The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 29, 1873, Image 1

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Editor a n)l Proprietor.
One Dollar a Year In Arivancu
VOL. II., No. 2.
Lehighton Directory.
TV. C. Vredlrtrt, Singtr Sewing Machine anil In
surance, next to K. tl. Snyder's, Ilank timet.
K. WHdon,' Shawns, Hair Calling and Sum
pooing. under Kxtbango Hotel. Bmk street.
Hoot and Shoe maker.
Charles Yenser, ilcarty opposite the post-office, Bank
street; alio, dealer in Confectioner!'
Clinton Bretney, in Levan't building, .Bank, street.
All orders promptly filled -work warranted.
Uausman A Ivuhns, opioMte Olrt's store, Dank
'street. All onlcrs promptly filled.
Dry Goods mid Groceries.
Z. It. IiOfg, opp. L. A fj. Depot, '.ank t dealer in
Hardware, Queensware, Ladies' Vretl Gtiotls, cfV.
II. A. llolts, liuck'el's Bljck, Bank St., Vr ft(,
GroccriaSQueetmcarc', Carpels, Od Goths f CW.
E. II. Snyder, Dank street, Dry Goodi, Xolions,
Dress Goods, Groceries, Quecnsware llardwarcdt.
Drugs and Medicines.
A.J Durllnn, llrst door obote 1. llauk street.
Oils, IWnts, rirfumenj, latent .VedUines, dv.
Y. r
Semmel, nearly opp, Kicliance Hotel, Ilank
reot, CuUlrators.'OUs, faints'. Guano, dc.
Thomas hants, " '.clanre," cpp. 1'ubllo
Dank st. l'atronnge solicited.
Jit reliant Tailors.
CUtaia A Bnvllank street, and dealers in Gents'
furnishing Goods, Hoots, Sltoes, Hats, Caps, dc.
Thomas S.Jteek 1'. 0, bulldlne, Hank st., oVnl'l
furnishing Goodsjl fatt, Caps, SdMVUxlth.,
Sirs. E. Fatb, Dank street, 2nd door lielow the 51.
Ej Church. Xotions ami Trimmings
Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr. C S. German, corner of Dank and Iron stree s
Consultation in English and German.
Dr. K, Si'. Itehrr, naxt doon to'P. 0., Hank, street.
Consultation in English and German.
Joa. Obert, Dank St.. racking, Curing and Smoking
Establishment. Awarders promptly filled.
J. FatrWet'i.Son, Dank st, dealers in Flour and
'Vet.' Groceries1, tYuits 'and Vtgetables.
Watchmaker' and Jeweler.
A. 0; Dollenmayer, South street, nlt Dank st.
IkaUr in Watches, Clxls, Mugs, dv.
Railroad Guide.
Fast Time and Sure Connections !
Jj'lve Rxpress Trains Dally from
llkrrisburg to the West.
Iillftjnn'ralace Cars tliroiigh from Har
burg W Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis
vllle and St. Luuts.
The number of miles operated and controlled by
this Comiany enable It to run cars through. Villi
fewer change than by any other Hue.
rassengers will find this, In all respects,
The Safest, quickest & must
Comfortable Itoutc!
f3r For Rates, 'Tlckets-nnd nil in
formation, apply at all Principal Offices
on Lhiuof Lehigh Valley and Lehigh
& ttuuelmnna Railroads, and atP.
11. R." l)epot, Harrlsburg, Ta.
A. J.OASSATT.Ueneral Manager.
D, M. BOYD. General I'aiwnirer A Kent.
J, N. AllllhY; Eastern TraleUns; Agent,
March K, 1873' 041 Chestnut St., I'hllad'a.
ItNTIlAL. II. It. Oh' N. iT"
WIXTEIl A It 11 A XGE)lt:XT,
Commencing Nov, 17, 1873.
Down Taains.
No. 1. No. 3. No. 8. No. 7.
Lean a.m. 'a.m. a. m. r. .
Orettn Klde 7.50 10.23 1.26
Seraatou , 7,35 10 30 1.20
l'lttston SJrJ 10.67 4.13
Wilkes Uaire ...... ..... 8.10 11.25 2.2U
White ll, en tM 12.15 3.t0
Won lli'n 'June. ..... lo:a 13 J 4.19
Maueh'Cbunk... 730 11.00 'r.l 4.40
Citasaunua HSS '15S 71.17 MO-
Allrlltowu S.43 12.00 &47
Uethltheu Dili It 17 a.'IT tt.10
rrit,KtOU.,... U.S7 1243 4.W Oii
Up Triins.
'o. 10. So. 4. No . No.U.
Leari i. m a. M, r, x. r. tt.
Uiton.....,. f.'Vi UAti 3.V, 7.10
Bethlehem. . .. H..U 12.U 4 27 7 45
Altfutown.......... V.ltl 12.2ft 1-17 77
Cit.iuu.iua ,. . . P,'.4 12JU 4 ti S.IC
MuchChunk.....a Xk Jj" 8'19
l'rnnIITeiU'iHM5; 2.U2 5 .SS
-VhIllUien.J..HU3 24H. T'lOJ .
Wilkes- Unrre...... 12 40 tM SM
l'lttston -, lltl 4.2C SM
Scraotou 10 , , IK .
Arr, Oreeu ltldge 133 5.00 DJO
2esiuthmng Valley It. ;f, Don tralna 1,'os 3
6 and 7, and Up trains Nos. 10 and 4 connect at
Maucb Chunk.
A'orls ltnn'a It. JCTrn trains 1, 3, 5 I
1 couuect at Bethlehem for 1'hlladelpbla. Up trains
Nos. 10 A 4 connect at Bethlehem rcrl'liiladelphh.
lleturnlng leiro I'lilladelphla at 7.10 a. ni. for tu
ton, Mauch Chunk, llatli, Wilkes llarre, Taiuuiiun,
Scranton, Sharcu, Ar At 0.43 a. m. tr Kaston,
Mauch Chunk, Tamaijua, VllllamiHrt, Wllkea.
Uarre and Scranton; at 2.10 p. m fvr Scranton,
Wilkes Barre and Intermediate statlotis;.at 330
m. for llatb and Kastou; at o.lo p. m. ftrMauch
Tamaqua Branch. Up trains Nos, 10 A 4, and
Down trains ros.3,6 4t 'jciNiiittotatalauchChuok
to and from Taniaiiua.
Lehigh &Lackaivan.nal.)ls Down trains Xos.
I A 7, and Up trains' N't. 18 1 0 ivliuect at Belli,
lehem for Bath aud Chapmau Quarries. Boturu
lniz leaie ChapBiaD'a' at 7.40 a. m, and 2.15 p. ni
Central Jiattroad eif Xtw Jersey. All trains make
close connection af Litou with tralusou Ctutral
IUIlroad of New Jersey.
JldtidercVelawart Ji.- He Down trains Nos. 3
& 6, and Up trains Nos. 4 A 14 connect at 1'hllllps.
burg, with iBtlDeL It It. to -aud from Trenton,
Philadelphia aud Belfldere
fhUadelphta t- Heaiisui Ji'uttroad. The Dejiots
of the but l'enu 11. It. aud the L. A c, Utrlsiou
ars.oopnectod by Street Cars.
1 II. 1'. BALDWIN, 6'eri. Passenger .ltnt,
JJU, tit U.JllSllKH,
Outce, Bank Street, next door aUie the I'ustolltrel
lAblfhwn, Pa! , Ome Hours ParrytUle each da
ram'lotauo'eWiki remainder of aiy atoittcalu
IMtsttkn. " hTlal,173.
Carbon County Teachers' Institute.
Institute called to order at 9 a. m.
by the Prlilent, and afttr the slnfilntr
ofaliymn and piayer by Rev. Fdsall
Feirler, the toll was called and minutes
read and adopted. Committee on Re
solution reported the following ,s . ,
liesolved, That tho composition of
EnglLsli words forms '. an Important
blanch of thu study of our language.
Resolved, That we donildrr tho en
deavor to unite moro closely the
and wiitteti vxciclr-ts In arithmetic, a
movement In tho right direction.
Resolved, That roinpo-lllon sliould go
baud In band with the, theoretical study
of grammar.
On motion, tho resolutions wcro adop
ted as read.
Prof. Yonngmon took up thosubjeit
of "English Words," which lie handled
In a masterly manner. Rev E. Fetiier
and Prof. RovVJand took part In the dis
cussion which endued.
Intermission of 15 minutes. Thu In
stitute was again called to order, when
tlie quartettu " C'uno where my lovo
lies dreamlnc." was very finely render
ed by JIossrs.Rowlaiid, llorii aud Ren
sliAW'nml MUs Jones.
Prof. Rowland lollowed by reading
"Seeking a Situation by a Graduate."
Win. McLaughlin then took tho lloor
on methods of teaching primary arith
metic. Tho" discission was participated
in by Messrs. Younginau, Ilolliuger,
Motzer, Rowland and others.
Afternoon On motion, it was agreed
to resume I lie discussion on primary
arithmetic, which w as again participated
In by a number of teachers, after which
T. W. Renhaw;wa3 called on Methods
in English Grammar:
Intermission of 15 minutes. On re the Institute sang"Swlnging
xVeitth tho Apple Tieej'" after which
Prof. Curry addressed tho Institute,
when tho discussion on methods of En
glish grammar was again taken up led
liy J. H. Vnn Slieetz.
Evening. Prut. Curry delivered n
very excellent and well-considered lec
ture upon "Special Education," which
gave much satisfaction. He was fol
lowed by Rev. Coleman with a lino lec
ture on "Culture."
Morning. -Institute called to order
at usual time by the President, after
devotional exercises, tint roll was called
and minutes re.ul and adopted.
Tho Piesldcnt appointed, a commltteo
to solicit bubsciiptlo'ns for tho I'cnna.
School Journal, and Prof. Curry, In a
few appropriate remarks,, urged, upon
the teachers the Importance PofJthe
The discission on methods In English
(rainmar was resumed byJProf. Curry,
uhospokoat sunUi length, supporting
tho views expressed by '6 W. Reusliaw
yesterday. '
Next came Rev. C. Kessler on School
Government. The discussion was par
ticipated In by Prof. Rowland and others.
Intermission. On tho call to order,
the subject of School Government re
sumed by Prof. Cuny, followed by Mr.
Schorield, f Philadelphia, Mr. Miller,
of Suiibury, and Hon. W. 11. Leonard.
Afternoon. Institute called to' order,
roll called, alter which "Little Ulidie in
the Tiee," was rendered with fine ef
fect by. tho Institute.
Tho Mibjest of School .Government
wa again taken up with much warmth,
it was generally thought that Hon W
II. Leonard had done the profession nn
Injustice by .souiu statements he made
In tho forenoon. 1'iof. Yuuuginau,.in
u most telllug speech, whlcli was rtnlly
eloquent, denounced thu course Mr. L,
seemed to be put siting. Ho was fol
lowed by Prof. Rowland mid others.
The following icsolutiuns were then
adopted :
Resolved, Thai, In legnrd to-iicuool
Government, we dUippiovu of both ex
tieiiirs ; Hint seveiity U hot Incompat
ible with love ; that corporal punish
ment will glow less frequent mid less
severe In pioportlon to thu honor aud
esteem In which our profession ii held,
and patents ami citizens can promote
this object by n tnlthfiil cooperation
and' sympathywlth itenchcrs In' their
onerous woik.
Resolved, That a niorp liberal endow
ment of music and essays would add
materially to the interest of our Institute.
Risolml, that a knowledge of Gov
ernment securities and stocks being ne
cessary to all business men of our day,
teachers sliould, by nil means, quality
themselves Intelligently to Impart the
same to their pupils.
At this point .1iss Hattlu Hellman
read a fino essay on " 1'ho Beautiful."
Intermission'. On being; called to
order, ' Come In beautiful dreams" and
"Come where my love lies dreaming,"
were finely produced by Messrs, Hum,
Rowland and Renshaw and Mis Jones.
Next ciuie Prof. Rowland on "Stocks
ami j'onds." Creditably discussed by
Mr. Van Slieetz.
Evening. Rev Edsall Eerrier .'deliv
ered a very line lecture on " 1'ioiiouns,"
followed by Mr. Schoticld witli olo on
the Lust Arts uBd Language."
Institute called to ordert ;,roll called,;
minutes of picluus day lead and ap
proved. Thu election of u Commlttcu
on Permanent Certitientus wasthuu pro
ceeled .with, mid resulted us follows i
Messrs. Vuungmtii and Rowland, Mrs.
Frlsble, and Mlci'Iluntlou and Hell-
man, to servo as said committee for ono
Hon. W. 11. Leonard was allowed to
explain with respect tosomostateinents
madu by 111 in on Thursday.
Tho C'omu.lttee on' Resolutions presen
ted tho following, which, on motion,
was adopted :
Whereas, In all delihirato bodies, it
Is customary to give expression to their
views by lesolutlons, theiefore,
Resolved, That we recognized in Co.
Institutes the best nvallable im-ans to
advance tho standard of teachers.
Resolved, That frequent educational
meetings, held in the different parts of
the county, would promote the educa
tional Interests In such places.
Reso.lved, That the teachers who have
dellbeintely deprived themselves of the
advantages of the Institute, deserve our
severe censure for neglect of duty and
iininofesslonai conduct.
Resolved, That our thanks be extend
ed those directors who, alivo to thu In
terests of educators, have given the
teachers In their districts full time to
attend the Institute.
Resolvid, That wo lecognizo tho
School Journal as one of the best edu
cational journals published, and it should
bo In the hand of ever earnest teacher.
Resolved. That That our County
Snpeilntendent, R. F. Hoffnrd, Is justly
entitled to our gratitude for his heaity
and effectual elfurts to make the Iustl
tuto i'nstiuctlve and entertaining.
Resolved, That wo deem the directors
and fiieiuRof education of this vicinity
highly commendable for the Interest
they have Manifested, and tho encour
agement they have given us by their
presence and assistance.
Resolved, That our gratitude Is here
by tendered to the hotel keepers of
Mnuch Chunk for their kindness hi
amply nnd comfortably entertaining the
members of the Institute at reduced
Resolved, tho thanks of this In
stitute nro justly due to Profs: Curry,
Hum and Schotield, aud Revs. Coleman
and e'enier for their pleasing aud in
structive lectures.,
Resolved, That those who have so
highly entertained us with music during
the sessions of thu Institute, have our
sincere thanks for the services rendered.
Resolved, That we will jejuni to our
duties witli renewed afeali and we hope
to prove by Increased ability in teaching
that our labors have not been in vain
nor our tliuo mis-spent.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions, witli the minutes of the Insti
tute, and the essays and addresses dcllv
vered befor tills body, bo presented to
our county papers lor publication.
Rev. C. Kxsslku, 1
I). S. Gkossman, Committee.
Miss Sue E Zkun, )
After an intermission of ten minutes,
Miss Jones favoied tho Institute with a
beautiful song entitled " Somebody is
coming," which was well received.
Mr. Van Slieetz then gave a dessert.i
tion on Object Teaching, In which lie
ovipced a familiarity witli his subject
and a thoroughness of preparation, that
enabled him to handle it In a very skill
ful manner. Ho was followed by
Messrs. Rowland and Ilolliuger in a few
brief nnd pointed rematks.
Afternoon. Institute) called to order
On motion, thePiesldent was authorized
to appolpf-nti Executive Committee,
which hedld as follows Messrs. Young
man and Rowland, nnd Mrs. Frlsble.
The Institute tntered upon the con
sideration of 'the place for holding tho
next Institute. Mauch Chunk, Lehigh
ton and Weatherly were named, and
discussion was allowed upon their rela
tive merits. Messis. Rowland and Reii
shaw spoke for Lehighton i Motzer and
YouiiKmau advueted Mauch Chunk, nnd
and Van SUeetz, Weatherly. The vote
was as follows: Mauch Chunk, 23; Le
highton, 23, nnd Wentherly 8.
Prof. KUwUud presented tho follow
ing preambltittiid resolution:
Wlareas, That article of the School
Laws uC Pennsylvania, which provides
fot the holding of annual institutes in
thu bt'veial counties, anticipates that all
teaoheis attend these Institutes, and
Whereas, Thli anticipation Is Insuf
ficient for thu full attainment of tho
law, It Is heieby
Resolved, That 11 is tho sense of thu
Teachers'' Instljute of Carbon that the
Statu Legislature sliould enact a law
obllging'nll school boards of the county
annually to grant Ave days to their re
spective teachers for the purposu of at.
lending, at the Institute, without 'reduc
tion of salary ; Provided, however, that
whenevi r a teacher shall tall to comply
with this pioposed law, reduction of
salary shall be made for every such
Resolution was, on motion, adopted,
Tho Institute tendered a vote of thanks
to tho Secretary, Assistant Secretary,
Committees and Janitor, for tljclr able
und i lliclent services.
Thu l'r,sldeut caed upon Mr. Rutler
for an address ; ho. spoke a few words,
and sat down amidst great applause,
Dr. Smith followed with n like result.
Rev. Mr. Co email next said a few words
hi which ho earnestly Invoked blessings
upon teachers aud teaching profession,
Rev. Mr. Urban then made a few but
earnest remarks, pointing them to the
higher alms of then labor. He was fol
lowed by the County Superintendent,
R. F. Hoffoid, who spoke In a touching
manner ot thu pleasure he had derived
from ' the good attendance and good
feeling on lliu part of teachers,' und
closed by urging them to renewed faith
fulhun in Ihelr work, and extending to
them ids best wishes. Adjourned.
T.' W. RENSHAv;Secietary.
Mrs, E. JJ. FitisuiK,'t Sec'y.
Rev Mr. Coleman's Lecture.
I believe tho Romans were the llrst
people who set up milestones along their
roads Into tho country, for the benefit
oi urn wayrarlng man. The wealthy
travelers could take guides, and the
professed tourist had skill and science
enough to traco his route by tho great
guides of nature the rivets and moun
nln, thu sun, moon nnd stars but the
business man required these speaklng
stoim directly in his path. So in tho
paths of knowledge : those who have
leisure, and need not measure time by
hours, can travel at their will, and find
recreation nnd Instruction Incverytliing
they see j and tho professed scholar
knows tho tracks of his ptedecessors In
tho walks of learning, and can examine'
tho monuments they havo left behind
without much nnxiety, since ho can
more easily correct, thu errors into which
he may fall. Rut tlioo engaged In tho
busy scenes of every day life, and to
whom mental culture Is rather Inciden
tal than otherwise arc glad to avail
themselves of the directlous which may
be given them, and the conclusions
which may have been reached, by such
as have had opportunities for that study
and reflection which havo uot belonged
to therasnlv'es. WhllO I'would nut for
onu moment claim the right to consider
myself a teacher of qucli'mi nudlcnce as
I now havo tho honor of addressing,
yet if tho few milestones it may bd
rough-huwp and rudely sculptured
which I propsu to set ui; idialjbo found
In thu slightest degree helpful In pur
suing the life journey which wo are all
called upon to pursue, my honest aim
In speaking will beentliejyaccomplished.
Thu time has come when no one, can
bo Ignorant and still remain respectable.
A good share of knowledge is requisite
for tlio dally demands of society, In al
most every walk and grade : the shop
keeper, the artisan, the miner, and even
the loafer uuist have a portion of mod
ern Intelligi'iico j else hu soon falls in
the estimation of his associates. We
nre a reading community. Tho press
is teeming tvery day witli works of all
sorts In our vernacular of moruorless
value In forming the mind. There is
hardly a mental taste or Inclination
which is not by ono or another of them
taken Into consideration aud gratified.
It Is not now difficult to procure books.
They are scattered abroad in every city,
town and hamlet, and supplemuuted
liberally by lectures or addresses, In
courses or singly, In school, and hall,
and church.
Ait It often happens that thu mind U
without a guhlu In this wilderness of
sweels.for It falls to the lot of but u fuw
to have a mentor always at hand to
point out tlio medicinal from the pel
souous flower. Thero Is no Instinct In
our nature that directs us to whatever
Is good and wholesoni.-, as In tho honey
bee or other humble creatures of eutli
or, air. It is the wandering about, with
ill-digested plans aud tiniixed principles,
not knowing exactly what course of
study or labor to pursue, which, of nec
essity, prevents many from ever com-,
mg to niuturlty of thought, and iakes
lllo appear to others so vapid and bur,
densomo. If nil tho.intellectual activity
and sphltunl fervor which nro now so
palpably misspent and wasted, cbuld
be conserved, ami expended upon ob
jects which would yltl.t n profitable re
turn, how much of vain regret and "f
positive damage would bo saved to tho
individual and to society,at largo'!
Whitman may bo at all time rccog
nlzed as a frpo and Independent being,
and, as such, privileged to act in accord
ance with his own volition, yet thero
ate,' by common consent, certain pur
suits or lines of thought and deed which
It does not become him to'follow. And
hlsgrititudu should ever bo extended'
tuward those who can nnd will point
out to III in thulnuvitablu Injury and luss
which must ensue upon his adopting
such a coursuot training or ae'lun us hu
seems Inclined to'follow. The' time
whleji ho has to devoto to such studies
and considerations Is so limited, that If
hu be at all wiso or in earnest, he will
ever seek to practice his faculties In
those departments wftero they will pro
duce thu most, good, that he may bu sa
ved fiom after disappointment and re
proach. I trust that it may not be luap
proprlato In me to undertake, in my
present remarks, to Indicate "6om'e of the
methods by which wo may avoid the
damages with which an ludisciiiuluate
and aimless pursultof learning Is accom
panied, Such awant of aim Is of thu
very nature of selfishness, or ot stupid
acquiescence; In either case, It Is unman
ly. Wo take up with those, studios
which are the most agreeable to our own
feelings; else we blindly follow tho di
rections of others wjth but a mechani
cal obedience, jiot knowiuguior cat lug
what wo study so that we fulfill thu re
quired course.
The notion which has Its beginning
with tin, young child when bo llrst goei,
to school that ho has meiely to recite
his lesson in class without troubling
himself as to its future lemembiauee or
piactlce this notion, uuder dllfeient
modifications, seems to prevail Ihro'hout
the man's uftcr life. The consclouness
that what h Is now- learning may serve
to help hiii) In Iear;ilng some higher
branches, In understanding some moro
dltllcult problems, affurdlui! instruction
and comfort to his neighbor who may
not Imvu been favoied with like pppor-
tuultles of Improvement never or but
seldom appears present wih hlui;
But siliely wo are dtbtors' to each '
tther, Thu community idea Is that i
which ought to be Inwrought in all our
plans ami endeavors. Thu great truth '
that syeivro all 'members one yt ftnoUier
should bo constantly finding its utter
ance in a moro solemn realization of the
intrinsic value of Iho talents entrustod
to our care. The spendthrift who lav
ishes his treasures without duo consid
eration, nnd without thojust recompense
for which ho may with propriety look,
Is alike worthy of condemnation with
tho miser who hoards within tlio secret
chambers of his own mind stores of In
formation and wisdom which might, if
judiciously distributed, contribute wide
ly to the benefit nnd advantage of his
fellows. In thO matter of learning wo
are, I opine, no less trustees than in tho
matter of material wealth ; Invested In
either case with such responsibilities as
forbid any wanton oxtravnganco in tho
one direction, or selfish aggiandiscinent
in tlio other.
A remembrance of this Inter depend
ence of ono upon another, this relation
of the common gifts and of thu common
wants will, I think, go very far towards
elevating our Intellectual toll beyond
that drudgery which too many account
It to be, and give to all wo strive to a
chlove in the way of mental acquire
ments a dignity and nobility w'llch It
may otherwise fail to exhibit. It also
evidently cultivates an inteeiitv and
m.liamJO, I.. r.,.. mA..nt tl. ......... ..!..!...
wnicu eiso may not una expression, it
at once allies nil our, possession to their
uiviuo origin, aud opens to our eyes a
dearer vision as to tho real purposes for
which wo navo our being ami endow
ments; I Should hone. too. that as the
consciousness of this debt wu owu to our
fellows takes the firmer hold upon
would act as a powerful stimulant In not
only discerning between what is uooil
and whatls evil, what Is profitable for us
to learn aua to retain, nnd what Is bet
ter to be avoided nnd reiected but also
in diligently piosecutlug our researches
in the various fields of knov.ledgo, that
wu might thereby onlarKO our onportu
ulties of benefiting Mioso who niiirht rc-
quiru our aid. ' Self, tho measure of
all tilings," is. niactlcallv. the motto
which many students seem to Imvu
adopted, and It Is not to be wondered
at when such fall to leave any Impress
even upon their own age, and in thu
next generation their names are clean
lnotlier means of avoiding tho evils
which I have attributed to an aimless
education, would bo futind Ineinploylng
more of nn analysis In our studies ; and
by tho term analysis as thus used, I do
uot mean that exact and scientific ac
quaintance with nil their constituent
,iarts to which the thorough cbenlist or
anatomist would lay claim in treating of
the subjects of their Investigation. I
simply mean such an inquiry Into the
real value and ehnracter of the various
branches of information and ktiowledgo
which nro proposed to us, as may enable
us to select those whlcli appear to bo
the best adapted for fitting us to occunv
the different positions in the woild to
which l'rovklenco may assign us.
There are certain acquirements which
annear to bo enunllv essential tri nil In
repaid to which thero Is very little. If
any, loom lor choice. To nealecttlieni.
were to expose one to public censure
and to ostracise one from all lespectablu
society. There ate others aiialn, which
while they may bo necessary to you,
may not be so to ine. Indeed, It may
be equivalent to a -waste of tlinu for me
to devote myself to their obtaining, un
der the circumstances in which I,iind
myself placed. And yet for yon, It Is
of prime Importance that you should bo
entirely familiar with them. No index
able rule can to laid down upon this
point, and yet It is quite evident to
tho least casual observer that milch
valuublo tliuo' und energy nro squatlder
ed by men in studies and pursuits which
will never bo of any practical benefit to
them, to thu titter neglect ofothers in
which they might havo excelled. It
ought to bit made a matter of eonsclent
ous consideration on ,tbu part cf ,eacli
one in his sphere to discriminate between
what presents itself to.lnui for Ills es
pousal, and ho should see to if that his
labor is expended upon that' which
promises to' afford him the greatest
amount of satisfaction. nnd profit.
Thero is much book learning nnd, what
I mlglit turpi, conversational lore, which
are' very specious In their outward tip
pearanco, but which when critically
analysed wllls-how-themselves to tie the
counterfeit of wisdom, without any In
herent capability of recompensing us for
the amount of toil we undergo In attain
ing them. Tho miller Is careful to sep
arate the wheat hum tin chaff, altho'
both maybe brought to him to be ground;
the broker will cautiously examlnu tho
coin wiilch Is offered him, lest ho una
wares bo beguiled vlth somO spurious
metal. Aud so the, student must needs
apply his tests to, tlio vaiious subjects of
learning which meet his eye on every
hand, and only apply himself to the
mastery of such aswlll bear practical
and unprejudiced rule of scrutiny.
For lack of adoption bomu such meth
od as this, tho lives of some men have
been rendered miserable aud fruitless.
and others havo wasted their prime n
exigencies, where property directed
their talents would havo been of Incal
culable value In the management of the
world's affairs. ,
Discoursing upon a kindred theme,
Lord aeon quaintly observes, "Soinoi
books are to bu tasted, others to bo I
swallowed, und sutiiil few to bf chewed
and digested ; that la, some books are
to be lead only in parts, others tu bo
read, but, not cuiiously, and soma fuw
to bo read wholly, and with diligence
and attention." ".Souie books also,"
ho continues, " read by deputy
.....I ...l...n, ..e .1. i. .:..,. -,. .
nus iuuuu in Liium uy unlets. , i
but that woqld b i only In the Im-1
pnrtant arguments, nnd tho meaner iort1S7 ,
of books, elso' distilled books nro, UW5it
common distilled waters, flashy things.' N'&fi T-'
It must bo confessed that It Is not al- 'A
ways easy to settle the question of the
relative Importance of tho almost innum
ernblo branches of study presented to
our notice. In regard to the same things
there Will bo widely different views en
tertained by different persons. Only a
few days aao, I was In company witli
several naturally Intelligent young wo
men who wero quite communicative.
They wero graduates of a well-known
institution of our country, and upon
parting with a gentleman, who ought to
bo aeompetei.t Judge, ho said, " Those
young women are smart, but complete
ly spoiled." Ho afterwards Intimated
to mo that ho thought that tho syBtom
under which they were educated had
actually Injured them, and this by tho
choice of studlus which thuy had made,
giving to greit prominence to -some,
whllu almost entirely Ignoring others,
whlcli, as he looked at theiu, would
have beoninoroin keeplngiwltli woman
ly characters ami womanly responsi
bilities. Rut whether It be a difficult thing or
not to discriinlnatu between tho mani
fold branches of education, I think a
great point is sained when wo havo
been brought toaeknowledgotho neces
sity for making any choice : when we
have been madu to realize 'that our stud
ies aro not to bu pursued in a haphaz
ard irresponslhlo manner, as though
everything presented to us were equally
prolitablO'forus', but that that they aro
to bo pursued after a system, and with
especial reference to'thelr ad iptation to
present and prospective needs aud cir
cumstances. Not more surely idoes tho physical
part ot man require for its proper de
velopment nndibealthfulness the use of
a curtain dlut, tlmti does his mental con
stitiitidii.Ueniaiid for thu duo exerciso of
Its liiuctions a zealous mindfulness ot
whatlsulost fittingand wholesome Any
other polioy will inevitably ensue hi In
tellectual, Imbecility Dr nonentity.
And what makes tills Indlscrlmhiato ,
method of study all tho moro baneful Is
that It is very apt to reproduce itself in
our ordinary every day llfo in other Ira
pottint directions. With some, it is
found to mar their wliolo business
career, and to unfit them for bearing!
that part of our common work for each
other nnd for themselves which ought
rlglitfiilly to be discharged alike by all.
With others, it still earlier minlMsU
itself In the same promiscuous choice of
companions and associates. And what
wonder ? The School is to tho child Iho
great Ideal of tho world, Whatever In
the class-room app-ors to him In the
light of a law or custom, Is very apt to
bo deemed by him as regulating his con.
duct elsewhere. Insensibly, the disci
pline to whlcli he is subjected for tho
longest .'onlinuous period, during, too,
tho formative and most Impressive peri
od of his life, will, from tho nature bf'
the case, take a very strong hold upon
Ills consciousness, and occur to him as
that which hu Is to observe with respect
to other thftn strictly educational affairs.
The consequence Is, that to ids precep
tlon at the beelnnlng; all nlavmates aro
lalike. He takes dp with tr.ose who
come first, und with nil as they come
In rotation, not stopping to consider who
among them would bust bo chosen, nnd
who avoided. And this habit ot indis
criminate association clings to him long
after he has, it may bu, by bitter ex
perience learned Its'mlstake. Many au
after-thought and nfter-deed may be'
distinctly traced to' this early failure to
tpaclf lit in the propriety of u well-regu
iaiei ctioico or prriyvnco in matters
pertaining 'to tho education 'ot his mind
and hifjtr. Indeed, It Is this very -perlence
Hint te.icnes hlmsb'forclbly thu
Intimate; nay, tho necessary connection
betweeu tin.' Culture of thu intellect and
tho culture Of tin! soul,. Education to
deserve Its nam., must not only con
cern Itself with what Is called secular or
proliino' learning, but It must also-deal
lirgnly, I will not hesitate even to say,
mainly, with that learning which Is em
binCed principally In what is known as
the '. hrlstiau religion.
I do net propoio to deliver' sermon at
this point, 1 am not speaking upon this
subject In tho line, as somu inlBht sav
of my profession. I am addressing my
lunows as one who would take earnest
couti-el with them ni to tlio bust moans.
of lorwardlng those precious interests
ui eiiiiciiuou in whose behalf wo are as
sembled In tills sacred place tills oven
lug. Thu paramount advantage or In
tuslng theieiu the principles of Christi
anity Is urged, because hi this ireat
work or instruction and discipline. I
would advocatu that method of accom
pllshlng It which most surely promised
success. What would we think of
physician or surgeon who. when willed
in to give his advice as to the best mode
of developing some sluggish or defective
part of our physical system, would ox
pesd his whole time and skill In the uso
of minor remedies to operate unon somu
st comlary cause, to the utter neglect ot
any effort to reach the very seat und
stronghold of tho Infirmity? Would we
havo much fitltb n his Judgment or
sincerity? And so I think It unwise In
any professional teacher to iguore thu
Christian rellgi in in his roster. I can
not appreciate that over-caullous sentl-
meut which would oxcludo It from tho
school roourand text book. When one
has adopted a theory upon this subjict,
based upon what he Is pleased to term
the principles of philosophy or morals',
wogivehiiu an attentive hearlug. fiat
is It ntjt too often tho case, that wheii
uuotlier tssays to apply tu this question
thu principles of Jeyus and tne Hibe'Hti'