The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 29, 1873, Image 4

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    Railroad Guide.
rssener for Plilladelpbla will leaie Lehlghton
nit followi
f..09 . m , t1 L. V.; nrrlto nt Dills at 8.M 8. " " ll.Km.m.
7.39 a. in. t la I.. V. "
lt.07p.m.vlal,. S. " " 2.1Sp.m
11.02 p.m. via L.V. ' " 2.15 p.m.
2.27 p, m. via L. S. " ' ft 33 p.m.
1.47 p.m. via L. A S. " 8.20 lun,
4.44 p. m. via, L. V. " " 8 20 p.m.
7.38 p.m. rial,. V. "
Beturnlnp, leave dVpot at llerks aii'l American
Btreets. l'klla, at 7.10, 8.30 -and 0.45 a. m.; 2.10
3.30, aud S.15 p. in.
Fare from Uhlghton to Philadelphia . . $2.65
Nov 22,1873. Kt.MS CLAKK, Agent
pmiiADisLniiA t uniH n. it.
On and after RU.NI1AY. .0V.2d, 187.1. Train
on the I'hlla. A Krla llftllroad Dlf Ixlon Hill run as
BurrAioExriiiss leaves riilladelpbla, 12 f. I p.m.
" " " HarrWmrit . t.(0 p.m
" " " Wllllamsport 0.10 p.m
' " Kmporlutn , 1.4A n in
" " arrive at llulTalo . OUOa.m
ERltlltAl. lestes Philadelphia . . . 10.20 p.m
" ' " Harrlsbtint . . . iUiS a.m.
" ' " Wllllamsport . 7JI a in
" " " Lockllaten . . S.'iO n.m.
" 41 ' llerotft . . 10 15
t " arrive at Krl . . . 7 40 p.m.
Klmiba. Mail leaves Philadelphia . . set n.m
" ' Harrl-hurK . 1 3U p.m
" Wllllamsport . 0 20 pin
" " arrive at Look Harm . ' 7.W p.m
Reitova Accum'.n leaiea Hnrrlshurir . 8.25 a.m.
" " " Wllll.imsport . p.m
" M arrive at Ilenon . . :t-15 p.m.
Ul'trALO Express leaves NulTalo . 230 pm.
" ' Kmporlum . 8 3., p.ln.
" " " Wllilaiutpnrt 1 05 a in.
" " arrive at ItarrUhnrjr , 4-50 a.m.
" " " Philadelphia . .1 a.m.
Elkisa It AlL leaves Krie . .. , U.15ain.
" " ' Lock Haven . 8 :10 p in.
' Wllllampcrt . :M p.m.
" ' arr. at Harrishurj; . 2-50 a.m.
" arr at Philadelphia . . 8.00 a.m.
Elvira. Mail leaves Lock lfaveu . 8.00 a.m.
" " " Wllllamsport . . O.ilO a m.
11 arr. at Harrlshurj . 1 50 p.m.
" " arr. nt Philadelphia . 550 pm.
llARRieBURa Accom'n leaves Jlenova . 1.00 p.m.
' ' " Wllllamsport. 3a) p.m.
' arr. at Ilarrlsburrf . 7.50 p m.
" arr at Philadelphia . O50 a.m
Mall East connecta enit and vest at Krle v Ith
Z. S. ill. S. IC W. and at Curry aud Inluttou
with Oil Creek A Allegheny It. It. W.
Mall West with east vest trains on L. 8. AM.
R. It. W. and at (Jerry and Irvlnetou lth Oil
Creek 4 Allegheny I!. It. W.
linlra Mall and UulTalo Express make close
connections at Wllllamsport with X. C. It. W.
trains north, and at llarrlaburg Willi N..C. U. W.
trains south.
Kor.22,1873. UiVlSupt.
jEiiiaii valley u.n.
Siustu Arrasoement.
Fatsenger trains leave l.ehighton as follaws :
North 7.40 a. m., for M'U Chunk, White Haven,
Haileton, Mahanoy City, Mt. Carmel, l'ittston,
WILkes.Barre,and all stations.
lllGn n. for Mauch Chunk, Glen Onnko, White
Haven, llarleton, Mahanoy City, Wllkes-Uirre,
Mount Carmel, l'ittston. Tunkhannock, Tow
anda, Klmlra, lluualo and Niagara Tails.
I. 20 p. in. for Mauch Chunk, l'ittston, Water
ly and intermediate stations.
6.35 P. ru. fur Mauch Chunk, fllen Onokn,
White Haven, llatleton. Mahanoy City, WilUes
Barre, and l'ittston.
Boom 5.00 a. m. for Allentnwn, Uethlehetu, Ess
L ton, Philadelphia. New York and all stations.
7.39 a.m. for Alleulown, Heading, llethbhem,
Pottsvllle, llarrlsburg, Kaston, 1'lilladelphl.i, N.
York city and all stations.
II. 02 a. m. for Allentown. Bethlehem. Heading,
llarrlshure;, Easton, Philadelphia and X. York.
.4.41 p. m. for Allentown, liethlelieui, Eastou,
Philadelphia, New York and all station.
7.38 p. m. for SUtlngton, Catasauiua, Allen
town, Bethlehem, Kaston, Philadelphia, Balti
more and Washington.
KOllEltT II. SAYtlE,
June 30, 1672. tiupt. and Kngluier.
THE WEEKLY SUN In trowd?H known to re
quire any extendi! rt-ooiiimcudHtlon; but thu rra
pons wblcH'baTH nlrfmir clven It tifty IhouMnd
'u6iierUpr1 and which will, we hope, (jlie It mauy
tbouRand more, aro hrletly as follnwn:
It lf flrpt-rate ncwFjiapfr. All thn newp of the
day will be found in It, condensed tben unlmpcr
tant, at full Ion? tit, Mhen nf moment, and always
pretninted tu a clear. Intelligible andlnterestlug
It 1b a flrM-raf'ft fimllv psrT. full of entertain
ing and Inftructho reading o! every klml, but con
taining nothing that can olTt-nd the' most delicate
andftrrupuloui taste.
It la a firtt rate storv paper. The bopt tale" nnd
romances of current literature are careful selec
ted and legibly printed In It pae.
It Is a firat-rute agrlcutural paper. Tbe most
frefh and lustrurtlvpartireiiou agricultural topics I
regularly appear in tblsdepartuieut.
It is an independent p(lltlral paper, tlonglng
to uo paityi and nt-arlng no collar. It fights for i
prloclpe, ami for tbe fltictloi of tbe lmt men to
office. It CFpeelally detoten Its energies tu tbe ex
pwure cf the grt-at cirruptlons that now weaken
and dlfgraceour ccmilry, and tbieatcu to under
mine republican Institutions altogether. It bus no
fear of knaies, aud asks uo favura from their tup
port em.
It reports the fakhlona fur the ladles and tbe
markets for the men. especially thocattlo-niarkots,
to which it pays particular attention.
Finally, it la the cheapest paper pubMied. One
iluUar a yiar will secure it for any mbwrltr. It
la ur.t iieceiiMiry to get up a club lu order to have
THIS WKMi bY HUN nt this rata Any one who
sends a single dollar win get the paper for a yuar.
Sq bare uo trateilug ageuta,
The Weekly Sunt 'ight pages, ffty-blx
columns only 9100 a year Ho dUcount from
this rate.
The Scml-Weekl)' Hun8au)e size as
the DalljJSun u jonr. A dlwiiuntof MO
per cent, to clut s of 1 0 or over.
The Dally Suit. A far four-page news
paper f twenty-tight column. Dalfy circulation
oier 120,000. All the uevs for ! centx. fub
scrlpUon price SO cents a month, or 8000 a
je4tr. To dabs cf 10 or oieMaT.dlscouut Of
per cent. ADDRESS,
'THE SUN," New York City
Not, 151873.-w(5
Livery & Sale Stables,
I always keep on hand the best hor
ses aud finest carriages, to bo let at
llverynt the lowest prices. Conveyances
can .oe Jiau or wo at mo suortesc possi
ble notice, at any hour. I would call
tbe attention of the public to my spec!
al facilities or supply li.g single ordou
Die teams ior lunerais, etc.
Hot, 23, 1873. DAVID KUBEUT.
jj-yioaiAS s.
llospectftllly announces to his friends
nnd tho public In general, that lio tins
Justopcned, In connection with hlsother
business, a Flrst.class
Merchant Tailoring
Eotabltsliment, nnd uuarnutces to give
lIHa"aii(l tliebefttof workmanship and
material for tlio lowest possible prices.
A No, constantly on hand n laru and
fashionable stock of Men's and Hoy's
Oonth' FiiriilMEiliig Goods,
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In
School ItooliM si nd latcrial,
In cmlk'ss variety, mid at Prices fully
as Low as flsewlit'in.
Soln Aci'iit, in tliu United States for the
Sail- of ItUNsiiAw'a Commercial
Orders by wall promptly filled.
Al.-o, Acont for tlio celebrated KEY
beat in tlio Maikut.
I'ost-OIIice llullilintr,
Lehlghton, Pa. mar. 1.
- - - PENN'A.
Respectfully informs tlio people of this
borough and the surrounding country,"
that ho has opened the stoio formerly
occupied by V. P. Semmel, wllnaehoico
selection ol Spring aud Summer
Together with a largo assortment of
Which he is selling at tlio very lowest
He Invites an Inspection of his stock,
and respectfully solicits a bliare of the
public patronage. '
Lehightou, ilay 17, 1873. ly
Contractor 6s Builder,
1'IaiiH and Spccilications
For all kiuds of Buildings made at tho
shortest notice
JIado for Plana aud Specifications when
tho contract is awarded to the under
signed. A. W. EACilES.
Juno 14, 1873-yl
Respectfully announces to tho citizens
of Lehlahtou and vicinity that ho is
now prepared to contract for tho erec
tion of dwellings, churches, school
houses, and other buildings. Also, that
he keeps constantly on hand a full as
sortment of eveiy description of
consisting of flooring, siding, doors,
sash, blinds, shutters, moldings, &c,
which ho Is prepared to furnish at the
very lowest maiket rates.
raironago lespectiuny solicited,
W. R. REX.
Lehlghton, May 17, 1373. ly
- ItOYD HUIVltl,
Architect and Superintendent,
No. 143 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa.,
lurnisncs nans, speculations aim Esti
mates for Public and Prlvato ijulldlngs.
Stairs, Bails, &c, Constructed and
Set-Up by tho most approved method,
ami ui snort nonce, rutronace is res
pectfully bollclted, and satisfaction
guaranteed. apr. 20-yl
rWTliv uiHlcrslgnod respect-
fully announces that ho is better
prepared than ever to Buy and Sell
Csiirnnd Slicep Skins,
Tallow nnil
l'laslcrlnir Il.iliv
at his Old Stand, nearly opposite tho
post otUce, Bauk Street, .Leiilgliton.
t5T Tho higliost cash prices paid for
Ilides mid Skins.
nov, 22. C. K. GHKEV .IWAT.n
IlS 0 "',''" d" b.loH-.Ainerlc.n
Jjj it. aiEWEtts,
Or yiCK I Orouni Floorln tbeuew tlil.-lon'of lbs
itaaslon Uobm, iUuch Chunk,' l'a,
Th Msnsfrersof tho Miners', Tjilirrersnd Mo
clunlas' Fond, to be raised by
Grand Gift Concert,
Repertrnllr annnnce to bt' pnMle the
pontine nt of tl. Contvrt And l)t$trtt)utlnn alvr
1lol tu com olT on the 29(h ot Fe pi ember, until
Moiuluy, ncccmlicr IstlSTU,
wh?n It will poMtlTely tk ple. The catt
tliAt litieeompetltMtn pDtponpinontrtre.TU: That
the Intention nnd ohjftjtsnf th Aociation have
nnt lxen thoroughly Underntrxjtt hy the mnsKeft
which iteprled msny of our Airents from making
returns or ttie nu oiler of ticket the Manners
propow felling in order tot-Ntatllsh the worthy
and charllnMe fund.
It In a vifl known fact that prejudice exixt
against Gift Kntcrprics In my form, but w feel
onfldent t)iat when the obejetn In tijw, and the
benefit lal result thattniut follow tbe enterprise
of tho Mlnerft'i Laltorers' and Muchinlcs Apulia
tlon are thoroiitihly underhtiwJ, thene prejudices
will at once ho dlfpelledandall will Jolu In wlsh
lug tlilt mine mlccem.
'the Mn.iger ha e glren nufHcbiit eTldence
tint the object d or the AffffKhtlon will be enfureed,
wblihlna nifflctent guar.intee of the successor
thetaMIhtnent of the Fund, .
They nro backed Vy the most prominent and In
tluentlnl men In thin 8tlont who, too, aro an xl'
ous to Peru the eslallMiment of nuch a worthy
and charitable AMOchtlon. providlntc for the rick
and dlKubted ticket hold or or members thereof.
We feel confident that we' will bo pardoned for
this unavoidable dotay, which has beeu requested
by mauy of our Aiieiits,
joiin0 laix' B"
V. O. lot 341), llntloton, Luz. Co., I's.
HKNUY MEltf.Trpinirer,
Iluzletuii, Luz. 0(i l'a. Sept. 27, '73.
i:.a:B'j'r ri;u
1 Fnr tlif TTrh nf "MlnnM. T.nhnrnrs
and Jlechauies, to bo secured by a
Stiff; CoaaceFtj
To be Held at
Hazleton, Luz. Co., Fa., on
Monday, Dec. 1, 1873.
2000 GIFTS to be GIVEN AWAY!
Grand Gift, $2,000 !
2 Graud capital gifts, $rt)(f each.
2 Grand capital gifts, 2t)0 each.
1 Span matched horses, with family car
riage, silver mounttd, $1000.
1 Tavern stand and 2 lots in Buck
Jbuntaln City. U000, &c, &c.
ifS $40,000
In valuable Gifts to bo given away.
lly terinlslcu publish tbe following geQtlu
melt iiM Jlerereures;
21. S. lluldilns, J 1'., Tails ltuu City, Luzerue
tuuty. I'll.
Jos. I'ooe, J. I'., North Uulou touusblp, Schuyl
kill tounty, l'.i.
J, M . Uuntluger, Fureman Uoberts' ltuu Coal Co.,
I.uzurne cuui.ty, l'a.
Tbumas Coburu, .1. 1'., llnzlaton, Luz. Co., Pa.
Ilimry ll.tcb, llrrfU'er, llnzletou, l'a., and
J. II. Mdlale, .Merchant, Hazleton, l'a.
Agents wanted to sell tickets, to whom
liberal commissions will bu paid. Sin
gle tickets, $1.25; Cvo tickets for So;
ten tickets, S10. Send for programme.
Communications must bu ailJre&sed to
ISAAO S. LEI10, 1 Business
JOHN KLINli, ) Managois,
P. 0. box 340, Ilazlutiui, Luz. Co., Fa.
Henuy Meis, Treasurer, llaleton, l'a.
Sept. 27, 1873-ld
ATitOMZU Homo Trade!
omethingNew iu Lehighton!
Hausman Sc Knnns,Agtt-
Itespectfully announce that thoy has
opened a Wholesale
A W 1
iu tho Borougli nf Lehlghton, Carbon
county, l'a., aud that they aro prepared
to supply tlio Trade with every descrip
tion of 1'iiru Candy, at Prices fully
as Low as thoso of New York- or Phila
delphia. Among their stock will bo
found the following choice varieties :
or.ANai: slices.
ciu:am fios,
And the Best of
Mixed Candies,
Together with choice assortment of
JTisie JTruits.,
Buuch Raisins,
Ulirous, i
Nuts ot all kinds.
French 5 German Toys,
and In fact everything usually found in
a urst-ciass uinuy fctaijiisliment,
ST 12 AM
Ice CrcaM 1 1
Vie Nics, Festivals and other Parties
summed on snort notice aud at reason
ablo rates; also, In connection there
with, they have a
Bread and Fancy Cake
and can always supply any of the above
articles, In largo or email nuautltles, at
snort notice.
Wedding Calces n Specialty 5
Tho natronatrn of TWIprn nnrl lh
Publlo is most respectfully solicited, and
umiru sausiacuou guarauieea.
.UAUdilAN & UUNS,,ABts,
Lehlghton, Pa., March 1, 187&-yl
Z. H. Long's Column.
ru na -ii i) r vtiinsP
A ', 'r ,-,
iv x i '' (. a ,
; r.r. . ..
!. Mf or m r-it,r ...
! ' . ."
:' t'Hi ..("
The undersign
ed is willing to
sell moods of
V '
kinds at prices
to suit the times.
You will find a
variety of arti
cles in his line
which are not
generally kept
by the majority
of Storekeepers.
. . . i I il ; i
; ' , .-
ii-J-il r hi.
u -ill l 4 i..
ii.; in ..ii i ,',! j .i
i- . ; jsilf, .'! r
' i'i '-'''" i tlh
i (i titsi (j nfrisWavu- i
it 1 1 in i i Kj'tnnri. m. 1
.'IWl-l'il vtiV.I '.'lllll ' 1i(l ,
. '. ;-i; 0'.', .;,.-r' i .
. ..: .if ,i i ,
. iu.ii i ii i' . ;
is. i t ' ;
." r.ii.m , it. it
. i .i'i n t. iij-i,..'
1 1 ij
Call and sat
isfy yourselves.
The Peruvian S'lrua Protect
ed Solution of ike Protoxide of
Jroii, In ho combined an to havo
tho cltara-ctcr of an ailment, aa
easily (llrjcstcd and assimilated
with the blood as the simplest
food. Jl Increases the quantity
of JTatitro'o Own Vitalising
Affcnt, Iron in the 7laod, and
c:trco "a thousand Mo," simply
l!lTouUij up,Invt'jorallnti and
Vltallilny the Svstcm. The en
riched and vitalized blood per
meates every part of the body,
repairing damayca and waste,
searching oiil morbid sccrc-tloua,-
and leaving nothing fov
disease to feed upon.
Thin (s the secret of tho vjgii
dcrful success of this remedy In
curing Dysjicpsin, Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlar
rhcoa, Boils, Xcrvons Affections,
Chlllfj and Fevers, Humors,
Xocs of Constitutional Vigor,
DIScaticu of tho Kidneys nnd
Bladder, Tcmalo Complaints,
and all diseases originating in.
a bad state of the blood, or ac
companied by debility or a low
state of the siislem. Bclnn frca
from Alcohol. In any form, Its
energising cjjecis aro not oi
lowcd by corresponding reac
tion, but are permanent, infu
sing strength, vigor, and new
life into all parts of tho system,
and bulldlnn uu an Iron Con
Thousands have been chanacd
bu the Use of this rcmedu. from.
ivcafc, sickly, sujferlng crea
tures, to strong, healthy, and
happy men and women; and
invalids cannot reasonably hes
itate to give U a trial.
See that each bottle Jias PERU
VIAN SYRUP bloivn in tlic glass.
ramplilots Froo.
SETH W. FOWLE it SONS, Proprietors,
IVo. 1 Mlltou lIace, Jlostoii.
Sold by Diiuqqists generally,.
ioldux toxgui:.
Manufacturers of tho
Washington, N. J.
Unwards of 100 of Heatty & Piotts
celebrated Parlor Organs havo been sold
in tlio Lehigh Valley during tho past
three mouths.
iBeatty & Plotti' Par 'or Organs were
awardea r- lrst Premium to uiploiua
over Needhain' if Sou and J.
Estey & C'o's Organs, at tlio
Carbon County fair,
Held at Lehlghton, September, 1S72.
January IS, 1673-yl
Corner of
Bank & South Cts.. lehighton, Pa.,
Keeps u full lino of
Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Mack
and Colored Alpacas, Giughams,
Prints, Shirtings Slieetiugs, Ac.
of every grade and price.
In great variety.
Teas, Coffeec, Sugars, Spices, Fruits,
Hams, Shoulders, Side-Heat, &a.
Bought, Sold or Kxcliauged.
For Building and other purposes lu
great variety of tho best quality.
rMl coqds warranted as represented,
aud prices' fully rts low as elsewhere.
April5,'lB78-yl 1
Dr. J. Wnlkor's California
Vinegar Hitters aro apuroly Vog
ctabloproparntion, mado clilotly from
tho natlvo herbs found on tho lower
rauges of tho Sierra Novatla moun
tains of California, tho medicinal
properties of which aro oxtractod
therefrom without tho uso of uMcphol.
Tho question is almost daily asked,
" What Is tho causo of tho uupar-i i
alleled sucpess of VniEOAit Brr
tei:st" Our answer is, that thoy
romovo tho eauso of disiaso, aud
tho patient irccorcrs his health. 'Thoy
aro tlio grent blood purifier and, a,
life-giving priticlplo, a perfect ltono-'
vator and Invij!rat6r' of tho Bystbm.
Novcr heforo in tho history of tho world
has a mcdieiuo been compounded .pos
sessing tho remarkable qualities of Vin
i:a.u! I!iTTi:iis iu hcaiiug tho sick of
every discaso man is heir to. Thoy aro
a gontlo lMrgativo as, well as a Tonio,
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
tho Liver aud Visceral Organ1, in BlU6u
Tho properties of Dn. Walk-
eu's Yineuak lillTEiis are Aperient, Dia
phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laia
tivo, Diuretic, Sedativo, Counter-irritant,
Sudorific, Alterative, and Antl-Bilions.
Grateful Thousands proclaitn
ful Invigoraut that over sustained
the sinking systom.
No Person can tako theso IJit
tei'S according to directions, and re
main long unwell, provided their'
bones aro not destroyed by mineral
poison or other moans, and vital or
gans wasted bovond repair.
Bilious, iiemittent, and. In
termittent Fevers, which are so
provaleut iu tho valleys of our groat
fivers throughout tho United States,
especially thoso of tho Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tenuesseo,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Eed, Cold-'
rado, Brazos, Uio Grande, Pdarl,
Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ito
nnoko, James, and many .othprs,
with their vast tributaries', through
out our cntiro country during tho
Summer and Autumn, and remarka
bly so during seasons of unusual
cat and dryness, are invariably ac
companied by ostensivo derange
ments of tho stomach and livorand
other abdominal viscora. In their
i 1'no f-fn nnr n mi r-rro t rn nvnrtinr 1 o
powerful influenco upon theso, yarlr-'
ous organs, is essentially necessary.
Thero is no cathartic for tho purpose
equal to Dn. J. Walker's Vinegar
Bitteks, as they will speedily remove'
tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
tho bowels aro loaded, at tho samo tlmo
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy func
tions of tho dlgcstivo organs.
Fortify tlio body against' dis
ease by purifying all Its fluids with
Vixeoak Bitters. No opidemio caa
take hold of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, I'aiu iu tho Shoulders', Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Soar
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taate
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Inflammation ot tho
Lungs, Pain in thorogionof thoKMneys,
and a hundred other painful symptoms,
aro tho ofnprings of Dyspepsia Onoibpti
tlo will prove a better guarantee of its
merits thau a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or King's'Evil, Wiiito
Swellings, Ulcers, Krysipelas,- Swelled
Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations,
Indolent Inflammations Mercurial aflec-.
tiuns, Old Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin,
Soro Byes, etc. In theso, as'in'ftll other
constitutional Diseasos, TVAirKtt'' Yin
eoarBittecs havo shown their peat cur
atlvo powers in tho most obstinate and
intractablo cases.
For Iiillam niatory and Ghronic
Illicumatisiii, Gout, Hlllous) Remit
tent and Intermittent. Fevers', iDiacases.
of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder,
theso Hitters havo no equal. Such Dis
eases aro can; cd by Vitiated Blood.
31 cell an ical 1) iseases. Persons
engaged lu Paints uml iliueroUytuclj ss
Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters and
Miners, as tuey advance In lify, aro sub
ject to paralysis of thoBowcls. T6 guard
ngaiiikt this, take u dose of Walkpr's
Vinegar Bitters occasionally.
For iSkiu Diseases, Eruptions,
Tetter, Salt-i:iioum,Blotchcs,SpoM,PIm-plos,
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles IUng-'
worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyos, Erysipu-
las, Itch, Scurfr, Discoiorations of tho
Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of
whatever namo or nature,- aro literally
dug up and carried out of tho system in, a
short tiuio by tho us'o of-those Bitters.'
Pin, Tape, and other "Worms,
nrking iu tho system of to manyi thou
sands, are effectually destroyed and r-
moved. No systom of medicine, no ver
mifuges, no anthelmintics will free tho
ftyhtem from worms like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or tipgie, at the dawn of
womanhood, ortho turn of life, theso Ton
io Bitters display so decided an influenco .
that improvemout is soon perceptible; -'
Cleanse the Vitiated Dloodt
whenerqr yqu find Its impurities bursting
through the skin ia Pimples, Eruptions. r
or Soros; Cleanso it whon you Und it oil 1
stmcted and sluggish in tho veins oleahsa 1
it when it is foul ; your,feoih)Ba,vlltfllt,
you when. Keep tlio blood pure, and ,tbo
hoalth of tho system will follow.
it. n. ?ii'Dkald.:icOm
Drnpglsu A Acts, Sn KropUo- Cllfnrt ,
nia. i cor, of Washington and Ctu" lion Ss,K.Y.
bulil Ijy ull llruKI(lsUMtlinlAr
T AKGAIXS FOR 1873016-,
lodoons,' nearly now, froro.isiot)
unwarda.v 'm'ATTYJa'pr.OTT3
Apr. 12