rdlnnnccs or the Borough of Lehighton REVISED JULY, 1873. CHAP. VIII. -Ilonei, Swlnr. Mules nml Section 1. That It shall not bo law ful for any person or persons to suffer or permit nny lioga or swlno, horses, mares, geldings, mulo or mules, cattle, shepp, goats and geese, to run at large, within tho Borough of Lehighton, and the owner or owners of any such shall bo liable to pay a fine of flvo dollars for each and every hog or swlno, horse, mare, geldlnc, mulo or mules, cattle, sheep, goats and geese, so suffered or permitted to run at largo within tho said borough, to bo adjudged nnd re covered with costs, before tho burgess or any justice of tho peace within tho said borough. One-half to go to the in former, tho balance to tho use of tho borough. Sec, 2. That in case any hogs or swine, horses, mare or gelding, mulo or mules, cattle, sheep, goats and geese, shall bo found running at largo within tho limits ot said borough, it shall be the duty of the high constablo oi any policeman to Impound them, for which cmlce ho shall receive one dollar for each and every ono so Impounded, to bo paid by tho owner or owners thereof, before recovering their property, and shall forthwith give notico of the fact to the burgess, who, on hearing the circumstances, shall, If ho adjudgo such hog or swine, horse, mare, geld ing, mulo or mules, cattle, sheep, goats and geese, to have been running at largo within tho, limits of tho said bor ough, lssuo his precept to tho high con stable to make public sale, after five days' notice, posted up in tbroo con spicuous places In the said borough, of any such hog or swine, horse, niarn or gelding, miilo'or mules, cattle, sheep, goats and geese, and If tho owner or owners shall appear and pay the above fine and costs, before tho day of salo, such hog or swine, hoise, mare or geld ding, mulo or mules, cattle, sheep, goats nnd geese, shall be delivered up, but If not so redeemed, he shall proceed to sell, and after paying said line and costs, the residue of tho purchaso money shall be deposited with tho Borough Treasurer, . for the owner or owners thereof, 'to be paid over on the fact of ownership being established before the burgess, and so certified by him to, tho Council. CHAP. IX.-Klectlons. Section 1. Tho burgess shall lssuo his proclamation to the qualified voters of the borough, at least ten days before tho third Friday in March, of each year, and therein state tho officers to bo voted for at such election. Sec. 2. That tho Town Council, at the meeting at which they organize, and whenever a vacancy may occur, shall elect a Secretary, who shall be duly qualified and enter upon the dis charge of his duties, and who shall hold bis ofilco until the organization of tho new Council, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified, unless removed by a vote of two-thirds of the Council. Sec. 8. The Town Council shall an nually, at the first meeting after their organization, and whenever a vacancy may occur, elect a Street Commissioner, Treasurer and a sufllcient number of police, who shall enter upon tho dis charge of thejr duties after being duly qualified. And tho said Couucll shall, also elect a tax collector at the stated meeting in tho month of April, and whenever a yacancy may occur, who shall enter 'upon his duties when the duplicates shall bo placed In his pos session. Tho said officer shall hold his office for one year, or until his success or bo chosen and duly qualified, unless sooner removed by resolutions of tho Council, chap. X. Gas and li&nlea, Water Com- Section 1. That whenever any com pany or Individual, or either of, them, their inspectors or agents, shall dig, or cause to bo dug, any trench or trenches in, along or across tne streets, roaus, lanes, alleys, slue-walks, gutters or foot-ways within the borough, it shall bo the duty of the said compinles or Individuals, or cither of them, their in spectors or agents, to keep such place In a condition secure agalust danger to persons during tho time such work may bo progressing, and immediately upon the completion of the work to fill up and close such trenches, and also to replace tho samo in cood order at tho proper cost and expenso of said companies or Individuals : provided, that such dig glng of trenches after being commenced by such Individuals, companies or their agents, shall at no time be suspended without unavoidable cause, and In case either ot said companies or Individuals, or their Inspectors or agents, snail ne elector rofuso to comply with tho pro visions contained in this section, such company or Individuals, their Inspec tors or aeents so neelectlng or refusing, shall, for each and every such neglect or refusal, forfeit and pay a lino or pen alty of not more than twenty dollars. CHAP. XI. Secretary of Council, Srcrios 1. That It shall bo the duty of thu Secretary of the Town Council to keep a written journal of tho pro ceedings of tho Council, Including the preparing for printing the samo and ot lhe ordinances, he shall preservo all documents confided to his care, which shall be open at' all times for inspection of any member of tho Council, and he i-lmll have the archives ot the borough under bis charge, subject to the direc tion 'and control of the Council, but no paper shall be withdrawn therefrom by uny member without tho consent ot the Council. Sec. 2. That tho same Secretary shall make oct under his hand, and seal of t lie borough, certificates to the officers t lected bv the Council, which shall bo ik'llveicd to each of the said officers immediately after they aro duly quail Sec. n. That In addition to tho dutloa Imposed, It shall bo thn duty ot tho Secretary of tho Town Council to act as Secretary of the standing nnd special committees, keep regular Journals of their proceedings and attend to tho printing of tho samo, If required, and give notice to tho members of said com mittees of tho meetings thereof. Seo. 4. That It shall bo tho duty. of tho Sccretnry to keep a truo record of all tho accounts of the borough, to re ctivo from tho burgess and clerk of ho market all moneys collected by thctn on borough account j also, to recelvo all other moneys and to pay tho same over to tho Treasurer and take his receipt therefor, In order that tho Town Coun cil may, at any time, by reference to the books of tho borough, bo nblo to know thu condition of the samo. CHAP. XII. Awning and Awning Paste. Sfction 1. That it shall not bo law ful to nlace. keen or maintain any awn ing, which shall not extend to the lino of the curb-stone of tho foot-way or pavement Intfront of tho premises bo- foro which sucn awning snail uo piaceu; nor to place, keep or maintain a sldo wing or side wings to auy awning or awnings, the lower side of which shall not heat least seven feet, six Inches above the foot pavement, under the same, nor to place, keep or maintain any device n tho samo nature tnereot on any iooi pavement or side-walk, as a sign. Sec. a. That any person or persons who shall erect or maintain, any such post or awning, contrary to tho provisions containeu in wis cnapier, shall forfeit and pay a fine or penalty of five dollars for each and every day tho same is so kept and maintained, after toeing notified, une-nait tue nne to go to the Informer, and the balance to the borough. CHAP. XIII. Health. Section 1. That the burcess nnd the members of the Council, or a committee of physicians appointed by them, shall constitute a board of health of the borough, and shall perform all duties in relation thereto. Sec. 2. That the Council shall make such regulations respecting nuisances, sources of filth, and causes of sickness as tho Board of nealth, may recom mend for the government of the in ternal health of the borough, and the burgess shall supeilntend the execution of the laws and regulations in relation to the same, ( WM, WAGNER, Chief iJurgess. AVm. KESirwEii, Secretary. Nov. 15, 1873. UOMAS S. BECK, Respectfully announces to his friends and tho public in ceneral, that ho has just opened, In connection with his other business, a First-ciass Merchant Tailoring Establishment, and guarantees to give fits" and tho best of workmanship and material for tho lowest possible prices. Also, constantly on hand a largo and fashionable stock of Men's and Boy's READ V - MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS, OATS AND FURS. Manufacturer and Dealer In RED SOLE LEATHER, SnOE FINDINGS, &C TOIUCCO AND CIOARS, STATIONERY, School IIuouh atici;itlaleilal, In endless variety, and at Trices fully as Low as elsewhere. Sole Agent In tho United States for tho Sale of KENsiiAw's uommerciai WRITING FLUID ! Orders by mall promptly filled. Also. Acent for the celebrated KEY STONE SEWING MACHINE, one of best In the Market. Post-OOico Building, Lehighton, Fa. mar. 1. W. A. GRAYER BANK STREET, L.KIIIGHTON, PKNN'A, Respectfully Informs tho people of this borough and tho surrounding country. that lie has opened the store formerly occupied by F. P. Serorael, wlthaclioice selection of Spring and Summer Jftress Goods! Together with a large assortment of DRY Q00P9, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, - PROVISIONS, QUEENSWAItK OA11FKTS, OIL-CLOTHS, c, Ac, Which be Is selling at the very lowest prices. He Invites an Inspection ot bis stock, and respectfully solicits a share ot the public patronage. W-A. GRA.VER. Lehighton, May 17, 1878. ly AHUi:i, GRAVER, Opposite the Public Squaie, SOUTH ST., LEniGUTON, PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer In all kinds of STOVES!! ET Hoofing, Spoutlug promptly attended to. and Jobbln hoy. 80 otionctucnt. Th Manitrnof tli Miner', Laborers and Mo t hftnlen Fund, to be rald by a Grand Gift ConcTt, Hp pwt fully mwonnre to lti public the pnnt pmiemedt of the Concert unit Dlatrltmtlon ndrer U& to come o(T on the 20th or Ffptember, until Monday, Occcmlicr 1st, 187. whn It will poBltlrelf bike place. The enow thnt hne compelled n pnnponmntiireTU: That the Intentions nnd nhjectflnfthe Aoc1tlm hare notion thoroughly under torn! by the mil ecu, which dcprlrcd many nfotir AffenU from making return! of the number of ticket the Managers propone ftolllrifc In order to establish the worthy and charitable fund. It la a wfdl known fact that prejudice exlnt ftfcalnnt (lift Enterprise In my form, but we feel i nnfldent that when the obejeta tn view, and the bnneQclnl reull thnt mint follow the onterprle of the Miner'; Laborcra'and Mechanic A 'twin tlon are thoroughly understood, the projudtcra will at once be dlopetledand all wilt Jolu In wlah lnjr. thin cauAe meet). The MannRera hate Hi Ten aufllcl'-nt evidence that the object of the A nunc 1st Ion will lie enforced which la n atfHdent guarantee of the hiccups of th eatabllnhment of the I'und. They are backed by the moat promlnont and In. fluentlal men In thl aectlon, who, too. are an, ou toaecuro the elabHhmnt of auch n worthy and charitable Awoclatlon, pro? Idlng fur the alck and dlab1ed ticket holder or member thereof. We feci confident that we will tie pardoned for thla unavoidable delay, which brta boeii requested by ninny of our Ajienta. jomnkmn!1?' b""m- " r. O. box 340, llmleton, Lui. Co., Va. IIENUY MWS.Tronimror, Unzleton, Lux. Co,, I'a. 8 pt. 27, '73. roi;.i:viT vvsn - For tho Use of Miners, Laborers and Mechanics, to be secured by a GRAND CS-ift Concert, To be Held at Hazleton, Lnz. Co., Fa., on Monday, Dec. 1, 1873. 2000 GIFTS to be GIVEN AWAY! Grand Gift, $2,000 ! 2 Grand capital gifts, $500 each. 2 Grand capital gifts, 200 each. 1 Span matched horses, with family car- ilage, silver mounted, $1000. 1 Tavern stand anil 2 lots In Buck .Mountain City. $4000, &c, Ac. In valuable Gifts to be given away. By permission we publish the following gentle men nfl Keferences; It. S. lluttblnn, J V., Falls Run City, Luzerne rcuuty, Hft. Jos. V'oose, J. I'., North Union township, Schuyl kill couuty, Pn. J. W. Ilunslnger, Foreman Roberts' Run Coal Co., Luzerne county, Pa. Thomas Coburn, J, 1'., Hazleton, Liu. Co., 1'a. Henry IJach, llrewer, llaleton, Pa., nuil J, 11. Mcllale, Merchant, Ilazletou, Pa. Agents wanted to sell tickets, to whom liberal commissions will be paid. Sin gle tickets, $1.25; Ave tickets for ?5; ten tickets, $10. Send for programme. Communications must be addressed to ISAAC S. LEBO, ) Business JOHN KLINE, J Managers, P. O. box 340, Hazleton, Luz. Co., Pa. Henry Mkis, Treasurer, Hazleton, Pa. Sept. 27, 1873-td ATKOXIZE Homo Trade! omething New in Lehighton ! Hausman & Knhns8"- Respectfully announce that they '.has opened a Wholesale CANDY MANUFACTORY, In the Borough of Lehighton, Carbon county, Pa., and that they are prepared to supply the Trade with every descrip tion of l'ure (tndy, at Prices fully as Low as those of New York or Phila delphia. Among their stock will bs found the following choice varieties : CREAM ALMONDS, CREAM BONJBONS, PEAK SLICES, ORANdE SLICES. CREAM F1QS, CREAM DATES, CREAM WALNUT, CREAM CHOCOLATE, STRAWUEItRY STAIN And the Best of Mixed Candies, Together with choice assortment ot Fine Fruity Oranges, Lemons, Bunch Raisins, citrons, Currants, Nuts ot all kinds French I GermanToys, and in fact everything usually found In a nrst-class Candy iSstaulishraent, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF STEAM lee CreaM ! ! Pic NIcs. Festivals and other Parties supplied on short notice and at reason able rates; also, in counecuon tuere with, they have a Bread and Fancy Cake BAKERY, and can always supply any of theabovo articles, In large or small quantities, at short notice. Wedding CnUcs a Specialty ! The patronage of Dealers and tbo Public Is most respectfully solicited, and entire satisfaction guaranteed. HAUSMAN & UHNS, Agts. Lehighton, Pa., March 1, 1873-yl Z. H. L"brigTs "Column. CHEAP for CASH. i. -r .' 1 The undersign- ed is willing to sell goods of all kinds at prices JLV to suit the times. You will find a variety of arti cles in his line which are not generally kept hy the majority of Storekeepers. U:., -ft II.. Call and sat isfy yourselves. . IE. JMwra. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo tho most reliable preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and euro of all Lung1 complaints, and is offered to tho public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy euro in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Uroup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, boro Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the .Lungs, &c. Y istars Balsam does not dry up a Uougli, and leave tho cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the causo of tho complaint. rnp.rAnnn nv BETH W. F0WLE & EONS, Boston, Mass., Ana oid by jfruggtsta ana Dealer ccnerajiy. .OLDUX TO.VGUE. 1). K. 11EATTT. EDWD. TLOTTS. BEATTY & PLOTTS, Manufacturers of the I1EATTV A I'LOTTS CKLKI1IIATKD PARLOR ORGANS FACTORY, Washington, N. J. Upwards of 100 of Reatty & Plotts celebrated Parlor Organs have been sold in tho Lehigh Valley during) tho past inrco monins. Realty & PlotU Par'or Organs wcro awarded f irst rremium & Diploma over Ncedham & Sou and J. Kstey & Co's Organs, at tho Cttrbon County I'lilr, Held at Lehighton, September, 1872. ir GOOD AGENTS WANTED, - January 18, 1873-yl TOTILLIAM KEtVJERER, w Corner of Bank & South Sta., Lehighton, Fa., Keeps a full lino ot Jry Ccoods;, Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Rlack and Colored Alpacas, Ginghams, Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &c. ot every grade and price. CMIU'ETS AND OIL CLOTHS, In great variety. Crroceriessmd Provisions, Teas, Coffee:1, Sugars, Spices, Fruits, Hams, Shoulders, Side-Meat, Ac. Country Produce Uought, Sold or Exchauged. HAR DW ARE For Rullding and other purpose; In great variety of tlio nest quality, All goods warranted us represented, and prices fully ns low M elsewhere. April 8, 1873-yl I'm rmALX a a .va Dr. ,T. Walkor'g California' Vinegar Bitters aro n puroly Veg otaMoproparatloti, mado chiefly from tho nativo herbs found on tho lower rangcaof,tho Slorra Norada moun tains of California, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho ttso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, " What is tho causo of tho unpar-i allelcd success of Vixkgai: Rit TEitsf" Our answer is, that thoy roinovo tho causo of disease, and tho patient rocovcrs his' health. They aro tho groat blood purifier and a llfo-giving principle, a pcrfuct Reno vator aud Invigorator of tho system. Novcr boforo in tho history of tho world has a mcdiciuo been compounded pos sessing the remnrkablo qualities of YlK eoah Bitters iu healing tbo sick of ovory diseaso man is heir to. They aro a eontlo Purcativo as well ai a Toriio: relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho liivcr auu visceral urgaus, iu Jlilious Diseases. Tho properties of Dn. Wait er's Vineo a'k IIittkrs aro Aporiout, Dia phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa tive Diuretic, Scdatiyo, CouDtor-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands nrocialm Vinegar Bitters tho most wonder ful Invigorant that over sustained tho sinking system. iso i'crson cau tako these Hit ters according to directions,- and ro maln long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed hy mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wastcu uqyona' repair. Bilious, lieimttent. and in tcrmittent Fevers, which aro bo provalont in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United Statoa,, especially tnoso oi tuo Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tcnnosseo, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo rado, Brazo3, Rio Graudo, Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo', Savannah, Ito anoko, James,'' and many, others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entiro country during tho summer and Autumn, ana remarka bly so during seasons of unusual cat and dryness, aro invariably ac companied by extensivo derange ments of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgativo, exerting a powerful induonco upon those vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There Is no cathartie fpr tho purposo equal to dr. J. walker's vinegar TitTTFits. as thnr wilt sneedilr removo tho dark-colored viscid matter wiih which tho bowels aro loaded; at tbo samo time stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and gcnoraily restoring tho hoaltby func tions of tho digestive organs: 1' ortily tho body ncrninst Uis- caso by purifying all its fluids .with Vineqab Bitters. No cpidcmio can tako hold of a system thus loro-armed., U. vsnensia Or indigestion, Head ache. Taiu in tho Shoulders. Concha, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness,, Sour; eructations ot tno tjtomacn, uaa xpsie iu tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Inflammation 'or' tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia, One bot tle will proro a bettor guarantee of its merits man a icngmy aaverusemoni. Scroiula, Swelhnes, Neck. Goitro. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial attcc tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Ryes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, "Walkke'b Vm eoar Ritters havo shown their great cur ative powers in the most obstinate 'and. intractable cases. For Inllninniatory and Qhronjc Ilhcuniatisin, Gout, B(lious, Remit tent and Intermittent ,1'overs, Disease's of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, thoso Bitters havo no equal. Such Di. cases aro caused by vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Porsona engaged in Paints aud Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-boaters and Miners, as they advance in life, are subi jeet to paralysis of tho Bowels. To. guard agalust this, tukd a doso of Walker's vYneoau Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Totter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pim ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worms, Scald-head, Soro Kyos, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfr, Discoloration of tlio Skin, Rumors aud Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried ont of the system in a short timo by tho uso of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, forking in tbo system of so many'thoq. sands, aro effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medlcino,'no ver mifugos.vpo anthelmintics will frco tho system from worms like those Bitters. ForFcmaloConiplainte, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn ot womanhood, orthe turn of life, these Ton ic Bitters display so decided an Influence that improvement is soon peroeptiblo; Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever yon find Its impurities bursting, through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Soros; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in tbo veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feeling will tell you when. Keen tbo blood pure, and the health of tho systom will follow, it. ii. .Mcdonald & co., DrorcliU (l flro. Auu, San Kruiclioo. Ctllfor. tit. it cor. ut WuUiiRtoM mil Cbultoa 6U.N.Y. oolil hy ull llrMBgUU nnd J)er, AllGAlNS roil 1878 Me- - lodeoni, nearly new, from (35.09 upwards. REATTV X-PLOTTS.J. Apr. 13. Washlugtou, N.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers