The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 06, 1873, Image 1
1 fwhm VOL. II., No. 0. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 0, 1873. SINGLE COPIES, TIIREE OENTg Lehighton Directory. Agent. TV. C. Frailrlrl, Singer Swing iljchine and In iuran, next to E. 11. Snyder's, llnk strett. Barber, K. D. WIddos, Sharing, Hair Cutting and Sham pooing, under Kxchange Hotel, llauk street. Hoot KU.l Shoe Makers. Charlss Yenser, nearly oppotiu the potlcffice, Bank street; also, dealer in Omfectimery. Clinton llretnoy, in Levan't luitding. Dank s treet. All vrdtn promptly filled work warranted. Confectioners. Hausman 4 Kuhn, opposite Obert's store, Dank street. Ml vrderi promptly filled. Dry Goods and Groceries 7,. II. Long, opp. J s- Depot, Dank at., dealer in Hardware, Queenmare, Ladia' Drat Good; Cc. H. A. DelU, Leucltel's lilock, UJ5 hfSSi?' Groccria, Qutentware, Curpeli, Oil CfotAa it Coal. J5. ii. Snyder, Hank street,, Dry Oondi, Notimt, Ural Uoodt, Oroceriet, Quantware, Hardware,:. Drugs nntl Medicines. A.J Burling, first door shore 1. 0, liank, street. Oflt, lttintt, Perfumery, Patent iledicina, da. Hardware. V. P. Bemmel, nearly opp. Kxchanfo Hotel, Bank street, Chltiwtort, Oili, Joints, Guano, Oc. Hotel. Thomas Mantt, Eichanse," opp. l'uhllo e, Bank at. Patronage tolirilcd. Mcrclimit Tailors. Clanss 4 Dro, Bank street, and nValeri l in Genlt' iVrnishing Goodt, Uootl, Slioa, Hatl, Cupt, at. Thomas S, Deck, V. 0. building, liank at- 3tniP l RmiisAing Coodt, Halt, Oapt, School Hook), del milliner. Mrs. E. Vath, Dank street, 2nd'door below the M. E. Church. Notlom and Trimmingi Phystclam and Surgeons. Dr. C. 8. derman, corner of Bank and lion stree s OmtuUatim in English and German. Dr. N. D. Keber, next door 'to P. 0., Dank street.. Consultation in English and German. Provisions. Jos. Obert.Bank St Paekbuj, Curing and Smoking Establishment. AU orders promptly filled. 3. Vattlnger 4 Son, Dank lUdcaUrt in Hour and ieJ, Groceriei, lYttitsand Vegetables. Watchmaker and Jeweler. .0. Dolleomayer, South' street, above Dank eU " Dealer in 11'uWies, Cloclt, Jlingi, ft. yy M. lXAPSHEIt, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAWi Bask StUIT, LtUlOOTOK, Pi. Ileal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Buy slid Sell Ural Estate. Conveyancing neatly do ue. Col lections promptly made. IMtlliig KMatea of l)e tetlent, a specialty. May be consulted la English jindOerman. Jji II. SNYDBIt, Justice of tub Peace, Lehlgliton, Pa. Office In Ills store.opposlte the Eagle Hotel. Collecfons and Drawing up of Deeds promptly attended to. n'22-4in n. B1KWEI18, ATT0KNEY AND C0UNSELL0U AT LAW, OFFICE! Ground rirorintbeiiewaddl'lonof the Mansion House, Mnich rhunk. Pa. Dullness transacted In English and German. Collections promply mado and ConTeyanclngJueally done. -JjJD. C. DISIMIOK, DISTIUCT ATTOKNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce, ojiUroabwat, flrst door below American Hotel, MauchCuuuk, 1'eua's. Collections prompt ly made. Nov. N. II. UKDEIl, PRACTICINO PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Office, Bike Strut, next door shore the PostoBlce, Lehighton, Pa. Office Hours ParryTllls each day rom 10 to 13o'olock romalndor of day stomreln IVehlghtoi. Nor-M. '72. Jg M, MWIiUKUIV, ATTOENEY AT LAW, MAUOII CHUNK, PA. Oct 18, 1878. Railroad Guide. J)BNNSYI.VANIA HAIbltOAD. Tast Time and Sure Connections ! Vive Express Trains Dally from Ilarrlsbnrg to the.West. Pullman Palace Cars through from Har burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis vllle and St. Louis. Tbe'number of mllea operated aud controlled by this Company enable it to run cars through with fewer changes than by any other line. Passengers will And this, In all respects, TUc Safest, Quickest & most Comfortable Route! BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH ST For Rates, Tickets and all In formation, apply at all Principal Offices on Line of Lehigh Valley and Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroads, and at) P. It. It. Depot, Harrlsburg, Pa. A. J. CABS ATT, General Manager. D. M. D0YD, General Passenger Agent. J. N. A1IDEY, Eastern Traieling Agent, March 8, 1873- 901 Chestnut St., Phllad'a. jqOUTII PISNNA.IlAlI.KOAD. WibVie s'anHotxiNT. Panengers for Philadelphia will leare Lehighton as follows.: 6.09 s. m , ila L. V4 srrlre at Phils at 8.15 s.m 7J7a.m,TlaL. 4 8. " 11.10 a.m. 7.S9 a. m. tla L. V. " 11.10 p.m. 11.07 p. m. Tla L. 4 8. " 2.1& pjn. lWlp.m.Tla L. V. " " 2.1S p.m. ai.7p,Di.TlsL.4 8. " fiUp.m. 4.17 p. u. Tla L. 4 8. ' ' 8.20 p.m. 4.4 p.u.Tla.L. V. " " 8.20 p.m. i 7Sp.m.TlaL.V. " " 1030 p.m. lleturnlntr. leare daoot at Derka anil' jfmjrln ftr.eli. phllc., at 7.10, fUO and 9.45 a. iuj 2.10 3.30, sud 6.1S p. m. tut from Lehighton to Philadelphia . . f2J&& Nov. 2V, 173. ELLIS ULAR.K, Agent Railroad Guide. BNTHAL R. II. OP N. J. LEI110II 4 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Commenolug Deo. 1, 1873. Down Tntiits. No.l. No. 3. No.S. No. 7. Leave A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. Oreen llldgc, 7.30 10.23 125 Brranton 7;iS 10 30 l-K) Plttston 8.(hi 10.57 AM Wilkes Ilarre 8.30 11.25 2.20 White listen OA", 12.55 3.40 Penn lia'o June 10.37 1419 4.10 Mauch Chunk 7.30 11.00 220 4-40 Catasauqun 8.3.1 11(8 3.17 539 Allelltown 8.43 12.0(1 3.25 6 47 Bethlehem 0.IKI 12 17 3.37 W'O rrilEaston 9.27 12.43 4.03 0.25 Up Tkaiks. No. 10. No. 4. No.C. No. 14. Leave A. m. a. m. r. . p. m. Easton H.30 11.(0 3.65 7.15 Bethlehem 8.55 12.13 4.27 7.43 Allentown V.10 12.25 4.37 7.67 0,24 1232 4.45 8.00 Mauch Chunk 10.25 0.10 Pcnn Haren J'n. 10.45 2.02 n.2.5 White HaTen 11.22 2-40 7 08 Wltkes-Uarre....,'; 12 40 4.00 8.30 .... Plttston .., 1.03 ,420 8.65 Bcranton ...v.- j;(0 4 66 0.25 Arr. Greoullidge 135 6.00 0.30 .... n CONKECTIOKS. AirtoucAonlnt; Valley R. if, Down trains Nos. 3 6 and Vand' Up trains Nos. 10 and 4 connect at Mauch Chunk. North Itnn'a 11. .B. Down trains Kos. 1, 3, 6 4 7 connectatBethlebeuiror Philadelphia. Up trains NpsV10 4,4onicc:atDetbleheoi ror Philadelphia. Returning IcaTol'hlladolptiia al 7.10 a, 111. for Kas tonf'MancbChudk, Hath, Wilkes Barre, Tamuijua, Scranton $harcn, 4c.l al 0.45 a. m'. for Easton, Mauch Chunk, .Tamaqua, Wllllanisport, Wilkes Barrejuid 8crnnton:'at 2.10 p. m. fur Bcranton, Wilkes Uarre And intermediate stations; at 3410 p. in. for UathUttd Easton ! at 6.15 p. ui. ftr Mauch Chunk. , , . Tamuqua Jlranch.V iralns Nos. 10 4 4, and Down trains Nos. 3, 6 4 7 connect at Mauch Chunk to and from Tamaqua. Ltldgh d Lackawanna R. R. Down trains Xos. 14 7, and Up trains Ncs. 10 4 0 connect at Beth, lehom for Bath and Chapniau Quarries. Keturn log leave Cliapuian's nt 7.40 a. ui. and 2.15 p. in. Ventral Railroad of New Jersey. All trains make close connection at Ea.ton with trains on Central llailroadof New Jersey. JlflvidcrcDelawurc R. if. Down trains IS'os. 3 4 6, sod Up trains Nos. 4 4 14 tonnect at Phillips burg with l)rl.-IM. H. K. to and from Trintou, Philadelphia and Behldere 1'hUadelphia a Reading Jtaltroad. The Depots of the East Penn it. It. aud tho L. 4 S. Division are connected by Street Cars. II. P. 1IALD1VIN, Gen. I'aaenger Agent. Nov. 22, 1 87 J. JTjKUlOIl VALLEY K.R. Summer AnRAKOEUE.NT. Patsenger trains loare Lehlghtou as follawst Nortd 7.40 a. m., for M'h Chunk, White llateu. Haileton, Mahanoy City, Mt. Carmel, Piltstun, Wllkes-Ilarre, and all stations. 11:30 a n. for Mauch Chunk, (lieu Onoko, White Haven, llazletou, Mahauoy City, Wllkes-barre, Mount Carmel, Plttston, 'funkbannork, Tow anda. Klmlra, ButTalo and Niagara Falls. I. 20 t. m. for Mauch Chunk, Plttston, Waver lyand intermediate stations 6.35 p. m.for Mauch Chunk, (Hen Onoko, White Haven, llatleton. Mahanoy City, Wilkes llarre, a"d Ptttstou. Booth 5.09 a. m. for Allentown, Bethlehem, Eas ton, Philadelphia. New York and all stations. 739 a. m.for Allentown, Heading, Bethlehem, Pottsvllle, Harrlsburg, Eastou, Philadelphia, N. York city and all atatlons. II. 02 a. m.for Allentown, Dethlehein, Heading, Harrlsburg, Hasten, Philadelphia aud N York. 4.44 p. in. for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia, New York and all stations. 7418 p. in. for Stattngton, Catasauqua, Allan town, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington. K0BEHT II. SAYHE, June 30, 1872. Supt. and Engineer. pmL.AUKL,lIIIA uhieu7r. WINTEH TIME TABLE. On snd after SUNDAY. NOV. 2d, 1873. Trains on the Phlla. 4 Erie Railroad Division will run as follows westwasd. Bcrmo Expbsss leaves Philadelphia, 12J15 p.m. " " " Harrliburg . 6.05 p.m. " " Wllllamsport 0.10 p.tu. " " 44 Empurlum 1.45 a.m. " " arrive at lluffalo . 0 00 a. 111 EatI MlAL leaves Philadelphia . . . 10.20 n.m. ' Harrlsburg . . . 3.05 a.m. " ' - Wllllamsport . 7415 a.m. ' Lock Haven . . 8.50 a.m. ' ' " Itenova , . 10 15 a.m. " " srrivestErle . . . 7.40 p.m. Elmiea Mail leaves Philadelphia . . 8.00 a.m. " " " Harrlsburg . 1;30 ' Wllllamsport . 0.20 p.m. " " arrive at Lock Haven . 7.35 p.m. IUnova Accom'n loaves llsrrlsburg 8.25 a.m. " " ' Wllllamsport . 1.10 p.m. 41 " arrive at Renuva 3415 p.m. IA5TWASD. DcirALO Express leaves DulTalo , 2 30 p.m. M Emporium , 8415 p.m. " " " Wllllamsport . .m am. " " arrive at Harrlsburg . 4.W a.m. " " " Philadelphia . 9.10 Elmisa JIaiL leaves Erie . - . 0.15 a.m. " " " Lock Haven . 830 p.m, ' Wllllamsport . .M p.m. " " arr. at Harrlsburg . 25oa.m. ' arr at Philadelphia . . S.O0 a.m. Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven . 8.1 j a.m. Wllllamsport . . 04 am. " " arr. at Ilarrlsbnrg . 1 60 p.m. " " srr. at Philadelphia . 6 60 p.m. IIarkiidi'rq Accom'm leaves itenova . l.(si p.m. " ' " WillUmsport. 330 p.m. 4 arr, at Harrlsburg 7.60 p.m. 11 arr at Philadelphia . 24M) a.m Msll Essl connects east aud west at Erie with L.H. li M.S. It. W. and at Corry and Irvluetou with Oil Creek 4 Allegheny H. It. W. Mall West with east west trains on L. 8. 4 M. S. It. W. and at Corry and Ininetou with Oil Creek 4 Allegheny W, Elmira Mall aud Buffalo Express mske close couuectlons at Wllllamsort with N. 0. 11. W, trains north, and at Harrlsburg with N.,0.1l. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Nov. 22, 1873. Ot.v'i Bf rr. J.fcVIO EUlIUItT'S Livery & Sale Stables, BANK KTKKKT.IiKIIiailTON, Pa. I always keep on hand the best hor ses and finest carriages, to bo let at livery at the lowest prices. Conveyancs can bo had of mu at the shortest pon tile notice, at any hour. I would call tho attention of tho public to my speci al facilities for supplying slnglo or dou ble teams for funerals, &c. N0T.22, 173. DAVID EBBKKT. Rev. Edsall Ferrier's Lecture ON PKOXOUNS, Delivered at tho Tenth Annual Sesilon of the Carbon County Teachers' In tltute, held at Mauch Chunk, Novem ber 17, 18, 10, 20 and 21, 1873. Gentlemen and Ladies of the Cad, don County Institute : There are at least two modes of Im parting Interest to historical and gram matical topics which aro regiirded as llxod. Tho 0110 method Is a rude as sault on our life-long, cherished notions concerning them. It startles us and awakens our deepest concern to have old prepossessions all wiped away, and old prejudices dissolved. Modern his tory and recent criticism abound In this rough breaking up of settled opinions, and tills revolutionizing of views honor ed by the sanction of generations, li provokes a smile to think how that ap ple, which William Tell shot from the head of his son, has rolled out of history. The story of that hatchet, with which Washington hacked the cherry tree, Is n fable. Since Farton has been Illumi nating thb minds of tho public through tho columns of tho New York Lodger, that man upon whom we have been looking fiom boyhood as reeking with blood, stands up with n face of Injured Innocence. I mean Aaron Burr. Those heroes of the American devolution who are giants In our Imagination, have fear fully dwarfed since liancroft hits drawn their portraits. One of our latest histo rians represents Henry VIII. as a states man aud a saint, In the disguise of a man of the world ; while the very lat est, Froude, with almost matchless skill, touches tho character of the haughty virgin-queen with beauties, and graces, and virtues, of which she never dream ed. Thus tho process" goes on, unset tling old opinions, revolutionizing old schemes, dissolving old systems as easily as the tuullglit molts away1 the frost work from our windows, until old llomor entirely disappears, Shakespeare Is n plngusrist, and One older than either lsa roj th, and tho dear old story of the Crucified One Is an lugtoious legend. This method has become popular, be cause we llkoto be startled. New ideas antl now schemes are very attractive to an active splilt. It matters little how, If we are only aroused from our lethar gy, It may be by u murder, tho invention of a veritable Hying machine, or the discovery of n new continent. Tho otter and better method of kind ling an Interest Is by showing the height und depth of knowledge In some of the commonest objects of dally life. It is a i kind of revelation. He Is to bo envied who has the power of taking off the vail which conceals from us the real glory of familiar things. .It Is the high est art to mako old things new. It Is akin to a creation. French lirst began .the process of showing what mines of curi ous kuowledgu may bo locked under neath these common words which wo use ten or twenty times a day. Under the hills and valleys near this town, over which generations have walked and worked, perhaps lamenting the poverty of the soil, are hidden untold treasures of1 valuable Iron ore. It required the Instinct of science to detect It. Afew years since, 1 was ridlnr with a gentleman of considerable scientific attainments over a tract of land with which' I had been familiar from boyhood. Ills quick eye detected u small yellow thread of sand or mud In the hillside. Hu was unusu ally thoughtful during the remainder of the ride, and seemed to bo examining every thing very closely, but what was my surprise on learning next day, that ho purchased the whole track at a sum which looked like the work of a mad man. Yet his scientific eye had not de ceived blm, for before ft year had passed, a mine of rich magnetic Iron ore was opened. Thus, underneath these old, dusty, beaten paths, up and down which wo aro walking every day congrega tions, declensions, comparisons, adverbs, prepositlonsand conjunctions right un derneath our tired, tolling feet may be treasures of curious knowledge well worth our working. Happy ho who holds the divining rod of discovery. I wish we hsd some such contrivance as the well-diggers here have. When wo were searching for a suitable place over nt tho collego to dig a well, and specu lating on tho probabilities of getting water, I observed a thoughtful old man carrying about a small twic cut from a peach tree, II 0 maintained, that where there was a good vein of water, It mat tered not how deep down, the peach twig would Incline to It by a familiar dip of recognition. How wlso would we become had we some such detective of the coi.ctaled mines of knowledge. We have It, It Is the spirit of search ; it Is the ardent love of truth. He who Is thirsting tor the waters will bo divine ly guided to the fountain. "Seek and ye shall find." Oh Inviting your attention this even ing to so common a subject as Pronoun, already, lu my remarks, I have been Impressed with tho Importance of some attention to them. A lew moments ago, I used the expression " Happy he who holds the divining rod." lu using he, It was not my purpose by any means to exclude from this blessing the larger aud more Interesting part of this audience. The fact of it is, we waut u now pro noun to meet this exigency of Isnguuge, It Is awkward Its spoils (be sentence to say " he or ahe," or " heiself orhlm- self." We need a pronoun sufUcleiitly comprehensive to Include both sexes. I How badly the minister In the uulnlt needs It In hurling his threats and scattering his blessings, Full one-halt of the congregation feel not the forco of tho one, nor the benediction or tho other. It Is all "blessed Is ho" and "cursed Is lie." It Is a real want, and tho ono who can suggest a word to meet thU caso will bo a benefactor to all pub lic speakers. Specially when tho doc trine of the out and out equality of the sexes Is In a fair way to triumph, it Is wrong, through n little defect of langu age, to put a sleight perhaps on the best and most Intelligent part of every au dtenco. But pronouns are a'so a neglected part of speech. In tho theories of lan- ftuge, sometimes one and then another ms been claimed as the original part of speech. One prefers tho case of the in terjection and another of tho noun one of the verb and another of the artlclo ; but the pronoun, as far as we know, has never had au advocato for this placo of prominence The tenacity with which it holds Its place in language Is wonder ful, As to proportions, small and in significant, why has It uot long since been crowded out of the language. So far from this, it has asserted. Its rights, and maintained Its position with pecu liar strength and courage. Tho obvious reason is, the pronoun Is the represen tative of our personality. We are slow to part with any thing which has a strong hold on our nature. Through all the clmngesnf language, where the in undation of French words camo upon us after the battle of Hastings, or lu that flood of Latlnlsms which Dr. John son and his followers let loose upon our tongue, the pronoun held Its place al most unchanged. We have French words ol art and fashion, Greek terms of ncience, and Latin terms In all de partments and In all the parts of speech, but every pronoun is distinctly Saxon. Wheu the victorious Norman, In tho lltll century, imposed ou England the yoke of Norman manners, aud laws, nntl thousands of Norman words, It never succeeded in fixing among tho Saxons, even for a year, the use of tho French pronoun. The verb, and the adverb, mid Him Interjection might be e'rench, but the Snxon pronoun was too sacred and too thoroughly domesticated to be surrendered oven or an hour. Our common notion as to the utility of the pronoun Is entirely inadequate. In our conceptions, it is simply 11 conveni ence. It Is n devico te prevent tho tire some repetition of the leading word, It never rises to the dignity ot the iibtiit or the verb, yat Ibis Is not tho only use of these small words. Scores of passages might be quoted to show that they servo the higher purpose of emphasis. What intense personality tho pronoun gives to those passages lu theeatly part of God's Word. AVhen God wishes to Reveal himself as the God of each separate soul, or the Independent self-existent Jehovah ; when Moses asks what name should bo given wheu Inquiry should be made as to his authority for the message, the answer Is striking : " I am that I am. Thus slialt thou say unto the chil dren of Israel, I am hath sent mu uuto you." No equivalent could make the announcement so emphatic as the mode of statement in refereuceto tho eternity and power of Jesus Christ: "I am he that liveth and was dead," Ac. In Deuteronomy, God claims hlssupremacy and his sovetlgnty In language that makes us feel his power and his person ality : "1, even I, am he, and there is no God with me, I kill and I make alive j I wound and I heal." And without that pronoun how could the prophet have thrown a sharper arrow In the heart of the guilty David ; tho very word must have so awakened the sense, that It seems the blood would curdle around tho heart In fear : "Thou art the man." It Is like pointing tho finger of condemnation in his very face. In short, If these pronouns should be taken from God's Word, It would be quite a different revelation. These simple words mako Ulm a personal, listening, loving God. No God that Is hid away In heartless laws, or prisoned lu Pantheistic Ice, but the friendly God of each separate soul now, as ot the elders and prophets of Johnand James, of Peter and Simon, of Mary Magdalen and Jalrus' daughter. He is the God of these houses, and streets, aud schools. The Christian's God is a reality no reality on earth so real. now these pronouns. Individualize the great thought of personal obligation, I, and thou, and thee bring the thing homo to each man, aud woman, and child. With these ever-recurring words shaming us and warning us, no man can hide himself la the public. lie who reads here caunot shirk the solemn call made to each soul In any general gnod. The work is for each. Kepeut is for each. " Tltou shalt love the Lord thy Gcd" Is for each. " Take up the cross aud come after mo" is for each. " I have a message from God for thee." William Humbolt says : "These are not tho mere substitutes of the names of the persons for whom they stand, but Involve the personality of tho speaker and the persous spoken to, and the re lation between thorn, I Is tho word which man has In common with God, tbo eternal, self-exlstlug I am. Thou Is the word with which God and con science speak to man, the word with which man speaks and communes with God and his neighbor. All other words without these two would belong to things. I and thou are Inseparable from personality, and bestow personality on whatever they are applied to. They are the two primary .elements and conditions of all speech, which implies a speaker and a person spoken to ; and they are Indispensable complements each of the other, so that neither Ides could btvv been called foith In limn without the help of 1U mate." As lung ugu its 1700, Sterne Indignantly asked tho question : What can bo tho reason that the children of Great Britain and It eland uniformly say me for I ? It Is a fact somewhat singular, that in splto of good example and faithful instruction, in this combi nation, the objective Is used Instead of the nominative. Somo of us may re peat tho old rulo : "Tho verb to he must have the same case after It as tie fore It." Yet the moment wo aro un conscious of the grammatical proprieties of language, out comes tho old form "It Is me." Tho current can scarcely be changed. It Is so general, that Alford advocates a change, and those who uso tho form should not be charged with the violation of any law of language. Though this law of sequence seems to be mnlntalned with temerity by all the grammarians, It Is singular how fre quently we find Its violation In the old authors. In Ilnmlet we find the line : From tho flrst eorso till he that died to-day. Iu tho Merchant of Venice : AU debts uro cleaned nctwvon you and . Though tho rhyme may furnish an ex planation, we find tho following couplet In tho Sonnets of Shakespeare : Unless you would iltvina somo virtuous Ho, And bang somo nralso upon deceased . In tho Twelfth Nights, Mabrollo nsks : Did you never sco tho pictures of i tlirco ? And as a crowning illustration we quote a couplet from a tombstoue In thechurch yard at Hampshire very pathetic : Him shall never como again to ivp. llut wo shall surely ono day go to lie. In tills connection, tlie attention Is naturally directed to a form which has perplexed the grammarians, the form methought and inescems. It' will bo observed, the form Is used only In pas sages Implying a high emotional state. It may be regarded as a practical form, and yet requiring a grammatical expla nation. It abouuds iu lyrical poetry the condition of which. is the surrender of the whole being to tho feeling. Me thought occurs scores of times in such poets as 2?yron, and Moore, 'and Shelley, In Richard II. is this Hue : Slo rather had my heart might feel your lo vo In the Dream of Clarence, it Is used seven times. It is a passage where the speaker is relating his feelings whllo drowning, and very appropriately, the dramatist has put In his mouth a pro noun more expressive of deep emotion : Lord, Lonl.uiethought, what pain It was to drown; Methought I saw a thousand fearful wrecks, Ten thousand men that llslicsunawcdupon. O. then begun tho toiupost Ininy Bold, Who paused, methought, the melancholy flood, With that grim ferryman, which pools wrlto of Unto tho kingdom of perpetual night. If throughout this passage, we should substltute"I thought" for "methought," , it would well nigh destroy the force and ueauty of it. it would take .away that charm of Intense personality which now belongs to it. It would be Bo tame as to bo unnatural. It would not be the narrative of a man who had looked upon i tlie secret tilings ot tlie deep and the wonders that lie beyond tho "melancholy flood." In analyzing the form "me thought," all the grammarians resolvo Into an .Impersonal verb, with me as au objective " It thought me." Yet this I Is an exceedingly awkward explanation, j and at ithe.samo time contrary to the real meaning. Theme Is not tho object of the thought, but the subject thinking. And In tho analyzls, the mo should bo regarded as subject of the verb thought, the objective form being used by poetic . license and for rhetorical effect. The I interesting question arises why this tenacity of tho form mo 7 and why lu tuesu several comuiuuuous, iiieoojecuvo form holds Its place so firmly against tho form I ? We answer, ms Is an older and simpler pronominal form j I is a mere relic. It lias been mutilated until we have only a fragment. Me Is ex pressive of more Inteuse personality ; so to speak,;it Is more subjective. The oldest lorm or tno pronoun as yet dis covered among tho Iudo-Kuropeau tongues Is maga. In process of time, the in was lost, leaving us simply nga. Ily well known laws regulating the changes in vowels, this nga appears In the Greek as ego. You will observe, g Is the leading letter; but granges lu sound from the hard guttural of the German to the so(t sound of J In the Kngllsh. Thus tho g finally disappeared fiom the pronoun, leaving us only tho Initial vowel e, passing by the law of precession Into I. Thus It Is easily per ceived that me is an older form, and that I Is both derivative and a rello of tho more complete form. In some parts of the country we yet hear the words ourn and yourn, aud mora frequently the word hls'n. These are now rogarded as localisms and collo quialism, and out of place even in con versation. The n In these words is un doubtedly n fragment of the word own, Ourn Is our own, yourn is your own and hlzzen Is his own. And there Is a littlo Uerkshlre song where tho n Is ap pended to the pronoun she Ilut't'other youngmalilcu looked sly at mo, And from her seat she rlsln Lot's you tmd I go our utrii wuy, Ami we'll let the go shesii. We have time to turn the attention to but one other peculiarity of tho pronoun, the use ot thou and you. The history ot these words Is slngujarly Interesting. In the dramatic writers of the age of Elizabeth, they are used with great sig nificance, ami the transition from ouo to the other iu the same passage, made to express the emotion of respect and con tempt of affection, or serious admoni tion and reproach. In the 1st part otj uing uenry, in snaxespoare, mark' now iioispur pii.s-es iioui Hum to you, in his ' mldte tJ b ivtle ' jo I-, a-vtt husband in terms of kindness, or as en forcing a serious charge : Como, wilt thou seo me rldu? And when I tun u' horse-back, I will swear, I lovoMce Infinitely. Now nolo tho chango to you, as ho passes to the serious senttment Hut hark iixi, Kate; I must not lmvujnii henceforth qnestlonmo; Tills evening must I Icuvo yon, gcntlo Kato. I knowpoH wises but yet no further wise Than Harry Percys wifo; constant yon are, Hut yet a woman ; and for secrecy No lady closer. Then as tho affection for his wifo re turns, ho changes back to thou For I will ucliovo Thou will not utter what tliott dost not know i And so far will I trust thee, gcntlo Kate. The same change tsuntlcable In a pas sage froiii the Merchant of Venice where Bassanto Is engaged In cold con versation with Gratlano, the pronoun you Is used ; but tho moment Bassanlo tlraws nearer and assumes tlie character of a friendly lecturer, a chango Is mado to thou (Ira I have it suit forou. llass. You lmvo obtained it. Urn. You must not deny mo; I must go with you to liclmont. Ilass Why twin you must, llut hear thee, Gratlano: Thou art too wild, too rudo and bold of volco. Yet the same word thou, when used towards 6trangers, who wcro not Infer ior, was looked upon as an Insult. You was the pronoun of respect. When Sir Andrew Aquccheek Is about writing a challenge, some one tells him in refer en:eto his antagonist: "If thou thouest him sometimes, it shall not be amiss." In Measure for Measure when the Duko passes from Ironical politeness to open contempt, ho changes you for thou : Sir, by your leave, Hast thou or word, or wit, or impudence, That now can do thee ofllco ? At tho trial of Sir Walter Kaleigh, Coke, when argument nnd evidence failed him, Insulted tho defendant by applying to him tho term thou. Ho cried : "Att that Lord Cobliam did was at thy Instigation, thou viper I for I thou thee, thou traitor." Many other passages might bo cited to Illustrate this peculiar use of tho words, but It will suffice that tho attention has been turn ed to It. rlt the present time, thou and thee aro yet retained by the Quakers with them, you Is to lloman, to cold, too distant, whllo thou and thee aro badges of respect and affection. And with ourselves tho thou Is retained as the word of majesty In addressing God. "Thou art God, and there Is noub bo side thee." It would fall on the ear like blasphemy to have ono reverently look up to Almighty God and say; ",You aie God, aud there Is nono beside you." Thus, on this familiar and Interesting subject, we have not much more tuan , thrown out some hints. Much might be said on tho history, formation and changes of he, them, her and specially of its. Yet we have said enough to 11 lustrato the remark, that we need not want for materials of study. They are thrown around us lu the most bountiful profusion. There are riches in our, commonest words nnd idioms of speech. We need no costly appliances, no labo ratory aud apparatus for these results ; results just as vatuiblo and. full of in terest as those won by tlie more Impos ing processes of tho chemist aud tho as tronomer. We are satisfied with merely throwing out a few hints on an occasion lifco the present, because such sugges tions aro botnetlmes more fruitful than the presentation of solid, palpable re sults. This I regard one of the great benefits to be derived from such educa tional conventions. Wo not only gather something new, some fresli thought, somo new method of presenting a sub ject, but we get a new Impulse in our work. We prize any thing that lifts us up out of the drudgery and sonds us to work, not as lifting like a slavo a dead weight, but with n spiing and elasticity that makes our work a Joy and a help to us. Those aro not the best books and the best speeches which put us In tho readiest possession of hard facts, but those do us the greatest good which quicken and stir our mental powers. Prof. Lowlll, In making a kind ot npolo for tlie obscenity ot Emerson, says : "It is wholesome to angle In these profound pools, though one be rewarded with nothing moro than the leap of a fish that flashes his freckled side in tho sun, and as suddenly absconds In the dank and dreamy waters again. There is keen excitement, though tlicro be uo ponderable acquisition. If we carry nothlug home In our baskets, there Is ample gain In dilated lungs and stimu lated blood." Thus, if wo can go back to our appointed work from these scenes with wider views nnd larger purpose and higher determination to do what we can for God aud our fellow being, wo shall bo largely rewarded. Wo need such help as wo And here to rise out of that narrowness to which a routine Is ever leading us. Recurring drudgeries are apt to deaden our enthusiasm ; mon otony sings its drowsy tone ; wo becomo slaves in the routine of professional tasks. We think commonplace efforts wilt do for commouplaco business, and we need not stretch our powers beypod tho wonted mood of u dull recitation. With this spirit, what a poor pursuit It Is. We are but sluggish grinders lu tho mill of repetitlou. We must open our eyes to tlie greatness and glory ot this process of education ; we work too In cessantly at one part of the belug. Man Is not simply body and Intellect ; tho whole complex being Is to bo tral nod character Is to be. formed. It is a here sy that needs to bo driven forever from tho school-room, that a good heart' Is not worth just as itiucliasasouun niiml Id God's scales I ho outwent ire