before' nt
18 cents, now 10 "
Good Ginghams at 8 nnd 12 "
I would call special attention to my
large lot of
Heavy Winter Shawls
Which I nm Selling at very Low Prices.
Carpet mid Oil CIoIIin,
Are SellloR Very Ilow ;
Rest Sugar at.... 12'i Cents.
White Sugar at ,..11 "
?iownSugarat...r...7 to 10
And all other Goods in Proportion.
W. A. It AVER,
All rron n herfl.rforUJ turbo Inzer trust.
Inn Ub.NJAMlXMOVCU itler Ihli dta, undar
jwuiiij ui iu law,
Kor, , U73.-W3 Jhlton, P.
New Advertisements.
;1M"0TICE Is hereby 1 vent In' accord-
nnn with Hm ImvaVf 41,1a flnm.
monwealth. that articles ot association
for the incnrjinratloii f)t "Ebenezer's j-.yangeiicai Association,
of Weis'port, Pa., have been presentfd
to the Court of Common Pleas for the
County of Carbon, aud tl o said Couit
having perused and examined the same,
nnd tho objects, articles rfnd' conditions
therein set forth appearing lawful and
not Injurious to tho community, the
Court directed that the said wilting to
filoil In the Office bf-the Prothonotary,
and that notice be Inserted-tti one news
paper In said county, onco a week, for
at least thrco weeks, setting forth that
an application lias been made to grant
such Chatter of Incorporation, and If
no sufficient reason be shown tu the con
trary, on or before the flrt day of next
term, the snlu Court will grant the
Charter prayed for.
From the Hecord.
W. M. lUrsnEn,
Att'y for Petitioners. Deo d-w3
rnho Best Paper I Try H !
Tho Scientific American now In its
29 tl i year, enjoys the widest circulation
of any weekly newsr.nner of the kind
in the world. A new volume commences
January 3, 1874
Its contents embrace the latest and most
interesting Information pertaining to the
Industrial, Mechanical, nnd Scientific
Progress of the World; Descilptions,
with Beautiful Engravings, of Now In
ventions, New1 Implements, New Prof
cosiies, and Improved Indiistiles of all
kinds; Useful Arotes, Recipes, Sugues-
lions and Advice, hy Practical Writer.,
for Workmen nnd Employers ln all the
various arts.
The Scientific American is tho cheap
est and best illitiati'd weekly paper
published. Every number contniin
10 to 15 original engraving of new
engravings, iliuslrallng tmprovii-
UIOIII9, ijiwuvrries, nnu Jinpoiinui.
Works, pertalnlngto Civil and Mechan
ical Engineering, Miling, Mining nnd
Metallurgy; Records of the latest pro-i
press In tho Applications of Mteam.
Stenrr. Engkeerlng, Rail way, Shlpbuid-,
Ing.JJavlgatlon, Telegraphy. Telegraph
Engineering, Electricity, Magnetism,
Light and Heat.
Framers, Mechanics, Engineer, In.
ventors, manufacturers, cheMiists, lov
ers of science, teachers, clergymen,
Lawyers, and people of all profession,
will tind the Scientific American useful
to thenn It should have a place In
every family, libiary, study, ofllce, and
counting room; In every reading room,
college, academy, or,scliool.
A year's numbers contain 832 pages,
and several hundred engravers. Thous-,
nnds of volumes nro preserved for
binding nnd 'reference. The practical
receipts are well worth ten tbnes the,
subscription price. Terms S3 n year, by
mall. Discount to cluba, specimens sent
free. May be had of all News Dealers.
tide American, Messrs Muun&Co. aro
Solicitors of Amerleai, nnd Foreign
Patents, and have thu largest establish,
mont In the world. More than fifty
thousands npplicntions have been made
for patents through their agency.
Patents nro obtained on the best
terms,- models of .new Inventions and
sketches examined and advice free. All
'patents are published In the Scientific
American tins week thpv Uinp Spud
jiiiienian nit) weuc mey issue, ceil"
lor Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing
taws aim run uirectlons for obtaining
Address for tho paper, or concerning
patents, MUNN & CO., i)7 Park Row,
N. Y. Brnncli Office, cor. ,F nnd 7th
Sts., Washington, D. O. Deo. 0
The undersigned will offer at Public
Sale, on the premise, late of DANIEL
SOLT, dee'd, in F1UNKLIN Town
ship, Carbon County, Pa., on
.tloiulity, December 15, 1$73.
at ONE o'cloak P. M., the following de
scribed Real Estato, to wit : That cer
tain piece of Land, containing 05 acres
and 104 perches, bo the same more or
less, siiuaieuini'raiiKini lowiisiup more
sal il, about acres ot which aro Cleared
and thu balance of 80 acres Is good
TIMBER LAND, consisting of White
Oak: Pine, &a. 'The land when cleared
Is admirably adapted for Farming pur
poses, being a port'on of tl'.e w ell-known
larm of the lato Daniel Solt. Terms
will bo made known at time and p! i-
of sale, by WM. BOLT and
Franklin twp., Nov. 21), Wa-wD
Miss Lizzie Kramer
lias just received nnd opened n spleidld
assortment of the Newest and most
Fashlo'nablo Designs In
. Millinery (3oods;
For Spring and Summer Wear, such as
to which she calls tho especial attention
ot tho Ladles of Lentgritou ant vicinity
All Goods Warranted to be as repre
sented, ana i'riccs lo suit mo times.
Btore, opposite tho " Carbon Advo
cate" ollice, Rankway, Lehiguton, Pa
April la, ,1873.018.
TuMlfl fiotlce'lt hereby glTentoiU Utereiited In
the dlstrlbntloiiorth. prarMde of the ale or tlie
rexl tctele at Joba Hredr. Uta&f 1'eon lleTeu,
Curbcii Couutjr, 1'a , that the Auditor will MUnd
to tliedutleiofhU.vpolntiiuut on SATUHOAV,
DKUKliaEK Uth, A. D. 1873. at hl Offlw, at the
Alauiloa lloiue, MaUeh Ubuok, at 0 o'clock J.U.
K. R. BIEIVEUl), Audltw,
Notember S3, 1875.-w
Now A'lvorlisomonts.
CiiMEig's Manual
Of Parliamentary Practice.
llule if proceeding nnd rllAfe,tn dHbertUIre
nveuiMIeft. An iWifnjniM! handbook for tvtry
mlmttcrnfa tJetibtrativt ltodtt find the rtuttiotlty lu
Tltetnrpt Ait liorttflt Ire expounder of Ameilrsn
parllniiientnry hw.n Chn, Humner.
PHt M rent, Petit lv mull on receiptor prW.
AdcWuT 1 1 im t'SUX,IHll i W Nt CO. Itotton.MftF B
This flmtda Chrornn will Im ghm to emy
fmUrrltior to
Godey's Ladys Book for 1874
Whether to a Plnla PnWrlher for Throe PoltarM
or in Cluli r $ ftr Fourteen Dull.
AdJreM,' L, A.OODKY.
X, l:. (Vr.CVt Chctnnt St I'H.lndelphlii, IN.
liT-lVe U-rnHln f.ndy Hook f r other Oldh.-ti
TAKES op Sight. jaW.
i, for
tr. Aanttt.
ami fiiJetmtn IIevrt Ward.1ei:ciir3 family
newspaper nlvc 'err ulweri!"r n run of the
IfUk'csr niidfinevt OMSOUIl AIMIS two mnt
attractive subject that Make" on Msht palnfod
hy Mr. Ai'derfon, on contractu and com pin I on n
for her "Hltfo AtvaW and IJtt Atlenu1 A (rent
have l.MMKNSli MUCCKSS; call It the' lwt butt
nen eer olItTed caiivneri'," We furbish the
lightest nnd handsomest outfit and pay very tilicll
comuiWftloiK, J:.u-h fulwrrlber receive without
Dehv two li'Autlfiil plctureK, which aro ready for
lMMi:i)lATi: l)i:MVJ:iLY, Tho paper lUclt
FtatidB eerl5 atuon fuinlly journals, beiuj bo
popular that of itn rht It bn. tho largest circuit'
tlon in Vtf.xnnrW Kmplujn the leU talent. J-.d
ward Kiileton'a fptI.i1 story U just Ix-glnnlng ;
lack rhnpters Kiipplled to wicU Bulncrlhr. Mia.
Ptowe hm expected Herjuel to " My Wifeand 7"
Iteglns In the iihw iar. Any one wh nz a Kd
Ml try or an ludep'iiJent hulnes( A O IS K T S
phuuid send rr rlrcular & terms-Wanted t
U .1. II. I'UUU . OU., Kew York, liottou, Cliiciu-i
nail or n IVant-Uc . tiov29tt4
miin C05IPAN10N uiuin in be a faTorltelneTery'
family loolied for eagerly by the young folks,
nnd reid with interest by the older. purpose
Is to Interest while It amuw ; to be judicious,
practical, RpniMo; and to have really permanent
worth, while It attracts for the hour.
It Is handsomely Illustrated, and ha for con
tributors pome of the mostattmctire writers tn the
country. Among these are :
Prof. .lAMEi DeMilie,
llEl'.ECCi 11. iMVId,
P. rtOBM.VS,
Dr. I; I. Hates,
Louise C. Moultox,
" Sophie MiT,"
G. A. Ptehie.?,
If. A. Peitox.
Its ro'tdlnt; I aUptd to the old nud young, Is
Tory varied in Its clinricter uprightly and enter
tilulng. ltylvei
PtCrlcs of Adventures
Letters of Trurel,
rent Topics, ,
Historical Artlclus,
Ilbgrnpliical Sketches
llellglous Articles,
Slorlea of Home, nod
Ta'es, Poetry;
Selection) fur Decla-
Aneydotex, Putzle5,
Facts tpd Incident.
copies Rent free. Address
Perry, Mason & Co.,
No, 41 Templo Place, Boston, Mass
, CDCQinrlll''""4,;iWli
In LOI UL. SUN rillMNf
hirK,-t lljht. iw uea on an
VEYS, raid by
produces the
, auy coal oil lamp.
For sale by all lunp dealeis.
W VJIVXJIjLN ed to sell our Kreneh.and
Amorli-an Jewelry, lIo.ka.Oains, c, In tblr own
localities Nocapltal needed. Catalogue, terms, Ac.,
fent tltt. I'. O. VICii:lvV IX)., Augusta, Me.
rr1 Q t day tjuarantcai to Afrputr.,
Address Uj W
Situvan & Co.KSt. Paul St.ll.lltlDi(ir,..Md.
I suffered mIUi Catarrh thirty years,attd waacured
by a simple retnedy. Will send receipt, postage
five, to all attlicted. Her, T. J. MK.U), Lrawr,
175 Syracuse, H, V. uot2Jw,
Floral Guide for 1874.
200 Pageir ; 000 Enprnvlngs and Colored
naio. riiumueci tiiarteriy, ov o cts.
n Year. First No. lor 1874 just Issued.
A German edition nt samo prlco.
nov. 29. Rochester, N. V.
In order to OIoso Out my present Iiq
moDse stock of
Among which will bo found a largo and
cuoice xanciy or
Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &c.
Shirtings,. Sheetings,
&o'.s nlsd,"a"flno assortment of
nAcsTiMWTii.-4 X vn nnTTtiVAnits
S)iltt.bIo'for,Men'4and Bpy'a Wear tq
gether wth
and a variety of other Goods, all of
YYUica x win ouu ui
Cost for Casli?
Now Is your time If you want to se
cure REAL JMU'l A TNB. Tlio Stock
roust ALL HE SOLD In ordef .to make
loom for New UootH. Remember thu
ploce for Paulc Prices :
-gCa weekly paper r5r?-
V i v
Noy. 22. Bank St, Lohlghton.
Drug IFam'y Medicine
Yon will nlways find oiip of the largest
and best selected stocks of
Pure DrtifTN,
CUcmlcrtl :
of all klnds. such as Lnri)( Sperm, Win
ter Whale. Tanners' Nenlsfoot', etc,
tho best In the market, warranted 160 s
Fire'Test NonExploslve. A superior
article of
expressly for Lanterns. Try It. The
made, by the bottle or In bulk.
Just received a largo assortment of
Bracket Lamps,
Chlmnles and
of every style.
Patent Medicines
of the day, such as
Lung Remedies,
Cough' Mixtures',- '
Dyspepsia Remedies,
Blood Purifiers,
Hair Restorera.'i
Hair Colorers,
etc., etc., etc., etc.
The finest lot of American nnd French
Hair Oils Cologne's. Pomades, Fancy
-rt v.......... .., .uijucfc uliu Aau uu
Cologne, Toilette, Soap, Honey and
Glycerine Soaps, etc.
Pocket Books & Purses
A full assortment for Ladles & Gents.
I'nro IlrumlU-s.
"men, ir. ii in, iiullnnd Gin,
&.c..lbr.tletllcliial luriiuMcs
VST TrV DURLIN(;'S ITnrsn pn,j.
ers, Cattle Powders, Hog Powders und
l ouury i-owuers, oy tne pound or In
Wall Papers
And BORDER, an endle.-u variety.
ST Go to DURLING'S where pvorv
thing Is 'warranted FreMi Genuine and
Physicians' Prcscrlntlona and Fnmllv
Recipes prepared by Diirling himselfj
"Tclssport Ahead !
infc.rrii tw.IMut-u t.i
......... uunusriii.iiiiiautruia.uiiilila puu-i
lie In general, tliatthey have opened a 1
JLmim feer ITard
In connection with their
Near tho L. .V. S. Depot,
and that they have now'on hand an Im-.
uieiisu Biocn or '.uorougiuy seasoned
Lumber; such as
iltougli Pino Boards,
surfaced l'ino Zroards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, ot all'klnds,
Shingles, an Immense stock;
Roofing nnd Ceil(rjg Lath,
and, In facf, Luinberrtf cv'efy 'descrip.
nuu m nn very lowtst marKet prices.
Wo are a)so prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very lino artlclo of
.Sand, suitable for JtlaNonry
1Vnrtl..llllutnlnw V. . ti .
markably Low Figures.
Wo have, constantly on band a largo
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which we will sell, In large or small
quantitlesvnt Prices to suit your Pockets
nug 23-yl 6'arbon county, Ta
WK'ssportr and ieiiioiitok.i
Dealers In
Groceries, - '
Flour and Feed,
Canned Fruits.
Notions, Toy,'
&c, Slc, &c
Country Produco Bought and Sold.
Leblghlon Store, three doors above the
Pint Otllcej Weissport Store, near
Canal Hildgo nov-SO
O Ice, m Hi.' pwu, t!rt dir Irljw Anu rton
Uotel.alaurliChiinktlMlBi'a. Cu!lectl6us rti.t
ly ratjo. Nor. ii.