The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 29, 1873, Image 2

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    Is listened to by constrain!;? I submit
that this Is not dolnc Justly by n code
of ethlo nnd a method of Instruction
which have survived tho corruptions
and revolutions of more tlinn eighteen
centuries, which, with all the nssaults
mado upon them, and the tests to
which they have been subjected, have
provr-dtlio rightfulness of their claims
upon the acceptance nnd confldencn of
the world by a series of moral triumphs
nnd a steadfastness of success such as
no other system has ever achieved.
The ground of all religion, that
which makes It possible. Is tho relation
In which tho human soul stands to God.
This relation Is the root one, nnd deter
mines a roan's real condition, as A.
Kempls says, "what thou art In thn
(debt of God. that thou truly aitl"
Each' man, therefore, Is rellgnus just
In proportion ns he practically recog
nizes this bond which unites him to Ills
If, then, religion be tills, it muRt am-
brace culture, nnd tills for two reasons:
First, because It Is Itself the culture of
the Highest capacity of our being,
nnd secondly, because If not partial nnd
blind It must acknowledge nil the other
capacities of man's naturo as gifts
which God has bestowed that man may
cultivate thein to thoutmostand elevate
them by connectlna tho thought of the
elver, and tho piiipose for which ho
gave thein. So that religion must, If
unrestricted In Its true development.,
lead on to culture. And so, cultur-, ll
th'orouchlv nud consistently carried out,
must lead on to lellglon, that is, to the
cultivation of the spiritual ana heaven
ward capacities of our nature.
Culturo alone,in tho ordinaryaccepta
tlon of that term, will not huIIIco to satisfy
the longings of our higher intelligence
and conscience, nor give to the worm
the blessings which Itcraves nnd needs.
Ancient Greece while It enlightened
and delighted the Intellect, did not
reach man In the deepest beats of his
being. Something was required more
Inwnrd, more penetrating, more vital.
For this we must look to the simple yet
profound truths of that revelation
which legan nnd was perfected in
Judea. "Jerusalem," ns has been
well said, "is tho fountain-head of
religious knowledgo to the world, ns
Athens Is of secular."
We are ever to remember that In
struction and education nro two essen
tlally different things. The one merely
fills the memory with knowledge, the
other rears up the human mind from
Infancy to age, from weakness to
strength. And this progressive draw
ing out of the human mind Is not the
work or a sculptor ueaung wun a uenu,
nasslve. Inert substance, yielding unre-
nMlngly to tho hand which would
mould It. Far from it. It Is a living
thine full of motion, and with Its own
laws of motion, rapid as thought, un
seen and untraceable, dancing from
heaven to earth, and from enrth to
heaven, and gathering at every turn
innumerable combinations of its own
Idsas, like the shapes in a kaleidoscope.
And no eye of man can follow It, and
no hand nor voice command Its pro
gress. What would a painter sav, if, while
ho was working on Ills canvas the lines
shitted of themselves, one color faded,
another became vivid, others melted
away together; and he, knowing llttlo
or nothing of tlie laws of these changes,
Incapablo of combining his colors so as
to keep them fixed, was told to con
tinue his picture? Would he not at
once recognize that to paint it wns
beyond lib art, thnt some other power
was at work to which lie wns to defer ?
And so it is with man. Tho education
of man Is really beyond tho reach of
And yet In tho present ego we talk
of education as an easy thing. We
plant schools, nnd form systems, and
boast of our accomplishments, though
every day, by general results of evil, it
Is shown that our efforts nre In vain.
And the great stumbling block in the
way of their success Is tho failure to
recognize the fact that education and
therefore ethics, unconnected with
. hrlstlanity, is a fundamental fallacy.
Without this alliance truth enn never be
preserved. The Gieek philosophers
thought to perpetuate their doctrines,
but tince these doctrines were originally
worked out by human reason, and
therefore might fairly bo nltercd by
human reason ngaln, they soon became
perverted. Aristotle's was lost almost
Immediately after his death. Plato's
soon degenerated Into a system quite
opposite that which he at first promul
gated. And such must ever be the fate of
any presumed presentation of the truth
which tails to recognize the scpremacy
of Ills teachings, who declared, "I nin
the way, the truth, and the life." It Is,
believe me, the only course by which
our learning and acquirements may be
thoroughly grounded, by which they
can be braced for the stern sittings
which In this nge assuredly await us.
Perhaps I may have dwelt too long
upon this point. It lias not been from
any fear that In the Institution In
whose behalf I now have the honor of
addressing you, any contrary views are
inculcated. I believe we nre on these
points in barmoDy. You, my young
irlends, have, doubtless, been taught
liowto combine- culture and religion,
And It Is, as convinced of this, that I
Jiaye taken the greatest pleasure In ac
cepting tho Invitation with which I was
layered by your beloved superintendent,
of whose beneficient labors In the cause
,of .Christian education I am not ignor
,au. My task has rather been to stir
,up your pute minds by way of remem
brance. If I have seemed to deliver
too much of a sermon, let me excuse
the soberness of my speech by remind
ing you .of tho real solemnity of the
bubjt-ct of education even in general.
The mind, the heart, the soul) What
. theme, to.cqntemplata their faculties,
.affections, aspirations, slid responta
bllitles. When we look ever to casu
ally around us, and ,ee to what a
frightful extent they are enfeebled,
wasted, perverted, and neglected, who
that Is in any way, Jiowever to humble,
ergaged Ip the work of .their education
and adaptation, can approach even a
conyersathm upon the subject without
befog profoundly Impressed with the
mighty lnterets which here find their
vlgln and stronghold?
'he llio one .is called upon to .lead .in
this ngo Is no by-play. It is stranger
than fiction. It ls exhaustive
of tho very best energies of our being.
Everything, therefore, which serves to
develop nnd strengthen our spiritual
and mental faculties, nnd to give them
a proper direction, should be hailed as
a most welcome responso to those
earnest longings which must nt times
fill tho heart of tho least sensitive
among us.
Amid so much that Is trivial, vnln
and hurtful, bo It our nlm to net a
manly and n womnnlypnrt.not only dis
charging our own complex duties with
fidelity nnd fervour, but stimulating
those around us to nobler resolves and
more unselfish deeds.
A woman's sphere of workl ahl who
can measure or describe it? And yet
who does not need this work? It is
wnnted in Its patterns ot truth, of ten
derness, of patience, of humility, of
self-denial, or henveniy-mliuleuncss.
it Is wnnted In soothing troubles and
In Inspiring mirth. It Is wanted In
nursing, teaching, and In manifold
ministering. The Ignorant,tho vicious,
the infirm, the outcast, the care-worn,
the despairing, the dying yea, it is
needed everywhere. Not the work ot
a silly, wordly, superficial woman, but
that ot ono who soberly realizes the
dignity ot her calling, and gratefully
apprehend every opportunity of
lightening the burden which her fellow-
haveners are benrlng; of one who
modestly and yet constantly claims tho
rlijht to be tho almoner of Christ and to
distribute to others of tho guts where
with sho herself has been enrichpd.
Every one of us has our own Ideal,
bo it base or lofty, that is. something
which forms tho ruiiug thought, the
main desire of our life. Jim any way
l may have succeeded In giving any
one of you a glimpse of that noblest
ideal of all, viz; that of a mind cultlva
ted in und by tho Ineffable precepts and
science of (Jhrlst s religion as exein
pllfled in words of purity and deeds of
charity, my humble mission hither will
not have been in vain.
Let me leave with you this beautiful
portraiture of what a woman ought to
be, whatever one of you through graco
may ue:
Sho wn9 a phantom of delight,
When first she gleamed upon my sight,
A. lovely nppunulon, sent
To bo a moment s ornament,
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair:
I.Ike twilights, too, her dusky hair;
Hut nil things else about her drawn
From Jlay-tlmo and tho cheerful dawn;
A dancing shape, nn imago gar,
To haunt, to Hurtle, nnd way-lay.
I saw her, upon nearer view
A spirit, yet a woman, tool
Her household motions light nnd free,
And stops of virgin, liberty;
A countenance In which did meet
bwcet records, promises as sweet;
A creature not too bright or good
For human nature's dully food;
For transient sorrow,, fiinmlo wiles.
1' raise, blame, love, kisses, tears and smiles.
And now I seo with cyo scrcno
Tho very nulsu nftlio machine:
A being breathing thnughtlul breath,
A traveller between life and death:
Tho reason linn, the temperate will.
Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill;
A perfect woman, nobly plann'd,
To warn, to comfort, and command;
And yet n spirit, still und bright,
With something ofan angel light.
William M. Tweed was sentenced on
Saturday to twelve successive terms of
imprisonment of one year each and to
various fines nmountlng In tho aggregate
to about $12,!)00. Considering that on
the trial It was proved that he had stolen
a million of money from the people who
had trusted him with extraordinary
powers, this Is by no means au exagger
ated sentence.
In the United States District Court,
Philadelphia, Wednesday morning,
Judge Cadwallader presiding, the peti
tion of sundry parties asking for an ad.
judication In Bankruptcy In the case of
Jay Cooko& Company, wasgranted, and
J. Gllllnghan Fell, Esq., Intimated that
future proceeding under tho adjudica
tion should be had under forty-third
section ot tho Bankrupt Act, which
authorizes the appointment of a Trustee,
and Committee by the creditors.
In the Supreme Court atPhlladephla,
In nisi prlus, Tuesday morning, argu
ment was had on an application for an
Injunction restraining the Comml.tdon
ers of Election appointed for tho special
election on the new Constitution from
holding a special election, and the City
Commissioners from spending any
money belonging to the city In aid of
said election. Judge Sharswood, be
fore whom tho case was brought, said
he was unwilling to hear It, and would
postpone the hearing unless there was
somo application made, until next
Tuesday morning before Judge Gordon,
who will hold the regular Court of Nisi
Prlus, and will summon other Judges
of the Supreme Court to be tbcro on
that day sitting as- advisers.
The December number of Wood's
Household Magazine Is replete with
good reading -entertaining sketches,
stories, poems, &c, &o. Its table of
content! embraces thefollowlngartlcles;
"A Better Country," Mary Hartwell;
An Engineer's Yarn, Albert Williams,
Jr., Our party at Sea, Rev. J. S. JJrejk
inrldge; Two Enthusiasts, II. M. Lew
tral; Presence of Mind, Rev. F. W.
Holland; Our Babies, D. A.Gorton, M.
D.; Blessedness of Illches, Tcnoroon;
Hans Doodledee, Rudolph Mente; in.
stnllment ot Max Kromer, author ot
Jessica's First prayer; Codfish and Po
tatoes, Chapter II, by Eleanor Kirk;
.Misery Jlppeau, Chapter VII, VIII, by
II. V. Osborne. In addition to theso
articles are several pretty poems, a
charming llttlo Cottage Design, and
editorial departments embracing Our
Housekeeper, Correspondence, Literary
Notices, Laughingstock, &c.,&c. The
engraving for this month Is entitled
"Old Folks." All the abovo for only
one dollar per year- or with chromo
Yosemlte and "Carbon Advocate" two
The War CIouil Hrcaklng.
A Washington dispatch, dated Nov.
20th, says : "Tho only point of differ
ence remaining between Spain nnd the
United States Is tho surrender of tho
VIrglnlus. Admiral Folo, who Is
clothed with extraordinary power nnd
authorized to conclude a convention
with this government, agreed to the
surrender of the remaining prisoners,
nnd to pay au Indemnity to the families
of thoso murdered. Ho contended,
however, for the right to hold tho "Vlr
gintus until It was shown that she was
entitled to the protection ot our flag.
Tills would not bo entertained, and lie
then proposed a reference to arbitra
tors, the VIrglnlus to no under the con
trol of the United Stales until the ques
tion was decided. This also wns
declined, and the ultimatum of prompt
concession ot this point or an end ot
negotiations was announced. Admiral
Polo at once transmitted the result of.
the Interview to his Government, but
tho despatch was very long, and it was
not until late Wednesday that It was
received In Madrid. It remains to be
seen whether the Castelar Ministry will
ratify the action of Polo and concede
the Immediate surrender of tho VIrgln
lus. The Secretary of Stato is con
fident that it will, and moreover that
Caslelar's Government will be strong
enough to enforce its decrees in Cuba
as well as maintain Itself In Spain.
The Spanish press complain that the
enemies of Sj.aln telegraph false now to
the United States.
A Belford county, Pa., girl has chal
lenged a man to wrestlo with her for the
championship of the State.
Pratt & Co.'s rolling mill nnd Iron
works In Buffalo, which have been idle
for the past four weeks, resumed busi
ness Monday morning at a reduction in
wages and time of about ten per cent.
Stokes and Walworth are both to be
removed from Sing Sing prison to
Auburn. Both nre In delicate health,
and their removal will therefore not bo
immediate. Walworth, It Is said, suffers
greatly from remorse.
Sharkey, who was under sentence of
death for the murder of James Dunn,
escaped from tho Tombs on Wednesday,
the 10th. It Is asserted that he was
furnished with woman's clothes by a
woman who was in the habit of vlsltng
him in his prison, nnd thnt with her
pass ho went out in broad daylight; but
the general Impression Is that the keep
ers were bribed and connived at hU
escape. Two keepers have been sus
pended, and search made for the mur
derer, lint he is still at large.
Private lettersrecelvedln Washington
confirm the statements that for some
time past the inhabitants of a portion of
northwestern Iowa, particular within
the counties ot Lyon nnd Osceola, havo
been suffering severely from a lack of
actual neccessanes or lire, caused by the
utter failure of the grain crop there last
summer, these sufferers are In need
of everything In the way of food, fuel
and clothing. Several women have died
from want.
New Advertisements.
Public notice In hereby ciren toall literested In
the distribution nf the proceed of the pale of the
real estate or Jonn lirady, late or renn Haven,
Carbon County, l'a, that the Auditor will attend
to the duties ofhli appointment on 8ATUR0AV,
DKCKMBKU 13th, A. D.1673, at Ida OIHce. at tbe
Mansion Ilouae, dlauch Chunk, at v o'clock A 31
E. R. SIEWERS, Auditor.
Noi ember !9, 18T3.-v3
BiNK Stbbet, LcoianTOK, Fi.
Real Estate and Collection Agency. Will Buy and
Sell Ittal Estate. Convcranclni? neatlr done. Col.
lections promptly made. Settling Estates of De
cedent, a specialty. May be consulted In English
ana uorman. hot. 2i,
All persona having claims azalnst the Estate
fo late Daniel Solt, deceased, and those Indebted
to the same are requested to sind In tbelr claims
or mane settlement on or belortt January 1, 1874.
FranVlln twp, Nor. 29, 1873-3w
Alt persons are hereby forbid harbo:Ingor trust
ing BENJAMIN MOVER after this date, under
penally oi we law.
Not. 29, H73.-W3 Lehlghton, r.
jptlULIC 8AI.E
Meal Estate !
The undersigned will offer at Public
Sale, on the premise.', late ot DANIEL
SOLT. dee'd, In F1MNKLIN Town
ship, 6'arbon County, Pa., on
Alonday, December 15, 1873,
nt ONE o'clock P. M the following de
scribed Iteal Estate, to wit : That cer
tain piece of Land, containing 55 acres
and 104 perches, be the same more or
less, situated in xanKim township afore
said, about 25 acres ot which are Cleared
and the balance of SO acres Is Rood
TIMBER LAND, consisting of White
Dale, fine, &c. The land when cleared
Is admirably adapted for Farming pur
poses, being a portion ot the well-known
larm ot tbe I a to Daniel Solt. Terms
will be made known at 11 mo and place
of sale, by WM. SOLT and
Fnnilln twp., Nor. 29, 1873-w3
New Advertisements.
(ushimrs Manual
Of Parliamentary Practice.
Rules of nrncoedlnir and debate In deliberative
flueinblleff. An inditpentalU hand-book for ever
member a a deliberative body t and the authority In
an me states.
" Themont authoritative expounder of American
pari lam tnUry law." Chan. Snmoer
iTice ur cent, eem oy mui on receipt 01 price.
AddreMTHOMl'SOX, BftQWN ACQ., llonton. Maa
This first class Chromo will bo glren to every
subscriber to
Godey's Ladys Book for 1874
Whether to a Single Subscriber for Three Dollar?,
or in uiuDR or six inr -fourteen uouars.
AddreRf. L. A.GODKY.
N. V.. Cor. Cth A Chestnut St., Pn.l.idtlphla, la.
-BSee terms In Lady's Hook for other uiubB."5L
TAKES on Sight ,JSJ$
Oanvattert. Aaentt.
and Salesmen fMtxnr Ward llZEcntii's family
newspaper cUe everv tuhncrlbcr a PUR of the
larReat and finest OLKOGUAPIIS-two most
attractive subjects, that 'tako" on sight painted
oy .mm. Aiiuerson, as contrasts ana companions
for her " WuU AoaKtn and Fail AiUepi Apents
hare 1MMKNSE SUCCESS i call It the '-belt bust
ness ever offered canvassers." We furnish the
lightest and handsomest outfit and nar Terr hlith
com miss ions, r.acn suoscrioer receives without
delay two beautiful pictures, which are ready for
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, The paper itselt
stands peerless among family journals, being so
pcpuiar iiiav oi us ciass u nas mo largest circuia
tlon in thexonrldt Employs the best talent. VA
ward Eggleston's serial story Is Just beginning;
back chanters suDDlled to each subscriber Mrs,
Stowe's long expected seiuel to"Ay )'feandl"
begins In the new year. Any one wish.n a pood
saury or an inaeptmuem ouainesx a u u ni t b
should send for circulars & terms. Wanted I
to J, 11, FOltD St CO., New York, Uoston, Cincin
nati or a.n Francisco. nor2Uw4
V v
rpIIE COMPANION alms to be a favorite In every
family looked for eagerly by the young folks,
and read with Interest by the older. Its purpose
Is to Interest while It amuse j to be Judicious,
practical, sensible; and to have really permanent
worth, while it attracts for the hour.
It Is handsomely illustrated, and hai for con
tributors some of tbe mostattractlve writers In the
country. Among these are 1
EDWAED EaOLISTON, Dr. 1. 1. Uatis,
l'rof. Jamis DeMule, LouisiC. Moult ox,
Louisa M. Ailcott, " Sophii Mat,"
Reiiecca II. Davis, C. a. 8tipues,
C. W. Flanders, Hutu CBisHiirtUD,
. S. UoDBirc, H. A. Dinisoiv.
It spreading Is adapted to the old and young, U
very varied in Its character; sprightly and enter
taining. It gives
Stories of Adventure
Letters of Travel,
Editorials upon Cur
rent Topics,
Historical Articles,
Iliographlcal Sketches,
Religious Articles,
Stories of Home and
School Life,
Ta'es, Poetry,
Selections for Decla
mation, Anecdotes, Puziles,
Facts and Incident!.
copies sent free. Address
Perry, Mason & Co.,
No, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
rriDCCinc junuk cosh uuknkk von
rlnt.OlUt.SUN CHIMNKVS, made by
I'bUUK & ATWOOD, produces the
largest lUht. Can 10 ued on Buy coal oil lamp.
For sale by alt lamp dealers. nol.wl
"WO MW. INT MKN ulrl "n " nt.
W yjiXLJhVi ed to sell our French and
American Jewelry, llocks.Qames, &c, In thlr own
localities N'orapttal needed. Catalogue, terms, &c.
lentrmt. I', o. VICKKltY 1 CO., Aujusta.'Me.
dMQ day guarantctd to Agents. Address O. 11.
J) I Q Suluvan A Co., 8 St. rul St.,Daltlmore,Md
I suffered with Catarrh thirty yearf, and wascured
by a simple' remedy. Will send receipt, postage
free, toall afflicted. Iter. T. J. MEAD, Lraw.r,
175 Syracuse, N. Y. nor29w4
Floral Guide for 1874.
200 Tages ; 500 Engravings and Colored
Plate. Published Quarterly, at 25 cts.
a Year. First No. lor 1874 Just Issued.
A German edition at same price.
nov. 29. Rochester, N. Y.
In order to Close Out my present Ira
menso stock of
Among which will be found a largo and
choice variety of
Dress Goods I
Satines, Poplins, Prints, &e.
Shirtings, Sheetings,
i&c; also, a fine assortment of
Suitable for Men's and Boy's Wear, to
gether with
and a variety of other Goods, all of
which I will Sell at
Cost for Cash?
Now Is your lime, If you want to se
cure REAL IMItOAJNS. The Stock
must ALL HE SOLD lu order to make
room for Now Goods. Remember tho
place for Panio Prices :
Nor. 29, Dank St., Lehlghton,
Opposlto L. & S. Depot,
On tho East Weissport Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs the citizens of this
vicinity that he keeps constantly on
hand, nnd Is selling nt tho very lowest
Market Prices, tho very best brnnds of
JTloiir & JFeci9
For .Building and other purposes, which
he guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell at tho
Coal? Coal!?
Wholesale and Retail at tlio very Low
est Cash Prices.
lie has also a number of very eligibly
DtiiMing: JLots
111 ninivERTSTOWV. Prnnltlln Twt,
which no win sen on very jsasy Terms,
atig. 1), '73-yl J. K. RICKEKT.
lie In general, that he has constantly on hand and
for sale, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, the Terr
Best and Latest Stvlea of W II.M.1
Household Furniture,
Comprising Bedsteads, Burenus, Sofas,
Lounges, Wood and Cane-Sented Chairs,
Looking Glasses all kinds, &e., &c.
Furnishing Undertaker.
FUNKIIALS promptly attended to at Tery reason
hl charges. June 21. 1873.
Dry Goods, Notions,
a?K.iiavi:i3src3-s ,
Dress oocls9
Glassware, Hardware, &o.
May 31, 1873.
Miss Lizzie Kramer
Ho8 Just received nnd opened a splendid
assortment of tho Newest and most
Fashionable Designs In
Millinery fioods,
For Spring and Summer Wear, such as
to which sho calls tho especial attention
of the Ladies of Lehigliton nnd vicinity.
All Goods Warranted to bo as repre
sented, and Prices to suit the times.
Store, opposite the " Carbon Advo
cate" office, Bankway, Lehlghton, Pa.
April 13, 1873-m3.
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs the people of Le
higliton that hu has most Excellent
Flour Tor Sale ;
Also, good FEED of all kinds, and
STRAW In the Z?undlo. He is also
prepared to do any kind of
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice.
Lehlghton, Pa. March 28- ly
Lehigliton, Pa.
An Institution for Uotli Sexei,
Iter, O. ICKSSIIill, l'rlnclpal and Professor
of Classics and tbe Higher English
It ranches,
MUS.M.O. ICKK8I.BR, Preceptress and
Teacher of Painting and Drawings
Mil, JOHN Jll, ICI8SI.BR, A. U. Pro
leuorof Latin and Greek.
MISS E. O. HEAD, Teacher ofUuiIc.
For Particulars ajply to C. KKS3LEK, Lehigh
ton, l'a. Oct. 17. 1873.
rvuioniAs kemerer.
The following Companies are Represented I
Lebanon Mutual Fire,
Reading Mutual Fire,
Wyoming Fire,
PotUvlllo Fire,
Lehigh Fire, and the
Travelers' Accident Insurance,
Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse
Thief Detective and Insurance Com
pany. March 21), 1873,
Justice of tite Peace,
Lehlghton, Pa.
Office In his store, opposite the Eagle
Hotel. Collections and Drawing up of
Deeds promptly attended to. n22-4m
OFflCEi around FloorlnthsnewaddlMonoftbs
Mansion liouso, llaucb Chunk, l's. Business
trsnsactsd In Kngllih sndUermsn. Collections
preaoplj made and CoaTejadClag neatl dons.
Drug IFam'y Medicine
You will always find ono of the largest
nnd best selected stocks of
Pure Drugs,
Chemicals ;
nf nil kinds, such as Lard, Sperm, Wln
ter Whale. Tanners' Neatsfoot', etc.,
the best In the market, warranted 150
Fire Test NonExploslve. A superior
arttclo of
expressly for Lanterns. Try It. The
made, by the bottle or In bulk.
Just received a largo assortment of
Bracket Lamps,
Clilrnnles and
of every style.
Patent Medicines
of tho day, such as
Lung Remedies,
Cough Mixtures,
Blood Purifiers,
Hair Restorers,
Hair Colorers,
etc., etc., etc., etc.
The finest lot of American and French
Hair Oils Colognes, Pomades, Fancy
Soap, Cashmere, J?oquet and Eau do
Cologne, Toilette Soap, Honny and
Glycerine Soaps, etc.
Pocket Books 8c Purses
A full assortment for Ladies & Gents.
Pure Urandic. Whiskies.
Wines, Rum, Holland Gin.
&c., lor Medicinal Purposes
BT Try DURLING'S Horse Powd
ers, Cattle Powders, Hog Powders nnd
Poultry Powders, by the pound or In
Wall ll'apera
And BORDER, an endless variety.
HT Go to DURLING'S where every
thing is warranted Freh Genuine and
Physicians' Prescriptions and Family
Recipes prepared by DurllngdilmVelf.
gTclssport Ahead t v-
The undersigned would resreclfully
Inform and tho pub
lic In general, that they have opened a
Lumber Yard
In connection with their'
Near the L. A S. Depot,
and that thoy have now on hand an Im
mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pine Boards,
Surfaced Pine .Boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Hne,
Sidings, of all kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
Roofing and Ceiling Lath,
and, In fact, Lumber of every descrip
tion at thi very lowest market prices.
Wo are also prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article of
Sand , suitable for Masonry
Work, Plastering. &o., at Re
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on hand a large
lot of Wood suitable for Flrowood,
which wo will sell, In large or small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Ycakcl& Albright,
aug 23-yl
Carbon county, Pa
Dealers In
Flour and Food,
Canned Fruits,
Notions, Toys,
&c, kc., tic
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Lehlghton Store, three doors above the
Post Office; Weissport Store, near
Canal Bridge nor- 89
Offles, oa BaoiuwiT, erst door twlow AtwrUaa
Iloul, MaoehChuus,rn'. CoUwtlons pnsaat
IjauU. N.r.W.